Ted took the transfer from San Jose Calif. to Atlanta Georgia for one reason and one reason only, because there was no upward movement in his current division. He had worked for Tempco for six years and had done everything they'd asked for and more but there was nowhere to go. Bob, his boss, was only eight years older than him and had already told Ted ?he was going nowhere.?

Ted still did over and above the rest. If they wanted 10% trimmed from the project, he found 15%. If they wanted a new draft done by Wednesday, he worked through the weekend and had it on his boss's desk by Monday morning; in other words he lived for his job. When the position opened up in Atlanta, Bob put Ted's name in for it without even asking him. He wrote Ted a glowing letter of recommendation and sent that along with letters from their top ten customers to the division's general manager.

Rick, Atlanta's general manager reviewed everything and called Bob. ?Why in the hell, would you let someone like Ted get away?? he asked.

?Look, Ted makes my job so much easier, but eventually he's going to get frustrated and move on to one of our competitors? Bob told him. ?I'd rather lose him to another division than lose sales in this shit market.? ?Rick take my word for it, you'll never regret hiring Ted? Bob informed him.

Two days later Bob called Ted into his office. ?I put your name in for the project leaders position in Atlanta,? he told a stunned Ted. ?The job is yours if you want it? he said with a shit-eating grin. ?I told their general manager he'd be lucky to have you, so don't make a liar out of me.? Ted thanked him, and by Friday, was driving with all his earthly possessions towards Atlanta.

It took Ted a little less than two weeks to find an apartment and get settled in. Rick had introduced Ted to his team, and it looked like everything was going his way; that is, until he met Carla

Carla had been up for the project leader's position and was livid when she found out she'd been passed over. She'd been with the company two years longer than Ted, but was told she wasn't professional enough; in other words, she'd pissed off people in higher places.

Pulling her aside the first week Ted tried to have a heart to heart talk with Carla. ?I know your pissed you didn't get the job, but it wasn't my doing? Ted tried to explain. ?I hope we can work together because we've got a lot of new projects and it looks like we're going to be very busy for the next quarter.?

?Look, I'm not mad at you Ted? Carla told him. ?It's just that I've busted my ass since I've been here and for what, only to have the suits in ivory tower stab me in the back.? ?Look I'll do my job for eight hours but don't expect any more than that? she vented.

?That's all I can ask for; and if you'll excuse me I've got a meeting to go to.? Ted was happy to end this conversation and luckily he had a production meeting to go to.

Three projects later, Ted was riding a high. The projects had either come in under budget or a head of schedule and the team was given bonuses. Friday morning, Ted told his team that he was taking them all out for dinner and that he'd meet them at Outback right after dinner. Everyone showed except Carla.

After dinner, everyone headed out to the local watering hole; that's when Ted saw Carla on the dance floor. He waited until she'd gone back to her table before approaching her.

?Missed you at dinner? he told her.

?So?? she replied

?It's just that everyone else was there, and it was my way of thanking the group for all their hard work over the last three months.?

?Look Ted, I like you even though you're nothing more than a corporate lackey? she told him. ?I told you at the get go, I would give you eight hours a day, so at 5:01 I'm on my own time.? ?I have a life outside of work and just because you don't, don't try to make me feel bad.? ?So why don't you go back to your work buddies, talk shop or whatever you like to do after work and leave me the fuck alone? Carla yelled at him.

?I guess now I see why corporate didn't give you the job? Ted replied as he walked away from a fuming Carla.

Ted didn't get ten feet away when Carla spun him around. ?Listen fuck head, you want to know the real reason I didn't get the job?? she yelled. ?I wouldn't sleep with the general manager,? ?Even though the shit head is married, he wanted to take me to dinner and talk about my future with the company.? ?When I asked him if he was bringing his wife along, he told me that it was to be our little secret.? ?I told him if he ever talked like that to me again, I'd notify not only H.R., but I'd call his fucking wife; that stopped him in his tracks.? ?I guess nothing ever changes, women are suppose to get ahead by lying on their back; but not this one? Carla said walking away.

Ted was stunned, and didn't know what to say so he just went back to his table. A few off the record conversations with his team backed up what Carla had told him. ?Now I know why she was so fucking pissed,? he said to himself.

Monday morning Carla walked into my office, closed the door and sat in the chair in front of my desk. ?I'm sorry I took my anger out on you Friday? she started. ?I had more than a little too much to drink and I was out of line,? she told him. ?I'm not sorry for what I said about the other assholes here, but I am sorry about grouping you in with them.?

