Brad and I have been married for about a year and a half, and we still haven't got over what happened to us on our honeymoon. Actually, I doubt we ever will, and that's fine with me, and probably Brad, too, because it was just the most-exciting thing that has ever happened in our lives, and I'm sure it always will be.

Let me tell you what happened to us, because after you've read about it, I'm sure you'll agree there's nothing in the world that could have been more frightening at first, but later became the best thing ever.

I know most people will think this part is really strange, especially in this day and age, but believe it or not I was a virgin when we said our wedding vows. I told Brad about that part on our very-first date, and I explained that because of my religious upbringing, I was saving myself for my husband. I explained that I wanted whoever married me to be absolutely sure that not only did I love him with all my heart, but that any children would be his, with no question, whatsoever. He actually agreed with me, which truth to say impressed me a whole lot, and I think it was that agreement that told us we were meant for each other.

Once we decided it was the Lord's plan for us to be husband and wife, we spent lots of time discussing what we wanted to happen, in terms of where we would go after the ceremony. We both agreed that my virginity was something very special, and when I at last lost it to him on our wedding night, we wanted that night to be very special, also.

We finally decided that we'd be married in a simple ceremony in our church early in the morning of our chosen date, then we'd drive down to a real-fancy hotel situated on the shore of Lake of the Ozarks. We were really impressed by the brochure we got from the hotel, and I think it was the photos of the wedding suite on the top floor that convinced us it was the place for us to spend our first night in bed together.

The view from the balcony of what the hotel called their "Honeymoon Room" especially appealed to us, because it showed a couple (he was wearing nothing but pajama bottoms and she had on a babydoll chemise that was so sheer that it left no doubt she was naked underneath it) standing on the balcony and looking down to a glowing river of moonlight that ran across the lake. Brad and I wanted that to be us, so that was what made us reserve that room for our honeymoon.

I'll skip over the wedding and the brief reception that came next, and get right to the heart of our story, because I'm sure that's the part you're waiting for. So here goes.

We left Kansas City on I-70 heading east, and after a while we turned south on a state highway (I think after you've read this story you'll understand why I'd rather not tell you the exact route we followed) and planned to follow it all the way to where our hotel was located. We were still several miles north of our destination when the GPS in our car went haywire without us knowing about it, and by the time we realized what had happened we were driving somewhere in the Ozark Mountains on a dirt road that was actually not much more than a trail.

The road was really narrow and the trees were growing right along both sides of it, so there was nowhere we could turn around, which left us no choice but to keep driving until we saw someone who could give us directions, or at least find a place wide enough that we'd be able to reverse the car. That never happened, and then the worst happened, and the "road" petered out and became nothing but a narrow trail, forcing us to stop and try to decide what we needed to do.

We had a paper map spread out on the hood of the car, and both of us were trying to decide where we were when I heard a noise behind me. I guess I must have gasped loud enough for Brad to hear, because he jerked his head up and looked the same place I was, and then he tried to push me behind him and said, "Get behind me, Mel (my name's actually "Melanie," but no one's called me that in several years).

What was scaring both of us was a guy who was standing under a tree a few yards from us, mainly because he was holding a rifle. He wasn't really pointing it at us, but it was pretty obvious he could do that in a split second if he wanted to. He was wearing a beat-up straw hat and tattered overalls that had seen better days, to say the least. His boots weren't in much better shape. And in case you're wondering why I didn't mention his shirt, it's because he wasn't wearing one.

Just as Brad was getting ready to say something to the guy, we both heard noises from behind us and then all around us, and then things got really, really scary, because we were surrounded by lots of other guys who were dressed pretty much like the first one. The thing that was the most frightening was that all of them, even one that looked like he was barely twelve years old, were holding rifles, too.

Brad finally worked up the nerve to try to talk to the guys, but just as he started to say something, the oldest guy, who was probably sixty years if a day, said, "Y'all trespassin' on Clan land, Outsiders. Y'all ain't got no bizness here, an' we'd be within our rights to jes shoot yer asses right here and now."

Brad tried again to explain that we were lost, but before he could get out more than a word or two, the old guy interrupted him.

"Jes shet yer trap, Outsider! We goan take yuh to see Mother Mae so she can decide what to do with yuh. If she sez yuh can go free, then maybe we'll cut some trees so y'all can turn around an' git. Git behin' me and come on, Outsiders."


He turned around and started walking through the trees, and when the other men surrounded us we decided it'd be for the best if we just did what the guy had said. We hurried to catch up with him, and walked right behind him for a couple minutes before we came to a dirt road farther down the slope from where we had left our car. There was an ancient truck sitting in the road, and as the guy got in the cab, he said, "Git your asses up in the bed and set down and shut up. Doan give us no trouble, or y'all be sorry."

Since giving them anything, let alone trouble, was not in our plans, we tried to climb up in the back of the truck, but since it was really high above the road I couldn't make it by myself. Just as I tried to jump into the bed, one of the guys put his hand under my crotch and lifted me like a feather. That shocked me so much that I didn't protest the invasion of my privacy, but merely took a seat on the board that ran down one side of the bed. Brad sat right beside me, and when he put his arm around my shoulders I snuggled up against him as close as possible, hoping that would make the hillbillies leave me alone.

The ride to see "Mother Mae," whoever she was, took almost fifteen minutes, and it was spent in silence, which was actually more scary than if they'd tried to talk to us. I think the most-frightening part was the way the men kept staring at the two of us, given the expressions on their faces, I was sure they were all thinking about what it would be like to have sex with me. When I noticed that the kid was looking at me in the same way, all I could do was bury my head against Brad's shoulder and keep my eyes tightly closed, pretending all the time that things were going to be just fine as soon as we'd explained things to the woman.

At last the truck came to a stop in a large clearing that held several buildings. Most of them were probably houses, but at least two looked like barns more than anything else. There were also about half a dozen sheds scattered around the clearing, but I had no idea what was in them. There seemed to be hound dogs everywhere, along with lots of people working at gardening or skinning a deer that was hanging from a tree limb. I saw about a dozen kids who were running around, probably playing "tag," just like I had done many times when I was that age. I think seeing them laughing and having a good time was what made me relax, because I was sure if anything bad were going to happen to us, the kids would have been indoors.

After the men jumped down to the ground, one of them helped me down beside him, and again his hand was between my legs, and the way he leered at me made me shiver all over. And then things got lots more serious all of a sudden.

The older guy took my hand and said, "C'mon, missy. Mother Mae'll get this sorted out." As he began to lead me toward the largest of the houses, where an older woman was standing on the porch looking at me, he said over his shoulder, "Take care of him so he doan make trouble."

