Viv assured Curt that contrary to the impression of her ****** being unconventional, feckless and work-shy that her Daddy was keen to ensure that they grew up with the right work-ethic and he often helped get his ********* meaningful employment. Here's what she told him.


Part 6 - Viv Gives Work Advice


You wanna know how I was able to get work without a high school diploma or a college degree or qualification? Well, let me tell you that if you put your mind to it you can do anything you want to if you need to make a living. Listen up.

As you know I was never a stay-at-home kinda girl, and I had lots of experiences as a teen runaway. I had lots of adventures and, on balance, I think the pleasant ones FAR outnumbered the less pleasant ones but as I was free spirit if things got too flakey then I always had the option to runaway again (if I could).

I became sexually active very early which came as from growing up in what was pretty much a sex cult. For me, sex has always been really fun ok/felt good/don't think about it, just do it! I never gave it too much mind but I was sure happy to get to my early teens and to be included in on the fun that the adults enjoyed.

There were a few problems living the way we did and most stemmed from when the Cult Leader would disappear with his wives and ********* which kinda set the families that were followers like mine adrift. Then there was the time when the leader left and although my mom stayed for awhile she 'got religion', as they say, and took me, her not quite teenage ********, and my older sister Rita with her out of the cult's trailer park. Daddy, when he found out what she had done, was not pleased and he told her, no matter what she now believed, he wasn't having ********* becoming homeless drifters and that they must find work so that they could pay their way in the world. My Daddy was a man with very strict morals and principles when it came to being self-sufficient and paying your way.

Anyway, Daddy reminded my Mom that as members of the cult, the families were expected to work in various ways to make money for the cult and even at a young age that girls could find work babysitting; pool-cleaning; house-cleaning and many other ways. I had already done many of those before I was even close to becoming a teen and he found me a job with a ****** where I would be a live-in maid even though I was still expected to continue going to school.

If I had been a little older I might have been hired as a Nanny but I was too young to hold a license and a nanny is expected to be able to drive, shop, go to the park, travel with the ****** and much else with the kids. No matter, my sister Rita had been teaching me at the time how to act older, and my lack of a license didn't detract that I had the necessary physical 'assets' that the ****** would want for me to have had to fully fulfill those non-driving jobs, especially the work they would expect of me late at night.

My Mom wasn't happy about me living away from her and she certainly didn't know that I had done this before when she had been away for a few weeks on several occasions when my *** pushed the cult to place me as one. He soon found me a job that was kinda flexible hours. The ****** he found would not want me 24/7 but said that the hours would vary. Sometimes it would be 3/4 days a week, other times, the whole week including weekends. He took me around and introduced me and there were a few questions at that time about my age but I lied as I had been taught to do by Rita (and Daddy) and this new ****** when they examined my 'assets' didn't question the age I said I was. I figured they would have preferred a girl who could drive, available at all times, but they did make too much of the lack of a driver's license once they had a look at me!

The first time Daddy took me for my placement as a live-in maid, he assured them I was up for most things that was expected of me and I was introduced to some small kids who were fun to play with. It was kinda funny to learn but after Daddy left I found that before he would 'release' me that he had insisted on a cash placement fee!

I had been told not to pack too much as that first couple (yes, there was to be others) had assured him they had what I would need to wear for work, a uniform of sorts. The uniform I soon found out consisted of mainly just underwear, stockings and various types of heels, to be worn with what you would call a short housecoat over that. I was told that nudity should be expected as well, and this would be when their kids were at school or at their Granny's, or whenever they were away from home for any length of time. Also, the live-in maid arrangement was as a contract where they got the girl (me, etc.) for a period of time, a weekend, a week, a month and sometimes as a long-term thing (almost permanently). The cash placement fees my Daddy got for me were for 3- 7 days.

After I had proved I was worth it with the first 'placement' other couples who contracted for my use nearly always kept me for the full 7 days and often told Daddy to pick me up the morning of the 8th day (after having my use for that night too!). Daddy didn't argue, what could he do, they had me in their houses already!

