Long, Hard, And Full of Semen An E&I Enterprises Story copyright 2002 by Stormbringer Stormbringer_stories@hotmail.com

"I need to use the computer when you're done."

Mike Scott looked up at the giant black man. "Damn Ray, I swear if you get any bigger, your gonna need your own cabin." The black man could barely fit through the small metal door. Ray had gone on leave the last time the sub docked and come back rippling with muscles on top of muscles. Ray had been big to began with, but now he was almost grotesque looking... unnatural. "I'm getting ready to go on duty, you can have it then."

"Best get going now," said the black man pulling out Mike's chair with Mike still in it, "antenna ain't up long."

Mike wanted to protest, to say it was his computer, but Ray intimidated the hell out of him. The black man was half a foot taller then Mike and twice as wide. Ray was so black, they called him Manta Ray or sometimes Black Manta after the Aquaman villain. Ray had returned from their last shore leave more muscular and cocky, announcing he was quiting the navy. "But I thought you were a career man?" asked Mike.

"Not any more. I just been hired by King Enterprises in New York, they're paying big bucks for electronics experts and there's other benefits too."

Mike got out of the room fast, knowing Ray needed to jerk off. Mike had always liked Ray until this tour, but the new, muscle-bound black man was more aggressive, dominate, and had a big dick that seemed to insinuate it's way into Mike's thoughts and dreams. He was even thinking about Ray's cock over his pretty wife, Jenni.

It started when Mike walked in on Ray coming out of the shower. Mike's eyes bugged out and he did a double take. Ray had a partial erection that looked like a swollen black banana sticking out a foot from his crotch revealing absolutely huge semen filled balls. Ray just smirked at him and left. Mike couldn't bring himself to remove the towel wrapped around his waist until Ray had left, understanding what an inferiority complex was for the first time. A foot long and only a partial erection? Mike couldn't shake the image all day. He'd never seen Mike naked before, but they'd roomed together a year, surely he would have noticed the unusual size of the black man's crotch?

The other problem with Ray's cock is that he seemed to need to jerk off a lot more. They'd both done it before, some silent agreement leaving each other alone several times a week, but now Ray was doing it several times a day. Ray had the top bunk and the first night back, it was bucking for close to half an hour. Ray was mumbling, "Suck it bitch, let me fuck that white pussy. Yeah baby," as he stroked himself. Mike could even smell the black man's dick.

The smell started as soon as Ray began jerking off. Mike felt his own penis grow as he imagined Ray's hand sliding along that huge shaft. Then the thought of Ray's cock fully erect sent a shiver of inferiority down Mike's spine and his own, much smaller penis shriveled, his balls retreating into his scrotum. The smell from the black's cock was growing and eating it's way into Mike's brain. He saw himself getting up and jerking off Ray's cock for him, then lowering his head toward the tip of Ray's cock, mouth opening until...

Ray came. The black man grunted and Mike feared the top bunk might cave in on him. He imagined what such a big dick must look like cumming and his imagination fit reality, because several large wads of sperm rained down around him.

Mike dreamed he was sucking off Ray that night. It was the only gay dream of his life and disturbed him the next morning, Luckily, he couldn't remember most of it. He was himself at one point, a blurry woman in another. Once, he was choking on half the black man's cock when Jenni walked in the room. His wife wasn't in the navy, but was wearing a dress uniform. Mike saw her and removed Ray's cock from his mouth. He stroked it lovingly for a moment before bending it towards Jenni, offering it to her. The last thing Mike remembered about the dream was Jenni's uniform disappearing as she took her husband's place between the black man's legs.

When Mike woke up from the dream, the top bunk was squeaking again as Ray picked up speed. Mike glanced at his watch, it was only three hours since the last time Ray had jerked off. The smell was growing stronger and Mike ended up burying his nose in his underarm to keep the gay thoughts out of his mind. The next night, he got his hands on some nose plugs and things were better, though the smell never quite left the room as the waist basket always seemed full of crusty paper towels.

