I am a white male and my wife is a beautiful curvy black female. Recently she had breast augmentation surgery. She is 5"4' 34D-28-38. All the curves in the right places. Although we had casually and jokingly talked about her having sex with other men she had always laughed it off. She would always joke and say you are all the man I need or you know how to please me.

With her new found curves my wife has gotten even more forward and flirty. Since I am a white male we find black men coming on to her all the time because they think she is alone. After a couple of months of her fending off advances and being highly flattered I thought it may be the right time to bring up the subject again. While we were making love I asked her what she thought about sex with another man. She kind of stiffened up and said are you serious? I said only if it would make her happy. Immediately she became upset and accused me of cheating on her. Needless to say our love making was over. I spent the rest of the night assuring her that I had not cheated on her and had no intentions of cheating. She told me she was very confused as to why I would want her to have sex with someone else and wondered what I would get out of it. I told her it turned me on knowing she would get a great deal of pleasure out of it. There would be no pressure, she could pick the guy. I reminded her how much she loved her big dildo. She laughed and said yeah I always wondered what a real big one would be like. She finally kissed me and said she would think about it.

Right at that moment I decided my wife may need a little nudge to make it happen so I posted a few personal ads on sites like Alt and ultimate cuckold. I posted a couple of fully clothed pictures of my wife in the ad that read secretly seduce my wife. I got quite a response. My secret fantasy was to hook her up with a hung black stud. I screened several responses and finally decided to meet with a black man named Renwick. We met at a local bar near our house. Renwick lives about 10 miles from us in kind of a savory suburb. He seemed like a decent guy and could talk the talk. I told him I needed to see the goods. I followed him to the bathroom and we stood in adjacent stalls. He pulled it out and said will this do the trick. I didn't show in emotion at the time just shook my head but it had to be at least 9" long and it was easily the thickest cock I had ever seen.

We went back to the table and ordered another beer and laid out the ground rules. I told him that he had to use a rubber because my wife was not on the pill. He said normally he gets paid for this type of stuff in stages. I was a little shocked but decided to go along. He told me the rubber would cost me $50. His scale was $100 for kissing fondling and underwear removal. Another $50 if he gets a blow job, and $250 if he takes her cherry. I agreed. I told him that she would be at the MG dance club Friday night with some friends. Also said that he could bring her back to our place because I told my wife I would be out late watching the game with some friends. She would feel safe there. We both agreed to all the terms, shook and left.

When I got home my wife told me that her and Brenda her recently divorced friend were the only ones going out Friday. Brenda wanted to celebrate her divorce. She had a kind of wicked smile and said you never know maybe Brenda and I will pick up some studs and fuck them. I got a funny pit in my stomach and now I was wondering if this was a real good idea. Do I want to go through with it? The next 6 days were agony.

On Friday, My wife dressed in a sexy red miniskirt and a tight fitting black top. She had on black high heels and bright red lipstick. Brenda rolled around at about 8:00. My wife kissed me and said don't wait up. Now I was really nervous. So many thoughts raced through my mind. Would she go through with finding a man? Would Renwick hook up with her? If he did would he ruin her beautiful pussy for me?

I really had no plans and was just going to hide in our closet when she came home, if she was with someone. If not I would just hop in the bed and pretend I was sleeping. Around 11:20 I was surprised to see my wife's car and another car pull up. I was surprised because it was very early. Renwick got out of the drivers side of my wife's car. I ran to the bedroom and jumped in the closet. I could hear talking of three or four men and keys fumbling at the front door. I heard them stumbling up the stairs toward the bedroom. It is funny because I had not heard my wife say anything. I looked out of the closet in shock as two of the men were carrying my wife what had they done to her.

They plopped her on our bed and started pulling her clothes off. I didn't know what to do so I bust out of the closet and yelled what is going on? Two of the black guys grabbed me. Renwick said that is her husband. He said she is fine date **** drug. She wasn't cooperating and I gotta get my money. I yelled you were supposed to seduce her not **** her. Renwick became very very agitated. He said tie the white boy to the bed. Tow of the black guys continued to undress my wife, and the other two tied me to the bed face up under Renwick's direction. They tied me laying face up with my head very near the edge of the bed. Renwick told the other two to get my wife in position. They rolled her over so her pussy was directly on top of my face and her legs hung back over the edge of the bed. One of the black guys pulled out a camcorder and started recording.

Renwick said here is how it is going to go white boy, we are going to fuck your wife and fuck her good. She won't be able to walk for a week. She is positioned so you can get some pleasure too. Her pussy will ooze cum right into your mouth until she wakes up some time tomorrow. And when she does she may have some questions for you. He started to undo his pants. I protested and said what about the rubbers. He talked to the other guys and told them $50 if they use a rubber. They all were shaking there heads no. I pleaded with them. She is not on the pill. They just laughed at me. Then Renwick came up with an idea.

He said hey I'll give you guys the option cum in the bitch or pull out and feed the white boy. He finished undoing his pants and out sprang the monster. At that point I was licking my wife's pussy so she had some lubricant. I did not want her to get torn open. Renwick put the plum shaped cock head at her entrance and I found myself licking her pussy and hitting the bottom of his cock at the same time. He laughed and told the others I think he wants my dick more than her pussy. With that he rammed in about half of his cock which full erect had to be 10 inches. I hear my wife whimper a little. He pulled out and jammed it in again. It went about another inch. He laughed again and said this bitch ain't ever had a black cock. He rammed it in and out about 10 or 15 more times and still was not all the way in. He just kept thrusting and thrusting. I could see her pussy starting to get very wet, she was breathing very hard and whimpering. He kept going for about 30 minutes. He stopped and asked me where I wanted it. I must have had a puzzled look on my face because he said ok and slammed it home again I could feel his balls tense and knew he was shooting his load in her unprotected pussy. I could see his cock spasm again and again, and again, a total of 9 times. He pulled out and the tip of his cock hit my forehead. I thick drop of his goo trickled down into my mouth.

No sooner than he moved out of the way the next man stepped up. All five of them fucked her. All of the others were smaller than Renwick, but not much. Each deposited their loads in her pussy. Once they finished Renwick said I gotta have that tight little twat one more time. He put his cock up to her pussy and rammed it all the way home in one thrust. He stayed there for a second and said now that is a nice feeling pussy. It ain't all tight like a vice grip any more. He started stroking and came again in no time.

He pulled out and they all got dressed. He walked over and said meet me back at the bar on Tuesday with my money. I am figuring $1600. Six fucks, kissing and fondling and underwear removal. I protested. He looked at his boy and said did you get all that on video. He shook his head yes. Renwick said that video may answer some questions for your wife. Meet me at the bar or she gets a copy. One other thing white boy, your wife may need a man size dick again so keep my number handy.

I spent the next 9 hours licking and sucking the cum from my wife's gaping pussy to try and prevent her from getting pregnant. She finally woke up. She rolled off me and went back to sleep.