Part Three


It was after my latest visit to the bookstore and their delightful added attraction of the video booths with the glory holes that my ******* Andrew apologized for, once again, having to go away on a business trip. He said that he would be away for a few days, "… I'm not sure for how long, I've got a big job to do. A financial audit of some company up-state who have been awarded a defense contract. Strange name for a defense business, Brianna something or other ….", his voice trailed off as his attention transferred to the document he was reading.

I'm not sure why he bothered to go into so much detail, I really wasn't too concerned, perhaps he felt he needed to justify leaving me on my own. Anyway, it's not as if we were married (yet!) so I told him the usual, "… stay safe; enjoy yourself, I can always find plenty to occupy myself with when you're away!" However, I did show some interest when he mentioned where he was going as the area was recommended for its vacation potential and I suggested that it might be the perfect place, "… to be having our wedding!"

He looked up but I'm not sure if he recognized the hint (I never knew with Andrew if he took in the half of what I said to him) and the conversation moved onto other things.

It was a couple of days later we said our farewells and off he went on his visit to whatever it was he had to do with 'Brianna something or other' and I gave his visit no more thought; I had other wedding-related things on my mind. I had already decided that if this marriage was going to happen then it was clearly down to me to kick-start making the arrangements and just tell Andrew 'What, When and Where' once I had all the pieces in place.

First item on my wedding planning list was every little girl's dream, the wedding dress. I smiled to think back on the hours I spent back in my teenage years growing up fantasizing about being dressed in some fabulous white great frothy Marshmallow creation, walking down the aisle with my 'Handsome Prince' ….

The thoughts then had been pure day dream stuff and the significance of being dressed in virgin-white had no place in my innocent mind. Now, being a little more fashion-conscious, my sights were set on something a little less grand and I knew just the place to start looking, a Bridal store that was located on the opposite side of the street from 'my' Adult bookstore.

As I made my way to the store it struck me as being kinda amusing that on my previous visit to the area, in a roundabout way, I had already viewed wedding gowns. That time it had been in the video booths when a movie I had viewed from the corner of my eye as I sucked on a black cock was of a woman dressed for a wedding. I hadn't taken much notice of the style of the dress she was wearing as the guy I was sucking took my attention away as he cum in my mouth and that made me miss seeing the girl in the film doing the same. When I looked back at the screen she had already pulled off her sperm giver who had moved out of shot and all I could see was the front of her dress and tits covered in his spunk!

Andrew gave me a call late in the afternoon to say that he had arrived safely and had checked into a nice hotel. He was good like that; always giving me regular calls and updates on his progress and well-being whilst at the same time checking on mine.

I reminded him of my comments about the place he was at as being somewhere to consider for a vacation … and maybe a wedding … and he laughed at what he thought was my sense of humour but I think that the seed may have been planted for he said something like, "I'll take a look around, if I get the time, and let you know."

That was good enough for me and I put the phone down after telling him to have a good first night and to let him know I was fine and that I was going to take some exercise before getting my supper. "Maybe I'll take a walk; do a bit of window-shopping!"

My walk, as I had already planned, took me down my favourite street but rather than making my usual left turn into the bookstore I made a right into the bridal shop. Once through the front door, It was a little weird to be confronted by a display of dazzling white dresses hanging off mannequins rather than the usual garish offerings of an adult bookstore. I think I successfully hid my surprise from the lady who sat at a desk behind a computer screen who looked up when I entered!

She gave a reflex smile of greeting which didn't look entirely sincere but slightly softened the impression she made of her being a bit of a matron. I don't know what I was expecting but, whatever, she wasn't it. She was tall, well built and dressed very formally in a business suit which, to my mind, seemed a little at odds with the femininity of the shop. She asked how she could help which I thought to be a bit of a rhetorical question but I went along with her interest and said that I was looking to purchase a wedding dress. She looked me up and down as if she was viewing a menu and then without responding to me she turned her head and called out, "Antoine, we have a customer. Get yourself out here ….!"

