Out of Afrika

A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van, Satinlvr_mwf andWunderboi


Chapter 48- The Cosmopolitan Quarter


Our story thus far:

The arrival of Rhino RMM Inc. had transformed the fortunes and the lives of sleepy Hawksville in ways beyond the wildest imagination of its original inhabitants. What had once been a sleepy backwater town reliant on farming and few decaying industries for its existence was now a dynamic highly developed hive of activity and pleasure that attracted the attention, admiration and, although at the moment they might not admit to it, envy of their more conservative neighbouring States.

Hawksville's reputation for innovation was heard in other lands and soon immigrants began to arrive to both get a piece of the action and to add their own flavour to the racial mix.


Hawksville's newfound prosperity and well-being was all due to the imposition of the Rhino company philosophy that 'Black cock good/White cock, erm, not so good'. Introduction of this tenet into a previously racially divided community had been a relatively easy measure for Rhino produced many domestic devices that all had embedded within them transmitters that broadcast mind-controlling commands that, in short, told anyone in range that this was the way of the future. Hypnotic commands would be sent that compelled white women to succumb to the suggestion and delights that a stiff black cock could provide whilst at the same time the messages would be convincing their white partners that they were inadequate and that they should be grateful that their wives or partners were gaining the satisfaction they were incapable of providing.

It took a little while for this philosophy to gain momentum but now, a few years down the line, 'Black over White' was the creed that everyone abided by and with the help and assistance of many supporting agencies and organisations life in Hawksville was 'the place' to be as the dazzling new structures and estates of attractive houses spread all around. However, in the drive toward change and the introduction of modernity in this previously sleepy quarter of the State, there were some things that were still held dear as new buildings and reconstruction took hold throughout the town and there was one block that for whatever reason had slipped the attention of the developers and was now known as the Cosmopolitan Quarter, a parade of small shops and businesses that retained some of that old Southern charm and manners. It very soon became known as the place to go if one was looking to step out of the main stream and the hurly burley of Rhino-driven life to get some less frenetic provision of personal services.

Amongst those attracted to what Hawksville had to offer was an entrepreneurial Asian ****** from Mumbai, India who recognised there might be a business opportunity of locating a branch of their jewellery business in the expanding town. Sharad had been despatched by the owner of the ****** business, his father-in-law, from their homeland to set up the subsidiary and, as always, he did as he was told by his elders and he took his wife Uma with him to this new strange land. Given that his father-in-law didn't entirely trust his son-in-law to make the correct decisions he also directed that his mother-in-law, Vidya, would go along to act as an overseer.

As things worked out, Vidya presence really wasn't required for Sharad and Uma made quite the success of establishing the jewellery business albeit that it was something Sharad had to do 'in his spare time' for in order to gain legal entry to the US he used his qualifications as a software engineer to get employment with Rhino. However, once his immigration status had been officially recognised it took little time to set about the real purpose of the ******'s coming to America.

Contrary to the original plan Sharad found that he quite enjoyed the job he had secured with Rhino and despite the expectations of his father-in-law ringing in his ears that said his priority was to develop the Jewellery business he deferred his responsibilities to his wife and her mother. Uma was delighted to be given charge for she really relished the prospect of doing something of her own without being interrupted by her less than decisive husband.

Vidya, her mother was not in the least surprised at her son-in-law's lack of commitment to the original plan. In her mind he had always been a weak one and now, once he had gotten involved with his new employer Rhino, well, she was not quite sure what had come over him but he was forever distracted and would seemingly spend all his free-time down at the Rhino Gentlemen's' Club. She was not to know that he was helpless to do otherwise for Rhino had plans of their own and their mind-controlling systems made sure that his attention was firmly focussed on their demands, not the jewellery business.

The first few months following their arrival in Hawksville had been a time of discovery for Uma. There was so much about this new land that delighted her and she revelled in the freedoms which had been unexpectedly thrust upon her. Not that either her mother or husband had initially agreed or approved of her behaviour; conduct which they felt was most unbecoming to a respectable married lady of Indian extraction. However, it took little time before they had all succumbed to the 'Rhino Effect' and Uma's initial indiscretions were soon forgotten as the three of them became ever more absorbed in the Hawksville way of life.

