I love my husband. He is a good father to my children, he is attractive, and a good friend. We have a good relationship and enjoy being with each other. Our sex life is wonderful. I never thought that I would cheat on him, but sometimes, things "just happen".

Keith has to travel often, in his job. During one such trip, the children were out of school and since I had to work, they stayed with their grandparents. After work, several of my co- workers decided to go to a local bar for happy hour. Lance, one of the new associates, was unfamiliar with the area, so I offered to give him a ride. In retrospect, I wonder if there was anything Freudian about that.

Lance was twenty one and fresh out of college. He was about six feet tall and had an athletic build, that I must admit, I had been admiring at the office. At the bar, we joked about work and we all had a fun time. After several rounds of drinks, everyone had to get home.

I drove Lance to his apartment and on the way, he kept me laughing. I loved him being in my car. His cologne blended well with his chemistry and he smelled so good. When we got to his apartment, we just sat in the car with the engine running. We kept talking and looking at each other. I started to get nervous, kind of like on a first date. I squirmed in my seat trying to get comfortable. Each time our eyes directly met, we knew what was going on. There was no denying the feeling of lust whelming up in my lower abdomen. I hadn't felt like that since Keith and I were dating! If only he was home so I could go home and fuck his brains out, fantasizing that he was Lance.

I could tell that Lance wasn't going to make the first move since I was married and the buzz I had made me brave, so I innocently said, "I have got to pee. Can I use your restroom?"

As we walked up the stairs, he made excuses for the mess that his apartment was. After I used the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. I asked myself if I really wanted to do this. I cupped my grapefruit sized breasts and adjusted my bra. I teased my hair here and there, trying to decide what I was going to do. I was completely horny, my husband was out of town for 2 days, and there was a young stud on the other side of the door.

When I walked back into the living room area of the small apartment, Lance was still putting things away in a last minute cleaning frenzy. He was bent over putting away some vcr tapes. His gorgeous ass stuck out nicely in his dress slacks. When he heard me enter the room, he went to the bar and sat on one of the stools. He fumbled nervously with his keys on the counter. I walked towards him and when I was getting onto the stool next to him, I purposely fell back off, landing against him. My hand planted firmly on his solid cock.

Apparently, that was obvious enough for a signal. Lance and I plunged into an aggressive kiss. His large hands slid up my sides and onto my full breasts. I had been lusting long enough and went straight for his dick. In seconds, I had this boy on his back on the floor and his pants around his ankles. He had the most beautiful penis. It was about 8 inches long and quite thick. His head had exploded into a full mushroom. As I kissed around the base of his statue, the fragrance of his cock was intoxicating. His pubic hairs were light and soft. This wide cock filled my mouth entirely as I rolled my tongue across the bottom of his glands. I could tell he didn't get blow jobs often, because he began moaning instantly. I wrapped my hands around his pole and began jerking him off while I gave him the dick sucking of his life. I bet none of the sorority girls ever sucked him off like I did! His penis felt so good in my mouth as I bobbed up and down. It was exciting, having a different cock in my mouth. It felt different. It tasted different. It smelled different. Lance had become almost paralyzed. He lay on the floor not moving, but tense as a steel rod. His breathing came faster and shorter. His eyes were rolling back in his head and the tendons and veins in his neck were bulging. I could feel his glands beginning their spasms and I knew he was about to explode. His head rocked back, his whole body convulsed and sperm flew into my mouth.

While Lance panted in recovery, I peeled my panty hose off from under my dress. I squatted onto his mouth and took his soft penis into my hands. As I massaged his limp member, it felt like a handful of playdough. I was soaking wet. His mouth and tongue explored this foreign pussy. He was pretty clumsy in this area. Then again, the worst licking I ever got wasn't bad. The more that he licked around, the tension grew in my lower belly. As I played with his cock, it began to swell again and fill my fist.

I stood up and let my dress fall off of me. I reached around, snapped my bra and my tits bounded out. His eyes bulged at their escape and his prick stood at attention. I grabbed his cock and lowered my drenched lips onto it. It slid inside of me and I could feel my insides turning circles. I was eating forbidden fruit and it was thrilling. I leaned slightly forward so my nipples were on his lips. Taking the hint, he sucked one of the studs into his mouth while I bucked my hips up and down, back and forth on his rock hard dick. The more he kissed and sucked my nipples, the wetter I got. He rubbed his hands over my ass, legs, stomach and tits. Every time I slammed into him, my clit was wedged between his dick and stomach. He began tensing up again. I was just about to come when he ejaculated a second time. Feeling his cum pouring into me push me right over the edge into an orgasm. I collapsed onto his solid chest as my pussy grasped as his still hard cock.

My pussy juices were still flowing when the guilt began flooding in. We quickly cleaned up, made very brief small talk, and then I beat a quick retreat. Driving home, tears whelmed up a few times and trickled down my face. The salt of my tears mixed with the cum on my face, leaving a bitter taste on my lips. I couldn't believe what I had done.

