This story starts off with just the husband being used but in time the wife will become involved. Hope you like it.

Slave To My Black Neighbor Part One

My wife and I were working in the front yard raking leaves when we saw the moving truck pull in to the house next door. It was exciting to finally get a new neighbor as the house had been sitting empty for quite a while. A black SUV pulled in beside the truck and out stepped the biggest man I’d ever seen. He easily stood six foot four and looked to weigh close to three hundred pounds. He was built like a retired linebacker, solid but with a bit of a gut showing he didn’t work out like he once had. He was bald and looked to be about fifty years old. The most striking thing about him was his pitch black skin. He skin was so dark it looked almost impossible to be human. He wore old, ragged, gray sweatpants and a stained tshirt. The look on his face was one of barely masked distain. This was a dangerous man to be sure. Nothing about him looked friendly or welcoming.

My wife made some comment about being disappointed not to see a ****** moving in and hoped it wasn’t just him. She said we should go over and welcome the man and I felt a cold shiver go down my spine at the prospect. He just looked so mean and rough but I knew she was right and the friendly thing would be to welcome our new neighbor.

Our house sits at the end of a long street and is one of only two houses within a five mile radius. We always loved the fact that we were so secluded and had loved living next to Davidson’s who had owned the only other house around for years. The old couple had moved away several months ago but now it looked as though we had to get to know someone new.

My wife insisted we go over right away so we put down our gardening tools and headed over to meet the man. My wife was dressed for outdoor work as was I so she was wearing a pair of shorts that stopped just above her knees and a button down blouse that she had tied in a knot just under her breasts. Beth is quite a stunning woman no matter how she’s dressed with jet black, shoulder length hair, wide blue eyes, thick red lips and a body that has held up wonderfully over the years. At thirty five years old Beth still looked amazing. Her tits were firm and stood out in front of her proudly. She had a great ass that added to her hourglass figure and moved back and forth when she walked in the most hypnotizing way.

For myself, I’m nothing much to look at I guess. Short brown hair, average build, and a bit too much of a beer gut. I’m not very tall, standing only five foot seven so the thought of approaching such a big man made me nervous. I always feel uneasy around bigger men. I find myself mumbling my words and looking down at my feet a lot.

As we got closer to the man he began to look us over in a disapproving manner. He didn’t even attempt to smile as I held out my hand and said, “Welcome to the neighborhood”.

He took my hand and squeezed a handshake that nearly broke my fingers. I fought to hold in a cry of pain but my eyes began to water before he finally released me. I tried to make a joke of his strong grip but he ignored the attempt with a sneer. I stumbled through introductions saying, “I’m Tim Matthews and this is my wife, Beth”. Beth smiled and said hello but I could tell she was feeling very uncomfortable with his rude behavior. My normally friendly wife was quiet and reserved and looked as though she wanted to leave right away.

The man said, “I’m Jake” and then fell silent. He continued to stare at me like a wolf eying a sheep before pouncing. I stammered through some inane small talk but felt myself withering under his gaze and soon ran out of things to say. It was at that moment Beth spoke up and sealed my fate. “Maybe Tim could help you move in? I’m sure you could use a hand with the heavier items”, she said. Jake looked me over and grunted out a laugh before saying that he wondered if I would be able to lift any of his furniture. Beth laughed a nervous laugh and told him I was stronger than I looked. Jake never took his eyes from me when he said, “Fine, stick around Tim”.

My traitorous wife took that as an opportunity to run away and quickly excused herself back to the safety of our house.

By this time the movers had unloaded the truck and by some pre designed plan left everything on the front lawn, packed up the truck and took off. I had to wonder why Jake had done things this way. I mean how had he planned to get everything inside by himself? It’s not like he knew someone would be here to help.

Jake issued an order to grab one side of the sofa and we were off. The work was hard and took several hours in which time Jake wasted none of his breath talking to me unless it was to bark out an order. I know I should have been offended but my inability to confront bigger men was preventing me from doing anything but obey his commands. In no time I was soaked with sweat and panting in exhaustion but Jake kept me at a steady pace the entire time until all of his belongings were in the house and placed in the rooms he wanted them in.

When the last item was in place I stood there on wobbly legs trying to catch my breath. Jake told me to get him a beer from the cooler he had brought and when I fished out two cold ones he said, “Did I tell you to get two?”

I stammered out an apology and put one of the beers back in the cooler before handing the second one to Jake. I know I should have just left but something kept me rooted in place like I was waiting for permission or something. Jake cracked the beer and finished half of it in one long pull. I was licking my lips in thirst wishing I had anything to cool me down. Jake belched loudly and then sat down on the couch resting his feet on the ottoman. He stared at me for several seconds and I cleared my throat before saying, “Well I should get going”.

