Chapter Two


RuthAnn returned to the kitchen having completed her tour of the sitting room and her ritual of checking for dust and the rectification thereof in the unlikely event of finding any. 'Cleanliness is next to Godliness' was her creed and reflected the manner in which she had always run her household, given her strict religious beliefs.

She had plenty of other sayings that she never failed to trot out whenever an appropriate moment arose and there was always her old favourite that she used to justify anything she might choose to do, 'You're never more safe than when you are in God's will'. It was her catch-all for defending her newly acquired obsession with Black Cock.

That, in turn, led her to thinking about Jacob, the church janitor, and she rationalised that, 'God will not give you more than you can handle'.

Yes, RuthAnn was a complex character who to most of the outside world appeared to be a God-fearing person who had a fervent belief in the 10 Commandments but, in truth, there were times that she broke a few of them without giving it a thought. Especially, just recently, when Jacob and his stiff penis had caught her eye but that she explained away by saying to herself, "My eyes have seen the glory of the Lord!"

Such were her thoughts as she inspected her husband as he gathered his car keys in preparation for leaving to go to work..

He passed muster after she had flicked off a stray hair that had fallen from his half-bald head onto his shoulder and, as a reward, she gave him a peck on the cheek and cheerily said, "Have a blessed day … and don't forget what we spoke about last night," as she waved him from the door.

Roger paused as he opened the car door and feigned surprise, "What are you talking about?"

"You know, your Boss, his kids .. whether we can lodge one of them here .."

He said nothing and her voice cut off as he slammed the door. "Damn, last thing I need," he thought as he reversed out onto the street.

RuthAnn watched her husband's car disappear down the street and that was the signal to commence with the next step in her daily ritual. She was by nature a very methodical person and her days always began with the same pattern.

She would always be the first in the house to awake and would slip out of the bed leaving snoring Roger to his dreams. A quick visit to the bathroom to wash the sleep from her eyes and have a pee before wrapping herself in a gown and then she would go down the stairs to get the coffee brewed and to begin breakfast preparations. RuthAnn considered herself a dutiful wife and mother and, in her mind, this was the least she could do to make sure that her ****** were best prepared for whatever the day might bring.

It was usually the smell of the coffee that acted as a wake-up call to the others in the house and in slow-time they would make their appearance and join her in the kitchen where she would supervise whatever was required to get them out of the door to go off to work. After she had seen them away, that was the time when she would go back up the stairs and with the intention of having a leisurely hour of 'me-time'.

In times past, when the house had a full ****** compliment, it used to be a fairly chaotic time but now, with two of their three kids living away from home and only having her husband and Donnie in the house, not so much, especially as Donnie who worked from home tended to stay in his room despite the lure of the coffee. Indeed, nowadays, she did her best not to disturb him as she really would rather he stayed out of sight while she attended to her own needs.

She crept up the stairs carefully picking a path to avoid the steps that made the most noise and returned to her bedroom where, first, she would tidy and remake the bed. Then she would go to her closet and drawers and pick out what she would be wearing that day. The closet choice was quick and easy as she had a range of white blouses and business-like skirts that she favoured as daytime wear. The choice when it came to the underwear drawers was a little more prolonged as RuthAnn had a passion for lingerie and there was nothing she liked more than wear under her staid outer clothing the most provocative, silky, sexiest items that the likes of Victoria Secrets or other specialist mail order houses could provide. She had quite the collection and quite the full figure to show off what she had bought over the years.

Roger was blissfully ******* of just what or how much she possessed, her closets were strictly out-of-bounds and in any case she would have told him it was none of his business given he hadn't shown any romantic interest in her for years. Donnie, on the other hand, was well aware of her passion, there was nothing he liked more than when everyone was out of the house and he could go and carefully rummage through the drawers and identify any new purchases before having a leisurely wank as he envisaged her wearing whatever he might be holding and sniffing.

RuthAnn had her suspicions about Donnie ever since finding her cum-stained underwear buried deep in the laundry basket knowing that she hadn't put them there but, heaven forbid, she would never say anything. He was her favourite and, well, let him have his dreams, where's the harm she thought as she picked out her choice of bra and panties for the day and lay them on the bed alongside the garter belt and stockings, Donnie's stains would easily be laundered away the next time she dealt with the weekly wash.

Her final act before going to the shower was to go to her nightstand and make another choice of something else that Roger didn't know about, her small selection of vibrators that were concealed at the back of the drawer. No, Roger had no idea … but Donnie did!