Mike had one last complaint, he thought Ray was using Jenni's picture to wank off too. On their last trip, before Ray became such a jerk, they had come back on board and Mike had set a picture of Jenni beside his bed. "Whoa, she's beautiful buddy," said Ray picking up the picture and staring at it. Jenni was wearing a modest blue bikini that made her look like an innocent girl-next-door. "What I wouldn't give to be with a hot white woman like that. You're a lucky man. Obviously no children," said Ray looking at Jenni's trim figure.

"No, but we're trying. Her time isn't matching my leave very well."

Mike caught Ray looking a Jenni's picture a lot that tour, which wasn't surprising given her beauty and the fact that there weren't any real women on the sub to look at. Mike liked the idea of other men staring at his wife. They could stare all they wanted too, only Mike got to sleep with her. On this tour, Mike noticed streaks on Jenni's picture and once a thumb print twice the size of his own. The picture smelled of windex, but underlying it was the ever-present smell of Ray's sperm.

So the bastard liked to jerk off looking at pictures of Jenni did he? At least he'll never see the pictures on my computer.


At that moment Ray was jerking off looking at pictures of Jenni on Mike's computer. He had gone to hotmail and automatically logged into Mike's account. Curious, he clicked through Mike's mail until he found an email from Jenni only a few days old. The subject was "Wish You were here" and the email contained ten pictures. Ray started with the first and went through to the end.

Jenni was a petite, pretty blonde that Ray wanted to fuck more then anything. He wanted her the first time Mike set her bikini picture beside their beds. Lust had turned to obsession as Ray looked at the picture almost everyday for three months, many times she was the only woman he'd see that time as they were submerged. It was worse when Mike got "enhanced" last leave. Enhanced men were truly addicted to cumming, the pleasure of blasting semen through his fourteen inch cock was ten times as great as cumming when he was seven and a half inches. He had to jerk off two-three times a day and being submerged with no women around was maddening. Ray half considered making the wimp in the lower bunk service his cock, but he needed an honorable discharge and couldn't risk getting caught. He settled for setting Jenni's picture on his hard, muscle-ridged stomach and jerking off looking at her for weeks on end.

The first picture Ray clicked on showed Jenni, in a patriotic bikini. He immediately forwarded the email to his address. He hoped the pictures would get better, but would be surprised as his mind had elevated the sweet girl in the bikini to angelic status. He was wrong they got a lot better.

The red, white, and blue bikini was modest, but sexy. It was split down the center, half the panties white with blue stars, the other half red and white stripes. The bra top was the same only the two halves were reversed. Jenni was a green-eyed blonde with a fatastic hourglass figure. Her waist was unusually thin, her tummy flat and firm. Her hips flared out and her ass looked amazing though it was facing away from the camera. Her breasts were smallish, probably a B-cup, but looked nice and perky. She probably wasn't any bigger then 5'6" and no heavier then 110-120 pounds. The jpeg showed her standing by a cot in her yard smiling at the camera.

In the second picture, she was laying on the cot, rubbing sun tan lotion on her belly. That picture was so sexy, Ray's dick got fully hard and he had to pause to take it out. On the third he was stroking it. Jenni was laying on her stomach, her ass was as perfect as he'd imagined. Her legs were slightly parted and the material was indented along her ass cheeks.

"You fucking slut," growled Ray looking at the next series of pictures, her angelic status shattered. Jenni was now in her bedroom wearing sexy lingerie. It was a blue bra and panty with a sheer light blue top hanging from her shoulders to her hips. The top was perfectly see thru and her underwear was thin enough it teased him with a faint outline of nipple and bush. "I'd bet you'd like this shoved up that hot ass," he said jerking off at the next picture. The back of the outfit was a thong and Jenni had turned around doing a toe-touch, elevating her ass and stretching her firm legs. She did have a great ass.