If there was a moment, a turning point, when attitudes and behaviours changed then the dinner party hosted by Vidya to honour the visit by Rhino's boss, Oskar, to their house would have been that moment. The house allocated by Rhino to Sharad was fully equipped with all the latest appliances and the software-embedded devices had been subjecting the ****** to a stream of subliminal messages from the moment they had moved in. Sharad had in addition been the target of more specific suggestions when he had been at work and, even more so, when he had been attending the Gentlemen's club. (There had been an official purpose behind the frequent visits made despite whatever his mother-in-law thought!) On the night of the party Oskar had bought along a powerful aphrodisiac powder which was served as a dusting to the dessert. The poor Kumars had no chance and the night degenerated into a sexual orgy where the ladies enjoyed their first black cock, a cock that seemingly never lost its vigour, and Sharad discovered that the reason he had been neglecting Uma was because he was at heart a closet sissy who loved to watch his wife being ravaged by someone who was superior to him in every way.

Uma, for her part, recalled this night as being a liberation. The combination of the atmosphere created by the Rhino effect and the assistance provided by the drugs had stripped away all her inhibitions and from that moment on she knew what it was she wanted from life and that she would not need to concern herself with suppressing any hang-ups to get it. Indeed the whole ****** henceforth shared the same attitude albeit that the spell which they had been under left them with only a hazy recollection of the actual details of what they had actually done..

Oskar as he tucked his softening cock back into his pants was less prophetic; he just saw the evidence that yet more folks had been successfully conditioned by 'the program' to become devotees to the creed of Black superiority over themselves.

There were other consequences for following their night of debauchery Uma found herself become emotionally closer to her mother. Previously she had a fractured relationship with Vidya mainly due to the older woman's domineering ways and her constant criticisms of almost everything that her ******** did; her choices; her competence; her marriage skills. However, following that evening and the time spent on the couch when they each took turns to be fucked and enjoy the pleasures offered by Oskar (indeed, had encouraged each other to greater acts of devotion to his impressive cock whilst Sharad had looked on bemusedly) they seemed to have forgotten their past differences and had become the closest of confidents. It was just one of a strange turn of events but it was nice.

The jewellery business became a great success under Uma's management and her father back in Mumbai was very pleased when he saw the monthly reports she posted to him. What she didn't report back was how useless her husband Sharad had proven at being part of the running of it or that he had become less of a man, in many ways, since they had moved to Hawksville.

Uma expanded the business further by adding a small tattoo and piercing parlour where customers could have body markings applied, including the exotic Henna patterns for which Indian culture is renown, and for piercings to made so that earrings could be worn or, in response to many requests, piercings to be made to more intimate parts of the body. Uma so enjoyed having a customer who wanted a clit ring fitted; she had quite a range of styles on offer and to be invited to touch another woman's pussy gave her quite a thrill.

Her mother meanwhile had successes of her own for with Oskar's encouragement and sponsorship she had opened a small establishment, a spice shop cum Indian restaurant, next door to the Jewellers. Her business was based around her in-depth knowledge of oriental spices and their use in cooking and their medicinal properties. Oskar had added to her portfolio the gift of the aphrodisiac plant which he had obtained from his South Africa homeland and Vidya had devised many ingenious applications so that the drug could be used in subtle ways. Any customer to the restaurant was assured of a most satisfactory meal that inevitably concluded with a happy ending.

Next door to the restaurant was what was referred around town by the old original staid inhabitants of Hawksville as 'The Chinese Laundry' albeit that the proprietors were not the original Chinese who had opened it in pre-Rhino days but in fact were now Thai. (Such was the unworldly experience of most of these conservative-minded inhabitants they really didn't appreciate there was any difference in oriental races when the Thais took over from the retiring Chinese owners.) The young Thai girls provided the most excellent service in laundering and dry cleaning the dirty clothes of Hawksville but also under the watchful eye of the elderly madam who ran the business there were extra services provided in the form of massage parlour located at the back of the store. Many customers would take advantage of the 2-hour cleaning service to stay while their clothes were being laundered and have a personal cleansing and refreshment service of their own.

