Out of Afrika

A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Satinlvr_mwf


Chapter 54 - After the Election


Our story thus far…

Rhino Industries first came to the Sleepy Carolina town of Hawksville 10 years ago and so began a program that established in many subtle ways its mind-manipulation software , software which influenced the sexual behaviour and attitudes of the Hawksville residents and far beyond.

It's a complex and involved story and Rhino's CEO, an immigrant from South Africa, has to pinch himself at times when he looks back at the past decade and sees the progress that has been made in getting White women to accept the superiority of Black cock; even more impressive is the software's ability to convince their husbands of the need for them to acquiesce and to assist the women in satisfying their desires.

Rhino has held a celebration to mark its 10 year anniversary and Oskar, the CEO, is conducting a review of the company records which will remind him of some the significant moments in the campaign.

Read on:


Oskar enjoyed his employees' and his 'clients' respect. Indeed, he was aware that this respect showed itself as 'anxiety' such was his personality, his reputation as a 'control-freak' and unpredictability; friends and foes alike, they never knew exactly how he would behave or what demands might be made of them. He liked it that way, ".. keeps everyone on their toes and makes sure they give me their best game," he would say to the few confidantes of his close circle.

What was not said was that that this respect was not so much due to his personality but rather it emanated from the mind-bending effect of the software embedded in the electronic devices that his company, Rhino Industries, marketed. It was this software that together with accompanying infrastructure had those affected by its power believing that the future of the world lay in the white woman and their partners being subservient to the superiority of Black cock.

It was very subversive system and Oskar had every reason to be proud of its success for the results could be seen all around, evident by the number of mixed race children that now populated the Eastern state where Rhino was established.

Yes, there were many people who respected Oskar not least because that's what the software was programmed to tell them it was his due.

It had taken 10 years to reach the point where the new way of living under the Rhino regime had reached 'critical mass', that stage whereby it was considered normal that the Black man was superior in the important things in life and that white women were subservient to his demands and, more importantly, that white males were compliant with the idea that their own contributions were secondary.

It hadn't been easy but each setback along the road to Black domination had been taken as a lesson and was usually fixed by either a software upgrade or by manipulating the culture to inject new ideas into the way people should think and behave. With the changes there was usually a trade-off that increased prosperity and well-being and therefore the people of Hawksville and beyond became very content and very happy.


Oskar delegated the business of marking Rhino's 10 year anniversary to others and was satisfied with the plans to hold an outdoor party on company premises, an area of land that ran through the business park which had been developed into a leisure park for the use of employees and their families. He wasn't too much into socialising at that kind of level himself but was quite happy for others to enjoy themselves at his expense.

Simone, his Personal Assistant and long-time lover, laid out a spreadsheet on his desk and ran her perfectly manicured finger down the column that detailed the proposed expenditure on the various elements relating to the outdoor party. She had done a good job in breaking down costs and he was impressed at her innovative thinking with regard to some of the entertainments that she had planned for the day but, as ever, when she was in his presence his mind could not help itself but stray to the delights that her body could provide … for free!

Her blouse gapped open as she leaned over him and his attention was taken away from the desktop and he was pleased to see that she, as always, was wearing a half-cup bra that ******* the dark nipples on her creamy white tits, nipples that were like stiff little nubby buttons. It never failed to arouse him when he saw her in this state … which was often … and she in turn, being an attentive PA, would always ensure that his arousal was satisfied in some way or another.

Oskar had forever been a Breast Man' and he recognised it was a trait caused by his upbringing back in Lerotica, South Africa, and the culture of his clan and the manner in which young boys were bought up as they grew into manhood. Mothers were (still are) the dominant figures in Lerotican society and in the raising of children some very innovative customs are pursued to ensure that they grow into productive members of the tribe especially with regard to their sexual development. A basic tenet was that the male must give respect to the female given that she had the divine role and responsibility to bear children and that the best way to show respect was to have a large cock so that she might gain maximum pleasure and satisfaction in the process of making said children. So it was that as a growing lad that, like his friends, his mother would take whatever opportunity to massage and exercise his dick to encourage growth, which due to their expertise over the years had introduced another trait of the men of Lerotica, their cock size was renowned for being 'above average'.

Oskar thoughts left the details of the spreadsheet behind and he growled at Simone to take off her blouse so that he could better look at her tits. She smiled and complied, knowing what this was most probably leading to; her 'first of the day', she thought.

He stood up and took her hand and led her over to the sofa that was a feature of his office. She had been led there many times before and knew what was expected of her so she sat down at one end of the sofa and waited patiently for Oskar's next instruction as he unbuckled his pants. She watched as they dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them. She was a little surprised when rather than begin his usual 'assault' on her waiting pussy that he lay himself down so that his head was on her lap; she was not surprised to see that his black cock was already at half mast and that a dribble of sticky, sweet pre-cum had already appeared.

