Stepford's Wife: Part 3 copyright 2001 by Stormbringer

Julie had a dazed look and a dumb grin on her face as she left the college grounds. It was after 2:00 am and Stepford would be worried, but he was the one who wanted her to have a threesome in the first place. He would understand.

Julie felt dehydrated and decided to stop at the convenience store for some bottled water. She grabbed a liter bottle and walked up to the counter. A giant black man stood on the raised platform behind the register. He had on a tank-top to show off his huge tatooed arms. He had odviously spent a lot of time lifting weights. He was eyeing her up and down. She must look a sight, her hair was still wet from fucking Hans in the shower and she wore nothing but a short coat with a bra, panties, and garter ensemble underneath it.

"$1.69," he said in a deep voice."

Julie took a five out of her coat pocket. The black man made her uncomfortable. She didn't like being alone with one late at night in a 7-11. She hated blacks. They were dirty, smelly theives closer to apes then white men. At least that was what her daddy always told her and Stepford didn't care to much for them either. She didn't meet his eye as he handed her the change. Instead, her gaze fell on the magazine rack filled with porno behind the counter. The new issue of Penthouse was out on the top row. She stared at it, wondering if it had any good stories about threesomes. She must have stared too long, because the black man said, "Wanna buy that Penthouse?"

Julie shivered as a new wave of horniness coursed through her body. Her nipples popped out rubbing against her bra as she looked up at the man. His name tag read, Omar. "No, I don't like that magazine."

The black man smirked at her. "Well what do you want then?"

Hans big cock flashed into her mind. Der Bratwurst he called it. She fought an urge to tell the black man she wanted more cock. Instead she asked, "Do you have any german sausage?"

"No, but I have a big black tube steak"

"I don't understand," she replied furrowing her brow.

Before she could protest, Omar yanked his sweat pants down and slammed a massize black cock on the counter. It was soft, but it was as long and as thick as Billy's cock when erect. The obscene black cock disgusted her, but she stared at it fascinated. "Wanna see it hard?" he asked.

"Yes," she said wanting to see it hard.

Show me what you got on under that coat. Julie stared at the cock as she undid the belt on her coat. She heard the black man gasp as she showed him her lingerie and his cock grew another inch. "You gotta be the sexiest bitch I ever saw. Why don't you grab my cock and give it a couple tugs, that'll make it nice and hard for you.

She wrapped her right fist around it and tugged a couple times. Soon she was staring at a hard foot long black cook and her pussy was dripping wet. She couldn't undertand why she was still here staring at a filthy black cock or why her body was responding as if she wanted it. The head was as big as a small apple and his balls were the size of oranges. It was perfectly shaped and so hard you could hammer a nail with it.

"Come behind the counter and suck on it."

Julie found her legs moving towards the gate. She went behind the counter and stood before the black man. "Kneel down behind the counter in case someone comes in."

Julie ducked under the counter on her knees as the black man sat on a stool in front of her. His obscenely large black cock dangled before her face. She sobbed as she took it in her mouth. "What's wrong?" he asked.

"I don't want to do this."

"Yes you do. Otherwise you wouldn't be doing it. Quit lying and suck my dick."

Julie did want to do this. She took the thick black cock in her mouth and attacked it with as much enthusiasm as she showed Hans or Billy. "Thats better," said Omar. "You know you wanted it as soon as you saw my cock. You ever had black cock before?"

"No," she murmured reluctant to take her lips off it.

"Once you've had a black man, white dicks will never please you again. I read about sluts like you. You've fantasized about black men your whole life. Limp dicked husband at home can't satisfy horny sluts like you. I know you were a slut the minute I saw you staring at that Penthouse. You love porno don't you?"

"I love porno," Julie said letting her tongue flicker into Omar's pee slit. This was like a dream come true, she had fantasized about black men her whole life and here she was sucking on the biggest blackest dick she had ever seen.

"And that outfit your wearing, you dressed up like a slut for me didn't you?" Julie nodded her head over Omar's cock. "You like your first taste of black cock?"

