Chapter 1


I've never been one for sitting and doing nothing, quite the opposite in fact. I guess it stems from my childhood when I was forever curious about the world about me, always taking mental notes and asking questions about everything and anything in an eternal quest to understand things and how I could join and share in what I was seeing.

Looking back, I must have driven my parents crazy with my constant questioning but they were forever patient and did their best to answer as well as they could. On top of which my *** encouraged me to go and find things out for myself, he had the view that answers could always be found in a book if you were inclined to go and look.

I can hear him now saying, "Whitney, why don't you just go to the Library and find out for yourself." At the time I figured his response was just a 'parent thing', it was only later I realised that he just didn't know much about anything and this was just his way of getting out of showing his ignorance.

However, when questions about sex arose that's when they really showed their true colours for they really didn't know what to say as apparently the topic was something that 'nice folks' didn't talk about. That kind of response was counter-productive as far as ****** relationships was concerned for their reluctance to answer some of my lines of enquiry truthfully was enough to send me looking elsewhere to have my curiosity satisfied … especially when I had started to questioned why my younger brother had a 'willy' and girls did not. Oh boy, did that question and their unsatisfactory answer set me off on a voyage of discovery and it wasn't the library or books where I went looking.!

My curiosity grew as I went through Middle School although there was not much opportunity to further my quest for knowledge but I did hear and share things with my girlfriends that only served to fire my imagination rather than provide any clear answers.

High School and the mandatory sexEd lessons was not much of an improvement. We lived in a very conservative part of the country and the lessons focussed on procreation being a requirement within the sanctity of marriage and not the finer details of how it was achieved. A lot of kids, including myself, were not convinced and knew there was a lot more to it so it was small wonder that we looked elsewhere for information.

Luckily for me there was Sonny, a boy at my school who seemingly was just as curious in my quest for carnal knowledge. He was a lot more open about things and I latched onto him and it didn't take too long after we acknowledged our shared interest and to take things to the next level. His parents both worked and after school we had his house to ourselves for a couple of hours when we could have our private 'Show and Tell' lessons in his bedroom. That was when my education really took off and I learnt how easy it was to please.

It started when Sonny, my sexual confidante, did that 'Whitney, show me yours; I'll show you mine' thing that all kids do at one time in their lives. I don't suppose Sonny's dick was anything out of the ordinary but my innocence led me to believe it to be a thing of wonder and I was fascinated when he pulled down his sweat pants and his thing was bulging inside his underwear. He saw he had my attention, tugged his shorts down and I saw his 'willy' for the first time. It kind of resembled my little brother's but was much bigger (obviously) and hanging behind was this hairy sack which I figured must be these balls that my girlfriends had giggled about.

Wow, who knew?! What followed next was even more revealing.

Sonny took hold of his fleshy thing and told me that he wanted to see what I was hiding beneath my skirt. I don't think that I had ever felt so naughty or as excited when I reached under my skirt and, thumbs in the waistband, I pulled down my white cotton panties. I stood up and facing him as he sat on the bed I pulled up the hem of my skirt and showed him my downy-covered slit. I don't know what he thought of it, he didn't say, he just stared and I guess it gave the right impression because as he started to stroke that thing of his I swear that it started to grow.

I asked him what he was doing and he said he was doing what all boys did, 'jerking off' and that seeing my pussy made him want to do it. He then asked me if girls did any such thing. He figured not as they didn't have what boys had. I put him right on that one and I confessed that girls did do something similar but it involved paying more attention the 'insides' rather than as he was doing stroking on the 'outside'. I unhooked and let my skirt fall to the floor and looking at him while he stroked his stiff cock, I showed him.

We looked at each other for a few moments giving ourselves pleasure in our own ways when I got the urge to touch and feel what had been revealed to me for the first time, I could not believe that the 'willy' that had been so small and soft had grown into this stiff cock, was it really as hard as it looked? He made no objection when I knelt on the floor aside the bed and he allowed me to replace his hand for mine.