Jenni got progressively more naked as the pictures progressed. The little tease took her bra off, then her panties, but kept the sheer top on. She held her arm across her breasts and her other hand over her crotch to cover up her goods. She moved her arms in the next picture, posing nude under the top. In the last picture she was lying on a bed with her legs spread for the camera totaly nude. Ray's sperm splattered the picture, coating the monitor as his balls emptied.

Ray quickly pointed his cock away from the valuable computer and shot his other wads on the floor. The one drawback to being enhanced was the mess.

Ray cleaned off the monitor, staring at the picture of Jenni with her legs held open for him. Her eyes pleaded with him, begging him to fuck her. I need a real man, she cried. I need black cock. Fuck me Ray, fuck me.


Jenni got home from work and plopped down on the couch. Sometimes she had a melancholy, "why bother" mood and today was one of them. She was lonely without Mike around, bored, never cooked for just herself, and she craved excitement. She was also feeling reflective as people often get when their thirtieth birthday is fast approaching. She'd get to see Mike in less then a month, but he'd ship off again just before her birthday.

Jenni got up and put a pasta tv dinner into the microwave and turned on the computer waiting for her dinner to get done. She quickly ate, then checked her emails. She was about to delete one that looked like spam, but instead clicked on it. The email was from someone named Blackmanta. It read:

[Jen, I miss you so much. That night we spent together was so special to me. Give me a time and place and I am there. Please write back, I know I ruined you for white men. Just say where or when and I will give you the superior black cock that you crave. Black Manta]

Jenni laughed, a little shocked. At first she had been confused, then realized it was a case of mistaken identity. The fact that the man was black and the woman white was what shocked her, and the arrogance of the man, "superior black cock" indeed. Jenni deleted the message and forgot about it until a second message arrived a week later.

[Remember when I tied your hands behind you and made you suck me off using only your mouth? Remember fainting from cumming so hard as you rode my big cock? I loved crushing you beneath me as I pounded your pussy into submission. Remember when I bent you over the couch and fucked you from behind while your husband mowed the lawn? Remember how inadeqate your husband's little prick felt after fucking a real man? Remember when I hooked your ass on black cock after your pussy was mine? You're my black cock slut Jenni Scott. Write me back so we can fuck again. The picture will remind you what you're missing. Black Manta]

Jenni squirmed a little in her seat. She had woken up horny and the dirty message made it worse. She couldn't quite understand what about it made her so hot, it wasn't the man's obssession with his size nor the obscene language. Mike certainly wasn't inadequate. It was a combination of all these things. There was another Jenni Scott out there who was cheating on her husband with a black man that used her like a slut. It was arousing. Jenni clicked on the picture, fifteen minutes later she quit staring.

The black man had sent her a picture of his crotch from just above his belly button to just above his knees. An erect, incredibly massive, torpedo shaped penis protruded out from his crotch. She barely noticed how hard and defined the muscles on the man's stomach and legs looked. She did notice the giant, low-hanging ball sack which looked like two baseballs had been shoved in a wrinkled, dark bag. It was the penis that kept drawing her attention. The monstrosity was perfectly formed and looked to be carved from basalt. Jenni realized the size of it was mostly an illusion from the angle of the camera, but even so, it was a beautiful cock and looked to be bigger then Mike's. Her husband's was the only penis she had ever seen and she wasn't aware they came in different shapes and sizes.

Jenni replied to the email:

[Manta, this is the second email I've gotten from you. I'm afraid I'm not the Jenni Scott you're looking for. Good luck finding your lover. Please don't email me again.]

Jenni did get another email from him another week later.

[Jenni Scott, I'm terribly sorry about the misunderstanding. I hope I didn't offend you in any way. I lost my Jenni Scott's email and came up with yours during a search. Once more, I appologize. Black Manta. PS What did you think of the picture?]

Jenni had looked at the picture every day since, sometimes twice, staring at it with a zen-like focus. She sent blackmanta a reply.

[I was very impressed with your picture. I found it kind of funny. Did you use photoshop?]