?No problem Carla, I guess you kind of got fucked over and I was your sounding board.? ?Look, I'm not asking you to sleep with me, just be a member of the team, it'll make it easier on all of us? he said trying to smile.

?So why don't you want to sleep with me anyway, do you think I'm ugly or something?? ?Your hand must be getting one hell of a workout, since I know you haven't gone out with anyone since you moved here? she said laughing.

?This is one conversation I'm not going to have with you girl, because it's going to get me in nothing but trouble no matter what I say? Ted replied. ?So why don't we just drop it, shall we??

?Suit yourself, but I am dynamite in bed; I have references if you need them? she said walking out of his office.

?Was that a setup or was she flirting with me,? Ted said watching her ass as she walked down the hall. ?No matter, she's trouble with a capital T? he said to himself as he went back to work.

For the next two months the relationship between us changed; for the better, I think anyway. I can't say she flirted with me, but she was a lot nicer. You see, Ted wanted it all; a good job, a loving wife and the house with the picket fence around it and was willing to wait for the right girl.

We were down to the wire on a big project and things weren't going too well. Management kept reminding me that there was a large penalty clause that was going into effect Monday if we missed Friday's shipment. I'd worked until midnight all week and figured we didn't have a chance in hell of making it, with all the problems that kept popping up, when Carla got the rest of team together.

?Look, how many of you can pull an all nighter tonight? She asked. ?If Keith and Dan can finish the last two drawings, and Ted, Sue and I finish the final ten manuals, we can make it,? she told them. ?I don't like it any more than you, but the brass are going to come down hard on us if they have to start paying a penalty clause; what do you say??

Everyone agreed and ran to their phones to make plans for the night. ?If we pull this off, you owe me a real date? Carla informed Ted. ?And not some cheap ass place, I want to be wined and dined; do you understand??

?We pull this off, I'll even do your laundry for a week? he told her.

?You'd probably like looking at all my underwear,? she said smiling at him. ?I'd rather you look at it while I'm still wearing it.?

We made it with two hours to spare. FedEx picked up everything up at 3:30 pm and we were home free. I called the engineer, informed him that the final materials would be to him Monday before 10:30 am and to call me if he had any questions. A loud cheer went out in our office as I told the team they did one hell a hell of a job and to get their butts out of here until Monday.

I was rubbing my 48-hour growth when Carla handed me one of her business cards. ?On the back is my address and phone number? she told him. ?Sat 8:00, don't be late and I'd better be impressed? she told him.

I spent the next hour calling restaurants seeing what was available. The place I found wasn't my first, second or even my third choice; but that's all that was available on such a short notice. I hadn't done any real dating in the last four years, so I was more than a little rusty.

I picked Carla up and she looked hot. She had a strapless black number on that hugged her in all the right places. Let's see, about 5?6?, short brown hair and now that I could see them, about 36C breasts; she was more than easy on the eyes.

We went to an upscale steak house called Reggie's. It was upscale without being snobby.

We started off the evening a little tense, but after the second bottle of wine everything seemed to flow. I gave her my brief history and she in turn, opened up to me. She'd graduated second in her class but had been a little too aggressive at her first two jobs. She liked her current job and when my position came available she figured she was a shoe in; well she thought so any way. After she shot Rick down she knew she was screwed so she sat back an watched her future unravel. She was still mad as hell but no longer at him, Carla said as she stroked his hand.

When the music started, Carla asked if he danced, ?yes but it'd been a long time? he told her. They had fun anyway.

?You dance like a stiff white boy? she told him in a mocking tone but at least you're trying, not like most men.

When a slow song started he pulled her close. ?Now this is more to my liking,? he said with a smile. He slipped a $20.00 to the waiter and told him he wanted a full set of slow songs. The waiter smiled, winked at him and said he'd do what he could.

After the second song, they got into their grove and floated across the dance floor. Carla held him tight as he felt his dick start to get hard and only hoped that Carla didn't notice. After the fourth song, Carla brought his lips down to hers and kissed him soft at first and then with a full mouth and tongue.

?Lets get out of here before you make me cum on the dance floor? she said as she squeezed his hand.

Ted wanted her badly but was going to be the perfect gentlemen and then go home and beat off like a motherfucker. Carla snuggled next to him all the way back to her apartment. There was no mistaking the tent in his pants as he got out to walk her to her door.

