Stepford's Wife: Part 2 copyright 2001 by Stormbringer

"Holy shit!" Billy did a double take when he saw Mrs Stepford in the bikini. She tutored him in her husband's class and he had just rung her doorbell. He had never seen her in anything so skimpy. In fact, he had never seen her show off any more skin other then her hands or face. He had expected she had a body hiding under her bulky outfits, but he had no idea it was this hot.

"I see you like my outfit," said Julie. "I was just sunbathing. Go have a seat at the table and I'll go change."

"Don't change on my account," he said ogling her.

Julie seemed to think about it, but said, "No, I want to keep you focused on your studies. I'll be right back."

Billy felt his cock growing as he watched her bare ass climb the stairs. Was it his imagination or was she putting a little extra swing in her hips for him?


Julie flushed with pride at the effect her body had on the young man. She loved showing off her body even though she didn't much care for Billy personally. He was an arrogant punk with a lot more muscles then brains. She was only tutoring him so that he could pass Stepford's class and stay on the football team. She changed and returned downstairs.


Billy was rubbing an erection under his pants when she came into the kitchen. "With all do respect Mrs Stepford, that outfit sure isn't going to help me focus."

"You like," she twirled around for him. She had changed into a half shirt that showed off her belly and a short skirt. The skirt whirled up daringly close to her crotch as she spun around. She had left her feet bare.

Mrs Stepford sat close to him and opened the psychology book. There was only one reason for this kind of behaviour. She wanted him. He hadn't expected it previously, he hadn't even thought she liked him. Maybe the old man wasn't giving her any or maybe she had heard the rumors about what he was packing in his pants.

Billy reached down and put his hand on her bare knee.


Julie felt a wave of pleasure travel up her leg a Billy's touch. It grew as he slid his hand up towards her thigh. Julie picked his hand up and set it on the table. "What do you think you're doing?" she said a little flustered.

"Come on Mrs Stepford. You gotta know what seeing you dressed like this is doing to me."

"Billy, I'm a married woman and you're my husbands student. I"m sorry, my new outfits have gotten you all hot and bothered. I will go change into something less comfortable."

"Wait, you can't leave me hanging like this. I won't be able to concentrate all day. Look what you've done to me."

Julie stared as Billy pointed to the outline of a giant cock under his pants. The fabric making it look huge. Her mouth watered at the thought of a big hard cock in her mouth. She hadn't had any sperm since yesterday.

"You gotta help me out here,' Billy said slowly unbuttoning his pants. He was staring at her face to see if she had any objections. He didn't see anthing but interest.

"Oh my god your huge," she said as he pulled it out. It had to be ten inches long and very thick. He put both her husband and Hank to shame. She felt her nipples hardening at the sight of his big hard cock. The crotch of her panties were getting soaked too.

"Listen Mrs Stepford, unless we do something about this, we won't be able to get any studying done."

"I can't cheat on my husband," she said, though she wondered what something that big would feel like inside her. "How about I suck you off and then we'll get right to work?"

"Sounds good to me," said Billy facing the chair away from the table so that she could crawl between his legs.

Billy had the nicest cock she had ever seen. His balls were big too and she hoped that meant he would blow a lot of sperm. "You have a real nice cock Billy," she said kissing the head.

"You have a real nice mouth Mrs Stepford, "whoaa," he jumped as she immediately swallowed half his penis in her mouth. The bitch was really into it.

Julie sucked up until only the head was in her mouth. She ran her tongue around the head and then released it as she began licking down the shaft. She licked his balls and then returned to the tip. Julie took him in her mouth and began bobbing her head.

Billy couldn't believe what a horny little slut the prof's wife was. She was trying to swallow the whole thing. His cockhead must be halfway down her throat. Dozens of women had sucked him off before, but none had ever showed this much enthusiasm or seemed to enjoy it so much.

She was so good that he came in only ten minutes, a record. "Here it comes Mrs Stepford." She bobbed her head up and he at first thought she was trying to get it out of her mouth before he blew. Instead, she stopped with just the head in her mouth. She wanted to taste him!

His load caught her off guard. Billy watched her cheeks bulge out and then she gulped rapidly to keep up with the flow. She made contented sounds as she jerked every ounce of sperm into her mouth. She kept sucking him and his cock stayed hard in her mouth. She would of kept right on sucking him off again, but he had other ideas. "Come on let me show you what my cock can do."

"What do you mean?" she asked reluctantly taking her mouth off him. She was hoping for another load.

"Lets go up to your bedroom and fuck."

"No, I can't cheat on Stepford."

