Book 20

Things are quiet as we've all had vacations planned for the summer, first us and now Ray is away. The last time they saw each other was July 21st which seems like ages ago now but it's been good for us as we've had a chance to reconnect a bit as well as explore our feelings a bit more.

Last week with Ray away, I wasn't sure what was going to happen. I expected Suzanna to be a bit disappointed on Thursday but I wasn't sure how/if it would affect the rest of the week. I remember thinking that, "okay, I won't push her and we'll see what happens".

Tuesday night comes and we're both pretty sedate and I remember us going to bed without much fanfare or our usual Tuesday night romp.

Wednesday morning came and she totally surprised me by coming out of the bathroom after her shower that morning with her hair up in a towel and wearing her panties! She saw me staring and teased me,"just because Ray's not here doesn't mean you can have me!” I knew she was mostly kidding around but it also turned me on that she'd done it and wanted to play along. Later last week and this past weekend this came up in our discussions.

She played it all the way through to Thursday night including teasing me when I got home from work about ‘how wet’ she was and ‘how naughty’ she'd been but she fended me off till after dinner. The kids went their ways and she came to me and said something about playing along and she said she was ‘going out’ and that I shouldn't bother her in the bedroom until she ‘came home’ in a while.

I had a suspicion about what she was doing and it was confirmed when she texted me that she will be home in about 30 minutes. Sure enough, about half-hour later I heard the bedroom door lock being undone and heard her walk past our spare-bedroom upstairs where I was exercising and down to the kitchen. I gave her a minute and then went down and played up the scene of ‘oooh, you're home and I'm horny for you’ as closely as I could to the real thing. She turned, kissed me and said for me to follow her upstairs.

In the bedroom she turned to me and we kissed again and this time she encouraged me to run my hands up and all over her. I could feel her nakedness under her skirt and I pulled it up to feel her bare skin. She kept her legs together as I tried to feel between them and as I did she undid my shorts and dropped them to the floor. I remember she smiled at feeling how hard I was. She knew after 2 days knowing I was waiting for her (with or without Ray) that I would be horny. As she stroked me she lay back on the bed and pulled her skirt up. She handed me the bottle of Astroglide and told me to lube-up and then she said the 3 words that she knew would drive me wild, "It's your turn". With that she spread her legs for me and showed me that she still had one of her toys in her pussy (it's essentially a big ‘plug’ with wide base, a thinner, more cock-size shaft and then a widened plug that kept it in her).

She lay back and let me watch her masturbate for a few moments. Her fingers looked almost magical as they teased her clit that was now swollen and *******. I looked up at her and saw that she was busy watching me as I stroked my now hard cock with the Astroglide. When she saw that I was ready I watched her hand pull the plug out of her pussy leaving her gaping open. She looked up at me and said, "Ray’s done now, it's your turn" and she lay her head back as I knelt up on the bed between her legs still stroking my slippery wet cock. As I pushed the tip of my cock into her I could feel how open she felt; open and oh so slick. She squealed as I pushed all the way into her and she whispered stuff about how I ‘like going second’ and how ‘Ray really fucked her’.

I'd love to say that we fucked for hours but I knew (I could clearly tell from how she felt) that she'd been using the big dildo earlier and from how open she felt that she'd cum several times. She also knows that I love her feeling like that so she was sure to play it up a bit more as in how hard or how deep ‘he’ did her. In the end I lasted only maybe 10 minutes or so before the mental imagery of her got to me. Well that, plus her whispering for me to ‘add my cum to Ray’s’, pushed me over the edge quickly.

She giggled at me after I'd come down from my orgasm and joked that I was ‘so easy’ to figure out.


Things have been quite hectic for everyone and it's resulted in time between Suzanna and Ray being very constrained. August turned out to be quite busy for everyone, more so for Ray than us at times, and then vice-versa.

Suffice to say that today is Sue's first time seeing Ray since August 4th. She's been ‘fired up’ all week knowing she'll finally be seeing him today, even telling me that she'll be leaving work early this afternoon.

There was most definitely no let-up on her denial play either. We'd had quite a bit of fun Monday night when she came home and told me that things would sync up for today, enough so that I was still satisfied come Tuesday night.

With the weeks off from seeing Ray, I'd (perhaps conveniently) forgotten about things that is until Suzanna came out of the bathroom before bed with her panties on. Damn if I didn't get hard instantly when I realized I'd have to wait till later tonight.

She giggled at me but then took some pity on me and said she'd ‘help me out’. I thought she might slide off her panties and put on a little show for me to watch and get off to but instead she put her hand over mine and stroked me and she started to tell me stuff. She whispered in my ear how she can't wait to see Ray. Just hearing the excitement and arousal in her voice got me going. It went on for a while; I was sooo enjoying it all and she was all smiley too. She told me of what she wants to do with him and made a point of telling me she couldn't wait to get naked with him. I was sooo close as she told me that she wanted to suck him for a long time to get him really horny but when she told me that she hoped he'd ‘saved it all’ for her (and I knew what that meant) that as she held my hand we both stroked me one last time until I started to cum.

She squealed and giggled at how the first few spurts landed up on my chest and neck and how that last of it ran down both our hands. I even let her watch as I ran my thumb up the underside of my cock and drew out the last few drops. She licked our fingers off and as we kissed our tongues shared the taste of my cum. It was quite erotic. Not as good as a nice fuck-session with her but good nonetheless.

I slept well Tuesday night but yesterday was a long day, starting in the morning with her overly emphasizing the whole panty thing, just as she did this morning. I did tell her that it turned me on incredibly so I'm not so much complaining, as explaining. Still, she did play it up a lot.


The door was open a bit this morning into the bathroom as she got out of the shower. I got to see her naked body and her freshly shaved pussy (she made a point of telling me she needed to ‘touch it up this morning’). A moment later she saw me peering through the doorway and she made a point of saying, "you KNOW that's not allowed today" and she flung the door shut and locked it. A little while later with her hair almost fully dry she came out with just the towel wrapped around her waist. When she bent over at her dresser I could almost see up under the towel and I'm sure she knew it. Then she made a point of holding up different pairs of panties against her waist outside the towel. Thing is she picked out this pair with a LOT of lace on the front so she shimmied them up under the towel and then took the towel off and then continued to primp at her dresser.

