Like Mother, Like ******** By Dick Coxxx

Melissa McDaniel could hardly wait for school to be finished for the day so she could run home to tell her mother the exciting news. Melissa is actually a teacher. She is in her first year teaching English at her old alma mater, Robert E. Lee, now just known as Lee High School. Melissa still lived at home with her divorced mother because she was trying to save some money and pay off her college loans at the same time.

Melissa was just a younger version of her lovely mother, Paula. Paula got pregnant and married Melissa's father so she wouldn't be illegitimate. Getting pregnant at seventeen was Paula's first mistake. Marrying a man she really didn't love was her second mistake. Her shaky marriage lasted less than a year. Paula's dream of going to college had been shattered when Melissa was born. Her new occupation was full-time mother and it didn't pay very well.

?Mom, Mom!,? shouted Melissa as she came running through the door of her mother's home.

?Yes, Dear. What's all the excitement about?? replied Paula.

?Mother, at lunch today, one of the other teachers at school asked me to marry him. I told him yes! Yes, I'm going to get married!? Melissa shouted jubilantly.

?Whoa, whoa. Slow down, Melissa. Tell me about him.?

?Oh, you know, Mother. It's Marcus Black, the guy I've been dating the past month. He's one of the other English teachers and he's also an assistant football coach.?

?Do you love him, Melissa? Do you really, really love him?? asked her mother.

?Oh, I do, Mom. He treats me like a princess. He wants to get married on New Year's Eve so we can get the married tax deduction for this year. Isn't that so smart of him.?

?New Year's Eve?? gulped Paula. First of all, she thought, that's only six weeks away. Second, she'd be paying for some other person's New Year's Eve party. Third, is there a place still available to have the wedding and reception? How about a wedding dress? There were so many things to plan and pay for.

?Mom, Marcus doesn't have a lot of savings but he says he wants to help you pay for the wedding.?

?Oh, that's very white of him. We're still paying off your college loans and lately, there have been several lay-offs at my company. No one knows if they will even still have a job come tomorrow.?

?Oh, Mom. You always see the dark side of things. It will all work out, I promise.?

?Okay, let's get started with our planning now. We'll divide things up so we can cover more ground.


The next six weeks flew by. Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays were just a blur. New Year's Day is on a Sunday this year so New Year's Eve is on a Saturday night. Marcus was able to find a place available that did both the wedding and reception in one place. Paula was thankful that Marcus paid for that as well as for the band.

Melissa looked so beautiful in her wedding dress. Paula hated to let her baby go but the ceremony would be starting in fifteen minutes and she would be walking her ******** down the aisle.

It was planned to be a medium-sized wedding with about two hundred-fifty guests. Melissa had one of her friends from college be her maid of honor and the other two bridesmaids were teachers at her school. Marcus had his brother, Tyrone, be best man and two of the other assistant coaches form school as groomsmen.

The Wedding March started playing. Paula took a deep breath and kissed her only ********. They started walking down the aisle, arm in arm. Paula's big smile soon turned into a puzzled look. She knew that most of the friends and ****** would be from Marcus? side of the ******. Why are there so many black people present? All of the groomsmen are black?

?Ohmigod!? thought Paula. ?The groom was black! Marcus was a Negro! Her lovely blonde ******** was about to marry a black man??

Paula almost fainted from the shock.

It took all the strength in Paula's legs to continue the walk down the aisle with her ******** as the bride. Her knees were shaking so badly, she had to sit down. The negro took her ********'s hand in marriage and the interracial coupling was all but complete. Paula never imagined that her ******** would even think about marrying a black man!


The wedding and reception was a blur to Paula. She did remember that it was quite the party. Partying and dancing were going on big time! Alcohol was flowing freely. Fortunately, she wasn't paying for the open bar, Marcus was. Paula noticed a strange smell that she thought might be marijuana but she didn't have any experience in those kinds of things. Cocaine was probably also being snorted.

After the first dance for the new bride and groom, Marcus asked his new mother-in-law to dance. At first she was hesitant to dance with a Negro but this black man was now a part of the ******.

It was a slow tune that Paula and Marcus danced to. They were the only ones on the dance floor and it seemed to Paula that she was on display as everyone watched the interracial couple on the dance floor. The black man holding her tight exuded a powerful sexual attraction. His loins pressed into hers as they swayed to the music. Paula couldn't believe it but she was even becoming aroused feeling the huge throbbing bulge in her ********'s new husband's pants. Several of Marcus? black friends danced with her at other times throughout the evening.

Fortunately Paula left the reception fairly early before it got out of hand. Paula said goodbye to her ******** as Marcus kissed the mom full on the lips. His black hands were on her hips as he suggestively pulled the mother closer for the kiss. Paula couldn't believe that she had just kissed a Negro.

The black groomsmen were all over the lovely white bridesmaids. One of the bridesmaids was married and her husband objected when one of the black guys was dry humping his wife on the dance floor. Later that night, the white husband paid for his transgressions as several of the black guys held the husband and made him watch while the others took turns fucking the poor bastard's lovely blonde wife.

Melissa and her new black husband left the party late and went by a big white limo to the bridal suite at one of the hotels downtown. The new bride got all of the big black cock that she ever wanted and then some. It was hard for Melissa to walk the next day she had been fucked so many times by her new husband. The new young couple were on their way to Jamaica for their honeymoon. Marcus wanted to spend the time with his new cute blonde wife without all of the red-neck white racist bastards taunting him about being with a white woman. In Jamaica, many white women were with black men. It was a very common and natural thing to do. Marcus hardly let Melissa out of bed except to eat and to pee.