Jake just looked at me like I was something he had scraped off his shoe and said in a commanding voice, “Take my boots off”.

I couldn’t believe this guy. Who the fuck did he think he was? I said, “What? What the hell are you talking about”?

Jake continued to stare at me and I felt myself getting very uncomfortable. I was squirming and looking down at his large feet without thinking. I was terrified and couldn’t find any words so I just stood there.

“Take off my boots boy”, Jake said with anger in his voice. I tried to say something I really did. I tried to leave. I just couldn’t move. This huge man had me rooted in place with abject terror. I was afraid of making him angry but I still wanted to hold my ground like a man should.

“NOW!” He yelled with force and authority. I stood still for another second or two the found myself moving toward the ottoman and the threatening black man’s boots. I found myself sinking to my knees in front of him and began untying the lace on his right boot. When I got the laces loose enough I pulled the boot from his massive foot which was easily a size thirteen. The odor that assaulted me was overwhelming. It brought tears to my eyes and I had to fight not to gag. This amused my tormentor and he smiled for the first time today. I made quick work of the other boot and was soon just kneeling there in front of this big man’s stockinged feet becoming lightheaded from the smell.

Jake finished his beer and ordered me to get him another which I gladly did to get away from the smell of his feet. I handed him the beer and made to leave before he barked out, “Where do you think you’re going boy”?

I stuttered out some sounds that might have been words as tears of fear filled my eyes. Jake stood up and walked over to me grabbing both of my arms in his huge hands. He pulled me close to him and the smell of his body odor was worse than his feet. I could smell the beer on his breath as he said, “I’m not done with you yet boy. I had you pegged right away as a weak ass punk and I love nothing more than using a weak ass punk. Now you might be thinking of leaving or maybe of fighting back here but let me assure you that’s not going to work. Unless you want a serious ass beating you better come to grips with the idea that you will continue to do as I say. You understand me boy?”

I heard every word but none of it made any sense. What the hell was he talking about? What did he mean by “using” me? I was trembling when I said, “Let me go”. Jake squeezed my arms harder and pulled his face to within an inch of mine. His threatening look and the pain in my arms took away any resistance I may have once felt. I was so scared that I lowered my eyes and felt a single tear roll down my cheek. Jake saw the will leave me and knew he had beaten me without ever throwing a punch. He said, “Do we understand each other boy”?

I weakly replied, “Yes” before he shook me hard and said, “What was that”?

I understood immediately what he wanted and with a sniff of submission I said, “Yes sir”. Jake released my arms and I thought of running right away but fear kept me in my place. Fear of a beating from this brute of a man.

Jake took a step back and told me to undress him. I was in shock. I honestly could not believe what he’d said. He continued by telling me he needed a shower and that I was going to “help” him.

Jake told me to remove his shirt first and god help me I obeyed out of absolute fear. As I pulled his shirt over his head the stench from his hairy pits assailed me like a slap in the face. This time I did gag and Jake laughed at my discomfort. He then ordered me to remove his pants which I did quickly with shaking hands sliding them over his feet one at a time like some servant of old. I was now on my knees again and Jake lifted his right foot up to my face and wiggled his toes to let me know his sock needed removing. I pulled off each sock and felt the slimy dampness of sweat soaking into my skin. Jake now stood there in front of me in nothing but his underwear which consisted of a pair of dirty tighty whities. I couldn’t move. I was frozen in place staring at the significant bulge in the stained underwear praying that my nightmare was over.

I could not have been more wrong. Jake said, “You know what to do now boy”. And I reached up with hands shaking so badly that I could barely control them to grasp the worn elastic band that was struggling to keep his underwear in place. I slowly pulled them down and his huge, semi erect cock sprang out almost hitting me in the face. I was stunned at the size of it. Even half hard it was twice the size of my own penis when erect. The odor from his crotch put all other body smells to shame and I could almost see waves of stink rolling off of his cock and balls. His balls were so big I thought of billiard balls right away. They were huge hanging globes that hinted at the strength of the man before me.

I sat there on my knees staring at his impressive organ lost in the sheer horror of the moment before Jake said, “Now listen closely boy. I’m not going to spend a lot of time teaching you this very important lesson so you better get it the first time. You are going to suck that cock and lick all the sweat from those balls. You hear me boy”?

I began to sob then and wanted nothing more than to get up and run home to the safety of my wife and my house. I wanted to but I just couldn’t move. I knelt there staring at his cock and praying he was joking. It was then that Jake slapped my face. Hard. I rocked back on my haunches and cried out in pain and humiliation. Jake grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my head back so that I was forced to look him in the eye. His threatening demeanor scared the hell out of me and the shock of the slap let me know how serious my situation was.