I closed my hand around him and gave a squeeze and, Oh my God, it felt both hard and soft and oh so warm. I felt as if I was touching a precious object, I was intrigued and my reaction was to begin to feel just as warm inside. He groaned at my touch and I released my grip fearing that I had hurt him but, no, he said it felt good and that I should do as he had been doing and to stroke my hand up and down. I did as he asked and he leaned back on his elbows and watched me as I took a firmer grip and, for the first time in my life, I jerked off a boy.

It was covered with a loose skin and I was fascinated that the harder I gripped then so did the raggedy end pull back and reveal a beautiful pink shiny knob that had a pee-hole. I pulled down harder and he gave another groan as some clear sticky stuff began to ooze out; it was definitely not pee. The juice continued to flow and when it started to coat his dick I obliged by letting the juice make the movement of my hand so much easier as I stroked him up and down. I guess it was instinct that made me do the right thing.

It took only a few more strokes when he began to twitch and squirm and I heard for the first time those immortal words, "Oh shit, I'm gonna cum!" I had no time to ask what he meant before I felt his cock throb beneath my grip and suddenly for what seemed to be like a fountain of white stuff (definitely not pee) erupt from that shiny pink knob. I was so shocked that for a moment I stopped my stroking and marvelled at the sight as the first spurt was followed by a few more. It continued to pulse and I resumed my strokes and, instinct again, let this warm fluid lubricate my hand which gauging from his satisfied groans it was the right thing to do.

Oh boy, I learned so much that afternoon. I discovered that the white stuff (Sonny called it 'cum') was the mysterious 'sperm' that had been briefly mentioned in SexEd; I learned how easy it was to get a boy excited and what an erection looked like; I found out how to please a boy and make him your friend; I found out how to make him cum.

That was the beginning of my new passion. I had been intrigued when I saw his cum spurt out like that at the touch of my hand and I couldn't wait to repeat the exercise to see if it was that easy to achieve.

The following day proved it was when once again we were in his bedroom and he didn't even ask to see my pussy, he just got his cock out and told me to do what I had done the day before. I obliged and then learned another lesson, that it might be best not to be too obliging for once he'd cum over my hand he seemingly lost interest and I was left frustrated and had to wait until I got back home before I could attend to my own needs.

Somehow word got out (I learned another lesson that most schoolboys are blabbermouths) and soon I was being pestered by other guys to provide the same service. I should have been annoyed to be regarded as an easy hit but in truth I was secretly pleased for I was fascinated that boys could do that thing of cumming like a fountain and I couldn't wait to prove how easy it was to make them do it. I became a very popular girl and when I graduated High School it was definitely with distinction, 'cum laude'!

My school years had been a delight and my curiosity and thirst for knowledge followed me to college where I had plenty of opportunity to follow my hobby of jerking willing boys off and seeing their cum spurt out. And it wasn't always my hands which achieved that happy ending for I used to (still do) get the greatest satisfaction when I would straddle and trap that fat cock between us, hump back and forth and let the lips of my pussy do the work. I would soon be streaming my own juice and it was a delight to look down and see his knob all shiny, slick and wet pressing against my clit and coating my trimmed bush. It never took too long of my moving and for him to be playing with my tits before I felt the familiar throb and pulsing between my lips that announced his hot cum would be squirting over us both.

It was during one of the sessions when I was jerking a guy (can't even remember his name!) using my pussy this way that I lost my virginity when his cock just seemed to slip right on in. As a life-changing event, it was no big deal for I had been masturbating with toys since like, uh, forever, and I guess vibrators and dildos had already kinda stretched me out but it was a funny that instead of seeing an ejaculation that I was soon feeling it squirt inside me instead. I liked it.