However, one thing that she did know was that her boss was anything but predictable and whilst his body might have been in Hawksville she was not to know that his mind was back in Lerotica when he had assumed the same position of his head being in his mother's lap. As he lay his head down on Simone's warm comforting thighs his thoughts were, skin colour besides, it could have been his mother as he looked up at the beautiful fleshy globes and the stiff nipples that were so inviting, just begging to be sucked. Simone recognised the expression on his face and leaned over him and he opened his mouth and she obligingly fed him her teat.

He closed his eyes and Hawksville was forgotten and he was back on the bank of the river that passed through his village and he was once again that young boy being suckled by his mother. By Western standards he was far too old to be sucking at his mother's tits but that was not the way of his culture and there was nothing untoward as far as Lerotica was concerned for older boys to be doing this. Neither was it unseemly for the naked mother to be massaging their naked son's cock as she suckled him.

Indeed, this was the objective of the exercise, to maintain the bond between a son and his mother and, the other thing, to assist the developing youth to ensure that his penis would become big and proud and be the equal of their big-cocked ancestors, descendants of Zulus and in the hierarchy of the tribe were considered to be Inkosi, Tribal Chiefs.

As they grew older and their cocks became stiffer and bigger, a result from the massaging that over the years had developed into proper masturbation. It was all very agreeable but, in accordance with the tribal custom, this 'mother's love' came to a stop when eventually the boy had developed sufficiently for the masturbation to result in ejaculation. That was the sign that the boy was nearly a man and that he needed to be released from his mother's exclusive care to go and do manly things with the big dick that she had so lovingly raised.

Like many of his friends, he had mixed feelings when he had his first proper orgasm at his mother's hands knowing that his times of sucking at her tits was over. Oskar remembered the moment well when his adolescent dick had spurted his cum over her hand for the first time. It was a defining moment that he treasured.

He opened his eyes and took his mouth away from Simone's breast long enough to say, "Stroke my dick, Umama."


Simone left Oskar alone in his office once she had provided him with his first happy ending of the day knowing her own satisfaction would come later when she bought him his mid-morning coffee.

After putting his softening cock back inside his pants he settled back in his desk chair and concentrated on what he had scheduled to be his main task of the day, to write up a report and review of the weekend's celebrations.

Oskar was a driven person, a man with a mission, that is, the changing of society and social attitudes to accept the superiority of the black man's cock over all other shades. His methods and achievements in the quest have been well recorded and this is due to another aspect of his character, he was highly disciplined and, as with all Rhino-related activities Oskar was a stickler for recording all company activities and summarising the results. His rationale was that, no matter what, there were always lessons to be learned and if such similar events or activities were to be held in the future then any mistakes in their planning would be avoided.

As he worked he concluded that the celebration had been a great success and one that would be long remembered by those who had attended. The weather had played its part and allowed all the activities that had been staged to be conducted outside to go ahead without interruption albeit that plenty of alternative entertainments had been set up inside the many lounges and meeting rooms of the complex.

Looking at the guest list reminded Oskar of so much that had gone on over the years and how much he had forgotten. He decided that his task of writing his report would be made easier by checking back through the archived security tapes, the brief summarised titles which hinted of the stories to be told. He logged onto the secure system and instantly found what he was looking for and was intrigued to see the references of OOA14 - Confederacy Country Club; OOA05 - CEO Visit; OOA15 - Motel Encounters. The list with its intriguing titles seemed endless and served to remind him of the diverse ways in which Rhino had steadily inveigled its way into the American way of life. The filenames in conjunction with the guest list would make his task of writing up a report so much easier, he concluded.

The guest list had been equally impressive and there had been many celebrities in attendance from both the world of entertainment and also from the political arena. Oskar had lost count of the well-known figures he had met during the course of the day but he had been a little disappointed not to have seen the previous Governor for he had fond memories of when his entourage had previously visited the Rhino industrial unit and had witnessed him being fucked in the arse by a prototype of male sex doll which had developed a software fault. What a day that had been, he thought to himself as he scrolled through the chronological list of archived security tapes, "… I really must go back and have a look at the security tapes that had recorded his humiliation so clearly. Let's see now … hmm, got it, OOA24."

He took a quick look at the tape and was reminded of the old adage, 'it doesn't no matter who you vote for, the 'government' always gets in!' Oskar observed with amusement as the runaway Nubian Robot got into its stride and wondered if the new man in the Governor's Mansion might be as gullible. He made a note to remind himself to offer an invite.

He took his eyes away from the screen to resume his report-writing task and concentrated his thoughts on some of the other attendees at the celebration especially on those who, wittingly or not, had contributed toward Rhino's achievements.

No surprise to have seen his fellow Lerotican, Bishop Erasmus, the titular head of the Church of the Black Staff. From the very beginning of Rhino's arrival in Hawksville, together they had formed an alliance that saw the over-sexed clergyman taking care of the spiritual needs of his 'flock' of white women whilst Oskar provided for their secular desires. Oskar recognised that the devotion by these women to the church and obsessions with the black cocks of the Bishop's disciples was not so much due to the pompous clergyman's charisma but rather that his congregation were being willingly fucked at the behest of the commands of transmitted by Rhino mind-bending software.

