Out of Afrika

A Fantasy created by International Writers Curt B, Julie Van and Wunderboi


Chapter 16

Nadine Bally read her local evening paper with a martini in hand. It was another boring day in prospect with her husband away once again on an overseas business trip.

Nadine and George had both been born in the same town, gone to school together and had grown up together. She was introverted, shy and withdrawn as a teen and had few friends other than George with whom she spent most of her free time. It was no surprise when one day he asked her to marry him; indeed, it was an expectation by both his parents and hers. She said 'yes' though she thought at the time that he probably should have married his mother, who dominated his every thought and action.

Nadine and George had not had any children. Both were products of staid old-fashioned parents, and neither had any experience with sex before marriage, indeed neither of their mothers or fathers had helped prepare them for the night of their marriage when they would sleep together. They were completely without any advice as what was expected and their wedding night turned out to be an awkward experience. Nobody had told them that they needed to communicate their needs and desires and from that first night they really just muddled along in ignorance, vaguely unhappy and having no clue on how to deal with the whole sexual intercourse business.

However, everyone regarded them as being a ‘good match’ and George it was said, had ‘good prospects’.

Lately, his father had retired and George inherited the import-export business which, everyone said, was good. As a consequence he began to spending more and more time in Asia where the majority of contracts were held. His business trips could last upwards of three weeks at a time which was quite different from Nadine’s few acquaintances who should their husbands go away on business were ‘single’ for a week at most. This was not good and Nadine was desperately lonely.

As she read the headlines it seemed that there were a lot of stories about the rapidly expanding businesses in nearby Hawksville. She smiled ruefully to herself as a few of the girls she called her friends thought of Hawkville as being 'nearby' when indeed it was an hour and a half drive away. With her conservative attitude she felt Hawksville was just too far to go for a day's shopping (even though she’d heard great things about the new modern Rhino Centre) and return the same day. She recognized that the choice was hers and hers alone but with a sigh she knew she was limited to the boring, traditional downtown of her hometown of Blaze.

She riffled through the paper and as she scanned the ads she remembered that she had promised her husband George that while he was away she would go and shop to buy a king-sized bed. Boring Blaze only gave one shopping choice, the local furniture store 'Diamond's', curiously for such a small town, a world-class producer of furniture with branches outside the state and particularly in North Carolina which was famous for its fine furniture manufacturing. She decided she would go the next morning.

The following day she went downtown and was still young enough at age 32 to turn heads, and to be flattered by the senior high school boys when they whistled at her. This day she wore a nice yellow sundress. She debated what to wear underneath it and finally decided on a bra though she had seen plenty of women just use the support afforded by the top of the sundress.

Diamond's was, as usual, busy but finally a saleswoman came by and helped her and explained the various options. As she listened to the sales pitch the owner Mr. Diamond walked past and their eyes met. He greeted her warmly as he passed by and smiled.

She was genuinely surprised to see him for they had been great high school friends. He was part of an extended immigrant ****** from Africa and when she had started at the school he had befriended the shy teenager right at the precise moment she desperately needed a friend. His physical presence tall, strong and very black offered her protection from bullies, both boys and girls. He had been as smart as a whip and on graduation went off to Harvard where he received his Masters in Business. This she knew from reading the papers for she had not seen him since prom night fourteen years earlier.

Nadine concluded her purchase with the friendly saleswoman but chose not to share her thought that the king-sized bed would provide even more separation between her and her husband. As she signed the credit slip she wondered if George had taken an Asian lover on his trips because one thing was certain and that was he showed no interest in his wife when he was home.

She was lost in her recurring thoughts when she heard a familiar low rumbling voice, "You seem far away in your thoughts young lady!"

She turned to look up at the handsome smiling black face of the only friend she had in high school. "Jackson, oh my, you startled me, it is so good to see you again. How could we both live in this small town of Blaze and not see each other for all these years?"

He reached out and took her hand. A simple gesture that occurred millions of times a day in business, but somehow it felt wonderful to her. His second warm hand enveloped hers and the sincerity in his voice could not be more honest and open and trustworthy, “Oh my dear Nadine, you still look eighteen, how do you do it, you must share your secret recipe."

She blushed a deep crimson as he continued with his flirting. "It is almost lunchtime, are you free for a bite to eat and a catch up on our news?"

He was still holding her hand, she hoped he would never let go. This simple act of innocent intimacy made her feel very special. Her husband never touched her anymore and suddenly in just a few minutes, Jackson had made her want to spend lots and lots of time with him.

