Stepford's Wife copyright 2001 by Stormbringer

Professor Stepford stared deeply into his wife's eyes. The third time he hypnotised her seemed to really put her under. He had returned from a symposium on hypnotism several days ago and decided to test what he learned on his wife. The givers of the symposium really took this stuff seriously forcing all the attendees to sign a morality contract not to use what they learned for anything unethical. It was considered dangerous to fool with peoples minds.

Stepford looked at Julie staring blankly off into space. She was a gorgeous blue-eyed blonde babe with big tits capped with the longest nipples he had ever seen. She had a thin waist, full hips, and a flat, almost muscular belly. She was 28, he was 59. Julie was a former student, who looked a him as a father figure. He had taken advantage of her respect for him and they were married after she graduated.

Julie was perfect in everyway but two. Her first problem was that she smoked. Stepford found it to be a vile habit and that was the reason he had hypnotised her. The first two sessions had seemed to help, she was slowly quiting smoking and as she grew used to being hypnotised, the third time had completely put her under. "Julie, slowly repeat over and over, I do not need a cigarette. The more you say it the more it comes true."

Stepford got up to go to the bathroom leaving his wife saying, "I do not want a cigarette," so softly he could barely hear her.

Stepford sat on the toilet and leafed through the pile of magazines beside him. He pulled out a copy of Penthouse letters and began reading a story.

Julie's second great fault was her sexual naivete. The girl had the body of a porn star and the mind of a nun. She had even considered joining a convent before settling on going to school to become a psychologist to learn to help people. Stepford wished his wife was more like the women in Penthouse. He wanted a horny little slut to serve his every need.

Stepford flushed the toilet and returned to his wife still mindlessly repeating the phrase over and over. He wondered how long she would do this if he died on the spot.

"Julie, I have a new phrase for you. Repeat, I love sucking cock, as you listen to my voice."

"I love sucking cock. I love sucking cock," said Julie over and over.

'My god, she's doing it,' thought Stepford. "Whenever we're home, instead of craving your nightly cigarette, you crave sucking on my cock. You love the taste of sperm. Say it."

"I love the taste of sperm. I love the taste of sperm."

"Excellent, now listen closely Julie. When I wake you from your trance, we are going to get ready for bed. You're going to go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet. There is a copy of Penthouse sitting next to the toilet. Pick it up and read the story on the dog-eared page. It is about a woman who gets a lesson on cocksucking from her husband. That story will change the way you think about performing oral sex. From then on, you will love sucking cock and swallowing sperm. When I snap my fingers, you will wake up. You will remember nothing I've told you though you will act on everything I've said. You will not link your new behaviour with being hypnotised."

Julie's eyes came into focus when Stepford snapped his fingers. She smiled at him shyly. "I think it worked, I don't feel like a cigarette."

"Good honey, if not we'll keep it up till you're cured. It's late, lets get ready for bed."

Stepford went into the bedroom and Julie went into the bathroom. He stripped off his suit and pulled his boxers down. Curious to see if it worked, he tiptoed over to the bathroom door. It was open a crack and he peered through it. Julie was sitting on the toilet seemingly very engrossed by the story she was reading in Penthouse. He frowned when he saw she had already changed into her nightgown. It was an ugly thing that covered her body from her neck to her ankles. She didn't believe in showing off her body and he had to sneak peeks of her in the shower to see her nude. Maybe he could change that?

Stepford returned to the bedroom and laid naked on the bed. He crossed his legs and tried to concentrate on a book, but kept thinking of what might be about to happen. His ex-wife hadn't liked sucking cock either. He had only gotten a blowjob once when he was a teenager and she hadn't finished him off. He looked down his white and black chest hair at his penis barely visible past his paunch, but it was plumping up with anticipation.

"Stepford!" said Julie entering the room.

"There's nothing wrong with a wife seeing her husband nude Julie." She was staring at his cock. He felt it twitch and rise up off his balls. Julie reached over and turned off the light. "What are you doing, I was reading?" She didn't answer him, but he felt her climb on the bed beneath his feet. He spread his legs for her.

Stepford was disappointed. He wanted to watch her take his cock in her mouth. He should have remembered she would turn the lights off. Maybe, he could change that too?

