Because of a chat room, I had an experience I thought I would share with you. I'm a 41 year old Italian-American woman and mother of grown *********. 1 month ago I saw a chat room dealing with "wanting to try black". My husband and I are separated. Two months ago we got a separation cause he had 2 girlfriends on the side. He has a business in another state and spends two weeks each month there. We have been married 22 years, and I had never cheated on him until I saw this chat room, but I'm not blaming it. He had been gone a little over a week, and I was surfing chat rooms. Earlier I had a few drinks and approximately 3 minutes after I entered the chat room I received 3 instant messages. The first instant message I opened said "hi, how are you." I replied "fine, and you." This instant message was from a gentleman named Ron. He was 45 years old and a divorced father of 2 grown *********. He told me he was 6 feet 2 inches tall and he weighed approximately 220lbs.. He told me that he was especially well built in all the right places. Next, he sent me 5 pictures of himself. One of the pictures which he sent was a fully nude frontal shot. I couldn't believe what I saw. What I saw blew my mind. I had never made love to anyone but my husband and his dick is about average. Ron told me that he was seeking a mature white woman. After I and Ron talked for approximately ten minutes I was getting hotter and hotter. I had heard a lot about black men but had never as much as touched one. I guess if I would be honest I've always had a hidden desire to have a black man. I kept going back to the picture of Ron with his thick 11" dick. It was blowing my mind and I was getting hotter and hotter all the time, wondering what it would be like to fuck a black man with a 11" dick. In his ad he said he wanted a beautiful, mature white woman. I conversed with Ron for several minutes. Right after I fixed another drink, Ron told me where his home was and he gave me his phone number and told me to call him. I realized he was just 40 minutes from where I lived. The next thing I knew I was dialing his number. He answered. He asked if all I wanted was to talk and I said, "no," so he asked what I wanted, and I said I really didn't know. He wanted to know about me so I told him I am 41, 5'-5", 126lbs., 32-29-39, brunette headed and olive complexioned skin tone color. He wanted to know if I was shaven, and I assured him I was. I also told him I was separated and had never screwed anyone but my husband, whose dick is average, and that just looking at the picture of his thick 11 inches scared me. He assured me I could take it, and that he would be easy to start with, and then he wanted to know if I wanted to suck it. Before I even thought I said, "yes." Then Ron told me what he would do to me and what I would have to do as his woman, and how he would fuck me with his big 11" dick, and how he'd make me suck it over and over. By this time I was hotter than I had ever been in my life? I felt like I was going to pass out. He asked if I wanted to visit him, and I said, "yes." He asked when, and I said, "How about today?" I think this shocked him a little because he wanted to know where I lived, but when I told him, he realized I could be there in approximately 40 minutes. He told me where to exit the Interstate and described a parking lot to meet in. I hung the phone up thinking, "What have I done?" but I was so hot I fixed another drink and started packing. I left and started driving and thinking. One side said "turn around and go back," but the other side said "go on," and the go on side won. The more I thought about Ron's 11" black dick the hotter I got. I had to rub my pussy from time to time to stand it. I got off at the exit Ron told me to and went to the parking lot, but he wasn't there yet. But after a few minutes a car like Ron's said he would be driving pulled in, an the driver, a very handsome black man smiled and waved for me to follow him. When we reached his home he came to my car and said, "Hi, you are very beautiful, I'm Ron and I guess you are Angela". He took my bag and we started in. My knees were shaking so hard I could hardly walk but I couldn't stop. We got inside and he grabbed me, held me tightly in his arms and started kissing me like I'd never been kissed before. His tongue was doing things I didn't know could be done and his lips devoured me. We must have been kissing for five minutes when he told me to take my clothes off so he could see what I looked like. I did, as fast as I could. He looked me over and started playing with my nipples, which were as hard as marbles. And then he told me to take his clothes off. When I pulled down his pants I found his dick pushing his shorts out so far I thought they would split. I pulled those shorts down, and his dick almost hit me in the face---all I could