Jake then told me that he had spent five years in prison and had developed a taste for white boys. He said a white boy will always work harder than a woman to please a real man. He said the only real men were black men and I was about to learn that lesson well.

Before I could react at all Jake pulled my face into his crotch and began wiping his sweaty cock and balls all over it. He kept this up for a full two minutes before I felt his cock begin to harden. He then pulled me back a bit and told me to give his cock head a kiss.

Tears were streaming down my face now and I began to beg him to let me go. The second slap was harder than the first and with it all of my resistance was gone for good. I leaned forward and softly touched my lips to the head of his cock. The skin was smooth as silk and left a bitter salty taste on my lips. But Jake wanted more. He commanded me to kiss it like I meant it and I leaned back in and began kissing his cockhead like I was in love with it.

The big black man laughed and released my hair knowing I would be good from now on. I continued to kiss his cock and he told me to move to his balls. Without hesitation I moved lower and planted kisses on his huge sack the hair tickling my lips. The next command was expected by still hard to hear. Jake told me to use my tongue and clean the sweat from his balls. I began lapping at his balls like a dog tasting every inch of them. The taste was worse than the smell both bitter and salty. They tasted the way I assumed piss to taste. I knew better than to stop so I licked his balls like my life depended on it. He told me to take them in my mouth and suck them clean but I couldn’t possibly fit them both at the same time so I sucked in first his right nut and began lavishing it with my tongue my mouth filling with saliva.

When he felt the right one was clean he had me move on to the left with a contented sigh. After cleaning both of the black man’s balls with my mouth I sat back again staring at the now fully erect cock of my tormentor. I’ve seen cocks like his in porn but never imagined them to be real. It was so big I couldn’t believe it had ever fit in his pants. The weight of his enormous cock pulled it down so it hung between his legs like a baseball bat. It had to be at least eleven inches long and looked like something out of a fantasy story.

Jake told me to take hold of his cock and start sucking. I gripped the massive tool in my right hand to find that my fingers barely touched around its girth. I was terrified but fear drove me forward and I took the huge head into my mouth. It stretched my lips to the limit and brought fresh tears to my eyes. I fit as much of the big, black, cock into my mouth as I could and began sucking while running my tongue over the head. I was tasting a salty discharge filling my mouth and was amazed at the amount of precum this man produced. I was forced to swallow continually to keep up with it. Jake soon became bored with my lack of skill and grabbed both sides of my head to pull me further onto his cock. I choked immediately but that didn’t stop the black thug. He began pulling my head back and forth fucking my mouth with a savagery I couldn’t comprehend. The huge cock was hitting the back of my throat and each thrust cut off my air supply leaving me light headed.

Drool and precum were running down my chin and soaking into my shirt as the giant cock thrust in and out of my mouth. I was making sounds like a porn star moaning involuntarily at the invasion. My moans apparently delighted Jake as he began to thrust faster and faster, his cock moving further into my throat with each push forward. It suddenly felt as though some barrier was broken when Jakes cockhead punched into my esophagus and I felt my throat bulging out from its girth. Before I knew it I felt my nose press into Jake’s stomach and I realized with horror that his entire cock was now buried in my throat. He had taken that monster balls deep into my face and held me there for several seconds laughing at his accomplishment.

He said, “I knew you was a good bitch the minute I saw you. Damn boy, you the first white bitch to ever take me deep”.

Imagine my pride. I was fighting for air and grabbing at his thick thighs trying to push off the invading cock but Jake would have none of that. He held me tight for a few seconds more then pulled his cock all the way out of my mouth and throat. I gasped for air and choked, feeling my throat rubbed raw. I barely had time to catch a breath before the massive cock was back in my mouth and Jake was fucking my face with a renewed fervor. He was now thrusting his cock all the way down my throat then taking it back out again so the head rested between my lips over and over. The hard, forceful face fucking was taking its toll on my throat causing my no small amount of pain. The pain, humiliation, and fear were overwhelming and I felt I might pass out. How long has this been going on I thought? It felt like hours but I would later learn it was forty minutes of continued fucking before Jake finally unloaded.

Jake quickened his pace thrusting into my unwilling mouth over and again moving faster with each push forward. My nose was slamming into him with such force I was afraid it would break. The pain in my jaw and throat was reaching an intolerable pitch as I finally heard his breathing become labored and he began to moan loudly. With one final angry thrust Jake shouted out an unintelligible roar and I felt his hot thick cum shooting down my throat. He pulled back just enough to lay the head of his cock on my tongue and I felt him shoot six more times filling my mouth with hot, bitter cum.

As the last shot fired onto my tongue Jake warned me to swallow everything. He said it was the greatest gift a black man could give to his sissy cocksucker. With tears streaming down my face I swallowed a full mouth of the foul liquid tasting every bit of it as it slimed its way down my gullet.