"Oh yes, Jackson, I have nothing on for the rest of the day, buying this bed is the biggest item on my agenda all week!" She laughed and he did too, his perfect white teeth a dramatic contrast to his very black skin.


Ingrid stretched like a cat, looking at the back of her lover Mr Botha. In the months since they became lovers, she often thought about their first night when he had taken her virginity so kindly and lovingly while taking her to the highest mountain of her desires and satisfying her with crashing orgasms for hours before they both fell into a deep sleep.

She was now wide awake, it was quite early and she did not want to disturb his rest. She admired his strong back, wide shoulders and thick muscled powerful legs that he had used so effectively last night pushing his big hard black cock into her until she screamed in pleasure. She was amazed at herself being able to accept his length which had to be 11 inches she surmised. She lovingly thought about his teachings in the early days and nights on how to pleasure his cock with her warm wet white mouth.

He had been patient and she had learned very quickly how to do as he asked and sometimes demanded.

She happily thought back to her own high school days in Sweden and how she loved giving the boys handjobs when she turned eighteen. In fact, it was at her eighteenth birthday party when she had given the first black handjob in her life, and she remembered fondly his cock was so much bigger than the white boys'. She dressed provocatively those last months of high school, and while other boys requested her to go parking with them she kept coming back to her black friend. She learned how to space out the handjob, bringing him to the edge of orgasm and then changing the grip, going back to a lighter tickle and stroke. When he did cum in her hand she would know instinctually how long to pump in order to fully drain his balls of all the cum to prolong the pleasure. Then she delighted in the inside of his wet undershorts as she held his cock and felt the softening of his love tool. She would quietly hold and then ever so slowly begin again to massage his cock talking dirty to him until he got hard again. She knew about sucking cock from watching other girls perform at parties. Surprisingly, she had decided that she wanted to wait until she was older and perhaps even married to take any man's cock in her mouth. However, she talked about it incessantly with her girlfriends so they all thought she was indeed an enthusiastic cocksucker.

One night in the midst of making out with her black boyfriend in her ****** room she looked up to see her father watching quietly from the door to the dining room. For some strange reason she was excited by her father's presence, and instead of telling her black date to stop, she closed her eyes and opened her legs to permit him to finger her to her own orgasm while 'daddy' watched. She wondered if she would ever give her father a handjob or blowjob and the mere thought made her cum long and hard. She had doubted it until the incident on the plane flying over from Sweden when her hand had boldly touched her father's erection, and she was over the top with desire.

She loved him so.

She missed him and remembered fondly when she took him to the airport to return to Sweden. Mr. Botha had sent them with his lovely black female driver in one of the company's limousines. In the back seat, her father held her hand, and she put it on her bare leg just below her very short skirt. She turned to kiss him goodbye and their lips locked, she opened her mouth and accepted her father's tongue, kissing him back erotically. The driver could not see through the one-way dividing glass but she could hear moans.

Clint pushed his hand further up his ********'s young leg under her skirt. She recalled that she had had Mr. Botha's cock in her mouth just a few minutes before leaving with her father and wondered if her father could taste the distinctive black cock she loved so much. She decided not to ask and opened her legs to offer him her very core for him to finger for the first time but then she remembered that she was now Mr. Botha's personal property and she stopped her father's advances in case the driver might report any untoward activity to her black lover.


Nadine was thrilled when a few days after a very long and fun lunch with Jackson a huge truck arrived at her front door delivering her new king-sized bed. The delivery men dismantled the old one and took it out before bringing in the new. They assembled the frame but because of 'liability concerns' declined to attach the headboard which Nadine thought was utter nonsense. How could she be expected to do that on her own? The answer came with the arrival of Jackson who brought in a small toolbox from his Mercedes roadster.

Nadine thought that was sweet, and when the other workmen left, she and Jackson put the headboard in place and while she held it he drilled the holes and then mounted the screws and tightened the nuts. Then he helped her unpack the new bedding and made the bed with her.

She thought to herself that in all their years of marriage, her husband had never helped her do anything around the house.

They stood back and reviewed their hard work and then Jackson surprised her by offering to take her out to dinner; she accepted joyously. He told her he would come back later to collect her. She hugged him her thanks when he left and she hurried to get ready for his return, her heart fluttering with anticipation. Her panties were damp, “what could possibly have caused that?” she wondered.


Denise Cole finished her last exam and as she capped her pen she had two thoughts. Firstly, thank goodness, finally high school is over; secondly, now I can concentrate on becoming a very close friend to her teacher Maggie Miller rather than just being her pupil.