The first couple had contracted me for their 'live-in maid' for the weekend, starting early Thursday evening, Friday, Saturday and all through Sunday. That first time was so much fun for me as my 'Master and Mistress' shared me around a lot and even had a swinger party on Saturday through Sunday! Come Monday morning they made Daddy wait outside to pick me up to take me to school and I was very frazzled and had to dress for school in the car on the way.

I was OK with these arrangements and even the 'nudity clause' never gave me a problem, as the Leader of the cult ruled that the girls in the cult went without clothes or wore as little as possible, especially once they reached their teen years. I was at that point where with my clothes off it was hard to tell just what my age was as my 'assets' made me seem older when I was naked.

When Daddy delivered me that Thursday evening I had on a tight t-shirt, no bra and a pair of my most cut-off shorts. Have to say the husband sure gave me a long look as did his brother who was there too. The pair of them looked me over in the same way, both with a big grin on their faces. The two wives didn't say too much other than to ask me to confirm my age several times. I kinda skirted around the truth but they seemed satisfied with my answers. The other couple left soon after my arrival but said that they would see me around.

That first time as a live-in maid, I was only there a couple of nights. The first night as I put away the dishes, then the kids to bed, I tried to make a good impression and I figured I did a good job as the couple asked me into the sitting room to have a drink with them so that they could get to know me better. I liked that idea for although I was ********, I have to admit I had drinks before that and knew that it made things more fun for me with the boys in the neighborhood.

The couple had me sit down on the sofa with them and they gave me a full glass (I'm guessing it was Bourbon). They told me my Daddy had said that I 'got around' with the boys at the trailer park and they would love to hear more about that. I had learned to be cagey about that already (Rita insisted on that when she heard me tell on one of her boyfriends). I said I did have a lot of friends at the trailer park and a lot of them were boys. Then they surprised me when they asked, "You have girlfriends too?". I had to admit I did.

I think that first night they were taking things slow and as the drink was very strong, I don't remember too much after that. It was much later that I woke up in the night in my tiny room, naked, chilled because I had no covers on. My pussy was also very wet and wondered how I got there but the next morning when I got up I dressed myself in my maid's uniform and went down to the kitchen but I was too shy to ask what had happened to me the night before. The wife didn't make a big deal about it, she just said that she and her hubby had carried me to bed when I passed out, mentioning I must not be used to drinking. I admitted as much as I helped the kids get ready for school.

Their *** took them to school but left saying that the friends who had greeted me when I got there the day before were going to be coming over that night, and that we would have a lot of fun, the five of us!

After he left his wife lit some smoke. I'd had that plenty of times before and I guess my Daddy must have mentioned something for she said, "Viv, understand you like this too. I like to relax in the daytime with some of this …." and she passed over the joint so that soon I was very relaxed too!

She was wearing a housecoat like the one I was wearing but without hesitating she took that off saying she was hot and asked, "Aren't you hot too, Viv?"

I had to admit I was.

Under the housecoat she had on a very skimpy, sheer lingerie ensemble. I was impressed at her figure and I told her how nicely that showed off her body .

She came over and began unbuttoning my uniform saying, "Viv, I have other things like what I am wearing you can wear too.". As she did this she got very close to me saying, "You like girls too, don't you, do you remember you told me that last night?"

Her hands roamed my body as she helped me out of the maid's uniform and then once my clothes were on the floor she took my hand and led me to her bedroom and for me to begin trying on some of her lingerie.

It was fun and as we went through her drawers and closets I noticed she had quite a collection of dildo's and vibrators. She saw me staring at them and laughed and said, "Well, I have quite a few of those too!" She picked one up, " … have you tried one of these before?".

I had to admit that I had with many of my girlfriends who knew where their Mom's kept theirs.

She smiled at that and asked "Well..... what did you do with them?"