When one of the men said to Brad, "Gitcher clothes off, Outsider. We goan have some fun with y'all whilst your woman talks to Mother Mae," I turned around to see what was going on.

Brad said, "No! I'm not going to do that. Just leave me alone. I won't cause any trouble. We just want to get out of here and go down to Lake of the Ozarks for our honeymoon."

The guy dropped one hand to a huge knife that was hanging on his belt, and as he pulled it out of its sheath, he said, "I stropped my Arkansas Toothpick real good this mornin', an' it's sharper'n all git out. Either strip of I'll cut them off you, an' as sharp as my knife is, it'll prob'ly cut off anything else you have that sticks out."

That brought raucous laughter from all the men and the boy who were standing in a circle around my husband, and I knew things were about to get out of hand. I dug in my feet and came to a stop, then yelled at Brad, "Honey, just do what they want! Do whatever they say, and I'll talk to Mother Mae and get things straightened out, and maybe they'll let us go. Please, honey, just get undressed so they won't hurt you. Please!"

I saw a look of resignation sweep across his face, and then as I stood there hoping against hope he'd do what I wanted, he began to unbutton his shirt. As soon as he pushed it over his shoulders, one of the men took it and passed it on to a young girl who was standing behind him. Brad leaned over and untied his shoes, then pulled them off, along with his socks, which were quickly passed back to another child who had come up behind the circle of men.

Just when I was sure my husband was going to refuse to take off anything else, his hands dropped to his belt buckle, and soon it had been released. The waistband button was quickly opened, then with a short hesitation the zipper was pulled down. He pushed them down over his hips and down his legs, and almost before he could step out of them one of the men had passed them to a third kid.

He stood there in the silence that pervaded the clearing with his hands protectively over his crotch and his eyes tightly closed. I was sure he was going to refuse to remove his undershorts, and was ready to call out to him again when the guy with the knife held it up high in the air and said, "Outsider, y'all got 'til I count to five to shuck out of them, too, or I'll help yuh."

Brad's eyes shot open as the guy lowered the knife and pointed it at his crotch, and just as I opened my mouth to tell him to take of his shorts, his thumbs found their waistband and down they went to the ground. As they, too, were passed to one of the children, it seemed that everyone in the clearing was laughing as loud as they could. Since I was standing just a few feet from my husband, I knew exactly what they were laughing at.

I suppose I should confess that while I am a religious person, I'm not without curiosity when it comes to sex. In the days following our decision to get married, and to have our first sexual relations on our honeymoon, I had spent more than a few hours surfing the seamier side of the internet, trying to find out what to expect. One of the things I looked at was an unending display of male equipment, so I already knew what Brad was supposed to have between his legs.

Imagine my surprise when what I saw was not something standing straight out of his crotch, with a rock-hard shaft and a swollen head on the end. Instead, the only thing I saw between my husband's legs was a tiny head barely visible through his pubic hair, and even that was quickly covered as his hands flew down there to give him a small bit of modesty.

Before I could even begin to stifle my reaction to what I'd seen between his legs, I started to laugh right along with everyone else. I'm just glad his eyes were clamped shut, because he'd probably have divorced me right on the spot if he'd known what I was doing.

The men seemed to know what needed to be done next, and two of them took his arms and almost dragged him to a spot directly under a huge tree branch that was sticking straight out from the trunk. Another guy threw one end of a rope over the branch, and almost before I realized what was happening, that end had been tied around his wrists. Two other guys pulled down on the opposite end, with the result that my husband's body was pulled up by his arms, stopping only when his toes were the only thing touching the ground.

The older man decided he'd had enough entertainment, and he again pulled me toward the cabin where the woman stood waiting. When he brought me to a halt in front of her, he briefly explained that they'd caught two Outsiders trespassing on Clan land, and she took one of my hands and led me inside, saying only, "I'll take over now, Father Hiram. We'll get this straightened out."

As soon as we were inside I looked around and saw half a dozen other women all looking at me. They seemed to range in age from mid-50s all the way down to a young girl, who may have been as old as twelve. All of them were wearing ankle-length gingham dresses, and it was obvious to me they weren't big fans of bras, because I could see their nipples pushing against the lightweight material.

The older woman brought me to a halt, then said, "I'm Mother Mae. Why'nt you tell us yer name, so we can all be friendly like?"

I decided nothing could be gained by resisting, so replied meekly, "I'm very pleased to meet you, Mother Mae. I'm Melanie Sue Williams, and my husband's name is Bradley Paul Williams, but everyone calls him 'Brad.' We didn't mean any harm when we drove on your property; we were lost, and all we want is to be allowed to go on our way. We got married this morning, and we're heading down to Lake of the Ozarks for our honeymoon. I'm so sorry we trespassed, but it was an accident. Please let us go."

She studied my face for a long time, almost as if she could read my mind. I was hoping she could see that we hadn't deliberately driven on their property, and the whole mess would soon be straightened out.

At last she said, "I'se right pleased to meet yuh, Melanie Sue. I'se sure y'all's right about what happened, but that doan change things. We learned hunnert's of years ago that trespassers have to be punished, else'n they won't stop. Thar's one thing y'all could do to get out of payin' for yore crime, if'n y'all want."

"Please, Mother Mae, just tell me what we have to do, and we'll do it. Please."

She explained, "Wal, the only folks who can drive on Clan land are our kin, and that means they'uns were born here or wedded someone here. So's if'n y'all want to get turned loose, we can have a weddin' and y'all an' Bradley Paul can be on yer way right after that."

I guess my only excuse for not thinking carefully about what she'd told me was that I was afraid something really bad was being done to my husband right then, and the only way we could escape this nightmare was to consent to a wedding. So, I said, "We'll do anything you want. If that means I have to marry one of the men, then I'll do it."

I was thinking, of course, that any agreement made under threat of force would never be legal, so once we were on our way there couldn't be any consequences from me getting married for the second time that day. Little did I know.

She looked me up and down for a few seconds before she continued, "As far as I can see, Melanie Sue, y'all look marriageable, but I'm sure y'all can understand that I'd have to see the whole package before I could let yuh marry one of our men. So's iffen you want to be on your way real quick, why don'cha take off your clothes and I'll take a better look at what yore hiding under 'em?"

I couldn't help but think that I'd told Brad just a few minutes earlier that he should co-operate with the men who told him to get undressed, and since I thought that was good advice at the time, it probably made sense right then. I took a deep breath to steady my nerves, then said softly, "Okay . . . if it's really necessary, I'll do it. Where should I put my things when I take them off?"

She smiled deeply at my easy acquiescence, then pointed at a row of wooden pins that had been driven into holes in the wall as she said, "Tha's what passes fer a closet in this neck of the woods, sweetheart. Jes hang yore duds up there so we can see what yuh look like nekked."

