Joel sat on a barstool at what used to be his local pub cradling a half-filled glass of single malt in his hand. He fancied himself as a bit of a connoisseur of Whiskey and it felt good although a little strange to be back in the place that held many happy memories. For sure, there had been times when things hadn't been so good and those events were what had led to divorce but he put those bad memories aside and mused instead on his situation of being a company rep whose job had by chance bought him back in the town where he had previously lived. He looked around and it almost felt as if he had never been away, everything seemed so familiar, just as it was before he was 'forced', in his opinion, to move away to make a new life for himself.

He also held a lingering hope that as the pub had promoted this mid-week evening as 'singles night' maybe someone of the opposite sex might take notice of him, a middle-age man, sitting there on his own. It hadn't happened yet but 'one never knew if you didn't try' was his way of thinking. As he nursed his drink and this hollow hope he also thought and reflected on the circumstances that had bought him there; it was something he often thought about.

Joel had been married (happily, he had considered) to the beautiful Helena; her, with the brunette hair brushing her shoulders and the neatly trimmed hair fringing her pussy; her, who every other man wanted to get to know and was envious of Joel that he had got there first.

At the time leading up to their parting they were both in their mid-30s and, for sure, as much as he adored her, he also recognised she might have her faults. By the same token, she had no hesitation in pointing out that he had a few of his own, not least of which he had let himself go and was no longer the fit young sportsman she had met and married but had over the years gained a beer-belly and lost his most of his hair, but for the first few years, for all their differences, they got along fine and he considered himself a lucky man to have such a feisty wife.

He took another sip of his whiskey and recalled that fateful night when life turned around and things had really gone horribly wrong.

It should have been all so different … but it wasn't. The break-up began and had all come about when he had thought to give them both a treat of celebrating their wedding anniversary by going away to a seaside resort and having a 'romantic' weekend; to smooth over a recent particularly rough patch they had been having in their relationship. He felt that he had done all the right things in making the booking and the fact that the boutique hotel had advertised itself as a perfect venue for 'honeymooners' should have clinched the deal. How wrong could he have been?

He reflected on the rows that they had been having and admitted to himself that maybe he shouldn't have been so critical of the way she dressed and acted. He wondered if he had just accepted that her gentle flirting with other men whenever they were in company was really just harmless fun, nothing more, then things maybe wouldn't have gone so wrong.

However, there was the other thing that she did, that of making fun of him of the times when he couldn't get a proper erection and she would call him 'useless' before masturbating herself to the orgasm he couldn't give her. That really hurt but his pride wouldn't allow him to admit that her jesting had hit a nerve and the name-calling with him calling her 'a slut' had just added flames to the fire.

"Ready for another?"

He came out of his daydreaming and saw with some surprise that his glass had somehow become empty and the blonde barmaid was standing in front of him asking if he wanted a refill.

"Oh, yeah," he stammered, "same again, thanks."

She took his glass and he looked her up and down from the short hair on her neck down to the pleasant sight of her backside as she stretched to reach the row of optics to carefully measure out the precious single malt. To his eyes she looked most attractive and just a little familiar and he guessed she had probably worked behind the bar when he used to visit this pub back in the 'old days'. He put that thought aside as he focussed on and appreciated the evidence of the pantie-line under the tight skirt she was wearing and wondered if it was sensible knickers or some exotic lingerie that was covering her pussy.

She put the glass in front of him, took his money and, giving him a wink, turned her attention to waiting customers at the other end of the bar, leaving him once more to his thoughts which were now coloured by the flirty gesture of the barmaid's wink and the evidence of her pantie-line. It was this thought of women's underwear that took his mind straight back to that nice boutique hotel where he and Helena had stayed; he considered that it was lingerie that had prompted the break-up. Maybe it had been a mistake to have encouraged her to wear it.

He took a sip from the refilled glass and continued with his self-analysis and concluded that maybe he had been a little hypocritical in his way of thinking. While he didn't care for his wife flirting and sometimes appearing like a slut in company he did hold a fantasy of her being dressed provocatively and acting in this manner. He had often thought of her being wearing such women's underwear, especially when it was just them being on their own.