Julie wrapped her fist around his cock and it turned rock hard. Stepford wasn't exactly hung like a horse. In fact, her fist covered his entire penis except for the head. He felt her breath on his penis. "Honey, what are you doing?"

"A good wife does things to please her husband," she said before her lips touched the head of his cock.

It was everything he hoped it would be. Julie ran her tongue in a circle around his cockhead and then took him in her warm mouth. She removed her hand from his cock swallowing him whole. It was more then he could stand and his cock jerked as he erupted in her mouth. His cock quickly went limp, but Julie kept her lips squeezed around the shaft and bobbed her head as if she was milking it for more sperm. She kept it up until his cock grew too sensitive and he had to yank it from her mouth. "Thanks honey," he said.

"Thank you," maybe you'll let me do it again in the morning.

Stepford woke up the next morning with Julie's lips already wrapped around his cock. She released him long enough to kiss and lick his balls before returning to blowing him. He lasted a little longer this time, but still came in a couple minutes. Just like last night, she squeezed her lips around his cock milking him for every drop of seed. Once again he wished he could see her, but she had crawled under the covers.

Stepford watched her crawl out from under the covers, taking a blanket with her to protect her modesty. She ran into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

"Julie," he said, when she came out of the bathroom with her hair wet and wearing her frumpy robe. "I need to hypnotise you and reaffirm your commands."

"But I haven't had a cigarette in over a day now."

"That's why we need to keep it working. Come sit at the table."

His trusting wife sat across from him and within minutes of his using the technique, she was completely under again. It really did get easier as they got used to it. "Julie listen to my voice and obey what I say. Stand up and remove your robe."

"But then you'll se me naked." Her voice was monotonous, without feeling.

"I am not here. There is just my voice and you must obey my voice. Remove your robe."

Julie stood and without another word, pulled her hideous nightgown over her head. Stepford inhaled sharply at his wife's gorgeous naked body. Four years of marriage and he had never had a view this good.

The old professor stood up and grabbed his wife's breasts, delighting in seeing something he had only touched in the dark. He bent down and kissed her nipples. Julie just stared off into space not responding in any way. He kneeled and kissed her flat tummy and belly button. He loved seeing a woman's navel. Stepford licked her navel, and ran his hand across her light-brown pubic hair. He couldn't resisit moving around behind her and checking out her ass. He pulled her butt-cheeks apart and stared at the cute little rosebud that was her ass-hole. He had never dreamed of fucking a woman's ass, but now whole new vistas were opening for him to explore. He wished he were eighteen again and not a fat, tired old man. Stepford had to get moving so he stood up. "Julie from now on, you like showing off your body. You are proud of your figure and big breasts. Repeat, I love showing off my body."

"I love showing off my body," she began mumbling.

Stepford left her there and took a quick shower, cut even shorter by the fact that there was no hot water. "Damn," he said shivering under the could water. He would have to call a plumber to come fix the hot water heater. This was the second time it had broke down in three months. He'd call from his cell phone on the way to class and he wasn't paying them a another dime. Stepford finished showering, dried, and dressed. He returned to his wife still mumbling about liking to show off her body. "Julie, I am going to leave my credit card on the table. After I leave for work, your going to go shopping for new outfits to show off your hot bod. I want you to buy some short skirts and some halter tops. You love your navel and want to show it off. Buy clothes to show off your belly. You will also buy sexy lingerie, you particularily like garter belts. You also want to spend time working on your tan in the backyard, so buy a very skimpy bikini. Be careful not to get burned." His wife had beautiful fair skin, that had never seen a sun's rays in its life. He thought she'd look even better with a tan. Plus, he wanted to show her off at the beach to all his friends. "Do you understand these insructions?"


"Then I will snap my fingers and you will awaken and you wil never question me when I try to hypnotise you in the future and throw away that robe. Oh and don't spend over a thousand dollars." He was glad he thought of that. The seminar had warned him about the proper commands so much he was trying to be careful. She might have maxed out his credit card. This could be dangerous if you weren't careful, but then most people didn't have his superior intelligence. Stepford snapped his fingers. Julie smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. "Have a nice day at work dear," she said. Julie grabbed her robe and walked buck naked towards the kitchen garbage to throw away her robe, completely unconcerned about her nudity. He tossed a credit card on the table and left for work.


