Randy called on Tuesday, and he asked what I was doing Friday night. I told him that I didn't have any plans, and I asked him what he had in mind. Jimbo coaches a woman's softball team, and I was a little surprised when Randy suggested that we go and watch them play on Friday night.

I thought that Randy had called to make plans to visit with my wife again, but he wanted to watch a girl's softball game with the guys! I'm sure that Randy knew what I was thinking when I hesitated before answering him.

"Hey, come on." He said. "It'll be fun, besides it will be the first time that you've seen Chuck and Jimbo since they went to Fred's Inn with me last week. I though that you might be interested in what the guy's thought of your wife's sexy pictures.

Oh God, I hadn't thought of that! I was a little nervous about facing the guys for the first time since they'd seen the pictures of what Randy had done to my wife, but I had to face my friends sometime. I knew that I might as well get it over with, and I agreed to go to the ball game with them.

At first I thought that Randy wasn't even going to bring up the subject of making plans to see my wife again, but he finally brought it up. "I've got a date with Laurie on Saturday night, but I was hoping that I could drop by about noon and take your wife out shopping for a little while."

I asked Randy what was going on and he just laughed. "Hey don't worry about it." He said. "It's just a little bit of harmless fun. I'll bring your wife home before anything serious gets started. You'll get to watch the whole thing, I promise!" Randy knew me so well. He knew that I wanted to watch them together again.

"Well, I'll ask her if she wants to go." I said. Randy was quick to say no! He told me to tell my wife that he had asked for my permission to take her shopping, not for her's. I had said yes, and she was going!

I told him that I didn't think that would work, she wouldn't go if I ordered her too! "Trust me, my friend." Randy laughed. "You just tell her what I said, and she'll go!" I agreed to try it.

I mentioned Randy's call to my wife at dinner that night. I told her that I was going to watch Jimbo's girls team play softball Friday night, and she seemed a little bit nervous. I'm sure that she was thinking the same thing that I had about my having to face the other guy's after they'd seen the pictures of Randy fucking her!

Then I told my wife that Randy was going to take her shopping Saturday at noon. She said no right away, that she didn't want to go with him. I told her exactly what Randy had told me to tell her. I told her that Randy had asked me for my permission to take her shopping, not for her's! I'd given Randy my permission and it was settled. She was going!

I expected an argument from my wife. I was sure that there was going to be a lot of hollering and screaming over this one! I couldn't believe it when my wife just lowered her eyes and said, "Yes, Honey." She had never been like this before. She would never just do what she'd been told to do!

I met Randy after work on Friday, and we drove over to the ballpark together. When we got there, I saw that Chuck and Jimbo were standing together by the team's bench. I was very nervous as we walked up to them.

Did my friends really understand, or did they think that my wife was a slut? Did they understand that what my precious wife had done that night, she had done for me, to satisfy my fantasy of seeing her with my best friend? Did they know how much she loved me and how much I loved her?

There was a bit of awkwardness when we first got there. We talked about the ball game, and we even talked about how hot a couple of the woman players looked, but we were all thinking the same thing. They had seen the pictures of Randy fucking my wife!

The game started, and Randy and Jimbo got caught up with watching the game. Chuck tapped me on the shoulder and we stepped away a little bit to talk. Even though we'd been friends for years, Chuck seemed to be as uncomfortable as I was!

"Randy said that you might be kind of embarrassed about what happened to your wife, and he told Jimbo and me not to bring the subject up unless you did, but we've been friends for so long that I was hoping that we could talk about it." He said.

I have to admit that I was a little more embarrassed than I thought that I would be, but Chuck was right about how long we'd been friends. I thought that it would be best to just talk about it! "Well, Chuck," I asked him. "What did you think of my wife's pictures?"

Chuck almost blushed, "Were those pictures for real?" He asked. "I mean did she just pose for those pictures, or did Randy really **** your wife?"

I told Chuck that my wife and I had acted out a fantasy about Randy ****** her several times. I had used an awful lot of pressure, but I finally got my wife to agree to let me watch while she acted out my fantasy of watching Randy **** her. She knew that he was going to come over, and she knew that he was going to **** her, but once it got started it really got out of hand!

Randy didn't make it easy for her at all. I told Chuck that even though no court would ever convict him, I guess that you could say that Randy really did **** my wife that night, and I had watched him do it!

"Christ!" Chuck said, shaking his head. "I had a feeling that it had really happened, but I wanted to hear it from you! I could see that Chuck was uncomfortable with the situation. I thought that he was having a problem accepting what had happened to my wife, but I was wrong.

Chuck finally opened up about what was bothering him. "Do you remember the News Years Eve party at my house last year?" He asked.

"Yeah," I said. "I was there. So what?"

"Do you remember that Randy and I almost got into a fight because I was jealous of the attention that he was paying to my wife?"

"Yeah," I said, vaguely remembering something about it. I told Chuck that I did remember that there was a problem, but that I just thought it was because people were drinking a little bit too much that night.

"I thought so too and I let it drop." Chuck said. "But after I saw those pictures of Randy with your wife, I got to thinking about it again.