I had a great time going through college and my 'work ethic' saw me graduate with a good degree but it hadn't been all about work for, as a bonus, I had quite fallen in love with a cute guy who had been with me since my sophomore year. His name was Andrew and was a solid companion who over the college years had always looked after my best interests and whilst he might have had his funny ways and habits he never criticised or stopped me from having fun. He was a bit of a dreamer and could get wrapped up in his own world but the main thing I liked about him was that he was always there for me, no matter what.

He came with me to the big city, New York, when with my qualifications in design I moved to take up a good job with an Architectural Partnership agency. For me, it was an opportunity that I just couldn't pass up although I was a nervous about leaving my small-town world and my friends behind. For Andrew, the prospect of my moving away had been too much for him to contemplate but with his degree in finance he had found a good job with a national company and with his own driven attitudes he had no hesitation in getting a transfer to their Manhattan office. It was an exciting time for both us, especially for me as I sensed there was going to be even more opportunity to further my 'secondary career'.

New York was everything I had expected (and more), a total contrast to my small town upbringing and I loved it. The people were a mix of brash, multi-cultural, not afraid to speak their minds and share their opinions (whether you wanted to hear or not) and I loved that the Black men who I crossed paths on my daily commute had no hesitation in letting me know by their expressions and backchat that they appreciated seeing this piece of 'white ass'. Such comments and behaviour back home where everyone knew everyone else that would have been an unthinkable insult; here in the crowded and anonymous city I took such a reaction to be complimentary especially because I was curious to discover if it was true what I heard about black men. I figured that if the circumstances were right then it would be no trouble to further my education.

We were your typical out-of-towners when we arrived and not knowing any better we rented an apartment in a down-market area of Queens where we spent our first couple of years getting established and coming to terms with city life. We had a one-bedroom flat in a two-storey house and the landlord, a grumpy old black guy, lived beneath us. Initially he kept pretty much to himself and it was only when rent was due to be paid that we saw anything of him. He had a suspicion of banks and the IRS and the arrangement was he was to be paid in cash so that he stayed off their radar. I never actually met or spoke with him, Andrew did all the negotiating but it worked for us so I didn't think anything of it.

I quickly settled in to the NYC-way of living and soon managed to switch off and ignore all and everyone around me on the daily commute into Manhattan on the subway. The trains were always crowded and never once did I manage to get a seat for the 30 minute ride, I felt lucky if I was able to grab a strap as we rattled along! It was on one ride that I had my education broadened and my curiosity satisfied.

I was kind of lost in my own world with buds in my ears to shut out the noise around me when I felt the distinct sensation of something hard being pressed against my butt. As usual I was jammed between strangers and couldn't turn to investigate but through the music I could hear the sound of heavy breathing, almost like panting. This went on for the time it took to get to the Lexington Avenue stop where a lot of people seemed to empty out, as the crush eased I was at last able to turn and see the big black man who had been standing behind me zipping up his pants. He gave me a smile as he left the car and then once I had space I looked down behind me and saw that the back of my skirt was splattered with … well, you know what it was covered with, his cum! I had just had my first encounter with black cock.

I never did tell Andrew about it. I figured it was best kept to myself, especially as since we arrived in New York he seemed to have become less interested in hearing or having to do with anything about sex. That realisation struck me as being kind of funny because had been our mutual interest in sex that brought us together in the first place. The only things he now seemed focussed on was his work and whatever hobby he was that he was pursuing at the time. Sex seemed to have taken a backseat in his interests which only added to my frustrations as I was just the opposite, I could think of nothing else.

It was a couple of days after that first encounter when once again I was riding the M train into the city when at the 36th street stop the same black guy pushed his way onto the carriage. This time I was facing him as he crushed up against me. I looked up as the train began to move and once he caught my expression and knew he had my attention with no hesitation I pushed myself against him and was gratified to feel that hard lump. I nodded and he jammed his hand down between our bodies and although I couldn't see I knew that he must be pulling his zip down. The train picked up speed and as we rattled and lurched along toward Queen's Plaza stop I was able to push back and make a little space enough so that I could glance down. Looking up at me was the purple shiny plum of the knob end of his cock which he was grasping in his black hand. I looked him in the eye and smiled before squeezing my own hand down between our crushed bodies so that I could help out.