However, despite his personal opinions of his colleague's character, he had been interested to learn from the Bishop that he had initiated a programme of sending 'missionaries' to other States whereby embryonic churches would be set up to spread the word of the Lord (as interpreted by the Church of the Black Staff) and that key to that programme would be the equipping of any facilities with Rhino appliances. The first such outpost he was told was in the mid-west, in a rural community and that land had been acquired for a religious retreat to be established. The Bishop added as an aside that the land was presently owned by a soya-growing farmer with a wife who, it was suspected, enjoyed seducing the young men who her husband employed. He wasn't sure if the husband knew of it but said 'his man' would investigate and report back.

Oskar noted down this snippet of gossip as 'Work in Progress' in his report under the sub-heading of 'Farming Folk'.

Most people attending the festival had been either local dignitaries or persons who had made a significant contribution to Rhino's successes. However, in addition Oskar had been pleased to note there had been an international flavour amongst the attendees not least to see that the two lovely ladies from the German division had come over for the event.

Frau Helga Gerber and her ********, Isabella, represented the Rhino partner company formally known as 'Gerber und Tochter GMBH', an electronics specialist established in Dusseldorf. As far as Oskar was concerned, it was a textbook example of how one should go about setting up a subsidiary company in another country. He mused on the circumstances that had led him to the trade show when they had first met and the ease with which these Europeans had embraced the Rhino business model. He figured that perhaps the continual influx of refugees from Africa to the European continent and the apparent ease with which they were assimilated in German society may be a factor in German women falling under the spell of black cock.

It seemed a reasonable conclusion worthy of further investigation and as he recalled the first sight of Helga's hairy pussy enhanced by the lingerie she wore beneath her business suit and the contrast to Isabella's smooth shaven slit and how, once Rhino's phone messages had taken hold, the ******** had expertly licked her mother to the first of many orgasms in the back room of the trade stand, he was prompted once more to scroll through the video records list in order to begin the investigation. " … hmm, now which tape would that be," he mused, " … ah, got it, 'The European Trade Delegation', OOA19."

The international flavour of those attending was furthered when he had been reintroduced to another Mother and ********, the delightful Indie and Chachi, immigrants from Madras, India. The sight of them dressed in the traditional Saree reminded him of the evening when he had dined with them and had been given a demonstration of how the older lady had a talent for producing powerful aphrodisiacs from Indian spices which had then been added to the meal she had produced. It was from that night that their business relationship had developed and the spices had since been added to the 'menu' of Rhino business products and often played a part in encouraging white wives' interest in black cocks. Yes, that had been a significant development in Rhino's business strategy and perhaps their contribution should be further recognised given its success. Again he scrolled the list of archived records in order to refresh his mind of the details of their arrangement. He found it, OOA33.

He noted the reference on his pad and then returned to scanning the guest list to refresh his memory of who else had been at the open-air party. He saw Suzi Recreant's sissy husband Zack's name on the list but could not recall if he had actually attended. 'Most probably too busy elsewhere sucking another white man's cock' was his conclusion but sight of the name did make him wonder how Suzi herself was getting along. She had made a great success of cementing her role as a newsreader within Rhino Media Network News before going off to the West Coast to establish a Rhino presence in California with a similar organisation. He knew from reviewing reports and tapes that she was presently on maternity leave and due to give birth any day now but he also knew that when the baby arrived it certainly wasn't going to be able to claim Zack as the father.

He speculated whether the pregnancy may have resulted from her news-gathering visit to Hawksville Penal complex when she had succeeded in getting her 'Scoop' with the black thug in his cell. He suspected that the prison security system would have a record of the encounter; he wrote another note to remind himself to contact the prison governor to confirm his suspicion.

He rubbed his eyes to ease the strain he had from looking at so many explicit videos and thought, "Yes, most satisfactory progress .. but much more to come, methinks" and then his train of thought was interrupted when the office door opened and Simone appeared carrying his mid-morning cup of coffee.

He put down his pen and pushed the notepad to one side of the desktop and logged off out of the archive. Having read of the various encounters and situations that had occurred over the years it had made him feel extremely horny.

He noted with approval that Simone had already, once again, unbuttoned her blouse in anticipation of providing him with another look at her breasts which he had been recently sucking. He pushed his chair away from the desk and allowed her to put the cup down before pulling her toward his lap which they both knew would lead to their scheduled mid-morning fuck!

She lifted her skirt above her waist and, pantie-less, with practised ease straddled his erect cock that he had already obligingly released from his pants. It didn't take too long before he was spurting his sperm into her welcoming cunt.

For them both it was a full life and as she cleaned him up afterwards Oskar reflected that the past 10 years had gone well. However, there was still much to do and he was confident that there would be many more such business developments to be recorded and stories to be told in the future.

He dismissed her from his office and resumed his planning and writing his report.

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