"Come on Mrs Stepford," Billy said, grabbing her arm and pulling her up. "You know you want it. Quit playing games."

"Billy your hurting me," she said jerking her arm out of his hand. Julie realized exactly how physically big a man the football player was. and seeing his towering over her sexually aroused frightened her. "Just get out." She ran from the room and upstairs. Billy followed her and knocked on the door to the bathroom as she locked it behind her.

"Mrs Stepford...Julie, I'm sorry I scared you. Come on out."

"No, go away."

"Listen I swear I didn't mean to hurt you. Come out and let me appologize."

"Just leave."

Billy walked into the bedroom, whistling softly at the sexy lingerie at the foot of the bed. The bitch sure knew how to dress to please a man. Billy wasn't about to force her into anything, but he still thought she was acting out some fantasy with him. He quickly stripped off his clothes and climbed on her bed. Her old man had a Penthouse lying next to the bed. He picked it up and started leafing through the pictorials.

Julie was crying as she sat on the toilet. Billy had really scared her. He had a very strong, masculine presence that both intimidated and attracted her. She didn't want to cheat on Stepford, but she loved to fuck so much, it was hard to turn down a cock like Billy's. She looked down at a copy of Penthouse Letters, the one that had taught her how to give blow jobs. Stepford was supposed to hide them under the pile in case they had guests. She picked it up, just as Billy yelled from the bedroom, "I can sit here all day if I have too. Your husband left me a Penthouse to read."

Julie gasped as a new wave of horniness overwhelmed her body. She was hornier now then when she had first seen Billy's hard cock. Her nipples started rubbing against her bra. She reached under her shirt and removed her bra, her nipples were so sensitive. "Go away Billy, Stepford will be here any minute."

"Come out first."

Julie stood up and walked to the door. She unlocked it and walked into her bedroom. Billy was lying nude in the center of her bed. His large muscular body looked incredible compared to her husbands. His cock was still hard and made her mouth water. "Please leave," she said.

Billy held his dick up into the air. "How big is the professor?"

"His cock is only half your size," she answered.

"That ain't a cock. That's a little boy's penis. Something that small will never satisfy you. Only a big cock like mine can make you happy. You know it's true."

Julie started crying again, she nodded her head in agreement. It was true.

"Once a cock this big gets in you it will ruin you for anything smaller. Take your cloths off. Show me that hot body of yours." Billy watched in awe as Julie pulled off her top and her big tits fell out. Her nipples were so hard, he knew she was into this as much as he was. His cock throbbed when he saw her shaved pussy, then he saw how soaked her panties were. "Damn bitch, you want me bad."

"Yes," she said still crying.

"What are you so upset about?"

"I don't want to cheat on Stepford."

"He's a wimp. You deserve better. Your body was built for big cock."

Julie nodded and quit crying. She suddenly felt nothing but contempt for her husband. He was nothing compared to the stud lying nude on her bed. Stepford's little boy penis was dwarfed by the mighty cock, BIlly was holding pointed at the ceiling. "Come and get it," said Billy.

Julie practically leaped on the bed all inhibitions gone. She straddled him, lifting her hips up over his cockhead. He poised the tip between her labia and she dropped to her knees. "I'm cumming," she screamed as all ten inches buried in her pussy. Billy's cock awakened dormant nerves deep in her vagina and the extra size prolonged the orgasm until it was almost unbearable.

"God Damn, your one horny slut," moaned Billy. "I've never felt a pussy so hot and tight."

Julie was looking at him with awe. His ten inch cock had just ruined her for all other men. She was such horny slut, she began rasing her hips and slamming down hard forcing Billy's cock deep into her pussy each time. She came again and again, each time collapsing on Billy's hard chest.

Billy got tired of waiting for her to recover and rolled her over. He kneeled between her legs, throwing them over his shoulders and positioned the head of his cock at the entrance to her pussy."Sluts like you love to talk dirty. Beg me to fuck you," he said teasing her with just the tip.

"Fuck me Billy."

"Not good enough. Tell me how much you love my big cock."

"I love your big cock. Fuck me with your big cock." Her pleas turned to screams as he slammed his cock back into her pussy. "Oh god Billy, fuck me, fuck me, your big cock's making me cum.

Billy fucked her for close to half an hour. He lost count of the number of times he had made her orgasm. She spent half the time thrashng on the bed screaming out how good a fuck he was, and the rest of the time in an orgasmic bliss. He never failed to make his girlfriends orgasm once or twice, but none of them had reacted like this horny wife, the bed was soaked with her cum. None of them had bodies half as hot as Mrs Stepford either, he thought watching her breasts jiggle with each thrust of his cock. This woman fucked like a porn star, this wouldn't be the last time he came over and fucked her. His cock started swelling and he could feel the orgasm about to blow. "Are you on birth control?" he grunted out.

