Viv shares with Curt her involvement with Sports!


Part 5 - Girl Wrestling


Sports? No, I don't 'do' Sports.

Like most girls with brothers growing up I did some tussling and wrestling with them. Likewise, when I was little and on a sleepover with my girlfriends there always seemed to be at least one girl out of the 6, 8 or more there who wanted to wrestle, "… but just for fun, OK, girls?!"

Most of the time it was just innocent fun but as I grew older some of the play-fights became a little more serious and I found that I was quite good at grappling and getting my own way. It was a 'skill' that came in useful.

So, I was out one day shopping at the mall when I was accosted by these young guys, fratguys from a local college. I hadn't previously had anything with that particular frathouse as I always figured it was a bit too close to where I lived and that might cause trouble. However, one of these guys said that he recognised me from some video, photos he had seen and showed me a print he had pulled out of his wallet. Well, there was no denying that it was me even though the picture was of me naked and that guys don't usually pay that much attention to your face!

We joked a bit about what it looked like I was doing when the picture had been taken (it was pretty obvious as I had a cock in my hand!) Anyway, they invited me to go take a drive with them and I was fine with that. Then they got me in their car and I knew I was in good company as they had some smoke to share.

We drove around a bit and one of them asked if I was Viv? I was hesitant to admit it at first but then they talked about how they knew I'd been a 'Lil Sister' for this other frathouse and maybe some other frathouses as well. By then the smoke was hitting all the right places and I was warming up to them but it became apparent that they had an agenda.

Seems they had been following me to be sure I was who they thought and what they wanted was for me, this 'Lil Sis', to do something they saw in the some of the video they had. They showed me another pic and it was me, in the middle of some 'mixed' wrestling I'd done when I lived somewhere else some years ago.

They said they wanted me to do the same with them; that is, to do a wrestling bout with them, one by one. Like the other picture, I admitted that the picture was me (hard to deny with my face showing so clearly in the photo of me with the guy on top of me, holding me down) but I just laughed and told them that since those times I had got married and I didn't do that kind of stuff anymore.

That didn't seem to faze them at all and it prompted one of them to offer me money to set up the bouts, give me a fee just for being there. He had it all figured out, he said guys would pay an entry fee each of about $5 or so which I would get and then draw straws for one of them to be my opponent; mixed wrestling, a guy against a girl, me. If they used a motel room or such, the entry fee would cover the room, and any money left over would be mine. He figured it would be $50 or so, plus some extra, so I agreed saying, "why not?"

They dropped me back at the mall telling me they would give a call when they had set things up for me to be the 'opponent' in these bouts.

When I told my hubby, Mark, about it he got quite excited as he had seen me doing 'cat-fights' in the past; he wasn't quite so happy when I told him that the guys had said that for the first one they 'didn't want my hubby there'. He was a bit happier when I pointed out that the $50+ would pay our groceries that week

The next day I got the call to come over and they were very eager, I can tell you! They said they would come and get me but we have learned not to let these guys know where we live, so my hubby took me to this street corner, the guys drove up, and off I went with them. On the way over they lit up a joint for me and I smoked it on the way over even though I'd already had some before I left home. (Later on I realized it was spiked as it had a lot of effect on me.) I was sure floating soon!

So these guys took me to the backdoor of this cheap motel to a meeting room that was not being used and where they had brought in a couple of mattresses. The deal was for the guys to file in, pay the entrance fee (in cash, to me) into a bucket and then to sit in the folding chairs around the mattresses on the floor.

I stood at the door holding the bucket as about 10 or 12 of them (which I figured was $50-60 or so) filed in. I stood there in an old t-shirt and some cut-offs (which I knew I'd probably not be able to wear home once they were torn off me!).

They all applauded as 'the opponent' (me) was brought forward into the lights on the mattresses then one by one the guys who wanted to 'fight' put down their $5 into a bucket, adding to the other $50 already there. That gave them the right to be chosen as the opponent, to 'wrestle' me. As they put the cash in they each drew out a small card with a number on it.

I won't go into great detail but you can imagine how a wrestling bout with a 200 lbs guy and a 110 lbs me goes! These guys had obviously all seen the videos of me and were ecstatic to have me to do the same with them; they knew how far they could go with me.

I prefer for them not to take video or photos but then I'm busy from the start and so don't have much say in the matter. I'm guessing there are plenty of movies and pics out there of me naked as my clothes are torn off me and I'm spread-eagled on the mat (usually a couple of mattresses) so that the guy can have his way with me, with his buddies cheering him on to go 'All the way!' … and they always do!

