I had often wondered how it would feel to watch another man **** my wife. It was just a fantasy before, but it wasn't now. I had watched my best friend strip my wife naked, and tie her spread eagle to her own bed! I had watched my best friend shove almost all of his huge cock into my loving wife's vagina!

I couldn't believe it! I was really watching my best friend ****** my wife! How did it feel? How did I feel? I still didn't know! I couldn't begin to understand all of the intense emotions that I was feeling at that moment.

Was it love that I was feeling? That was definitely a part of it! My wife was doing this because she knew that it was my fantasy, and she was trying so hard to please me! I had never loved her more than I did at that moment, not even on our wedding night!

Was I feeling lust? Oh God yes! I wanted to watch Randy fuck her hard! I wanted to watch my best friend **** my loving wife!

But it was so much more than just a fantasy now. It was really happening! My wife was doing everything that my friend had ordered her to do. As I watched, she was very slowly rotating her naked hips around his big dick!

I looked down between their legs and I knew that I would always remember the incredible view that I had of my best friend's large penis stretching out my loving wife's tight little vagina. But this moment was much too precious for me to trust to my memory!

The last picture that I had taken was when the head of Randy's cock first entered my loving wife's vagina. But I just had to have of picture of my wife with most of Randy's big dick shoved up inside of her cunt hole!

I wanted the picture to show the last inch of Randy's penis that wouldn't go inside of my wife. I wanted the picture to show that Randy had bottomed out in my wife's uterus, and that she was completely full of his fat cock!

I picked Randy's camera back up. Damn! It was out of film again. Randy had come prepared though, and there was still one more pack of film on the dresser. I reloaded his camera and I focused it in between their legs.

The camera flashed and I would always have a picture of my loving wife, with my best friend's penis shoved up inside of her pussy! Neither one of them reacted to the flash of the camera. They were both so involved in her **** that they didn't even notice the flash!

I put the picture on the dresser with the others. I would eventually get all of the pictures back but I knew that tonight, Randy was going to share the pictures of my wife's **** with Chuck and Jimbo at Fred's Inn!

My cock throbbed as I thought about my friend's looking at the obscene pictures of what Randy was doing to my loving wife. Oh God, why did that thought turn me on so much?

I sat back down and I slowly stroked my hard cock as I watched my wife obeying my best friend's orders. Even though she was tied tightly to the four corners of the bed, she very slowly, almost tenderly, rotating her naked hips against him, stroking Randy's large penis with her tight little pussy.

Randy must have felt like the tight outer ring of my wife's vagina was trying to suck the cum right out of him! I don't know why Randy didn't cum right there. I certainly would have!

That's when I realized that was exactly what my wife wanted. She just wanted this horrible night to be over with, and this was the only way that she knew how. She was trying to make Randy cum inside of her!

My wife wasn't rotating her hips as much now. She started to slowly pump her naked vagina back and forth against him. That was the way that she made love to me! That was what always made me cum, and she was hoping that it would make Randy cum too! She wanted it over with now!

I heard Randy moaning in pleasure. He was enjoying my wife's efforts to get him off! This night had been going on for quite a while now, and Randy had to be horny as hell. I was sure that he was going to cum very soon!

I was starting to think that my wife was going to get off easy. I thought that a few more pumps of her tight pussy around Randy's dick would milk the cum right out of him, and then her terrible ordeal would be over with!

I should have known that Randy wasn't going to let that happen! He wasn't going to let my wife off that easy! Randy picked his head up and looked down at my naked wife.

"You like it don't ya, Bitch?" He sneered at her. "You like my big dick in your pussy, don't ya?"

"Randy, please!" My wife sobbed, but she continued to pump her naked vagina up against him.

"You fucking sluts are all alike." He laughed. "You all want a big dick!"

My wife just closed her eyes and didn't answer him, but she continued humping her naked cunt up against him. She was still hoping that she could get him to cum quickly, and get this night over with.

That wasn't going to happen! Randy took my wife's face in his hands and he forced her to look up at him. "You might have been made love to before, Bitch, but now you're going find out how it feels to really get fucked!

I watched as Randy very slowly pulled his monstrous piece of meat out of my wife until just the very tip of it was still inside of her cunt. Randy was still holding her face, forcing her to look up at him. I saw the look of panic on her face. She knew what was about to happen!