[Jenni Scott. What do you mean photoshop? You've obviously never seen a black cock before. You have my sympathies. Here is another picture.]

Jenni gasped and felt her pussy get a little wet. This picture showed more of Manta's torso and it was incredibly muscular, as much as any pro weightlifters and he looked like he was flexing every muscle on his chest. This time he had angled his penis away from the camera and held a 12" ruler beside it. The big head of his penis extended two-inches beyond the end of the ruler.]

[I simply don't believe it Manta. It's an incredible picture, but I find it hard to believe penises get that big. It still must be a trick. Your body's incredible by the way.] Mike had a nice wiry body after basic training when they met, but each year it had become a little doughier, a little pudgier, and being stuck on a sub months on end kept him a pale white.

[Jenni, you poor thing. Penises don't get that big, cocks do, black cocks. Surely you've heard the rumors about black cock size and our sexual superiority? My Jenni used to be like you. Her husband is in the military and away a lot. She thought sex was good until meeting me. Her husband never really satisfied her, never filled her, never reached the places that gave her really big orgasms. It's a long story, but she accidently saw me naked. She was sucking my cock by the end of the day. You see, she wanted to see it hard, she wanted to find out what a man-sized cock felt like to hold. Her husband was upstairs asleep when she first held my cock in her hand. I'll meet you if you'd like, if you want to experience a real cock for yourself?]

This had gone on too long. It was fun at first, made her feel naughty, but now he was talking about getting together.

[Manta, please don't email me again. I find this talk offensive. I will be deleting any thing else you send me. I am a happily married woman and will never cheat on my husband. PS I still think you're full of poop.]

Jenni did get another message and against her better judgement she read it.

[Jenni Scott you are a white slut. You just don't know it yet. Measure your husband's little worm the next time you see him and tell me it excites you as much as black cock. If you want the truth about black men, go to the video store and rent the movie, "Sexual Reparations." It's porn, but it will show you who's full of shit.] Jenni found the porn in the video store. She had never been so embarrasssed in her life as when she checked it out. She hadn't planned on renting it. She had found herself bored looking for a movie, when she passed the X-rated section. She thought she'd just go in and look for it to read the cover. She found it quickly. The cover showed a black man in judges robes flanked by two black policemen, all muscle men. Three beautiful, handcuffed white girls kneeled at their feet. The dvd had a label called "E&I Video" as did most of the wall the movie was located on. Most of them appeared to be interracial. Against her better judgement, she rented it. Luckily, you only had to bring the plastic case up so it wasn't as embarrassing, though the pimply faced clerk gave her a stare like he knew what this movie was about.

Jenni did some errands, fixed dinner, then took a bath. When she was finished she curled her feet under her on the couch and played the dvd. She planned on just watching a little to see what Manta had been talking about and to remind her what it was like to have sex. Mike would be on leave in a week and it would be nothing but sex for them everyday for a month.

Jenni ended up watching the whole movie.


The girl was led into the courtroom handcuffed. The actress was dressed like white trash. Her perfectly big, perfectly fake boobs pushed up a large halter top and showed off her belly. Tight cut-offs and high heels completed the look. "What is the meaning of this?" she said. "I didn't do anything."

"You have been found in violation of the reparations law."

"What the hell's that?"

"Language maam or I will hold you in contempt. As I was saying, you are a direct descendent from a slave owner. Your ****** is guilty of past injustice against the black race. The maximum sentence for this grievous crime is life imprisonment."

"Noooo," screamed the woman. "I can't go to prison."

"Baliff, I'm going to hold off sentencing till after lunch. Bring Miss Melons to my chamber."

The baliff left the handcuffed woman alone with the judge in his office. "May I sit down Judge Hambone?" she asked.

"No, you may kneel, if you'd like."

The woman kneeled, hands still bound behind her. She looked up as the judge approached. It was a very submissive posture, like she was a slave kneeling before her master. "I'm sure this is a mistake your honor." Her face was even with his crotch.