I really didn't understand. I asked Chuck what my wife's pictures had to do with his wife, and he said that the pictures of watching Randy shave my wife's cunt had really bothered him. He told me that about two weeks after the New Years Eve party, his wife had started shaving her pussy.

He told her that he didn't like it shaved, but his wife had insisted. She said that she felt cleaner and more comfortable, and she has kept her pussy shaved ever since. Chuck also said that his wife acts differently now whenever Randy is around. "She hardly looks at Randy, and she stares at the floor a lot!" He said.

"CJ, I saw the pictures of Randy's huge cock stuffed between the bald lips of your wife's cunt and I almost got sick to my stomach! I couldn't help from thinking that I could almost be looking at pictures of Randy fucking my own wife!" He said. Chuck stared at me intently and asked. "CJ, do you think that Randy could be fucking my wife?"

I thought about Chuck's wife. She was just a little bit plump, with nice large breasts and a very beautiful face. I thought about what Chuck had said about her keeping her pussy shaved, even though he didn't like it, and about how she looked at the ground a lot whenever Randy was around.

I felt like shouting at Chuck, "Of course he's fucking your wife you idiot! He's been fucking her ever since the New Year's Eve party!" But I couldn't do that to Chuck. He loved his wife very much and that would have killed him! I told him what he wanted to hear.

"Chuck, I've known your wife for years and I know that she wouldn't do that to you." I lied. "Besides, if Randy had scored with her, he'd have told me. You know how much he likes to brag about the women that he's screwed!"

I could see the relief in Chuck's face. "That's what I thought too." He said. "I just wanted to be sure." I told him not to worry about it, I was sure that his wife was being completely faithful to him! Then I made a mental note to ask Randy why he hadn't told be that he was balling Chuck's wife!

I couldn't help thinking that I would like to have a piece of Chuck's plump little wife too, but that would have to wait for a while. I was much too busy with what was going on with my own wife right now to worry about his!

I was very glad to have this first meeting with the guys over with, and I was glad that Randy's involvement in my wife's sex life wasn't going to be a problem with my other friends! They didn't seem to have a problem with it, and I was sure that they wouldn't show any disrespect for her or for me!

I watched my wife on Saturday morning as she waited for Randy to take her shopping. She looked nervous as hell, and she could hardly look me in the eye. I'm sure that my wife knew that she was going to have to do a lot more than just go shopping today. Before this day was over, she knew that once again her own husband was going to watch his best friend using her body!

The first thing that Randy did when he got there was to give my wife a bag from a local department store. "Here," He said. "I want you to go upstairs and change your clothes. I like your blouse, but I want you to wear this instead of those slacks."

My wife looked at me for my reaction. She had known what was expected of her the night that Randy had come over to **** her, but she didn't seem to know what she was supposed to do now. When I nodded towards the stairs, she knew that she was supposed to obey my best friend!

My wife lowered her eyes and answered, "Yes, Randy." As she went upstairs to change. Randy called after her not to wear pantyhose with that!

Randy and I drank a beer while we were waiting for my wife to change. I asked him where they were going, and he said that they were going to the new mall across town, less chance of someone we knew seeing them together.

When my wife came back downstairs, I knew why Randy didn't want anyone we knew seeing them together. Randy had bought my wife a short black skirt. A very, very, short black skirt! It was the type with a lot of flare to it. The slightest breeze would show off my wife's panties to the world! I was sure that she wouldn't leave the house wearing that little skirt.

"Spin around," Randy said. "Let's see how you look." I was surprised when my wife did a little twirl, showing off her new skirt to us. The skirt flared out as she twirled around and it barely concealed her panties. That still wasn't good enough for Randy. "Pick up that magazine from underneath the coffee table." He ordered her.

My wife bent from the knees to pick up the magazine, and Randy raised his voice as he snapped at her. "God damn it, Bitch! You know that's not what I meant! Now, do it right."

My wife picked up the magazine again, but this time she bent over from the waist! When she did the little skirt rose up in the back, completely ******** her white panties to us! Randy grinned at me and said, "There's going to be some pretty happy shoppers at the new shopping mall today!

There was no way that my wife was going to leave the house like that I thought to myself, but they were leaving, and she was following him. Randy stepped aside and he let my wife reach the door first. Suddenly, he bent over behind her and he reached up under her short skirt with both hands.

My wife jumped and she tried to pull away from him, but he grabbed her by the hips and he made her hold still. I watched as my best friend pulled down my wife's panties and made her step out of them. Randy handed me my wife's panties, and he grinned like hell when he asked me to hold onto them until she got back. He said that she wouldn't be needing them for a little while!

Randy opened the door for my wife. She was blushing profusely as she turned around and looked at me. I was sure that my wife was going to run upstairs and hide, but just then Randy asked, "Are you coming or not, Bitch?"

My wife lowered her eyes and she answered, "Yes, Randy." As she walked out the front door with my best friend.

All I could think about was the view I'd had of my loving wife when she bent over to picked up the magazine. She had her panties on then, but she didn't have any panties on now! Would a complete stranger, maybe even several complete strangers be getting that view of my loving wife at the shopping mall today? Would they get to see my precious wife's naked ass?

My cock just throbbed as I thought about it. I could hardly wait until they got home to tell me all about it!