I steeled myself for the ordeal that was to come, and quickly unbuttoned my blouse. Before I could even shrug it off my shoulders, helping hands from behind had already pulled it off me and draped it over one of the pins. I knew if I hesitated for even a second, I'd lose my nerves and both my husband and I would be in trouble. So, calling on every bit of resolve I had in me, I reached behind my back with both hands and unfastened my bra, and soon it, too had been pulled off my arms and was hanging on a pin of its own.

When none of the women made a move to attack me, I gained a tiny bit of courage and stepped out of my shoes, then pulled off my socks and stuffed them inside. By that time, Mother Mae and the other women, including the girl, had formed a circle around me, and were noticeably studying every part of my body that was being revealed to their avid eyes. The girl seemed to be especially interested in my crotch, and when I hesitated a couple seconds before revealing the rest of my body, she pointed at that part of my body and said, "Hurry up, Melanie Sue. I want to see what yuh look like down there."

That definitely made me blush, but even though my face was burning in shame, my hands seemed to take on a life of their own. Without my brain sending the order, my fingers opened the button on the waistband of my slacks. The zipper was quickly pulled all the way down, and before I could even think of some way to protest what they were demanding of me, my hands had pulled my slacks down my legs and my feet stepped out of them, leaving me with nothing to protect my modesty but the sheer panties I'd bought especially to entice Brad that night when he would undress me before taking my virginity.

The girl got even more impatient with me when I just stood there clad only in my panties. She pointed at them, then demanded, "Hurry up, Melanie Sue! I wanna see yer twat and see if it looks like ours. Get rid of that part, too!"

I looked toward Mother Mae, hoping against hope that she'd tell me I could keep my panties, but all she did was smile and nod with a tiny movement of her head, then whisper, "Rachel Ann's right, sweetheart. Peel 'em off for us." Left with no choice, I moved my hands to the waistband of the only shred of clothing still in place and quickly pushed them down to the floor, where they were quickly snatched up by the girl. She then held them up to her face and inhaled deeply, then kept whispering over and over, "Land O' Goshen, but her twat smells really good, Mother Mae. I'll marry her if'en one else wants her. I bet she tastes even better than she smells."

The women all chuckled at the girl's enthusiasm, and then one of them said, "That's my ******** all over again, ain't it? I swear, but I've never known a girl who's so set on doing it with other girls." She turned to the girl as she asked, "Rachel Ann, you evah done it with a boy, or is they made wrong fer you?"

That made all of them chuckle again, and as soon as they quieted, the girl replied, "No, Mama, I'se never been int'rested in what them boys got in their pants. I like to watch 'em sucking each other, but I doan evah want them in my twat. Girls is so much better smellin' an' tastin'. An' I really meant it about marryin' Melanie Sue, an' I'd be a real good wife for her, fer sure."

Mother Mae assured the girl that she'd have her chance to marry me in just about an hour, and she could do that even that if one of the men agreed to marry me. "After all," she began, "Jes look at some of the other Clan who married both men and women. Their marriages are as good as anyone else's, ain't they? So if youse set on taking Melanie Sue to wife, all you have to do is stan' behind her at the weddin' and take the vows."

I was so dumbfounded by what seemed to be in my future that I couldn't even respond when Mother Mae told me to climb up on the large table that sat in the center of the room, but instead had to be lifted by the others and placed on my back where she wanted me to be. As I lay there in shock, my hands were pulled back over my head and held in place by two of the women, while the rest of them took ahold of my ankles and pulled them far out to my sides, then held me in the spreadeagle position. I knew right then that they'd done this sort of thing before, and probably many times before, given that they didn't need any instructions.

When Mother Mae spoke to me, I turned my head toward her and saw she was holding a large coffee cup in one hand and seemed to be stirring something that was in it. It was only when she stopped beside my crotch, then took a round brush from the cup, covered with foamy suds, that I knew what they had in mind for me.

That was confirmed when she said soothingly, "Now Melanie Sue, you jes lay there real quiet so yuh doan get cut. I'm goan shave your hair down here so everyone can see what yuh have to offer if they marry you." She then proceeded to brush the suds all over my crotch, and when she was at last satisfied everything had been covered, she began to use a straight razor to shave away every trace of my pubic hair.

As she expertly shaved me, she asked, "Melanie Sue, how many fellers you been with, altogether? Yer surely more'n twenty year old, ain't yuh? I think by the time I was that old I'd already bedded at least a dozen fellers, and since yore lots purtier than I ever was, I bet you did it with twice that many. Right?"

When I made my confession to her, her whole body froze in shock, and the others seemed to be in the same state of confusion.

"I've never been with a man, Mother Mae. I was raised to save myself for my husband, and tonight when Brad and I go to bed together, it'll be my first time."

I have no idea how long they stood around me with dazed expressions on their faces, but at last their need to breathe overcame their shock. As they gasped in unison, Mother Mae looked at Rachel Ann and said, "Muffin, run outside and tell 'em she's never been with a man. Tell them she's still virgin, an' 'less I miss my guess, every man and boy in the Clan's goan want to marry her. Tell them to get the weddin' bower ready."

The girl hurried from the room, and through the open door I heard her yell, "She's virgin! She ain't never had a pecker in her twat! Mother Mae says anyone who wants to marry her better help get the bower ready, 'cause she's 'bout ready to bring her out!"

The cheers I could hear from what seemed like dozens of throats came to my ears just as Rachel Ann came running back through the door. She came to a halt beside me and announced, "They's all holding their hands in the air, Mother Mae! They all want to take her to wife, jes like I do."

Mother Mae went back to her shaving task, and as she worked she said, "Well, I guess the more the merrier, ain't it? Melanie Sue ain't goan be a virgin much longer, is she?"

As she scraped away the last trace of my pubic hair, one of the other women used a towel to remove all traces of the soap. When she pronounced me ready, I was helped off the table, and then with Mother Mae holding one of my hands and Rachel Sue the other, I was led out of the cabin.

Every eye in the clearing seemed to be looking directly at my bare crotch, and my face burned so much that I thought it would burst into flames, but it didn't. Instead, I was shocked in disbelief as I saw the eight men who had captured us were just as naked as Brad and I, and every one of them was sporting an erection that was surely larger than those I'd been secretly looking at on the internet. There was one of them whose organ was huge, and I mean HUGE! My god! the thing must have been more than a foot long and the shaft had to have been bigger than my forearm.

And that was when I began to fear what seemed to be intended for me. I knew there was no way my virgin pussy could accept something that big, and surely when he ***** me with it, I'd die from the pain.

