Out of Afrika

A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi


Chapter 22

Megan let herself into the house and as she always did called out, “I’m home”.

There was no immediate reaction but after she dropped her school bag to the floor and began to climb the stairs she heard the click of a bedroom door closing followed by the sudden appearance of Angela, her mother, on the landing.

“Hello Dear, you gave me a start .... I didn’t hear you come in ... I was tidying up ... I, er, er ... ,” her voice trailed off as she brushed stray hairs away from her flushed face, “ ... er, did you have a nice day at school?”

“Yeah, it was cool,” she said giving nothing away other than a peck on her mother’s cheek, “but I need to get changed; it’s a sweaty day”.

Her mother stood aside before going down the stairs leaving Megan to go to her bedroom. Everything looked in order (although in the jumble of a teenager girl’s bedroom, who could tell the difference?) but she smiled to herself when she saw the unmistakeable signs that once again her nightstand drawer had been opened. Before she had left for school she had carefully taken a stray hair from her brush, wetted it and stuck it across the front of the drawer so that any disturbance would be apparent. It was a trick she had seen in a spy movie and it clearly had worked; the hair was nowhere to be seen. She had long held suspicions that her mother snooped around her bedroom when she was out and here was the clear evidence.

She opened the drawer and there was no doubt, her vibrator that her friend Chloe had given her was not in the same position that she had left it earlier that morning. After her ‘waking-up jilling’ and a refreshing orgasm she had wiped it and then carefully placed it beneath her clean panties and, yep, it definitely was not in the same place where she had exactly positioned it.

She picked it up and gave an involuntary shudder as her hand grasped the black phallic object of pleasure; it was her good and faithful friend and had never let her down when she needed to confide her fantasies (which were frequently shared). She held it up and examined it closer, the realistic veins; the bulbous knob; the fat girth of its 10 inch length and she gave another tremble at the memories of laying back on her bed, covers off, her cotton nightie pulled up to bare her tits and this fat black monster vibrating inside her wet pussy. It was just the best way to begin the day she had long found out and now it seemed that the only other person in the house had perversely discovered the same for there was no doubt that it was her mother’s juices that were coating ‘her friend’.

That had been over a year ago and it marked the beginning of the journey another white wife would be taking to become in thrall to black cock.


Angela was quite a different person in every way to the meek mousey introvert of 12 months ago and the transformation was all due to her lovely ******** who had coaxed and introduced her into a whole new life and way of thinking. It shouldn’t have been that way for the convention was for Mothers to be teaching and advising their ********* about the ways of the world and sex but circumstances had dictated otherwise and ever since the day she had found that obscene-looking black vibrator Angela had been a willing student to Megan’s teachings. After all, her ******** had so much more experience in sexual matters and had no qualms or embarrassment about sharing what she had learned at the hands of her Black friends and their parents. Indeed, she almost felt that she had been blackmailed into doing what her ******** commanded her to do given she had been caught red-handed using the vibrator when Megan had unexpectedly come home early from school one afternoon. She had no excuses to offer for her obvious pleasure as she moaned out her climax with Megan standing at the door looking on. Yes, that had been an embarrassment but one that she swiftly overcame and it was a watershed moment for life had never been the same since.

Angela’s previous experience of men/marriage and sex was not something that she recalled with any pleasure or satisfaction. She had fallen pregnant at the after-prom party when her drink had been spiked and she had no recollection of the gang-**** that the Frat house had inflicted on her. One of the boys, Billy Joe, had thought himself clever when he boasted to some blabbermouth that he had been one of the rapists. Word got back to his parents who in tune with the times compelled him to marry her given he was the only one that had been positively identified as one of the perpetrators. However, his sense of responsibility to both the marriage and parenthood manifested itself by him inflicting frequent abuse on his naive wife whom he blamed for ruining his life. She had been made to yield to him whenever he came home in a drunken state and her experience of sexual intercourse was him fumbling to push his semi-hard cock into her dry vagina which was only moistened when he prematurely ejaculated over her. She knew no different and wondered why such a fuss was made about the beauty of sex if this was what she had to endure.

It was in the early 90s that Billy Joe decided that Hawksville held nothing that could use his untapped talents and he had a fit of patriotic conscience and enlisted in the Army. As soon as his initial training in the infantry was completed he found himself bound for Saudi Arabia to be a member of the coalition forces heading up to Iraq.

Billy Joe was in a truck that drove over an IED outside of Basra; there were no survivors.

Billy Joe was both insured which together with the ensuing military widow’s pension provided quite well for Angela and her baby girl Megan.

Angela felt guilty that she hadn’t been able to show more remorse when the Army Padre had come to the door. She knew she should have shown more sorrow and been more tearful when the sombre minister broke the news that her husband had been killed but she didn’t. For sure she made all the right noises and responses but inside she was relieved, almost elated, that the immature brute that had abused her throughout their short marriage would not be returning to inflict more of the same.