"No mistake. You are a direct descendant of Colonel Melons, the largest slaveholder in the county two hundred years ago."

"You can't punish me for something my ancestor did that long ago."

"Yes I can, thanks to the reparations bill just passed by congress. I''m fully authorized to imprison you for as long as I want."

"As long as you want?"

"Or not at all, I have leeway. The law is most ambiguous as long as you make restitution."

"Is there anyway for me to stay out of jail?"

"As a matter of fact there is. It seems that I am a direct descendent of one of your ancestor's slaves. If you were to show me restitution, I believe all would be forgiven."

The woman smirked. "I think we can come to an arangement your, honor."

"It's time to cum clean for past injustice, Miss Melons." The black judge lifted his robes. He wasn't wearing pants and his giant cock was slowly rising to attention. Then the cheesy music started and the girl leaned forward opening her mouth.


Jenni paused the movie when the black man was completely hard. It wasn't as big as Manta's, but it had to be a foot long. The woman attacked his cock using only her mouth as she was still handcuffed. Of course she was getting paid to do this, but she seemed to fully enjoy giving the black man a blow job. She sucked him enthusiasticaly for a long time, then Jenni paused it again as cum exploded out the sides of her mouth. Soon, both were nude, the girl had her legs spread as the judge pounded his huge cock into her pussy and she took it all. The scene flowed together perfectly, but must have been filmed over several days as the judge turned the woman over and fucked her ass after cumming in her pussy. Each time he came it looked as though he had stored up sperm for a year.

"Had enough Miss Melons?" The girl was toying with the judges cock as they laid side by side in bed.

"No your honor. I don't believe I have made adequate restitution for my crimes. You are just one man, my ancestor owned hundreds of slaves. I need to pay reparations to all of them."

Jenni caught herself gently squeezing her breasts as she watched the movie. She was also squirming on the couch from arousal as the next scene started. ****************

"Why'd you stop me officers, I wasn't speeding?"

Two muscular black cops were looking at the pretty female driver. "You ever fucked a black man Mrs. Derry Queen.?" asked one reading her name off her license.

"That's none of your business officers and of course not, I am a happily married woman," said the driver.

"Fucking only white men is discrimination. Your in violation of the reparations law. Your going to jail."

"Wait, what if I promise to end my discriminatory ways?"

Soon the woman was naked and kneeling on a blanket one of the cops had spread out. One of the black cops was feeding his beer can thick, ten inch cock into her mouth while the other was pushing his thirteen inch monster into her pussy. The contrast between the woman's pale white skin and the two muscular black men's was very erotic. As was the sight of two well-defined, muscular male bodies with huge pricks attached. Though an actress, the woman seemed to enjoy the fucking, her nipples were rock hard and fluid was pouring down her thighs. The cop in her mouth came and his cock never seemed to go soft. Soon he was shoving it in her ass, which Jenni noticed was already stretched out like she had been fucked in it dozens of times. The men came, then pulled out. A worn, but happy looking actress then said, "I'll never fuck another white man again. But isn't that discrimination also?"

"No, it's only natural," said the cops.

The last scene was of a pudgy, older white man in a suit coming home to a large plantation only to find his wife in bed with the judge. "Honey, how could you?"

"How could I not," gasped the woman as she got the fucking of her life.

The man looked horrified and stumbled out behind the house where a young, big-titted slut was riding another black guy. "Daddy?" said the girl. "They're soooo big."

The wife and judge came outside. "I remember what you said about this being a slave plantation," said the wife walking around the pool naked. "So I called up the judge and asked what I should do to pay off the reparations law."

"A good law-abiding citizen, your wife," said the judge, "and a good lay. Signed the house right over to me."

"Noooo," screamed the husband. He stumbled past a dozen nude black men filing out by the pool. The camera panned back showing the man walking onto the street. Other white men with dazed expressions were sitting on the curbs in front of their homes. The white men seemed to have been selected for being short, older, and out of shape. The scene flashed back to the pool where the mother and ******** were getting gang-banged. Unlike the whites, the blacks seemed to have been hired based on fitness and cock size. All had the bodies of weightlifters, some with wide torsos, others with more wiry bodies and all had cocks at least ten inches, some pushing fifteen.