There were also five naked women standing behind the men, and just as I had the thought that they would be marrying us, too, Rachel Ann ran to join them. As she ran, a trail of her discarded clothes littered the ground behind her, telling me that she'd been very serious when she said she wanted to marry me. I know it's odd to say, but given what had happened to us over the course of the past couple hours, I wasn't the least bit surprised.

I didn't have much time to dwell on that thought, because my unresisting body was led down the steps and across the clearing to a shady spot under a large tree. As we got closer to it, I could see some sort of arched thing, probably six feet wide and equally tall, was standing upright under the tree. When I saw that it was covered with beautiful flowers, I was sure I was looking at what Mother Mae had called the "wedding bower," and that was confirmed when I was led directly to it and then told to stand under the arched top.

I had completely forgot about my husband until that moment, but when I heard footsteps behind me I turned my head and saw him being led by two of the men. They brought him up to the bower, then instructed him to stand beside me and not to say anything until he was asked a question.

Father Hiram was evidently the Clan's minister, because just as a guitar started strumming a hillbilly version of the same song that had been played on the church organ at our wedding, he came out of a nearby cabin carrying a Bible in his hand. That wasn't the part that drew my attention and froze me in place; my shock was due to the fact that he was just as naked as the other men and his cock was just as erect as all the others in the clearing.

As he took his place directly in front of us, he called out, "Any of yuh folks who want to take these two to wife come and stand behind 'em so's I kin marry yuh. Don't be bashful now; this woman is virgin, according to Mother Mae, an' she's goan need lots of help learnin' what lovin's all about."

That brought several chuckles from the crowd gathered around us, as well as lots of movement as the naked men who'd captured us, along with the five naked women and Rachel Ann, hurried to form a semicircle behind the bower. Father Hiram cleared his throat loudly, which must have been the signal for the guitar player to stop, because all of a sudden the music came to an end.

He looked slowly at both of us, spending lots of time inspecting our naked crotches, before clearing his throat once again. Then, in a loud, booming voice, he announced, "These Outsiders were caught trespassin' on Clan land today, and y'all know the penalty for that. I guess they were able to convince Mother Mae they din't do it a'purpose, so she's goan let 'em off if they agree to marry into the Clan.

"Now I know lots'a you were hopin' we'd be havin' a good-ole lynching today, but I think once yuh seed what the little lady had to offer, yuh knew a marryin' was better. So, that's what's goan happen now."

He looked deeply into our eyes for a few seconds, and I had the thought that he was trying to judge our innocence when it came to the trespassing charge, as well as our desire to become members of the Clan. He must have made a decision in our favor after he'd studied our faces, because he held out the bible toward me with the cover facing up as he said, "Melanie Sue, put yer right hand on the Good Book whilst I ask y'all a question and y'all answer it."

I hesitantly extended my hand toward the Bible, almost as if I were afraid it would sense some sinful side of me and a bolt of lightning would strike me dead. That didn't happen, though, and as my hand rested in place, Father Hiram recited a question that he must have asked many time before.

"Do y'all, Melanie Sue, promise to take these men and these women as your lawful wedded husbands and wives, and to let them use yuh in the usual manner we'uns use our wives in the Clan? Do yuh promise to let 'em slake their carnal needs on yer body, and to punish yuh when yuh sin, and to bear their chillun as long as yuh shall live?"

I tried to force my brain to deal with the questions Father Hiram had asked of me, but my brain was spinning so fast that I just couldn't think. I guess my mouth was way ahead of my brain, because before I even knew what it was planning, it repeated the same words I'd uttered at our wedding that morning.

"I do," was all I said, and then I fell silent and waited for whatever was to come next.

He must have been satisifed with my answer, because he moved the Bible in front of Brad, and I was shocked to see my husband place his hand on it with no prompting.

Father Hiram asked, "Do y'all, Bradley Paul, promise to take these men and these women as yore lawful wedded husbands and wives, and to let them use yuh in the usual manner we'uns use our wives in the Clan? Do yuh promise to let 'em slake their carnal needs on yer body, and to punish yuh whenever they feel like doing that to yuh, no matter what they wanta do to yuh?"

I was sure Brad would refuse to promise something like that, but just as I started to prompt him, he said softly, "I do."

I guess Father Hiram was just as surprised as I was by Brad's acceptance, because it seemed to take him a few seconds to remember what came next. Then, as a huge smile broke over his face, he said, "Y'all heard 'em. So's there nothin' else to say, 'cept, 'I now pronounce these two to be full members of the Clan, and since they's promised to serve us as our wives, let's take 'em to the breeding table and git on with it."

That brought universal approval from everyone there, and before I knew it Mother Mae and Rachel Ann had ahold of my arms and were pulling me toward another part of the clearing. As I glanced behind me, I saw Brad being led in the same manner by two of the men, and the next thing I knew we were approaching another huge tree that had a large limb extending straight out from the trunk, and about fifteen feet above a platform that I was sure was going to be the "breeding table" that had been mentioned. The only other things that caught my eye were three ropes that dangled from the limb overhead, and I could see that one of them was right over the center of one edge of the table, while the second was right up against the main trunk. The third rope was far out toward the end of the limb. I didn't have time to think about what the ropes would be used for, because by that time I was at the edge of the table.

When we reached the table, I was turned around so my butt was touching its edge, and as soon as she was satisfied with my position, Mother Mae patted the top as she said, "Put it up here, sweetheart." As they released my arms, I put my hands behind me, then lifted myself up just enough that I was sitting on the table. Rachel Ann helped me move forward a tiny bit, then as they helped me lean back until I was lying flat, I heard Father Hiram say, "Git up here aside yer wife, Bradley Paul, and hurry up about it. We's all anxious to get started breeding the two of yuh, fo' shore."

As I turned my head toward Brad, he cried out, "No! Please don't do this to me! I don't want to get up there. Please!"

Father Hiram said softly to the two men who were holding Brad, "Turn 'im 'round so's he kin see where we's goan take 'im if'en he doan do what we say." That was quickly done, and as he was turned to his side, his whimper caused me to look to the same place he was, just to see what had frightened him so much.

What I saw was nothing but two, long boards standing on one end and crossing each other in their centers. The shape they formed reminded me on a huge letter "X", but that didn't look all that scary to me. I could see that a hole had been bored close to each end of the boards, and a rope had been threaded through each one, but again, that didn't do anything to frighten me the way it obviously did my husband.

That he was, indeed, frightened, was demonstrated when he immediately gasped out, "No! Please don't take me over there! Please! I'll get on the breeding table; just don't take me over there!"

Father Hiram chuckled at Brad's swift change of mind, then as Mother Mae had done, he patted the table behind my husband to indicate what he wanted done. With a look of resignation on his face, Brad moved back far enough to put his butt against the edge of the table, then used his hands to lift himself in place, just as I had.