I said, "Mrs. ....." and she stopped me, telling me to call her by her name, Rikki, and not to be saying 'Mrs'. ....

With the smoke I was getting very turned on to her as I had thought how pretty she was from the very first. When 'Rikki' kissed me I just melted.

We spent the rest of the day in bed after that and it was a very enjoyable day too; me, her and a bunch of dildos!

It was about 4 pm when we heard the door downstairs open and the voice of the other wife who had brought in the kids from school. We jumped out of bed, hurriedly put on clothes and Rikki told me to go into her bathroom to get on my uniform. I was in the bathroom when I heard the kids asking their Mom why her hair was so messy and her makeup all smeared. Then the girl came in the bathroom as I was trying to get my maid's uniform back on. I was sitting on the toilet trying to put on my stockings and she asked, "Are you peeing, Viv? Why is your top not on right?"

I told her I had been 'adjusting things' and she laughed saying, "Well, you sure look funny with no bra on, Viv! Most girls wear bras, why don't you?".

I couldn't tell her that her parents had told me not to, so I just said the housecoat covered things up. Then the ******** said, "Well Viv, I have to say it doesn't cover you up all that much!".

About then her mom popped her head around the door telling the little girl, "You know that you are supposed to give the maid some privacy".

The bratty little girl answered, "It's your bathroom, Mom, anyway. Why is she using it?" and not getting an answer just wandered off leaving me with my struggles.

I spent the next few hours helping the little ones with their homework and giving them their meals (they had a takeout meal service) before sending them to bed in the separate part of the big house where their bedrooms were. The hallway door leading to that part of the house had a bell on it so that when the door opened, the bell tinkled. I was told it was because the kids did get up in the middle of the night sometimes and roamed around. I was instructed that another part of my job and considering what we did most nights, it was best to know when they were roaming around so that I could put on a robe to cover up and wrangle them back to bed!

During evening, before the dads turned up and whenever the kids were out of the room, Rikki and the other mom were all over me and they knew what they were doing so I stayed so wet all evening. Eventually I took the kids off to their rooms which was just at the time when the ***'s both showed up. By the time I got back to the sitting room they both had drinks and told us, "We scored some more smoke guys!"

So they lit up some, asking me join them to share the smoke with me and then one of them produced a packet and they took a pill each and handed me one, saying, "It makes things a lot more fun, Viv!".

I had a pretty good idea what kind of fun was about to go on too from the way the men were lookng at me and touching me. The other man asked "She really is OK with all this, isn't she? She looks good in that maid's costume, too! You two are so lucky to have this girl for yourselves. Thanks for sharing your servant with us, too!"

About then the mistress of the house, wearing the housecoat again, took that off, showing off her body in the lingerie that I had admired earlier in the day. The other man said, "Oh, wow, you look good in that! Did you really spend the WHOLE day in bed with Viv?".

She said, "Oh, yeah, and she does love women. She sure knows how to satisfy me!".

The other wife said, "Well, I want some of that!", so she came over to me then kissed me on the mouth suddenly as she then passed the smoke to me again. As I took a pull on the joint, she began undressing me, fondling me as she went. I made no objection and I was pleased to hear sounds of approval from the men at what they were seeing and even better when I heard one say, "Ok, girls do a 3-way, just you 3 girls!".

So there I was, undressed by the two older women as their husbands watched and we three girls once we got naked, moved into a sensuous 3-way girl vibe. The guys moved chairs up around us better to see as we three girls kissed on the sofa. After a bit I realized the men had stripped off too and both had erections.

Then the two women moved on either side of me, holding me and the mistress I'd spent the day with said, "OK, guys, she's here for you too! Hot, VERY wet and ready!".

My legs were spread-eagled apart and it was true, by then I was VERY wet and super horny and very ready for more than just a guy or two by then! The host told the other man, "You go first on our maid! A host always lets the guests go first!".

The other man said, "You said no condoms was OK, right?".

