This was told to me by my cousin Becky. It is the main reason I've not posted much lately as we were trying to get her home. She is now safely back in the States. You need to be aware that the Black New World Order operates in many ways. To tell her story I must occasionally shift between the narrative and the first person...

Red flags were everywhere but we were too naive to see them. It was the spring of '21 and even with Covid restrictions the college class at church felt "lead" to take a month-long mission trip in '22. We wanted someplace that needed the gospel and offered a chance to go overseas.

Though my best friends Katie, Linda, and I were still seniors in high school we were invited to join in the planning and fundraising for the trip.

Our church is in what I would call a big-small farming town. We're about 40 miles Southeast of Springfield Missouri. It is a Fundamental Baptist Church that has its headquarters in Springfield. Counting the three of us, there would be 9 going. Six young women and 3 men.

We looked at ideas for trips put out by the Denominational Association and none sounded right. However, online we found companies that hosted overseas trips and found one that stood out. It was to a country in Africa called Mali. They even had a representative in the US who was available to talk to churches and church groups about mission trips. We arranged for the representative to come by and speak to our congregation one Sunday night.

In heavily accented English, Samsweato "Please call me Sam" made a presentation that resonated with the entire congregation. First, he gave a short sermon. He then showed a before and after video of a farming village that a missionary group had visited 2 years ago. The changes were miraculous and sold us, the church deacons, and the pastor that this was "our calling".

With online guidance from "Sam," the next 13 months were a whirlwind of activity. Getting passports, fundraising, getting our inoculations, and more fundraising.

Sadly, tragedy struck our group when 6 months before our scheduled departure, Billy, one of the guys who was going with us and the oldest of our class, was killed in a farming accident. We almost canceled the trip but his parents insisted on us going. They even donated a substantial amount of his insurance towards the trip. We dedicated the trip in his honor.

Finally, departure day arrived! Flights to St Louis, then New York then to London. After overnighting there we made connections to Bamako Mali arriving just at sunset.

"Sam" met us at the airport, helped us quickly clear customs, and got us to our hotel in time for dinner, showers, and a short night's sleep. Tomorrow a trio of puddle jumpers would fly us to the province of Gao.

For breakfast, "Sam" had a table of native fruits and juices waiting in the hotel lobby as our luggage was loaded into taxis for our ride back to the airport. He also introduced us to our "guides" for the final leg of our trip. Luke and John would accompany us girls, 3 to a plane while the 2 men would make do without a guide in their plane so they could carry our bags. "Sam" would fly out later in the day. To save weight we even tossed our backpacks and wallets on the third plane.

After takeoff, the flight to the dirt strip airport was uneventful except for the heat! We had been warned but nothing could prepare you for the heat. Each plane had a cooler full of cold local canned fruit juice which we eagerly drank. There were also sack lunches.

Luke tried to be a good guide pointing out features from the air but soon the prior travel, the drone of the engines, and heat got the better of us and we 3 drifted off as best we could.

We were jolted awake by the dirt strip landing. We disembarked and noticed the plane carrying Earl and Lester hadn't landed. The other pilot quickly told us they had experienced engine trouble but were safely on the ground. "Sam" would pick them and our luggage up when he flew out later in the day. Reasonable enough.

Luke and John escorted us to the shade of an open-sided shed. They said there would be trucks to meet us soon. We girls all quenched our thirst with more of the canned fruit juice.

Within minutes several trucks roared up. One truck which had a fuel tank strapped in the bed stopped by the two planes and the rest came over to the shed. We girls all noticed the occupants were armed. John said "Don't be alarmed. They travel with guns in case of thieves." One of the men had hopped from a truck. Luke introduced him as Major Isabmie. After a quick conversation in their language some laughter and more than one sideways glance, Major Isabmie told us Samsweato would catch us in a few hours and we must come with him. It wasn't like a request but more like an order. There was a problem. We all needed to go pee. We were told just go squat behind the trucks. Nobody would watch.