"I like it," she said holding his dick up to lick his balls.

"You love it slut, no one has ever licked my dick like you are. You can't wait to get this in your pussy, can you?"

"I want you in my pussy. I love you big black cock. I love sucking it. I want to swallow your sperm."

"Prove to me you love it and swallow it all."

For the next half hour, she worshipped the big cock in her mouth like it was her god. Julie adjusted her head and forced herself to swallow Omar's entire foot long cock. She heard several people come into the 7-11. First what sounded like some ***** college kids and a little later a cop came in and chatted with Omar for about ten minutes. The black man just appologized for not getting up, saying he had hurt his knee.

Luckily, the store was empty when he blew his load. Omar bellowed and his first wad overflowed her mouth, spilling down her chin. Afraid of spilling more, Julie clamped her lips down around his bucking cock and opened her throat. The rest of his large load of sperm slid down her throat and mixed with Hans and Billy's sperm in her belly and for the first time she felt full.

"Bitch, your one good cock sucker. Take these keys and go wait in the van around the side of the store. My replacement will be here in a couple minutes and we'll go back to my place and fuck."

Julie walked around the store to his van and waited in the passenger seat. She couldn't wait to feel his cock in her pussy. She had fantasized about black men her whole life and couldn't understand why she had waited so long to do this. She didn't have long to wait. Omar slid in beside her and they were off to his house.

He lived in an old run down house in the black part of town. A part of town she had avoided, but was now starting to think of as a hunting ground. "My wife's a nurse and works the late shift, so we can fuck till dawn." Julie nodded her approval.

Inside, the black man quickly stripped off his sweats and stood naked in his bedroom. Julie stared at his muscular chest and arms. They were huge as were his legs. "I've never seen a man with as many muscles as you," she said.

"I just spent ten years in prison. Ain't much to do there but lift weights."

"What did you do?" she asked opening her coat and letting it fall to the floor.

"Just got caught with some drugs. Don't touch the shit now. Luckily, my wife waited for me, though I think she found some cock on the side. Thats why I don't fell too guilty given some to you."

"Thank you," she said feeling lucky for finding such a generous man.

"Now as much as I love the outfit, I want to see what you're hiding under it. Strip for me."

Julie started swaying her hips and slowly undid her lingerie. His cock was hard again by the time she was nude. "Damn, your one fine looking bitch. I love the shaved pussy and those long nipples. Your body was built to handle black cock. Come here."

Julie walked over to him and he played with her nipples until she was squirming in his hands. He threw her on her back on the unmade bed and kneeled between her legs, pushing his cock down so that it was pointed at her pussy. She couldn't wait any longer. "Oh god, fuck me. Shove that big beautiful black cock in my pussy."

Omar shoved the head in. "Man, your pussy soaked at the thought of having a black man."

"Yes, please fuck me. I want it so bad."

"Your a real black cock loving slut arent you?" He asked shoving a little more in.

"I love black cock."

"You can't get enough black cock."

"No, thats why I want it so bad."

"You do anything for my big black cock. Say it slut."

"I'll do anything you want just give me that big black cock."

Omar slammed it in and watched as she thrashed around from an orgasm. This was a dream come true for him too. He had always wanted a white woman, but never dreamed he'd find one who like being dominated. He fucked her hard and fast watching her scream, moan, and thrash as she had orgasm after orgasm. Her pussy felt like a vice grip wrapped around his cock. "It turns you on fucking a convict doesnt it?"

"God yes." she screamed huffing and puffing.

"You want me to cum in your pussy?"

"Cum in my pussy."

"You want some potent black seed, dontcha slut?"

"Yes, god yes, fill my womb with your seed."

"You want a black baby?"

"I want a black baby. Give me a baby. Fill me with your sperm." Julie and Stepford had talked and neither had wanted children. Now she wanted a baby more then anything. Omar grunted and his cock spasmed in her pussy. He sprayed his semen deep into her womb triggering off a series of orgasms. He collapsed on top of her and they rested for awhile.