Jenni had an orgasm when one of the blacks blew his load on the ********'s tits. Cumming brought her back to reality. She looked down surprised to see that one of her hands had found it's way under her panties and she had been rubbing her clit as she watched the movie.

Jenni watched the movie again several times and returned it three days late. She still believed the movie had been faked somehow, but found herself getting a shiver of excitement everytime she saw a goodlooking black man. Sex with a black man had been unthinkable until now and she half wished she had tried one back before she was married. None of the blacks she saw had the torso of the porn stars, nor the animal magnetism, but she couldn't help looking. Not that she'd ever cheat on Mike, but it was fun to fantacize.

******************* Mike, Ray and other crew members stood on deck in their whites, hands clasped behind their backs as the sub arrived at Norfolk. Several wives waved from the dock as the sub entered it's berth. Mike spotted Jenni and waved.

When they were allowed ashore, Mike ran to Jenni and lifted her up twirling her around. "I'm so glad your back," she cried hugging her husband.

"God, I missed you," said Mike. He sat Jenni down and noticed her staring over his shoulder. Mike turned and saw that Ray had followed him. "Jenni, this is Ray. Ray, this is my wife."

"Nice to meet you Miss Jenni," said Ray shaking her hand. He noticed her shudder as her little hand disappeared in his.

"Nice to finally meet you," she replied. Ray thought he caught her eyes flicker quickly down to his crotch and then back to her husband. The big black man was pretty sure she had watched the movie. "This was Ray's last tour honey. He's got a job in New York."

"Yeah," said Ray no more months at sea wthout a woman for me. I'm done with the navy. No idea how I'm gettin to New York though. I guess I'll hitch."

"Well, we're in Maryland, just outside Salisbury," said Jenni. "You can drive up the pennisula with us. I'm sure you can get a bus to New York from Salisbury."

"Really?" asked Ray. "You don't mind do ya buddy?" Ray put his hands on Mike's shoulder and squeezed it a little too tight."

"Not at all," said Mike with an expression that said he did mind. "We drive right by the bus station."

"Great! Well I have some papers to sign."

"Alright, Jenni get us a room at the hotel, I'll meet you as soon as things are squared with the sub. Ray, meet us at 0800 hours and we'll head North."


Jenni looked over at her husband sitting contentedly behind the drivers seat. They had enjoyed a good night of sex, she had even sucked his dick for awhile, for once showing some enthusiasm. Sex had been pleasurable, but being apart so long had Mike cumming quickly and Jenni failed to orgasm. He didn't do much better the next morning when she mounted him. She wished he could last longer, like the black men in the movie. Thinking of them had her wondering what Mike's penis would feel like a little thicker, an inch longer, two inches, three inches and black... Just as she was getting into her fantasy, Mike came. She had sighed and got up to go to the bathroom to clean his sperm out of her. She hadn't told Mike, but the timing was finally right for her to get pregnant during this shore leave. She patted her belly, praying that god would give her a baby.

"Where the hell is he?" Mike almost honked the horn impatiently.

"Here he comes," said Jenni. Ray came out of the building, smiling. He was wearing a tight tank top that left his muscular arms bare and tight jeans. Jenni's eyes wandered down to his crotch and she saw it. The outline of a giant, thick cock like the men in the movie or Manta's. Ray fit the body type and she had known he was hung the minute she saw him.

"New York, here I come," said Ray getting in the car. "No more navy for me. Thanks for the lift."

Jenni talked to Ray a lot during the three hour drive, Mike was uncharacteristicaly silent. They would of spent the ride talking about sex and starting a ****** if it weren't for their black passenger. So Jenni spent the ride talking to Ray while Mike concentrated on driving. Ray told her about his past, but was strangely evasive about his new job. Jenni kept wanting to glance down at his crotch, but settled for his handsome face. He was very black, with typical negroid features, flat nose, big lips, but it suited him well. His hair was buzzed so short he was almost bald. She had a strong desire to see his penis.