In anticipation of the mission trip, a couple of us girls had tried to learn some of the native tongues. One of the older girls, Carol looked at me as we both heard Major Isabmie grinning and tell John and Luke (thinking we wouldn't understand) "Samsweato with these did well." They all 3 laughed as we loaded into the trucks.

Carol asked if I understood what he said and I nodded. We were both worried.

Now is a good time to let you meet all the important characters.

Major Isabmie. Mid 40's. Human smuggler and slave trader. Local Chief of Police. Corrupt to the core and a Sadist at heart.

Samsweato "Call me Sam" was a scout on the prowl for ignorant White Christians. A true adherent of The Black New World Order, most of his ancestors had been slave traders before being hunted down, brutally tortured, and killed by White Abolitionist Christians following the US Civil War. He still had generational hatred in his blood. and thought he needed real Reparations from White Christians.

My cousin Becky who turned 18 two days before departure, 5'4",110lbs, short dirty blonde hair, brown eyes, freckles, farm girl tan, slender build 32B-26-34. Loves horses. Virgin.

Katie is 18, 5'9", 125lbs, with black hair (always in a ponytail), blue eyes, clear medium complexion. Softball and volleyball player lettering in both. 34C-30-34. Not a virgin but only had sex once. No boyfriend.

Linda 18, 5'1" 100lbs, long carrot red hair, emerald eyes. Light complexion with freckles. Speech and debate and flute all 4 years of high school. 30AA-24-30. Virgin dating is mostly nerds.

Carol 22, 5'10" 135lbs. 1st cousin to Katie with black shoulder-length hair. Daddy owns a dairy farm where she works weekends and during the summer. 34D-30-36 and strong. Not a virgin but not promiscuous. Wranglers and a Carhartt T-shirt were her normal attire. Something of a rebel.

Patrica and Paula. Identical twins. Preachers are kids but very devout. 21, 5'4" around 130lbs. but with the loose-fitting blouses and knee-length skirts they always wore, their measurements were something of a mystery. Both have long blond hair with Paula wearing hers in a braid most of the time. They were Juniors at Baptist Bible College in Springfield even attending daily chapel. Both wanted to be Missionary wives and have babies. Knowing the rigors involved in a mission trip their mom had persuaded their *** to let them were khaki pants on the trip.

Earl, 23, and a big old farm boy. 6'6" 250 lbs was an All-State Lineback in American football. Sun-bleached short brown hair, farmers tan, and popular with the ladies. He was a first-string player at Evangel University majoring in ancient languages so he wasn't stupid by any means. Was thinking about becoming a Marine Officer after graduation.

Lester. 19 and the polar opposite of Earl. 5'11", 120 lbs with brown hair and medium complexion. A nice average guy in high school he worked at the local Dollar General.

Billy deceased.

John and Luke. Really bad men in their 20's who worked for Samsweato.

As instructed we all climbed up in the back of a very large old army truck. It appeared that Carol and I were the only two concerned about what lay in store. In the back of the truck stood several men all of whom were armed. One of the things that bothered me was that instead of looking out for thieves and bandits they seem to spend their time looking at us girls.

Enduring the rough ride of about an hour we finally pulled into a half-acre clearing surrounded by grass huts and several cinder block buildings. A few women and children came out of the buildings joining several others who were already in the clearing. In the middle of the clearing were two metal tanks full of water. In the background, you could hear an engine running which we later learned powered a generator.

Getting down from the trucks several native women and children came up to us chattering excitingly. Quickly, the men shooed them away as Luke and John escorted us into the largest of the buildings. Two guards were standing inside. There we found a large desk and a semi-circle of metal folding chairs. While not cool inside at least we were out of the Sun. We all took seats. After a few minutes, Luke told us Major Isabmie is coming.

"Stand up when he enters." That sounded a bit strange but as he walked in the door we all stood.

He told us to sit down as he stood behind his desk. He had some papers which he began to read from in formal English. Becky said she would never forget the next words out of his mouth.

"Lady's, this radio came in while we were driving here. I will translate it for you. It seems the plane for your friends landed safely only to be surrounded by bandits. We know the pilot was killed but the fate of your companions is unknown." We all gasped as Patricia and Paula started to pray, "Now ladies settle down, the bandits stole all your bags and burned the airplane. Did anyone retain their passports or were they in your bags?"