I couldn't see the first black cock that I was handling, neither could anyone else in the carriage who were crushed up against us, but in my mind when I mentally made a comparison to all those white cocks I had played with before, it felt huge. My hand strived to get hold of him and my efforts were made more difficult as I felt the thick shaft become even thicker as his erection grew. It felt hot, soft, hard, incredibly veiny all at the same time and although I could hardly move I was obviously doing something right for through the music that was playing in my ear buds by the time we reached the Court Square stop I heard him making some kind of grunted approval.

The train picked up speed again and the swaying back and forth of the ride was felt through my soft grip on his stiff cock. It was just before we pulled into Lexington when I saw his eyes roll back and to feel my hand being covered by his hot spunk as he cum. Nobody around us was aware of what was going on and his moans of ecstasy were muffled by the screech of the wheels on the rails as we pulled into the station. As we slowed to a halt I made sure to press the still dribbling penis hard against his body so that I didn't get his stuff on my clothes!

As always, the majority of people crushed in the carriage chose to get out at this stop including him. In the confusion of folks pushing by I was able unseen to wipe from my hand the hot cum he had managed to baptise my fingers with and by the time the train left the station to go onto my final stop there was not a trace that anything untoward had taken place … other than the pool of his sperm that had been spread across the floor by passing feet.

After I got to my desk I spent the rest of the day thinking about how easy it had been to connect with a stranger and to have my fascination with making men cum satisfied. Every previous encounter I had enjoyed had always been with people that I knew, now I had discovered, almost by accident, that living in the big city I didn't need to wait for any introductions!

However, introductions weren't need for the next time as I knew the guy, sort of, it was our grumpy landlord. He didn't come on to me as such, it was circumstances that saw me sucking him off!

Andrew and me had different work schedules and indeed, from time to time, he had to travel to other offices that sometimes required him to stay overnight. I wasn't too keen when he did stay away leaving me on my own but figured that once I got home and closed the door to our flat behind me that I was safe and sound and had nothing to worry about. That was until the day when I got to work and realised my front door key was missing from my purse. I had a moment of panic for that morning Andrew had left town for another overnight but then I figured the landlord would be at home and that he would have a duplicate key and I would be able to get in that way.

It turned out I was wrong and if the day couldn't get any worse I got caught in a downpour as I walked from the station and was soaked through by the time I got to the house..

I rang the bell, the door opened and for the first time I met my Black landlord.

“Problem?” he asked.

“Hi, I'm Whitney, your tenant, and I’m locked out.”

He looked me up and down, dripping on his doormat, "I know who you are .. what do want me to do about it?"

I tried to lighten his mood, “Ah, do you have a spare key or, if not, you don’t know how to pick a lock, do you?”

He raised his eyebrows and said, “Afraid not ….” Then his attitude softened, " … let me come and take a look."

We climbed the stairs as I explained what happened with my purse and after he jiggled the door he asked if any of the outside windows were unlocked. I told him that it was unlikely and, anyway, with the rain still falling it was no time to be outside investigating.

He grunted his agreement then I guess he took pity on me as I stood there shivering and said, "You better come on down and get dry; I'll call someone to come and open up ….”

I hesitated for a second.

“…. or you can wait out here till he comes."

No brainer, I agreed and we went back downstairs and I had a little pit in my stomach as I followed him through his front door. This was a little weird; I was following a black guy into his apartment at the end of a shitty day and this was not what I expected.