"No," she moaned.

"You want me to cum in your pussy? he asked.

Julie took it as a command. "Come in my pussy. Fill me up with your sperm."

Billy didn't have to be told twice. If she got pregnant that was the prof's problem. He buried his cock in her pussy and shot jet after jet of sperm into her womb. Her eyes flew open in awe and her pussy clamped down so tight around his cock, he thought she'd rip it off. A wave of her cum dripped down his balls. Julie's eyes rolled up in her head and she passed out. Billy extracted himself and dressed leaving her asleep on the bed. He stared at her a moment watching his cum trickle out of her pussy. "Wow," he said and left.


Julie slowly opened her eyes, she felt incredible, liberated. She was a horny slut with a body built for big dick and she had finally found a cock to satisfy her.

Her eyes came into focus and she saw her husband staring at her in horror. "W-what happened?" he stuttered.

"I just got fucked by a real man."

"Who did this?"


"That punk from class? Julie, how could you?"

"How could I not? I wanted his big cock the moment I saw it. After fucking Billy your little penis will never make me happy."

"Julie, look down at that magazine. Penthouse," he said as she looked at the magazine on the floor.

"Yes I know it's a Penthouse, Stepford. I can read you know."

Amazing, seconds after saying it, her nipples had swelled up like miniature cocks. "Julie, quit showing contempt for me. you love me deeply." "I'm sorry honey, I love you, I just couldn't resist his big cock. Please don't be mad."

"Exactly how big was it?"

"Twice your size. It stretched me out like crazy. I've never cum so much in my life."

"I can see. Go change the sheets, then take a bath. I don't want any trace of that punk on you when you come to bed."

Stepford watched her leap to obey him. He had screwed up royally. He should have listened to all the warnings and been more careful with his hypnotic suggesstions. What should he do? He could always make Julie forget about Billy, but he couldn't make Billy forget about Julie. He thought about it for awhile, becoming more pissed at himself as he thought about it. He was too intelligent to make a mistake like this.

Julie came back just before the hour was up so she was still suggestible. He hadn't made a decision yet. "Julie, get some sleep and in the meantime your not to fuck him again." She crawled in bed and went to sleep. Stepford didn't sleep quite so well.


The next day at class, Stepford had trouble concentrating on teaching. Billy sat towards the back looking all smug. Hell, the jerk even had two of the hottest girls in school sitting next to him laughing at his every word.

Stepford had hypnotised Julie in the morning and made her tell him everything that had happened. He couldn't believe that Billy had a ten inch penis. Cocks that big didn't exist. The more he thought about Billy, the more he wanted to see that ten inch cock for himself, to see Julie wrapping her lips around it, fucking it. He wanted both Billy and himself to enjoy Julie. He wanted to see them together before he made Julie forget everything she had done with his student. He'd have to hope Billy moved on to another woman.

Stepford got home late and ran to the bathroom. He leafed through Penthouse letters until he found a hot story to his liking. He left it open beside the toilet.

Shortly after a hypnotised Julie was getting really aroused as she read about the woman that took on two guys at once. That would really satisfy a horny slut like her. She had to try it. Stepford had told her to take a shower and make herself gorgeous. She fixed her hair and make up, then put on the lingerie with the garter belt she had bought. When Julie finished, she walked back to see her husband. He was holding up a magazine. "Penthouse," he said to her.

"Yeah, what about it?" she asked feeling horny.

"Just shut up and listen," said Stepford. She shut up and he continued, "Julie you desperately crave two cocks at once. You want to have a threesome with two men. Go get Billy and bring him back here. Put your coat on over the lingerie when you leave. Show him what your wearing if he objects to coming here. Refuse to have sex with him if he doesn't do what you want. Now go get him."


Bily lived in a dorm only ten minutes away so Julie was still very susceptible to suggestion when she knocked on his door. "Well well," he said. "I figured you could wait until my next tutoring session, but come in. What do you want?"

"I want to have a threesome. I want to try two cocks at once."

"Well your not playing games anymore are you?"

"No. Lets go back to my place."

"No, it's better off if we stay here, can't risk your husband catching us. Who did you have in mind to join us?"

Julie thought about it. She had no idea. Shame Stepford only had a little penis. If he had a cock, he could of joined them. "I don't know Billy. I really need this."

"I don't know him all that well, but there's this German guy down the hall. I've seen his cock in the shower and it looks even bigger then mine." "Yes, I think he'll do fine," she said shaking her head eagerly.