The padre left satisfied that he had done his duty; Angela watched him go and a feeling of relief washed over her. So began what she hoped would be a life free of fear and one of blissful solitude as a single mother bringing up her ********.

And this was exactly what she enjoyed as her delightful ******** grew and blossomed into being a delightful young woman. However, the blissful existence was not destined to be a forever thing for whilst she had initially thought that the combination of her pension and her savings would suffice to meet their needs it didn’t take the brain of a financial planner to figure out that as time went by that she needed to find a job if she was to maintain any kind of comfort and bliss. Her darling ******** agreed and it was she who provided the solution.


Angela quickly recovered from the embarrassment of her ******** discovering her laying on her bed with Megan’s fat black vibrator buzzing its pleasure into her wet pussy. The swift denials that she had never done anything like this before; that she’d not realised that this was a sex toy; that she was just tidying and cleaning the bedroom when the ‘thing’ had fallen to the fall, all the excuses were quickly dismissed and silenced when Megan came into the bedroom from her vantage point and sat alongside her mother on the bed. She wrapped her arms around her Mom and gave her a warm hug ... which at first was a little awkward as she still had the buzzing dildo in her cunt.

“Oh Megan, I’m sorry. I never wanted you to know about this ... I thought you would be at school ... I get so lonely ... I’m so sorry ... Megan, can you forgive me ... ,” and so she babbled on sobbing her words through her tears.

“Mom! Stop it; no need to cry. It’s OK, it’s fine; it’s nice to see and I’m pleased that at least we’ve found something we can share,” she giggled. She eased herself clear of her mother’s embrace and reached into the back pocket of her jeans and extracted her Rhino mobile phone. Already it was humming and doing that swirly colour display thing on the screen as she placed it out of harm’s way on the nightstand.

Angela stole a glance and then did as she was told and calmed down. She reached down and slid the humming rubbery cock from her pussy, switched it off and placed it on the bed beside her. As her sobs subsided Megan pulled her closer and stroking her mother’s hair said, “OK, what’s this really all about then?”

The floodgates opened and for the next hour Megan listened as her mother confessed that the life she was leading was not the idyll that she had hoped and thought it would be. She said that it had become so difficult because she was a private person and thought that she would be happy with just her own company but now realised that the combination of her shyness and lack of ‘people skills’ had actually turned into a burden. She confided that the ****** finances were not good but she figured that having had no working experience meant that she could never get a proper job. She continued and said that the more she thought about her situation that the more depressed she became and, casting a glance at ‘Oskar’ on the bed, said that she had found that masturbating in the solitude of the house had given her relief and release from her woes. She said that she had been so pleased when she discovered the source of the buzzing noises that she frequently heard though Megan’s bedroom door.

“Wherever did you get it?”

Hearing that, it was Megan’s turn to blush.

“Um, Chloe gave it to me. She has a few and she said I could have it.”

“Goodness, it seems to be a bit too ‘grown up’ for you young girls to be using such a thing. Whatever does her mother think about?”

Megan’s blushes turned to laughter.”Oh Mom, you really do need to get out more. All my friends have them and, anyway, it was Chloe’s mother who gave it to her; she gets lots of them from her work ..... ” She paused, “ .... Hey, that’s just reminded me and given me an idea.”

Angela’s face creased with a frown and she cocked her head, “Oh, and what would that be?” she said suspiciously.

“Well, one night when I went over to Chloe’s to do some extra work on a class assignment and her Mom was there with a friend, from her work I’m guessing. I guess they were chilling out after their day at the office. Anyway, it was really so strange for the pair of them were sitting on the couch and they were playing with what I soon discovered to be sex toys. They weren’t actually using them, just looking at them as they drank their wine.

“So Chloe and me were passing by to go up to her bedroom when her Mom said for us to take a couple of boxes she had in a pile by her side. We took one each and I was shocked to see from the packaging that they each contained a vibrator. Chloe’s Mom laughed when she saw my reaction but said something about appreciating if we could take them up with us and give them a ‘test run’.

“Well, Chloe and me almost ran to her bedroom, I couldn’t believe it but Chloe was like, ‘this is normal, this is cool, let’s do what my Mom has asked!’ So we unpacked the boxes and, oh my god, we were both blown away when we shook the packaging away as saw what was inside. We both had the same; it was this big fat vibrator, black and massive ... oh, wait a minute, it was that one there that you’ve been using so I don’t have to describe it, do I?”

Angela was wide-eyed as her ******** took a moment to gather both her breath and her thoughts. She took advantage of the pause to ask, “..what did Chloe do; was she shocked?”

