We had gone to this rather sleazy pub near the docks. The reason we were in this rough part of town, was to watch our friends ******** do her act. She is a stripper and an extremely beautiful girl of 18. I had fancied her for a long time and would have gone anywere to see her naked. We were supposed to have met our friends there but they hadn't turned up. We had been there for over an hour and as there didn't seem to be any sign of a strip act coming on, I asked at the bar and found out that we were in the wrong pub, in the wrong side of town.

I told Jane about our mistake but she didn't seem to mind, she said "I've been enjoying myself anyway, a group of guys at the bar have been eyeing me up all night."

"I suppose that you have been flashing at them." I said.

"Well a girl's got to have some fun." she said laughing. I went to the toilet and had to go into a stall as there were 3 men already using the urinal. I could hear them talking and my ears pricked up when I heard one say "She's been flashing her cunt at us all night." I knew immediately that they were discussing my wife Jane.

The man continued. "If we can get her away from her husband I bet she'd fuck like a little rabbit." Hearing them talking about fucking my lovely Jane turned me on so much that I started wanking right there. I have often watched Jane fucking other men and I have enjoyed it very much but this was different. Other times had been arranged but this was far more exciting. I stopped wanking and slipped out of the toilet before they noticed me. I told Jane what I had heard. She was even more excited than I was.

I went over to the bar, by the way to order a drink but really to see if they would try to distract me in some way. Sure enough, one of them started talking to me. "What do you think of our lovely barmaid?" he asked "Very nice." I replied. Whispering, he said "I've got some nude photos of her if you'd like to see them." "Oh yes!" I said, acting more eager than I really was. "They're outside in the car." he said. "Oh, can I see them now?" I asked, playing along. So we made our way outside. I gave Jane a wink as we passed her. We were at the car for about 10 or 15 minutes. He did have photos of the barmaid. Some were just nudes and some of her being fucked by lots of different guys. Some showed her with 2 or 3 guys at a time. He kept talking whilst showing me the photos, telling me about this barmaid and other barmaids that enjoyed sex.

Eventually he ran out of photos and chat, so I made my way back into the pub. Jane was nowhere to be seen. Nor were the guys who had been at the bar. I looked around but couldn't find her. Then I remembered that when I went down the passage to the toilet, there was a sign saying 'SNOOKER ROOM' pointing upstairs, as I turned toward the passageway, I just saw the guy who had been showing me the photos, disappearing into the passageway. I thought that if I just follow him, it will lead to Jane.

As I climbed the stairs I could hear Jane moaning in pleasure, she certainly sounded as though she was enjoying herself. I opened the door and saw her bent across the corner of the snooker table. One guy was standing behind her fucking her for all he was worth and another guy was standing in front of her with his dick in her mouth. Just then Jane started to cough and splutter as the guy came in her mouth. As soon as he pulled his dick out of her mouth another guy took his place.

The guy fucking her said "Let's get her onto the table." So saying she was lifted and lain on the green beige snooker table. Her dress, that had up to now been pulled up to her waist was completely removed. My lovely Jane lay there, naked. Her beautiful petite body framed against the green beige was stunning. A pool of spunk had seeped out of her pussy and was staining the table.

The men lost no time in taking up their positions and inserting their dicks into her pussy and mouth. She wrapped her legs around the guy fucking her and as he started to come, it brought on another orgasm for her at the same time. She moaned loudly around the cock in her mouth.

As soon as the guy removed his dick, another guy took his place and started fucking Jane roughly. I knew from past experience that when being used by strangers, she enjoys it better if they are a bit rough. There were ten guys altogether and she said later that they all fucked her at least once.

I returned to the bar and waited for her to return. When she came back down she told me what had happened.