She turned and saw me staring. She looked down and saw that I could see a lot of her pussy through the lace and she said, "uh huh, that's not for you yet" and she pulled the towel back around her waist. I don’t know if she saw the hard-on that gave me.

Now, as I write, I’m thinking that Ray will get to see those lacy panties on her before I do!


I’ve asked Suzanna to write me another Email sharing her thoughts. I did ask that of her and she said that after Labor Day, when our ******** is back in school and our son is off at college again, that she would do so.

We talked about Ray .... A lot at times! We think he is still coming to terms and learning how to deal with the openness that Suzanna feels towards sex now. She said he seems shy or reluctant to look at her when she's nude with him. She had that giggle when she told me how he tries to not stare at her when sits or lies there with her legs apart and her pussy clearly on display.

Again, she re-assured me that she likes her ‘relationship’ with Ray. I asked her what she was thinking about the future. She was quiet at first, I think hesitant, until I cajoled it out of her. She said that Ray is still working out issues and getting used to a more normal sex-life with her than he'd ever had with Joanne and that over time she would like to give him ‘more to remember’.

I asked her what she meant and she again hesitated but finally she said that at some point in time, would like to, perhaps, go away with him, maybe an overnight or, perhaps, for two nights.

We'd talked about this a long time ago when she was with Dan and her going away for an overnight or longer. She knew then that I wasn't going to be okay with it and it was no different this time, I told her that I think it's asking for problems.

She saw it differently (obviously or she wouldn't have brought it up) and said that she wasn't thinking so much of the emotional stuff that I said I was concerned about; she said that she wanted to give Ray a sexual experience like he'd never had before and basically said she wanted to fuck him for like 2 days and finally get him over his hang-ups and issues from Joanne.

I told her that it sounded incredibly erotic to me when she put it that way but that I/we should really wait until the time and circumstances might be conducive for it. I remember she reached out and felt my hard-cock and smiled but we haven't talked about it since.

I did ask her if she ever thought that she/we would let Ray find out that I know what's going on. She said that she's gone both ways on this idea. She also said that the longer she's seeing him that the more awkward it will be if it does comes out. To me that would mean either we/she spills the beans soon, or it's not going to happen intentionally.

We talked a bit about what it would mean and that was when Suzanna said something to me that did give me some misgivings. She said that she would like to fuck Ray in our bed.

I reminded her of how I reacted when she did it with Dan and then thought/asked her how she'd manage that with me and our kids. She said that it wasn't something she wanted ‘tomorrow’ but that she thought if it could work out, that she'd like it.

I asked her why and what it ‘did for her’ reminding her of how I reacted with Dan. She was quite calm in what she said to me, indeed, it was almost erotic. She told me that despite how free and crazy she may get with Ray at his house that there is something about our own house that makes her feel safe and secure and that our bed does that for her even more. Then she said that she feels incredibly sexually turned on when she thinks about having sex with Ray in the same place that she and I have made love for decades now. She said that it turns her on to be able to feel all of that with Ray (or Dan) with her.

I reminded her that I was really uncomfortable with it the last time. I said to her something about not wanting to share where we'd ‘made our kids’. She responded that, to her, it was an incredibly erotic thought to think of Ray bringing her to orgasm there and then cumming in her just as I have and did.

I told her that when she thought she wanted to do this, that she'd better talk to me about it ahead of time and not spring it on me like she did with Dan. She held me tight and kissed me and said in as serious a tone as I've ever heard that she wouldn't think of doing it again unless I was really okay with it.

Enough said for now, but I have to say that even now I am still a bit queasy thinking about it. For now, it's all talk.


I guess the only other thing I'd like to put down is my thoughts out on another discussion regarding my denial-desires. I probably should have written this earlier.

I said I wasn't surprised by what she did on Tuesday and Wednesday and today. That's because I have come out and totally told Suzanna that it drives me crazy with desire when she denies me from even seeing her pussy. She said she doesn't totally understand this how, after she's been with her lover, that I want to see and have all of her. She also understands how before, NOT seeing her is as much of a turn-on.

I just told her again how knowing she is intentionally not letting me see her and yet, at the same time, my knowing that her lover will have free-reign over her, it's just incredibly arousing.

Well, that led to her coming out and asking me if I wanted her to deny me more. She said she's been a bit unsure and hesitant to do stuff like that with me; not totally sure what I want and, more importantly, what I would be able to stand for.

It took me a moment to answer until I told her that the times that she'd deny me for more than just Wednesday-Thursday back when she was seeing Dan were some of the most erotic times I could think of.

She said she knew that it turned me on a lot from how much she knew I would masturbate during those times but she wasn't totally sure if it was something I wanted, or, more accurately, wanted more of. She said that it wasn't practical or feasible to see Ray as much as she would see Dan at times and she didn't know how I'd feel if she just plain said ‘no’ and then she didn't go off and see her lover.

I did have to think about that for a bit. I mean I know that part of my arousal was that she was truly having sex with Dan and wasn't with me. I was honest with her and told her that it turned me on if it was something she wanted to do; that if she wanted to do it even though she wasn't seeing Ray, that I thought it would still turn me on.

She said that was sort of what she was thinking, that it wasn't just her saying no to me, but it was also the sex without me that was a big part of it. She did say that once things calm down a bit and the kids are back into school and such, that she would remember the conversation and would ‘see what happens’. Then she joked with me that I'd probably enjoy jerking off as much as I could during that time!


Suzanna did go see Ray after work last week (ages ago!) and also now, quite ‘ordinary’. However the weather has been crazy and there has been quite a bit going on through the past week.’