Maggie had taught a lot of the girls' sex ed courses since her arrival in the Hawksville High School four years earlier and Denise smiled to think she was now about to officially put theory into practice as Ms. Miller was in the throes of planning her summer wedding to Devon, the latest in a string of her black boyfriends, and, Denise thought to herself, all of whom were probably her black lovers as well. This was the third time Maggie had been engaged but for the first time. Maggie had asked Denise to be her maid of honour, and the 18-year-old was thrilled to say yes. Denise hurriedly got ready to go over to Maggie's house as they were meeting to discuss bridesmaid's dresses.

When she arrived she was disappointed to learn that Maggie had been delayed by last-minute staff meetings, and was about to turn away from the door, when Mrs. Miller suggested she come in 'for a visit.' Denise liked Mr. and Mrs. Miller. They were much older than their only child and she thought Mr. Miller was ancient, probably 55 or 60 years old.

Mrs. Miller was a good deal younger, full-figured, friendly and bubbly, and she called out to her husband and greeted the teenager with a warm hug.

"Why Denise,” she said excitedly, "It has been ages since we have seen you; good heavens you have matured beyond belief!"

Denise smiled knowingly, her breasts had 'suddenly' filled a full double D bra cup and she had attracted a lot of male attention from all ages of students and especially older men.

Mrs. Miller stepped back from their embrace but she kept her hands on Denise's sides just below her full firm young breasts.

"You must be careful, my dear, my breasts were also very large when I was your age and look at them now!" Denise had felt the woman's massive bust nearly crush her seconds before and now Mrs. Miller’s hands ever so slowly moved up her sides to touch the outside of the teenager's breasts. Flustered, Denise was relieved when Mr. Miller appeared down the stairs and said in a loud voice, “Well hello there Denise, lovely to see you, surely it is my turn for a hug."

She turned from Mrs. Miller, but not before Mrs. Miller's hands reluctantly left the young girl’s bosom. Greeting Mr. Miller she absentmindedly put her arms around the older man's neck, like she would have done to her many boyfriends. She felt Mrs. Miller's hand stroke her hair and her bare arms around her husband’s neck. Mr. Miller's arms went around her waist barely touching her lovely legging-covered backside. His embrace lasted longer than his wife's but finally, they adjourned to the kitchen for tea. Both of Maggie's parents could not tear their eyes off the ravishing teenager whose flushed face denoted her growing sexual excitement. After tea and digestive biscuits, and still no sign of Maggie coming home, Mrs. Miller suggested her husband to take Denise upstairs to check out bridesmaid dresses on the internet.

He stood back very politely and let her go up the stairs first and was treated to the sight of the lovely teenager's perfect ass barely clothed in her tight leggings. She was several steps higher than him so he was able to stare at the crack in her rear end. He thought to himself that it was impossible for her to have any underwear on, also, when had she developed such fabulous breasts? Why they strained at the crop top. He felt himself getting aroused again.

They went into the spare bedroom, his den, and as he sat down at the computer, his arm brushed against her full breasts.

"Oh, excuse me, Denise, I did not mean that. I am terribly sorry," He flushed.

She giggled, "Oh, Mr. M don't be silly, it happens all the time and I don't mind in the least!"

She stood behind him. He was old enough to be her grandfather and she was getting a vicarious thrill from flirting with him in the privacy of his den, his private place where he spent hours corresponding with attractive young women he met on email and social media.

Her perfume attacked his senses as he hit a key to wake the computer from its 'sleep' mode.

The screen lit up and to his horror a beautiful photograph of two young lesbian lovers filled the screen. He realized that he had forgotten in the rush to go downstairs when his wife called, that his email server was open and the picture had been sent by a female friend who he had met online some months before. He struggled to get it closed, his heart beating wildly, the sweat pouring from embarrassment.

Denise purred softly, “Mr. M that happens to me sometimes too when I search online for something and something else pops up on the screen! You must have been looking for bridesmaid's dresses earlier and so don't worry I didn't see a thing!" She patted his shoulder and rubbed his back, "It is fine," she whispered, "We are alone, no one will ever know."

In his confusion and panic, he sat frozen to his seat not knowing what to do.

She said, "Pull back your chair, and I will help you."

He did as he was told and moved the chair giving her enough room to come and sit on his lap. With her long black hair flowing in his face, her full lovely breasts right in front of him and not knowing what else to do he put his arms around her to let her use the keyboard steadying her from slipping off his lap. His hand slipped up her bare back and he touched her bra strap, she did not resist or try and stop him. His other hand slid up her leg. She opened her legs. One hand cupped her breast under the crop top the other was now lightly feeling her damp pussy.