Alongside the laundry was an old world coffee shop and tea house. It soon became a great favourite with the 'ladies who lunch' not so much for the excellent coffee and snacks that were on the menu but more so for the attention gained from the young Baristas who were employed to serve. The proprietor of the cafe, a relative of Oskar, had a ready source of young men from the local business college who wished to work part-time there and he had his pick of the crop, so to speak, for the college had a formidable football team and knowing the preferences of his clients he ensured it was those footballers of a certain physique and size who were employed to wait on tables. They were encouraged to engage with the largely female clientele who in turn would mercilessly tease these young boys and offer the most outrageous suggestions.

In truth the coffee shop business was little more than a front for advancing the Rhino philosophy in a specific fashion. It was the Church of the Black Staff that had recognised the confusion and naivety that came along with the out-of-state young men who came to attend the college and had devised the scheme whereby they might better be assimilated into society by being forced to address their confusion of being in company of white women (many of them for the first time). The women in turn had the opportunity to get up close and personal with these fine young men and under the guise of showing off their caring and sympathetic concerns would take who was ever on-duty to one of the booths at the back of the cafe and ease the concerns of the black boy by taking out his stiff cock and giving him a reassuring and relieving wank. Josh, quarterback for the Hawksville Hawks, was a particular favourite.

The cafe also offered a take-out delivery service.

At the end of the parade of shops was an establishment which advertised itself as a private physiotherapy clinic. The discrete frontage and foyer gave no clues as to what was on offer inside and it would be assumed by unwary passers-by that the provision stated on the frosted glass window of the door, "No Gain without Pain" referred to the therapeutic exercises that clients would be subjected to in the course of receiving treatment for sports injuries or other misfortunes. However, the clientele who frequented the clinic were neither sportsmen or women or referrals from the local hospitals and medical centres, they were all seeking the specialist service that was available up the stairs from the foyer. The first floor was configured with fully equipped BDSM chambers where those with sadist and masochistic tendencies could have their fantasies made real.

Paid membership was a requirement and with the venue proving so popular a considerable membership waiting list soon built up. Admittance was by appointment only and on entry through the secure door the 'customer' would be required to fill out a form/questionnaire which indicated preferences and any special requirements required on the day of attendance. The clinic was very accommodating and had a qualified staff of black leather-clad dominatrix who all wore masks to hide their identity and would endeavour to provide exactly what had been specified on the form. Every fetish was catered for and on a busy day the soundproofed rooms upstairs would ring with the whimpers, cries and sobs from clients being satisfied with whatever humiliation they had ordered from the menu of treatments.

Uma and Vidya were particularly pleased to have the physio-clinic as near neighbours to their own businesses for they now had the opportunity to observe and sample the delights that came from inflicting humiliations on subservient males. It was a pleasure that had been denied them in the male-dominated culture of the India from which they had emigrated and although they hadn't said as much to each other both saw the clinic as providing a kind of 'pay-back time' for the way they and their sisters back home were traditionally treated.

Neither of them was quite sure how it came about or how anyone could have known of their suppressed desire for some sort of revenge against men but the proprietor of the clinic had made discrete enquiries and approached them separately to see if they were interested in 'some part-time work'. The work, he explained, would be to provide practical therapies focussed around massage to 'broken bodies and minds'.

"No special training was required, the procedures were quite instinctive; the only thing required," he said with a laugh, ".... was imagination and enthusiasm and, oh yes, uniform would be provided."

The truth of the matter was that their inherent feelings about men had long been recognised. Whenever they had been under the spell of the Rhino effect (which was often given the number of Rhino-sponsored social events they had attended since their arrival in Hawksville) this trait had been revealed and noted.

Oskar, who had a tendency to micro-manage every detail of any Rhino initiative, made no exception when the clinic was being planned. He had already made the assumption that Uma and Vidya would be recruited to become part of the staff and therefore it was no coincidence when he approved the location of the separate businesses in the Cosmopolitan Quarter that the Jewellers and Restaurant were so closely situated. Everything that happened in Hawksville was conceived as part of his overall plan for Black domination and Oskar had decided that for the 'clinic' that would be useful for 'key' workers to be close at hand while at the same time would have a cover to explain their presence in the area.