First, we're in that lucky part of NJ where we were without electricity for a good part of the week. Our lights went out at about 10pm Saturday night before the storm really got under way. Fortunately, we had a generator and we survived on that all week. We did, however, lose a lot of trees on our property. Sunday morning we surveyed the situation and tried to make the best of it. Our phone was working but no internet and the only electricity was from the generator which was enough to run our refrigerator, sump-pump, lights, tv, satellite dish, dvd player and a window air-conditioner. While we are not in a flood-area we are close and, sure enough, there was a lot of water and a lot of people displaced temporarily.

Come Sunday around midday our son said he was going to head back up to college and he was happy leaving me to cutting up the trees that had fallen and other stuff. Our ******** then announced that he was going to drop her at a friend’s house who had electricity and that they'd said she could stay there until our power returned.

This was also when the phone rang and, yes, it was Ray. He was actually calling to talk to me and ask if we were okay and he also wanted to know how ‘his house’ (where Joanne lives) was after the storm.

I told him that things were okay and about the trees and flooding. He then shared that he too was without electricity and he seemed envious when I told him we had a generator. Suzanna could hear my conversation and when I said it was Ray on the phone she said with a smile that we should invite him over. A few minutes later he was on his way over and he said he'd stop for some beer and would bring his chain saw.

I know it may seem strange but at that moment with several large trees lying all over my yard an offer of someone to come over with cold beer and a chain-saw sounded awfully good. Sure enough, he was a huge help and the two of us were able to cut and move/roll a lot of the debris out of the way. We all sat around on our deck afterwards and enjoyed the cold beer, Suzanna included, and we talked about how there were different sounds in the neighbourhood, kids out in the streets instead of being cooped up behind a TV or computer.

We barbequed steaks and the 3 of us got along really well. There was no awkwardness at all as I really didn't think too much about him being my wife's lover. I reasoned in my head, “so, he's fucking her, so what?” let’s enjoy the afternoon and evening.


By 9pm or so it was eerily dark out with no lights other than the few in people’s homes who had generators running. We went inside and turned on our TV and checked out some news but honestly by 10pm I was pretty beat. Between the beer and working in the yard all day. It was then that the 3 of us realized that Ray was going to go home to darkness and that whatever food he may have had in his refrigerator was going to be bad too. What else could we do? We offered to let him stay the night. As he said his thanks to us I clearly saw a look in both his eyes and Sue's as they looked at each other.

Suzanna and I went up to the bedroom and Ray said he'd sleep on the couch in front of the TV if we didn't mind; he was going to stay up and watch some more TV coverage of the flooding, etc. As soon as I closed our bedroom door I asked her what she had in mind. She turned and with a smile that would make it look like the Cheshire cat was frowning, giggled and said, "what can you possibly be talking about?!”

I just looked at her and said that I truly was really tired and then I just said to her to, "Go have some fun".

She sat next to me on the bed and asked me if I wanted her to suck me or help me jerk-off and I just said, "no ... but if I'm awake when you come back up here..."

She smiled and said, "what if I don’t come back up right away?”

I did get a wicked hard-on at that comment from her but, honestly, I was tired! I told her to be sure to be back before the morning so that Ray didn't get any ideas. She giggled, kissed me and as I finished getting washed up she changed into her night-shirt with a thin bath-robe over it and nothing underneath. She washed up and brushed her teeth and about 10 minutes later she leaned over, kissed me passionately and told me I was ‘the best’. With one more kiss she simply said, "See you in the morning" and that was it, she went downstairs to find Ray.


No, I did not go and watch them, our stairs make a lot of noise that they would have heard but, as I said, I really was tired. With the silence I could hear the TV very faintly through the quiet AC vents and a moment later I heard some commotion and muffled voices as I figured she must have gone into the den and surprised him.

I would like to tell you I stayed up for her but, honestly, I didn't. I did hear what I thought were sounds of them together, again, through the AC vents, but couldn't be sure.

What I do remember is waking up about 6am to the bed shuffling around and seeing Suzanna lying next to me, apparently asleep ... at least until I rolled over to her and she looked up at me. She later told me she was worried about what I was going to say or how I was going to be that is until she realized that I truly didn't know she'd only come back to bed about 5am.

It was what she said at that moment that totally turned me on. She said, "I had to go clean up a bit again". She said something a bit muffled but it ended with, "...three times." and instantly it registered what she'd said. I pulled the blanket and top-sheet down to find her naked next to me and it was obvious that they'd been quite physical with each other; her breasts still looking very ‘man-handled’ and her pussy being clearly reddened and swollen, as if it were slammed into over and over.

She saw me look at her seeing both my smile and my hard on. She reached into the nightstand, gave me some lubricant and said, "be gentle". I loved her smile as she spread her legs for me and a moment later we were fucking like animals. All I could think about was that she'd spent the night with him in our own home and that now it was finally my turn again.

Wow. What a turn on.


I really was tired that night. Between the beer and the whole day working and such (plus, not sleeping well during the whole hurricane itself), I truly was beat ... and, honestly I did fall asleep not long after Suzanna went downstairs.

What I didn't share and should have was that the commotion I'd heard was Ray’s apprehension. What I didn't know was that after I'd fallen asleep, that Suzanna actually had Ray follow her up to our bedroom to ‘prove’ that I was truly out of it. That is also why Suzanna was back in our room before I woke up to her shuffling around.

So, yes, the ruse is still going. I do believe that Ray was uncomfortable with me the next morning but to be honest, I actually found it to be almost amusing at seeing how cautious and hesitant he was. I've come to enjoy knowing he's fucking Suzanna and, to be honest, in some ways I wish it would finally come out that he knows that I know what's going on.

The 3 of us had some breakfast together. Suzanna was still wearing her night-t-shirt (still with nothing underneath) and a robe over it but we could still see her stiff nipples when she'd turn and the t-shirt would be more taunt. I had on pretty much same as Ray, some flannel pants type of thing.

I had thought about finding an excuse to go out and maybe pick up some supplies or whatever and give them time together if they wanted but as the morning went by I started to tire of Ray being our 3rd wheel and I suspected that our ******** would be home soon (which she was).

Ray helped me with a few more things around the yard and come 2pm or so he was saying his goodbyes. As he made tracks he called Joanne to say he was coming over to check on the house in person (he didn't share with her that he'd spent the night at our house) and that was that.