Jenni loved Mike and was faithful. She didn't want to sleep with Ray, she just wanted to see what his penis looked like. She wanted to see what his cock looked like fully erect. Maybe, hold his black cock in her hand and stroke it. Maybe, he'd let her take his superior black cock in her mouth and then stuff it in her pussy as she rode it to orgasm after or.... "Here's the bus stop," said Mike.

Jenni snapped out of her daydream and blushed as she had been staring over her shoulder at Ray. He winked at her and she turned around embarrassed and ashamed of the thoughts running through her head. "I'm sorry," said Ray. "I forgot to mention that the navy needs to mail me my discharge papers, so I gave them your address. It would only be for a few days. I can stay at a hotel nearby."

"Nonsense," said Jenni. "We can put you up for two days, can't we Mike?"

Mike didn't look happy at all, but said, "Sure."

"Great, I'll take you two out to dinner as a way of saying thanks."

Mike left the bus stop and headed for home. Jenni forced herself to look out the front window. Maybe, she'd get a chance to see Ray's big black cock over the next few days. Maybe, she could suck... Jenni rolled down the window to get some fresh air and to get these thoughts out of her mind.


Jenni looked across the table at her friend Diane. Diane had a wide-eyed expression of shock on her face as she talked to Ray. The two women worked in a bookstore together and Jenni had asked Diane to join them for dinner. Diane hadn't been happy to see that Ray was black, but Jenni told her it was just dinner, not a date, she didn't want Ray to feel like a third wheel and explained to the black man that Diane was only here as company. Now Diane had a funny look on her face and Jenni couldn't see Ray's hand. Diane was small, plump, and shy. She didn't get a lot of attention from guys and Ray practically fawned on her.

"Well, what's say we hit the hay. It's been a long day," said Mike standing.

"Why don't you two go on ahead," said Ray.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I know you want some time alone. I'm sure Diane will bring me back later."

"That ok with you Diane?" asked Mike.

Diane wouldn't look either of them in the eye. She held her head down blushing and meekly said, "Yes, it's fine with me."


Jenni got to see Ray's cock the next morning. She was in a good mood, having screwed her husband twice the night before. It had been some good sex, but she had trouble concentrating as she kept wondering if Diane had fucked Ray and was surprised to find she was a little jealous. She decided they hadn't, Ray, a horny sailor, was probably ready to fuck anything, but Diane wasn't the type to sleep around on the first date or the second or third, for that matter and she didn't really care for blacks.

Jenni had to work early the next morning. Tired from sex and partying late the night before, she fumbled with the shower and dressing. She needed some coffee to get moving and went downstairs only to freeze as she saw Ray's cock.

The black man had passed out on the couch, apparently not making it upstairs to the guest room. He was naked except for skin tight boxer shorts. She paused only briefly to admire his chest, as her eyes were focused on his black dangling cock.

In a way, it was a disappointment. Sure, it was big and thick, but it was as limp as a wet noodle. Ray's cock had fallen out of his boxers and was lying across his thigh. It was probably nine inches long, but it was lifeless. It looked tired, spent, just like Mike's penis looked after sex only a lot bigger. As she stared, Ray murmured in his sleep and she gasped as Ray's cock swelled a little, extending another inch and plumped up even thicker.

Her gasp made his eyes flicker and he looked at her, sitting up. "Mornin Jen," he said yawning. "Sorry you caught me napping. I figured you two would be going at it hot and heavy, so I slept down here."

Jenni was forcing herself to look in Ray's face. He hadn't realized his cock was sticking out and it was now over ten inches long and still growing. "I didn't hear you come in," she said turning the coffee machine on.

"I think you were in the shower."

Jenni froze. That meant he had come home less then an hour ago. He had spent the whole night with Diane?