His cock was rock hard.

He opened his mouth to speak, and his wife walked in.

"What are you two up to; have you found any dresses yet?"

She could not see where his hands were so he quickly removed them.

"Luckily" Denise replied huskily. "We were having a problem with the laptop loading up, but I think I have managed to fix it so here we are."

Mrs. Miller replied, "Isn't that wonderful dear? These young people are so talented and helpful. You really should spend more time with Denise; I bet she could really teach you a lot of neat stuff."

He agreed. It was always best to agree with Mrs. Miller.


Nadine wished her evening with Jackson would never end. He was fun to be with and they reminisced about their high school days. She told him all about her unhappy circumstances with a husband who was rarely home and when he was they were like strangers living under the same roof. He listened intently, a plan forming in his brain.

He thanked her for 'bring a friend when he really needed one' and she protested, "Oh, Jackson, it was the other way around, I was the needy, nerdy shy teen that really needed a friend, and you were so sweet to help me through that awkward stage!"

He reached across the table and took her lovely manicured hand in his and replied, "Well you are not nerdy now, you are beautiful, graceful, vivacious and I can't think of anyone I would rather have dinner with."

Nadine felt her face flush, but his words gave her confidence, made her feel special and she squeezed his hand and put her other hand on top of his and whispered:, “You were very special to me then, but my parents told me I could not date a black man, and in those days, I was not strong enough to insist.”

He replied, "Of course, darling, I suspected as much. Don't blame them, they were a product of their time, but now times have changed, look around this restaurant and you will see what reflects humanity to-day."

She looked around as he had requested, but what he had said was lost in the confusion and excitement. All she could think on was that he called her 'darling.'

A pianist softly played and a few couples got up to dance. Wordlessly he stood, took her hand and led her to the small dance floor. She melted into his arms.

When Jackson drove her home they held hands like the teenagers they used to be and then at her door he popped the question, "I have all day meetings in Hawksville on Friday, starting early. We are suppliers of furniture for the huge new Rhino Hotel and Tower and there have been a few glitches with late deliveries of product. It is a major contract for us, and I have to be sure everything is on track. Since I don't want to get up in the middle of the night to drive to get there on time, I am going on Thursday afternoon and I have booked a suite to stay over. Why don't you join me and we can make it a mini holiday weekend together?"

Her heart raced, it was decision time. She giggled, "Of course, I would love to, it will be a special treat thank you, my sweet, and we will have such fun!" Again her panties were wet, but this time she had no doubt what was causing it. He embraced her and kissed her, she opened her mouth and they french kissed.

"I will call you with details, darling," he said.

She replied breathlessly, "Yes, oh yes, I can't wait."


Mrs. Miller had her own secret. She knew her husband was being naughty on the internet. When he was out playing golf she was smart enough to check up on him and smarter with the computer than he knew. He had not made love to her in months. She wanted sex and was young enough at 47 to expect it but she drew the line at meeting someone online. Several of her friends in her bridge group had heard rumours about or had experiences with the black men at Rhino Industries. She pushed for details and was told often 'go there and buy a phone you will find out.'

She intended to do just that.

Now that she had seen her husband fondling the beautiful Denise, her resolve hardened, and she smiled to herself - it would not just be her resolve that hardened when she was alone with a few of those black men...it would be their hard cocks she wanted and would enjoy. She asked her ******** Maggie to 'arrange for Denise to come over and they both could get daddy's help on the computer.'

Maggie was a bit surprised, but her mother insisted.

And Mrs. Miller always got her own way.

Indeed, she had a second secret, one she would not divulge to her husband or ********, because she was quite sure they would never, ever understand.

Two months earlier a house had sold on the street behind the Millers and she had gone over to meet the new neighbours with a bunch of flowers and a small welcoming gift. She purposely timed her visit for 5:30 pm thinking she might get invited inside for a glass of wine. She was right, and a very attractive woman greeted her with a warm smile and asked her in.

Leila was unmarried and had never been married. She was quite upfront with the fact that she 'preferred the company of women' and while Mrs. Miller did not immediately catch on to what she meant, she was very comfortable with the much younger female. They chatted and sat outside on the back private deck in the warm afternoon sun, one glass of wine led to two and soon it was like they were lifelong friends. Mrs. Miller took off the light sweater she had been wearing and in so doing her big breasts were emphasized, she could not help but notice that Leila was staring at her chest, the way most men did, she thought.