After he'd left, I did tell Suzanna what I'd been thinking that about them having the opportunity to go to our bedroom. At first she was sort of pissed that I hadn't followed-through but later she agreed that maybe it was better, as she put it, "to leave some stuff for tomorrow".

I will say that I knew that if I had gone out that Suzanna would have surely coaxed Ray into our bedroom with her so in that sense I'm also happy as, despite how erotic it may seem in one sense, I still have misgivings about them using our bed.


I am very at ease with this thing with Ray. He really is a nice guy and he and Suzanna seem to have obviously found a rhythm together. I will say though that our stairs are incredibly creaky such that it is virtually impossible to sneak around unless you actually go outside from our deck and come back in through the garage. We actually joked about it when we moved in (and it's been true) that our kids can't sneak around easily.

I have told Suzanna that we should find a way to let Ray know that I'm okay with things. In response she's said some interesting things. One big one is that with Ray not knowing, she says it keeps him being careful and from being too pushy or demanding. She says that sometimes she'll make things up that I've said where she's had to make excuses or cover for their time together, she says he's always really really concerned (sure, he doesn't want to lose a good fuck!). She didn't come out and admit it but I think she too likes the limits that the ruse imposes.

The other thing that I now remember is that Suzanna very much appreciated me telling her a bit more about my desires and she's said that knowing that, in a way, makes her more excited about her time with Ray, knowing that in a way, she's doing it for me.

That is also what led to her comment last night about maybe making me wait until Friday to have her. She teased me about it as we were in bed last night and, damn, she could tell it turned me on by how it affected me while we were fucking. What really turned me on was when she said stuff about her maybe being ‘too tired’ and how she'll still be ‘wet from him all night’. She IS really starting to get to know how to push my buttons!

I tried to hold off as long as possible and she knew it and waited herself until the end and just as I started to cum, she followed along. I could tell she'd cum as intensely as I had from how she felt under me as I rolled off of her. There was nothing that either of us needed to say at that moment as I just pulled her close. It was one of those-moments - when your actions and reactions say so much more than words.

She lay back and spread her legs and commented on, "what a mess" I'd made and then jokingly, but seriously too, said I should clean it up. It was nothing new, I've been licking her pussy after I'd cum in it for ages now, but I'd say that most of the time I initiate it and that's what was a bit unusual, she asked for it.

While I didn't get her off another time, she certainly enjoyed it until after a few minutes when, she slipped out of my arms and off the bed into the bathroom.

I really didn't think too much about it until a few minutes went by and I heard the sink and then her brushing her teeth which is usually the last thing she does! I went over and opened the door and she was standing there, topless, but with a pair of panties on already! She smiled as she saw me stare and I am sure she knew it turned me on to see her like that.

When she finished and I'd done my business, we both got into bed and she cuddled over close to me and asked if I'd be okay, "waiting till Friday". I asked her why and she said, "dunno, maybe to turn you on; maybe it'll turn me on, we'll see....".

I was speechless for a moment, lost in what she'd just said/asked. A minute later she asked me if I was okay and it still took me a moment to respond and I stuttered out, "okay". I honestly think it took me a few moments for what she'd said to register in my brain! It sounds crazy but in a way, I hope she does it and truly tells me to wait on Thursday evening. I want to see how I feel and respond when she says it. Its driving me crazy thinking about it already.

I will remind her that if she's so motivated, that another letter from her would also be a turn-on. She giggled and said she had to be in the right mood and have time to write something like that. I reminded her that with our ******** going back to school, that she should have time and she giggled again and said, "Okay, maybe".


She continued her, what is now normal, routine on these days. She came out of the bathroom after her shower this morning again with just a towel around her waist. She saw me smiling and again she spent time looking through her underwear before picking out a pair of panties and pulling them up under the towel.

I took my shower while she stood at the mirror in just her panties doing her makeup and hair. We have a glass-door in our shower (with some stripes, not totally clear glass) and I could see her with her tits hanging there on display as she brushed her hair. A lovely sight and such that when I got out of the shower my cock was visibly aroused. She giggled at me for a moment and then before she turned to go get dressed, turned and asked me calmly if I was, "going to be okay waiting till Friday?”

I said, "Yeah". As we both got dressed and grabbed some coffee, before she left she asked me if it'd be okay if she, "maybe stayed at Ray’s a bit later than usual" and whether I could handle dinner with my ********.

How could I say no?


She texted me a little while ago from Ray’s and asked if I could be out with our ******** for dinner between 7-7:30pm. She said she wanted to come home between then and would be here when we get back from dinner and shopping (my ******** and I) as she needs some more stuff for school.

I told our ******** that mom would be working late and I guess this will be easier for both of us.

I am so horny and all I can think of is that I agreed to wait till tomorrow. I hope I can stand it later tonight and actually wait...


She was home when we got back just after 7:30pm and she'd already changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants. No evidence of wet panties in the hamper or anything and it's killing me thinking that she's sitting downstairs watching TV maybe with her wet panties still on under her sweats. She hasn't said anything about her evening other than telling me, when our ******** was out of the room, that she and Ray had brought in pizza for dinner and split a bottle of wine too! She didn't say anything else, yet.

I think she's enjoying knowing that my imagination is running wild. I'm going to try my best to wait till tomorrow, even if it means going to bed with a wicked hard-on!


I did manage to wait but Thursday going to bed was difficult. As I said, she'd put on sweatpants and t-shirt and I could see her nipples through the thin material (she was careful to be restrained when our ******** was in the room but other times she deliberately pulled it tight across her chest).

I didn't ask or really say too much; I kept it to myself until we were getting ready for bed and she still hadn't taken off the sweatpants but I just had to ask, “are you all wet under there?"

She asked me what I meant and I knew she was playing with me a bit. I told her, "You know."

She said, "no, I don’t, you'll have to be more specific...".

It took me a second to understand what she was pushing me to say. I said, "You know, from Ray earlier..." and she still said, "I have no idea what you mean, you'll have to explain it more".

I saw the smile on her face as she answered and so I finally said it, "are you still wet from Ray's cum earlier?”