"As soon as you had gone out of the door, 3 guys came and sat by me. They said how attractive I was and that they enjoyed watching me flashing and the ones either side of me each put a hand on my legs and pulled my legs wide open and the guy sitting in front of me started playing with my pussy. 'Slutty Bitch, don't you ever wear knickers?' he said as he shoved two fingers up my dripping wet pussy. A gang of men had gathered around all trying to get a look at my pussy. This was turning me on even more. The onlookers started saying things like 'Show us your cunt, bitch.' or ' Pull her top down, let's see her tits.' I was so turned on that I started pushing myself down onto the fingers in my pussy, trying to get them deeper into me.

The manager came over and said "Hey your going to get me raided carrying on like that, take her upstairs." So they took me up to the snooker room." "I know." I interrupted. "I came up and watched for a while." "Did you enjoy it? Do you like watching strange men put their cocks into me and squirt their hot thick spunk into my pussy?" she asked. "Does this answer your question." I said as I placed her hand on my rock hard cock. "I want more." she said. "I want you to suck my cunt clean and then take me to another pub and get me fucked again." "OK, but while I'm sucking all the spunk out of your cunt, you've got to tell me all about how they fucked you."

We left the pub and drove down a dark alley and got into the back seat. I got between her legs and buried my face into her spunked up cunt, slurping and licking and rubbing my face into it. All the time she was telling me about them shagging her. "They were better than you, they had bigger dicks than yours." It really turns me on when she says things like that. I was just about to stick my dick into her when there was a tap on the window and a policeman opened the door. "Out." he said. I got out and he got in and without a word started to fuck Jane. The other policeman asked "Is she your wife or girlfriend?" "Wife," I answered without looking at him. I couldn't take my eyes of Jane being fucked. "You don't mind us shagging your wife, do you?"

"No I enjoy watching her being used. She likes to be forced a little and speak roughly to her." The one fucking her came into Jane's cunt quickly and as he got out he said "Clean her cunt." I got in and licked his spunk out of her lovely cunt. "Are you all right?" I asked Jane. "Oh yes. This is lovely. It's like being *****. You know that 's my favourite fantasy." she replied. As I got out of the car, the other policeman got in and started to fuck her. The first one said "I need my dick cleaning." and pushed me down to suck his dick clean. I could hear the other one talking to Jane. "You whoring little slut, I'm going to fuck you rotten. I'm going to shove my big dick right up your cunt." "Yes! Yes fuck me! Shag me!" Jane was screaming. When he had finished using my wife, I had to suck him clean as well.

At last I got my dick into Jane's spunked up cunt. What sheer bliss. It's like the difference in wearing a cotton shirt or a silk shirt. Your dick just glides into a spunk lubricated cunt. Heaven.

We found another seedy looking pub, inside it was small & smoky. It was quite full but we managed to find a seat in an alcove. It was a bench seat and there was a space between some rough looking workmen. I noticed that she was enjoying having her bottom felt as she squeezed past the men to reach our seat. I went off to the bar to get the drinks and when I returned, Jane was necking with one guy and another guy was pulling her skirt up and fingering her cunt. The other men, about 8 altogether, were watching the action. One of the watchers beckoned me to come and sit beside him on the end of the bench. "Lovely girl, your wife." I agreed. "Don't you mind her carrying on?" he queried. "No. Not as long as she's enjoying herself." I said.

Just then the men laid Jane down on the bench seat and one of them got between her legs, opened his trousers and pulled out his huge cock. It slid it into her cunt with ease as she was dripping wet with her own juices. Some of the others pulled the table out so that they could crowd around Jane and suck her tits and shove their cocks into her mouth. Some of them just wanked over her. She had spunk on her face, in her hair and over her tits.

The guy who had called me over, said "I'd better shove in and get a turn at fucking her before she says that she's had enough." "Don't worry." I assured him. "She never knows when to stop. You'll all get a turn." And sure enough, all 8 men fucked her. Some had also come in her mouth or wanked over her.

When we got home, I had a lovely time sucking her cunt and after fucking her I fell fast asleep. I awoke the next morning, alone. Jane had risen early. I went downstairs and was confronted by Jane, completely naked laying on the floor with the milkman shagging her cunt and the postman fucking her mouth. What a lovely wife she is, I'm so proud of her.
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