I grasped my throbbing cock in my hand and I waited for the inevitable climax to the whole evening, my best friend shooting his hot cum deep inside of my loving wife's vagina.

I had to force myself to slow way down! Things were happening way too fast, and I wanted to savor this moment! I looked carefully at the scene in front of me, and I tried to commit everything that I saw to memory.

My loving wife was tied completely naked to the four corners of our bed by the cut up legs of her own pantyhose. I know that my best friend had used the pantyhose because he didn't want her hurt the way that a rope would have, but she had struggled so hard that I could see redness around her wrists and ankles. She was going to be very sore tomorrow!

I could see that my wife's body was glistening with sweat. That really surprised me because my wife very seldom perspires. Then I realized that she wasn't perspiring! Randy was sweating like a pig, and it was his dripping sweat that was covering my wife's naked body. Oh God, she must have been disgusted by that!

But, sweat was the least of my poor wife's problems. I looked down between their legs, and I watched Randy pumping his huge penis in and out of my loving wife's vagina. Short, hard strokes that were pounding into my wife's cunt hole, slapping his floppy balls up against her naked ass hole, and bouncing her head off of the headboard of our bed!

Our bed, our marital bed! I knew that I would never be able to make love to my wife in that bed again without remembering watching Randy ****** her! I'd always remember watching my best friend fucking the hell out of my darling wife right there in front of me!

Randy was moaning, then he was groaning, and then he was actually growling. My best friend was growling like an animal as he pounded his huge piece of meat in and out of my loving wife's tight little cunt hole!

My wife sobbed loudly as she continued to pull hard against her pantyhose bonds, but she was still trying to keep pace with Randy's hard fucking! She was trying to match each of Randy's hard thrusts into her with a pump of her own naked pussy.

Oh my God, I couldn't take any more of this! Why didn't Randy just cum! Why didn't he just end my poor wife's terrible ordeal?

"You Bitch!" Randy groaned. "You fucken Bitch! Ohhhhhhhhh..... !"

Jesus! I watched Randy push his huge cock completely into my wife and

just hold it there! For a split second, you could hear a pin drop in the room. Nothing happened!

Then, "Yeeesssssssss!" Randy groaned. I saw the cheeks of my best friend's naked ass clench as he pushed the head of his cock even tighter up against the back wall of my wife's uterus. I heard his guttural groan, and I knew that it was over. Randy was finally cumming inside of my wife's pussy!

It had been a long time since my wife had looked over at me. She knew that I wasn't supposed to be there, but when Randy started to cum inside of her, she couldn't help herself. Blushing terribly, my loving wife turned and looked right into my eyes.

Our eyes were locked together as my best friend came inside of her! I could almost feel each pump of his massive dick as he squirted his huge load of hot cum inside of my darling wife! I could feel her humiliation as she looked right into my eyes while another man came deep inside of her.

There was so much emotion expressed in her eyes! My wife had done so much tonight to prove her love for me! She had done everything that I had asked her to do and more, but she was so afraid that I wouldn't love her after this. That I wouldn't love her after watching the way that my best friend had ***** her and forced her to please him with her naked body!

I was supposed to be away on a business trip, but I just had to reassure my wife that I still loved her! "I love you, Honey!" Was all I managed to say before my best friend collapsed on top of my poor wife. My friend was completely spent!

I pulled my hand away from my own rock hard dick. I had to, or I would have cum right there! Randy's head was down on my wife's shoulder, trying to recover from his violent climax inside of her. For several seconds, we all just caught our breath.

Then, my wife looked back over at me. I could see the humiliation in her eyes as she thought about me watching Randy squirting his hot cum inside of her abused vagina! She was my wife, but I had watched Randy fuck the hell out of her! She could have died from embarrassment!

But, I knew that my poor wife's embarrassment was far from over with, in fact it may have just been starting. There was still the humiliation of having Randy showing off the pictures of her getting ***** to my friend's at Fred's Inn later tonight.

I thought about the pictures of my wife, and I thought about my friend's looking at them. My cock throbbed, but I knew that the set of pictures wasn't complete yet. I picked up Randy's camera, and I heard my wife groan as I took a picture of my friend lying completely spent on top of her naked body!