She giggled and just said, "I did clean up a bit, but yes, I'm still quite wet" and she waited and then said, "too bad you are going to wait till tomorrow..." With that she reached down and gently held my now hard cock and she jokingly looked down at it and said, "you too".

She knew from how I responded that it was turning me on, a lot. I got into bed and waited for her. She came out of the bathroom and went to her underwear drawer and pulled out a fresh pair of panties and then went straight back into the bathroom and closed the door. I heard the sink running and a bit of rustling and a moment later she came out without the sweats on and wearing just the new panties and her t-shirt. I needed to go to the bathroom myself and wanted to go into the hamper and check out the pair she'd removed but I didn't. I don’t know but I felt weird running into the bathroom at that moment, as if she knew I was going to go look for them.


Needless to say, yesterday was a long day, and I couldn't wait to get home. Things are much easier now that our son is back at college. Our ******** is already inundated with homework that occupied most of her night last night so immediately after dinner Suzanna and I adjourned up to the bedroom.

It was actually incredibly exciting to undress her. She helped but when she was down to her bra and panties she let me do the rest of the honours. As I undid her bra she casually asked me if it turned me on knowing that Ray undresses her much the same way. I moaned out, "uh huh" as I couldn't resist sucking at her breasts and kissing her bare neck and chest. She lay back on the bed and as I leaned down to pull her panties off she casually said, "do you like knowing that Ray got to do this too?”

I was really suprised at her playfulness and how she seemed to be so open about it. I have to say it did turn me on a lot hearing her say that and then pulling her panties off and seeing her bare pussy come into view.

She pulled one leg back out of the panties and I swear she did it on purpose that way. As she pulled it back her whole pussy opened up as if to tease me for a moment. By the time I pulled the panties off her legs all the way I was totally horny and hard. I knelt between her legs and leaned down to kiss her and she raised her knees and my cock came to rest right between her pussy lips. As I moved forward or backward, the underside would rub up and down across her clit. She squealed when she felt how hard I was and I knew it wasn't going to be much longer for either of us.

One thing that's been happening more and more is that while she's really wet at the start of our sex we still sometimes are having to use some additional lubricant (that is, when she hasn't been out earlier). However, last night, even without going out with Ray, wow, was she ever wet. As I rubbed up and down she would tease me a bit, "are you sure you're ready for tonight?" When she said, "maybe you should wait till tomorrow?" Damn, if I didn’t almost subconsciously respond!

She reached down and felt just how hard and big I felt and started saying, "wow, it really feels like you need to be in me" and with that she took it in her hands and rubbed just the tip against her pussy and just into her vagina. She let me push just the tip in and then sort of held it there pulling it out and rubbing it up to her clit and then back again to just inside her. I was staying almost perfectly still until I started to push deeper into her each time she'd let me back in.

"You want to be in there, don’t you?” She didn't wait for my answer, "Does it turn you on to know Ray was in me last?" Again, my cock gave her my answer. Thing was she'd been rubbing my cock against her clit and it was obvious she too was really close to an orgasm. I could hear it in her voice as she said other stuff. When she said something about having Ray’s cum in her since Thursday it was that moment that I pushed my way into her and she let go; wow, did she ever let go.

I've felt her orgasm so many times. The flood of wetness, the sudden openness in her pussy followed by the oh so sensuous tightening and almost milking of my cock. For her to let go like that on the first thrust in, I knew she was incredibly turned on too. I pulled back gently and then pushed into her again and all I could hear was the changing pitch of her long continuous moan.

I'd needed to cum desperately since Wednesday night and feeling her body respond so beautifully, feeling her give herself totally to me, it was so intense. As her orgasm began to ease I pushed her legs back so that my arms were holding her knees and I pushed all the way into her with a squishing sound as I bottomed out in her (or rather bumped up against her). I don’t think I totally filled her pussy as I rarely ever feel like I'm bumping up against the back and certainly not last night. A few gentle deep thrusts and I too let loose with a 3-day load deep in her. She squealed as I came and said something about, "oh, I can feel it" and then went back into a moan as I ground myself against her.

Even with the fan on in the window, both of us were sweating like crazy. I rolled off of her and we both held hands as we caught our breath and that was when she said, "Wow, making you wait was incredible".


I wound up heading over to Home Depot on Saturday afternoon and who do I run into over there but Ray! In the same aisle as me too, the drainage/plumbing area. He told me he needs to do some stuff at his old house; that ‘Joanne begged him to help’. I kidded him that maybe it'll be worth his while, that maybe Joanne would do something ‘nice’ for him. He grinned and said that while that sounded nice, he didn't want to do anything that might upset her or whatever, that they seemed to be at a peaceful point in their separation/divorce proceedings.

I joked with him that he must be itching for a little 'time in the sack' and he seemed to fumble for words for a minute until he said that he's ‘doing okay’ in that area.

We discussed various options for sump-pumps and such and as he went to go check-out he said I should ‘say hi to Sue’ for him. I told him that he should stop by for a beer if he's in the area and generally played up that I was okay with him as a friend. He shook my hand and said he'd probably take me up on it...

I told Suzanna who I'd run into when I got home and she was interested in what I'd had to say especially both about what he'd said about Joanne as well as what he'd said in response to my ‘in the sack’ comment. I asked her if she'd had any inkling whether Ray was going out with anyone, etc.

She said she's joked with him several times that he should look for a girlfriend and that he'd replied by saying he really doesn't want anything right now and then added with a pat on her butt , "except you".


It was last night as we lay in bed that Suzanna asked me about how I felt last Thursday night. I turned the tables on her and asked her to tell me how she felt first.

She was honest with me and said that it turned her on a lot to know how horny I was 'waiting' till Friday for her. She said that knowing it turned me on really aroused her a lot and that she thought I was going to go crazy at the thought of not having her.

We were naked in bed and she could feel how hard my cock was at what we were talking about. She asked me what turned me on the most and it was just one of those moments when it just felt right to be open and honest. So I told her plainly that knowing she'd fucked Ray and was probably still wet from him for the rest of the evening, knowing that I couldn't see or play with her until the next night was totally incredible.