As they worked their way through the first bottle and Leila opened the second one, she moved over and sat beside Mrs. M as she was now calling her. Mrs. M was so relaxed she confided in her new friend that she had not had sex with her husband in many months.

She was upset, and the younger woman reached out and stroked her arm in a warm comforting way.

Leila asked quietly, "That's too bad, but have you had sex with anyone else?"

Mrs. M thought that was an odd question so she just shook her head in the negative.

Leila shifted closer to the older buxom pretty woman. She turned to face her and Leila stroked her face the way one might if she had hurt herself.

Leila's arm went around Mrs. M's shoulders and she kissed Mrs. M on the cheek her hand just barely brushing her big breasts. "Well, if you would like, I would be more than happy to ease your frustrations. I can provide you with many experiences which it certainly seems you need in the worst way."

As she finished speaking her mouth was inches from the older woman's lips. Mrs. M was about to say something when Leila's mouth was on hers, her tongue quickly entering Mrs. M's mouth. Her heart was pounding, her breasts were being squeezed, somehow a hand was suddenly between her legs and Leila's questing fingers had found her soaking wet pussy and two of them had entered her. It had all happened so fast her head was spinning, her desire mounted their French kissing was like something she could not even imagine and she returned it as passionately as she could. Not a word was spoken.

Leila stood and took her hand and led her to the bedroom.


Denise found a reason to leave the Millers. She was shocked at Mrs. Miller's fascination with her big teenage breasts, and then Mr. Miller and his wandering hands. Shocked, but not surprised, as he had mentally undressed her many times before. She thought about the black boy whom she had suddenly been attracted to after she administered her first black handjob on her birthday. It seemed that the word was out that she loved big black cock or, as some of her girlfriends called it, BBC. She walked along aimlessly with nothing else to occupy her time on a weekday afternoon and then she saw the Rhino Store in the distance. She had heard about the new clothing lines they had unveiled and so she decided that it might be fun to check them out.

Ma'Bill spotted her as soon as she entered the store and quickly made his way over to her before she was looked after by another black salesperson. She looked up at the tall handsome black man and explained she was about to be a bridesmaid and wondered if their clothing line had anything of interest. Ma'Bill figured this was his lucky day as the busty teenager outlined her needs. He thought to himself that this vision of loveliness was built like the wonderful Ingrid as he openly stared at her chest. Denise smiled; she was getting used to being ogled so she straightened her back and pushed out her breasts to tease him more.

They moved to the ladies clothing department but found all the women sales staff were busy. Even all of the part-timers like the blonde Ingrid were tied up.

Ma'bill was pleased that this meant he had Denise all to himself. He asked her what the bride was going to wear, as they had several bridal gowns he could show her. The samples on the mannequins all seemed rather risqué Denise thought, as Ma'Bill suggested she try one on.

"But I am not the one getting married" she protested.

He replied in a husky voice, "Indeed, but you may find something you could recommend to your bride-to-be and we can concentrate on the bridesmaids at a later date."

Denise thought to herself she had all the time in the world, so she went along with his suggestion. She went to a change room which had one smoke coloured glass wall, with hooks on the corners to hang one's clothes. Ma'Bill stood in a small cubicle behind the common wall and watched her take off her lovely white tank top and then try and decide whether to remove her bra. She did not take off her skin-tight leggings. He marveled at her perfect breasts which she cupped in her hands and almost seemed to offer them to him through the glass. It was all he could do not to rush in on her and scoop her into his arms.

His ten-inch cock got hard looking at her as she examined the white wedding dress.

They had sold that same model to several porn stars who had recently been in town at a shoot for an upcoming lesbian wedding movie. Ma'Bill licked his lips as Denise decided she would take her bra off after all. The wedding dress was very low cut and had some support for her breasts but there was still massive cleavage showing. The dress was very tight against her perfect ass, and slit on both sides to the very top of her legs. Walking down the aisle Maggie would be hard pressed to prevent guests from seeing her garter belt and panties, she thought. As she prepared to leave the dressing room she heard a faint click as Ma'Bill turned on the Rhino TV and cameras and left the cubicle next door.

There were several white wives in the dressing area. They didn't know each other and had all tried on new dresses, two were in the slave dresses and one, the youngest, was dressed as Lolita, and looked the part. The sound of a low humming began to emit from hidden speakers and without any prompting the women turned their attention to Denise. One-by-one they came over, stood close and started touching her. They seemed to be in a daze of some sort. One pretty woman stood behind Denise and offered to help adjust the wedding dress. The three wives they were bridesmaids helping the bride. Denise smiled and began to act out her part of getting ready to walk down the aisle.