He said something like, "Oh, for sure … her daddy said it would be fine!".

So that was the way both men had sex with me before they both took turns with the other man's wife and then back to me. (At least I figure that's how it went!) Both finished in me at least twice that I can remember but at some point I had had way too much to smoke and drink and I just remember the guys on me sometimes and the wives next to me and sharing me too.

This went on all that Friday night, and when I was eventually woken up that next morning, naked and covered in dried cum, I was told by the wife that I had to dress and take care of the kids as, "Granny will be here soon to take the kids and we are holding a party with you today!".

In my mind I was in another place and couldn't think straight and as I tried to dress the Mom told me, "Put this housecoat on over things, Viv!". I did the best I could and she helped button it up so that I looked like I was wearing some kind of frowsy dress. It was as I looked at myself (or tried to look at myself!) that we heard that bell that told us the kids were up and soon they came bounding out to this part of the house. It was then that I noticed their mom and *** and the other couple who had obviously stayed overnight had on bathing suits already. They were all giving me the eye in my frowsy dress which had my tits spilling out and as we moved around the kitchen, all four stlll kept being very handsy with me. I liked what they were doing but I was reminded that I needed to get to the bathroom and give myself a good douching too!

Then Granny showed up and the kids were ecstatic as I helped them pack for the weekend away at Granny's farm. It was a crazy 10 minutes as we gathered stuff together but then, relief, they were soon gone and it was then that I found out the couple who had 'employed' me were going to have a pool party. It was, they told me, going to be quite an event now that they had a maid to serve and be available to the other swingers!

With the kids were gone the couple who had me (owned me now?) had me remove the frowsy dress so that I was now in my skimpy maid costume and told me that I had to earn my keep and that I would be required to serve food and drink to the guests. A meal service showed up and they were told to set up the food by the pool. They had me wheel out a drink cart and the Mexicans setting up the food sure gave me the eye. I'm pretty sure they deliberately sent me out to show me off to those guys and it amused them to see the swellings in the pants!

The first of the guests began to show up a little before 10am. I was told to greet them all at the door to let them in; I got a lot of compliments at my appearance. More exactly the couple who had contracted me as their live-in maid were told what a great deal they had in the contract for a live-in maid like me for they said that my Daddy had said they could use me for EVERYTHING like this. The compliments did make me feel good even if they did talk about me like I was just some convenient toy or like the joint that the Mom brought out about then.

The first couple who arrived stared at me as they listened to the hostess's introduction and said to the host couple, "And she's going to be available to us all?"

The mom said, "Oh, yeah, we were assured she was up for anything and I have to say we've checked on that too!"

Each of the 6 or 7 couples who showed up went were given the same statements for the most part, and often whilst they listened they showed their appreciation by fondling me a good bit, especially the men. The big surprise was that one couple had brought their son along! The *** explained that it was his 18th birthday and their big gift to him was going to be, " your maid for a hour, if that was OK?

The hosts who were keeping me said, "Great idea for a gift and, sure, he can go first with her too!". The boy said, "Really, I can have her? …. Wow! …. Umm, not in front of everyone, right?!!".

The mom, who was real sweetie, said, "Oh, you can have her off on your own for a half hour in a little while sweetie!". He was 3 or 4 years older than me if he was 18 and I wondered about that later on, about how open swingers are about sex. I also wondered if everyone was told I was 18 had been convinced.

Just before midday my 'employers' told me, "Ok, Viv, that is all of the guests on our lists although we did tell some of them to invite others if they felt would be discreet about this. So keep an ear out for the doorbell." Then she turned to her hubby and said, "I do hope the son is discreet about his *** making Viv his birthday present like that! I guess that's what a 'full service' live-in maid is supposed to be available to do when those who contract for her are swingers!".

I was told to wheel out the other drink cart to the pool. There was a pool house out there with large windows towards the pool. I could see the couples in there all getting undressed together putting on their bathing suits. As I wheeled the cart up to those windows I had the son I was to be given follow me around like a puppy. It was a bit annoying as I was trying my best to be a good maid but I have to say I thought he was really cute! He did look familiar too.