It was with this fantasy in mind that in anticipation of the anniversary weekend, he had bought as a surprise present a complete set of matching lingerie for her to wear. He smiled to himself as he recalled the embarrassing experience of going to the ladies' boutique that specialised in that sort of thing but the assistant had been very helpful and he had been grateful that she had suppressed her amusement and had anticipated the sort of things he was looking for. She gave the impression that she had dealt with similar customers as himself in the past and he wondered if they, like him, were looking to purchase something that would cure a dysfunction and give a boost to his sex life. The young lady was certainly perceptive and he really appreciated her help selecting the provocative garments. He recalled his feelings of anticipation as he looked on at her beautifully manicured hands as she fondled, folded the lingerie and packed them into the designer gift wrapping.

Helena seemed more amused than grateful when she unwrapped the package with its reams of tissue paper hiding the contents of the box. She pulled out the corset (the woman in the shop had called it a bustier) and held it up to examine the black, silky garment with the half-cup bra and the suspender ribbons dangling down; she smiled when she discovered the packet with the black nylons; she suppressed a laugh when at the bottom of the box she found a pair of crotchless panties, fringed with delicate lace and, just like the other pieces of the 'set', black. He hadn't been so bold as to buy her shoes to go with the outfit for he knew she favoured black high-heels that she would have packed herself regardless. His assumption had been correct.

He had been relieved to see her positive reactions as she pulled out the sexy clothing; he had been nervous that she may have taken exception to his gesture and used it to have another snipe at him about his 'poor taste'. As she examined each piece he had harboured hopes that his fantasy was about to come true and that to see her dressed in this outfit would cure his embarrassing erectile dysfunction. She thanked him for his thoughtful anniversary gift and apologised, somewhat sarcastically, that she hadn't given as much thought as him to buying such a 'useful present'.

He had responded that it would be a gift enough to see her wearing the outfit and admitted to long having held a fantasy of seeing her dressed so.

She had bristled a little at hearing this saying something to the effect of, "… don't you think I'm good enough for you then?"

He assured her that she was and the banter back-and-forth ceased when she picked up the package and disappeared into the bathroom to change leaving Joel laying on the bed waiting for her return.

She reappeared dressed just like the vision he had long held and his cock reacted admirably to the sight as she played out (somewhat half-heartedly, he thought) the part of being a slut 'just for him'. She stood alongside the bed and gave a slow twirl and his now stiff cock gave twitch as she ******* her charms to him. He admired the swell of her breasts held so prettily in the half-cup bra of the bustier, her nipples peeking over the lace-trimmed edge; he loved the look of her bum cheeks and the satin straps of the suspenders that held the black nylons on her shapely legs; he caught his breath as she completed turning around and he could see the true effect of the black panties with the intriguing gap that subtly ******* the pink lips of her pussy.

She smiled to see the effect her performance was having on him and although she wouldn't have admitted it to him, wearing this 'slut outfit' did have a certain appeal and it gave her a feeling of being empowered, of being in control and being able to have a man do her bidding. She looked on him laying on the bed, holding his stiff throbbing cock which was dribbling pre-cum onto his beer-belly and she met his expectations by climbing onto the bed and laying alongside him and spreading her legs which caused the panties to gape wider she said, "Come on then, big boy, you can fuck me now .."

Joel needed no further encouragement and he straightaway turned onto his knees and positioned himself between hers. He looked down at her pussy so delightfully fringed with black lace and aligned his cock between the pink puffy lips which were glistening with her juices.

She purred that he felt so big but he didn't hear, he was too intent on making sure he was positioned correctly; he needn't have worried for she was so wet that he had no trouble sliding straight in. With one stroke he felt his balls rub against the silken material of the lingerie he had bought her; with the second stroke he felt his climax welling up; on the third stroke he shot his load deep inside her. There was no fourth stroke, he held fast and as his orgasm subsided he felt his cock give that familiar sensation of going limp.

Helena was furious. Just as she was looking forward to being properly fucked, once again, her limp-dicked husband had let himself down. She pushed him off her and the look on her face said it all.