None of us had, "This creates a massive problem. By Mali law, without passports, you are technically in our country illegally. As such, three things are truthful as of now. You are all under arrest for illegal entry. As far as your government is concerned you do not exist. Last, since you do not exist and until things are straightened out you are technically the prisoners of the local police of which I am the Chief."

We began to protest but Major Isabmie loudly yelled "SILENCE!" "You are not in your soft-hearted America now. You're subject to our laws. For all I know you may be drug smugglers or carrying contraband on your persons."

Once more we protested telling him he saw us get off the plane and that he knows what we were there for. He only laughed that maniacal laugh of those who have ultimate power over those who have none.

"Are you done now? All of you, against that wall." We quickly complied, he looked at the twins "You each love your sister very much, if you do as you are told both of you will live, if not, being suspected smugglers one or both of you may die, do you understand?"

Paula and Patricia both nodded meekly. By now a definite silence had fallen over the room. The Major quietly gave his next order, "Strip."

Paula said, "No, we cannot our bodies belong to God."

Suddenly a loud explosion and dust filled the room. and a bullet hole appears in the brick immediately beside Patricia's head. Ears ringing, can hardly hear, "Both of you strip or I will send her to meet your God!" Screamed the Major.

Slowly the twins began to unbutton their blouses. The Major said something to Luke and John. The pair moved quickly to the twins and began ripping away their clothes. One or the other told all of us to obey quickly or we will be shot.

By now the twins were naked using their hands to hide their nudity. Even the guards at the door laughed. The rest of us were told to strip as well. All complied except Carol. She gave the door a furtive look and started that way.

It was hopeless and Carol found out the hard way. A fist from one of the guards caught her square in the face and she was out cold. A barked command from the Major and she was dragged out the door.

Once we were all naked we were led outside to see Carol naked, tied to what Luke called the whipping posts. Best described as two posts set in the ground about 7' apart. She was tied by both ankles and wrists on full display. She had been splashed with water to awaken her and clear away the blood from her nose and face.

"Watch closely ladies. This could be you." He said as he nodded to a tribal woman holding an electric cattle prod. Carol's eyes snapped wide when she heard the current jump between the ******* tips. Something she had done hundreds of times to stubborn cattle was now going to be done to her.

Red Flags II

Carol was tied nude, spread eagle between the two posts ******* for all the world to see. Fear was written all over her face knowing that she was going to be punished in a way she had never thought possible even in her worst nightmare. It appeared all the men, women and children had come out to watch the spectacle. They were laughing and pointing and chanting like it was some type of carnival. It was as if they knew what was coming. Perhaps they did. All we could do is stand and watch in horror as the woman walked up to Carol and placed the cattle prod between her legs.

Rather than deliver the expected shock the woman began rubbing the shaft of the cattle prod between Carol's legs putting pressure on her clit as she rubbed her pussy lips. It was not what she had expected.

This continued for several minutes and Carol unconsciously began to press down on the shaft. The constant pressure and the movement of the hard but now damp fiberglass shaft were having an effect on Carol. The twins seemed to be mesmerized as they looked on wide-eyed at a woman, their friend, approaching an orgasm...

Smiling, the woman asked, "You like?" and as Carol uttered a moan, the woman moved the prod until just the electrodes made contact with her now wet cunt. Then the woman pressed the button!

Anyone within a mile had to have heard the scream as Carol tried to jerk away from the electric arc dancing across her pussy lips. The woman made sure she kept contact at all times paying close attention to Carol's clit. All Carol could do was let out cries of anguish as her body convulsed in an a vain attempt to get away.

After what seemed like forever the woman released the button. Carol slumped down with her weight on her arms. She had to have been close to passing out from the pain when once more, the woman pressed the button closing the circuit and making the arc pass between the metal tips pressed to Carol's pussy.

This time, the woman cackled as she delivered the lesson for rebellion. Carol was beyond screaming, as with eyes as big as saucers she danced against her bonds. Soon she lost control of her bladder. As she began pissing the woman released the button stoping the torturous punishment.