The guy with the lowest number got to be my first opponent. It was a big guy wearing athletic shorts and a tank top. He came forward, grinning, kicking his flip-flops aside and said, "Oh, girl you are mine!"

We faced off to each other and did that crouching circling thing that you see wrestlers do and all the other guys were all cheering and screaming stuff like, "Get her naked … FUCK her!" and so on. I knew that they knew exactly what I'd done before in this kind of wrestling with guys so I knew where this going and fast.

I was not disappointed. I have to admit that I always get very wet when I do this; it feeds my deep seated fantasies of this kind of sex, **** fantasies I'd had since I was very young.

As I stood there in that light, the guy came up to me, grabbed me, threw me on the mattresses, tearing off my t-shirt as he did so. I knew better than to wear a bra for experience told me that it hurts when those are torn off you, I know! So straightaway I was topless in the bright lights in the middle of that room with all those guys leaning forward to get a better view of me that way

They began chanting, "Tear her shorts off … Tear her shorts off!" and he grabbed my cut-offs and yanked them down. I fought that some as it was very abrupt and even hurt the way he was so aggressive but my resistance seemed to make him even more rough. Eventually they gave way and finally did come off me so that I was naked.

I stood still for a moment as he took off his shorts so he was naked too. He was sporting a nice big hard-on, which they all noticed, yelling stuff like, "Hey, Sid, you're sure ready for this cunt, aren't you?!" I began to inch away from him but he caught my ankle and pulled me back threw me on my back, then pushed my legs down hard, spreading them at the same time. He was rough with me then he said, "Guys, look how wet this bitch is!"

In that light they could see just how wet I was, my labia engorged at was about to happen with this big guy holding my legs apart saying, "Hey, she really is wet, guys! Look at her, she wants this!" (and secretly, I have to admit I did, I always wanted it when I did this kind of thing).

At this some of the guys stood up, they couldn't help themselves, I guess, to see me splayed wide like this. Sid held me down and then some of the others came near and fingered me. I couldn't move as the guys touched me, fingering me while this guy held me down.

It was then that I realized we hadn't made an agreement to have a STOP word, and I felt completely vulnerable as I lay there on display like this with this group of complete strangers looking at me and touching me with my legs spread wide that way and having no way to stop it.

The chanting changed to, "Mount her … Mount her!" and the big guy laughed and getting between my legs, he pushed me on my back, grabbed both my wrists in one big hand of his and held them above my head. He grabbed his cock with his other hand, then spreading me wider, aimed the fat knob into my wetness. He went in easily and I admit I moaned as he mounted me.

Still holding my arms over my head, he lay on me, humping away and I admit I came and came and came. Everyone could hear the squelching noise and I could hear they'd noticed as they said stuff like, "Sid, listen to this cunt cumming as you fuck her!" Sid laughed but kept up his pace in and out of my twat; he was big and it felt good

He fucked and fucked me that way. After a few minutes the guys changed the chant again, "Use her other hole … Use her other hole!" He laughed again, and just like that, flipped me over, still holding my hands above my head with one hand, face down! I knew what hole they meant, of course! I had anticipated this as most frats seem to prefer the 'backdoor' on a girl so I'd already given myself an enema and put some lube there.

By then Sid was very hard (I noticed as he threw me around to lay face down) and I felt his cockhead at my rectum, and he was just as observant as he said, "Hey, guys, she lubed for me already!" Even so, as his cockhead got pressed into my anus, it took a bit to stretch it wide as I was a bit uptight at the size of him penetrating my 'backdoor', not knowing if these guys will go slow or not.

Sid didn't go slow! Soon he was humping away at my ass and I heard him say, "Oh, guys she is sooo tight here!" He lasted a few more minutes and then he shot his load up into me. The guys heard him say, "I'm cumming, OOOOH!" and cheered the finale of this bout.

He rolled off me some but still held me down, letting the guys see my stretched out anus, the cum already beginning to ooze out. They complimented Sid on the big load that he'd put in me. Some fondled my butt and slapped it hard (I had handprints on them for awhile after this first bout) then they all stood back; Sid let go of me and stood up and I was able to roll over.

My, what a sight that greeted me, they were looking down on me many with obvious hard-ons that I could see through their shorts. I had a kind of shiver as the deal was that there would be no Gangbang (I'd learned very young not to let a frathouse GB after something like this. Frat boys get rough and my anus gets very sore!)