Julie came home from shopping, wearing a halter top, miniskirt, and sandals. She had changed at the mall, throwing her old bulky clothes away. She carried five bags of clothes upstairs and into the bedroom.

Julie stripped off her clothes and took the tags off her new bikini. It was a string-thong bikini that was borderline indecent. It barely covered her nipples, but was stretched so thin you could clearly see them anyway. She bent down to pull the thong on, wincing as her newly peirced belly button pressed into her abdomon. "I love my sexy tummy," she said rubbing her hand across the top of her belly. She thought the stud through her navel really enhanced the beauty of her belly and drew attention to it.

The only thing she didn't like was that her pubic hair stuck out all around the bottoms, but she didn't know what to do about that. She hurried downstairs to catch the late afternoon sun. She was almost to the patio door when the front doorbell rang.


Hank did a double take when the sexy slut opened the door. At first, he thought she was naked. The bikini was cream colored and matched her skin tones. She stared at him blankly completely unconcerned about her outfit. She seemed so different from the woman he had seen the last time. "I'm the plumber, I'm here to look at the hotwater heater."

"It's about time," she said. "It hasn't worked quite right since the last time you were here. Come on in, you know where it is. I'll be out sunbathing if you need me."

Hank openly let his eyes wander down her body and the bitch actually smiled at him. The little tease liked showing off her body. He leered a her bare ass as she walked over to the back door.

Hank walked over towards the hotwater heater and fixed it in less then ten minutes. The last time he was here, he had rigged it to break down again for two reasons. First, he had walked in on Julie Stepford as she was stepping out of the shower. He had actually felt bad for a minute because seeing her naked had upset her so much, her fat old husband had to console her for an hour while she cried in the bedroom. The guilt had lasted only a moment as his mind registerd exactly how hot she really was.

The second reason Hank had rigged the hotwater heater to fail, was the fact that he was a sleazy bum and was hoping to bill them for more hours. Of course, the jerk husband had called his boss and raised such a stink that this was on the house. He walked out into the living room and stared at Julie through the window. Maybe he could get a form of payment for this job afterall?

Hank walked over to the refridgerator, grabbed a beer and spent the next hour watching Julie lie out on a cot. She had oiled herself up thoroughly and turned over onto her back after exactly thirty minutes. Hank pulled his cock out and squeezed it, resisting the urge to jerk off as he hoped Mrs Stepford would be sucking him off within a few minutes. He saw her get up and he quickly threw the beer can away as she entered the house.


"All done?" asked Julie as the plumber came down the hall.

"Yeah, it took longer then I thought. Now lets see, that's one hour labor plus parts comes to two hundred dollars. Cash please."

"What? I don't have that kind of cash on me. Can't you bill me?"

"Nope, it's cash up front only. No checks. Your husband had the money ready last time."

"He won't be home for a couple hours, can't you come back?"

Hank tried to look angry. Any slut that would dress like that had to want it as bad as he did. She did a great job looking innocent though. He had encountered the type before, they played hard to get, hoping to be forced into adultery. "Listen Mrs Stepford, I don't have all day. If your playing games with me, you can talk to the police."

"Please no," she said tears forming in her eyes. The school paper printed all minor arrests and this would humiliate Stepford. "I didn't even know you were coming today. How about a credit card?"

"That's it, I'm calling the police."

"No, please wait."

Hank paused nearing the phone. "Listen Mrs Stepford, there is one way I'd be willing to overlook your bill."

"Thank god," she said relieved. "What is it?"

"Give me a blow job."

Julie gasped in horror, though her mouth watered at the thought of sucking a new cock. "I can't do that, I'm married. I can't cheat on my husband."

"Come on Mrs Stepford, everyone knows a blow job ain't adultery. Besides, it's that or I call the cops.

"It isn't a sin?"


"What do you want me to do?"

"Well you can start by coming over here and pulling my pants down," said Hank while unbuttoning his shirt.