I glanced down at the picture as I tossed it onto the dresser with the others. The picture showed it all. My loving wife had just been *****! Her body had been used to satisfy my best friend's lust for her! I sat back down, and I waited for Randy to get himself back together.

A minute later, or three, or five, I really don't know, Randy picked his head up and looked down at my naked wife. "You little slut." He said. "You just couldn't wait for your husband to go away on a business trip so that you could fuck me, could you, Bitch?"

"Don't say that, Randy." My wife sobbed. "You know that I love my husband!"

Randy just laughed at her. "The only thing that you fucking stuts really love is a big dick!" He said, as he pulled his now flaccid penis out of my wife's abused cunt hole.

Randy got up and went over to where my wife's lovely white gown still lay on the floor. He picked up her gown and he wiped off his big dick with it, cleaning off the mixture of their juices from his now limp penis. He threw her lovely gown back down and he walked over to the foot of the bed.

I heard Randy laugh as he looked down at my precious wife. He glanced over at me and grinned lewdly. I knew that there was something that he wanted me to see that I couldn't see from where I was sitting. I went over and stood right beside Randy. As soon as I got up, I could see why he was laughing!

My loving wife's tight little cunt hole, her once tight little cunt hole, had been completely stretched out by Randy's huge fuck stick! With her legs splayed wide apart by her pantyhose bonds, her cunt hole just laid there gaping wide open. Randy and I could see deep inside of her pink love tunnel, and we could see Randy's cum starting to ooze out of her.

Randy giggled like a school boy as he picked up his camera again. I saw him checking to see how many pictures were left. There were about a half dozen left, and I knew that Randy was going to take them all!

"Do you remember what I told you, Bitch!" Randy barked at my wife. "I told you that the next pictures that I took of you would show my cum leaking out of you!" Randy aimed his camera at my naked wife. "And that's exactly what this picture of you is going to show!"

My poor wife knew that Randy was right. She knew that this would be a disgusting picture of her naked and abused body, and she didn't want him to take it! "Please, Honey," She sobbed. "Don't let him take anymore pictures of me!"

I sat back down as the camera flashed. I knew that my best friend had a great picture of his cum leaking out of my wife's cunt hole, and I knew that Chuck and Jimbo would see that picture later tonight at Fred's Inn!

My wife just groaned as Randy took several more pictures of her, including a close up of her well used pussy that clearly showed Randy's cum running down in between the cheeks of her naked ass. Jimbo would love that picture!

It was over! My wife's **** was finally over. I watched Randy getting dressed. He was still planing to go to go to Fred's Inn with the other guys tonight. While my friend was getting dressed, I dumped a pair of my wife's shoes out of a shoe box in her closet. I put the pictures in order and I put them in the shoe box for Randy.

After Randy had gotten dressed, he went over to the foot of the bed and looked down at my naked wife. After several seconds, he leaned over and patted her bald pussy. "You know that I'm coming back for more don't you, Bitch."

Randy got pissed when my wife looked over at me instead of answering him, and he yelled this time, "You know that don't you, Bitch!"

My wife groaned, "Yes, Randy, I know."

"Then keep that pussy shaved for me. You never know when I'll be back and it had better be as bald as a baby's backsides!"

"Please, Randy," My wife sobbed. "My husband likes ..."

She never got a chance to finish. "I don't care what your husband likes!" He bellowed. "You keep your damn pussy shaved for me!

My wife lowered her eyes when he raised his voice. "Yes, Randy." She finally answered softly.

Randy went over to the night stand and picked up my clock radio, and I watched him set it. I was surprised to see that it was only a few minutes after eleven o'clock. It seemed like this had been going on for much longer than that.

Randy laid the clock radio back down and he told my wife what he had done. "The alarm clock is going to go off at exactly midnight, Bitch." He said. "That's when I'm going to start showing Chuck and Jimbo the picture of you getting fucked." Randy laughed an evil little laugh. "I just thought that you'd want to know when they were looking at you!"

Randy took one more look at my naked wife, and then he finally left the room. I followed him out into the hallway and I handed him the shoe box full of my wife's naked pictures. My best friend just shook his head as he took the pictures from me. "You are one lucky son of bitch!" He said.

"Your wife is the best fuck that I've ever had!" He raved. "I've never cum that much before! She fucked my damned balls off!"