What I had agreed to do with this group was if things 'went was OK', then I'd do a 'mixed' bout with each of them, one by one. I was still very stoned but could tell by the way they were looking me as I lay there naked, they all wanted!. If I'd been sensible I would have said to myself, "OK, Viv, you need to get out of here …" but I didn't and despite my ass being very sore from Sid's fat cock I went on to have a few more bouts where the guys pulled exactly the same moves!

It was later on I found out they had this deal with the night clerk of the motel. They got this meeting room, which he put it down as a regular room rental, and he got half of the entry fee which meant a lot of the cash went to that night clerk.

However, thankfully, it didn't work out that way. I guess he must have been keeping an eye on proceedings for as soon as the last 'bout' finished and there were no more takers, the night clerk, a little Asian guy, came in. He saw me splayed out naked and said he'd take his fee on me rather than the cash!

And he did, too, which meant that for this first wrestling sessions I got about $70 plus some singles that some of the guys had thrown at me as I lay there when they left. Sid scooped up the bills, put them in paper bag and later when I added it up I had a whole $82. Not a bad night's work.

Now I was left with the problem of what to wear for as usual with these bouts my clothes were a mess. My t-shirt was in shreds, the zipper on my shorts was broken and the waistband was torn too. Someone found and handed me a too small t-shirt but I had no choice but to pull on the ripped-up shorts which I had to hold up with one hand while I held the paper bag with the cash in it in my other hand. I looked a mess!

They threw me in the back of a van (later on they told me they didn't want me sitting on THEIR car seats leaking cum for my asshole!) and then took me back to the street corner where my hubby was supposed to be and literally threw me out.

He didn't show up for awhile, and as I stood there in my too tight t-shirt, holding my shorts up with one hand and the other clutching my bag of cash under a very bright street light, a couple of cars going by slowed down. One of them stopped and the guy rolled down a window to ask, "How much for some of it, girl?" just as my hubby drove up.

He heard me say, "Another night, maybe, not tonight!"

I got into our car and my hubby asked, "How much, Viv?" I said I wasn't sure, then he said, "Not too rough, were they?"

I said, "Well, maybe, but not too much".

Then he said, "Did they keep it to just the one guy, like you asked?"

I didn't tell him the truth, I just said, "Yeah, I think so … but they were tempted".

He nodded and then he noticed, "Wow, Viv, you are still high aren't you, dear?"

Great, I had an excuse, I said, "They spiked the smoke, not sure what it was but it sure worked on me!" and told him that it had been fun and that, if we did it again, that the deal would be for me to then do a bout with each of them, one by one, after they drew numbers for me. He seemed content with that for an answer.

We got home and I handed over the bag of cash and he looked inside and saw all the bills. Then he looked at me and saw my red slapped-ass and my stretched out anus which kinda indicated how rough the fratboys had been with me. As he counted out the money he asked if I was going to do it again. By then I was feeling no pain right then so I said, "Yeah, if it's OK by you Hun, I'll do again with them".

So since April, I've done a couple of bouts a week until a few weeks ago. I had worked through them all within a about 3 or 4 weeks but then they wanted 'return' bouts and then double team, tag-team and so on. The money sure helped and I have to admit that did I looked forward to the bouts, especially. the double team ones where I made double the money; tag-team, where they paid a little less, not so much, but 4 or 5 of them would tag-team me. These guys were calling it '**** wrestling' which is essentially what it is, I guess. (One reason why I got so wet in anticipation of the 'bouts'!)

However, the main problem with all this '****-wrestling' was the bruises I always ended up with which took a while to fade. It's hard to do the other jobs I've got when I get undressed and my clients can see the bruises on my tits, thighs, etc. Then there was the other thing, hubby was concerned by the no-condoms use of me by this young group of guys. So, what with one thing or another we faded off this as I found other work that was less rough and violent.

That’s not to say I've given up on wrestling, no sir. At swinger parties, Mark and me could get in free as a couple if I agreed to provide 'entertainment' and wrestle another girl in front of everyone as they arrived. The organisers of the party would arrange to have another girl there for me to wrestle, usually in the middle of the large room which would later be called the orgy room as the others showed up! This girl-on-girl wrestling was primarily provided as entertainment and it also had the effect of getting things going faster as the other girl and me usually wore only tie-on bikinis which quickly pulled and, "Two girls wrestling in front of everyone naked? You bet!", was a comment I often would hear from the single males standing around!

At swinger parties now, my hubby and I get there early, show the organisers that I was wearing a bikini that came off easy, then they'd set up the little 'arena' in the middle of the room. Once after a couple or two showed up, the other girl and me would be set to go and start to wrestle each other. Usually this would be with us oiled down and I can tell you it's hell to hold down someone who's oiled unless you get them into a Full Nelson or are really strong, which I am not. They often had these muscular girl wrestlers who out-weighed me by 70-80 lbs. I always lost but for me it was kind of fun, wrestling in front of all those strangers naked, then held down that way by a big muscular butch girl. (Did I tell you I was bi?!)