“Nah, like I said, she’s seen it all before .. oh, I never told you, Chloe’s mom works for that Rhino company; she’s got a pretty good job. She’s head of something or other but some of it is to do with adult toy stuff that they make and she gets to bring things home. Chloe was always telling me about it but I never believed it until then.

“Anyway, we looked at these things and Chloe says for us to get undressed so we can play with them, so we did. We’ve played these sort of games before so I didn’t feel embarrassed or anything; we’ve seen plenty of each other and other girls naked when we’ve showered after sports at school but I admit it was nice to be alone so that we could have a proper look at each other.

“Mom, I never realised that we girls could be so different. Do you know there were some girls who had really a lot of hair around their pussies so you couldn’t see anything; there were lots like me who have nice fuzzy downy hair and, oh my god, there were others who have no hair at all; they looked just like little girls,” Megan exclaimed.

Angela smiled at the naivety of her ******** and gently suggested that maybe that maybe they did have hair but perhaps had decided, for whatever reason, to shave it off; that it might be more comfortable. It was Megan’s turn to be wide-eyed, “Oh, I hadn’t thought of that ...,” Her voice trailed off as she absorbed that as being the reason why Chloe had no hair and was as smooth as a Babies butt.

“Anyway,” she continued, “we lay on the bed side by side and took these things and had a lovely time rubbing them up and down our slits. I couldn’t do anything with mine, it was just too big but Chloe who had obviously had more practise was able to get the tip of the thing just inside her and, oh mom, it was crazy I actually watched her have an orgasm. I should have felt really embarrassed being there but it was lovely to see and as she came off I realised that I had my fingers inside me so I began frigging myself as I licked at my toy. Mmm, I’ve never had a cum like that before; it was lovely.”

Angela was transfixed at hearing the candid account her normally demure ******** was relating and although keen to hear more she kept her questions to herself ... for the moment. She also pondered as to why she was being so calm and relaxed at listening to this graphic account on a subject that had hardly ever been spoken of as her ******** grew up. The reason for her mute acceptance was simple, Megan’s Rhino mobile phone was sitting on her nightstand and emitting the default low humming that contained a subliminal message that commanded her to listen and for both of them to do as they were told.

Megan reached across her mother and picked up the toy. “I still can’t get this thing inside me like Chloe ... “ she hesitated as she recalled the sight of her mother fucking herself, “ ... or you can but I guess it must be good.”

She held the fat black toy against her mother’s slit which was now even wetter, the reaction of visualising what she had just heard from her ********. Megan pressed the switch and was rewarded by feeling the soft vibrations that pulsed through her grip. She began to slid it up and down her mother’s gaping cunt coating the surface with the juices that were now freely flowing. Angela reached down and covering her ********’s hand guided the cock to her entrance. Together they teased and slowly pushed the obscene object back and forth and with each push slid a little more pass the willing lips.

Angela abandoned herself completely to Megan’s treatment and let her do whatever she wanted. She recognised that it was in her nature to be the submissive and she made no protest as her ******** expertly fucked her with black vibrator. She lay back closed her eyes and fumbled a hand inside her blouse so that she could caress her own breasts. Had she opened her eyes she would have seen that Megan had kneeled up on the bed and was finger-fucking herself with her free hand. She certainly didn’t need to open her eyes to know that as her climax began to stir that the hot breath she felt on her face was the sign that her ******** was about to give her a kiss. She opened her mouth to receive it and was gratified to feel a wet tongue entwine with her own. With a stifled moan she came. It was a shattering climax quite unlike any she had ever given herself and certainly better than anything that her long-departed husband had induced whenever he had been in a state to give her proper attention.

She lay there trembling from the unknown exertions, feeling quite drained and her heart racing as she gathered her breath. After a few moments she managed to calm down and to muster up the strength and courage (for she felt a little intimidated by her ********’s self-assured manner) to say, ”Sweety, that was wonderful; I don’t know what came over me, thank you.”

Megan still lying alongside her giggled, “I know what came over you, me and my ‘best friend’. I’m thinking you enjoyed that and I think it’s wonderful that we can be so open with each other. You know that you don’t have to sneak around when I’m not here; it’s cool, you can use my toys whenever you want. Even better you can use them when I’m here!” with that she rolled over and gave her mother a hug.

Angela blushed at the suggestion but didn’t dismiss it, instead she steered the conversation back to more practical matters,” er, you said you had an idea or something. What was it Sweety?”

“Oh yeah, well when me and Chloe came down the stairs there was this Black guy sitting between her Mum and her friend ... found out later that it was her boss ... and, oh god Mom, they were jerking him off and stuff and as we watched he came and a fountain of that white creamy stuff shot up. They hadn’t noticed us standing there but, on my god, when they did they weren’t the slightest bit embarrassed. It was crazy. Anyway, I tried to creep past to get out of there but Chloe’s Mom was having none of it and she was really cheery and acted like nothing unusual had happened and that it was quite the normal thing to have some black dude with his ‘thing’ out and that we shouldn’t be concerned.”