The ladies were secretly delighted when the offer was made of this other employment to fill their time. Both the jewellers and the restaurant were moving along nicely and now established and staffed with competent people they had plenty of free time as they let their own employees serve their clientele. They had both been approached separately and given the nature of the work offered they hadn't confided in each other at the time; both had believed the other might regard it as being odd to admit to this need to 'punish' their tormentors. However, it was inevitable that a meeting would happen and it had been a little embarrassing when one day they were both independently scheduled for work at the clinic only to discovered that the other also worked there.

They quickly got over the initial embarrassment and soon became a team, a menu item, on the clinic's list of treatments.

Once a customer had completed the documentation and his requirements had been assessed by the receptionist he would be directed to strip off all his clothes right there in the foyer. It was the first step of his humiliation for often the undressing would be done in full view of other waiting customers. The receptionist's withering gaze as his limp dick (quite often enclosed in a cock cage) was revealed would cause him to blush with shame.

Sharad had been fitted with no such restraint but the receptionist had noticed that as he scrambled to take down his underwear that they looked suspiciously like a pair of ladies panties.

"Up the stairs and to the right. Mistress Desiree and Mistress Sonia are waiting," she ordered as she handed him back the completed form and Sharad with as much dignity as he could muster stumbled up the stairs full of trepidation as to what would greet him when he did as he had been commanded.

It was Sharad's first visit and he had little idea what to expect as he made his way up to the first floor chamber. The suggestion that he might find relief and satisfaction from the clinic's offerings had come from other husbands who attended the WIMPS meetings at the church. They had been full of praise and enthusiasm for the treatments they had sampled and when Uma his wife had made a positive comment and mentioned something about the 'new place' that had opened just down from the Jewellers he thought that it might be interesting to discover for himself just what this clinic was all about.

He entered the darkened room and he caught his breath when he saw the two ladies on the opposite side from the door. They were both dressed in the clinic's uniform of a black leather corset topped by a half-cup bra which allowed their tits to spill over the top, black panties over which was a black garter belt holding up black mesh stockings which disappeared into the tops of the 4-inch heel knee-high leather boots. Their faces were obscured by black masks which made recognition impossible but there was no mistaking the contemptuous looks they gave him as he stood there trying to assess the situation in which he had placed himself.

"Don't just stand there. Come here and give me that ... " said Uma waiting to take the paper he held in his trembling hand, ".... and go and stand over there."

She quickly scanned down the column of tick boxes and smiled to see what her husband had revealed as being his preferences. The short experience that she had so far gained from working at the clinic told her it really didn't matter what the client had actually asked for, they seemed to react far better to being surprised.

"I am Mistress Desiree and this is Mistress Sonia," she said indicating toward her mother. "It doesn't really matter who we are because I'm not allowing you to be seeing either of us. You will address us as 'Mistress' and don't forget it."

Vidya was impressed to hear her ******** speak so authoritively toward the trembling male who clearly had no idea who they really were albeit that she was still recovering from the shock of recognising who it was who had come through the door. She had no idea that her wimpy relative might be so inclined as to want to get the kind of treatment for which the clinic had become famous. Given the opinions she held about him she decided she was really going to enjoy this session as she tied a blindfold around her Son-in-Law's face.

Once satisfied that the blindfold was securely held she pulled on his arm and pushed him against the wall , "Stand there and put your arms up."

Sharad did as he was told and felt the coldness of the bare wall against his back. The next thing he felt was something being tied around his wrists and ankles. More movement and then before he knew it he was held fast by the ropes that had been looped through strategically placed shackles on the wall; he was helpless, blind and immobile.

Uma took up the riding crop (supplied by the Rhino Adult store) and lifted up his limp dangly penis, "What do we have here?" she said with mock distaste, "... doesn't look like this is of use to anyone. What does your wife think about it? Doesn't look like it is the sort of cock to be capable of giving anyone satisfaction."