I also noticed as we went up to that window, that his eyes were not always on me. His mom was right there undressing in front putting on her bikini and his eyes were glued to her doing that. I have to say that she was surely in her 30's but she sure looked 10 or 15 years younger! The other men were watching him watch his own mom get naked putting on her bikini. She saw him as she was tying her top and looked surprised as though she had not thought about her son being right there too. She shrugged and smiled at him. He had shown up in his bathing suit and I could see that between me being right there and then watching his Mom naked while putting on her bikini had definitelyhad a stiffening effect on him!

The guests all came out one by one and I served some drinks and beer. Some joked about how the kid had reacted to seeing his mom get on her bikini which didn't embarrass the boy one bit, it just caused him to ask, "when can I enjoy my birthday present?" which made everyone laugh. He had had to wait a little while but then the host said, "Ok, it's time, take her off through that door!".

He grabbed my hand to lead me to the room to the side.

It was small room with a double bed, one wall was a large sliding door which was open toward the pool (their pool house formed a U around the pool). He led me in, closed the door and then the curtains. He was a bit awkward but said, "I've done this before, Viv, but you sure are cute!".

He had me undress in front of him then had me pull out his cock to do some oral on him. Then he just picked me up, putting me on the bed and spreading my legs he got on me. He was very hard by then and I figured to be a bit larger than average but by that time I was SOO wet, he went right in with no trouble. He tried to last but he was so excited that I think after only about 10 or so minutes of vigorous fucking he came in me. (I had been coming the whole time!) We snuggled a bit and he told me ,"Viv, you are the best present I ever got!". I thought that was so sweet of him!

Our snuggling was interrupted by a rapping on the window and we heard, "Your 30 minutes is up, open the curtains." He did as he was asked and came back and had his 'present' again with everybody watching. I was naked and they applauded as he left. My employers told me to get 'dressed' again by which they meant only the stockings and garter, and then I was told, "We can see his cum dripping out of you Viv! Douche right now, in that pan, there!"

So with all of them watching I squatted and used the douche to get the son's semen out of me. I could tell the douche was scented. I was told later it was flavored too!

As I finished this in front of them all, the hosts told me, "Viv just put on the little skirt, that's all. Than serve some more drinks to our guests!".

So that's how I was for the rest of the day, going around topless with no panties on just my garter and stockings; it felt so naughty. What was funny was that the boy's mom got really friendly with me, she stopped me and kissed me right after her son had kissed me good bye. He left soon after having had his 'present'. As he left the pool area his mom who was still going around in her skimpy bikini went to her knees, lifted my little skirt and licked my just fucked clit … my clit that had been fucked by her own son a few minutes before, too! As it had happened the douche I had used had very little in it so not much was washed out of me, I figured that she must have gotten a taste of her son still in me, too!

Her on her knees seemed to be the signal for everyone to start really mixing things up. Soon wives and husbands were taking time out from each other to come and fondle and kiss me and it became really difficult to concentrate on my job!

Then the doorbell rang once again, the hostess said, "Oh, there's the rest of the entertainment! Go answer the door just like you are, Viv!". I was a little hesitant in spite of the smoke and all I'd had to drink but she insisted and with some of the guests following me to the front door to watch, I answered the door topless.

There were 3 young men standing there and one of them didn't bother with introducing himself, he just said, "Wow, Oh, yeah! We get HER?!".

The hostess who was standing behind me said, "She's all yours guys but you have to do her in front of all the others!".

All three answered, "No problem, Oh, you bet, just like you asked!".