I’m not sure what I expected. I knew him to be living on his own, no wife, and I was a little surprised to see it was nicely furnished, with a leather couch, bookshelves filled with lots of books. There was flat screen TV on the wall and the only hint of untidiness was a scattering of DVDs scattered on a coffee table. He gestured to the couch and said, "Make yourself comfortable, I'll get you a towel and you can dry off while I'll look up a number for a locksmith."

I stammered out my thanks and summoned up the nerve to ask him his name. He didn't respond straightaway, he just left me standing and went through to, I guessed, the bathroom. He reappeared shortly after offering me the towel which I took not saying anything other than, in an attempt of lightening the mood, asking him his name. He responded, "Samuel; call me Sam" then turned leaving me once more to go into his kitchen where I watched him leafing through the yellow pages on the worktop underneath a wall mounted phone.

I took off my wet thin jacket and found my blouse was also soaked and was a little embarrassed to see that the cold I was feeling had resulted in my nipples poking against the thin fabric. He poked his head around the door, "Do you want a coffee? This might take a while to track someone down."

I stammered a 'yes please' and wondered if he had noticed my erect nipples. I continued to towel off and as I did so I glanced down at the DVD boxes to see what movies he may have been watching. I was shocked to see lurid covers with very explicit pictures that left no doubt they were all porno videos. I looked back toward the kitchen and note that the landlord was out of sight but I could hear over the sound of a kettle being boiled that he was making calls. I picked up one of the boxes to take a closer look and my knees went weak when I opened the box to see pictures on the inside of a big stiff black cock spewing a rope of cum into the open mouth of a white woman. Oh my god, a dream come true.

I glanced at the other boxes and they all had pictures of similar scenes with a common theme of black men fucking white women. It thrilled me to see it, my fantasies writ large, but I was so absorbed concentrating on the pictures that I hadn't heard the telephone call had ended or noticed the landlord was coming back into the room holding two coffee cups when he said, "Found a guy but says he can't get here for a couple of hours …"

I looked up and froze. My heart started beating very fast, a hot flush covered my face at being caught in the act of seeing what was to me forbidden pictures and I felt I’d die of embarrassment. He just laughed when he saw what I was holding, " … so we share an interest then, do we?"

My heart skipped another beat, I didn't know what to say, how to react, but he seemed to be at ease with the situation so I just kind of gave a dumb nod.

He put the cups down and took the box I was holding. He glanced at the title and said, "Good choice. May as well look at this as any other while we wait!"

Now I was getting really nervous but I couldn’t bring myself to say anything as he turned on the TV and slotted the disk into the player. He sat down beside me on the sofa, picked up the remote and, click, the movie began.

I felt like I was in some kind of trance as I sat there alongside a black guy who I hardly knew, had never before spoken to me and had assumed (correctly, as it turned out) that I would be comfortable with watching a porno movie with him. I should have been horrified … but I wasn't. I should have been shocked at his indifference to my feelings … but I wasn't; I was more bemused that he had made the assumption that this was an OK situation. It took me seconds to come to the conclusion, "Oh well, he's right. Where's the harm and maybe I might learn something useful!"

The scene on the TV was a white wife who looked a little bit like me, except she was blonde to my brunette, opening the door to what the dialogue suggested was a plumber. He was a tall black guy and he came in, put down his prop of a bag supposedly containing his tools and with no ceremony took her into his arms, hugged her and began to kiss the girl tenderly on the neck. His hand on her back unsnapped the fastening of her dress and it fell to the floor leaving her standing there in just her panties. My cynical thought was, "How unreal is that? Why do guys think it's a thing for a girl not be wearing a bra; don't they know how uncomfortable it is to have your tits unsupported …" but I didn't say that, I just stayed dumb and concentrated all the more on the screen.

The plumber began to slide his hands across her stomach and her chest. Her head fell back and she looked like she was enjoying his touch very, very much. I was captivated by the contrast of his skin against hers.

He turned her around so he was standing behind her and his hand slid down and disappeared between her legs. She let out a gasp as his fingers slid in her.