Julie walked over to him and unbuckled his belt. "It's easier if you kneel," he said. Julie knelt, looking up at him as she pulled his belt off. His shirt was open. He had a lean muscular build much nicer then her husbands body, but then Hank was much younger, closer to her age.

Julie was excited about seeing and sucking a new cock. Now that she knew this wasn't a sin, she could suck all the cock she wanted. She pulled his pants down, impressed by the bulge under his briefs. Julie reached up and pulled his underwear down, freeing his cock. "Oh wow, your cock and balls are so big."

"Thanks," said Hank. His dick was perfectly average at six and a half inches. It was probably a little thicker then normal. Not that he was complaining, he liked being told he was big. "How big is your husband?"

"About an inch smaller," she said kissing the head of his cock lovingly.

"You poor thing." She was running her tongue around the crown sending shivers up his spine. "Do you like sucking cock?"

"I love sucking cock," she replied, holding his penis up so she could lick his balls.

"Do you swallow?" he asked, not that it mattered. If she said no, he would just grab her head and hold her so that he could cum in her mouth.

"I love the taste of sperm," she said before taking him in her mouth.

"Damn girl, you got a mouth like a Hoover. I wish my wife sucked dick like you. Fuck, I wish my wife looked like you too."

Julie cringed at his foul language. She got the impression, Hank the plumber wasn't a very nice guy, but he did have a nice cock. She took the whole thing in her mouth and began rapidly bobbing her head. She hoped it would shut him up, plus her belly was growling for more sperm. "Here it cums bitch. Eat my sperm," he grunted and his cock jerked in her mouth.

Julie moaned as her mouth filled with hot cum and she quickly swallowed his load. She wrapped her lips around the base and began milking out every last drop. She was surprised that the plumber's cock maintained some of it's hardness.

"Ready to get this thing shoved in your pussy."

"What?" she stood up rapidly, her breasts quivering under the bikini top. "How dare you talk to me like that."

"Come on bitch, you know you want it."

"Get out of my house. I'm not some whore that will cheat on her husband."

"But I...."

"Get out!" Julie screamed at the plumber. The confused man pulled his pants up, grabbed his tool box and left. She had half a mind to phone his boss. Shame, he had turned out to be such a jerk. His sperm had tasted real good and he came more then Stepford did.


"My god your beautiful," said Stepford as Julie came out of the bathroom wearing a white, lacy bra and panties with a garter belt just above her newly pierced navel. He had no idea the hypnotism symposium would have had this kind of payoff. First he had come home to find Julie doing her housework in a teeny bikini and now this.

"I'm glad you like it dear," said Julie seductively. "I hope it's making your cock nice and hard for me to suck."

Stepford was lying nude on the bed and his cock had plumped up a little, but he wasn't used to cumming twice in one day.

"Well we'll just have to make it hard," she said taking him in her mouth.

It worked. "Hold on dear," he said feeling the cum welling up in his balls after a minute. "I want to fuck you tonight."

"Stepford! Please, I expect that language from... from a plumber, but not a college professor."

"Sorry dear." He had rolled off the bed and grabbed her hips holding her on all fours.

"Good lord, what's gotten into you tonight? We're not animals." Julie rolled over onto her back and spread her legs.

Stepford sighed, he wanted to try new positions with her, but at least this gave him a good view of her body under the sexy lingerie. The panties were crotchless and so small, part of her hairy bush stuck out. He positioned himself at the entrance to her vagina and began rubbing his cock around it. Dry as a bone.

"Be careful lying on me," she said as he reached over to the nightstand for lubricant. "my belly button is still sore from the piercing."

Stepford looked at the tube of lubricant. "If you don't want to use it, sit on my chest and let me suck on you," said Julie.

Stepford had an idea. "Julie, I forgot to hypnotise you tonight. Let's go out to the table." He put on some boxer shorts and walked to the kitchen.

Julie got up, never questioning the fact that she needed hypnotising in the middle of sex. She went under almost immediately.