As the only man in the room, Ma'Bill watched with growing excitement as he locked the door. The soft buzzing sound relaxed Denise and the three other white women continued to pamper the teenager. One woman knelt beside Denise and made a project out of straightening her leggings, both hands explored around her wet pussy, then went to the waistband and started to pull the leggings down. The woman behind her 'adjusted her breasts' which involved cupping her magnificent boobs and squeezing her aroused nipples. The third woman took Denise's head in her hand and while stroking her beautiful long glossy black hair deep French kissed her. All four women frequently glanced at a graphic lesbian scene unfolding on the RhinoTV.

Ma'Bill unzipped his pants and they fell to the floor. He didn't pay any attention to the Rhino TV, in fact, he knew enough to obscure his face as he prepared to give his erect ten- inch cock to Denise to first play with and then to take into her wet willing mouth. But first, he offered it to the young white wife who was now kneeling behind Denise. She gripped his hard cock and pulled it into her mouth with her left hand. Her large wedding rings sparkled in the lights and further excited Ma'Bill who enjoyed her licking and sucking his cock. He turned slightly to show it to Denise who was licking her lips in anticipation. He spoke to her, "My dear Denise, you have finished your high school exams today, but now your real education begins as you learn to please the many men at Rhino who will introduce your mouth and pussy and eventually your pert little asshole to their black cocks. We have also hired several black students who will graduate high school with you. Perhaps you know them, I will introduce you later perhaps?"

She replied in a slightly monotone voice, "Yes, Mr. Ma'Bill I understand that I will be of interest to the ruling black men and I will be honoured to suck big black cock as you suggest. My pussy is warm and wet and waiting for you to slide your gorgeous hard penis into the core of my being. I have waited patiently for my eighteenth birthday to arrive and now that it is here I plan to get fucked as much and as often and with as many black men as I can."

The three white wives continued to excite and pleasure Denise. Ma'Bill texted two of the other techie co-workers and when they arrived at the door he presented them with the two wives wearing the slave dresses. The men would take the wives to another room and instruct then in the power of the black cock. They would both 'owe' Ma'Bill a favour for his kindness.

He kept 'Lolita' and re-locking the door told her to lick and kiss Denise's pussy. Denise sat on the couch and put her legs around the young wife's neck. Ma'Bill stood to the side and pushed his hard cock into Denise's wet willing white mouth. Lolita and Denise shared sucking his big cock, and then, frustratingly, the white wife's own phone buzzed. She picked up, listened and then almost robotically stood up and left the dressing room to get her things in order to pick up her husband from work.

Ma'Bill was disappointed to see her leave but consoled himself by giving his full attention to Denise. He bent the pretty teenage 'bride' over the arm of the leather sofa and took her from behind sinking his cock fully into her as she screamed with pleasure.


Nadine waited patiently for the white Mercedes roadster to pick her up for the weekend in Hawksville. She was looking forward to shopping at the Rhino Mall on Friday while Jackson was busy in meetings. She had thought about their sleeping arrangements at the Hotel, but since he had not mentioned anything she just assumed 'what will-be-will-be.' Her husband was in the middle of some country she had never heard of but she was a considerate wife so she wrote him an email that advised him she was going away for the weekend with friends.

Jackson arrived and they had a wonderful drive through the countryside rather than taking the InterState highway, and she felt more relaxed than she had in months.

As they entered for dinner at the hotel, Jackson recognised Mr. Botha from his photographs. He was sharing a table with female companion. They stopped by his table to introduce themselves and. Oskar and Ingrid stood to greet the visitors. Nadine was astounded at the vision of this stunning young girl. Ingrid was wearing a long white silk dress the top was scooped very low and if she had a bra on it was not evident and the sides of the skirt were split almost to the hips. She had a magnificent white collar studded with diamonds on around her neck. Nadine commented on it and Ingrid blushed happily. As Ingrid made friendly chat the light from the setting sun shone through her dress and it was now obvious to Nadine that the young woman was naked underneath it.

They exchanged pleasantries and Oskar was clearly very pleased that the owner of the furniture business had actually come to meet him rather than send his Sales Director. The men made small talk and planned to meet early the next morning.

Oskar said, "You and your lovely bride must visit our special nightclub on the lower level for a drink after dinner." Neither Nadine or Jackson bothered to suggest that Nadine was married to someone else, as Jackson looked at her and put his arm around her waist.

Ingrid gushed, "Mr Botha tells me I must be twenty-one before I can go down to the club, and that birthday is coming soon!"