As soon as he was lying flat beside my left arm, Father Hiram lifted Brad's right leg and held it straight out from the table. Mother Mae did the same thing with my left leg, and almost before I understood what was happening, the center rope was being tied around both our ankles, binding them tightly together. When that part had been taken care of, my right leg was pulled far out to my side, and as I watched, the second rope was quickly tied around the ankle.

In a heartbeat, Brad's left leg had been pulled out to his side and the third rope was tied to its ankle. Then, when some of the men began pulling the free ends of the ropes, and our feet were not only drawn upward, but also far out to our sides, I didn't need to be told why that was being done to us. By the time the free ends of the ropes had been tied to stakes, our crotches had been spread farther that I thought possible, and my pussy must have been gaping open, because I was sure I could feel the air rushing in.

The boy who had been with the men who held us at gunpoint and brought us to the village, and then had become one of our husbands, was the first to get in line by my crotch. His cock was already at full erection and bobbing up and down when he stepped forward and began rubbing it up and down my slit. When he looked up at my face and saw me watching him, he said, "I'se Cletus Earl, Melanie Sue. Is it okay if I go first? Mine's not full growed yet, and since yer twat never had a cock in it, I won't hurt yuh like the rest o' them will. I jes think yer the purtiest girl I ever seed, and I wanta be the first to fuck yuh now that we's married and all. Do y'all want me to fuck yuh now and put my baby in yer belly?"

I had been thinking about that last part ever since Father Hiram used the phrase, ". . . bear their chillun," in the marriage ceremony, and when Cletus Earl asked me straight out if I wanted him to put his baby in me, I suddenly realized just how much, how very, very much, I wanted him to do that to me. So, I just returned his gaze, then said softly, "Please fuck me, Cletus Earl, fuck me as hard as you can and make me bear your child. Please do that to me."

He didn't need a second invitation, and merely dropped his eyes to my crotch. I felt his cock being centered on my opening, and then saw him began to thrust his hips forward a tiny amount, just enough that the head of his organ began to enter my pussy, that had never before felt anything like that. Then, as he hissed a quiet, "Lord have mercy, she's tight as my little sister used to be. I don't think it's evuh felt so good when I did this befo'." He then raised his eyes to my face once again and whispered, "I loves yuh wit' all my heart, Melanie Sue. I wanta fill yer belly with my kids to show yuh jes' how much I loves yuh."

I would have replied in kind, but the sensation of his cock going where no man had ever gone before made my throat so tight that words were beyond me. Also, it was just at that moment that I saw one of our other husbands take his place between Brad's legs, and as I saw him aiming his cock at the opening I was sure was there, I was all I could do to draw air into my lungs that needed so desperately to breathe.

The man wasn't nearly as careful with Brad as Cletus Earl was with me, and instead of going slow and easy, his hips rocked forward several inches. I expected my husband would cry out with pain when that was done to him, but instead all he did was gasp and began to rock his own hips in time to the man who was assaulting him. The hillbilly said, "Damn me, but he's been down the ol' dirt road before this. I bet her twat's ten times tighter than his ass." He then raised his eyes to Brad's as he said, "Y'all one'a them faggots we see in town all the time, Outsider? Y'all used to takin' it in yer ass?"

I don't know if Brad would have answered that question or not, because he never got the chance. Just at that moment I heard another man's voice from my left say, "Open yer fuckin' mouth, Outsider. Got sumpin here that's goan taste real good."

My head quickly turned toward Brad, and to my utter shock I saw that one of our husbands had a hand on my husband's forehead and was pushing it down, which had the effect of lining his mouth up with the stiff cock that the man was holding against his lips. Instead of Brad making any protest, all he did was open his mouth as he'd been told to do, and when the man moved forward, I almost blacked out as his cock slid into the welcoming opening.

I wanted more than anything else in the world to watch as my husband, the man who had always presented himself as just as much a virgin as I was, accepted the organ inside his mouth, then closed his lips tightly around it. What he did after that I had no idea, because just at that moment Mother Mae put her hand on my own forehead and forced my head downward, just as Brad's had been.

She never said a word, but instead lifted her skirt and moved forward when my head was where it needed to be. Almost before I saw she wasn't wearing any panties, her pussy was touching my lips, and the training I'd been given many years in the past by my friends took over, and I began to lick and suck her delicious opening.

After that I couldn't think of anything but how good it felt to at long last have a cock in my pussy, and how good it tasted to have a pussy riding my tongue. My hips thrust back and forth in time to Cletus Earl's movement, and my tongue feverishly licked Mother Mae's pussy as she rocked against my lips. To make it even better, she began to slap my tits with both hands, her right hand first striking my right one, then almost before I'd had time to register the pain, her left hand struck my left tit.

The faster I thrust my hips to meet Cletus Earl's counter-thrusts, the faster he fucked me; the faster I licked Mother Mae's pussy, the harder she slapped my tits, and then the inevitable happened, and I tried to cry out as I felt my climax overcome me. I had never in my life had an orgasm like that one, and it took me a long time to come back to reality.

When I regained full use of my faculties, there was no longer a pussy for me to lick, and the sensation of something rubbing against my pussy lips made my head raise just far enough to see another man had taken Cletus Earl's place between my legs. I felt his organ enter my pussy, and the entry was made much easier thanks to the cum the boy had put in it. I barely had time to think how nice it was for him to do that for me before Rachel Ann had taken her rightful place above my head. As Mother Mae had done, she pushed my head down where it needed to be, then quickly moved forward so I could do for her what we both wanted.

Again I was lost in a state of semi-consciousness as the man worked his cock deeper and deeper inside me, and as the girl rocked her pussy against my lips and I licked and sucked her delicious juices. She brought me a tiny way back to reality as she pinched and jerked my nipples and I heard her whisper, "I'd love to hang yuh by yer tits, Melanie Sue. They's so big and I jes know they'd stretch 'way 'bove yer head. I'd make yuh beg me to whip yuh 'twixt yer legs, an' I'd make it really good fer yuh. I'd make yuh scream real loud when yuh cum, an' I'd make yuh . . . make yuh . . . Ahhhhhhh!"

I don't think anything had ever made me prouder than the simple act of making the girl climax did right then. I'd always found it satisfying when I did that for my friends when we were in their playhouse, but never did my heart swell with pride as much as it did when Rachel Ann climaxed on my tongue.