Major Isabmie slowly walked up to Carol. He congratulated her on her willpower telling her she endured the pain longer than anyone he'd ever watched.

Then he told her loud enough for all of us to hear, "Your stubbornness is a problem for you now and may result in you paying the ultimate price or, in the end may be a healthy asset for me. We will see when the bidders arrive."

While Carol was paying for her misbehavior the rest of us had been screaming and crying for it to end. "Stop! STOP!" we pleaded, all falling on deaf ears. Isabmie wanted an example made.

Now even more defenseless, sobbing and breathing like she had run a marathon Carrol hung between the two posts. We were made to stand out in the hot sun until Carol stopped crying. I suppose it was a way to reinforce who was in charge and in reality who owned us.

As we stood in the hot sun, the women of the village began stacking firewood in the middle of what we learned was a cooking pit. At the same time three men entered a hog pen off to one side of the clearing. Soon they were the focus of the children's attention as they started chasing hogs. The children's laughter filled the air until finally eventually one pig was caught then manhandled squealing towards the whipping posts. Katie was told to untie her legs as two of the younger boys shinnied up each pole then unceremoniously cut the ropes holding her slightly off the ground.

Seeing what was about to happen to Carol we rushed to her and kept her from falling to the ground.

We were soon lead away into one of the block buildings we heard an excited cheer as one of the men slit the throat of tonight's main course.

There were no chairs in the large, one room building. Instead only 3 bare wooden beds and 2 buckets. One was empty, the other had water and some rags. We took turns comforting Carol, assessing our situation and praying until it began to get dark outside. Four of us had reached the conclusion that if we did survive, our lot in life would be far from pleasant. The twins however were still in denial. Having been sheltered from the depraved world outside of the church and their parents, they had no idea what debt was owed and to whom it was owed. Nor would have they been able to imagine what was in store to begin their personal and generational journey on the BNWO journey to reparations.

It was early evening when we heard another vehicle approaching the clearing. Carol had regained much of her strength, joined myself and Linda looking out the unglazed windows of what was our temporary prison.

The woodpile had been transformed into a large pit of coals over which the slaughtered a pig was being turned slowly on a spit. The women of the village we're busy around the pit at some makeshift tables preparing food as the now visible pickup truck slowly rolled to a stop in the middle of the open compound.

Isabmie appeared at the door of his building as the driver step out of the truck. Because of the angles we couldn't see the driver however we all recognized his voice. "Sam" had decided to join the party.

Almost as one we girls looked at each other and you could see in our eyes the anger, confusion and perhaps a degree of hope that he might have come as our savior. We should have known better.

Several men began unloading some large boxes out of the truck as Samsweato and Isabmie met with a hug. Sam noticed us an in perfect now unaccented English told us to come out into the clearing. We had all decided that for now, cooperation might buy us the time we would need figure out how to escape.

"Ahh, such beautiful women. Isabmie told me I had done well. I had no idea just how well." he paused.
Continuing in English, "Luke bring the video camera and let me grade the merchandise."
"When I call your name come to me. You are Carol correct? You must learn to listen more closely. You are quite the prize and I would hate to have you damaged or even destroyed."

He proceeded to call each of us out by name and as if a grading a cut of meat critiqued each. Linda and the twins with the last to be graded.

"Miss Linda. So small and so petite with your beautiful red hair and boyishly flat chest. It is almost as if you have no tits at all, only nipples. We must shave your little red bush. Yes! Yes that is what we must have done. With your delicate features and young look we might be able to convince our bidders you are much younger than 18 years of age."
Now there was no doubt as to the plans that had been made for us.

Next came the twins. Still making a vein attempt to hide their nudity only made Sam laugh. Isabmie looked at them and reminded them of how close death had come.