The beaded curtain parted and a neatly dressed black guy appeared, introduced himself as Antoine and seemed to have the required amount of 'gay-ness' about him to be working in a bridal store amongst all this feminine apparel. He greeted me like a long-lost friend and, unlike my feelings toward to his Boss, I instantly felt at ease as he guided me through the curtain which took us into the interior of the store.

It was a strange sight that greeted me for I had the uncanny feeling that in my dreams I had been here before. The large room we stood in was furnished more like a bedroom but without a bed. In place of that was a large padded couch covered in red velvet-like material in front of which was a raised platform which I correctly guessed was for the prospective bride to stand on so that she could display her choice of dress to best effect. Around the room were open built-in wardrobes which held dresses of every shape and design and on one side of the room were mannequins which were dressed in some of the samples on offer. One of the models looked most attractive as it was clad just in white lingerie and stockings and I thought, "Whatever would Andrew think if he saw me dressed like that!"

Antoine sat with me on the couch and listened intently to my thoughts and desires and requirements. He nodded in sympathy to some of my wild ideas before calling out to an unseen assistant, "Craig, can you come here please, we have a lady who needs our assistance in turning her into a Princess."

Antoine gave a smile as Craig, another black man, made his appearance through a door of what I correctly guessed as being a changing room. He joined us and I thought I recognized him as one of the customers I had seen browsing the bookstore racks across the street. He shook my hand and I'm sure that he had a similarly moment of recognition but neither of us mentioned it. The moment passed and soon we were engrossed in my description and explanation of my fantasy wedding gown.

So it was that each time I mentioned a feature or a style or a particular combination of material, lace over silk or satins, Craig would to Antoine's direction go over to the racks around the room, extract a dress and return holding some creation that encompassed the ideas that I had described. They were really was so sweet and patient and it seemed that nothing was too much trouble as I would take the dress and go into the changing room, change into whatever dress they had found and then return to stand on the podium to allow them to give an opinion. They were really good and I felt so comfortable doing this thing.

What was really amusing was their banter as each time I appeared in something different that comments were passed which progressively became more sexual in nature. It started with innocent remarks like, "… how hubby is going to love seeing you in this …" through comments like, " … oh, lucky man, who gets to peel this off you!" to, when they noted that I was joining in the laughter, " … oh my, I must be careful, you're giving me a hard-on just looking at you!"

The last remark from Craig was accompanied by a look from Antoine to see gauge my reaction. I reacted favorably for I had indeed noticed that both of them during the whole dressing/undressing process had been getting progressively excited and it was clear from the bulging of their pants that they weren't as gay as I had thought.

I eventually made my choice when Antoine produced a gorgeous gown with a maxi length satin skirt, an embroidered sequin bodice, delicate lace sleeves and a scalloped neckline showing just the right amount of cleavage. He held it against me and my heart melted.

"Oh, my dear, that looks divine … we'll have to see how a veil will go with that .." His voice trailed off as he continued to fuss around supposedly assessing the suitability of the dress but I suspected he was really focused on looking at my stiff nipples that were poking against my thin t-shirt.

I went to take the dress from him so that I could change but he smiled and shook his head, "Oh no, my dear, I think this will look better on you if we choose the lingerie you need to accompany such a delicious creation. It will fit better, don't you know …"

Craig took the dress and hung it in the changing room while Antoine took my hand and led me over to the displays of wedding finery.

"Now, let's see what would suit you best .." he mused as we looked on the mannequins clad in silk and lacy underwear, white stocking and garter belts, " … hmm, I think we might find something here to give you just the support you need," he said as he viewed the bras and the panties. "First, let's just check how big a girl you are," and without any further discussion he took the tape measure that had been hanging round his neck and I had his black hands pressing against my breasts as he fumbled and felt his way toward taking my measurements. There was no doubt, he hadn't failed to have noticed that my nipples had stiffened during the process!

"There, … let's see, … 32, hmm, big girl … !"

I quickly added, "DD …"

He thanked me for the information and handed me a package which pictured a half cup lacy fringed creation, " …. I think this will do just the trick."

"Oh, don't you just love French Knickers?" he squealed as he handed me another illustrated box. ".. and don't let us forget the stockings and a garter belt .." Two more packages were added to my collection.

