My friend Malcolm and I shared a passion for classic cars and he had tracked down a 'Barn Find', a 1950s Ford, in a farm the other side of the country that he wanted to restore. His only worry was that it needed to be bought home on a trailer but as his car wasn't up to the job of pulling it he asked me if he could borrow my more powerful pick-up truck and go get it.

When he said where he was going and that it would entail overnight stops I said that, "No worries, sure you can use my truck but I'm coming too, sounds like it could be a fun trip."

He had no problem with that idea and said that he would book an overnight motel stop on the way up and another coming back. I made a joke out of saying, "Two beds, right?" He laughed and said he didn't have the slightest interest in sleeping with me but, "No worries, I'll make the booking."

During that week my wife Anya, who was sweet on Malcolm, heard where we were going and decided she wanted to go too, ".. to keep us out of trouble," she said.

"No worries," we both said (our automatic response to anything that was suggested) and the plan was slightly adjusted to make room for her and we set off in my truck and everything went just fine.

We had a great trip through some great countryside and arrived at the motel in the evening. There had been no suggestion made of changing the booking for separate rooms, we were good enough friends not to worry about such things as privacy.

The motel was out of town but there was a pub with food across the street so we enjoyed a decent dinner and drinks. I had done all the driving to get there which had been a bit of a strain and without giving it too much thought I had several drinks which coupled with my 'driving fatigue' meant I was dog-tired when we eventually staggered our way back across the street to our motel room.

Once there, Malcolm pulled a bottle of vodka from his bag and offered to share a nightcap. Anya accepted the offer, I declined (I don't like Vodka) and as he poured out the drinks for Anya and himself I stretched myself out on our bed.

They saw that I had little interest in joining the party so, being considerate, they turned off all but one light and engaged in conversation while I began to doze. I tried to keep up with the chat but it was becoming too much effort and I finally stripped off and climbed beneath the covers still trying to take part in the conversation but not able to fight my closing eyelids.

I don't know for how long I had drifted off but I was awoken as Anya emerged from the bathroom wearing her nightie. Malcolm then went in and I heard him shower as Anya sat on our bed, finishing her last drink. I closed my eyes again but, tired as I was, sleep didn't follow.

Malcolm returned and slipped into his bed and Anya flicked off the last light and now it was only the motel sign outside lending a soft glow through the curtains. Anya and him continued talking very quietly over the short space between the beds. I made a move to get more comfortable which caused Malcolm to call over to me. I didn't answer and he assumed that I was indeed asleep and returned to his quiet talking with my wife.

But, no, I wasn't asleep, I was listening more intently to the quiet talking which had taken on a flirtatious tone. No, I was acutely awake in the darkness listening to Malcolm talking about missing his wife who had left the marriage long ago. He said that since she'd gone that he just never had the will or confidence to go looking or dating and, besides, he was too old for that scene now.

He sounded a little pathetic to my mind but Anya, who always had a soft spot for a sob-story, became very complimentary towards him, telling him he was a great looking guy and that he needed to 'get out there' and find a nice woman, that everyone needs to do what comes naturally between a man and a woman. He chuckled that it was a nice thought but that it had been so long now that he had a woman around that the desire had worn off for him and he just went without these days.

Well, as the mention of sex (no matter how oblique) was made I began to have stirrings as this conversation went on. Hearing Anya talking like this to another guy in the darkness seemed to charge the atmosphere with the hint of sex and soon I had an erection wondering what was going to happen.

Anya loves having sex with me, she loves that I have, in her words, 'a good cock' and she know how to please me. I know how to please her and I am not one of those guys who might be looking for a 'bull' for their wives, however, I have to admit that I have often wondered in the past whether she might …

Anya sort of teased Malcolm that maybe he had nothing to offer a sexy woman. They were now almost whispering so I twisted on to my back so I could hear better started and faked a snore and opened one eye carefully to check that Anya couldn't see my face. She momentary glanced my way but they just murmured on.

Malcolm also leaned to one side to look my way and I gave another soft snore to convince him I was still asleep and he went on to say to Anya that he had lots to offer a woman … and he was very able to use it too.

"Really," she said softly, teasing, "that's what YOU say."

Malcolm then jokingly asked, "Are you purposely trying to get me excited?"

She turned and leaned closer to me and I quickly shut my eyes and feigned a deeper sleep. She listened for a few moments to determine I was sound asleep and then when I sensed she had moved her attention back to Malcolm I reopened them and twisted a little more so I could watch in the darkness. As I became accustomed to the dark I could see Anya was sitting on the edge of our bed, and Malcolm was lying under his sheet with one bare leg poking out.