"Oh my God! Owwww!" She cried out, as Randy drove his huge fuck stick back inside of her! "Please, Randy," My wife sobbed. "You have to be gentle with me!"

I could see the look in Randy's eyes. Gentle was over with, and now he was ready to fuck! He was ready to fuck my wife!

Randy only paused for a second, and then he pulled his big dick back out of her. He ignored her plea to be gentle and he slammed it back into her!

"Ohhhh, Noooo!" She groaned.

My poor wife had to just lay there, tied spread eagle to her own bed, as my best friend pulled his large cock out of her pussy, and then rammed it back into her again! Then he did it again, and again, and again! Oh God, why didn't he just cum?

Randy had my poor wife moaning underneath of him as he pounded his huge fuck stick in and out of her naked vagina, but he still wasn't satisfied! "God Damn it, Bitch," He hollered. "Don't just lay there! Fuck me back!"

"Oh God, Randy!" She sobbed, but my darling wife started to pump her naked pussy up back up against him again. My wife was used to the slow, gentle pace of the way that we made love together, but Randy wasn't making love to her now, he was just fucking the hell out of her!

What a sight it was! I stroked my own hard dick as I watched my friend pounding his swollen cock in and out of my poor wife's pussy. Oh Jesus Christ! I couldn't believe what he said to her. "You fucken Slut! You're not even trying!" He hollered. "Fuck me, Bitch!"

I don't know how she did it, but my poor wife tried even harder to please my best friend! I watched her try to match each of Randy's vicious thrusts into her vagina with her own fucking motion. She was pumping her naked cunt hard back up against my friend and she tried to match each of his hard thrusts into her with a hard pump of her own abused pussy!

My own cock was very close to erupting. I don't know how Randy was holding back! My loving wife and my best friend were finally getting into a good rhythm together. My wife was matching each of Randy's hard thrusts with a pump of her own naked hips. Oh God, they were actually fucking!

I just watched them fucking for several minutes. I knew that it was going to be over with very soon, and I wanted to savor every second of their first time together. Then, I noticed that something was different. Something was wrong. What was it? What was it that just didn't seem right to me?

I saw that my wife was pulling hard against her pantyhose bonds again, especially with her legs. Randy had tied my poor wife's legs wide apart, but now she was trying to spread her legs even further apart than her bonds would allow.

I heard my wife moaning. Was that it? Was Randy's hard fucking finally getting to my loving wife? Was she going to cum with my best friend? No, it was more of a groan than a moan. So, what was it that was so different?

I looked down between their legs and I watched their coupling. Randy was fucking the hell out of my poor wife, but I couldn't put my finger on what was wrong. Why did it suddenly seem so different to me?

Randy was down to the short strokes now. He was going to cum very soon! He would pull back an inch or so and then he'd piston his hard cock back into my wife, slamming his balls back up against her ******* ass hole.

...... "slamming his balls back up against her ******* ass hole?"

Oh my God, that was it! That's what was what was so different. Where was the inch of Randy's big dick that wouldn't go into her before? Randy had "bottomed out" in my wife with an inch of his huge cock still outside of her, but my wife was taking all of Randy's big dick now! That last inch of my friend's hard cock was completely inside of my wife!

No wonder my poor wife was groaning. Each hard thrust of my best friend's big dick was ramming into the back wall of her uterus, stretching her out as she had never been stretched out before! That must have hurt like hell!

Thank God tomorrow was Saturday. My poor wife wouldn't even be able to walk in the morning! For some reason, that thought excited me even more. My loving wife was going to be very sore tomorrow, from the hard fucking that she was getting from my best friend!

I had to have a picture of that! I just had to have a picture that showed all of my best friend's large penis inside of my loving wife! I got up and I picked up Randy's camera again, and I focused it in between their legs. I tried to time their fucking motion to get a picture of Randy's big dick completely buried inside of her.

I timed it well! The camera flashed just as Randy's balls slammed up against my wife's ass hole! This time, my darling wife saw the camera's flash, and she groaned out loudly. She knew how humiliating that picture of her getting fucked was going to be, and she knew that my best friends were going to see that picture of her later tonight at Fred's Inn!

I had barely sat back down when I heard a deep, guttural groan coming from Randy. I looked down between their legs, and I saw that Randy was pistoning his hard cock in and out of my wife with very short, quick strokes. It was finally almost over. Randy was ready to cum! My best friend was going to cum inside of my loving wife!