After a cruel and humiliating night of cleaning my cum from a plastic blow up doll I'd fucked, I awoke in my bed with my pacifier which is another life size replica of Sir Thomas's cock in my mouth. I must keep this in my mouth when I sleep at night as a pacifier and a reminder of my master's dominance over me. I scurried to the kitchen and prepared my breakfast and placed it in my bottle/cock replica of Thomas's cock that I must use to take all nourishment.

I prepared Miss Suzanne's breakfast as Sir Thomas was out of town for a few days returning tonight. As she ate her breakfast lounging on the bed watching television, I knelt at the foot of the bed massaging lotion on her feet. She smiled down at me and asked if I was happy with the way things have turned out. I must admit I had a mixture of emotions running through me at that point. Here I was on my knees, naked and shaved rubbing lotion into my wife's feet while she wanted to know if I was happy that she had taken a lover and they completely dominated my life. Excitement, fear, jealousy, humiliation, arousal, all raced through my veins, but above all love. Love for the only woman I ever cared for topped the list. And so I answered the only way I could think of, I answered from the heart.

?My happiness is directly proportional to your happiness. All I have ever wanted since we met was for you to be happy. I love you that much and more, having you in my life in any capacity is better than not having you at all. To know that every crumb I pick up, every towel I fold, allows you to spend more time with Sir Thomas and that makes you happy, therefore makes me ecstatic. My love for you knows no bounds, and no limits that I know of, and therefore I would do anything to make you happy.?

She smiled down at me, stretched and her gorgeous breasts popped up above the sheet and I immediately began to get aroused. She motioned for me to take the tray and I scampered around to the side of the bed and removed it and she swung her legs to the side of the bed in a sitting position. She smirked when she saw my tiny fully erect cock in response to her nakedness.

?Oh Baby Doll, look at you all excited looking at you mistresses beautiful body! And I'm honored by your response to my question. It pleases me to know I have a husband who adores me so.? She reached over to the night stand and removed small box and handed it to me. ?Baby Doll this is a gift from me and Thomas to you.? As I slowly opened the box she continued. ?I had your wedding ring melted down and I had this made for you from it. It's a golden replica charm of Thomas's cock and balls on a gold chain that you can wear as a necklace, to match your other replicas. We thought you should wear it around your neck at all times as a sign of your servitude to us, but I guess you said it best a minute ago, as a sign of your love for me!? With that, she took the chain and put the necklace around my neck. It was a gorgeous necklace that didn't hang low enough for a shirt to cover it and would therefore always be visible to anyone.

I bowed my head and thanked her and kissed her feet and told her once again how much I loved her. She seemed to be in an amorous and teasing mood this morning as she had me kneel there, naked with my legs spread shaved head to toe wearing nothing more than the necklace and she played with my balls with her feet. Tossing them around she laughed when I got hard and pre cum started oozing from my cock. Her feet moved faster and harder until she was almost kicking me in the balls. As my tiny erect cock flopped about, my balls hurt terribly and I wanted desperately to cum. I begged her to cum and she only laughed harder.

?I'll tell you what Baby Doll, if you can cum while I play with your balls with my feet without touching your cock you have my permission to cum, otherwise my answer is no!? She continued to play and kick them getting rougher and as she did her breasts bounced more. I felt myself staring at her breasts, becoming consumed with them and how perfect they were and how brown and big and beautiful her nipples were and in an instant I shot my load all over her feet and legs. She laughed and berated me telling me what a wimp I was for having an orgasm without even touching my cock. Then she told me to lean over and get busy cleaning her feet and legs with my tongue.

As I bent forward and began licking my cum from her feet and legs she picked up the phone and called Sir Thomas and told him the whole story, pausing to tell me his responses and direct me to lick or clean a certain spot better. The two of them chatted and she laughed and cooed into the phone like they were high school sweethearts. Finally, she told him she had to get going and as they were about to hang up she said, ?Okay honey I love you too!?

My heart sank and the breath left my body as if someone had kicked me in the solar plexus. My head snapped up and I did a double take. Miss Suzanne noticed my reaction. ?Oh Baby Doll are you upset because you heard me tell Thomas I loved him??

?Well I love you and I thought you loved me?.I uh mean I uh?

?Oh Baby Doll calm down now, don't start crying like a little girl! Now you know I love you, you're my husband. Of course a wife loves her husband. But you and I have a special relationship as man and wife. It's a relationship built on your love and devotion to me and my happiness. And there are all different kinds of love. There's a love a parent has for their children, a love siblings have for each other, a love between friends, and yes a love between a man and a wife, but there's a also a sexual love between people. A love that is grown out of a sexual relationship between two people who also deeply care about each other and that's the relationship that Thomas and I have. Now you know it's possible to love two different people in different ways. I love you and I love Thomas but I love you both in different ways. You provide me a deep caring love but you don't satisfy me sexually in the way Thomas does; Thomas satisfies me sexually and has a body that won't quit. I love him in a hunky, sexy, boyfriend way. Now you're going to have to get used to us showing affection to each other as well as having phenomenal sex. And yes, we will tell each other we love each other in front of you. Do you understand all that??

What could I say? It made sense as she explained it and the way she explained it, but on some level I still felt incredibly threatened and jealous, and vulnerable and hurt. I began to cry and she pulled me towards her and cradled my head in her lap. ?There, there, Baby Doll it's okay. Everything will be fine and in time you'll learn to accept all this and even embrace it. Now as long as you keep dong the great job you've been doing and keep serving Thomas and me things will be fine. Now you need to run and start getting dinner ready, I'm so excited that Thomas is coming home tonight and I haven't had sex in what seems like forever. So make sure you have a special dinner and you can go to bed early as we won't need you tonight, but if we do we'll wake you!?

And with that, she dismissed me. I had a ton of work to do before Sir Thomas's return home. As I scrubbed the toilet in their bedroom I stood up and caught my reflection in the mirror with the necklace around my neck and wondered where this road would lead. Perhaps Miss Suzanne was right I would come to love and embrace this lifestyle.