"What are you doing up?" The black giant was standing in the living room with his hands behind his head flexing his massive biceps. His body was almost so muscular it was disgusting, like a weightlifters only constantly flexed and rippling with muscles. "I figured you two love birds would stay in bed all day."

"I have to go to work today."

"If I had known that, I would have covered up." Ray suddenly seemed to notice his cock was jutting out, now probably a foot long and still not completely hard. As if it were nothing, he calmly reached down and stuffed it in his shorts without even bothering to turn around.

"I'm taking a lot of time off while Mike's here, but I still have to work a couple days a week."

"Well, I gots to gets me some sleep. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Jenni stared at his big, hard ass as he turned and walked up the stairs.

Jenni opened the store and worked for a few hours before Diane stumbled in. The chubby woman looked horrible, like she hadn't slept at all. Her eyes were bloodshot and her cheeks had a swollen, rubbery look to them. She was also walking bowlegged and winced when she sat down to take a break. Despite looking tired and sore, Jen had never seen Diane looking happier. Still, she was not working up to speed and left work early to get some rest.


Still wearing just his shorts, Ray walked out to the mailbox as the postman drove away. Sure enough, there was a priority envelope addressed to him from the military containing his discharge papers. There was also another piece of overnight mail addressed to him. This one had a return address of King Pharmaceuticals in New York. He closed the mailbox, leaving the Scott's mail inside.

Ray opened his package and took out the little vial surrounded by packing peanuts. He went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Mike seemed to drink a glass of milk a day, so he poured half the vial into the open carton of milk. The other half went into Jenni's two liter of diet pepsi. There was enough Xcite in the bottle, to leave Mike impotent for a month, maybe two, while leaving Jenni climbing the walls with horniness.

Later, when Mike got home from playing golf. Ray watched as he made some coffee. Mike then poured a little milk into his cup. 'bye bye erections', thought Ray as Mike sipped his drink. Jenni came home later and immediately poured a glass of diet pepsi.

"You two up for clubbin again?" asked Ray.

"God, no," said both Scotts in unison.

"I'm beat," said Jenni, "lets just watch a movie." "Got any porn?" asked Ray. Jenni turned beat red. "Just kidding." Just then the phone rang. "If that's Diane, tell her I've left already."

Jenni answered the phone. "Oh, hello Diane. No, I'm afraid he's left already. No, I don't have an address for him. If he calls Mike, I'll try to get it. Are you crying? He did say, he had a great time last night and wished he could stay here longer," she lied.

Jenni hung up the phone. "Ass hole! That's my best friend I just lied to."

"I'm only thinking of her. The poor bitc...thing's infatuated with me as is after one night. I don't want her to get hooked on me."

'I'm getting a movie," said Jenni shaking her head and leaving the room. What a conceited son-of-a-bitch. Halfway through the movie, Jenni got horny. She didn't know why, the film was a dumb action movie she had put in for the guys. There was no nudity and little sex, but as she sat watching it, sipping from her diet pepsi, she got horny. Her breathing picked up and her pulse quickened. She shivered as a wave of pleasure traveled out from her breasts. Her nipples were hard and scraping her bra. Worse her pussy was juicing up so bad, she feared it might leak right through her soaked panties and leave a mark on the couch. "Honey, I'm tired, lets call it a night."

"You go up Jen, I'll be up after the movie," said Mike.

"You sure dear?" She put her hand on his shoulder and stared at him trying to give him the hint.

Mike stared at her kind of confused then frowned. "I'm sure, I'll be up in an hour or so."

Now Jenni was frowning, Mike never turned down sex. Then it hit her. This powerful horniness might be her body's way of saying she was ovulating. "Mike, I think you should come upstairs."

"Go asshole," said Ray. "I think your wife wants some. A beautiful woman like that deserves a stiff fucking every night."

"Crude, but I thank you Ray. Come on husband service me."

"If you don't, I will buddy," said Ray.

"I'm going, I'm going."

See Part 2