"Wait here, I'll see if he's in his room."

Billy returned about ten minutes later followed by a blonde haired, blue-eyed, giant. The man was around six four, and had a hard, chiseled face. He appeared even more muscular then Billy.

"Vell, Vhat did you want to see me for?"

"Hans, this is Julie. She's a married little slut that wants to try two men at once and she likes big men."

Hans looked Julie over. His hard face never seemed to smile, but he nodded as if he approved of her looks. "Pretty. You aren't a gay are you Billy?"

"Hell no. This is all her idea. She likes cock so much she begged me to find another guy for her."

"This true Julie?" asked Hans.

"Yes, I love big cock, especially Billy's and now I want to love yours."

Hans still looked doubful so Billy said, "Julie, I think he still needs convincing. Show him what you got under that coat."

Julie smiled at Hans and let her coat fall to the floor. "Mien Gott!" exclaimed Hans. For the first time his face showed expression and it was one of amazement. "You are magnificent."

"Holy shit," said Billy. She was wearing the lingerie he had seen on the floor of her bedroom. Billy had never seen a woman with a body this good and he had fucked several dozen of the hottest girls in college and high school. "Well Hans, does she meet with your approval?"

"Ja, I fuck her," said Hans, his look of amazement turning to lust.

"Let's get started then," said Billy. He started unbuttoning his shirt and Hans followed suit. "Come over here and suck my cock," said Billy pulling his pants down.

Julie was staring at Hans as he slowly revealed his chest. She loved his hard muscled body. He looked like a viking on a romance novel though he kept his hair short in a military cut. She quit staring at Hans when Billy revealed his plump half-hard cock. She was down on her knees taking him in her mouth within seconds of seeing it.

"This bitch sure can suck cock," said Billy to Hans.

"Scheiss," said Hans watching the sexy blonde woman sucking on Billy's big dick. "She swallowed it all."

"I-I t-tell ya man, she loves it," said Billy starting to sweat. He grabbed the back of her head and started fucking her face.

Julie squeezed her lips tight, moaning as Billy's cock slid in and out of her throat. She felt him swelling up and pushed her head back. She didn't want him cumming in her throat, she wanted to taste him before she swallowed his load. She was soon rewarded with a mouthful of cum and the first wad was sliding down her throat just as he ejaculated a second smaller load. Having already blown him she was prepared for his large loads and swallowed every drop.

"Now my turn," said Hans as she was milking out the last drops of Billy's cum onto her tongue. Julie turned to Hans. He was still standing there bare chested with his pants on. "Your going to take my schlong out, but first you strip for me."

Julie immediately started dancing to music in her head. She had watched Showgirls and Striptease over and over one afternoon commitiing the dances to memory. She knew what turned men on and she was delighted to see Billy's cock rising to attention again. She winked at him and tossed her bra over his cock so that it hung there. She turned back to Hans, he was staring at her long nipples, and she brought one nipple up to her mouth and teased it with her tongue. Julie then turned around and unhooked her garter. She licked her leg as she rolled her stockings down. Then came the panties, which were so wet she could have rung them out. When she turned back to Hans, she was naked. Julie held her long hair up as she danced thrusting her hips suggestvely towards Hans' crotch.

"Enough," he said. "You suck me now."

Julie fell to her knees and was immediately impressed by the bulge under his pants. She tore into him, yanking his pants down and kissing the bulge under his underwear. Julie kissed up his underwear and took the waistband in her teeth, pulling it out and down. A large cock smacked her in the face. "Wow," she said when she saw it.

"You like?"

"I like." It was probably close to eleven inches long and a little thicker then Bily's. The German's cock matched Hans' body in every way, hard and chiseled like it was cut from granite. Even his balls were huge. The cock was perfect in every way except... "Where's the head?"

Billy laughed. "He's still wearing his turtleneck. Show her Hans."

Hans smirked and pulled back on his foreskin until a large golfball-sized cockhead emerged. "I see," she said kissing the tip and licking around the crown.

"Take it slow slut. I want you to worship this German sausage properly. I call it der bratwurst. You'll love it."

Julie obeyed. She licked it all over, then lifted it up and licked his balls. He was right, she did love it and with both men here, she loved the thought that she would get enough sperm to satisfy her. She moved back up to the tip and slowly began bobbing her head over the tip of Han's cock, taking more with each thrust. Julie was having difficulty with Han's thicker size and was having to come up for air more often. "Take it all," ordered Hans. Julie redoubled her efforts and soon was sucking on his entire cock with ease. "Gott, this has never been done by any woman before. Absaugen mein sausage you married whore."