It was not a good look and Joel recognised that his plans for a weekend of seduction and making love and reconnecting with his wife may not be working out as well as he had anticipated. He was not wrong, Helena began the often-heard accusations of him being useless in bed and how she would appreciate 'just for once' enjoy having a real man pleasure her rather than a one-shot loser like himself.

That accusation never failed to hurt and Joel searched his vocabulary to find something about her that he could counter with .. but failed. He tried apologising but that ploy didn't help matters … it never did. He suggested that they tried again later, after dinner, but that proposition seemed to anger her further and the discussion sank into a bad tempered exchange which to him didn't make a lot of sense.

Finally, Helena suggested that they just forget all about it and go and have dinner at the nearby restaurant where she had made a reservation.

His reaction to that idea was his second mistake of the evening. He sulkily told her he didn't want to go out with her if she was going to be in 'that kind of mood' and that they should stay in and try to patch things up.

She stood there, clad in the 'slut outfit' now stained with his cum, and coldly told him, "Suit yourself, stay here. I'm hungry, I'm going out."

With that she pulled out a dress from the wardrobe, fixed her make-up, primped her hair and was gone leaving him to sulk alone.

He had thought at the time that she couldn't be serious and that maybe she was just going out to grab a bite and then, hunger satisfied, would return and do as he suggested, 'patch things up'. It was not to be and as the hours passed his irritation intensified although at the same time he had to admit that he was becoming concerned at her prolonged absence.

It had gone 11 o'clock when he heard her stumbling footsteps outside the door and, even more disturbing, the sound of a giggling conversation. Clearly, she was not alone. His deduction was proven correct when after hearing a few failed attempts at finding the keyhole the door swung open and there stood Helena, a little dishevelled, a little tipsy, with two older black men holding her arms giving her support.

"Hello Joel, got over your little tantrum yet?" she slurred, "Say hi to our new friends … meet Chas and …," she paused, ".. I've forgotten your name …. they've been keeping me company at dinner …. they know how to give a girl a good time."

Chas and the unnamed guy guided her through the door and as they came into the light of the room Joel could see just how big they were, disturbingly, both far bigger than he.

They released their hold on her and she tottered over to the chair where he was sitting and gave him a gin-tinged kiss and said, "The restaurant wanted to close up and we hadn't finished having fun so I told my new friends they could come back here and we'd all have a jolly time together to round off the evening. What do you say, my little Hubby?"

Joel said nothing but realising that these 'friends' she had bought back to their room might cause trouble if he made too much of an objection decided that discretion might prove a better option than valour. Under their aggressive black stares he said, "Uh, OK, I guess a nightcap before we say goodnight is not such a bad idea …"

This mild comment caused a snort from Chas, "Fuck Dat, man, we ain't goin' no place, we're here for de' night. Forget no nightcap, your ol' lady tol' us she needs the company of some real men."

Joel's expression froze along with a chilly feeling that gripped him somewhere inside. His sense of foreboding wasn't helped when Helena joined in the conversation, the tone in her voice changing back to the snarky manner of her earlier leaving, "Yeah, shut up, Joel. Be nice and get our friends something to drink. They, we've, got something to show you, so don't be so rude."

With a vague wave she turned and gestured to them to the bed telling them to settle themselves down before declaring that she needed to pee and disappeared into the bathroom.

The only drink Joel had to offer was the precious bottle of Single Malt Whiskey that he had bought along to add to what he hoped was going to be a memorable weekend of celebration. He blanched at the thought that it was going to be wasted on these two black thugs but, given their attitude he also suspected that to deny them would invite further trouble.

He reluctantly poured out a meagre amount of the beautiful amber beverage into the glasses on the nightstand and hoped that they didn't share a liking for his choice of drink. He needn't have been worried for at the same time as he passed the glasses over Helena reappeared.

The drink was forgotten as they all took in the sight of her standing in the bathroom doorway holding her little black dress in one hand and her stiletto heeled shoes by the straps in the other giving them the treat of seeing her dressed only in the lingerie that had been intended for just Joel's eyes only.

Joel was horrified … even more so when she said, "Well, what do you think boys, is this enough to keep you hard?" She gave another giggle, "… it certainly didn't seem to have worked on him. Come on, what do you think, wanna show him what a real man would do .." She giggled once more and came over to the bed where the two blacks had settled themselves.

