My wife, Jo and I have been swinging for some years now. Well, I say swinging but technically we don't really fulfill that description as it is extremely rare for me to have sex with another woman. I'm not really a cuckold in all the but the broadest sense either, as I take an active part in all our "engagements" and am not told what to do. In fact I tend to be the one in charge, if anything. Simply put, we love for Jo to fuck other men. Often strangers, and behave like a complete slut in front of me. Sometimes in public, while I watch, masturbate and then inevitably fuck her sloppy cunt when she's done with the other man.

The story below is true to the last word and happened 6 years ago at the very beginning of our adventures. We had been fantasizing in bed about me watching her with someone else for a long time and it never failed to bring her off when I told her what I'd like her to do during sex.

After a while she started to participate in these fantasies fully. Asking questions like "would his cock be big?", "would he cum inside me?" To which I invented ever more elaborate scenarios as she came repeatedly with her eyes closed, lost in the world we created.

Before the night in question we had only one or two liaisons with other men, and neither had fucked her - she had given head to one on a train and been fingered to orgasm by another in a club. Both of which were pretty amazing experiences and spurred us on to want more.

I had a new employee at work who had relocated from a town in the north of England to our base in London. He and his wife had no friends or ****** in the area. So Jo and I arranged to take the couple, who were a few years younger than us in their mid-twenties, for an evening out at a restaurant and bar. James was a good looking chap, well over six feet and a keen amateur rugby player. He was well built and toned with short cropped blond hair and a permanent smile on his recently tanned face. His wife, Gail, was similarly attractive with a nice figure and a bubbly personality. They had been together for 4 years and married for 2 when we met them.

The impact Jo had on him was nothing short of amazing. He was mesmerized by her from the first moment he saw her. Jo is six feet tall, brown hair to her waist and 32 years old. She has wonderful firm and natural 34dd breasts and a very trim figure from long distance running. We had some fun in the club we intended to go to on previous occasions, so Jo had dressed accordingly and was wearing her favorite Agent Provocateur suspender belt, knickers and lace bra under an expensive mid-thigh skirt. She had on a fitted blouse that was open three buttons from the top to display her wonderful cleavage. When we walked into the restaurant, we found them waiting for us at the bar. All three of us, Jo, Gail and I, could not miss the fixed look which Jo received from James. He started at her face, paused for a long time on her tits, took in her thighs and legs before repeating the journey back up her body, very slowly as she shook his hand.

James practically pushed his wife out of the way to sit between Jo and I at the bar. This left me having to lean back behind them to talk to Gail at the other end of our foursome. Jo was her usual chatty, funny, inclusive self and pretty soon the cocktails were flowing and the conversation was in full swing.

As we stood to take our seats at the dinner table, I noticed that James made sure he was in a position to follow behind Jo, giving him the opportunity to fully assess her arse and speculate on what was under that skirt. Gail noticed too, noticed me noticing and exchanged a sort of embarrassed, apologetic look with me, while I just smiled back at her.

We sat at the table which was arranged like a booth. Jo and James opposite Gail and I and the conversation and laughter continued as we ordered our food. After a while I noticed that Jo was looking a little flushed, even breathless, which is not unusual when she's had a few to drink, so I thought little of it. Although she did appear to be sneaking me the odd meaningful look as well, between forkfuls and chatter. Jo took her phone out of her bag and said something like "oh - better reply to that, sorry" and sent a text message. Almost immediately I felt my phone vibrate in my trouser pocket. Jo glanced at me and gave an almost imperceptible nod, so I took out my phone and discovered I had a text message from her: "look under table now".

My heart skipped a beat and I tried to catch her eye but she was deep in conversation about some TV show with Gail. So I made a move for my wallet, which was on the table, and pushed it onto the floor at my feet.

"Oops - I'll just get that or we'll be washing dishes tonight", I said as I bent to retrieve it. Whilst fumbling about on the floor I very slowly raised the edge of the tablecloth, which went all the way to the floor, and looked under the table across at Jo.

What I saw made my cock immediately hard and thumping to get out of my trousers. James had his left hand buried in my wife's crotch. her legs were open and her skirt was pushed back to the top of her thighs. I could tell be the way he was flexing his hand and wrist that he had fingers inside her, and could faintly see her wetness on her thighs. Suddenly he stopped moving and tried to withdraw his hand, but Jo immediately clamped her right hand over his and pushed him back inside her, raising her hips very slightly off the chair and stretching her legs out like she always does when she cums.