I ended up dating a couple of the other girl wrestlers but some of them are true bull dykes who wanted nothing to do with a girl like me that fucks guys all the time, too.

I am not a big girl, some say I'm even tiny. When I was younger and before I ever met my hubby, at high school parties I was dared to wrestle some girl while everyone watched! Once or twice I'd win those but I can only remember winning at one of those parties, maybe twice when the other girl was really skinny. It actually was a turn on, holding down the other girl for a change, to let the guys get a real good look at her instead of me.

Usually, these other girls were very strong wrestler types so they could do just about anything they wanted to do with me. When I first did this I was maybe 5'2, 90-92 lbs, about half the size of the girls I wrestled. At these swinger parties my hubby says one reason they get me is that the hosts know, "Oh, that Viv, she'll let anyone do ANYTHING to her when she wrestles! The guys love it when she loses …. and she always loses!".

So the plan at these parties is for us two girls to come out just 'dressed' in bikinis. Then we we're told to walk around the room a bit to show off what we've got. To be truthful as we were to be the 'entertainment', the ones who got there knew we were at least available for some fondling and so on. We had been told that we could say 'NO' anytime but then our tips depended on NOT saying no, so I sure wasn't going to say anything as we trooped around!

For appropriate tips (I let 'em know beforehand I thought $5 was appropriate!) they got to take off our top and then our bottom. The ones who put tips in our jars (each girl gets a jar) can untie our bikini top or bottom and then when those are gone they can fondle our tits, suck on them, finger us, or even get down and lick our 'kitty' (clitty as one club called that), all for about the same 'tip' and then whoever tipped could touch/lick us freely after a tip went in our jar.

If the guys took out their cocks, for an extra tip we'd fondle them; suck them for a double tip and if it 'came' to swallowing (pun intended!) there would be extra for that, too! No other penetrations were allowed until after the 'bout' as a rule!

After a bit of this 'warming up the swinger audience' and with 6 or 7 couples (and all the single guys they let pay to get in) or more that's when we would begin the bout on the plastic sheeting in the middle of the room. By now, I would be naked and, for me, VERY turned on! and then, for another tip, there would be a draw for who got to oil up which girl for the beginning of the bout and then we'd go to it.

I'd always wrestled quite a bit - with my brothers, my sisters, even nephews, nieces, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. - and, well, things always did get interesting to say the least. With nieces and nephews older than me and me being so skinny, I never won … but I'll tell you those accounts of how those bouts went another time.

Once we were oiled up, being so slippery like that, I could never get a hold on the other girls but because they were always so much bigger, they could hold me down by sheer weight alone, even after a bit of wrestling around. We'd be all over the place but the 'referee' would stop things when we got past the edge of the plastic sheeting and then we'd have to start over with the same result.

The bouts were supposed to last 10-12 minutes or so but usually after no more than, say, 5 or 6, usually less, I'd be held tight. Thing was, that these strong big girls could pick me up and just fling me around if they wanted … which they often did!

The ref kept points but as a rule as the other girl had got a firm hold on me (usually in some kind of full nelson type hold, her arms under my knees with her hands behind my head) I'd be truly helpless and immobilized with my legs splayed wide. The girl could (and would) then carry me around for the audience to get a clear view of me like that. My 'opponent' would then get extra points if she let the audience members finger my pussy, and at one party she got extra for letting them put their beer bottles, wine bottles, even dildos they had brought along into me!

So the other girl had every incentive to let the audience do this kind of thing to me; the more things that were put up into MY pussy so that SHE got extra points. You might say, "so what?" but the thing was that the rules said that for each point she earned she got to take a bill out of MY jar! No wonder that by the time we had finished 'fight-night' I often ended up with next to nothing other than some small change in my jar!

At the end of the bout (with the inevitability of her winning!) the ref would declare her the winner and with her still holding me in that full nelson hold, she would walk around with me in the air, my legs splayed out, and leaking beer and wine, champagne, etc. for everyone to see. For another $20 each in our jars, she would allow the guys to 'belly up' to me and she got another $20 for holding me up like that for the guys to mount me and I got $20 for being a 'good sport' about letting complete strangers mount me in front of those swingers! The 'rules' said they were supposed to put on condoms first but I was in no position to stop them if they didn't!