My mouth was really dry as I glanced at the landlord sitting beside me. He had slumped back into the cushions and I couldn't stop myself from glancing down and seeing he had a sizable bulge beneath his sweatpants.

The couple on the screen had shifted so that the blonde was facing the black guy. Somehow he had lost his pants and he sat down on the couch and she stood before him. The camera angle shifted so it was from behind her and as she spread her legs there was the shot of his stiff cock sticking straight up. He reached forward, put his hands on her hips and she steadied herself by holding on to his shoulders and began to lower herself down. She gasped as the tip of his well endowed cock touched her between her legs.

I gasped as well thinking, “It’ll never fit.” .... how wrong could I be?

Her head rolled back as the fat knob disappeared inside her. There was a pause as she steadied herself and then he slowly pushed down on her hips. Her head fell forward onto his shoulder and you could hear short gaspy breaths as that cock slowly impaled her. She took it all and then stayed still for a few moments allowing me to focus on his big balls resting under her ass. I had the perverse thought and wondered if the size indicated they contained more than the usual amount of cum that I had coaxed from my 'white boys'!

The blonde rotated her hips as if she was grinding herself against him and his black hands moved down from her waist and cupped her ass as she began to lift herself up. They fucked in a steady rhythm for a few minutes and I envied her as she tensed and had what was unmistakably a very nice orgasm.

I think I was slightly jealous. No, I don't think, I WAS jealous and I was also slightly wet. I reached for my coffee and took another glance at Sam and saw that the bulge in his pants was definitely bigger.

The plumber lifted the blonde off his cock and almost threw her down to lay on the couch on her back. There was no preamble or foreplay, he rolled over and began to seriously fuck her. I swallowed another sip of coffee and watched her come again and again. Blondie was bathed in sweat and close to exhaustion. The black guy was now on top with her knees up by her shoulders as he pounded into her. He leaned down and kissed her as he forced himself deep into her. His back tensed as I realized that he was filling her with his cum. A black man’s cum and my thoughts were justified when I looked on as he pulled out of her soaking pussy to see he was still spewing great globs of cum that had churned up from those swollen balls.

I was now very wet. My legs were weak. I thought that was just a figure of speech but my knees were shaking as was the coffee cup when I placed it back on the table.. This whole scenario was way too weird.

I stole another glance to see how Sam might be reacting to the sight of so much cum, wondering why Sam had this movie, was it because he liked seeing white girls being fucked by blacks; the outline of his stiff cock beneath the fabric indicated that it might be the case. I wondered what his cock look liked naked, just how big was he?

I’d always been curious from the times I'd seen black boys during my school days although I'd never even considered a black man as a lover before. Hell, it seemed, like it or not, I might be about to find out.

Sam looked away from the TV and saw I was staring at his bulging pants. He picked up the remote and turned off the DVD. Without a word and holding my gaze he pulled down his sweat pants and, just like the guy on the movie, there was this obscene ebony penis pointing at the ceiling. My heart leapt again and I leaned over and my trembling hand took hold of my second black cock; my whole body was shaking.

My throat felt dry and my head was spinning as I took hold of him; it was like it wasn’t really me. He grunted as he felt me squeeze him then said, "Why don't you get out of those wet clothes, you'll feel a lot more comfortable."

I didn't give it a second thought, I undid my blouse, unclipped my bra and tossed them to the floor next to pants. I stood up and hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my skirt and panties and they quickly joined the discarded clothes on the floor.

I think he was a little bit shocked at my quick reaction and it took him a second to realize what had happened but he soon gathered his composure looked at me and smiled. I bit my lip and looked down at his cock, which, although not of legendary proportions, was bigger than Andrew’s.

I looked in his eyes and my small white hand gathered around his cock and I gently began to stroke the fat warm shaft up and down; I could feel every vein as it began to grow.