"We'll pick out shoes latter, now come on, let's get you dressed up and see how it all looks together."

He was genuinely (and visibly) excited at the prospect and he led me over to the changing room and handed me the collection of packages where under the gaze of the ceiling mounted security camera with its blinking red light I once again made the switch from 'jeans and tee' into 'blushing bride' clad in her gorgeous white finery.

I emerged once more from the changing room and went and stood on the podium. Both Antoine and Craig cooed their approval as I slowly twirled around and I asked their opinion. They said all the right words but, as I pointed out to them, 'they would say that anyway' if they thought they would be making a sale!

Antoine affected to be offended that I should think such a thing and he pouted that perhaps 'we' should get a second opinion. He left me in the salon with Craig who continued to look at me in the manner of 'ogling' rather than just being an observer and I could not help notice that the bulge in his pants seemed to have progressed down his thigh which caused me to think, "Wow, just how big is that dick?"

Antoine returned and jokingly announced in that curious wispy manner of his that, "As part of our exemplary customer service we have invited a third party to come and give an unbiased judgment of your beautiful choice!"

I smiled at the theatrical performance he was putting on for my benefit but my smile turned to one of shock and confusion when through the curtain came the matron accompanied not by an unbiased stranger but, rather, someone I knew very well. It was the proprietor of the bookstore from across the street.

"Hello again; good to see you," he smirked as he look at me standing there in all my wedding finery. "Come to get your 'usual' in a different store, have you?"

Craig cocked his head at the remark but the matron had no such confusion. "Yeah, we know all about your preference. It's been noted how often you go to browse the bookstore and I was so pleased to have you visit us today for I know we can provide the same service!"

As if to emphasize what service she was talking about Antoine helpfully pulled down the zipper on his pants and the suspicion that he was hiding an erection was made real when a nice looking stiff black cock was revealed.

I should have been shocked … but I wasn't. Suddenly, in my mind, I was no longer someone 'out shopping', I was that girl I had seen in the video and I knew exactly what was expected of me and what I needed to do.

Craig took my hand and steadied me as I stepped off the podium and I quickly sat down on the padded couch which set me at just the right height for Antoine's cock which he presented for my inspection. No words were spoken as under the gaze of the other three I reached out and gently closed my fist around the sweet looking morsel that looked for all the world just like the one that had spewed its sperm over my video girl. It felt pleasing warm and the silence was broken when Antoine suggested that I 'stroke it'. Any thoughts that I had that the guy was gay were quickly dispelled when he began to grunt his approval at the touch of my hand as I started to frig him.

"Yeah, jus' like dat …," he moaned, without a hint of his theatrical lisp, "… now suck it."

I leaned forward and pulled the veil away from my face, opened my mouth and did just that, I sucked it and thought how similar this scene must be to that of the video. I felt like I was a movie star, a porno movie star and it was a good feeling.

As I began to suck and fondle Antoine I could see that both Craig and bookstore guy were similarly getting themselves prepared to be in on the action. Craig dropped his pants and my suspicions of him having a 'larger than normal' cock was soon confirmed when he shuffled over to be on one side of me stroking his black fat, thick penis whilst white bookstore guy did the same with his slightly less impressive length and stood the other side of me. I stole a glance and could not help myself thinking that I had last seen that cock poking through the padded hole in the wall of the video booth … and that's when it hit me, this room, this couch was the same one that I had seen in the video at the bookstore!

I put that thought to one side as I felt Antoine become a little more demanding with his thrusting and it was no surprise when I responded to demands by sucking a little harder that with a grunt he began to spew that delightful white cream that I so appreciated receiving. I had learned from my bookstore experiences that it was no biggie to swallow and I joined him in moaning my delight as he continued to spurt until he was spent. He pulled out and despite my best effort at taking all he gave I could not prevent a large dribble of his cum running down my chin and begin dripping onto my lovely white dress. He didn't seem to be concerned about it but I was so, as a precaution, I pulled the dress away from my chest so that the dribble went onto the bare skin of my tits rather than spoiling the lacy top!