They parted company and the ever-present Maitre' D materialized out of nowhere to hold the chair for Ingrid to sit. As she did the dress parted and Jackson could not help but notice her sweet young bald pussy totally on display. The waiter took his time fussing over her looking down her magnificent front at her ripe firm full breasts. Oskar loved the way Ingrid dressed for him, and in so doing ramped up the sexual tension in the room.

She was a goddess, and she was his. Nadine, who had also seen the luscious girl on display, was feeling a strange arousal. She put it out of her mind.

Jackson treated them both to a very expensive Bordeaux and the meal was delicious. As they rose to leave he said they should visit the club as he needed to see the furniture placements in the sprawling nightclub. Nadine was nervous, what could possibly be downstairs that would prevent Ingrid from seeing it?

They were met at the front of the nightclub by one of the hostesses, a gorgeous black girl who was dressed in a skin-tight latex jumpsuit. Nadine could see the outer lips of the girls' vagina. 'Heavens' she thought, this is how the girls dress in the big city, she had never seen anything like it. Jackson left her to sit in a comfortable chair in the front while he disappeared to tour the interior with a white pretty young wife who was dressed in a plain brown dress which Nadine thought was quite odd. She felt a pang of jealousy when the white woman held Jackson's hand and led him off,

The Hostess, 'Lucy' was her nameplate on her magnificent bust, explained to Nadine that the servers were all young white brides from the town who were working to augment their ****** incomes during the evenings when their husbands were home with their children.

"As you can see they all wear the Slave dresses from our ladies clothing line in the Rhino Store, it is a way of honouring the past with a respectful tribute to the future," Lucy explained as she was called away to show more black men to their tables.

Nadine watched as a server brought drinks to the table closest to her. A black guest put his hand on the back of the white wife's leg as she smiled down at him. His hand disappeared up and up until he was clearly fingering her pussy. She carefully put the tray down and bent slightly forward, as she did so her wedding rings sparkled in the low light. Nadine was stunned to see his two black fingers deep into the white pussy while his thumb had entered her anal ring and had totally disappeared. This little mini-performance went on until the woman cried out in pleasure as the other five black men at the table patiently awaited their turn. The woman pocketed a rather large tip from the man who had serviced her, and she picked up the tray and proceeded to pass the other men their drinks.

Lucy arrived back and sat beside her.

Nadine was flushed and aroused beyond belief at what she had seen.

Lucy said, "I see you have been watching the wives giving their full attention to their customers! When we opened the nightclub at first, we had a 'no touch' policy, but the wives requested we change that as they felt their tips would be more substantial if they were allowed to be more friendly. Their point was well made, as part of the club allows 'lap dancing' where young white girls are totally naked, dancing and grinding their pretty bodies on the laps of the black men. So it was hypocritical to have 'no touch' in a place that also permitted 'full touch'." She laughed.

Lucy moved closer to Nadine, her breasts rubbing up against the older woman's bare arm.

She said, "Come with me for a minute I want to show you something.” Nadine followed Lucy, watching her perfect ass in the skin-tight outfit. They stood just inside what was clearly a private seating area. Two black men were seated in a darkened alcove. A young girl in a cheerleaders outfit arrived and knelt down in supplication in front of the men.

"She can't possibly be over 21" Nadine whispered.

"No, of course not," Lucy replied huskily. "The girls in this section here are all just out of high school, part-timers who must be 18 at least, it helps with their education to have extra income." She added helpfully.

She continued, "This girl has been with us since the grand opening, her name is Chloe, and Mr. Botha knows her ****** quite well, having lived with them for some months while this hotel complex was being built; he is quite close to her mother as well."

Nadine thought she might faint as she watched the two men get their cocks sucked by the girl, first one then the other, back and forth she went, their cocks glistening in the low light.

Then another girl joined Chloe.

"That is Holly, Chloe's cousin." She whispered, as the two girls deep French kissed each other before returning the sucking the black men's enormous cocks.

Lucy stood behind her now, her black hands cupping Nadine's breasts and squeezing their fullness while her lips made a trail of kisses on her ******* neck.

She was mesmerized and made no move to stop the black girl. She was unsure just how long she stood there, spellbound but then the door to the private room and Jackson arrived and, snap, the spell was over.

As they rode the elevator to their suite Nadine was so worked up that she very nearly attacked the handsome man. Where had the shy, retiring, sad and lonely woman gone? There was no doubt that she wanted him more than anything in her life.