Clearly this whole thing had been set up and it seemed I had been advertised to be the entertainment for this swingers’ party. We went back out to the poolside and the hosts wheeled out a low bed on wheels. As these guys followed me they began to undress and the *** gave them some encouragement to hurry up by lifting up my skirt to show I was accessible and fingering me and telling them that I was very wet already. Then it all became a bit of a blur as all the other couples gathered around they watched, first these three boys take turns on me and then for 2 more guys who had showed up with their girlfriends.

At that point I can only say that what went on then was an old fashioned orgy around me being gangbanged by these 5 young men. The young girlfriend that one boy brought along was very high too and very affectionate to me as the guys took turns on me. She lay alongside me on the bed and let 2 or 3 of her friends have sex with her too but then took offense when a fourth, a stranger to her, wanted to do her too. She said, "Hey, fuck her not me; she's here for all of you to fuck and let all these old folks watch!"

The guy didn't take offence, he just switched onto me and fucked me again.

So that Saturday night went on like that. The guys fucked me repeatedly and the girl would sometimes do clean up on me after her BF fucked me (I'm guessing the state she was in she didn't think about all the others who'd done me before him. She sat on my face a few times after her BF fucked her, or one of his buddies he brought, for me to clean her up. Somewhere during the night she left with her BF but his buddies stayed saying, "We want some more of Viv!"

By the morning I was very sore but almost satisfied. Several of the swingers had gotten on me too and I guessing it was about 5 or 6am that all the young guys had done me over and over till they were shot out. I felt like I was swimming in a pool of semen.

Come 10 or 11am, all the couples had left and the hosts said, "Well, Viv you were great entertainment for our party! EVERYONE enjoyed seeing you 'working' and being used so much, too!".

I graciously accepted the compliment but I think the hosts were pretty worn out themselves so we spent the afternoon relaxing until the kids got back from Granny and then snoozing early that night after the kids got back.

Next morning we were awakened that by someone banging on the front door. I was told to go and answer and I put on that frowsy dress (all I could find not soaked with semen) and opened the front door and, to my great surprise, it was my MOM!

She was furious that my Daddy had contracted me out as a live-in maid. She was in the middle of another of her 'reborn-again-Christian' phases and she didn't agree with my behavior. She knew exactly what I had been expected to do as she'd done it herself a few times for The Leader but I don't think she ever knew just how much I was used in those 48 hours or by so many. She asked me to explain myself but I didn’t admit to having had SOO much fun so I lied about what had gone on with me.

She came into the house and told the couple that she was me taking home but thankfully she didn't tell them how young I was either; not wanting all the fuss so I went with her. I think Daddy got in a lot of trouble but then it helped that the my 'employers' only wanted some of the contract fee for me back. Mom suspected that a lot, much, much more, had gone on than I admitted but with everyone gone and me dressed in a frowsy old work dress, she went with the idea that I'd only been their live-in maid for the weekend.

That was the first time I was contracted out as a live-in maid by my Daddy. Whenever Mom was away for a few days on her religious retreats or whatever he did it again once he realized I was up for it and that I would keep my mouth shut. (He said it would be 'our little secret!'). My brothers also got in on the act and they found 'work' for me too!. It was fun for me and the ****** sure needed the money. However, in our community with everyone knowing everyone else it was a poorly kept secret and the other times Daddy contracted me out , Mom would get really mad with her suspicions, knowing as she did just what I had most likely had been done with me when she was away. I figured that she had her suspicions confirmed when one or the other of the ones who had been there that first time (the Mexicans, the guys that were the entertainment on me, the son, someone had bragged about 'doing Viv') and eventually this got back to Mom. Her way of dealing with my behavior and to keep things quiet, Mom then insisted that whenever she went away on her missionary work that I go with her just she could keep an eye on me.

Needless to say, each of these times I was contracted out by Daddy (or my brothers) as a live-in maid was you might say a learning experience. I quickly found out what was possible for me for me to do to earn my way when I ran away.

My sister Rita was a great help with training me as to how to act older and each time I ran away from home, I had these options for earning money just using my natural 'assets'. Being naturally promiscuous, all of her sharing her experiences of doing the same were perfect lessons for me to earn my way in the world.