This last bit was how I sometimes ended up making good my losses. I could always rely on the Single guys who were there to stand up to me, rolled a condom on and mount me. I'd then get to keep at least a couple of the $20 they put in MY jar as usually the points she made didn't quite let her take it all from me!

At one party they introduced a new rule; that if that if the condom did break or if the guy went bareback came in me, I got an extra $10 or so. After I had been fucked the ref would check for a fresh load running out of me and the guy whose load was running out of me had to put that tenner in MY jar.

The thing was that I really didn't mind if they did cum in me for with all the beer, wine and especially the bubbly champagne that went into my pussy, I usually got pretty dry by then. So unless the guys who were to belly up to me first ran their condom covered cocks on my oiled thighs, usually the condoms would break as they humped my dry cunt so that by the end of this phase I'd be dripping these guys semen all over the place as one then the other humped me as I was held up in the air for them.

After the single guys had finished having their way with me (sometimes a husband might want to mount me too), the other girl would be pretty tired, as you can imagine from holding me up and by this time she would be more interested of hearing the ref counting out her 'points'. Usually, she would just about drop me in her hurry to get to MY jar to check what she had made as she took a bill for each point. The more friendly ones might then say something like, "Thanks for making so much money for me, Viv!" then would leave me to go to clean the semen out of me.

It didn't take too long for me to work out the reason why they had the girl set me up in a full nelson hold. It was so guys could belly up to mount me as this was a way to ensure the single guys who had been allowed in would 'get some' from 'friendly little Viv'. It was well-known that, " … she never says no to anything they do to her!" and this was a way of making for a great spectacle.

That was another way the single guys who got in were able to have some fun if they didn't get to enjoy the 'losing' wrestler (me) as she was held up. Everyone there seemed to love getting a good close up of my twat as all that semen dripped out of me as the condoms broke over and over again.

Leastways, that's my take on it.

My hubby LOVED watching me in these bouts and me getting used this way. I have to say that he had always had me 'smoke' quite a bit, or more first and the whole thing was a bit of a blur but I always remembered cumming a LOT as this went on as one then another than another mounted me!

For these parties most of the rooms were couples only except for the GB rooms. For a bit extra cash my hubby would volunteer my 'services' in those rooms. He knew I'd not say no to being 'loaned out' and I usually enjoyed every minute of it (from what I could remember later, if I remembered it at all!)

Often and more often later on (when the swing club hosts figured out I was fine with the way it always went, I wrestled guys as well) I'd be set up to wrestle one of the guys in the audience. The end result of the fight would be similar to when I fought with a girl but the guys would hold me down at the end to fuck me.

At one party the guy got me in a full nelson with his cock in me bareback, then walked around so the audience could see up close his cock in me as he fucked me. Like with a girl, in the full nelson like that I'm helpless and, as my hubby says, "Honey, you are just a fuckhole when held up for use like that!"

After the guy had cum he would hold me up for his buddies to take turns on me and that became the norm at other parties too. I found out later the hosts had told the guy that if he had me that way and let others fuck me, that he'd get his entry fee back as well as the $20 he put down to 'wrestle' me if he held me up for the others to use in front of everyone!

That aspect of my sports career came to an end when the word got out about how I made money that way sometimes. I didn't think about it that way but one time a party was busted I was taken in for prostitution!

Crazy part was that I didn't make any money on that party even though the law thought that was what it was all about. As for making a living as a professional sports person, forget it. Any money that I did make was more often or not spent when, more than a few times, I'd have missed my period which then took whatever I 'won' to pay for the pill to stop that! What with having had sex with numerous random single guys and then going into the GB room it goes without saying we had no idea who it might have impregnated me. Perhaps if I could remember to take my regular BC pill every day then I would have made some extra cash!

Still it was always a lot of fun for me and my hubby just loved those seeing me doing every bit of

Like I said, I first wrestled was when I was quite young, am not sure how young as it was always something our ****** did when I was growing up. Being the absolutely youngest on either side of my ****** (mom was the youngest sister and *** was the youngest brother in their families) plus the youngest child I had nieces and nephews my age and much older. So when we got together there was always some of that kind of fun for us.

I have to admit it was always fun for me although I usually ended up with some bruises (in some very interesting places I might add!). Because of the way my brothers, nephews, uncles (often) wrestled us girls, especially me, the mother's weren't too happy and there got to be a ban on the ****** wrestling. (We still did it but only when the mom's who didn't approve weren't around!)

Well, enough about my 'wrestling' career. Haven't done it for a year or so but my hubby says we might get back to it when things get back to normal!

I'll be sure to tell you how that works out.