She then told me that SHE was really enjoying the way our mid-week fun was going and how she's now getting turned on herself at her denial of me. I asked her how she felt and she said at first it did feel kind of weird to her to ‘cover up’ from Tuesday night (and now till Friday) but that it's now turning her on herself. She admitted that she'd begun to enjoy this part of our relationship back when she was with Dan; that even though it'd started as something he wanted she now felt a strong arousal at denying me. She admitted to also playing-up the mornings when she would make a big deal about getting changed after her shower. She could clearly see by the smile on my face and the hard-on in her hand how much it affected me.

She asked me what turned me on more, her denial in general or knowing that Ray was going to have her next/before me?

I told her what I've been telling her since the beginning, that her wanting to do this was so much of a turn-on in and of itself that knowing that Ray was going to get to see and have her before I would was like the icing on the cake.

She then admitted openly to me that she herself was also incredibly turned on by what we were doing and she confessed that she is so turned on by it that she sometimes has to change her panties that they get so wet.

I turned to her last night in the middle of all of this and asked her if she was developing any feelings for Ray. She was quiet for a moment and then said, "no, nothing like Peter or even Dan". Then she added, “I do like knowing I’m the only one he’s is fucking" and how she is sort of his personal concubine so-to-speak.

She said that it is a lot of fun and very rewarding to see Ray come out of his shell with her sexually. I joked that she is like a sex-therapist for him and she laughed and said that I was right and she's had a LOT of fun ‘educating’ Ray and getting him over his quirks.

I knew what she was talking about as she's said it many times before. It's like Ray is her own little ‘sex project’.

Anyway, she asked me if I wanted her to continue and whether she should make me wait till Friday all the time. I told her that she should surprise me, that it will add to my arousal not knowing what she may be asking me for.

She asked me pointedly whether I would truly be okay if she were to come home on a Thursday and, out of the blue, tell me that I had to wait, "even if you were expecting to have me then?” I told her that I thought it would be incredibly erotic to hear her ask me to wait....

After all that talking, she lay back and told me that ‘I deserved a quickie’. Mmmm, what a nice way to fall asleep last night...


Suzanna is very open with me that she enjoys sex with Ray and I don’t feel threatened at all by it which surely helps me stay relaxed about it. She's asked me several times whether I am really as happy and content as I seem to be and I've answered her honestly telling her that as long as she's open with me about things that it's okay with me.

After all this time, I'm comfortable about Ray having sex with Sue. She is careful and thoughtful about making sure that I am okay with it all so how can I complain, that would be hypocritical of me. Even after all this time it still turns me on that Suzanna so readily and willingly shares her pussy with Ray and she knows it.

Just knowing that she's letting Ray cum in her like she does, it is a continual turn on.


It is near midnight and she's not home yet. I guess I should explain.

She thought she'd have her period this week but it seems like it never arrived. I heard that some women get hornier in menopause and from what she says, she's convinced of it.

After we had some fun Tuesday night, I knew what to expect when we finally went to bed and I knew that even though she/we assumed she'd be home tonight, that she still went along with teasing me and both of us enjoying my reaction. I know she prances around in just panties a lot more between Tuesday and Thursday nights.

So, thing was, expecting her to not be seeing Ray, we started talking and last night that she said she's thinking (and, apparently discussed with Ray, who agreed) that she should probably switch things around every now and then. She's said that over the summer, leaving early on Thursdays wasn't something of concern, but that perhaps changing things would be better all around.

At first I wasn't in favour of it, but the more we talked, the more I realized that maybe it'd be good. We agreed that sometimes, maybe she'd say she was going out or going to a movie with a girlfriend and would go to see Ray later at night, or sometimes after work instead of leaving early.

By the time we talked more about it after she came to bed in her panties on Tuesday night after we'd fucked earlier I come full-circle on the idea and now I was in favour of it. My thinking was that I'd get to enjoy more of a creampie if she got home soon enough.

So, come to this morning and she comes out of the bathroom and says, "My period never started".

I freaked out for a second and just stood there with my jaw hanging with my first thought that she was pregnant. She laughed out loud at that and then said that she's convinced she's well into menopause and added, " ... and loving it". It also explains her asking me (and Ray; something else she opened up about) to use some lubricant. We talked more and at one point she said (or let it slip) that Ray now has a bottle of Astroglide in his nightstand. Hearing that made me wicked hard and is what led to our intense session Tuesday night.

Thing is, she got to work and she told me she texted Ray and he said he'd booked some estimates for the afternoon. Then, she said, that he asked her if she could come over later tonight. She actually called me from work today and asked what I thought about maybe ‘switching things around tonight?’ She said she'd see him after dinner and would use the excuse of seeing a late movie with a friend.

So, it is just after midnight and I expect her any time now.

No, she has not told me whether she will let me have sex with her tonight. It was a non-issue when we thought she'd have her monthly tonight. I am trying not to think about it, but it is hard (in more ways than one!). I am sure that if I ‘insisted’ she'd relent.

Damn, am I crazy to say I am almost as turned on thinking of her asking me to wait as I am to want her tonight?


Suzanna and I had a bit of a tiff this past weekend related to Ray.

She raised the question of if she could spend the night at Ray’s. She said that she didn't have any specific date in mind and that she'd look to time it along with a night when our ******** would be sleeping over a friend’s house.

I know they slept (if you call it that) together for most of the night when Ray was here but this is different. I hadn't really expected her to want this, at least not just yet with Ray, and it was the timing of when she asked that led to me kinda getting pissed off about it.

Call me crazy but this is a big-step. While I knew they were getting very comfortable together, I hadn’t anticipated this just yet. I asked her what she was going to tell Ray about where I thought she was all night and she said that she'd ‘think of something’ then she added that, "it's more something that I want to do at some point in the future; not something this week or next week.”

I told her that I wasn't thrilled about that as to me it marks a big change in the dynamics of their relationship. She looked at me and said, "you know it's going to happen sooner or later, right?”