After those times I was contracted out by my Daddy or my brothers, I had by then a few contacts who had heard of my being contracted out as a 'live-in maid' and they would approach me to offer me work as a live-in maid. Many of these couples who contracted my use usually offered me to their friends and ****** as well so that over the days or weeks that I worked 'under' their direction I had quite the contact list in my little black book. (Actually there was no 'black book' I just tried tried to remember the faces and names of those who had access to me, often as many as several dozen friends and ****** of the ones who had my contract.)

Mom flip-flopped between her religious beliefs and often took her eye off the ball so when I ran away from home, I would head to those areas, sometimes even back to the ones who had had my contract. Sometimes I'd just show up, say I was available for them, and could start work right away as long as they made a down payment and a daily or weekly 'paycheck' (the first week in advance). Almost all would hire me but, if not, that they knew of others who wanted a contract for me.

I had a great time growing up and I made my Daddy very proud that I was willing to do whatever he contracted me out to do. He didn’t always tell me the full details of the arrangements that he had made with couples and there was only the one time when things could have gone seriously wrong. It was when some rich couple had heard of the ‘service’ that I was available to offer and they contacted Daddy to say they needed ‘a breeder’. The woman although she wanted to be a Mom she was also full of herself and didn’t want to spoil her hotwife appearance by becoming pregnant herself.

Daddy didn’t tell me this was the arrangement or that the expectation was that I would carry a baby for her, he only told me that if they had parties or such that I was under no circumstances to go bareback with black guys; white guys, OK but black guys had to use a condom. All this was of no consequence for me for Daddy would always make sure that I had a supply of morning-after pills should I have had bareback sex with any color! (He didn’t tell the couple about the pills, he just let them think that his girl would get pregnant and give them the child they wanted. There was no way that he wanted me to be out of action for any length of time!)

Which was all well and good until the time when Daddy was arrested for some misdemeanor involving dealing and for the couple of months he was away he wasn’t around to supply me with what I needed. Inevitably, after a summer of pool parties and such, I missed my period and I was really worried that one of the bare white cocks had done its stuff and that I was going to be out of action for the next 9 months or so.

I spent the next few weeks convinced that I was pregnant but then one day, I wasn’t. The couple when they found out that I had miscarried was quite sweet about it and then, when after and Daddy was out of jail and back to supplying me with pills again, I continued to fail to get pregnant. They concluded that I must have something wrong with me and the contract was withdrawn and Daddy was able to find me placements with other couples and to keep the cash flowing in.

So throughout my teens I picked up on Daddy's 'work ethic' and I knew that if I wanted to 'spend money' that I needed to 'earn money . So it was that whenever I ran away from home, one job I could do and did much of the time was to be a live-in 'maid'. It was good experience for even now and after I took up with my now hubby, whenever we need money he would sometimes contract me out for this work too.

And not just me. Now as his ********* from his other marriages get to be 18 and are looking for something that pays well enough, he has them using their 'skill set' (oral, anal, etc.!), using their natural 'assets' and he has had me find these kind of jobs for them! He has sons as well but there is not as much demand for young guys for this line of work but given he generated a lot more girls than boys out of his many ex-wives for some reason, that's a good thing.

It's been a very satisfying career path and, as you can guess, I see this as a very real option for my hubby's ********* by his various wives. He shares my view that as they all seem to be naturally promiscuous that live-in maid jobs are appropriate for them too. So with his encouragement I have over the years given these ********* the background skills and taught them that domestic jobs like these are acceptable job choices as there is a strong demand for young girls just turning 18. They also have the choices of other jobs I've trained them for, nannying; massage-therapy; 'companion for the night', plus side jobs such as the babysitting, house-sitting, pool-cleaning, etc. they did in their early teens. I have passed on quite a few tips.