By the time she had pulled away from my face, a third man was breeding me, and again thanks to the cum that was literally running from my pussy, he was able to fully penetrate me with no more than a small amount of discomfort. I'm sure it helped that Rachel Ann's mother had by then mounted my lips, and immediately stated whipping my tits. The sound of her soft whispers as she described how the next time we came for a visit she was going to whip my tits until they bled was driving me crazy all over again. All I could think of was how good it felt for my tits to be whipped while my pussy was being penetrated so deeply that it hurt, and how much I loved my new wives and husbands.

I never knew when my third husband pulled his cock out of my pussy, or when Rachel Ann's mom backed away from my lips. It was only when Mother Mae lifted my head and said, "Look down there, sweetheart," that I was able to open my eyes and see another of our husband's standing between my legs.

To my intense horror, I saw that it was the man whose organ was huge beyond belief, and he was holding it straight up and smiling as he saw my eyes grow wider than they'd ever been. The thing in his hand was even longer than the twelve inches I'd thought earlier, which was scary enough, but it was the distance across his cock that truly terrified me. It was much bigger than my forearm, which had been my earlier guess, and when I saw it that close to my pussy, I knew I'd never survive being fucked by it.

Mother Mae said, "We call 'im 'Mule,' an' I think yuh kin see where we got th' name, cain't yuh? Matter o' fact, when th' mares see 'im comin', they head fer the hills."

That brought lots of laughter from the others, but even though my mouth was open, no sound came from it. I was again in shock and utter terror as I thought about that thing forcing its way inside me, because I knew I'd never survive the experience.

Mother Mae's voice broke through my brain freeze as she asked, "Well, what'cha think 'bout that horse cock fucking yer wife, Bradley Paul? Yuh wanta see 'im breed her with it? Yuh wan' 'im to put his baby in yer wife's belly?"

That made my head turn to look at my husband, still lying beside me, but no longer being fucked or sucking one of our husbands. His eyes, too, were focused on Mule's huge organ, and he was whimpering almost continuously as he stared and stared at it. It took him a long time to answer the question he'd been asked, but at last he gasped, "Oh, god, please! Make him breed her as hard as he can! It's all I've thought about for months and months, and I want to see him do that to her more than anything else in the world! Please, Mother Mae. Tell him to fuck her as hard as he can and put his . . . his baby . . . in her tummy. Please!"

I looked up at her face, begging wordlessly for a reprieve, but all she did was say softly, "Fuck 'er twat as much as yuh want, Mule. Knock 'er up good and proper." She then stepped away from my face and let my head drop just as Father Hiram took her place. When his cock touched my lips, they fell open, and for the first time in my life I felt the same thing Brad had as he had sucked our husbands.

As I licked and sucked the wonderful cock in my mouth, I felt Mule's monster rubbing against my pussy lips, making sure the head was covered with the cum that was running from my body. And then, oh, then! it entered me and I struggled to spread my legs even farther apart than they already were. And then the two men fell into an easy rhythm of slowly pushing their members into my mouth and my cunt before slowly pulling them back out a short way. Each thrust was met with one of my own, and every time the monster forced its way deeper and deeper inside me, I felt another surge of fear. The fear was quickly replaced by lust for more, and my hips began to piston faster and faster as Mule pushed, and my tongue licked faster and faster as Father Hiram fed his cock to me.

I felt the head of the cock in my mouth seemingly double in size, and as Father Hiram groaned and pushed it even deeper down my throat, I sucked with all my might and was rewarded by the taste of his cum flooding over my tongue and flowing down to my stomach. At the same time, I felt Mule make one last surge forward, impaling me on his monster, and then he groaned, too.

I've never known if I actually climaxed at that time, but I hope I did, because it was something I owed to my husbands, and I wanted to make them love me. I do know that the taste of Father Hiram's cum and the pain Mule was giving me was the last coherent thought I have of that afternoon, and I have no idea what came after that.


I awoke, at some time in the distant future, to a sense of utter confusion. I had no idea where I was, or how I'd come to be back in our car. As the memories of what had been done to us just hours, or maybe days before swept through my brain, my first thought was that it was all a dream, and instead of us being kidnapped and *****, we had instead fallen asleep in our car somewhere deep in the Ozark Mountains. And then, as I came fully awake, the waves of pain that swept through my crotch told me my memory was working just fine, thank you.

My head was resting on the back of the passenger seat, and as it sleepily turned to my left, I saw Brad was sitting behind the steering wheel, just as sound asleep as I had been seconds before. There was something on the seat between us, and as I looked down I saw it was a hand-woven wicker basket with what looked like sandwiches in it. Most of all, though, there were two other things that answered my prayers: two plastic bottles filled with sparkling, wet, delicious, wonderful water.

The thirst I'd felt when first coming awake had seemingly doubled in intensity, and my hand shot down and grabbed one of the bottles. Before my hand had even stopped moving, I was unscrewing the cap, and then drinking deeply of the life-saving water.

I guess the sound I made awakened my husband, and when he coughed and cleared his throat, I opened my eyes that had been squeezed tightly shut in ecstasy. His own eyes, only halfway open as he struggled to come awake, looked at me, and then shot wide open.

"My god, Mel!" he said, "The dream I just had . . . I . . . I never in my life dreamed something that was so real! It's almost like it actually happened . . . except . . . except it was too wild to ever be true."

I just smiled at him, then said, "It was real, honey. It really happened. If you don't believe me, just think about the taste in your mouth, and how sore your butt is. Believe me, it was all real."

His face showed nothing but complete shock for several seconds, but at last I saw the tip of his tongue running along his lips, and then as the look of understanding swept over his face, he began grimacing as he tried to lift his bottom off the seat.

He grabbed the second water bottle and twisted off the cap before drinking deeply, then after he'd swallowed it, he whispered, "My god! It really did happen, didn't it? Those men really did take us to their home, and then they . . . they . . . did all those things to us, didn't they?"

I smiled lazily at him, then replied in my softest voice, "Yes, they took us to see the rest of the Clan, and everything you remember after that really and truly did happen." I paused to give him time to absorb my words, then added, "And as far as I'm concerned, it was the best thing that ever happened in my whole life."

He sat there in silence for a long time, doing nothing but sip water and move his bottom to try to find a more-comfortable position. At last he looked at me again, then whispered, "I think so, too."

That kind of surprised me, because I guess I had been sure he'd be outraged by how his virgin wife had been stripped and ***** by four men, and whose mouth had been used to pleasure three women and one other man. I couldn't stop myself from asking the question that had been scaring me for several minutes by then.

"So . . . so you're not really mad at me for letting those men . . . letting them have sex with me? Is that what you mean, honey?"

His answer was short and sweet: "Never!" Then, after pausing long enough that I was beginning to get worried he was changing his mind, he added, "I've thought of you . . . like that . . . for a long time. I guess I knew my tiny dick would never be able to satisfy a real woman like you, and I . . . I wanted you to have other men who could make you happy."