Antoine stepped back and his place was immediately taken by bookstore guy who pushed his stiff cock into my cum-filled mouth. I had no time to protest (but, then again, why would I object?) before he began to face-fuck me just as Antoine had done before him. I was intrigued by the sight of his hanging balls which were swaying as he moved and I thought it might be a distraction to his pleasure so with my free hand I helpfully held them still. It certainly enhanced my own pleasure as I fondled the soft hairy sacs. My other hand was already being engaged in pulling the front of my dress away from my tits.

Bookstore guy was a little less frantic than Antoine had been and he was clearly taking his time. As I continued to suck and play I convinced myself that I had previously had this cock in my mouth and that made my delight at being in this situation even more intense, I felt I was being the complete slut, bad girl, call it what you will. Add to that the suspicion that I was doing what I was doing in the same place as the video where that other 'bride' had been fucked by black cocks, well, my mind went into overdrive to think that I was acting out being some kind of porn star. Me, a sweet innocent girl, out purchasing a wedding dress and being defiled by in the most disgusting fashion … I couldn't have been happier!

My happiness notched up a level when I felt the hem of my dress being lifted. I didn't have to take my attention away from the white cock in my mouth to know that it must be Craig who was pulling up the satin skirt to ****** my white stocking legs and to know that it was his black hand that was pulling aside the silk French knickers to ****** my wet vagina; I didn't need to look to have it confirmed that it was his fat black cock that was rubbing up and down my wet slit to lubricate the fat knob that I had seen when he had been stroking himself. He did get my full attention however when without ceremony I felt him shove himself forward and my focus was transferred away from the cock in my mouth to look down to see my soaking pussy being slowly and steadily filled with his black cock. Oh my, I had never been filled so completely and it felt glorious.

I'm not certain how long I was in the store 'shopping' or how many times I was fucked. I do recall that they each had me at least one time and that contrary to my initial impression of Antoine being gay that he was anything but! They all had me either on my back or on my knees but always with me being partially dressed in my wedding finery and by the time they had decided that they were spent the dress and my underwear was well and truly stained and splattered with their cum which concerned me for I really had set my heart on having this dress for my wedding.

I got myself changed back into my jeans and tee-shirt and when I expressed my concern to the matron about the state of the dress (which I really, really wanted) she was sympathetic and told me, "don't worry about it. That's why we have dry-cleaning!"

She then said that she was quite prepared to put the dress on layaway and await me getting a decision out of Andrew as to when the wedding might take place and, because of the 'used' condition of the dress we then negotiated a discount on the wedding package.

I thought that to be a touching gesture until I later discovered that I hadn't so much been shopping for the dress but, rather, as I found at on my next visit to the bookstore, that I had participated in the latest compilation movie that had been recorded by the security cameras dotted around the wedding shop!


Andrew said his 'goodnights/missing you/sleep tight' sweet nothings to Whitney and put the phone down on the nightstand in his hotel room. It had been a long first day on his visit to 'Brianna Holdings Inc.' but, he reflected, it had been a good day. The folks he met with and the easy hospitality that they displayed, the things he had seen and the mere fact of being away from the big city for a few days, all combined to make him feel like he was on a mini-holiday break rather than just doing his job.

The day had started with finding the main office in town and the introduction to the management team of the defense company. In reality, it was not so much a team, more like a duo as he soon found out when the introductions were made.

"Hi, I'm Brad and this is my wife, Brianna," said the owner as they shook hands. "I do the fun stuff and she does the hard work," he joked as he explained the set-up of the company structure to Andrew.

And so the morning was spent with Andrew being given a complete run-through by Brad of manufacturing and marketing processes that the company employed in the production of the safety harnesses and restraints which was their 'bread and butter'. Andrew found it all very interesting, so-much-so that his questions about the health of Brianna Holdings never actually got around to the purpose of his visit which was to conduct an audit on the company's financial processes and records.

Lunchtime approached and Brad suggested that the three of them take time out and go to a nearby restaurant to grab a bite before going onto the manufacturing facility in the business park just out of town. It wasn't so much a suggestion, more like a fact, and although it wasn't stated, Andrew recognized that he was being given VIP treatment in order to keep him sweet and for him to gain a positive impression of the company which needed a successful audit if they were going to have the big defense contract confirmed.