I ran my hands up and down it wondering what it would feel like in me. He placed his hands on my shoulders as I played with his balls and he slowly got bigger and harder in my hand. He pulled me close so that I was half laying on him and I felt his cock trapped between us as he kissed me gently on the lips. I returned his kiss with a deep kiss feeling his hands slide all over my body and I figured that I was soon to find out just how deep his cock was soon to be going.

I could feel his hand work its way between us as he searched out my pussy and I helped him out by spreading my legs. Soon his finger slid right in me. I was so wet and I let out a little gasp as he began to finger fuck me with first one finger, then two and I could feel that he had penetrated beyond his second knuckle.

I felt the familiar stirrings of my orgasm building and knew I was going to come on his fingers if he didn’t stop. He must have read my thoughts for he did know when to stop. He pulled his hand away and push me onto my back then he lowered himself to his knees in front of me, kissed the inside of my thigh, then kissed it again only higher and I felt his hot breath where his fingers had been.

I realized what he was about to eat me out, something that I’d only let Andrew do it a few times before when he had been awkward and amateurish. Samuel clearly had more experience for the way he used his tongue told me he must have done this many times before. His tongue was warm and talented, it darted in and out and ran up and down the soaking folds of my cunt. God it felt so good. I squeezed my breasts and played with my nipples as he quickened the pace. I could feel myself getting closer and closer to an orgasm.

My back began to tense and my head turned from side to side. I bit my lip as I approached release. I’d forgotten where I was and how I had ended up naked on his sofa, now I was just concentrating on what was going on. Then it hit, I forced my hips up into his face as I held his head and my body literally exploded on his tongue, I'd never had such a squirting orgasm like that before and it just went on and on, he didn't stop and soon we were both gasping for air as he kept gently touching, licking my clit. I finally had to push his head away as I was getting too sensitive. I looked down between my outstretched thighs to see his black head look up and stare into my eyes.

He stood up in front of me and I sat up on the edge of the couch. His cock head was in front of my face, a little bead of pre-cum pooling on the tip. I swallowed again and opened my mouth taking the head in my mouth.

It felt huge and I was afraid I would gag or wretch but somehow it seemed so natural. I sucked him as deep as I could as he held my head. I heard him moan as I sucked his cock. His hands were tangled in my hair as I tried to get as much of him in my mouth as I could. I swear I was going to come again just from sucking on him. He moaned some more and I began to wonder what I would do when he came for although I had sucked many cocks to a climax before, I'd never swallowed cum and he was holding my head so firmly.

I never had to decide. He suddenly pulled my head away and said, “Not the way I want to come, I want to cum on your face. Look at me.”

His cock was straight out in front of him covered in my salvia, I felt like a bitch in heat as he grabbed my hair with one hand and his cock in the other and he started to wank furiously in front of my face. I wanted this so bad, to see him cum and I tensed waiting for the moment of his release. I didn't have to wait long,. The first dribbles began to appear from his piss hole and then I swear I saw it almost wink at me just before a blast of his hot sperm jetted out and, as he hoped, hit me full in the face. I instantly reacted and closed my eyes and had hardly registered what had happened before a second followed, just as full, then another and another. My face was covered and I felt the hot cum flow and slip and drip off my chin to dribble down over my tits. He smiled and looked down at me.

“I guess you like my black cock, don’t you?”

I nodded and once again took hold of him and tried to milk more cum from his soft and heavy balls which were now resting in my other hand. The thought about having the fat cock inside my sopping pussy passed through my mind and then it happened, that thought set me over the edge and once again an orgasm began to flood over me, I had never come this way with Andrew.

The danger of what I was doing, the taboo-ness of it, the mental image of him screwing my white pussy so completely set me into a continuous orgasm as I began to think about his balls forcing gobs of sperm deep into my womb. I opened my cum-covered eyes to see my hand grasping his slippery cock, inches from my face. He began to slowly fuck my fist and in sympathy I could feel the insides of my cunt contracting and sucking against his hand which he had slid once more in between my swollen pussy lips. His fingers kept sliding in and out, fucking away and I kept coming.