"Can I fuck your ass," he said getting off her.

"I'll do anything for black cock."

He grinned and slapped her thigh. "Turn over." Julie got in the doggy position while he went to get some lubrication. He returned stroking some vaseline onto his cock and kneeled behind her. Her asshole was already open and it was red. "You little slut, you've already been fucked in the ass."

"Yes, but not by a black cock."

"Good, from now on you only fuck black men. Understand?"

"I understand."

Omar pushed it in, loving how tight she was. The white girl seemed discomforted at first, but quickly got into it. No woman, not even his wife had taken it up the ass before and he wasn't about to let this little slut go. "Whats your name slut?"


"Well Julie, my wife works Tuesdays and I'm off. Come over on those nights and I'll give you all the black cock you want."

"I'll be here, but I don't think I can ever get enough black cock."

"Well maybe I'll invite some friends," he said slamming his cock into her hard. "Most of them been in jail and they ain't had a good fuck in years. Would you like that slut?"

"I'd love it."

Omar fucked her until dawn and then he drove her back to her car.


An exhausted Julie walked in the house and threw her coat aross the back of the chair. Stepford was waiting in it fast asleep. He awoke with a start. "Julie thank god, I was so scared." He looked down at her body. The lingerie was twisted and at an awkward angle as if hastily thrown on. Her hair was matted down as if it had been wet and he saw flecks of dried sperm here and there. "Julie where were you?"

"I went over to Billys for a threesome."

"You were suppoed to bring him back here"

"We did it there."

"I wanted to be one of them."

"But I needed two cocks and you only have a little penis."

Stepford groaned. This whole thing had been a disaster. The hypno symposium had warned him, but he hadn't listened. "Julie I need to hypnotise you."

She went and sat at the table, soon in a deep trance. "Tell me everything you did at Billy's," he ordered. She did and tears were falling down his eyes as she got to the part where Hans had fucked her ass. All he had wanted was a blow job and for her to loosen up a little.

"Julie listen closely. I want things back to normal. You will no longer fall into a suggestive state when you see a Penthouse magazine and hear the word Penthouse. You will forget every command I have given you under hypnosis. You will forget every command Billy has given you under hypnosis. When I snap my fingers you will wake up and from now on your mind will be too active to hypnotize." Stepford was about to snap his fingers when he caught himself. "And you will also forget every command the German kid gave you. You will not remember ever having sex with Hans or Billy." He snapped his fingers.

Julie woke up, smiled at her husband and walked up to bed.

The next morning he came downstairs late and was relieved to see she was dressed in her bulky old clothes and smoking a cigarette. Two trash bags were sitting on the floor containing her bikini and other sexy outfits. He'd miss those. "I guess the hypnotism didn't work," he said.

"Sorry," she said taking a deep drag. It tasted like her first puff in days. "I didn't believe in that stuff anyway.

Tuesday rolled around a few days later. Julie was upstairs in the shower and Stepford was reading in a chair downstairs. He was horny and hoped he'd be able to talk Julie into sex later. He would of liked a blow job, but would have to live with never having one again.

Stepford felt the color drain from his face when Julie walked downstairs. She was dressed like a slut. She wore a short skirt and a skintight half top. She wore no bra and he could see her nipples poking out the thin material. She had also fixed up her hair and put on a lot of makeup. "Where you going?"

"Its Tuesday, I'm going out."

Something was wrong. Stepford grabbed the Penthouse he had been reading and held it up. "The new Penthouse came today."

"Great, leave it on my side of the bed when you're done with it."

"You hate porn."

"No I don't. The only thing I don't like about Penthouse is that it isn't hardcore enough. Why don't you go buy some harder magazines and get some movies."

"Stay here. we can make love."

"Why bother."

"What do you mean?"

Julie walked over and grabbed his crotch. "This thing will never satisfy me."

Stepford went pale. "Why not?"

"Well for starters, its not black."

Stepford was crying as she left.

The End