Well that led to a big discussion about things again. Nothing unusual about that as we talk about this stuff all the time but this time she came out and said that as a part of her relationship with Ray, that she did want to spend a night with him. I pushed her and she continued with what she's been saying all along, that she's really enjoying helping Ray to ‘grow’ sexually and that she would like to one day give him the experience of waking up next to her after having her all night long.

I knew she was going to want this one day too; I mean it's only natural for her and him. It was more of how she brought it up, and she later apologized for springing it on me the way she did, making it seem like it was going to be soon instead of just something she was thinking about.

It did make me think/wonder if it might be something she (or he) wants sooner than later). I asked her if she's mentioned it to Ray and she said that he's long said that he wished she could spend the night.

She looked at me and held me and told me that it's nothing at all for me to worry about and that it's no different than when she'd spent the night with Peter or Dan. I was a bit uneasy about it for a while but she continued to talk it up to me and also continued to tell me all the other stuff, how much she loves me and how much fun she's having with all of this and on and on.

She then asked me if there's anything she's done that's making me feel any differently about it this time than when she spent the night with Peter or Dan. I told her that the only thing that seemed different to me was that she seemed to want it, maybe more than Ray, or at least want to initiate it (I know she says she's having fun getting Ray out of his shell). She then said something to me that made me pause for a moment, that she, "wanted it back then too. She then asked whether it still turned me on like it did back then. She held me again and told me that like everything else, if this was too much or whatever, that I needed to tell her.

Anyway, she had certainly disarmed me and I wasn't quite as apprehensive yet it kind of made me wonder why I'd reacted as I did. I mean she DID spend several nights with the other guys and it was all fine afterwards and yet, I'm still a bit uneasy about it this time. Maybe it's because it's Ray and not Peter or Dan; that he's more of someone who’s ‘real’.


I openly confess, it did turn me on to think of Suzanna spending the night with Peter or Dan. The whole intimacy of it did, and still does, turn me on. I genuinely like the feeling and arousal I get when I think of them waking together, showering and getting dressed. When I think of her sharing those moments with those guys, damn if my cock doesn't rise to the occasion!

I don’t, yet, feel the same about Ray. I'm not sure that I want him waking up next to Suzanna and sharing those same moments. Thinking about it now, maybe that was my reason. I don’t know how to not sound hypocritical if I say that I don’t want it when, this time, she wants it. I know she wanted it back then too but I know it's different and that she just said that to make me feel better.

I guess this is what being a cuck is about though. I will say that despite my apprehension knowing it's something she wants to do is still an awesome turn-on.


We have talked about somehow making Ray aware that I know what's going on. She's given Ray excuses about what she's ‘told me’ about where she is when she's with him but she's agreeing with me that over time, it would be better if things came out into the open. One thing we've talked about is coming up with a way for the two of them being together to seem to have happen ed naturally and I would have the opportunity to say to Ray ‘go for it’. However, we've also talked about how difficult it is to arrange for such circumstances as opposed to it just happening naturally.

I can say that despite the anxiety with the conversation we did have, the sex last night was explosive to say the least. She did tease me and also strongly hinted that she may likely tell me to ‘wait till Friday’. (I think I sort of gave it away with my response when she suggested it, she was on top of me and I KNOW she felt my cock throb inside her.)

I know it's crazy but I am now very excited about experiencing this with her. I all but confessed to her that I do want to know she's just come from seeing Ray and that I will wait till the next day to have her.


I doubted (and was correct) that we'd be having sex last night as I know Mondays are long-days and tough on Suzanna as she often will skip lunch and such to put in some extra time too. So, after our ******** finished her homework and was busy with something on TV we each got a glass of wine and went up to the bedroom to watch some TV ourselves. At a commercial I seized the moment and started to ask her what she was thinking about Ray and I told her that I wasn't thrilled with the mixed-message that she was sending him.

I told her that I had already come up with a bit of a plan in my head.

I'm thinking of inviting him over to catch a football game and we can get a good buzz on. When I think he is relaxed I'll ask him about his luck with the ladies. I’m thinking somehow for me to say to him that he's someone I feel comfortable with and that I'd find a way to tell him that Suzanna and I were, "talking about doing something new sex-wise". I'm thinking of telling him that she's pretty horny most of the time and that we've talked about inviting another guy into bed with her/us. I'm thinking of playing it that I'd want to check with him whether he'd be into it before I would then discuss it with Suzanna and see what she thinks of him being our 3rd-wheel.

I'm thinking that if I play it right, that he'll think he's some of the reason that Sue's receptive to the idea and that he'll know she'll say okay to my idea. Let’s face it, he's a nice guy, but he's definitely not a genius; I think it might work.

Over the course of last night, that is what I shared with Sue. At first she didn't like the idea and thought that he might see through it, but when I made her see if from his position where he still doesn't know that I have any idea of what's going on, she thought it might work. She then surprised me and said that maybe I should show him some of the nudie pics of her and to play up the whole ‘she'll kill me if she knew I was showing you these-thing.’

We did also talk about the pink-elephant in the room. What did she want from him?

She was very candid and said that she would really love it if it all could somehow come out into the open. There was a pause at which I had to ask her, "what?" and then she said something that I think I've known all along. She said that she can still let herself go so much more with another guy than with me.

I know it, she said the same many times, and as I KNOW to be a fact that when it's just the 2 of us, unless we're really relaxed or on-vacation, that she can't separate the whole ******/life/mom/wife thing from the sex. She didn't say it but I know it's why she likes being naked with Ray and the others; I know it helps her forget the day-to-day and enjoy the moment. (I should add it usually takes most of a bottle of red-wine to get her there!)

She describes how she feels with Ray as almost a combination of Peter plus Dan. The warm emotional side of Peter (but she has told me that, except at the height of passion, that she's never told Ray she loves him) and her own sexual desires that Dan brought out in her. She said that she does enjoy knowing that I am so aroused at the things she does to me. At that point she tickled me and said, "including waiting till Friday this week....".

This brings us up to tonight. She's promised me that I'll be going to bed very happy later!