Malcolm said in a soft voice, "Your husband's right behind you or I'd show you how excited I am."

"Oh my, really?" Anya teased back, "I never knew he was there but, don't worry, he sleeps very soundly."

There was silence in the darkness until Malcolm said, "So what does that mean?"

"Oh nothing, I was just going to advise you, that's all."

"On women?"

"No silly, on whether you have anything to offer a woman."

Even though it was dark, I could see the tenting of Malcolm's sheet. He clearly had a raging hard-on as stiff as mine and I was so excited myself but couldn't do a thing except listen and watch in the dark. I had never thought much about my wife fucking another guy but now the idea was totally turning me on.

Malcolm whispered, "Well Anya, you certainly know how to talk to a guy to make him feel better and I appreciate it; I guess you can see how much I appreciate it!."

She replied in a tease again, "You're welcome but I can't see how much you appreciate it." I felt Anya move as she leaned toward Malcolm and slowly lifted his sheet.

"Oh my, that is a nice offering."

The glow from the Motel sign outside the window meant even I could see Malcolm's cock standing proudly for Anya.

"I'm going to have to visit the bathroom again because of you." Malcolm was smiling.

"Oh don't do that. You don't need to go anywhere. Maybe I can help?"

I could only hear Malcolm's breath escaping as she reached over and touched his cock. As far as I knew it was the first time Anya would have touched another hard penis since we were married and, wow, did it turn ME on!

Malcolm's first reaction was to say, "Sheeeez."

"Mmm, so hard too." She was stroking it softly.

Malcolm sat up while keeping his sheet wrapped around himself and faced Anya. She stood in the darkness and slipped down her panties, saying, "I will come off very quickly with a little soft attention here, then you might get something nice so you won't have to go into the bathroom."

Anya moved forward to stand at the edge of his bed. Malcolm slid to his knees between her thighs and began, presumably because with her back toward me I couldn't see, licking her pussy.

I was amazed at the sexuality of the moment and with my cock grazing against my sheets, I nearly came myself. Malcolm stayed on his knees while Anya tried not to squirm as he sucked and licked at her but finally she stiffened up and rode his tongue to orgasm, clutching his head and covering her mouth to suppress a squeal!

She gently sat down again on our bed while regaining her breathing softly. The tension was unbearable and I felt my own cock throbbing on its own without a touch from me!

Malcolm sat back down on the edge of his bed, now naked and his long cock pointing our way. She turned and leaned over to me to again check that I was still asleep so I obliged and breathed a steady rhythm until she moved back. I opened an eye and watched as she slid down between Malcolm's knees and started licking his cock, slowly fondling it and kissing up the shaft.

Malcolm whispered, "I won't be able to stand much of this, Anya, you are fucking wonderful."

Anya then engulfed his cock in her mouth and began sucking, slowly at first then with steady long movements of her head as she sucked him with long strokes. I was overwhelmed with pleasure, my mind in a turmoil as I witnessed my wife sucking another guy off!

Malcolm moaned softly and Anya quickened her pace on his cock until I could tell he was close to coming! She held him there for a long moment as he kind of bucked against her face and then I heard his gasp of pleasure.

Anya got up off her knees and went into the bathroom and I guessed she was spitting out his spunk. She's a game girl but I know from experience that it's something she not keen on doing; She's a spitter, not a swallower and it was gratifying to think that she hadn't let her standards drop!

Malcolm climbed back under his sheet and when she returned, she kissed him and I heard her distinctly say, "I might wake you later for a rerun,." before she quickly climbed in beside me.

I wanted to fuck her so bad right then but that would have given away my voyeurism so I did nothing but turn over and with my back towards her lie there pretending to be asleep. It was a matter of minutes before I heard Malcolm begin to snore and knew he was asleep.

From the movement of the sheet covering us I knew that Anya was using her fingers to get off again and I could hear the soft squishy noises that she makes when she masturbates. The last I heard was her sigh as I too finally drifted off to sleep.


I never did find out if they had their 're-run' or if they had gone the whole way and the rest of the trip passed by as had been the original plan. We collected the old Ford, had another night in a motel and returned home.

The car is now in my garage where Malcolm can come and work on it at his leisure. I apologised to him that I wasn't always going to be at home when he called but he said, "No worries, I can get on without you."

I never did have any worries for I knew that it wouldn't only be the car that he would be working on and Anya had made it very clear that he was welcome to come by whenever he wanted. All I asked was that he let me know when those times would be so that I could leave the garage unlocked for him.

I love that our house is made the way it is. There are lots of corners and closets where I can hide myself away and keep an eye on things with no worries.