Megan’s face took on a dreamy expression as she mentally recalled the sight of Oskar’s black cock spewing his cum in reaction to the white hands that were stroking its length. She continued, “Anyway, when she said goodbye to me she also asked after you and said that anytime you wanted a job that she had just the place for you at Rhino.” In truth, Simone had not said it quite as explicitly as that but Megan had chosen in the way of teenagers to exaggerate the encounter but, in her mind, she had no doubt that’s what Simone had implied.

Angela was initially taken aback at the suggestion for the very idea of leaving the house was something that normally she was reluctant to do; the thought of actually getting a job and being with other people was something that had never occurred to her but, with the Rhino phone alongside her on the nightstand, suddenly the idea became very attractive.

“Hmm, that sounds interesting. Do you think she really meant it?”

“Sure she did, she’s mentioned it to me since so I guess she was serious. I’ll let her know that you might want to do just that.”

Megan lifted herself from the bed and pulled off the rest of her clothes. Continuing in her bossy way she held out her hand to pull her mother to her feet, “Come on let’s get ourselves into the shower we can talk about it more as we get ourselves washed up. Then we’ll come back here and I’ll show some of the other things that Chloe has shared with me. We’re going to have such fun together Mom.”

Angela’s face lit up at the implied suggestion. It was time for her to begin to have fun in her life.


Professor Colin Steeves examined the checklist for the umpteenth time. He was a meticulous man and couldn’t abide the thought of having left anything off the task list that would affect the success of the upcoming trip. He still could not believe his good fortune at having been elected as ‘Man of the Year’ by his peers at the recent conference and the prize that had been awarded of a sponsored research programme to travel to Africa to examine causes of Racialism and the identification of measures to eradicate the same. The programme had been given the title, ‘'Solutions to racism in the 2020s ‘ It was a tough task but one of which he, as a Black Afro-American, had ridden to the challenge.

Colin despite his credentials and being a well travelled man had never actually been to Africa, the land of his cultural roots. He regarded this deficiency as being an asset in his academic endeavour and the first thing on his ‘to-do’ list was to identify a particular country where the study could be conducted which had little history of being involved with a race other than its own, certainly one where the white man was not a common sight. Various options were considered.

South Africa was dismissed out of hand (even though the study was being sponsored by Rhino, a South African based company) as being too ‘damaged’ given its history of Apartheid; Zimbabwe was likewise briefly considered but thought to be another country that already had significant problems with attitudes between Blacks and Whites; the Congo, too dangerous.... Lerotica? Ah, Lerotica, that looks interesting.

Lerotica, a small independent nation contained within South Africa, is located on a plateau which contributed to its isolation. It is ruled by an autocratic king to whom his subjects are fiercely loyal. The nation’s considerable wealth is derived from the rich mineral deposits which are mined by South Africa companies who go about their work without any interaction with their hosts other than paying vast sums of money into Lerotica’s coffers and, as a consequence, white people were a rarity in the land. The only other source of external revenue was a well-appointed Safari camp that catered for rich overseas visitors but they kept mostly to themselves and had little to do with their host country other than paying an inflated fee for the privilege of being located in the animal rich land.

The male population of Lerotica is dominant with traditional values strongly upheld and as a by-the-way, the professor, a lover of young girls, discovered the age of consent to be generally accepted as 14. Professor Reeves decided that Lerotica ticked all the boxes and made representations to the King to gain permission to visit and conduct his study.

Having identified the country, his next item was to devise a list of candidates who would accompany him as ‘test subjects’ on the 6 month-long sponsored research programme. He had decided to whittle down the prize offer to a more manageable number of half a dozen with the justification that to take more than that would be too difficult to monitor. (In truth, the decision on numbers wasn’t his to make as Rhino citing economy reasons had pulled back on its original offer to fund 12 persons. Oskar, a hard-nosed business man, had seen to that!)

The professor confirmed his list met with the requirements of the program which required for reasons of confidentiality that all the candidates had a strong connection with Rhino. He checked again:

3 young (late teen/early 20s) females –Chloe, Ingrid and Lucy, employed by the Rhino Gentlemen’s Club. Check.

1 young black male – Tyrone, Rhino Installation Engineer. Check.

2 White Cuckolded males - Ian and Herb, husbands of Rhino employees (Simone and Janice). Check.

All of them had been approached and offered the opportunity to be part of the research and assured that the 6 month absence from their ‘day job’ would incur neither financial penalty (their wages would be paid as normal) nor damage their career prospects, indeed, it could only enhance them. In the case of Ian and Herb, they were given no choice; their wives told them they would be going.