Again he paused, and since there was no question he was thinking about something else he wanted to say, I just sat there quietly and sipped some more water while he gathered his thoughts. Just as I was about ready to prompt him, he started talking again, and I loved every word he said.

"I guess . . . No, that's not right. I knew things would be better for you with other men in our bed, and I've been trying to think of some way to get us talking about it for a long time. I guess the Clan solved that problem for us, didn't they? Now we both know that I love watching other men breed you, and I think the best thing that's ever happened to me was when you climaxed twice when those four guys were doing that. I just hope you're going to want us to do . . . you know . . . that sort of thing when we get back home."

That made me chuckle, mainly because I'd been wracking my brain trying to think of some way to talk about that very thing. Then, when I saw him raise his eyebrows in question, I explained, "Honey, you'll never know how wonderful it is to hear you say that. I guess I knew as soon as Cletus Earl put his cock in my pussy that I had to have other men in my life. I was really afraid you'd divorce me if I even mentioned it, but now that we're both on the same page, I think I'm more happy that I've ever been."

He smiled deeply, then after another long pause he said, "I don't think you could ever be even half as happy as I am, because even thinking about watching another man breeding you just about drives me crazy."

We both sat there in silence for a couple minutes after that, sipping our water and thinking about the huge turn of events that we'd been through in so short a time. Then, after I'd replaced the cap on my water bottle, I asked another question that had been bothering me.

"There's something else you need to think about, honey. You used the word 'breeding' to describe what the men were doing to me, and I was wondering if you know what happens when a woman is bred by a man. Do you know what I mean, honey?"

He smiled deeply before answering, and his words made me so happy that I had to smile right along with him.

"Yeah, I know what happens when women are bred. Especially women who went off their birth-control pills two weeks before they got married, just so they'd have a better chance of getting pregnant on their honeymoon. And since that's what we'd talked about, and I knew you were at peak fertility yesterday, then I think the odds are pretty good that you're pregnant right now. Don't you?"

"Well," I began, "I've talked to some women who insisted they knew almost to the hour when they got pregnant. I guess I never believed them before, but I do now. When I woke up a little while ago, I knew there was a baby, and maybe even more than one, in my tummy. So, what do you think of that, Mr. Smarty Pants?"

He laughed along with me, them after we'd both settled down, he said, "I think you're wonderful, Mrs. Smarty Pants, and not only that, but I hope all four of them put their babies in you. And I hope all four of them look like their fathers and not me, so everyone who sees them will know they aren't mine, even though they can see I love our kids with all my heart."

His heartfelt words choked me up, and before I knew it he had to give me his handkerchief to wipe the tears of joy off my cheeks. After that, there wasn't anything else to be said, and when I suggested we both should get out of the car and pee before we went back home, he readily agreed. So we did exactly that, and all the time I was squatting under a tree beside the road, I was secretly hoping our husbands were watching, and maybe they'd get so turned on that they'd rush out and **** us again.

That didn't happen, though, and just minutes later we were in our car and retracing the route back to the highway. Strangely enough, it didn't occur to us until we were halfway to the highway that our car had been turned around, probably by our husbands when they brought us back to it. I guess that just goes to show how wonderful they were, and how much we were going to miss them.

I must have fallen asleep as Brad drove us back to the paved road, because when he shook me awake I was startled to see that we were parked at a stop sign. There was a sign across the road from us, with the name of the city where we had been planning to spend the night and an arrow pointing south. Right below was the freeway designation, I-70, and an arrow pointing north.

As I came awake, Brad asked, "Which way should we go, Mel?"

I didn't even need to think about my answer before I said, "Let's go home, honey. We've already had our honeymoon, as far as I'm concerned. Not only that, but since the thing we wanted most was for me to get pregnant, and that's already happened, I don't see any reason to spend the night in the honeymoon suite at that hotel. Do you?"

He nodded his head in agreement, then as he pulled onto the highway headed north, he said softly, "You're the best wife any man ever had, Mel. You gave me the best honeymoon I could ever have hoped for, and I love you ten times more now that I ever did before." He stopped speaking then, but just as I was about to fill the silence, he continued, "I just hope you're serious about wanting other men in our bed from now on."

I patted his shoulder, then lightly rubbed it as I thought about what he'd said, then answered his unspoken question.

"I'm as serious about having other men as I am about anything else in our lives. I think we both need that, don't we? I mean, I could tell by the way you were moaning when those men were fucking you in your ass and your mouth that it was something you really needed. Right? Was it?"

His one-word answer of, "Yes," was all I needed to hear, and it encouraged me to ask another question that had been in the back of my mind for several hours.

"Honey, when the men told you to get on the breeding table, and you said you didn't want to do it, they showed you something. Remember? It looked like two big boards that were fastened together in the middle, and they were standing on end and looked like a great big "X." When you saw that thing, you begged them to not take you over there, and you got on the table so they could put the ropes on our legs.

"What was that thing, and why did it scare you so much?"

That time he really did take so long to answer me that I began to think he wasn't going to tell me what I wanted to know. Then, speaking so softly that I could barely make out his words, he told me why he'd been afraid of the thing the men had showed him.

"Well . . . those boards were what's called an "X"-beam, and they're used to torture men. I suppose they could be used for women, too, but in all the stuff I've read about them, it was always men who were tortured." He paused to catch his breath, then continued. "I read a story once about how men were tortured on them in Vietnam, after they were captured by the Vietcong. They'd give the prisoners to the women, and they'd cut the guy's clothes off and tie the top ropes to his wrists.
When they pulled the ropes through the holes, he'd be lifted up so far that his arms would be stretched way out to his sides.

"After they'd tied off those two ropes, they'd tie the lower two to his ankles, and pull them way out to his sides, too. By the time he'd been stretched all the way, he could barely move, and the women started working on him.

"The first thing they did was play with his cock so it'd get really hard, and when it was just about to spurt they'd tie it off so he couldn't cum. Once that part had been taken care of, they spent lots of time whipping his cock and making him scream. When their arms got tired, the women got handsful of long, bamboo splinters and started pushing them all the way through his cock.

"When there wasn't any skin left to push a splinter through, they set fire to the splinters. According to the story I read, the women would blow on the flames so they would burn right down to his cock, and then the bamboo would continue burning inside it. Because there were so many splinters, in just a few minutes the whole thing would have been cooked all the way through.

"After they were satisfied he couldn't feel anything in his cock anymore, they cut it off and fed it to their dogs."

He took several deep breaths, then added, "And that's why I didn't want them to put me on the 'X'-beam."

