This would be the 3rd time we were meeting Mike. We have been chatting with him for months now, and the other times we met him my wife had just blown him and made out with him. Mike wanted to meet in the hotel loby to discuss our situation and how things will be changing. He wanted my wife Cindy dressed sexy and she was. Cindy is 28, long blonde hair, nicely tanned, great fit body and beautiful fake tits that i paid for. Tonight she was in thigh highs, lacy boy shorts, lace bra, a black mini and a black sequined very low cut shirt along with high heels.

she looked amazing, and we sat in the back on a couch with a chair across from us. my heart was going fast and i was nervous about what was going on. Cindy was sipping her wine and seemed excited. We both didnt talk much about it, just sat and sipped our drinks.

Then in walked Mike. When he walks in he controls a room and you can see it. Tall and all muscle with a cock that goes along with his build. First time i saw it it blew my mind, the weight of it must be amazing i always thought. He walked over and kissed cindy and gave her a long hug. Mike sat down in the chair. Said he was glad we were all here and prepared to continue. That is when he looked at me and said to get up and sit where he was, what were you thinking he said as we swaped spots.

Mike sat back and threw his arm around cindy and her hand imedatly went to his thigh. Wow i thought that was fast. He leaned to cindy "see what I mean". Then looked at me and said you havent even asked what I want to drink! Damn i thought, this is a side i havent seen.. i stammered and said what would u like Mike, he turned again to Cindy "See!" she said yes i see now. And he sent me off for his drink.

i watched from the bar as the two laughed and chatted. i returned and handed Mike his drink. He said you may sit, as i was sitting which i thought to myself huh, what was that about. Then Mike took the floor.

I have decided to take you two on he said looking at me. My wife smilling and rubbing his thigh. There will be BIG changes though. Looking at me and now leaning forward. sean that pussy is mine I own it, right? i nodded. No Mike raised his voice. From now on you address me as Sir thats it.. Right? yes Sir. Good. I will be putting you and Cindy through discipline sessions so you learn right from wrong. And you both need a lot, right Cindy. Oh yes Mike we do. Everything you do sean goes through me, Everything. Ok? umm Yes Sir. Good very good. There will be lots of new rules for you to follow. Most important one and only one you need to know now is that you are to obey.

My heart was pounding and i noticed i guzzled my beer down. Mike and cindy began kissing and i noticed others in the lounge look over. i was turning beat red. Mike said to cindy "did you bring what i said to"? Oh yes Mike I did. Mike then turned to me, what you are going to do, and at that moment cindy pulled out a pair of silk panties and handed them to Mike, Mike took them and held them towards me. You will take these into that private bathroom with my slut here, she will get you into them, you will place your boxers into the trash and say good bye to them. My heart was pounding and i was sweating. You will then get dress and wait for my slut here to get hers wet. When they are you will walk back out here and she will hand you her soaked panties, you will then hand them over to me. Understood? i just looked at cindy and she was smilling and i could feel my little cock throbbing and i answered Yes Sir.

we both walked to the bathroom, once inside Cindy just started removing my pants. Its ok honey we need this, oh see you are too excited for your own good you may mess. Be a good boy now and slip these on. i reached for the silk panties and pulled them up. Mmmm perfect Cindy said. Now get dressed. Say good bye to these, and she tossed my boxers. Now hang on ok dear, just wait there. Cindy started rubbing her clean shaved moist box, i could almost smell it. She has the most perfect pussy i thought, mmm those lips. She then removed them and said ok lets go swetie and rubbed my ass.

We came back out and Mike stood and kissed cindy. I went to sit and Mike stopped me. Did you ask little girl? umm no sir. Well then. May i sit Sir? Yes you may. At that point cindy reached over and handed me her soaked boy short panties. i took them and said Sir these are for you. Mike took them and sniffed them and placed them beside him. Good you are both learning. How are the panties girlie, he said? Ahhh umm good Sir. Great! because cindy and I have decided that since you dont have a cock and just a little clitty that you belong in these at all times. Dont you agree? Yes Sir.

At this time my cock was so hard against the silk i couldnt take it, and slid my hand down to rub a little. i figured those two were so busy with eachother they wouldnt notice. And just then Cindy said, 'oh dear what are you doing'? ahhh oh no ummm nothing. Cindy turned to Mike you are right that clit should be locked up. What? i said. Mike sat up, you heard her, dont question us! Yes Sir. Now is the room ready, Mike said. Yes Sir here is the key. Good. Lets go.

We all entered the elevator and i hit the floor. Mike stoped making out with my wife for a sec and said how are those silky panties honey? There ok Sir. Well you will grow to love them dear Mike said. i could feel the humiliation wave over me from the names he used. Mike looked at me and said well they will not be on long because i would be spanked once we get to the room. What, whats the matter sweetie as he patted my backside and turned to Cindy, dear i dont think she wants to be spanked. What did he just call me? she? i thought. Cindy toched my arm and said, ' its ok you need this'.

We got in the room and Mike told Cindy to get into her lingerie he wanted her in, then had me get him a drink. Mike told me to remove my clothes down to my panties. i did this the whole time thinking what am i doing. i stood there as he had some of his drink. Mike turned around and said bring me that chair now sweetie. i said yes Sir and retrieved the chair he requested. Mike sat down, he told me to stand on his side. He began telling me that i would be spanked all the time and to get use to it. He noticed the little bulge in the silky material and laughed. "you want to touch that dont you" yes i answered. YES What? oh sorry yes Sir.. Mike then pulled me over his knees and begas spanking, wow it hurt and got harder it semmed. And just then i heard Cindy walked out and Mike stoped, mmmmm very nice slut you look great he said. Thank you Mike, what shall i do she said. Well come to my side you need to learn to spank. This is so humiliating, i thought i cant see cindy only hear her and here i am over her lovers knees. Mike began again going from cheek to cheek explaining it to Cindy.. Then i heard Mike say, well you will see Cin because you are next. What? i thought! he is going to spank my wife, i dont know what it is but that is very humiliating to me i thought. So much i almost forgot i was getting spanked.

Then mike had me stand and i got to see my wife. She was dressed as i have never seen her. White stockings, white high heels, white garter, a white thong and a silky white top. i felt myself drip some cum. And Mike noticed the front of the panties. Oh you like the look of my girl huh? Yes Sir i answered. Cindy lower her panties for me would ya. Cindy did this and there i was out in the open. Mike pulled me back over and began again, this time they really stung. Then i felt my wifes hands spanking me, yes just like that, now you can do it whenever!!

i stood up as told and pulled my panties up and stood at attention like i was told. Mike stood and removed all his clothes but his boxers. He looked at me and said well they are not going to remove themselves. i said yes sir and reached for them, and lowered them and when i did his massive man hood fell out. Mike was ripped and massive all over i thought. Next he grabbed my wife forcefullly and yanked her across his knees. Mike then asked Cindy, "what do you need slut" I need spankings Sir, What else? i need discipline, and? i need a real man to give this to me and the fuckings i deserve. i couldnt believe my ears!

Then Mike began spanking my wife. my god! i lowered my head not to watch. Mike yelled and said you watch this sissy! This is what you can not provide! Cindy's ass was getting red and after some spanks Mike would reach down and push a finger deep in her, then he would lower that finger to her mouth and order her to suck it. My wife was moaning and squirming at this point. Mike then said have you learned your lesson slut? My wife answered 'ohh yes Sir, please no more'. My ass was throbbing i knew her's must have been!

Then Mike said 'you may lower to your knees whore'.. She did this instantly, and looked up at him. She never looked back at me once. You may begin but only on my balls slut, Mike said....

continued..if you want!