Then he said, “Its time ...” I looked up at him and I felt his hand push as hard against my clit. His balls tightened up and once again he gave a grunt as squirts of cum began to shoot from the cock grasped in my hand. I pushed it down so that it pointed at my tits and pulled his mouth to mine and kissed him as I felt hot cum dribbling and decorating my cleavage. It felt heavenly.

He collapsed and we rested for a few minutes. I let out a small sigh as he pulled me over to rest my head on his chest. My small white hand played with his soaked cock as I looked at myself and it was with a sense of disbelief as I looked at the mess on my body that he could have cum so much in such a small space of time. Andrew could never have done something like that.

Samuel meanwhile had reverted back to his grumpy self and he looked over at the clock. “The repair man should be here soon. You better get dressed …” and he passed me the towel so I could wipe myself off.

I dabbed and wiped and then scrabbled to pull my still wet clothes on and, as if on cue, the doorbell rang. Samuel yelled out, "Just coming," pulled on his sweat pants which did little to hide the fact of his still erect cock. He then gave me a few seconds to make myself look presentable before he slowly sauntered to answer. I had just about made it when he opened the door to another black guy holding a tool-bag, to my mind looking for all the world like an older version of the plumber in the video.

He peered over Sam's shoulder to see me straightening my skirt and blouse and listened to Sam's description of my problem but he didn't take his eyes off me and I felt increasingly self-conscious when he broke into a smile.

My first thought was, "What's so funny about being locked out?"

My second thought was, "Oh my God, what's that in my hair?" as I felt a glob of something running down the side of my face. The maintenance man look at Samuel and his bulge, then at me as I hurriedly dabbed the towel. He smiled and joked, "Looks like you guys haven't been wasting your time waiting!"

I was suddenly very conscious of what we’d just done and I didn't make any response but just thanked Samuel ' for the coffee' and led the locksmith up the stairs where he quickly jiggled some tools in the lock and opened my door.

He stepped inside and made a pretence of checking something on the inside of the door and supposedly satisfied said, "Ok, that all looks good. You better find your keys, just to make sure."

My purse was where I'd left it and I quickly retrieved my keys and, no surprise, the lock opened fine. What was not so fine was the realization that I had no money to pay him. "Umm, I'm out of cash, can I give you a check?"

"No Maam, I don't do checks. Tell you what, why don't I come by one day after work and maybe you can just pay me with a coffee …!"

There was no doubting what kind of coffee he was referring and I suspected that his cock was just as black and as impressive as Samuel's, "Ah, OK, that'll be fine. Give me a call to let me know when you're coming and I'll make sure I'm in."

He picked up his bag, I shook his hand, “Thanks for your help.”

“Any time,” he answered.

I closed the door and went back inside and the first thing I did was to retrieve my cell phone from my purse. Unsurprisingly, there was a string of messages from Andrew. He had been getting increasingly worried throughout the day when I hadn't picked up. I gave him a call straightaway to allay his fears that I had been abducted … worse! Our conversation went something like …,

“Hi, Sorry about that .. left my purse at home … with my keys … was locked out … had to get someone to unlock the door … yadda, yadda, …. how are you?"

"I'm good … I was getting really worried … know that you don't like being on your own … glad to hear that Samuel sorted things out … yadda, yadda … wish that you could come away with me on these trips … figure that maybe we could do that if we were married ..!"

Before I could respond he cut the call short with, "Oops, gotta go … glad to hear you're OK … see you tomorrow … and I'm serious about the getting married thing … Love you, bye."

I put the phone down thinking, "What!! where did that come from?" So unlike Andrew to be making suggestions like that;, he has always been the crazy guy who is forever wrapped up in his little projects and schemes that are of no interest to me but the suggestion and my curiosity took root and I gave a shiver.


To be continued….
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