I had been watching for 30 seconds or so and reluctantly knew I had to sit back up. As I did do I saw that James knew I'd caught him. he was looking at me with abject terror in his eyes and sweat on his brow. I just smiled warmly at him and he relaxed instantly.

For the rest of the meal either James or Jo had one hand under the table at all times. With my new awareness I caught the slight movement of her upper arm which I knew meant she was slowly stroking his cock. his face was bright red and I could hear him breathing. When she stopped moving Jo very slowly and deliberately took her hand from under the table and picked up the remains of her dessert, popping it into her mouth she licked all around her fingers and hand, making sure I got a good view of the slickness there which was definitely not dairy cream..

After some discreet re-arrangement of clothing under the table we left to go to the nightclub. Gail seemed oblivious as we all chatted happily in the cab and waiting to get in. Once inside Jo headed straight for the dancefloor, which she loves, whilst I volunteered to fight my way to the bar for drinks. Gail said she wasn't much of a dancer and needed the ladies room, so would come and help me on her return. I watched from the elevated bar area as James and my wife moved out into the middle of the floor and started doing their thing. They were soon bumping close together and I saw Jo look for me, and James look for Gail, for different reasons. James saw Gail in the distance, her back to the floor as she queued for the toilet. Jo saw me at the bar, watching, and grinned. Immediately she opened her thighs around his leg and they danced with him very obviously rubbing his hard cock against her, and her with her pussy on his upper thigh. After 5 minutes of this I saw her legs start to shake and if he had not been holding her she would have fallen to the floor as she threw back her head and came right there in the middle of the dance floor in a crowded club.

The rest of the night at the club was uneventful until Jo came to me and said "I want to leave, I want to fuck him". I had been hard all evening, but nearly came in my trousers as she whisper / shouted this into my ear.

I had not been drinking, as it's difficult for us to get home when it's very late on public transport, so we took a cab back to where we had parked the car and all piled in. I decided to be helpful to James and Jo (why wouldn't I?) so held open the front passenger door for Gail, who climbed in next to me with James and my wife in the back together. I was chatting away to Jo as I saw in the rear-view mirror my wife slowly move her head down to rest in James's lap. I turned on the radio and continued to watch as her head started to slowly bob up and down as she took his cock in her mouth. I saw James close his eyes and push his hands into the hair on the back of Jo's head. When Jo sat up and looked at me in the mirror she swallowed for dramatic effect and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

Once we were out in the badly lit suburbs, Jo said "darling, I really need to pee". I made a show of comedy frustration with "Why do you always do this?" type statements to the general amusement of all. I pulled into a dark lay-by off of the main road and said "Go on. be quick". Jo said "You need to come with me. I'm not going out there on my own, it's dark". "Yes", I said "and cold, now go on. fuck off and get it over with".

Right on cue, James piped up "I'll stand watch, it's OK, I'll keep my back to you.."

Gail and I rolled eyes at each other then resumed our conversation as Jo and James got out of the car. I watched the movement behind the car discreetly in the mirror as the slightly worse for wear Gail told me all about the amazing house they were hoping to buy and exactly how it would be decorated and furnished, at length. I made appropriate noises in the right places but was concentrating on what was happening outside the car, behind me.

Jo appeared at the back window, her hands pressed on the boot lid and splayed out. She was looking right into my eyes in the mirror as I saw James move in behind her, fumble a little and then place his hands on her hips as he pushed his cock inside her. Jo's eyes rolled and I could actually feel the car rocking slightly, hoping Gail wouldn't notice, as James buried his cock in my wife's cunt, right there in front of me. With his wife sitting inside.

The fuck didn't last long. 2 or 3 minutes at most before he gave one final heave and shot his load deep inside her. They both got back in and we dropped them off at their rented flat.

As soon as we were alone in the car Jo grabbed my head and pushed me down into her lap. I pulled her soaking, heavy, sticky knickers aside and eagerly put my tongue inside her. As I made her cum repeatedly she re-told the night's events in a breathless, urgent voice, saying things like "God, he was so fucking big", "He was hard again straight away" "Did you see him cum in me. he came fucking loads inside me. can you taste it?" "I came in my knickers on the dance floor. Did you see?"

Needless to say that some years later this is still very much a firm favorite with us, and although we've had a great number of memorable experiences since it still ranks as one of the most exciting.