Standing in front of them Sam asked each if they were still virgins. Both nodded yes.
"Our midwife will be able to tell don't lie to me. Are you virgins? Answer me out loud!"
In unison Paula and Patricia both said "Yes."
Sam turned to Isabmie"They are very valuable, especially if we can sell them as a pair to one buyer. John make note for me to contact the financier of the Rebel leader. He would be very interested in these two especially if we can show him how much they love each other. We must protect their virginity."
Sam glanced over towards Isabmie which earned him an evil laugh.
"Yes, we will market them as virgin twins."
Both Paula and Patricia blurted out "Please no! We could never..." Now it was Sam's turn to exercise authority.
"Shut you're worthless mouths!" he screamed. "Luke make sure their protests are edited out of the video."

As the inspection was going on it was apparent despite her earlier trauma, Carol was beginning to once more gather her strength. There was a degree of determination yet passivity as Carol spoke,
"May I call you Mr Sam?"
"Well now, respect. Yes, you may."
"Mr. Sam, what has happened to Lester and Earl?"
Samsweato looked towards Isabmie who announced "As you were told their plane had engine trouble and made a successful emergency landing. Unfortunately the airstrip where they landed was controlled by rebels. We know of the death of the pilot and the destruction of the aircraft. Samsweato what else is known."

"Our Government launched a mission to the airfield. When they arrived everything of value had been removed and your companions were not found. The leader of that faction is a very wicked man. They may have been taken hostage or perhaps taken out into the bush and, well who knows." As he said this he shrugged. "In my opinion, two white boys would likely be thought of as worthless commodities . The search may resume after daybreak. Don't get your hopes up."

"Thank you Mr Sam. We will continue to pray for them." Carol said.

Enough of the serious matters, I believe it is time to celebrate our latest crop of missionaries.

The stars were becoming visible as the women and children busied themselves placing grass mats in a large circle around the brightly burning fire pit. Luke guided us to where we were to set for our first meal with our captors. With the exception of the twins we were made to set no closer than arms length of apart. The twins were escorted to the opposite side of the fire where Luke placed them between Isabmie and Sam.

"Ladies, eat quickly and partake of your drinks. You will find it warms your inside and you will welcome it." Isabmie said.

Soon the drink, the chattering of the natives as they too ate and the drone of the generator which was supplying power for the compound almost load us into a sense of security. That was shattered in a moment.

We had just finished eating our meal and drinking down more of what had to have been some type of drugged fruit drink. Isabmie looked up and called our attention to the eight armed men entering the compound.

Isabmie said something I did not understand to the guards who had just entered the compound. They all grinned and after handing off their guns, each began to strip. All of us except the twins had heard rumors and the like about Black men and I had seen my boyfriend's penis however much like the heat, nothing could prepare me or any of the other girls for what we saw hanging between the legs of the now naked men.

All eight went to one of the troughs containing water and bathed their crotches. As they washed, two uniformed guards had positioned themselves behind each of us. Then as Isabmie announced the rules for that night's entertainment Sam was kind enough to translate.

"First these two" pointing to Paula and Patricia, "they only have their mouths fucked. Their pussies and asses are off limits. That rule is never to be broken! Penalty is death. "The other 4 will be considered payment for your services as guards. You may use them as you please." Pointing at Linda and me. "These two are virgins. Lieutenant, you and the sergeant have served me well. Pick which one you want."

As one we tried to get up and run but the guards quickly grabbed us. The drugs in the drink made resisting an uncoordinated pantomime.

Not knowing why, both men approached me. All I could focus on was the massive ebony cocks between their legs. The others were chosen as well but I could only concern myself with what I knew had become my fate.

The guards behind me forced me to my knees. I found an 11" semi-hard cock right in front of my face.

Sam made it clear by yelling to all, "If you bite you will meet the fate of your companions. They will never find your bodies."

That made my only line of defense null and void. One of the strong pair of hands holding me down on my knees shifted grabbing my hair and holding my head still. A hard slap to my face. Not a hand but a now hard cock. The musky smell won't allow me to open my mouth... No I'm not going to suck that black, another slap then someone pinches my nose closed. I can't breath. Have to get air. Open my mouth just enough to...

I hear a man yell and suddenly Carol is screaming. Out of the corner of my eye I see her being pulled across the clearing. "NO!" I start to yell but before the sound comes out the monstrous head of a black man's cock goes in.