Joel, open-mouthed, watched as she climbed onto the bed and slotted herself between them. All three gave a smirk in his direction and, for the first time in his life, Joel didn't know what to do. He did the only thing that came to mind, he slumped back into his chair.

At first he couldn't see anything as they both leaned across to give her kisses and their bulk blocked his view; that is, until Chas rolled back and pulled his shirt off. His skin was a deep African black and his muscles were extremely well defined. Joel, his senses returning after his initial shock, figured that although the guy must have been at least 10 years older than him, his physique put Joel's podgy body to shame.

He had no time to make any further comparisons for at Helena's bidding the other guy, equally fit-looking, slipped off the bed and dropped the sweat pants he was wearing around his ankles. She looked back toward Joel before leaning across the bed to obscure his view preventing him making any further comparisons but he had no problem guessing what she was looking at as her head began bobbing before the black man's crotch.

"Yeah, why doncha go take a look, white boy," said Chas who was likewise unbuckling his belt, ".. go take a closer look and see what your old lady has been missing."

Joel eased himself from the chair and fearful of what he might see crept around the bed and gasped at the sight before his eyes. Helena had her jaws stretched wide around the darkest black cock he could have ever imagined. She caught sight of him as he approached and she pulled back gasping for breath and allowed Joel to get the full view of the monster that had been in her mouth. He didn't need a tape measure to check that it was at least twice as long as his own meagre 6 inches and it was also the ugliest thing Joel had ever seen.

The black man was uncircumcised and the thick wrinkly foreskin covered an oversized cock head. The head seemed to be trying to push itself out of the sheath of skin as the black man grinned down at Helena who had grasped and pulled the skin taunt. Joel felt sick to the stomach as the huge cockhead emerged completely from the foreskin. It was both the size and colour of a large dark plum and having the foreskin pulled tight made the massive black cock look completely different. It went from being an ugly wrinkled log to a magnificent steel hard phallus; Helena couldn't take her eyes off it and neither could Joel. She looked both fascinated and horrified at what had been revealed; Joel shared the same emotions ... but for different reasons.

"My God, Helena, what are you doing, are you crazy?" said Joel.

Helena finally turned her head and still holding onto the magnificent shaft looked at her husband, the cock still rubbing along her cheek, nose, and lips, leaving a slimy trail of pre-cum that was already oozing from the obscene fat knob.

"Do you see this?" she asked. Joel nodded and she embarrassed him by slurring, ".. it's more than twice as big as yours."

Both black men chuckled to see the reactions that the sight of their cocks was having, "Yeah, white boy, dis is a real cock."

Helena joined in the laughter when Chas said, "Yeah, look and learn," a remark which was stilled when she was told, "Carry on sucking, I ain't got all night and when I come just swallow what you can … you can jerk off the rest ... I cum quicker too if you play with my balls."

Helena took the fully engorged cockhead back in her mouth and resumed her attempts at sucking. She bobbed her head as rapidly as she could. Joel watched, transfixed, as four or five inches of the monster slid fairly easily into her mouth. She had her hand stroking the remaining shaft which began sliding faster as saliva leaked from her lips helping to coat the shaft. Joel saw her other hand come up to knead the swinging testicles; they complimented the size of the cock very well, each individual hairy ball looked bigger than a golf ball, larger than Joel's entire scrotum, he thought. The testicles were excessively hairy and the wrinkly black skin matched his foreskin.

"That's it," he groaned as Helena's cheeks bulged with each thrust, "Are you watching white boy? I think she's loving sucking on this big ol' black cock."

Joel could not believe what he was seeing. He made a move toward her to intervene but Chas caught his arm and pulled him back toward the chair. "I tol' you to watch and learn. Ain't nuttin' going on that your ol' lady didn't ask for so get yo' ass back dere and enjoy the ride," he growled.

It was said with such menace and, feeling the pain in his arm from the squeeze Chas had applied, Joel took this as being good advice and maybe the best option. He slumped back in the seat and looked on glumly.

Helena let out a little cry, but didn't stop bobbing her head.