?You want to come in for a little desert?? ?I've got something in the kitchen I know your going to love,? she told him. Not wanting the evening to end, he thought why not.

She had a small apartment but it was well furnished. ?Sit down and I'll be back with it in a second? Carla told him as she headed down the hall. Ted was looking around at her kitchen as she tapped him on the shoulder. ?Your desert is warmed up and ready to eat,? she told him as he turned around.

There stood Carla totally nude with her hands on her hip. ?You'd better hurry up before it gets cold,? she told him as she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. As they broke off the kissed she started taking his jacket off and unbuttoning his shirt. At that point Carla led Ted down the hall to her bedroom.

?It's been a long time since I've been with anyone? Ted warned her as he drew her close and kissed her.

?Don't worry, I'm in no hurry? she replied.

Naked on the bed, they rolled from one side to the other licking and sucking each other. It was Carla who took the lead as she pushed Ted back on the bed and told him to relax. ?Let's get the first one out of the way shall we, this way you'll last a lot longer when you fuck me? she told him as she swallowed his cock.

God damm she was good as Carla swallowed his cock. At 7? he wasn't hung like a horse, but he wasn't short either. She took him all the way down to his balls and was using just enough spit and hands to drive his nuts.

?Oh god, I'm not going to cum? Ted said as he felt his first spurt release into her warm mouth. Instead of pulling off his dick, Carla increased her pace until she drained him completely, swallowed it all without missing a drop. Climbing up to his chest she kissed him, driving her tongue into his mouth.

The next words out of her mouth were, ?now let's see how good of a pussy eater you really are.?

The one thing Ted was was oral. He loved to kiss; lick and suck nipples and best of all, eat pussy. Carla lay back on the bed, pillow under her head and almost challenged him to make her cum. She'd thrown the gauntlet down, but he'd make her pay for it.

Her pussy was almost totally shaved, all she had was a small landing strip of dark hair at the top. He teased her for the first few minutes licking her outer lips and occasionally licking the slit where they met. Ted could see drops of moisture forming at her slit opening as he probed it with his tongue and then into the folds of her cunt.

The calm and reserved Carla was now pushing her hips up to give him better access to her pussy. Spreading her lips apart he licked her from the top of her slit all the way down to her asshole and the back up flicking her clit with the tip of his tongue. He then massaged her now erect clit with his thumb and drove his tongue into her pussy as far as he could as she moaned above him.

Working her clit with his tongue and fingers of one hand, he then work one and then two, with his other hand, up her pussy which made her climax the first time. Her clit, which was now almost a half-inch long, just starred at him as he finger fucked her now sloppy cunt.

Flicking and twirling the tip of his tongue over her clit Ted now took it between his lips and started sucking on it like a little nipple. This drove Carla over the top. She pushed his tongue onto her cunt as she rubbed it all over his face. At this point Ted slipped two fingers into her pussy and two into her ass as he continued his assault on her clit.

There was a sudden pause as Carla's mouth opened and nothing came out; but that didn't last long.

?Oh fuck, oohh fucking shit,? she screamed as she let loose. Carla almost broke Ted's jaw as she drove her pussy onto his mouth. ?Oh god don't stop,? she screamed as she held his head between her two hands now by his hair. How long she climaxed is anyone's guess, but it seemed to go on for at least three minutes before she stopped shaking.

?I need you in me now god dammit? she yelled. ?I need to get fucked now,? Carla demanded as she pulled him on top of her.

They did it missionary for the first couple of minutes, until she rolled him off and demanded he pound her ass. With her face in the pillows and her ass high in the air, Ted pounded her like there was no tomorrow.

However, Carla gave no quarter and met his every stroke. The harder she pushed back, the harder Ted fucked her ass. This wasn't a fuck, it was a full-blown war between the two of them and shit, he was losing.

Even though he'd cumed only twenty minutes earlier, Ted was getting close again. Reaching down he began working her sensitive clit as he stroked away. Almost like a well-choreographed dance, they came together as he shot his load as deep as he could into her pussy. Shit, it felt like he shot three loads into her before rolling over on the bed next to her.

?Damm I needed that? Carla told him. ?I needed that bad.? ?You're not half bad? she told Ted. ?With a little bit of work you could almost turn pro? she said laughing then kissing him again. ?One things certain, you sure do know how to eat pussy.?

We never left her apartment all weekend. We sucked and fucked until early Monday morning; where she gave me a blowjob just before I left to go back to my own apartment for a change of clothes. The one thing she did ask is that we kept our activities to ourselves. ?I don't want anyone at work to know my personal life,? she told him. Ted agreed it would be their secret.