After that, things weren't the same between Keith and me. When we made love, I could not enjoy it. It only made me feel guilty. My conscience made me want to stay away from him. This burden weighed on me morning, noon, and night for almost a month. I had to tell him, but what would he do? I would die if he left me. How would he take it? He probably already could tell, he had to know something was wrong.

One night after we had put the children to bed, I told Keith what I had done. I don't even remember what I actually said. I was totally numb, anesthetized. He got up and sat on the edge of the bed, with his back towards me. I braced for his response. He said nothing. Hot tears dripped out of my eyes, blurring my vision. I tried to explain that I still loved him and that was why I told him about it.

"I can't talk about this right now," he said, standing but still refusing to look at me, "I just don't even want to discuss it."

He left the room and slept in the living room. I laid in bed, paralyzed. The clock ticked off the minutes that lasted for hours. I don't remember falling asleep, but when I woke up the next morning, Keith had already left for work. The house already seemed so empty with him gone and I thought to myself, "What if he doesn't come back and this is what it is going to be like...."

I went to work but I really wasn't there. I drifted through the motions, so it seemed like I was working but my mind was on only one thing. I couldn't stand being at work, but I dreaded going home because he might not be there. Finally, Keith called that afternoon. I was glad to hear his voice; however, my stomach was tied in knots of anxiety. He told me to meet him at the house after work, before I picked up the kids and we would discuss it then.

When I got home, Keith was already there. I was relieved when I entered the house and saw that he didn't have everything of his packed up to leave. I started crying again as soon as I saw him. I couldn't control it. He sat down next to me on the couch, which was good so we didn't have to face each other.

"I thought about this all last night and today at work," began Keith, "My first inclination was to just leave. I can't do that. I love you." "I love you too, really, the whole thing was just stupid. I don't know what I was thinking...." Keith interrupted, "But, I can't just let it go. It hurt. It still hurts. I just feel like a fool." "I'm so sorry, Keith. You've got to believe me. If I could undo it I would. I'll do anything to make it up to you."

"Well, yeah, that you will," he said. The way he said it let me know that he had been thinking about this. "There's this girl, Shannon...." "Oh, okay. I guess if you want to fuck some other woman to make things even, I could understand that." "No, it's not that easy, Hon. I want you to be there and in fact, you're going to help."

I really didn't have much leverage in this matter so I agreed to go along with his demands. From what I understood, I was to "serve" this woman and my husband. This would take place on the following Friday night and he would take care of the other arrangements.

Keith stayed home from work on Friday and when I got back, he'd already taken the kids to spend the night at friends' houses. The dining room table was set and I could smell some kind of oriental food. I thought that this might not be so bad after all.

When Keith came out of the kitchen and saw me, he directed, "Your outfit is on the bed. Go change into it. Shannon will be here shortly."

The outfit was a black leather teddy with a G-string back, a black leather mini-skirt, a pair of black thigh highs, and high heels. The teddy was barely able to hold in my round breasts and the mini-skirt came just to the bottom of my ass. I looked like an absolute slut!

I was so embarrassed when Shannon arrived, but she seemed quite at ease. She had long auburn hair, green eyes and a full figure. Her dress was casual, not too sexy, but it emphasized her tits and hips. They sat at the table and Keith asked me to get them some wine. He had put a bottle of zinfandel in a small cooler on the floor. I started to move the cooler somewhere more convenient, like the kitchen counter, but he told me to leave it where it was. So I bent over to get their wine and realized why he did this. The skirt rose up over my ass, giving them both a full view. Even thought my face reddened a bit, I felt turned on in a kinky sort of way. Throughout dinner, I acted as a waitress for my husband and his redhead mistress. Of course, they both had several glasses of wine, making me expose my bottom. After dinner, I put away the dishes and cleared the table.

"Okay, now for the fun to begin," Keith said, getting up from his chair. "Would you like a bath, Shannon?" "That would be wonderful." "Draw a bath for Shannon," my husband instructed.

They both watched as I bent over the tub. Shannon pulled her dress up over her head and let it fall to the ground. Underneath, she was wearing a silky, white teddy. Her skin was fair, like most redheads. She slipped the spaghetti straps off of her shoulders and the lingerie slid down her body. She smiled an evil grin at me as I helped her into the bath. Keith was enjoying this. His cock was dying to get out of his slacks. I stood there, wondering what I was to do next. Was he going to join her and fuck her in the bath?

"Don't just stand there," was my husband's order, "bathe her."

I took the loofah and lathered it up with some fragranced bath gel. I bent over and began washing her soft skin. I rubbed her arms, then shoulders, and back first. Then I washed her chest, driving down through her cleavage and then under her tits. They were just slightly fuller than my own and I could feel their weight as I lifted them. I was beginning to find this very arousing. I then began washing her legs and she spread them to accommodate me, revealing her firey pubes. I wondered if I would be eating that pussy tonight. Although I had sometimes wondered what it would be like to have sex with a girl, I never had. Now I found myself getting turned on by my husband's mistress-to-be. Her skin was so fair and soft. I dried the beads of water off of her when she got out of the bath.