The long journey to Lerotica took them first to Oliver Tambo International airport where a minibus awaited the tired bunch of western travellers. They had little luggage given the advice received that clothing at their final destination was not a priority and, anyway, most of what they would be required to wear would be provided as part of the programme. Clearance through immigration and customs was swift and under the watchful eye of the Professor who had taken his seat alongside the driver they clambered aboard the bus and soon they were southward bound out of Johannesburg heading in the darkness down the N3 interstate that would take them to the fabled strange land that was shielded from the rest of the world by the Drakensburg Mountains.

The group experienced mixed levels of excitement at being far away from home for it was only Ingrid and the Professor who had any experience of overseas travel. The others had never strayed far from the confines of Hawksville and really had nothing to compare the sights that passed their eyes as they travelled through the vast countryside with anything they had seen before. Lucy and Chloe held each other's hands for reassurance squealing with delight each time something 'foreign' was sighted; Tyrone tried to remain 'cool' although inwardly was in turmoil about being outside his comfort zone but at the same time very excited as he speculated on the possibilities hinted at of the practical aspects of the trip; Ingrid did nothing to hide her amusement at seeing her less-worldly companions various reactions but rather she concentrated on the hidden treasure that she had detected tenting Tyrone's pants. How could she not have met with this hunk before she asked herself. Ian and Herb who were seated at the back of the bus kept their opinions to themselves but, as always, nobody paid them much attention anyway. Ian closed his eyes letting Herb amuse himself by softly caressing his cock as he drifted off to sleep.

The sun sank below the mountain tops and soon they were travelling the road in darkness. Excitement became replaced by tiredness and as the bus turned off the paved highway and began to bump its way along the dirt roads all but the driver joined Ian in slumber.

It was only the driver who had any idea of how far they had travelled and he was much amused by their confusion when in the early hours of the morning he came to a stop in a compound surrounded by Rondavels, traditional African mud huts topped by grass roofs. The weary travellers stumbled from the bus and peered in the gloom at their new surroundings but there was not much to see given there was no light other than that provided by a smouldering fire pit flickering an occasional flame to illuminate the darkness.

From the open door of the nearest hut emerged a tall black man dressed in only a long loin cloth and holding a torch which he switched on and suddenly all was bathed in light. The group were surprised by his sudden appearance but even more so when in perfect English he said, "Welcome, we have been expecting you. My name is Abioye. Welcome to Lerotica."

Professor Steeves stepped forward and held out his hand which was warmly shaken. "We are so pleased to be here. My name is Professor Colin Steeves; I am the leader of the group and I do so apologise for waking you so late."

"Do not be concerned Professor we are aware of the distance you have travelled and the difficulties in finding us but we are so pleased to have you here. Now, you must be very tired so I shall direct you to your quarters without delay. You, Professor, are regarded as the personal guest of the King and will staying in his guest lodge. The rest of your party will, as is our custom and according to gender be accommodated in either the single men's quarters or the unmarried female houses. Do not worry about your luggage, we can deal with it in the morning; it will be perfectly safe on the bus. Please follow me."

Abioye turned on his heel and strode off into the darkness with the expectation that his 'guests' would be close behind; which they were. He stopped at the doorway of a larger building and gestured to Tyrone, Ian and a nervous Herb, "Please enter, make yourselves comfortable and we'll see you in the morning," he said and without waiting for them to acknowledge he strode off once more to head toward a similar shaped building on the far side of the compound. The three men ducked through the open doorway and as their eyes became accustomed to the low light from a lantern hanging on the wall saw the three empty beds to one side of the open room. They stumbled their way toward them and became aware that all around were similar beds and pallets upon each of which was an occupant who was taking great interest in the visitors. No one spoke which didn't exactly make for a comfortable welcome but Tyrone ignored their curiosity; Ian tried to do the same while Herb's feelings of nervousness increased as he pulled off his clothes and slipped under the covers on the bed that he had quickly selected.

Ingrid, Chloe and Lucy had no such anxieties as they entered into the female quarters, indeed, a few girls awoke as they came through the door, welcomed them warmly and, as was their custom, led them to share their own beds first ensuring that the visitors were divested of all their clothing so they were just as naked as themselves.

The Professor and Abioye standing at the door smiled and nodded at each other to see the warm welcome the girls had received and content that all was well then returned to the bus which took them on the short ride to the King’s compound. They approached a small lodge and Colin was relieved when Abioye told him this was where he was to be accommodated for the duration of his stay. He was even more impressed when two young bare-breasted girls emerged from the open doorway came and stood deferentially by as they waited for him to alight from the bus. He eased his feet to the ground and stretched his aching arms and legs weary from the long journey and went toward them. They took his hands and led him inside where they helped him undress before showing him his own bed.