"Getting close," he growled.

Helena pulled her mouth off, but her hand never quit stroking the shaft. "Warn me before you cum," she said before returning her lips to his cockhead. Before she swallowed it, Joel noticed that the foreskin had completely receded and the big tip looked even more engorged then before.

"It ain't a proper blowjob unless you swallow ..." and he pulled her head down and Helena's eyes flew wide open.

Helena was in no position to concur but her head continued bobbing it which indicated that he was most probably correct in his assertion. As she continued sucking he said, "I bet your pussy's soaked right now. I bet your wondering what something like this would feel like buried in your tight white pussy."

Helena chose not answer but showed her agreement by giving his balls a squeeze which caused him to react, "Ugh, squeeze my nuts like that again bitch and you'll find your lips kissing my pubes … Ah, I'm gonna cum soon … ugh, I can feel it coming … yeah, here it comes … you can thank me when I'm done."

She made a gurgling sound just as milky white sperm shot out the sides of her mouth. Joel could see her gulp several times and felt jealous knowing she had never allowed him to do this to her and that this was the first sperm she had ever tasted.

To the sound of her laughter she gave a finally squeeze to her assailant's hairy balls and for him with a groan to pull out that monstrous cock and spurt jet after jet of thick spunk into her still open mouth and onto her face. She surprised Joel by leaning forwards and putting her lips back around the tip and gulped a few more times. Her hand was now only stroking forwards on the shaft like it was milking it for sperm. Helena finally pulled back, staring in amazement at the still engorged shaft before her eyes. She released it and the dark foreskin slowly closed up around the shrinking cock head. It looked like a snake sliding backwards into a hole.

Helena continued to fondle his balls until the spurts ebbed to a dribble and taking a final swallow, she finally spoke, "Ummm, yummy. Did you see that Joel; did you see what a real man can do?"

Joel didn't answer, he just found the whole situation surreal. His beautiful young wife was kneeling before a black man older than her father and someone Joel felt probably belonged in a prison. She was sucking on an ugly black cock so prodigious, it was more than twice as big as his own, while another black man who could have old enough to be her grandfather had pretty much just assaulted and threatened him. He did the only thing that he could safely do, he picked up his glass of whiskey and sat back.

Chas, satisfied that Joel would give him no further trouble, turned his attention back to Helena and unbuckling his belt he dropped his trousers to reveal bulging boxer shorts.

"Oh my, whatever are you doing?" asked Helena with a jokey coy little-girl accent, still on her knees her face and chest coated with cum.

"Yeah, right, as if you couldn't guess; my turn, I gotta have some of dat, now you gotta jerk me off."

He pushed down his boxers to reveal another huge cock. His monster was dark brown, also uncircumcised and the shaft probably close to a foot long, the thick root jutting out from a heavy bush of grey pubic hair. Chas spit into his hand and started sliding it along the shaft giving Joel the spectacle of another black man jerking his equally huge cock off in their bedroom.

Chas gave a final glance to check that Joel had obeyed his instructions and then moved over and took his friend's place. Helena looked to see that she still had Joel's attention before turning her own focus on the black cock that was now in front of her face.

And so the verbal humiliation of Joel began. Helena didn't contribute to the banter, she had been bought up not to speak with her mouth full, but from the noises that she was able to make there was no doubting she was in agreement with what was being said by the two men who were having their cocks fondled and sucked by her.

"See dat, white boy? See how your wife is enjoying being wit real men?" said one.

"Why doncha git ya own dick out and ya can see what we is sayin'?" sniggered the other.

"Look at her suckin' like a bitch in heat. Bet she ain't done dat to you. Ya ain't got nuttin worth wasting time on …"

Helena greeted that remark with a snort that conveyed that Chas was correct in his assessment and she redoubled her efforts. The snort was quickly overcome by her gagging as Chas thrust his fat cock further down her throat and then for the gagging to be replaced by her spluttering as he pulled out and obligingly reacted to her sucking and stroking by shooting a stream of thick white sperm into her open mouth. She gratefully accepted the gift and felt fulfilled; Joel looked on and felt defeated.