He whimpered at the feel of the leather crop on his dick and croaked, "Ah, um, she doesn't say much but I think she's happy ...."

The crop was raised and, Swish, his cock felt the first blow.

"Fool, how could a woman be happy if she had this pathetic worm to rely upon. So tell me again, do you think your wife is satisfied with you?"

With his eyes smarting tears beneath the blindfold he suppressed his cry at the stab of pain, " ... um, I don't know, she doesn't say much about it. She's always too busy to talk ..."

Swish, another slap across his groin, "I don't think you are telling the truth, you worm. I don't think she is happy at all," said Uma from her position of authority knowing full well that her blindfolded husband was always too busy himself with work and going out to spend his evenings at the Rhino Gentlemen's club to have any time for her. She lifted his cock once more with the crop and against his expectations she began to softly see-saw the leather strap over the swelling member.

"Hmm, I see that we can get this worm to do something after all. Do you think your wife might like to be told how to get you excited?"

Sharad took a breath of relief as he felt the pleasurable sensation of the leather strap gently caressing him; perhaps his punishment was not going to be any worse than this and the pain was already over. His other thought was a fleeting one of horror at the idea that his wife might be told that he had voluntarily subjected himself to be in the position he was now in. He put that thought to one side and just let himself enjoy the moment as Uma continued to softly apply the crop. His cock responded agreeably and soon stood stiffly proud from his body in all its 4 inch glory. Had he been able to see he could have shared the sight of pre-cum already beginning to flow.

His relief was short-lived.

Swish, he felt a searing pain as the crop slapped across the dripping end of his swollen penis ... and again and again in quick succession.

"That's for being a fool. Even when I've taken the trouble to get you erect, you still haven't produced anything worthwhile getting excited about. Now, tell me again, do you think your wife is happy with you?"

Sharad was incapable of speech. He had never been treated like this or been so thoroughly humiliated before. He didn't quite know how to react other than shake his head from side to side as an admission of his failings. The two women looked and smiled at each other for they had noticed that despite being subjected to such painful treatment that his cock never once lost the erection that had developed. Indeed, it seemed to them that it had become even stiffer. They also noted that his nipples had likewise become stiff, a giveaway that he was reacting in the expected manner. Uma nodded at her mother and Vidya picked up the clamps that were laying on the adjacent table.

Sharad at last made a noise; he squealed as he felt the teeth of the clamps being clipped to the erect buttons poking from his chest. He then gave another yelp as a larger clamp was fastened to capture his cock and his balls.

"Now we are going to help you make your wife happy. She will be so pleased when you get home and see what we have done for her." Uma suppressed a giggle at the thought that her husband might later confess how he had spent his afternoon. It was an unlikely scenario but an amusing thought to have as she attached the first weights to the loops on the clamps.

"Oh, see how stretched your little dickie is getting ... oh, silly me, you can't see can you?" she said with as much sarcasm as she could muster.

In truth there wasn't much of a discernible difference in the length of his cock but she knew from the short experience she had gained at the clinic that this was just the sort of thing that an inadequate male would like to hear.

"Oh, your wife is going to be so pleased with you. Let's make it even longer for her." She hung another weight on the clamp and his cock was pulled down even lower. The pain was excruciating and he loved it. His pleasure increased with each weight that was attached and time became an irrelevance as he felt the warmth spread over his body and mind.

She glanced at the clock on the wall. 'Hmm, not too much time left to play with this one' was her thought knowing she had another booking due soon. She looked on him with satisfaction before releasing the straps holding him to the wall, "Go and lay on the bench. Don't take off the mask; here I'll lead you," she said taking his hand.

Sharad stumbled on unsteady feet with the clamps still on his nipples and the weighted device holding fast to his stiff cock. Vidya took his other hand and they both pulled him over to the padded bench which had a cut-out in its centre. He felt the edge bump against his knees and then the instruction, "Lay yourself down on that. There's a hole in the middle, make sure you lay on it right. Do you understand?"

"Yes, I understand."

SWISH, the riding crop slashed across his bare arse, "What did you say; what did you call me, I didn't hear you say it?"