Abioye’s voice drifted through the door, “They are here to take care of you. I shall return in the morning and we can give you all a proper welcome.”

Colin didn’t hear a word. As he lay back on the bed he felt warm small hands tentatively grasp his stiffening cock and his mind became full of the potential and possibilities of the next few months. He hadn’t even been here but half an hour and already his wildest fantasies were taking shape. As his new companions gently massaged his cock and snuggled alongside him pressing their pert young breasts against his arms he drifted off into a contented sleep. Yes, he had chosen well; Lerotica was destined to serve the aims of his research programme very well indeed.


“You look just fine Mom,” Megan said in answer to her mother’s question; the same question she had answered a dozen times already this morning she helped her get ready to go to her appointment with the recruitment team Rhino Head Office. She was dressed in a crisp white blouse, a grey fitted skirt the hem of which came to rest just above the knee, dark nylon stockings (she hated wearing tights) and on her feet black patent leather shoes with kitten heels. Megan gave her a final inspection, “Perfect, now come on, get your purse and get going or you’ll be late.”

Angela did as she was told by her bossy ******** and left the house and got in her car and backed out onto the road. A final look in the rear view mirror (to check on her make-up, not for any approaching traffic!) and she set forth in the direction of Rhino’s prestigious offices on the other side of town. She was glad of the interlude as it gave her an opportunity to settle both her mind and her nerves in anticipation of what she regarded as the mini-ordeal ahead. She was not the most confident of people and she still was coming to terms with the phone call she had had from Simone last week when, without any ceremony, she was offered a job with Rhino. Indeed, it wasn’t so much an offer but almost an insistence that she accept the invitation to attend a meeting whereby a role would be decided for her. The way that Simone had couched the ‘request’ saying that Megan had told her she was looking for work that she felt compelled to give a positive response and with Megan’s constant encouragement telling her how proud she was at her mother’s determination to change her life, well, there was no way she could refuse.

Security waved her through the gate and directed her to a visitor’s parking space. Before she had even unbuckled her seat belt she glanced up to see Simone waiting for her at the top of the steps leading into the building.

“Hi, lovely to see you, glad you could make it ...how was the traffic? Come on in, everyone’s dying to meet you.”

Angela was taken aback by the warmth of Simone’s welcome and instantly felt more at ease. She followed her into the building where they stopped off at the reception desk to register her presence and to have a visitor’s badge clipped to her blouse. Simone continued her spiel, “Right that’s done; we’ve got a few minutes in hand before we go down to the meeting room so let’s just swing by my office; I’ll explain the process and, almost forgot, I have something for you.”

She held open the door which had Simone’s nameplate on the door, ‘Head of Marketing and Recruitment’. “Very impressive,” thought Angela as she passed through to enter the office.

“OK, it’s a done deal that you have a job with us. I know Megan very well through her friendship with my Chloe and I have to say that over the months I’ve been slyly ‘interrogating’ her as to your situation and prospects and I was soon convinced that you are just the type of person we need here at Rhino. It’s a great company to work for and I know that you’ll fit right in. All that we need to finalise is what job will suit you best. We have quite a few vacancies in various departments and really it’s up to you to choose.”

Simone was being a little disingenuous with the picture she was painting for in reality the job offer was purely a means to ensnare another female who had so far evaded being caught in Rhino’s web. Oskar had often urged his employees to act as recruitment agents and had even devised a bonus scheme to reward success. Simone who usually had little opportunity to interact with many people had taken it upon herself as a challenge to see if she could lay claim to having entangled yet another white wife into the world of worshipping BBC.

“Anyway,” she said adopting a serious tone, “As a new employee it gives me great pleasure to present you with your ‘Welcome to Rhino Gift’.” With that she handed over a box the packaging which clearly indicated its contents, a Rhino Mobile Phone.

Angela was taken aback. In her life she had always been ‘the giver’, never the recipient of such generosity. Already she was enjoying being involved with her new job. “Wow, thank you, that’s so kind.”

“Tsk, it’s nothing. You’ll get to enjoy a lot of benefits working with us. Now take it out of the box and I’ll show you how to switch it on, get you logged onto the system and how it can do all manner of things to help you in your job .... whatever it may be.”

She tore open the package and handed the phone to Simone who pointed out the recessed on/off switch. “You just push here; go on, you do it.”

Angela did as commanded and instantly the screen sprung into life with its rainbow pallet of colours swirling around the screen. It also began to emit the soothing hum that Simone knew so well but was a new experience for Angela; in a few moments she felt instant calm and comfort as the sound overwhelmed her senses.

Simone smiled to see the phone’s special features had taken effect. “Come on, I think the team must be waiting for us, wondering where we are.” She took Angela’s hand and led her down the corridor to the Conference room where three members of HR were seated in armchairs around the side of the room, waiting to begin the interview. They stood up as she entered and Angela didn’t blink an eye as she was introduced to the Black men in turn, each one of them was naked.