"Dis your first white girl?" Chas asked his friend.

The friend who was helping Helena to her feet looked at Chas said, "Naw, but she's the first one I didn't have to pay."

"Yeah, cheapest whore I've ever bin wit," he bantered back, "let's see if she worth the money we ain't paid!"

Helena giggled in response and clambered onto the bed once more. She certainly was feeling like she was the 'cheap whore' that they were joking about and the feeling was good. Determined to play the part she lay back and spread her legs she said, "Come on then, who wants to be first?" quickly adding with a glance at Joel who was still fixed to his chair, ".. but I'm not talking to you!"

The two naked black men joined in her laughter as the anonymous one knelt alongside the bed and began to kiss her tits which had spilled out of the bustier which had somehow become unfastened. Chas came around to the end of the bed and half climbed between her spread thighs and without pausing dipped his head and (Joel, due to the position of his seat and having his vision impaired by Chas's bulk could only imagine) began to nuzzle and lick at Helena's sweet pussy. Helena squealed with pleasure at the attention whilst Joel could only sink back into his chair and into a deeper depression at witnessing her reaction.

His depression didn't improve when he heard a new sound from his wife, the squealing had changed into a low moaning that increased in volume the longer that Chas's head moved up and down between her legs; Helena was clearly was having an orgasm caused by the attention of his probing tongue on and around her clit. Joel could only imagine this was the cause for the black head obscured his view entirely but there was no doubting that Helena was being bought to a pitch that he, her husband, had never before been able (or allowed) to do. He had never before heard her make such a noise and he knew the reason why.

As her sobbing cries of pleasure subsided he had little time to ponder on this thought for Chas, satisfied that he had given his 'date' her first climax of the evening moved to give her a second. He lifted his head smeared with her juices and once again took time to give Joel a glance before moving up onto the bed and positioning himself to kneel between her still out-stretched thighs. At last Joel could properly see his wife's open and very wet pussy still framed by the black panties but he wasn't able to take in the view for long before the stiff black cock and hanging balls of Chas once more denied him the sight.

Joel didn't quite know what to do with himself. Already he had been threatened with violence when he had tried to intervene; already Helena had made it clear that she was a willing party to being gang-banged by these two 'thugs'; already he felt thoroughly deflated and humiliated at seeing her reactions and the fact that these two guys had bigger cocks which despite having already cum were still stiffly erect. He did the only thing that he could do, he clasped his whiskey glass tightly and closed his eyes in an attempt to deny himself the reality that she preferred their company to his.

"Do you want to have another?"

Joel opened his eyes and with a jerk bought his head back to the present and the blonde barmaid facing him behind the bar.

"Uh, erm, I'm sorry, what did you say, I was miles way, thinking about something else," he stammered.

"Yes, you certainly looked like you were concentrating on something other than the empty glass in your hand. I said, did you want another? It's time for last orders, we're closing in 5 minutes."

"Erm, OK, thanks, maybe just a single," he said. She obliged him by taking the glass and once more he appreciated the sight of her rear as she reached up to pour the measure. She returned with the recharged glass, took his money and once more gave him a wink and a smile.

He picked up the glass and watched her walk back to other two remaining customers at the other end of the bar. The lighting was subdued but he could see that they were dark-skinned and with his vision a little affected by the number of drinks that he had consumed over the past couple of hours, he thought they looked to be an awful lot like the two black guys who had humiliated him that night of bad memories. It wasn't too difficult to place them back inside his reminiscences and as he sipped at his drink in his mind he could almost see these two to be fucking his wife as he sat impotently on his chair.

And fuck them they did, for what seemed like hours; there seemed to be no letting up as one after the other they changed places to thrust their ever-erect cocks into her cunt; her mouth and then, eventually, they satisfied themselves by having Helena's virgin arse. What was even more humiliating was her encouraging them to use her so and for her evident pleasure in being abused was accompanied by her snide reminders to him that he was incapable of doing the same.