Donnie lay in bed wide awake listening to the familiar sounds outside his bedroom door. He had been awakened as usual by the coffee aroma drifting up from the kitchen and it amused him to mentally follow the progress of events downstairs as he stroked his stiffening cock knowing his father would be going through a regular routine which would take him out of the house with his lunch pail. He also knew once the sound of his car disappearing down the street had faded that his mother would be coming up the stairs to go to her room. On cue he heard the creak on the stairs and he slipped out of bed.

RuthAnn made sure the temperature of the shower was running just right before she slipped off her robe and stepped into the glass walled wet-room. She placed the black dildo which had been delivered the previous day on the shelf and as she lathered her hair she contemplated how much like Jacob's cock it appeared to be, so big, so stiff and hard and, '… my, they must have used him as a model. They've even got the veins just right!' she giggled to herself inside.

Donnie, as he peered around the doorway into the en-suite bathroom, had no such detailed thoughts, his mind was just filled with the visions of his mother standing in the shower room under the ceiling shower head with the soapy water streaming down her voluptuous body. From his viewpoint he could see through the steamy glass wall and he was transfixed at the sight of the water dribbling off her tits and when she turned around to see the fullness of her wet butt as she worked the lather over her legs and thighs. Then came the scene he liked the best, RuthAnn picked up the hand shower to use it to rinse off any lather that may have been missed by the rainfall from above. She always did the same thing, once she had satisfied herself that any suds had been dispatched she would lean back against the wall and with her legs apart would direct the spray so that it played directly onto her clit. Sometimes she would just let the jet do its work and enjoy the feel of the warm cascade as she directed the spray up and down her slit; other times she might get extra stimulation by massaging her tits with her free hand; sometimes she would shamelessly frig herself with her fingers up until the point where the warm water would rinse away her squirting orgasm, Donnie was never too sure what he might be witnessing, he just knew and was confident that his mother would be unwittingly be putting on a good show for him to enjoy.

This morning, she excelled herself.

RuthAnn took the dildo from the shelf giving Donnie his first sight of her latest purchase. She turned it over and confirming that the base was formed with a large sucker she carefully positioned it so it was affixed at just the right height on the glass wall facing him. Had she lifted her head and looked toward the doorway she might have noticed movement but she was so intent in her task that although she was looking in his direction he was gratified to believe she failed to see her son as he held his own stiff cock in his hand. In any case, as usual, he was being careful and had ducked his head away.

Satisfied that she had made the correct adjustment RuthAnn turned around and gave Donnie the pleasure of seeing her spread her legs, lean over and push herself back toward the obscene-looking black phallus attached to the glass wall. He had never had this view of his mother before and he stifled a groan as he watched her impale herself and to see the realistic looking penis get swallowed up as she began to wetly fuck herself. With her head turned away from him he had no fears of being seen and he boldly moved to get a better view. He was rewarded when he saw her pick up the shower head once more and with great precision she once again let the warm spray hit her clit as she once more pinched and played with her swinging breasts.

It was doubtful who climaxed first, RuthAnn who was having visions of being fucked by Jacob in the shower or Donnie who was wanking furiously as he watched his mother. In the event, he was careful to capture his ejaculation in his free hand and to then quickly depart the bedroom before his mother had the chance to turn around and see him.

He shouldn't have been concerned about being seen, she had already noticed him from the first moment when he had poked his head around the door. Not for nothing were the mirrors in the bathroom placed as they were!


Roger parked up and checked in at the depot. He wasn't in love with his job but, in these depressed times, he felt grateful that he had a job at all what with all of the lay-offs and furloughs and such that were being imposed on his fellow workers. However, he was under no illusions that his days of employment were hanging by a thread and that nothing should be taken for granted. His fears were made real when even before he had taken off his jacket he heard the boss call out his name from his office.

Roger's boss was a big black man with an intolerant attitude and a short temper and everyone who worked at the depot knew better than to cross him. He was forever goading his work force to work harder and seemed to take some perverse delight in creating an air of conflict around the office. Since the consequences of the pandemic had come to their part of the world and his grown up kids had all returned to the ****** home he seemed to have become even more cranky as he took out his frustrations on anyone who had to deal with him.

"Come in, shut the door and sit down." Roger did as commanded.

"OK, just so you know, you are not alone, I am going to be telling everyone individually what you are about to hear. The business is continuing to suffer because of this damn pandemic and orders are down and it doesn't look as if things are going to pick up again in the foreseeable future. I am going to have to downsize even further and I'm going to have to let people go."

Roger's heart sank to hear where this conversation was going. He said nothing.