Sharad remembered, "Yes Mistress, I understand." He wouldn't forget the next time.

Although he couldn't see he realised what 'laying it on it right' meant and he positioned himself facedown so that his metal encased cock poked through the hole. His arms and legs dangled over the sides of the bench and just as he began to get himself comfortable he felt straps of a harness being fastened around his wrists and ankles. Once again he was incapable of movement as the harness held him fast.

"I see you ticked the box that said you might liked to be spanked. Can't disappoint you, can we?"

In truth, Sharad had done no such thing. The questionnaire was so confusing to him that he had no idea what he had marked up as preferences and, now, he was in no position to dispute.

Vidya picked up the paddle (available on discount at the Rhino Adult store) and took aim at the upturned butt of her son-in-law. She was going to enjoy this; this will teach him a lesson for being such an inadequate worm of a husband to her beloved ********.

SLAP. The first blow took him by surprise and his body jerked in response. The second was not so much of a shock but it still hurt just as much nonetheless.

Uma looked on as her mother continued to paddle the fat cheeks of her whimpering husband. She was amused to note that the mature lady was becoming increasingly excited herself as she applied herself to the task. She had no idea what might be going through her mother's head but with each stroke of the paddle it was obvious that whatever it was must have been sexually exciting as her breasts heaved and her nipples became stiffer with each blow.

Also stiffer was Sharad (if that was at all possible) and every time the leather paddle slapped his butt his cock would give a jerk added by the weights which was pulling on his foreskin. Another slap and another dribble of sticky pre-cum ran down the chain; clearly he was getting more and more excited himself as he received his 'punishment'. Uma decided that the time had come to bring the session to a close.

"Sonia, I think those little boy balls need to feel your love."

Vidya knew exactly what was being suggested and she adjusted her position so that she could aim her blows accordingly. Sharad screamed with agony as leather met his swollen testicles, his cries were so loud that it gave Vidya pause before she landed a second and final blow.

"That'll be enough for today," she said to no-one in particular. "Just enough time for you to have a final treat."

She put the crop she had been holding to one side and went to Sharad still shackled to the bench and removed his mask. Unable to lift his head he was still denied looking up at his tormentors' faces but he revelled in the sight of those beautiful breasts and the pantie-covered pussies that e could see as they moved provocatively back and forth in front of his tear-filled eyes. He was even more relieved when he felt the clamp that had been pulling on his cock being released and for his still stiff cock to become unrestrained. His joy overflowed when he felt a soft hand begin to slowly jerk him off; he had no idea whether it was Mistress Desiree or Mistress Sonia, he didn't care. The contrast from the treatment he had endured for the past half an hour was forgotten as the tender fingers played along the short stubby length. It took no time at all before he felt the familiar stirring of his orgasm building and then, with no effort at all, he began to cum and spurt after spurt jetted from his dangling cock.

The hold on his cock was released and his head slumped with relief and he was left thinking that must be the final act of his treatment and that his ordeal was over.

"Poor Sharad .... not," thought Uma as she reached under the bench and bought out the dish that had been strategically placed beneath her husband. She grabbed a handful of hair and lifted his head and shoved the dish beneath his chin, "Drink it and when the dish is clean I'll undo the straps and you can go!"

She looked down on him triumphantly as he lapped like a cat at the bowl and then she shared a smile and a nod with Vidya which conveyed the message that they had done a good job with forcing him into this final humiliation.

Sharad, for his part, far from thinking that this was a humiliation was enjoying himself. Unbeknown to Uma, drinking cum was something that he had become used to. He had never told her in any detail what he got up to when he went to his WIMPS meetings or, more recently, when he visited his friends from the group at their homes. No, the taste of cum, especially others' ejaculations, he considered a treat and the final piece of evidence of a evening well-spent. He lapped away and Uma was bemused to see that while he did so that his cock had once again become erect.

"Curious," she thought as she took the empty bowl away before undoing the bonds that held him.