“I’ll leave you to it,” said Simone brightly as she looked at the semi-erect cocks that she knew so well. “My colleagues will take good care of you and don’t be shy in asking any questions. I’ll pop back later so that we can sort out the paperwork.”

“So Angela, you want to work for Rhino,” said the dark voice of Mark Brown, the personnel manager. “What we need to ascertain is what department to place you.”

Angela nodded trying to hold his gaze but failing as her eyes fell to look at his fat cock beginning to swell. She knew she should have felt, at the very least, embarrassed but this situation seemed so exciting and so right. Mark took her hand and said, “Why don’t you get comfortable? It’s a little warm in here; take off the blouse and let’s have a better look at you.”

Without hesitation she fumbled the buttons and slipped the white cotton shirt off to reveal her full breasts nestling in her lacy half cup bra which Megan had insisted that she wear for the occasion. A growl of approval came from the other two men who were sitting back on the sofa, their own big cocks lying across their thighs as they looked on at their boss guiding the events.

“OK, Angela, I want you to get down on your knees. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you what to do when you get there .... ” he said with a laugh. “... but we need to assess your oral skills.”

She dropped to her knees and sighed with contentment as Mark moved to stand in front of her, his cock conveniently positioned in front of her face. She looked upon the fat penis and the thought drifted through her head that it looked very similar to the ‘Oskar’ vibrator that Megan shared with her but the thought was soon dismissed as she felt excitement that this was a real cock and not some rubber toy she was about to enjoy. She took her hands and wrapped them around the black cock and murmured her delight to feel the warm flesh which responded to her touch by giving a perceptible twitch. The fat knob oozed a drop of clear sap and she felt compelled to stick out her tongue and lick and swirl the nectar over the smooth shiny plum.

Mark reacted, “Very nice. You are obviously a natural at this.”

Angela purred her delight at being complimented so and took this as an encouragement to open her mouth and attempt to take him inside. Mark assisted by thrusting his hips forward and before she could get a breath he had filled her mouth with his delicious fruit. Had she been able to turn her head she would have seen that the other two black men were taking keen interest in her performance and readying themselves by slowly wanking their stiff cocks in time with the slow face-fucking that their boss was giving his willing new employee.

The length of Mark’s cock easily accommodated both her hands as she softly grasped him, stroked and spread the copious mixture of saliva and juices that were freely flowing as she sucked and lapped her tongue around the fleshy rod in her mouth. “Very nice indeed Angela; good job ... well done ... ” he gasped as he felt her lips close around the swollen glans, “ ... keep going.”

She needed no encouragement, she felt like she had discovered a whole new purpose in life as she applied herself to the task of giving just the best blowjob to this nice man; a man who was being so considerate and polite; a black man who seemed to be superior in every way to the unkind and feeble white men she had been subjected to in her past. However, it wasn’t an original thought for the pre-programmed mobile phone had already embedded this idea in her mind from the moment she had followed Simone’s instruction to switch it on.

Her satisfaction and respect was made complete when after a few more minutes of allowing her new superior to fuck her face she felt his cock swell even more in her mouth and for him to almost go into a spasm as the first blast of his spunk hit the back of her throat. She gagged as spurt after spurt shot from him with such a force that she was shocked into falling back on her heels and for his final ejaculations to cover her face and join the cum that trickled out of her surprised open mouth. She wiped her eyes and gasping for breath in between swallowing what remained of his cum still pooled in her mouth looked up to see his triumphant face smiling down at her. “Well done Angela. You’ve passed the first test with honours.”

If she had blushed it would have been difficult to tell in the half light of the room but there was illumination enough to see that the cock that had filled her mouth so effectively was still as stiff as it had ever been and was bobbing in front of her face. She went to reach out to hold him once more but he batted her hand away and said, “Plenty of time for more of that later. Now I want you to demonstrate what you can do for my colleagues here.” With his cum still dripping off her chin onto her heaving breasts she turned her attention to the two black men sitting side-by-side on the sofa and shuffled her way toward them.

“Lose the bra,” said one. She quickly unsnapped the clasp and the restricting garment fell away to reveal the full globes of her heaving tits.

“... and get rid of the skirt,” said the other. She staggered to her feet and without taking her gaze off of the rigid cocks they were stroking she reached behind and swiftly pulled down the zipper and let the skirt fall to the floor. They nodded approvingly as she stood before them now dressed only in her thigh-highs and white panties damp with her juices and on her cum-covered face a look of anticipation. No more words were spoken; just gestures made that invited her to come closer, a subtle turn of the head; a crooked finger; a hand grasping a cock and a knowing glance that invited her to come and enjoy another phallic black shaft. She got the message and once again fell to her knees.