Sam yells "YOU WERE TOLD NOT TO BITE!!!". Black cock being shoved in my mouth. Nose held again. Throat convulses. Cock entering my throat as the bile in my stomach tries to escape. Head held tightly as tears begin to flow down my cheeks.

Now hearing gutteral sounds as other bodies begin to be abused. Some screaming in pain. My ass is pulled up and my shoulders pushed down. I'm on my knees. Cock is half way pulled out of my mouth then shoved in once more. Pain. Yes pain as fingers grope my virginal pussy.

Quick glimpse of Carol. Hands and arms bound by rope being thrown into the back of a truck. "No not Carol!" I think then return to my own plight as fingers are replaced by what felt like a softball bat. Laughter and gibberish from my tormentors as I feel the softball bat going deep inside. Only it wasn't that. It was a giant black cock.

Her memory of her own abuse fades. She knows she was used by 3 or 4 men each causing her to blackout or block the memory of what was happening to her. Instead she focused on the others. Seeing Linda enduring the same abuse. Katey, her cries being ignored. The scream Carol made as the truck drove out of the clearing. Those are what she recalled about the remainder of the first night.

Red Flags - Chapter 2

Carol was tied nude, spread eagle between the two posts ******* for all the world to see. Fear was written all over her face knowing that she was going to be punished in a way she had never thought possible even in her worst nightmare. It appeared all the men, women and children had come out to watch the spectacle. They were laughing and pointing and chanting like it was some type of carnival. It was as if they knew what was coming. Perhaps they did. All we could do is stand and watch in horror as the woman walked up to Carol and placed the cattle prod between her legs.

Rather than deliver the expected shock the woman began rubbing the shaft of the cattle prod between Carol's legs putting pressure on her clit as she rubbed her pussy lips. It was not what she had expected.

This continued for several minutes and Carol unconsciously began to press down on the shaft. The constant pressure and the movement of the hard but now damp fiberglass shaft were having an effect on Carol. The twins seemed to be mesmerized as they looked on wide-eyed at a woman, their friend, approaching an orgasm...

Smiling, the woman asked, "You like?" and as Carol uttered a moan, the woman moved the prod until just the electrodes made contact with her now wet cunt. Then the woman pressed the button!

Anyone within a mile had to have heard the scream as Carol tried to jerk away from the electric arc dancing across her pussy lips. The woman made sure she kept contact at all times paying close attention to Carol's clit. All Carol could do was let out cries of anguish as her body convulsed in an a vain attempt to get away.

After what seemed like forever the woman released the button. Carol slumped down with her weight on her arms. She had to have been close to passing out from the pain when once more, the woman pressed the button closing the circuit and making the arc pass between the metal tips pressed to Carol's pussy.

This time, the woman cackled as she delivered the lesson for rebellion. Carol was beyond screaming, as with eyes as big as saucers she danced against her bonds. Soon she lost control of her bladder. As she began pissing the woman released the button stoping the torturous punishment.

Major Isabmie slowly walked up to Carol. He congratulated her on her willpower telling her she endured the pain longer than anyone he'd ever watched.

Then he told her loud enough for all of us to hear, "Your stubbornness is a problem for you now and may result in you paying the ultimate price or, in the end may be a healthy asset for me. We will see when the bidders arrive."

While Carol was paying for her misbehavior the rest of us had been screaming and crying for it to end. "Stop! STOP!" we pleaded, all falling on deaf ears. Isabmie wanted an example made.

Now even more defenseless, sobbing and breathing like she had run a marathon Carrol hung between the two posts. We were made to stand out in the hot sun until Carol stopped crying. I suppose it was a way to reinforce who was in charge and in reality who owned us.

As we stood in the hot sun, the women of the village began stacking firewood in the middle of what we learned was a cooking pit. At the same time three men entered a hog pen off to one side of the clearing. Soon they were the focus of the children's attention as they started chasing hogs. The children's laughter filled the air until finally eventually one pig was caught then manhandled squealing towards the whipping posts. Katie was told to untie her legs as two of the younger boys shinnied up each pole then unceremoniously cut the ropes holding her slightly off the ground.

