I walked to the bathroom trying to still figure out what we have gotten into. laying out the bathmat and 2 towels, along with what ever else they needed. Started the water and walked back into the bedroom to find the two of them just talking and laughing away. The bathroom is ready for you two Sir. Very good sissy. Come over here and help your girlfriend Cindy out of her garter and stockings. Woah girlfriend i thought, before he was calling her my wife and now its girlfriend. Cindy stood as told and I un clasped her garters from the stockings and slid the stocking off her silky sweaty legs one by one slowly. Then slowly slid the garter off over her ass getting to touch it and feeling the sweat and warmth of it made me grow and press against my panties again. You like that feel and view sissy? Mike said. Oh yes i do Sir very much. Here get on the bed with me. I climbed on as told. Sit on the edge with me sissy, Mike instructed. Cindy come here, bend over in front of us would ya slut. That's it just like that mmm what a view huh sissy. Oh yes Sir. Take my cock sissy and stroke it for me, I love this view Mike told me. Cindy's pussy looked all red from his massive man hood and was not dripping some, her ass was still wet from the lube. Lick my finger sissy, as he put it to my mouth i opened and wet his finger as told. Good girl Mike told me, he then slid it into Cindy's ass slow and she moaned. See this sissy this is a good slut, and he pulled his finger out quick. Open he said to me and i eagerly placed it in my mouth and sucked.. Good sissy, now lets shower ok Cindy as he spanked her and stood up.

Mike and my wife hoped in the steamy shower and i sat on the toilet as told, and just listened to them. i was rubbing myself now and determined to cum. And i thought i was going to but Cindy pulled the curtain open and called me over to them. Hon, Mike needs his cock cleaned while i was my hair thanks she said. Mike handed me the soap and i knelt down and got it all lathered and reached for his tool. Rubbing it slowly Mike caressed my wifes ass as she washed the shampoo out of her hair. Good now stop Mike said. I want you to take my keys, go to my car, and get the bags out of the back. And hurry up would you, then the curtain was pulled shut.

i got dressed, grabbed the keys, and ran to the lobby bathroom. Ran into a stall and shut the door, pulled out my about to burst self and with one stroke shot. Ohhh god i thought what is going on, screw this. And just as that i noticed i stroked myself raging again, i pulled my panties and pants up and ran to Mike's car. Inside there were 2 bags and a garment one, i grabed them all and made it back to the room. My wifes hair dryer was going and she leaned out and said dear give me that blue bag thanks. i was confused at this point but didnt question. Oh and Mike needs a drink, and get out of your clothes also.

i sliped out of my clothes down to nothing and walked over and mixed Mike up a drink. He came out of the bathroom, towel over his shoulder and his and big meat just flapping as he walked over to me. Thanks for the drink sissy, as he pressed in close to me, why dont you head into the bathroom Cindy is waiting for you. And he spanked me as i walked off. i entered the bathroom to a bubble bath all ready made and my wife fixing her make up. Oh why dont you jump in dear it is sented so you smell nice and sexy. Here is your razor also you know I like you smooth so get to work, once you are nice and clean meet us in the bedroom. She left and i began shaving all and washing myself up good. After a bit i got out and dried myself off and wraped myself in a towel and exited the bathroom. Cindy and Mike were both sitting all dressed having cocktails as i came out. Mike instantly told me to drop my towel. Yes Sir and it fell to the floor, and the embarassment hit me. The two of them dressed and i naked there i stood. i glanced at one bed and there was frilly items and other things on it, gulp i thought to myself what now.

Mike suddlenly said, over here now sissy. i walked over slowly, which semmed to anger him. Mike pulled me right over his lap. Oh man not again this is real bad i thought. i felt my wife rubbing my cheeks with her soft hands and nails, spreading my cheeks and saying to Mike mm looks good dear. Mike then asked me if i believed i needed some spankings. And there is no right way to answer this so i really didn't, and he began. He just kept at it for a while then he asked Cindy if she was ready and told me to get up. When i did i was rock hard, the friction of his lap the excitement, and me being shaved i couldn't help it. Mike laughed at me and said go lie on the bed. i lied down like told and Cindy walked over with a cloth. She put it right on my erection, whoa it was cold. Def had ice in it. My clit was fighting itself because my wife looked and smelled so good because she was all dressed up, but i shrunk down. That is when she removed the ice and began sliding rings on me. Now sissy this is for your own good, this clit keeps trying to grow and is getting in the way dear. Then Mike chimed in, yes Stephanie this will help. Oh great now he is calling me Stephanie i thought. Oh I love that Mike, Cindy replied. As she slipped the cage on, oh fits perfect Steph. She then attached a lock and handed the key to Mike. Steph Mike will be holding your keys, he says it is best that way Cindy told me. Go on Cindy Mike said. Oh yes Steph get on all 4's like a good girl for me ok. So humiliated at this point but also excited i did as told. Remember how much you loved seeing me plugged? Ahhh yes. Oh don't be shy Steph, you loved it. Well it is your turn, and just then i felt the cold lube hit me as she worked it all over. Then the press of a little head against my hole and ohhhhh woah! See that's not so bad huh steph. Uhhh ahhh umm no Cindy. Mike walked over and pushed on it moving the plug some. Ahh see you make a great sissy!

Mike had me get up, was a bit tough to at first with this plug in. There i stood, pink chastity cage on and plug in me. The two of them giggling to each other. Come on lets go slut i am hungry. And Cindy walked over with some lacy boy shorts. Steph step into these, they will keep your plug in. i did as told then she had me pull on some thigh higs, and she put a silk cami on me also. Mike was rubbing his crotch at this point i noticed. Probably because when cindy would bend to put the stocking on me her thong would show out the back. Cindy was having me get into clothes to go over the lingerie, and i could see Mike opening his pants behind us. What now i thought? But the site of him growing as he pulled it out of his boxers was too much for me i noticed and i felt myself press against the cage. Woah what is this woah i thought. Cindy had finished helping me and noticed Mike. She turned and said "Mike come on i thought you were hungry". What? Mike snapped over here now! Grabbing her tight white pants, which looked amazing on her tanned body. What slut? And at that point he had her sat down and told her to lower her pants. Come on Mike she said. You just added 10 more, want more? My wife lowered her pants and had on the sexiest white thong i ever saw, she then without even questioning a thing slide onto his lap. You dont ever question me, smack, you got that, smack. Yes Sir she yelped. He spanked her for i think i counted 30 but i may have lost count. Now on your knees and make me cum, he said. You will also be punished again tonight, so be on good behavior or I will keep adding. Steph get over here and watch your girlfriend suck some real cock so you learn. Uh oh i thought learn.

i sat on the bed next to the chair Mike was in. And my beautiful wife knelt there with her red ass and sucked like a machine. i never experienced a blow job like he was recieving right now. Within in minutes Mike was bucking and you could tell he was going to explode, he did right in her mouth. Mmmmmm good girl he said, now kiss steph real deep. Woah what ahahha what i thought. But i could stop from going along i was so turned on by watching that, maybe they will let me cum i thought. So i kissed cindy deep and got what i didnt expect she didnt swallow, and she was pushing it into my mouth. Thats it steph swallow it all Mike said. i couldnt help it and took it all down, my wife kissed my lips. Oh your so hot steph. Mike stood and buckled his pants up. See steph i own you, bet your stomach is full now! Lets go eat.