"Right now I'm looking closely at everyone's position and their past performance before making any decisions on who is going to be served notice but you need to understand that everyone is in the frame and I need to be sure of your value before I make that decision."

He looked Roger straight in the eye to gauge his reaction and was not surprised to see the crestfallen expression on his face.

"Go away and think about it and let me know if you come up with anything that might make me change my mind."

Roger returned to his desk and wracked his brains to come up with a reason why he should be considered to be a greater asset to his boss than any of his other co-workers. He was well aware that his performance was considered just a little bit south of 'adequate' and whilst he could claim to have a few years of experience, for sure, he didn't have youth on his side. It was as his despair began to sink deeper that he had a 'light bulb' moment; forget about work, what about the boss's continual griping about having a houseful of kids. Why not take up RuthAnn's suggestion of offering to lodge one of them in their spare room in the basement?

It was later that week after all his co-workers had been subjected to the same lecture when he was called back into the office.

"OK, Roger, decision time; what have you got?"

Five minutes later he returned to his desk feeling reassured that, for the moment, his job was safe.


" Your breasts are like two fawns, like twin fawns of a gazelle that browse among the lilies…."

RuthAnn gave a shudder as she absorbed the vision and delighted in feeling the warmth spreading between her thighs before carefully closing the ****** bible she was reading. It was one of her favourite pastimes when she wasn't engaged in other activities and the book 'Songs of Soloman' spoke to her in ways that she couldn't describe. She envisaged these were the sort of words that Jacob the black janitor at the church might utter when he was fucking her but this was unlikely as his vocabulary was limited to more basic phrases that made reference to her cunt and to how she was liking his black cock!

She put the bible to one side and returned to the kitchen where a hot pot of a different kind was simmering on the stove. She was especially keen to make sure that the meal she was preparing was as perfect as could be for she wanted to make the best impression on the guests that she had asked husband Roger to invite over for that evening.

In truth, they weren't so much guests in the usual sense of the word but, rather, it was a young man, a candidate to take up residence in the spare room, and his father, Roger's boss, who were coming along to check that a proposed arrangement was acceptable. RuthAnn wanted to make the best impression on them both that, if the offer was taken up, the son would be lodging in a safe and well-ordered Christian home. There was also the other aspect that was swirling in her mind that it might be a lot of fun to have a black boy resident in the house for who knew where that situation might go!

She turned her concentration away from the stove when she heard Roger's car pull onto their driveway and a few moments later the front door opened and there was Roger ushering in a large black man who she recognised and sullen-looking youth who she didn't.

"Boss, this is my wife RuthAnn who you may remember .."

She offered her hand and said, "Pleased to meet you."

He shook her hand and made no attempt to hide the leer as he looked at her breasts filling the apron she was wearing. He then attempted a smile (something Roger had never before seen him do) before muttering, "Yeah, hello, I'm Eddie."

".. and this is Leon, who might be staying with us shortly," said Roger nervously. Leon acted in the same unsavoury way as his ***, kept his hands stuffed in his jacket pockets, just gave her a perfunctory nod and kept quiet as he then began to scan his new surroundings.

"Well, lovely to meet you both. Why don't we all sit down and I'll get dinner to the table and we can talk about having Leon staying with us." She turned to Roger and said, "Can you give a Donnie a call, he's in his room. Tell him our guests have arrived and we're having dinner."

Donnie responded to his father's call and was a little surprised when he came down to see the two black men setting themselves down at the meal table. He had no recollection of this visit being mentioned before and was even more surprised when he learned of the reason for their presence; he would have sworn that neither father or mother had talked about having a lodger before but, then again, perhaps he had just not been listening.

He looked at Leon and guessed that was about the same age as himself. At mother's invitation, they all linked hands around the table and before lowering his head to listen to her, as always before a meal, say Grace he ungraciously thought, "This guy looks to be a mean Son-of-a-Bitch," but he said nothing other than 'Amen' as RuthAnn came to the end of the list of people she wanted to the Lord to bless on that day.

Donnie added little to the dinner conversation and kept his thoughts to himself as he surveyed and weighed up the two characters who sat opposite smirking and in between bites were making occasional quiet comments to his mother who blushed obligingly. The son seemed to be an image of his father and Donnie's assessment was not a good one. The older man was clearly a dominant bully who seemed to have little consideration for any other opinion than his own and Donnie was a little contemptuous of how his father seemed to be in thrall as they heard his boss boasting about his achievements and successes in life. It was clearly nonsense but Donnie figured that his father's reactions were all to do with keeping on the right side of his employer.