Jake left his cock head in my mouth and ordered me to suck it clean. I licked and sucked the now softening head cleaning off every trace of the salty discharge. I then fell back and sat on my feet exhausted and ashamed but I soon found out my torture was far from over.

Jake grabbed my hair and pulled me to my feet. “Now, about that shower” he said. He dragged me by the hair to his bathroom and ordered me to strip naked while he set about turning on the shower and testing the water.

I moved slowly and painfully but soon had myself naked before the man who had abused me so relentlessly. Jake looked me up and down and began laughing cruelly at my body. “What the fuck is that thing?” He asked pointing at my penis. “That’s no bigger than a clit boy. You are hung like a child. Shit, it’s no wonder you’re so easy to control. Look at those tiny nuts. You can’t possibly produce testosterone from those little things. You’re mostly a woman aren’t you boy”?

I sniffed back tears and said, “Yes sir” before hanging my head.

Jake told me I was going to wash him prison style. I was horrified by what that implied but I kept my mouth shut and waited for my next command. Jake said, “Start with my feet while the water warms up”. I reached for a wash cloth but Jake slapped my hand and said, “Bitches use their tongues, now get started”.

So I knelt down before this brute of a man just outside of the shower where the water could have helped enormously and began licking his disgusting feet clean. The smell and taste were horrible but nothing compared to the face fucking I had endured so I did my job with efficiency and care taking each of his toes into my mouth and sucking them clean before moving on to lap at the disgusting, hard, callused soles of the big man’s feet. I labored on each foot with care fearing another slap until Jake declared them clean.

“Now the pits” he said with a smile lifting his right arm. I should have been surprised but felt nothing could shock me further. I moved up and pressed my face into the stinking confines of this disgusting black man’s armpit licking up and down getting the entire surface clean of the day’s sweat and stink. After finishing both pits I thought finally he would get in the shower but I was wrong once again.

The big man leaned over the toilet holding himself up with his hands on the tank and said, “Now it’s time to clean down town”.

Shock doesn’t even begin to describe how I felt. Shock is too small a word. Horror comes close. But resigned to my fate I knelt down behind this horrible man and reached up to grasp his ass cheeks in my hands. I was trembling all over as I pried his meaty ass apart and caught my first whiff of hell. The odor of sweat was masked by an earthy scent that could only be one thing. The stale lingering scent of musky ass crack was threatening to bring up my lunch. Fearing retribution I leaned in and tentatively took a swipe of his filthy crack with the tip of my tongue. It was awful. I was certain I would vomit but again fear drove me forward and I began to lavish his ass with my tongue. I took long swipes up the entire crack tasting a foulness I can’t even describe. My head was spinning and my mouth was filling with spit to combat the overwhelming taste of ass. When I thought it was clean enough I started to back away but Jake warned, “Inside and out boy”.

With a hurt sob I moved my face deep into his huge hairy ass and was soon completely engulfed by it. I probed his hole with my tongue and felt the sphincter give way allowing me to shove my tongue in as far as I could. Here I was a married man just across the street from my home and my wife with my face buried in a black man’s ass licking his filthy asshole. Jake told me to make out with his ass like I was kissing my wife and I obeyed without question. I kissed and licked at his nasty hole and when he told me to make some noise I complied. I was now moaning and slurping, kissing at his asshole like I was making out with Beth. At Jake’s command I attacked his hole like a love starved teenager making out in the backseat of his car. And then it happened. He farted. Right into my open mouth Jake farted. He laughed so hard his entire body shook. I tried to pull away but he reached back and pushed my face back into his ass so I breathed in the entire nasty fart tasting it deep in my lungs. I was finished. I was crushed. I was owned.

Laughing, Jake pushed me away and without a word climbed into the shower. He pulled the curtain closed and began washing himself. I sat there on my knees for several minutes not sure what to do next. After a while I realized Jake was ignoring me so I got up and began to dress.

Jake spoke then from the shower. “You’ll be back here tomorrow boy if you know what’s good for you. I think we both know you are my bitch now. I own your ass. From now on you do what I tell you, when I tell you. You got that boy”?

I stuttered out, “yes sir” and turned to go.

“Master” Jake said. “You call me Master from now on”. I hung my head and said, “Yes Master”, before leaving the bathroom and making my way home. I couldn’t even look at Beth telling her I was exhausted from all the heavy lifting and just wanted to go to bed. I took the longest shower of my life scrubbing every inch of myself. I brushed my teeth three times. I sat on the toilet and cried for twenty minutes then went in to the bedroom and climbed into bed with my wife. I turned away from her and lay awake all night listening to her breathing and wondering what had happened to my life.