She hadn’t been introduced to either of them so she had formed neither opinions nor favours as she selected the cock that was owned by the muscular black man seated on the right. Without a pause she knelt between his open legs and leaned forward and licked along the length of the fat fleshy rod that pointed upward and lying across his stomach. He groaned with approval as he felt her tongue trace the ridges of the engorged veins; the groans became louder as she turned her attention to his hanging balls and sucked one whilst she softly wanked his twitching cock, something that she had witnessed during her lonely hours at home watching pornography.

Such was the pleasure he was feeling he was content to let her have her own way and take her time as she explored her new ‘toy’ but his companion was becoming increasingly frustrated at the delay in his involvement in the job interview process. Without discussion he got to his feet and moved behind her kneeling to position himself so that his stiff cock slipped between her legs. She felt the delicious sensation of the penis sliding against her soaked panties and glanced down to see the fat bulb of his glans inviting her to touch. She obliged and as she fondled him it never occurred to her in her trance that this was the first time in her life that she was pleasuring two men at the same time.

Her new companion began to hump back and forth so that they were almost indulging in a perverse form of mutual masturbation, the wet lips of her pantie-covered cunt providing him the most exquisite friction as she held him close; his stiff fat cock rubbing against her clit that was better than anything that she had experienced at home. They continued thus for a few moments, her trying her best to lick and play with one cock whilst the other kept thrusting between her increasingly wet thighs the movement which caused her hanging breasts to sway in pace. It was unsustainable position and indeed quite uncomfortable. By unsaid common agreement she moved forward to give a kiss to her seated companion and the violator behind her slipped the gusset of her panties to one side and with one swift movement stuffed his dripping cock into her willing pussy. She gasped as she felt her insides filled with the hot penis but the gasp was quickly replaced by moans of pleasure as she adapted to the new sensation. He allowed her a few moments to get accustomed to his length before he began to slowly fuck her with strong insistent strokes. Each thrust pushed her a little further up the body she was lying over and before long her tits were sliding back and forth over the black cock which was wet with her saliva.

She liked that idea, the thought of giving a ‘titty fuck’, something else she had seen on a porn site. She took her hands and squeezed her breasts so that they enveloped the cock which was becoming wetter by the second as pre-cum began streaming from the winking piss-hole. She assisted the movement by meeting each thrust from her violator. It took no time at all before they were all in sync, each one providing and receiving the most exquisite pleasure.

Angela had no idea of time and would not have been able to account for the hour that she spent in the conference room. Certainly she would not have been able to explain how her tits had been covered in another fresh load of cum or why her pussy was similarly filled with spunk. However, this was not ever going to be an issue for whilst there were clues to her condition when she awoke the combination of Simone’s cleaning-up session and the advice that her phone had given her ensured that her mind was free of any suspicions when, somehow, she was back in Simone’s office.

“Well Angela, I’m pleased to say that the panel have decided you are well suited to becoming one of our customer service agents. You seem to have impressed them with your abilities and your people-management skills are superb so I am pleased to offer you a position in our call centre.”

Angela was both pleased and confused. She had no recollection of the interview other than having been in the company of some very nice black gentlemen who had treated her kindly and with respect. As for what she had been asked or what she had told them, well, that was a complete blank. She didn’t ask Simone for any of those details, she just smiled and accepted.

Simone shook her hand, “Congratulations. Welcome onboard. If you will just fill out these forms we can get you on the payroll and we shall look forward to seeing you as a new-starter next Monday.”

The paperwork completed their conversation turned to more social matters. Simone asked after Megan and commiserated that with Chloe being away for a few months that she wouldn’t be seeing her. Angela was ******* and asked why.

“Oh, she and her *** are involved with some research programme that is being carried out in Africa. It’s something that Rhino is involved with and they have sponsored a bunch of folks to go off to some remote place in the wilds and conduct some research into racial harmony. I don’t know too much detail but I know that Chloe was so excited at the prospect. She’s never been abroad before and the opportunity was just too much to be passed up.

“Still, that doesn’t mean we can’t be seeing you or Megan while she’s away. Why don’t you both come over one evening for dinner or maybe a Barbeque this weekend, Saturday, if the weather’s good. We can have a ‘girl’s night out’, no, wait a minute; I can invite the big boss Oskar to come as well. I know him very well socially and I know when he sees the report on your interview that he will be very keen to meet his newest employee.”

Angela was almost giddy with excitement as she left the building clutching her new phone. What a wonderful day and how she was so much looking forward to becoming involved with these lovely people.

Simone was similarly excited, not only had she succeeded in earning a bonus but she had laid the groundwork for her and Oskar to enjoy a bit of group sex with two new initiates.
