MECHANICS By Wife Watcher

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I had called at this little back street garage as I was looking for a cheap car for my wife to use as a run-a-round. It wasn't a proper car dealer but I was told that he sometimes had bargains. Damaged cars that he had restored. I was looking around at the 3 cars he had for sale. The owner of the garage, Greg, was standing talking to 2 other guys and just ignoring me. My wife Julia got out of our car and came to join me. As soon as the mechanics saw her, they rushed over offering to help. Julia is only 4' 10" tall but is very lovely to look at. That day being warm & sunny, she was wearing shorts and a very low cut top. Her high heel shoes usually make her legs look good but with the very short, shorts, they looked very sexy.

When I said that the car was for Julia, the owner of the garage said that he was getting an 'almost new' Mini that would be perfect for, as he put it, "A lovely little lady like your wife." He said that he was expecting the car from a friend who was coming to his house that evening as they were having a party. Would my wife and I like to come too? Before I could say anything, Julia said yes, that she would love to go to a party. Well I'm not a snob or anything but I didn't think these were our kind of people. A bit too 'rough & ready' if you know what I mean.

That evening we arrived about 9-30pm though we had been asked to go at 8pm. The party was well under way and everyone seemed to be having a good time. We were made to feel very welcome. We danced a bit and Julia was asked to dance by a young man that I recognised as one of the mechanics from the garage. Well once everyone had seen her dancing with someone else, she became very popular and had a different partner for almost every dance. When she did join me for a short break and a quick drink, she said that she was really enjoying herself. I know she loves to dance but she said that during some of the slower dances, she found that some of her partner's hands had taken the opportunity to feel her bottom. I asked her if she wanted to leave but she just laughed and said it was just harmless flirting and laughed.

She was soon off dancing again and I was kept busy. Once I had mentioned that I was into computers, I was inundated with questions from lots of people. Some very nice young girls had my undivided attention. I looked up at one point and couldn't see Julia on the dance area but then I saw her standing only a few feet away from me. Just the same way that I was surrounded by people asking about computers, Julia was surrounded by her dance partners. She was laughing and having a good time, so I was pleased for her.

I went upstairs to the toilet and as I was coming back down the stairs, I could see through the open doorway and over the heads of the crowd and I just froze on the spot. Julia was against the wall with her blouse wide open. A man on each side of her had her arms pinned against the wall and a guy standing in front of her was opening her bra (Front clasp) and revealing her breasts to the 6 men surrounding her. But what really surprised me was the fact that she seemed to be enjoying it. Her eyes were closed and there was a faint smile on her lips.

Just then, the hall door opened and Greg shouted to me. I couldn't quite take in what he was saying at first, then realised that he was beckoning for me to follow him out to the street. He said that his friend had arrived with the Mini. I went outside with him to see the car but my insides were in turmoil. I didn't know what to do or what to think. I had just witnessed my wife being forcefully molested and she seemed to be enjoying it. I told Greg that it wasn't a good time for me to look at cars as I'd had too much to drink. He said that he understood and it would keep.

I returned to the party and as I walked past the group 'entertaining' my wife, I could see that they had her skirt up and her panties were missing and one guy was finger fucking her whilst 2 others were sucking on her tits. I pretended not to notice and went back to where I had been before. My group had dispersed, so I stood alone pretending not to look but every now and then I would peek over to watch Julia being 'gang molested'.

My dick ached, I was that turned on. My mind was in turmoil. I was brought back to my senses by Julia, asking me to get her a drink. I asked her if she was enjoying herself, not mentioning that I had seen her being finger fucked and she said that it was a great party. I returned with her drink and found her taking to Greg. She was bubbling over with excitement. "Greg's got my Mini." She said. She took a quick drink then went off with Greg to see the car. I noticed that as they went out the door, the 6 guy's who had been molesting her, followed after them. I gave them about 5 minutes and I went outside to see what was going on. There was no sign of anyone. The street was deserted. Just then I heard Julia moan quite loudly. I walked around to the side of the house and saw the lights on in a caravan. I walked up to the open window and what I saw made me shoot sponk inside my pants. Julia was sucking Greg's cock whilst all the other guys were feeling her tits and taking tu rns fucking her.

Although it was what I had expected to see, the reality of actually seeing my wife with a big dick in her mouth and another actually FUCKING her, hit me like a sledgehammer. Even though I had cum, my dick was still rock hard. I went around to the door and entered the caravan. I just sat there wanking on my dick as all these men used my wife. Filling her lovely body with sponk. Shooting sponk on her tits. Cuming in her mouth.

When the crowd thinned out as the guys wore themselves out and returned to the party, Julia saw me watching her. She smiled and beckoned me over to join her. "Look!" she said pulling my head down to her stomach. "Watch as Greg's lovely big dick goes into my pussy." She pushed my head further down towards her lovely cunt. My face just slid along her stomach in all the sponk. As my mouth got level with her cunt, Greg withdrew his big gnarled dick and pushed it into my mouth. I could her Julia egging me on. "That's it! Suck Greg's lovely big dick. Suck it baby, let him fuck your throat, you'll love it! I do."

I started to choke as the huge fat dick blocked my windpipe. Gradually, I adjusted to the intrusion. The feeling became wonderful. I was enjoying a strange mans dick sticking out of my mouth. The thought that he would shoot his sponk into me, filled me with a pleasure I cannot describe. Then I felt it. Felt his dick throb as the ejaculations started. As fast as it squirted into my mouth, I swallowed it all down.

As he finished, he pulled me around to the front of Julia and said. "If you like sponk that much, try some of this." He pushed my face into Julia's gaping, redraw cunt. I slurped away happily, drinking all the sponk out of her. She was 'turned on' by my actions and she came several more times.

Later Greg said that if we would be the entertainment at a stag party the following week, we could have the Mini for nothing. You guessed it; Julia now drives around in a Mini. I think there maybe something wrong with the car, as she is always going back to the garage to get 'serviced'. ;-)
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