All I could do was sit there in stunned silence as I thought about his descriptions of what he'd been threatened with by our Clan husbands. After I'd sipped some more water to wet my dry mouth, I asked, "Have you ever thought about what it'd be like to be tortured like that?"

He whispered, "Only all the time."

I gave that several seconds to sink in, then asked, "If we go back to visit our husbands and wives, and they want to put us on the breeding table again, do you think you could . . . you know . . . like . . . maybe tell them you won't do that? If you'd tell them that, then maybe they'd take you to the 'X'-beam and stretch you out on it, and I could watch them toruring you like you said. Do you think you could do that for me, honey?"

He took his eyes off the road for a split-second to glance at me, and I guess that was enough for him to tell I was serious about what I'd said. As his eyes returned to the road, his husky voice answered my question.

"If you want them to do that to me, then I want it, too. That's been my favorite masturbation fantasy every since I read that story, and maybe the time's come when it needs to come true. I promise that when we go back there for a visit, I'll tell them I won't get on the breeding table, and if they take me to the 'X'-beam, I'll hold my hands out so they can tie the ropes on me. I promise I won't ever tell them to stop, so if you don't want that to happen to me, it'll be up to you to stop them from doing it. I promise."

I thought about that for a long time, then whispered, "I'm going to hold you to your promise, honey. That means that even if you start whining and crying and begging them to stop, I'll tell them to go ahead and stretch you out and torture you to teach you a lesson. Deal?"

His only answer was to hold his hand out palm up, and say, "Deal." My palm-down slap sealed our pledge, and as far as I was concerned, from that moment on he was my "eunuch in waiting."

Just as I was starting to feel hunger pangs and remembered the sandwiches in the hamper, he said, "When one of the women you were licking said she was going to . . . to hang you by your . . . breasts . . . and whip you, do you think she was serious? I mean . . . do women ever do that to other women? For real?"

"Honey, not only do women do that to other women, they do lots of stuff worse than that. I've always thought women had more evil in them than men can even begin to think about. Just do an internet search sometime about women torturing women, and when you read story after story about them ****** and whipping and burning and cutting off the tits and cunt lips of other women, I think you'll have the answer to your question.

"So, when she said she'd do that to me on our next visit, I never doubted for a second that was going to happen to me when we went back so I could be bred again." I paused for a few seconds to gather my thoughts, then added, "And just like you, I won't do anything to stop our wives from doing anything they want when it comes to torturing me. And I want you to promise you won't try to make them stop. Will you do that for me, honey?"

Then, just as he'd done, I held out my hand palm up and asked, "Deal?"

His resounding palm slap against mine sealed the bargain once again, and in my heart of hearts, I was already fantasizing about my wives standing around me as I swayed back and forth from the tree limb, my tits stretched above my head. They were swishing their whips back and forth while they stared at the spectacle I presented, and then Mother Mae called out, "Spread your legs, Melanie Sue. It's time for yuh to learn what a real whippin' feels like."

I dreamed that daydream over and over again, then said, "Well, now that that's settled, I'm hungry. Want a sandwich?"

He said he did, so I unwrapped one edge of his sandwich and carefully handed it to him so he could eat it as he drove. Soon we were both munching contentedly away, dreaming of the day when we'd take our babies back to the Clan so they could meet their fathers, and then our husbands could all get to work putting more of them in my tummy.


During the remainder of the drive back to Kansas City, we talked about what we wanted to do once we resumed our lives. We knew he would continue working as one of the Vice-Presidents of the bank his *** owned, since that was where most of our income came from. We discussed my job as a teacher in an elementary school, and while we both knew the small amount I was paid wouldn't be missed all that much if I became a stay-at-home mom, we finally thought that maybe if I continued to work I'd be more likely to find other people who wanted to share our new lifestyle.

There was one other teacher, several years older than me, at the school where I taught, and I had always thought she was more "hands on" with me than most people would have thought appropriate. She had even kissed me on the lips one time when we were in the faculty restroom between classes, and after we broke the kiss, she whispered in my ear, "If you want more, you know where to find me."

I had not yet followed up on her open invitation, but as I thought about her, I felt sure that would be a good place for us to start our investigation of the swapping lifestyle. I knew she was married, but had no idea if her husband swung both ways, like Brad did. I resolved to find out when I returned to the classroom the following week.

To cut right to the chase, all I needed to do was hint that I was available the next time I was alone with the older teacher, Grace. She wasted no time at all to invite us to their home the following Saturday evening, and when we showed up, things went better than we could have ever hoped for. We spent that night in their big bed, fucking and sucking in every possible combination, and by the time morning arrived, both Brad and I knew we'd made the right choice of lifestyles.

After that we joined the swapping club Grace and her husband had founded several years ago, and as one of twelve couples who were regular swappers, we soon found ourselves in the beds of other married couples whose sexual choices ranged from masochistic to sadistic.

By the time our babies were born, my pussy was so stretched out that giving birth was no problem for me at all. Then, after the prescribed weeks of no sex, we resumed swapping, but by that time both of us knew we preferred sadists for our partners, to balance our own budding masochism. In less than two months, both of us were regularly covered with red stripes from the various whips our swapping partners liked to use on us, as well as lots of burn marks from the cigarettes they loved to hold against our tender places.

In my own case, my tits were so stretched from supporting my weight when I was suspended by them that they hung far below where they used to be. Our Masters and Mistresses had ordered me to never again wear a bra, and given that my tits were swollen with milk for our babies, my bags hung so low they almost reached my waist.

The tiny things between Brad's legs also showed the evidence of hard use. He was routinely suspended by his junk so he could be whipped all over as we laughed at his screams of agony, and as the months passed his little peanuts drooped lower and lower. Everything between his legs was covered with whip marks, and the tiny bruises on his little things showed how many times they'd been pierced with huge needles. His throat was usually raw, and his hoarse voice was evidence of how he screamed when the needles were heated.

In short, both of us are ready for our return trip to the Clan. The twins, our son who definitely was sired by Mule, and our ******** who looks so much like Cletus Earl that we have no doubt he's her father, are now one year old and able to travel comfortably.

We'll be leaving for the Ozark Mountains as soon as the school year comes to an end, which is less than three weeks away. Mother Mae had written her mailing address on one of the sandwich wrappings, and I've been corresponding with her to set up the time of our visit. She has promised the second time will be "ten times more excitin' than th' first," which I have trouble believing is even possible.

Anyway, we're both looking forward to the trip, and we're hoping that when we leave them this time, I'll have more than just two babies in my tummy. As for Brad, maybe he'll be leaving with less than he came with, if you catch my drift. Actually, it won't be all that big a loss, will it. :)

Wish us luck.

The End


Questions or comments? Please write to me at: sharon_smif@gmx.com.