Joel had cringed when he saw what they intended to do but then, to his shame, he found himself getting aroused at the sight of his wife being treated like some cheap whore or pornstar. His degradation was made even worse when Chas who had been taking time out through the night to take pictures tossed the phone to Joel and using threats of violence told him to take video of the three of them sprawled on the bed as Helena with moans of great pleasure was DP'd. Joel knew better than to refuse and with a trembling hand held the phone in one hand while with the other tried to still his own jerking cock. His feeling of shame was complete as he watched the pair of them finally cum deep inside his wife's willing body. He put down the phone and with his hands now free he completed his wank and spurted his own spunk onto the carpet.

He had spent a restless night stuck in that chair and was frequently roused from a fitful sleep by the sounds that emanated from an obliging Helena being fucked by her insatiable 'black friends'. When dawn did finally arrive to properly awake him he was surprised to discover that the friends had gone, leaving the aroma of sex in the air and a well-fucked 'whore' snoring peacefully in the middle of a crumpled bed.

The weekend had not resulted in the reconciliation which Joel had hoped for when he first had the idea of them going away. Indeed, it had revealed things about each other that neither had wished to admit and heralded a complete change in their relationship.

They spent the following day in some kind of embarrassed limbo, neither wishing to comment on the events of the evening before or the fact that both of them had in their own way gained some satisfaction and pleasure from the way the things had worked out. The non-communication wasn't helped by Helena's hangover who, as a self-professed non-drinker, also didn't want to admit that her 'downfall' may have been due to her new-found friends plying her with more drinks than she could remember.

Once they had returned home it was clear that things could never be the same and Helena began to actively seek out and use her considerable charms to often entice 'lovers' to satisfy her urge to be pleasured by cocks that didn't deflate after a few strokes, " … like yours," she continually reminded him. Joel, at the same time, couldn't deny that he had found it arousing to have watched her (albeit, under the threat of violence) and had accepted that maybe he had a fetish about being reminded of his inadequacies.

He sipped his drink and continued to conducted his self-analysis and he felt his cock swelling as he revisited those visions of peeking in the bedroom door when yet another man had been bought home. Helena hadn't bothered with spicing things up by wearing exotic lingerie the like of which he had bought her (indeed, it was never seen again after the disastrous weekend) but then again, he conceded, she didn't need to add to her attraction, she was sexy enough without having to be 'embellished'; in any case she took no time at all to divest herself of any clothing once she got a man home so such expense couldn't be justified, he wryly mused.

However, as much pleasure as he got from standing by the open bedroom door wanking as he watched yet another cock thrust into her welcoming wet pussy, it was situation that couldn't last and they both agreed that divorce was the only sensible option if they were to get on with their lives.

Which is what happened and here, a few years later, he sat wondering what had become of her. They had had a few contacts following the separation, mainly to do with the dividing up of their assets. She had remained in the house that they rented; he had moved away taking advantage of a job offer in another part of the country. It had all been very amicable but he did still hanker after some of those times and wondered if she was still as 'accommodating' with sharing those assets she had retained.

"Time to go, Joel, we're closing"

Once again he was startled out of his thoughts by the barmaid standing in front of him. He looked up in confusion as to how she knew his name, it wasn't as if he had introduced himself when he entered the pub. The look on his face caused her to give that familiar laugh.

"It's me, didn't you recognise me? I noticed you from the moment you walked in. How are you?"

Joel narrowed his eyes and focussed on the familiar features of his ex-wife, "Oh my God, Helena. It's you … you look so different, you've changed your hair … you're dressed different … you look great ," he stammered, "Yeah, I'm good .."

She smiled at seeing his confusion and he felt his heart begin to race as he looked over the familiar features of the woman he had once loved.

"Listen, I really do have to lock up or I'll be in trouble with the law. Uh, why don't you grab your coat and come on back to my place, 'our place'. I have a couple of new friends coming by …" she nodded toward the two black guys at the other end of the bar, "… we can catch up with each other's news."

She made no pretence of what she was really suggesting and added with a giggle, "There's still that bottle of single malt that you never did come by and collect. Come on, it'll be fun. Just like old times."

She left him to go through the routine of locking up and turning off the lights.

The two black guys were already waiting outside when he followed her out of the door. They smirked at him; Joel nodded back and felt his cock swell even more in his pants as he envisaged what the rest of the evening was going to bring.