Even though no one from work knew it, Carla and I began dating quite heavily. We were usually together two to three nights during the week and once on the weekend. Damm that girl could ring my chimes; in more ways than one.

She was smart, good looking and great in the sack. We tried things that I'd only read about in magazines or seen on porno movies; the girl had no hang-ups. The one thing that did somewhat bother me though, was that she liked to be in charge. I didn't mind it sometimes but lately she began to push the issue at times.

I usually didn't give a shit where we ate, or what movie we went to go see, but at times I had to forcibly tell her that, no we weren't going to that restaurant again or that I wanted to see this or that movie after seen three of her chick flicks in a row; and she wasn't real happy those times. But our relationship took a real hit seven weeks into our dating.

Carla said she had something going on Saturday night so we made plans for biking Sunday morning and a picnic lunch there after. I called Keith and asked him what he had cooking for Saturday night, not wanting to spend the night alone in my apartment.

?A bunch of us guys are going to check out that new dance club downtown? he told Ted. ?I heard it's got five bars and a lit dance floor.? ?Why don't you pick me up about 8:30 and we'll check it out?? Keith told him.

The place was packed and all they had was street parking. After parking and walking the two blocks to the club, we found that there was at least a half hour wait to get inside. I was about to say screw it when the rest of the group showed up. We were all bull shitting and looking at the hot women so the time flew by. It was almost a full hour before we got in.

The club was plush and there was standing room only. We lined up at the bar and ordered two beers each because we knew it'd take forty-five minutes to get another round. Keith then found a spot along one wall for us, which gave us an unobstructed view of the dance floor.

We were commenting on this girl or that one when Nick jabbed me in the ribs. ?Look who's also here?? he yelled in my ear over the music. I looked over to where he told me but didn't see anyone I knew until a few couples moved out of the way and then I saw her; Carla.

She was dancing with a tall black guy on the right side of the floor. ?What the fuck was she doing here, and who's the guy?? I thought to myself. ?Maybe she's here with a group of friends, you know, girls night out? anyway that's what I wanted to believe.

I watched her dance with two other black guys and then a slow dance started. Her 5?6? frame was totally absorbed by the black guys large arms and body. If I didn't know better, I'd swear she was fucking him on the dance floor as his hands explored every inch of her back and ass.

?Rumor has it, she likes dark meat? Nick yelled over at me. ?I've heard she's taken on as many as three guys at once.? ?I'd love to tap that ass of hers,? he said with a big smile; but I wasn't smiling.

I watched her dance and flirt with both of the guys before kissing one then the other. I was getting sick as I chugged my second beer; fuck I just wanted to get the hell out of there but the guys asked to stay for just a while longer; I relented.

I was trying to get the bartenders attention when one of the black guys came up behind me. I could hear him talking to someone as he told them that after the club closed, he and his buddy were taking their dates to his place for a little action, so not to call him until afternoon tomorrow.

I wanted to turn around and punch the dude but I figure the fucker would wipe the floor with me if I tried anything stupid. I lost my thirst and went back to the group. I told them I was leaving and Keith said he catch a ride home with one of them; I just had to get the hell out of there.

I drove around until about 1:00 and then did a stupid thing; I called Carla. When a guy answered her phone and said she was busy; I lost it and almost totaled my car.

I lost track how much I drank between 1:00 and 4:00 in the morning; all I know is that I passed out at some point. The phone ringing in my pocket brought me back to life the following morning. Squinting at the number I tossed it on the bed next to me; it was Carla. She was the last person I wanted to talk to right now. After a long pee, I went back and slept until about 2:00 in the afternoon. Carla left me three messages asking me where the fuck was I and to call her; but I didn't. I knew there would be hell to pay Monday; and I was right.

?Where the hell were you yesterday?? Carla yelled at me as she came into my office and slammed the door. ?I must have called your cell twenty times,? she continued as she stood there with her arms crossed looking at me.

I was in no mood to get into it with her right then but she kept pushing the issue. ?Fine, I should have called you but I figured you were going to be too tired from your Saturday night's activities? he said waiting for a reaction.

?Carla looked puzzled and then got it. ?You saw me out Saturday night didn't you?? she asked.

?Yup? I said. ?And even heard your date tell his friend not to call him until after noon on Sunday because he planned on being very busy; if you know what I mean.? ?You could have at least given me a heads up so I wouldn't have been blind sided? Ted told her.