"Julie, I want you to repeat, I love to fuck, while you listen to my voice." He paused while she started mouthing the words. "Sex is good. From now on the sight of a hard cock makes you horny. It excites you so much your pussy starts lubricating to prepare you for it. Your nipples will become hard and sensitive." She had some of the fattest, longest nipples he had seen, but they never hardened except when she was cold and it always embarrassed her so much, she put bandaids over them. "You like getting fucked in different positions. Missionary is your least favorite. You especially like getting fucked from behind or woman on top." That way she would do all the work and he could stare at her boobs. "Your pussy and body are so sensitive, that every little touch feels twice as good." He wondered if he could make her cum. Julie had always been too uptight about sex to enjoy it.

Stepford knew he couldn't keep doing this every day. He didn't have the stamina to handle sex like he had at eighteen. He decided he needed a trigger for her behaviour. He went to the bathroom to think about it leaving her mindlessly repeating "I love to fuck" over and over. He leafed through a Penthouse until he was finished.

"Julie," he said returning to the table. "Listen carefully. Whenever you see a Penthouse or Penthouse Letters magazine and hear the word "Penthouse" you will go into a receptive trance. You will act normally, but everything you hear for the next hour will be treated as a command that must be obeyed. You will become extremely horny." Stepford was no fool, he didn't want her hearing the word on some soap opera or something. "Do you understand?"

"I love to f... I understand. I love to fuck..."

"Good, then when I snap my fingers. You will remember none of this, but you will act on everything I've told you. And one more thing, you're very embarrassed by your hairy bush. Go trim it. On second thought, shave it all off and keep it shaved."

Stepford snapped his fingers and watched Julie smile at him, then blush. "I'll be right back honey," she said.

He went into the bedroom and laid down on the bed. He kept squeezing his cock every now and then to keep it hard. Julie returned a few minutes later still wearing the lingerie. He could no longer see the brownish patch under her panties. "Now where were we," he said raising his hips to pull down his boxers.

"Oh my," she said staring at his cock. Her nipples started popping out.

"Julie why don't you do a little strip tease for me?"

"Oh I couldn't do that. I don't like to dance."

Stepford reached under the bed and pulled out an old copy of penthouse. "The girls in Penthouse always dance for their husbands." Her eyes widened as she stared at the magazine and he could see her holding her thighs together. "Do a little strip tease for me."

Julie obeyed swaying her hips and running her hands over her body. She wasn't a natural, but her sexy body and lack of inhibitions made up for her inexperience. Maybe he would rent "Striptease" or "Showgirls" and make her practice.

"Ooh," she said looking relieved to remove her bra. Julie had big areola with nipples close to an inch long. Her nipples were now puffy and red from rubbing against the bra. They were completely hard and she moaned as she tweaked them between her fingers. Julie continued dancing. She unhooked her garter and rolled the stockings down her legs. She then turned around and stuck her ass up in the air as she pulled her panties down. Her thighs glistened she was so wet.

Stepford couldn't wait any longer. "Does this give you an ideas?" he asked waving his cock at her.

Julie quit dancing, climbed on him, and with one quick motion took his entire penis inside her pussy. She was soaked. He had never felt her pussy so hot and inviting. He was in heaven as she bounced up and down his cock.

"Stepford, something's happening. I feel funny." Stepford couldn't hold back. He leaned up and sucked one nipple into his mouth just as he came. "Oh my god," she moaned. Her eyes closed and she quit bouncing as she shuddered from her first orgasm. He quickly turned limp, but she kept grinding their crotches together until she came again. She didn't stop until he had to yank his cock out of her. Julie opened his eyes and stared in awe at him. "Oh Stepford I love you so much."

"I love you too." She collapsed on him. He looked over at the clock. It had only been fifteen minutes since giving her the Penthouse command. "Julie, why don't you go get me a beer and make me a sandwich?"

"Of course," she said jumping off him. Nude she ran out to the kitchen. She returned a little later with a plate and a beer. Stepford sat up to eat. Julie crawled between his legs and began nuzzling his cock. "I want to suck you off," she said.

"No Julie, you're tired and you want to go to sleep." Julie yawned, moved over to her side of the bed and crawled under the covers.

Stepford took a sip of beer. He had created the perfect subservient wife. He was happy, she was happy. What could go wrong?"

See Part 2 where something goes wrong.