By now, Keith was already naked and he was stroking his bulging cock as he watched. He led us to our bedroom, where he and Shannon stripped me naked. Keith handcuffed me and tied me so my arms were pulled straight towards the headboard. Shannon had expertly tied my legs spread open. My pussy was soaking wet and I just wanted to be fucked so bad now.

Keith and Shannon started making out between my legs. Both of the occasionally brushed against the inside of my thighs, making me even hornier. I was tied tight, but straining forward, I could see her mouth wrapped around his cock. Her lips slid up and down the shaft effortlessly while Keith played with her clit with my vibrator. God, I wanted something inside of me! I closed my eyes and listened to her sucking my husband's dick. Keith vocalized his approval in a series of groans. The familiar groans that I hear when I give him head. I opened my eyes again and saw that he now had his head wedged between her legs. Both of their heads were moving frantically as they kissed, licked and sucked each others genitals. Maybe I should have been jealous, but I just wanted someone to do me! I began to catch whiffs of Shannon's juices as she got hotter. Keith had always told me that the smell of my pussy was a pheromone and instantly aroused him. Now I knew what he meant. Shannon's aroma was making me want to bury my face in her crotch. I couldn't stand it anymore! I was tired of being ignored. I wanted to be fucked and fucked hard! Keith stiffened and I knew he was coming. I could hear her trying to breath while she gulped down his cum. Shannon crawled off of him and above me, on all fours.

"Your husband's cock was delicious," she whispered into my ear, "Here, taste."

She began kissing me. I could still taste his cum as her tongue delved into my mouth. Her soft lips felt so good against my and I began kissing back. I begged her to play with my pussy but she told me that I had to wait. She reminded me that I had been bad and that she had to have an orgasm before I did. Seeing his wife kiss another woman was all that Keith needed to have his cock ready to go again. Shannon crawled forward just a bit so her nipples were hanging above my face. They were faint in color and about half the size of my own dollar sized brown nipples. I sucked one of the soft teats into my mouth. Shannon let out a moan as Keith mounted her from behind. Her boobs rocked back and forth from him pounding her from behind. When she would bend down far enough, I would kiss the soft underside of her breasts. I looked down and saw his muscular thighs between her spread legs. With every thrust, his balls would collide into her red bush. I could tell that Keith had "***** dick" because he had be fucking her for at least fifteen minutes now and hadn't gotten off yet. Shannon kept emitting a series of low key groans, almost like a cat purring. I just wished that she would get off so he could finally fuck me. From what I could tell, Shannon still hadn't had an orgasm, but Keith shuddered and groaned the way I knew so well. He came for his second time. She backed her hips tight against his and grinded a bit to make sure that he shot his entire load inside of her. When he pulled out, his dick was semi-hard. Shannon turned around, spread her legs over my face and told me to eat her cum-filled pussy. She assured me that if I didn't make her finally cum, then I wouldn't get a chance to either. Her lips and clit were swollen and sticking out from under her beautiful red bush. Keith was kissing up the inside of my spread eagle legs but refused to kiss my pussy. As she lowered her swollen cunt onto my face, a drop of semen dropped onto my chin. She tasted as good as she had smelled and I began licking her like a pro. I had never kissed another girl's vagina in all of my life but it came natural to me. I just imagined what I would do to make me get of if it was my own. I thought that this is was Keith sees when I sit on his face. Licking my husband's cum out of another woman's slit totally drove me over the edge. I just had to be fucked! Keith must have read my mind because I felt his hard cock slide into my completely drenched hole. Oh my God! Relief! It felt so gooooood! Shannon kept rubbing her wet pussy against my mouth while I sucked on her enraged clitoris. Her legs started squeezing my head and juices flowed out into my mouth. She was trying to breath but sounded like an asthmatic. She bucked her hips into my face as she shivered in an orgasm. She folded over on top of me and relaxed. Keith's cock never felt so good. Then she picked up my vibrator and put it right on my clit as he was fucking me. She knew just where to place it. Every now and then, she would pull my pubis back with her fingers and suck my clit, while he kept fucking my hole. It only took a few minutes before I had the orgasm of my life. I tried to arch my back and flop around but I was still completely tied down, so I just screamed loud enough that the neighbors probably heard me! Keith came for a third time. He pulled out and tried to shoot his sperm all over me, but after Shannon had already drained his balls, only a few drops fell on to my stomach. Still kneeling over my face, Shannon put her hands behind his head and made him bend down to lick it off.

Then, Shannon was kind enough to release the handcuffs and Keith untied my ankles. I was finally free. The two of them lay on each side of me and gently kissed their cum off of my face. Shannon gave me an especially sweet open mouth kiss and told me that I had been terrific, while she massaged my breasts. Keith told me all was forgiven.

Now, when Keith travels out of town and I get horny, I still cheat on him. Only now, instead of Lance or some other guy, I call Shannon and have the best sex of my life!
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