The meal over and RuthAnn declared, "Well, let's get down to business, shall we …. "

She didn't wait for Roger to respond rather she went on to say to him, " … you can clear the table and I'll take these two gentlemen down to the basement apartment and show them the accommodation." It was assumed by her that Donnie would stay and assist his father.

Roger knew better than to argue with his wife and to the obvious amusement of Leon and Eddie he stepped aside to let the trio pass by as they went toward the basement steps. Donnie wondered if his father had noticed that his boss had given his wife a lingering pat on her butt as she led him down the steps.

Few sounds were heard from the basement which was a testament to the effectivity of the insulation of the self-contained apartment and whilst his father showed no concern as to why his wife was taking so long, Donnie was intrigued as surely it shouldn't require much time to show off one-room and a bathroom. He hung his drying-up cloth and crept down the stairs.

The door into the bedroom was slightly ajar and as he reached the last step he could hear the amused voice of the boss. He put his ear closer to the door and heard, "… yeah, this'll do very nicely. Leon can move in at the weekend. I'll bring him and his stuff over on Saturday and we can continue from there …"

Donnie peered through the crack of the door and was shocked to see his mother clearly refastening the buttons on her blouse whilst at the same time Eddie evidently putting his cock back and zipping up his pants. Leon wasn't in his line of sight but it didn't take a stretch of the imagination for Donnie to realise that it hadn't been a negotiation about the accommodation that had been taking their time!

He quickly retraced his steps and returned to the kitchen at the same time as his father who had just finished his domestic chores by taking out the trash. They both looked up as their 'guests' led by RuthAnn (who, Donnie noticed, had a flushed face which hadn't been there before she went down the stairs) reappeared through the basement door.

"Well, Roger, you'll be pleased to know that we have a new lodger," she said brightly as she patted and fussed with her hair. "Leon loved the room and we have agreed that he will move in at the weekend."

The gravelly voice of the boss cut in, "Yeah, we'll come back on Saturday and then the clock can start ticking on whatever we decide will be a fair rent."

Roger showed a little discomfort, "Ah, that sounds fine but Boss, you know that I'm working a shift this Saturday; I won't be around to help getting your boy settled in. Can we make it Sunday instead?"

Donnie laughed inwardly at his father's innocent description of 'your boy', the thug-like Leon looked most unsuited to that accolade, but his suspicions of his mother's behaviour was given more weight when he heard Eddie say, "Yeah, I know you are working and that's why it's gonna be just fine. Ain't gonna be nothing going on here that needs your help!"

His mother smiled, "Yes, don't you worry Roger. I'll be able to take care of anything that needs to be sorted out and anyway, you know how busy our Sundays are, especially this coming weekend, it is going to be Harvest Festival and we shall be spending most of our day at Church," she said with a slight nervous tone to her voice. "Perhaps that will be a good opportunity to take Leon along and introduce him to everyone!"

Donnie was unable to suppress a snort at hearing that. From what he had just observed in the basement it was highly unlikely that Leon was a church-going kind of guy. RuthAnn glared at him for his rudeness.

"Yeah, doncha worry about a thing. From what I've seen your wife is a very capable lady and I'm sure she can take care of business jus' fine wit out ya being around," smirked Eddie. "We'll come by on Saturday get everything sorted out then." He looked at his watch, " .. now, best we get going .. got things to do .."

He picked up his jacket and as he shook her hand he gave her a wink. Roger didn't see that, he was already out of the door waiting by the car to drive them back to their home.

The car drew away and RuthAnn turned to Donnie and without any sense of irony said, "Well, that went well, didn't it and what a nice man your father's boss is, such a strong character, don't you think?"

She didn't wait for his answer as she walked around the kitchen checking to see that Roger had done everything expected of him. She realigned the plates in the cupboard making a mental note to tell her husband that, once again, he had put them in the wrong place before continuing with her assessment of events. "That Leon seems like quiet boy; I'm sure he's going to be no trouble and, oh, if you have something planned for Saturday and need to be elsewhere, don't worry, carry on with whatever, I shall be able to cope with getting Leon settled in and, anyway, his father will be with him to help .." her voice trailed off as she refolded the drying-up cloths.

Donnie left her and went back upstairs to his room with his mind full of the glimpse he'd had of Eddie's stiff cock fresh in his mind. He lay down on his bed and as he pulled out his own stiffening penis he smiled, gave a shudder and thought as he began stroking, "Go elsewhere? Wouldn't dream of it. I know what's going on here …."


to be continued.