The meal was more than 'just a bite' and Andrew allowed himself to be entertained as Brad with encouragement from Brianna let him have free reign of the menu and the wine list. Work talk was put to one side and the conversation easily slid into personal stuff as they exchanged details of ****** situations; likes/dislikes; city life v. country life; hobbies, etc., anything but work and so it was that Andrew discovered that Brad shared his interest in classic autos; had a mild interest in sports and other 'manly pursuits'; shared a passion with Brianna for vacations. (For obvious reasons he didn't share that he knew that his wife had been fucking with his black workers and that he secretly approved.)

Brad found out that Andrew lived in Queens with Whitney, his longtime girlfriend; in his spare time was restoring a Studebaker; that he loved his job and 'knew his way' around computers. (What Andrew didn't admit to was that he liked having time away from home so that in the evenings in his hotel he could surf the Internet undisturbed and masturbate to porn.)

Brianna listened with amusement at the bragging undertones of two alpha-males interrogating each other and managed to bring the conversation back to something of interest to her when she extracted from Andrew the jokey confession that perhaps he needed to focus more on Whitney. Brianna wholeheartedly agreed with that sentiment and when he mentioned that Whitney had joked that on this visit he should 'look around' with a view to finding a venue to be getting married she interpreted the remark as being an invitation to get involved.

Andrew had been joking, Brianna hadn't, from what he had said, they sounded to be a nice couple and just the sort of people her and Brad liked to meet. She also recognized that this mild-mannered guy needed to be pushed and from what she had wheedled out of him over the meal and the wine she decided she would get in touch with Whitney, her sister-in-arms, and offer her assistance in any way she could.

The meal ended and Brad suggested that maybe Andrew would benefit from a visit and a tour of the factory where the product was made in order to better appreciate the costs involved in producing the harnesses.

"Unfortunately," he said, "I have another meeting this afternoon and won't be able to come with you but Brianna will do the honours of being your guide … we'll catch up later back at the office"

Andrew felt quite relaxed about the suggestion. The day was fine, he was in no rush to be stuck in a stuffy office and the prospect of being in the company and guided by an attractive blond for a couple of hours sounded to be a most acceptable alternative. They got into her car and drove over to the Industrial Park and left Brad to walk in the opposite direction back to the office.

Brianna was a knowledgeable guide and led Andrew around the complex showing him every aspect of how the harnesses were woven; how they were put together; the testing procedures; the certification process; the packing and dispatch. There seemed to be nothing she didn't know about the product and she answered any questions Andrew had with ease. As they passed from room to room she cheerily introduced Andrew to the various black workers as him being 'the man who's come to check we are doing a good job'. Andrew couldn't fail to note the familiarity one of them, Leon, had with 'the boss's wife' and he pondered as to whether this was an indication of lack of respect and whether that should be noted in his report.

They did a tour of the packing room and Andrew watched as Leon went through the motions of folding a particularly complex piece of harness on the shiny table surface and deftly packing it into a bespoke box. Brianna squirmed unseen beside him as she gazed at the table and thought back to a few weeks ago when she had been gangbanged in a similarly deft fashion by Leon and his co-workers.

They left Leon to his labors and she said to Andrew that they would finish the tour at the loading dock where the packages filled by Leon and his crew would be dispatched. Andrew indicated to her that he most impressed by the efficiency of the whole operation but, "Pardon me, is there a restroom I could use? I think the drinks at lunch have caught up with me!" he joked.

They stopped along the passageway to the dock and Brianna waited patiently outside the door of the men's room and once again her mind wandered as she recalled it was only last week that Leon had pulled her inside that same door and fucked her doggy-style as she bent over the washstand and when she had glanced in the mirror 'there was that other guy' who had been taking a piss. She wondered if Andrew would be shaking his cock after he had finished peeing just as that other guy had done! Her daydream was interrupted when the door opened and a relieved Andrew emerged.

The tour completed they returned across town to the company offices and Brianna, who had an errand to run, left him with Brad who had just finished his other meeting. She parted company and with a handshake and a farewell of, "I'll See you tomorrow."