"Hans go lay on the bed," said Billy waving his hard cock.

Hans nodded and backed towards the bed. Julie followed walking on her knees, never letting his cock leave her mouth even when he laid down on the bed and she crawled up between his legs.

Julie began deep throating Hans magnificent sausage. His cock felt so big and alive in her mouth she wanted to suck on it forever, but her rhythym was thrown off as Billy shoved his cock into her pussy and she orgasmed. She had been so intent on sucking Hans that she hadn't felt Billy come up behind her.

So this is what its like to have two men a once, she thought. It's wonderful, but it was hard to concentrate on pleasing Hans when your pussy was getting speared by a ten inch cock. She gave up and ended up jerking Hans off with her lips loosely wrapped around his cock head so that she could scream when Billy made her cum. She was cumming so much, she was afraid she might miss out on swallowing some of Hans' sperm.

She didn't have to wait long. Hans' cock swelled up so big it did resemble a sausage. The thick veins running the length of his cock puffed up and his entire shlong turned an angry red. When he came, his sperm filed her mouth completely and she swallowed it down.

Unfortunately, Billy gave her another orgasm at that moment and Hans cock sprayed her face as she reared back to scream. She quickly clamped her lips back around the head to catch the rest.

Billy pulled out and smacked her ass. "Get up bitch,"he ordered. She got off the bed while Billy took Hans' place lying on his back. The big German stood off to the side, his cock still plump and half erect. "Mount me," said Billy holding up his shiny cock so that she could straddle it.

Julie mouted him moaning from another orgasm as she slid down his cock. She wanted to kiss him, but he seemed disgusted by the sperm on her face. He just wrapped her hair around his fist and held her head back so that he could suck on her tits. Her overly sensitive nipples triggered another series of orgasms.

Billy tired and pulled her hair to the side so that her head was lying on the matress looking at him. "Ah ah ah ah fuck me Billy ah ah," she said over and over again as he bounced his hips on the matress. He was looking over his shoulder at something.

Julie felt something push into her ass and she wasn't sure she liked it, but her butt cheeks clenched and she came again. It was one of Hans' fingers and it was coated with something that felt like vaseline. He moved it around for a moment and then yanked it out. The finger returned spreading more vaseline around the rim of her ass.

"Ever been ass fucked? said Hans pushing his cock between her ass cheeks.

"Jesus no," she replied feeling disgusted at the idea. There hadn't been anal sex in the threesome story she had read.

"I will be first then, ja."

"No Hans, your too big. It'll rip me in two."

"I'm going to fuck your ass, so get ready," said Hans and he pushed forwards.

"Oh god," she cried. It felt like a golfball was getting shoved up her butt. Billy had quit fucking her to allow Hans to push it in. The golfball worked it's way deeper, her ass never closing as the equally thick shaft followed the head. "It hurts," she cried.

Just before her hour long hypnotic state expired Billy whispered in her ear, "The pain will fade and you'll love it." That was when she became an ass slut, not that she was surprised, her body was built for big cock

Julie was so stuffed with cock she finally felt satisfied. She could feel their shafts rubbing against each other seperated by only a thin layer of skin. They slowly started to move. "I love it. I love you two. Fuck me with your big cocks. Fuck my ass. Fuck my pussy."

They started to move, awkwardly at first, but soon developing a rhythm as they got used to each other. "Lets alternate," said Billy you in, me out." They began pistoning their cocks into her body. Just as Billy's left her pussy, Hans shoved his into her ass and vice versa. "Now together." Hans switched so that they were both fucking Julie together. BIlly pulled Julie's hair back and looked at her sperm covered face. Her eyes were dazed, unfocused and her tongue was hanging out. Her pussy was squeeezing his cock tightly, spasming everytime he shoved it in and a constant stream of her cum was pouring over his balls. "This is pretty cool Hans."

"Ja, very fun."

"Want to do it again some time? I wouldn't mind that hot German bitch you flew here with."

"And I vouldn't mind that cheerleader you are dating."

"We'll see what we can do then," said Billy looking forward to the partnership with his new friend.

Julie didn't seem to come out of her daze, but her body thrashed around as Billy came. Hans bellowed and gave several hard thrusts of his cock as he filled her ass with sperm.

"More please," murmured Julie.

"I'm spent," said Billy.

"I got one more round left in my veapon," said Hans.

They left Billy and snuck off to the dorm showers. Hans wanted her to clean up.

Afterwards, she spent the next forty minutes with her legs wrapped around Hans waist as he lifted her up and down his cock while the water cascaded over their bodies.

See Part 3 where Julie discovers what kind of cock it will take to truly satisfy her.