?Maybe I missed the conversation where we agreed to be exclusive? she asked of Ted. ?Oh that's right, we never had that conversation did we?? she said in a sarcastic tone. ?Look Ted, I like going out with you and your pretty good in bed, but I still want to see others for now? she told him.

?Well Carla, that where we differ.? ?If I'm going out with someone and especially going to bed with them, I want it be with them only; not with who knows whom else,? he told her. ?Did you sleep with them Carla??

?That's none of your business? she replied.

?I care to differ? Ted replied. ?If your going to bed with everyone, there is a chance that I may catch something I don't want to catch; that's why I thought we were exclusive.? How many times did I get sloppy seconds or even thirds Carla?? ?How many others cream pies have I eaten over the last three months?? he asked.

?None she told him.? You should know better than anyone, I do everything covered, so there's no chance of you or I picking up anything,? she told him.

?Not true girl, condoms aren't 100% so if your bedding anyone else but me; count me out? he told her.

?How many girls have you been with Ted; 10, 20 more maybe?? ?If it's above 10, that puts you in the stud category.? ?But, if a girl has been to bed with 10 to 15 guys; that puts her in the slut category, see what I mean?? ?As you know, I love a wide variety of sex so if that makes me a slut; so be it and if you can't handle it, oh well? she told him.

?Well Carla, it's been nice but no thanks,? Ted finally told her.

?Well if your fragile ego can take it, it's your loss bucko? Carla replied as she walked out of his office.

Ted really liked her, but he wasn't going to share her no matter what Carla thought. And, she was right, his male ego had taken a major hit too. He thought he could satisfy all Carla's needs and wants; but I guess that wasn't the case.

After that, their team unity went down hill. Carla and Ted seemed to always be bickering about one thing or another. It came to a head about six weeks after their breakup. Ted was revamping a project that entailed redoing some of the work that had already been completed. The customer had changed a few of the project specifications and about 15% of the drawings and manuals needed to be reworked.

During a Thursday production meeting Ted told his team. ?It's not going to be that bad, all we need to do is the following in this order? as he laid out the new schedule. Everyone listened, moaned and groaned but knew it had to be done; that is all but Carla.

She proceeded to tell everyone that this was how it should be done and that Ted's way would cost them extra time and money. Finally Ted spoke up. ?Carla just do it the way I've outlined, please.?

?Who died and made you god?? was her quick reply.

Ted was now pissed. ?If you don't like the way I'm doing things around here, there's the door,? he told her with steam coming out of his ears.

?Come on kids, let? play nice? Keith said trying to defuse what was going on. ?If you don't, I'm going to have to send you to bed without your supper? he said tried to bring a little levity into the situation; but it didn't work.

Ted, fuming, went back to his office and Carla got pissed and went home. Ten minutes later Keith was in Ted's office. ?You know she went home don't you??

?And your point is?? Ted responded.

?Look, don't shoot the messenger, I just came to tell you.?

?She'll be back tomorrow because we both know she needs this job? Ted told Keith. ?But it's coming to the point I really don't want her on my team anymore; she become more trouble than she's worth.?

Carla called in sick Friday so Ted picked up her work and reassigned it to other members of the team, which really pissed off Carla when she came back on Monday.

?You gave my work away?? she yelled.

?Look, you left here Thursday in a huff, didn't show up on Friday, and I didn't have a clue if you were even coming back on Monday; so I assigned your work to other team members? he told her.

?Well, what the fuck do I do now?? she screamed.

?You can pitch in and help Keith and Sue with their end of the project? he explained to her.

?I was the lead person, and now I'm going to be the gopher for Sue and Keith; I think not? she told him. ?You're no better than Rick, just because I won't sleep with you, you're fucking me over.?

Ted had about had it with her attitude. ?Look, don't roll me in with your other problem children? he told her. ?I loved going out with you, but I wasn't going to share you with every Tom Dick and Harry.? ?You had an issue with that, so it really wasn't my fault, it was yours.? ?Now we're at an impasse, if you feel you can't work with me, I suggest maybe you find another team; or maybe a different job.?

?Fuck you and the horse you road in on? was her reply as she stormed out of his office.

Carla spent the rest of the day trying to transfer to a different team without any luck. Everyone had heard about her recent out bursts and wouldn't touch her with a ten-foot pole; she was stuck. She had to suck it up and work with the group or she'd be out on the street. She however was a vengeful bitch and knew she'd get back at Ted; one way or another.