After she had left their company Brad made his own excuses and confessed that he really was looking to run an errand of his own. A time-check showed, as far as Brad was concerned, that 'it was a bit late in the day to be starting the task of conducting the audit' and Andrew agreed that they would begin doing the check the following day. However, Andrew was conscientious enough to say that he would like to get ahead of the game and, if possible, "could you download a few files so that I can take a look and get a 'heads-up' before we meet?"

A reasonable enough request, Brad thought, and he had no hesitation in taking the memory stick that Andrew passed to him. (He didn't like to mention that he wasn't too conversant with how Brianna organized her files; he left that side of the business to her). He viewed the screen on his desktop, plugged in the stick and copied over a few folders from the server which he thought held financial files. After the download had been completed he scribbled a password on an envelope and placed the stick inside and said, "Well, I don't know too much what she does with this stuff but I do know she uses the same password for everything, so, good luck with that, we'll see you tomorrow!"

Andrew returned to his hotel and after taking room service for his evening meal, gave a call to Whitney to tell her about his day and enquire after hers. He mentioned that the boss's wife had been most interested at the mention of them getting married; he didn't mention that some black guy had been rubbing his cock through his sweat pants when they had visited the plant and that the wife, Brianna, must have noticed but hadn't said anything.

Whitney laughed to hear him admit that he had actually been thinking about 'a wedding' and she said, "That's cool because today I went downtown and took a look at some dresses!" She didn't give him any other details about her visit but said she was fairly certain what dress she would be wearing … once they got around to making a date … and once the dress had been dry-cleaned!

He smiled to hear her once again repeating the familiar theme but at least this time when they finished the call he made a commitment, "I promise we'll sort something out when I get home in a couple of day's time. For now I have a bit of work to get on with and then reckon I'll take a shower and get myself an early night".

He put the phone to one side and switched on his laptop and plugged in the memory stick. A familiar screen of folders opened up and all had a title that indicated their content; year-end summaries; IRS Returns; Income; Expenditure and so forth. He trawled through and utilizing the password Brad had provided clicked one-by-one and took a quick look at the files, documents; spreadsheets; charts etc. At first glance all seemed to be in reasonable order and he didn't find any surprises …. that is, until he tried opening a folder that was enigmatically labeled 'Security', it failed to respond to the password Brad had provided.

At first Andrew thought to just ignore what the folder might contain but his curiosity and professional pride overwhelmed him and, having an in-depth knowledge of computers, coding and all that kind of thing that 'hackers' know so well, he soon found a work-around that allowed him to crack a way in and to see the contents. He clicked on the file at the top of the list and footage taken by the security cameras at the industrial unit began to run. He ran down the list of videos and he thought it was all very mundane stuff as he witnessed the guys he had seen that afternoon going about their business.

He was coming to the end of the list and a point where he decided that long enough had been spent doing his homework (and that the time had come to get down to what he had really opened up his laptop for, his porn search on the internet!) but for the sake of completeness he opened up the final file in the security folder. He was glad he did.

The movie that began to run showed the same view as the others of the packing room and the big shiny metal table. However, unlike the previous ones he had viewed where the table had been covered in a collection of boxes and harnesses, this movie showed a naked woman with a blindfold tied around her face and her arms and legs tied to the table using the same harnesses. He wasn't too bothered by the lack of identity for he was feasting his eyes on the sight of her sucking at the black cock of a guy standing to one side of the table whilst another guy (who he was certain was Leon who he had been introduced to that afternoon) was pumping his stiff cock into her hairy pussy. Around the table watching and presumably waiting their turn were a few other black guys all stroking their equally stiff cocks.

Andrew eased off his boxer shorts and with his 'equally stiff cock' decided he would stay with looking at this work-related stuff rather than connect to the internet!

As he stroked himself in phase with the fucking that was being displayed on his laptop he thought how bizarre it was to have been in that same location that very afternoon and that, without a doubt, that the very men he had met were now using that table to fuck the tied-up blond woman who had obviously been bought in for the purpose of being gangbanged. She didn't seem to be too distressed at her predicament, indeed, she seemed to be enthusiastic as one after the other a different cock would be fucking her pussy or being presented to her to suck.