He staggered from the room and into the bright light of the hallway and made his way to the staircase that led to freedom. Uma and Vidya standing at the doorway watched and thought he looked a comical sight as he stumbled away with one hand on the stair rail, the other being wiped across his mouth and his reddened butt crossed with the stripes from the crop in clear sight. Between his legs as he walked crab-like she could see his cock and balls which, amazingly, were still dribbling. Had he the whit to turn around he might have seen who his tormentors were but, no, he concentrated instead on finding the next step that would take him back to the pile of clothes that had been left just where he left them. As he carefully dressed in front of two waiting 'clients' the receptionist brightly asked, "Do you want to make another appointment Sir?"


Meanwhile, in the Media centre a technician was already busy at work editing the footage that had been streamed to him from the clinic. He was quite adept at enhancing and tidying up the scenes that had been relayed and to add comment and captions so that by the time he had completed his work there would be yet another video to be added to the growing collection of instructional DVDs that were available for the education of would-be cuckolds and sissies of Hawksville.


Uma and Vidya were both in the kitchen when they heard the key in the front door that announced the arrival of 'the man of the house' returning home from his day's work.

"Hello dear, we're in the kitchen ..." was the unnecessary response to the sound of his arrival, 'where else would my women be at this time of day?' he thought as he hung his coat.

He gingerly walked through to join them still very aware of the hurt that his backside was radiating and gave his wife a peck on the cheek.

She looked at him carefully, "Are you OK? You look like you have something wrong with you."

"Uh, no, I'm fine. Maybe just a little cramp for sitting at my desk too long I'm thinking," he quickly responded hoping she hadn't noticed that her question had caused him to blush. He diverted the conversation, " What's for dinner?"

Uma kept the smile off her face as she told him what they had prepared and then the conversation turned to the same one that they had every day at this time with a back-and-forth of, 'how was your day; what did you do; who did you meet; what are you up to this evening, anything special happening?'

As far as Uma was concerned her questions were all rhetorical, she knew exactly what he had been up to but Sharad was not to know that his answers were irrelevant. He was thinking that he was maintaining a veil over his secret life and that his wife continued to be the innocent to his desires.

They sat down to eat and he said as casually as he could muster, "Ah, if it's OK with you, I'm going out this evening to meet up with a few colleagues. We need to discuss a few things over some beers about an up-coming project. Don't wait up for me, I'm not sure how long I'll be."

Uma nodded and thought, 'Liar!, I know damn fine you are going to meet with your chums at WIMPS' .... but she didn't contradict him.

"That's nice dear but don't worry about rushing home. Mother and me have a film to watch tonight. We'll be fine."

The meal was quickly finished in relative silence for all were keen to get tidied away and for their individual pleasures to commence. Sharad took the empty dishes and loaded the dishwasher and tidied the kitchen (for that was his job) and asked if it was OK for him to leave.

He was dismissed and told, tongue-in-cheek, to have good time and he left the ladies to make themselves comfortable in the lounge.

"I think before we sit down to watch the film that we ought to get changed back into our 'work clothes'. It'll make our viewing so much nicer."

Uma nodded her head at her mother's suggestion and went to the bedroom to dress herself in exactly the same outfit that she had worn at the clinic earlier in the day. Vidya did the same.

Once back to the lounge they sat either end of the couch and complimented each other on how deliciously provocative both of them appeared with their corsets, garter belts, split-crotch panties, hi-heeled boots. Between them laying on the seat were their favourite dildos, the 'Oskar' model which faithfully matched the dimensions and proportions of their favourite man. The other item on the couch was a freshly wrapped DVD. It was a not-for-sale draft copy of the afternoon's performance in the clinic that had been rushed over to them so that they could review and make any recommendations before the video would be properly marketed.

Uma slotted the disc into the player and as it started to play she snuggled up closer to her mother and lay her head on the bare tits which spilled over the cups of mummy's bustier. They both took a vibrator to hand and with their legs spread softly ran the black buzzing toy over their already wet slits as the scene inside the chamber began to unfold and they relived the moment.

Sharad meanwhile had gathered with his friends in the meeting room at the church and was delighted to see that already pants had been lowered and stiff little dicks were being played with. He had developed quite a taste for cum and the prospect was that he would be further satisfied before the evening was out.

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