Seeing what was about to happen to Carol we rushed to her and kept her from falling to the ground.

We were soon lead away into one of the block buildings we heard an excited cheer as one of the men slit the throat of tonight's main course.

There were no chairs in the large, one room building. Instead only 3 bare wooden beds and 2 buckets. One was empty, the other had water and some rags. We took turns comforting Carol, assessing our situation and praying until it began to get dark outside. Four of us had reached the conclusion that if we did survive, our lot in life would be far from pleasant. The twins however were still in denial. Having been sheltered from the depraved world outside of the church and their parents, they had no idea what debt was owed and to whom it was owed. Nor would have they been able to imagine what was in store to begin their personal and generational journey on the BNWO journey to reparations.

It was early evening when we heard another vehicle approaching the clearing. Carol had regained much of her strength, joined myself and Linda looking out the unglazed windows of what was our temporary prison.

The woodpile had been transformed into a large pit of coals over which the slaughtered a pig was being turned slowly on a spit. The women of the village we're busy around the pit at some makeshift tables preparing food as the now visible pickup truck slowly rolled to a stop in the middle of the open compound.

Isabmie appeared at the door of his building as the driver step out of the truck. Because of the angles we couldn't see the driver however we all recognized his voice. "Sam" had decided to join the party.

Almost as one we girls looked at each other and you could see in our eyes the anger, confusion and perhaps a degree of hope that he might have come as our savior. We should have known better.

Several men began unloading some large boxes out of the truck as Samsweato and Isabmie met with a hug. Sam noticed us an in perfect now unaccented English told us to come out into the clearing. We had all decided that for now, cooperation might buy us the time we would need figure out how to escape.

"Ahh, such beautiful women. Isabmie told me I had done well. I had no idea just how well." he paused.
Continuing in English, "Luke bring the video camera and let me grade the merchandise."
"When I call your name come to me. You are Carol correct? You must learn to listen more closely. You are quite the prize and I would hate to have you damaged or even destroyed."

He proceeded to call each of us out by name and as if a grading a cut of meat critiqued each. Linda and the twins with the last to be graded.

"Miss Linda. So small and so petite with your beautiful red hair and boyishly flat chest. It is almost as if you have no tits at all, only nipples. We must shave your little red bush. Yes! Yes that is what we must have done. With your delicate features and young look we might be able to convince our bidders you are much younger than 18 years of age."
Now there was no doubt as to the plans that had been made for us.

Next came the twins. Still making a vein attempt to hide their nudity only made Sam laugh. Isabmie looked at them and reminded them of how close death had come.

Standing in front of them Sam asked each if they were still virgins. Both nodded yes.
"Our midwife will be able to tell don't lie to me. Are you virgins? Answer me out loud!"
In unison Paula and Patricia both said "Yes."
Sam turned to Isabmie"They are very valuable, especially if we can sell them as a pair to one buyer. John make note for me to contact the financier of the Rebel leader. He would be very interested in these two especially if we can show him how much they love each other. We must protect their virginity."
Sam glanced over towards Isabmie which earned him an evil laugh.
"Yes, we will market them as virgin twins."
Both Paula and Patricia blurted out "Please no! We could never..." Now it was Sam's turn to exercise authority.
"Shut you're worthless mouths!" he screamed. "Luke make sure their protests are edited out of the video."

As the inspection was going on it was apparent despite her earlier trauma, Carol was beginning to once more gather her strength. There was a degree of determination yet passivity as Carol spoke,
"May I call you Mr Sam?"
"Well now, respect. Yes, you may."
"Mr. Sam, what has happened to Lester and Earl?"
Samsweato looked towards Isabmie who announced "As you were told their plane had engine trouble and made a successful emergency landing. Unfortunately the airstrip where they landed was controlled by rebels. We know of the death of the pilot and the destruction of the aircraft. Samsweato what else is known."