"My wife is very good in bed, Randy." I said. "But I think that you just might be a ****** at heart. I think that you liked playing the role of a ****** more than you liked the sex with my wife!"

Randy didn't even have to think about that one. "You're probably right!" He laughed. "But whatever the reason, that was the best fuck of my life!"

Randy held up the shoe box and he invited me to go to Fred's Inn with him and the other guys. He wanted me to be there when he showed my wife's pictures to Chuck and Jimbo. I thought about it for a second, but I turned him down. I knew that I should stay home with my wife. She would need me here tonight!

"Okay," Randy said. "But don't go right back in there. Drink a beer first and relax. That will give her some time to think about being *****. Then you can come home from your business trip and find her all tied up!"

Randy was right. He left and I got a beer and sat down. I drank the beer very lowly, and I remembered every second of my wife's ****. I knew that she was still tied up in the bedroom and I was sure that she was remembering it also. Finally, the beer was gone and it was time to return from my business trip!

"Oh my God, Honey!" I exclaimed, as I walked into our bedroom and found my loving wife tied spread eagle on our bed! "What has happened to you?"

"Please, Honey," She sobbed. "Just untie me." I quickly untied my wife's arms, and then I moved to untie her legs. I saw my embarrassed wife cover her bald and well used vagina with her hand as I stood at the foot of the bed removing the bonds from her legs. She didn't want me to see that her pussy was gaping wide open, and that it had Randy's cum flowing out of it!

"Should I call the police, Honey?" I asked, playing the role of a loving and concerned husband that had just found out that his darling wife had been brutally *****!

"God no, Honey." She sobbed. "Just hold me!"

I climbed into bed with my wife and I held her naked in my arms. I had never felt her so sexy. I had never been this turned on.

"Who did this to you?" I whispered.

"It doesn't matter." She sobbed. "Just make love to me. Show me that you still love me."

I got up and I slowly got undressed. I glanced at the alarm clock. Ten minutes to midnight. I laid back down with my wife and I started kissing and stroking her naked body. She tried to pull me on top of her immediately, but I held back and I continued with the foreplay. It was almost midnight.

I knelt between my wife's legs and I positioned my cock at the entrance to her love hole. The alarm clock went off as I slid my hard dick into my wife. My head was spinning.

The alarm clock was going off! Chuck and Jimbo were looking at my wife's pictures, they were looking at her naked, they were watching Randy **** her!

My dick slid easily into my loving wife. There was no resistance at all. I sank into her pussy all the way to the balls on the very first stroke. She was so wet and so very warm. Oh God, I suddenly realized that wetness and warmth was from Randy.

I started to fuck her hard, the way that Randy had, but she held my naked hips and she begged me to slow down. She sobbed out that she was very sore, and that she just wanted me to make gentle love to her!

She was sore. My loving wife was sore from being fucked hard by my best friend's huge cock! That thought was all that it took for me to loose it! "I love you, Honey!" I groaned, as I added my huge load of cum to the one that Randy had shot into her!

I honestly think that I lost consciousness for a few seconds with the intensity of my climax. It was the best cum of my entire life. I was so glad that I had shared it with the woman that I loved.

This whole thing had started because our love life had gotten boring. We were taking each other for granted and we were not enjoying our sex life together. That would never happen again! I knew now that I was married to the sexiest woman in the world and if I ever doubted it, my best friend would be there to remind me! I was a very lucky man!

My precious wife finally whispered in my ear, "Is that what you wanted, Honey? Did I do everything that you wanted me to do?"

I slowly pulled my limp dick out of my wife's well fucked vagina, and I pulled her into my arms. We just cuddled together and stroked each others naked bodies. "Yes, Honey." I finally answered. "You did everything that I wanted, but you know that it's not over. You know that Randy will be back!"

My wife kissed me deeply, much more aggressively than usual, probing my mouth with her tongue. "I know that he'll be back," She finally whispered. "And I promise that I'll do whatever you want me to do, Honey! I love you so much!"

I slowly drifted off to sleep with the images of watching my best friend ****** my beautiful wife playing over and over again in my mind. I slept like a baby with my loving wife in my arms. But, there was a question in the back of my mind. What would Randy want my wife to do the next time he came over! I knew that I was going to find out!