The morning after, Paula had one helluva hangover. She didn't think that she had that much to drink but Marcus kept filling her champagne glass over and over. Paula might have had two glasses but it was probably more like six or seven. No wonder her head hurt so badly.

She got Melissa's room ready for her and her new husband. The newlyweds were both teachers on a limited salary and budget. Melissa asked her mother if they could live with her for a few months until they found a place of their own. Paula reluctantly agreed. The good news was that Marcus had a brand new high definition wide screen television that Paula enjoyed when Marcus wasn't watching a sporting event or two. The bad news was that Marcus also had a powerful stereo system where he liked to play loud gangsta rap all the time.

Paula almost got used to having her ********'s husband around the house all the time except at night. Melissa's bedroom was directly over the master bedroom where her mother slept. Night after night, Paula could hear that Negro making love to her ********. Actually, it wasn't what she termed 'making love,? it was more like two animals fucking. Paula could hear the rhythmic pounding that Melissa was taking. On more than one occasion, she heard Melissa yell out in passion, ?Oh, fuck me with that big nigger dick!?

At first, Paula was embarrassed for her ********. Then a strange thing began to happen. Paula started imagining that it was her upstairs in the black man's strong arms instead of her own ********. Paula would become moist between her legs and she would even finger herself to climax. She felt dirty afterwards.


Melissa wanted to have a quiet little birthday party for her mother who was turning forty this Friday night. Melissa wanted to cook dinner and bake a birthday cake. Marcus even helped out.

Paula was very pleased as she loved her ******** dearly. It was still difficult for her to accept her ********'s new husband of several weeks but she tried very hard to overcome any racial prejudices against black people, especially Marcus. He actually did treat her ******** as if she were a princess. It was just at night that he was so devilish with her only ********. Melissa cried out so when she was being fucked by her black husband.

Marcus opened a bottle of Paula's favorite wine, Zeller Swartz Katz, Soixante-neuf. Dinner was fabulous as Melissa had become quite a cook. They had Shrimp Diablo which was to die for. Dessert was a chocolate mousse pudding which tasted very nice but had a strange aftertaste to it. Paula thought that Melissa just burned the mousse a little. Marcus fixed Paula her favorite after dinner drink, Khalua and Cr'me on the rocks. It had been a wonderful evening for her birthday.

Paula excused herself and went on to bed. She slipped between the sheets with nothing on as she loved to feel the crisp coolness of fresh sheets against her smooth skin. She fell quickly into a deep sleep. She was awakened to the rhythmic pounding coming from above. It took Paula a few moments to realize that Marcus was pounding her ******** once again. She drifted off to sleep once more.

Paula felt the weight of her husband join her on the bed. His strong arm can up from behind her and massaged one of her tits. Paula stirred. She was strangely turned on. It must have been from hearing the lovemaking going on from her ********'s room above.

The hand traced its way from her breast across her firm tummy through her soft, curly blonde pubic hair. She jumped as if shocked when the fingers found her throbbing clitoris. Her breathing started more rapidly.

Paula relaxed as her husband's thumb and forefinger began encircling the erect little nub of her clit. She moaned softly as she leaned her blonde head back against her husband's strong shoulders.

His fingers wormed its way into her innermost being. Paula was on fire. She had never felt this way before. She never remembered making love to her husband like this either. He was always a ?Slam, Bam, Thank You, Ma?am!? kind of guy. He had never before tended to any of her needs. Now here he was almost making her ready to cum!

Paula felt his huge dick probing her buttocks. She didn't remember her husband being so large. She heard him say, ?Put it in for me, Babe.? Paula lifted one of her legs and reached between her smooth, trim thigh and found his throbbing manhood. It was much bigger than she had remembered her husband to be. She guided his huge cock to its intended target. At first it wouldn't fit. Thank goodness, Paula was as wet and ready as she was because he pushed harder this time and the thick head went in. Paula moaned in ecstasy. He took his time as he pushed deeper and deeper into her tight womb. Paula had never been fucked so gloriously before. Then it hit her.

?Ohmigawd!,? she thought to herself. ?I've been divorced for some time and this isn't my puny little ex-husband with his puny little dick in my stretched pussy right now. It's my ********'s new black husband!?

Paula jumped from the realization but the strong black arms had her firmly in place. Marcus continued feeding the mother more of his thick black cock. Paula tried in vain to squirm a little but this only made the sensation stronger. She had her first true climax! As Marcus pumped his dark, thick seed deep into Paula's battered womb, he whispered in her ear, ?Happy Birthday, Mom!? She would remember this birthday present for the rest of her life.

Melissa's new Negro husband continued to fuck her lovely blonde mother until Paula was completely worn out. Paula had never been fucked so completely before. Now she knew why her ******** fell in love with this black man. He sure knew how to fuck!

Like Mother, Like ******** they both loved to fuck this huge-cocked black man. They both couldn't get enough of his big black cock. It seemed that when he wasn't pounding the ********, he was pounding the mother.


Nine months later, Like Mother, Like ********, both Paula and Melissa delivered big strapping, healthy black boys. Both mother and ******** raised the black babies themselves. They were the talk of the neighborhood. The little black boys suckled on their momma's big white tits until the nipples were raw.

It amazed Paula every time she changed the boys? diapers. The big black thing hanging between each of the little boys? legs were as big as she had ever seen. These little black boys would grow up to please many a little white girl.