do was stare. It was much bigger than it had looked in the picture, and I knew there was no way I could take all of it. Ron told me to play with it, but I couldn't even get my hand all the way around it. I started fearfully wondering what I had gotten myself into, but Ron pushed my head down and told me to suck it. I sucked with my mouth and used both hands as best I could. In a few minutes that dick got harder and Ron started fucking my mouth. Before he was about to cum he pulled out. Ron told me to suck his balls, so I did, one at a time. And then he picked me up and took me to the bedroom, promising to fuck me right. On his king size bed, he kissed my mouth, breasts and pussy. I had thought his tongue was good in my mouth, but in my pussy it was out of this world. By the time he was ready to fuck me, I was so hot that I didn't even worry about his immense size. He rubbed his cock head up and down my pussy, making me crazy, and then he pushed slowly in. At first I thought I would be split in two, but it felt better and better, and suddenly I realized that his dick hair was rubbing my pussy---he was all the way in!!! He would stop pumping to just flex his cock, driving me silly. He'd stroke slow and easy, then long and hard, until I thought he would drive his dick up and out through my mouth, but it was wonderful and I was nearly delirious with joy. I felt close to passing out, but I didn't want to miss even a single stroke. I wrapped my legs around him, trying to match his every thrust as he pounded me harder and still harder with his big dick, until I thought he'd fuck me to death. It seemed impossible, but I felt his dick get even bigger, and I knew he was about to cum. His cream was so hot, and so profuse, that I finally passed out. When I came to, my legs were wrapped so tightly around him that he couldn't dismount me. He asked how I liked being fucked by a black man, and I told him it was the best I'd ever had. I looked at his soft dick, which was bigger than my husbands is hard. We fucked and sucked for three nights and two days, and then I had to return home. Ron didn't want me to leave. He told me that I was way better than his ex. wife. I promised him that I would return on my husbands next business trip. On the way home, I thought of all that had happened to me in such a short time. I wondered what would happen if I had gotten pregnant, and though I knew my fertile time wouldn't come for another week, I couldn't get the thought out of my mind. As soon as I got in the house I checked my calendar and almost fainted. My most fertile period had come during the time I was with Ron!! What would I do if I was pregnant?? I was also worried that if my husband would fuck me I would be so loose he would notice, but that turned out not to be a problem as my husband got detained by big problems at the plant---he had to stay there for another week. I called Ron and told him what had happened, and he told me to pack and come back. When I arrived he was waiting for me, and like the first time, I started by sucking his cock in the living room and we made love in the bedroom, but it was somehow better than the first time. After he had cum what felt like a measuring cup full, he lay on me letting his dick get soft, and I mentioned that I could already be pregnant. I felt his dick get hard again, and he started fucking me harder than he ever had. I thought he might fuck me to death, but what a way to go. When he finished he said it really turned him on to think he might have a white woman knocked up, and if he didn't he was going to keep fucking me until he did and make me have his black baby. It really scares me to think about having a black baby in me, but I can't keep from seeing Ron and letting him try to get me pregnant. One part of me wants to let him get me pregnant and the other part says I'm out of my mind, which I am when Ron is fucking me. The next day Ron took me to a little shop to get some clothes. He picked out two mini skirts and two blouses. One mini is so short and tight it barely covers my pussy, and the see-thru is so thin you can see my breasts and nipples as if I haven't got anything on. I stayed with Ron the rest of the week and it was something new every day, and then he would fuck me silly every night. Before I left, Ron made me promise to come back to him every month during my fertile period, and I promised I would do it until he had me knocked up. I can't believe I have done all of this, but I have. My mind is going crazy trying to sort every thing out, from why did I fuck a black man in the first place to why I'm letting him try to knock me up, knowing that if he does I'm in big trouble Thought I would let you know what a chat room got me into, but I'm not blaming it because I loved every minute of it. Angela
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