So, with their Daddy's encouragement, I have been checking out their experiences as to being up for this kind of work and for use by their employing families. Not surprisingly, they all seem up for the job (so far). They say, "I just go in, do some basic housework, take care of the kids, have a place to stay with a nice couple and just follow my own natural proclivities sexually with them while making that much money by the their cash bonuses."

I don't force them to do anything they don't want to do and the usual reaction when I hear of a potential employer is to hear, "oh you BET! When do I start?!", as one of his ********* recently said as she approached her 18th birthday. She had come to me knowing I had some job options she was 'qualified' to easily do and 'could I refer her and get her a position' to place her. She had no money to go to college; she hadn't even finished with High School yet (what with the shutdown that went on) and she knew that she still had to earn her way (just as several of her cousins have already been doing, she found out!).

I do teach them the extra skills and what else they should have for these jobs, trimming/shaving down there, getting ready for the evening by douching and using enemas, having scented and flavored oils to apply to keep things sweet. I tell them to get butt-plugs to sleep with as it helps ease that opening for use; always to have plenty of condoms for the visitors to use, but most important, also be sure to get on the Pill before accepting a contract as often those making the contract expect to use the maid bareback. I also tell them to request that their employers keep at least one morning-after pill available to take care of that kind of late period problem that happens even when on the Pill. I tell them that often I can't always have the money to buy for Daddy's *********!

So far I have helped 3 of my husband's ********* find these kind of jobs as live-in maids and, at the moment, just helped make sure that the one now just turning 18 is up for the kind of use that she will get in that kind of work. I've also told them that if they already have a BF (or most often, multiple BFs!), they need to work out some time to see their BFs or put those relationships on hold while they are contracted for this use.

I also tell them they need to be discreet about letting their BFs know anything about just how they are going to be used as live-in maids. Most teenaged BFs are a little immature in their heads and not able to deal with a GF who is going into a job such as this when she will be used so much sexually. I tell them if they can't accept the idea of their GF being employed in this line of work it is best to just move on from them. It can be a tough choice to make as often they are attached to them, want to keep seeing them while being the plaything for a couple who employ them.

One of my hubby's ********* thought to make having a large, very well hung BF an asset for her. He somehow found out about what the job entailed, confronted her about it but wasn't that judgmental. She had the idea of making some money with him by using his 'asset' to entertain the couple and their friends, etc. by having him perform on her in front of them! He loved the idea of doing a live sex show with her in front of all those people!

As the BF said, "Make an extra $100 just by fucking you in front of 10-15 people? When can we start, sweetie?!"

As it turned out he became quite popular with the older women who were at the parties held at her employers. My hubby's ******** had not thought through that if she was making herself available that her BF would felt to be available to these older women too! In the event she didn't mind too much as he made a good bit in tips himself!

So, anyone with ********* about to turn 18 who you know are very promiscuous and who you think might be up for using their natural 'assets and proclivities' to make a good living, give a thought to telling them about the advantages of being a live-in maid, although they should be prepared for all that that entails. A very definite expectation is that they be bisexual too, of course! As you would expect there is quite an lot of interest in girls that age for couples to 'employ' this way.

The sexual aspect is not always acted on immediately but if they make it obvious they are up for that by the way they dress and act, it will happen with the resulting cash bonuses such as I made and my hubby's ********* are making!

So, what more can I say other than do encourage your promiscuous teenage ********* to consider this option for a career, at least in the short term. Not all couples who contract for the use of a young girl like this are quite as ready to use them so extensively as I have been but I think my Daddy really played up just how promiscuous I was, how I was up for ANYTHING they wanted to do with me.

I guess I did the same with my hubby's *********, not that he minded when he got reports back about how satisfied these couples have been and how they were able use them any way they wanted!

You can set some limits in the contracts but then you can't be too specific about what is written, just keep it simple and that the girl will do ANYTHING the couple asks, etc.

So, I guess that's as much as I can tell you about using your assets to get work when you haven't got a recognized qualification.

I hope this has been of assistance to you.