Andrew's professional interest ramped up to a new level when the woman was untied so that she could be turned around for the men to fuck her doggy-fashion. In the process the blindfold slipped away and as she turned and faced the camera he recognized the familiar face of his companion of the day, Brianna. She seemed to be looking straight at him as she spread her legs to receive her first fucking in this position and as the stiff black cock slid into her she gave a smile in his direction. The smile was all that was needed to trigger his first climax of the evening.

After he had calmed down and wiped himself clean he re-ran the movie just to confirm that he had really seen what he had seen! Yep, there was no doubt about it, it was her and suddenly the purpose of his visit to Brianna Holdings Inc. took on a whole new focus as once again he wanked to the sight of this delightful lady who he had just met being pleasured by a group of black men.

As he cum once more he had the fleeting thought of whether Whitney would be likely to do such a thing. It was certainly one of the many fantasies that he held about her but as he turned off the light he knew it wasn't something that he could discuss with her … or could he?


The following day it was a nervous Brad and Brianna who awaited his arrival at the office and rightly so for Andrew had pre-warned them that rather than continue with the easy-going relationship of yesterday that this day would be conducted with complete focus on the audit and that there should be no distractions to divert him from his task of examining 'the books'.

Brad greeted him and then excused himself and left Andrew in the office with his wife.

So far, so good but it then became a struggle for him to remain focused as each time he had to interact with Brianna, all that come to mind was that the woman he was dealing with was the same one who had been willingly fucked by the other employees he had also met. Whenever she came near to assist with identifying documents rather than look at the text all he was seeing was her tits being mauled by black hands; she turned to get a ledger from the bookshelf and all he saw in his mind was her bare butt splattered with cum and her pussy about to penetrated by yet another black cock. She handed him a spreadsheet and all he saw was the hand that had been wrapped around a fat black dick; it was all very distracting.

However, he succeeded in forcing his attention back to the reason for his visit and by the end of day the audit was complete leaving him with the task, once he back to his own New York office, to write up his report and recommendations.

Brad returned to the office just in time before Andrew was scheduled to leave. He was aware that Andrew as an independent party should not be giving an opinion as to whether the findings would satisfy the defense department and allow the Air Force contract to be given final approval but he asked nevertheless.

Andrew, ever the professional, kept his opinion to himself even though he had ascertained that the sums in the company accounts didn't add up. However, he had also recognized that the dynamic that existed at Brianna Holdings Inc. might be worthy of future, private, investigation and that being the case he told Brad he 'had nothing to worry about'. And on that note he made his excuses and told the nervous, but now relieved, couple that his job was done and that he would be in touch.

Brianna watched him drive away and returned to her desk to tidy away the collection of documents and folders that had been scattered around. As she filed away the paperwork she found the business card that Andrew had left for their records and noted that in addition to his work details it also listed his home address and telephone number. Remembering their conversation at yesterday's lunch and the mention of the possibility of a wedding and the joke that he needed 'a kick up the ass' to get that going ….!

She picked up the card and decided to be the 'kick up the ass' and dialed the home number.

"Hello, is that Whitney? … Hi, you don't know me but I am Brianna and I've been working with your husband these last couple of days … yeah, that's right, he's been here doing an audit of our company …. yeah, good thanks, I think we did well … anyway, the reason I'm calling is that Andrew mentioned you are getting married and I figured from what he said that you may appreciate some help with the arrangements … yeah, he said that you had mentioned our lovely part of the country might be just the place …"

Whitney was taken aback by the call. She never believed that this day would come, that Andrew had actually given some thought to a wedding and done something positive for a change. Brianna was thanked very much for the kind thought and, yes, she would take up the offer of her being involved. She joked that she would get back to her … just as soon as she had given a 'her Andrew' a telling off for being so bold as to share personal stuff when he was supposed to be away working!

And so the die was cast and a new friendship was set. When Brad and Andrew were told of the exchange neither had any idea what the phone call would be leading to!


to be continued.