"Our Government launched a mission to the airfield. When they arrived everything of value had been removed and your companions were not found. The leader of that faction is a very wicked man. They may have been taken hostage or perhaps taken out into the bush and, well who knows." As he said this he shrugged. "In my opinion, two white boys would likely be thought of as worthless commodities . The search may resume after daybreak. Don't get your hopes up."

"Thank you Mr Sam. We will continue to pray for them." Carol said.

Enough of the serious matters, I believe it is time to celebrate our latest crop of missionaries.

The stars were becoming visible as the women and children busied themselves placing grass mats in a large circle around the brightly burning fire pit. Luke guided us to where we were to set for our first meal with our captors. With the exception of the twins we were made to set no closer than arms length of apart. The twins were escorted to the opposite side of the fire where Luke placed them between Isabmie and Sam.

"Ladies, eat quickly and partake of your drinks. You will find it warms your inside and you will welcome it." Isabmie said.

Soon the drink, the chattering of the natives as they too ate and the drone of the generator which was supplying power for the compound almost load us into a sense of security. That was shattered in a moment.

We had just finished eating our meal and drinking down more of what had to have been some type of drugged fruit drink. Isabmie looked up and called our attention to the eight armed men entering the compound.

Isabmie said something I did not understand to the guards who had just entered the compound. They all grinned and after handing off their guns, each began to strip. All of us except the twins had heard rumors and the like about Black men and I had seen my boyfriend's penis however much like the heat, nothing could prepare me or any of the other girls for what we saw hanging between the legs of the now naked men.

All eight went to one of the troughs containing water and bathed their crotches. As they washed, two uniformed guards had positioned themselves behind each of us. Then as Isabmie announced the rules for that night's entertainment Sam was kind enough to translate.

"First these two" pointing to Paula and Patricia, "they only have their mouths fucked. Their pussies and asses are off limits. That rule is never to be broken! Penalty is death. "The other 4 will be considered payment for your services as guards. You may use them as you please." Pointing at Linda and me. "These two are virgins. Lieutenant, you and the sergeant have served me well. Pick which one you want."

As one we tried to get up and run but the guards quickly grabbed us. The drugs in the drink made resisting an uncoordinated pantomime.

Not knowing why, both men approached me. All I could focus on was the massive ebony cocks between their legs. The others were chosen as well but I could only concern myself with what I knew had become my fate.

The guards behind me forced me to my knees. I found an 11" semi-hard cock right in front of my face.

Sam made it clear by yelling to all, "If you bite you will meet the fate of your companions. They will never find your bodies."

That made my only line of defense null and void. One of the strong pair of hands holding me down on my knees shifted grabbing my hair and holding my head still. A hard slap to my face. Not a hand but a now hard cock. The musky smell won't allow me to open my mouth... No I'm not going to suck that black, another slap then someone pinches my nose closed. I can't breath. Have to get air. Open my mouth just enough to...

I hear a man yell and suddenly Carol is screaming. Out of the corner of my eye I see her being pulled across the clearing. "NO!" I start to yell but before the sound comes out the monstrous head of a black man's cock goes in.

Sam yells "YOU WERE TOLD NOT TO BITE!!!". Black cock being shoved in my mouth. Nose held again. Throat convulses. Cock entering my throat as the bile in my stomach tries to escape. Head held tightly as tears begin to flow down my cheeks.

Now hearing gutteral sounds as other bodies begin to be abused. Some screaming in pain. My ass is pulled up and my shoulders pushed down. I'm on my knees. Cock is half way pulled out of my mouth then shoved in once more. Pain. Yes pain as fingers grope my virginal pussy.

Quick glimpse of Carol. Hands and arms bound by rope being thrown into the back of a truck. "No not Carol!" I think then return to my own plight as fingers are replaced by what felt like a softball bat. Laughter and gibberish from my tormentors as I feel the softball bat going deep inside. Only it wasn't that. It was a giant black cock.

Her memory of her own abuse fades. She knows she was used by 3 or 4 men each causing her to blackout or block the memory of what was happening to her. Instead she focused on the others. Seeing Linda enduring the same abuse. Katey, her cries being ignored. The scream Carol made as the truck drove out of the clearing. Those are what she recalled about the remainder of the first night.