As they entered the suite and the door locked behind them she stepped out of her dress and grabbed at his pants, roughly pulling them down as she knelt in front of him and took his erect black cock in her mouth, sucking like someone possessed.

She had never performed orally for her husband in spite of his numerous requests. Jackson had not even asked and she was now giving him what all men want more than anything. He lifted her and gently laid her on the bed assuming the 69 position. She continued to suck his cock, amazed at the size and strength. His lips went to her wet pussy and found and licked and sucked her clitoris, she squirmed and thrashed around with her first explosive orgasm. His big strong lips did not stop but rather increased their intensity, his tongue probing and slipping inside her almost virginal canal. She screamed in passion, "I love you, Jackson, I am yours to do anything and everything that you want. Oh God, don't stop, this is what I have been missing all my life, oh fuck, there I have said it, I want it, I want your cock to fuck me, please, please Jackson, give it to me hard."

Jackson was thrilled, it was a far better result than when he had planned their little escape. He had originally booked another suite for Nadine, but when they checked in and she made no protest to sharing his room, he quickly cancelled the second one, slipping the pretty girl on reservations a $100 bill. She beamed at him and slid the folded note into the pocket of her tight uniform while he openly admired her full breasts and alluring cleavage. Perhaps on another trip, he could better make her acquaintance he thought, and she held his hand briefly and squeezed it while handing him back his credit card.

Nadine looked down as Jackson took her in the missionary position. She liked to do that when her husband, on those very infrequent times, entered her. She found it quite erotic and stimulating, and now to see Jackson's rock hard cock pushing in and out of her vagina further emphasized the huge difference between her pathetic husband and her new gorgeous energetic athletic black lover. God, he is big she thought. Until just a few minutes previously she had thought that she would never be able to accommodate him but happily, it was fine. She lubricated and accepted his love tool, not with ease, mind you, but with an ability and skill that surprised even her.

He rolled over keeping his cock fully inside her so she was now riding him. She suddenly realized that in her haste to undress and her lust to have him take her, that she still had her bra on. As if on cue he reached up and took first one and then both her sensitive breasts out of the lacy half cups, leaving the support underneath so they stood out, the nipples engorged and the nubs harder than she had ever seen them. His lips encircled each individually, licking sucking and nibbling ever so lightly. Nadine was in heaven, she had multiple orgasms, and, with his prompting even started to talk dirty to him.

"Oh fuck, my darling Jackson, give it to me, screw me silly with your gorgeous black cock. we must make up for 14 years of neglect and confusion. You are my friend, lover, teacher and confidante. Ooooh, don't stop. That's it, deeper you stud, fuck me deeper, make me cum."

The 'former' Nadine would never have known to say such words.

The 'former' Nadine was lost to the pages of history.

She had discovered the beauty, the eroticism, the satisfaction, the excitement, the naughtiness and the overwhelming pleasure provided by sex with her black lover, and she would never go back.


Oskar looked upon the sleeping Ingrid and was almost relieved to have a few moments to himself when he wasn’t having to pleasure her (or himself) with his wonderful ebony cock. She was insatiable and there were times when he wondered if he could keep up with her demands to be fucked or sucked or whatever else she insisted upon. He sat at his desk feeling totally drained but he knew that when she did wake up he would not dream of resisting her advances that would surely be forthcoming.

He shuffled through some paperwork that related to his next venture and pondered how he would handle what had become a dilemma to him.

He was satisfied that the American market was firmly wrapped up with a clear business plan being implemented nationwide. Confident that he could leave the running of the day-to-day to his very capable lieutenants he was about to take the next significant step in the expansion of Rhino Industries; he was about to embark on taking the brand to Europe and to plant the seeds of the ‘brave new world’ into the old. He had been engaged in secret negotiations with Ingrid’s father with a view to making the first foray into Scandinavia, an area that had agreeable liberal attitudes and, to Oskar’s assessment, a good place to start. But there was that dilemma, how could he do business with the father of the girl he had so successfully turned into his ‘love slave’? Especially when that girl had learnt of his planned trip to her homeland and had insisted on accompanying him so that she could ‘show him the ropes’.

He pondered how he was going to handle what was guaranteed to be an awkward situation as there was no way that the father would not fail to recognize what a perverted girl his ******** had become and, more importantly, who was responsible.

He decided to turn the problem over to his software developers and order them to come up with mind-influencing solution that he could take to Sweden and ‘share’ with her father.

Ingrid stirred on the bed as if she must have subconsciously known he was thinking of her. She looked over at him with sleepy eyes and crooked her finger beckoning him to come back to bed.