We were back in full panty-mode this morning but with the cooler nights she's changing over to the occasional silky pyjama pants now; it’s quite erotic to see the outline of her pussy through them. It’s even more erotic to think that Ray will get to enjoy her next.

I think after all of our talking that, again, I feel much more at ease with what's going on and, dare I say, enjoying thinking about them tomorrow. I know that the arousal that I will feel tonight will turn to angst tomorrow night and then to intense desire by Friday night.


I am anxiously waiting till tomorrow. She knows that I want to experience this and she's giving me every turn-on there in her book. I came home to find her changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. She didn't say anything; she didn't have to, the look on her face and in her eyes told me how she'd spent the afternoon. When I went upstairs myself to get changed, I found her clothes from today in a pile at the end of the bed and she'd changed her panties. I found the pair in the hamper still quite wet (and with that delicious smell!) from her afternoon.

I left the bedroom and went downstairs to where she and my ******** were watching TV. I was daydreaming, a picture of her panties playing in my head and all I could think about was her pussy still full of Ray’s cum and my hard-on started to show through my pants. Suzanna looked at me, gave me a look and then rolled her eyes towards our ******** and I realized it was a bit inappropriate for her to look over and see this bulge in my pants. I quickly left them and went to the den.

Even now sitting in our office typing this, knowing that she's just sitting around down there like that is such a turn-on. I wish I could get between her legs but at the same time, I know how I'll feel by tomorrow evening and just how much I'll want her.


Wow. I don’t what more I can say; as if last night wasn't intense enough, this afternoon was out of this world.

Before I get to that though, I wanted to write down my thoughts and other stuff before they fade. There is something just so intoxicating to me to think of Suzanna being possessed sexually by someone else. It is as though from Tuesday night when she ceremoniously pulls her panties on that I feel just more and more desire for her. The quick peeks I get when she pulls the towel around her (or when she thinks I didn't peek through the crack in the door) it’s true what they say about the forbidden, that you want it more.

But for me it's so much more than that. Knowing that another guy, Ray, (for now but I am sure there will be others in her future) will get to see and have her next is just a crazy thrill for me. Seeing whether she's put on something sexy or something plain on Thursdays sometimes tells me what she wants/hopes for. I know sometimes she wants more sensitivity and a slow build up, other times, I know she just wants to get fucked.

With Ray, I almost feel like she's a teacher and he's her patient student. The stuff she's told me over the months says he's like a little kid in health-class in high-school. Turned on by the pictures in the book but too scared to ask questions or even look at the teacher. To listen how she's literally teaching him how to please her is something that was incredibly intense to hear last night.

She told me last night as she knelt at the edge of the bed and pulled her pussy apart for me that this was what she had done the same for Ray the day before. She egged me on saying, "come on, I'll tell you what I told him to do". Within a few moments she narrated how I was to hold her butt cheeks apart with one hand and how I should lubricate and push 2 of my fingers up her ass.

At first I didn't realize she was telling me literally what she'd ‘instructed’ Ray on but when she leaned down into the bed and pushed back at me and said, "Ray made me cum just like this" damn if I didn't plunge into her and drive her into the bed. She let out a squeal that we thought would wake our ******** up. In my head, the thought of her screaming like that under Ray was enough to make me frantic enough that I pulled out of her and she knew what I wanted. She rolled onto her back at the edge of the bed and pulled her knees back. Even in the dim light I could SEE that we didn't need any extra lubricant tonight, she was gaping open, a thin whitish foam was around her swollen pussy lips and a trickle glistened running down to her ass that also glistened.

I teased her by pushing against her ass first. Her eyes opened wide as she reached down and gently guided me into her waiting pussy.

She seemed to thoroughly enjoy teasing me. I pushed into her all the way and she then pushed me back away with her hands and legs and teased, "not just yet". She looked down and giggled at how my cock was just throbbing standing there stiff, waiting for her say let me back in.

"Just a little for now" and she gently spread her legs just a bit and let me in maybe an inch or two. I could feel her pussy spasming as she rolled her body and I rubbed all around inside her. A moment later she tensed again and held me tightly and then, as she relaxed and her umpteenth orgasm subsided she gently let me slide all the way back in. Only this time she was gaping open inside and totally slick.

"Mmmm, that's probably still Ray you're feeling".

I had my eyes closed as she said that amidst a moan that it took me a second to register and, my god, I swear I didn't know my cock could feel so BIG in her. My eyes were wide open and I saw this intense look of pleasure on her face but her eyes were glued to where I had her spread open and she seemed mesmerized by what I was pushing so far into her.

As I fucked her harder and harder she began to moan again and she said all sorts of stuff including at one point her moaning, "fuck...fuck...fuck...fuck..." over and over. At other points she told me how, "Ray learned to make me cum"... Soon it was too much for her (and me!) and when I plunged into her and ground against her it was almost as if her eyes rolled back in her head and then she started to flop around under me as one totally intense orgasm swept over her. I almost slipped out of her as she thrashed about.

Maybe it was only a few seconds but it seemed to go on forever the most intense part was how wet and not just how open, but how deeply open her pussy was as she began to come down. I pushed her knees back against my arms and pushed my way back into her.

From how she felt and how she'd teased me not more than 2 or 3 strokes that deep into her pushed me over the edge too and after waiting that long I was rewarded with one awesomely crazy orgasm myself. It felt like I squirted like a quart of cum into her before we both rolled apart and lay there sweating in the dim light. She giggled as she rolled over to me and just said, "I guess you DID like waiting...”

I joked back, "you too?!”


One of the most pleasurable moments is the feeling of having to try to stay in control despite feeling her so intimately. The thing is, as she talks and teases, it soon gets to the point where I can no longer control it. That's the sensation I so long for. Most of the time I can hold off and just totally enjoy feeling her but it's the teasing and her telling me what they did that drives me over the edge. I hold off as long as I possibly can, even pulling out of her at times to try to hold off. The most intense moment is when that last stroke into her is just too much to hold off any longer. That first spurt, or should I say that first GUSH, of cum into her is what I long for.

When it's just a normal fuck with her (when she hasn’t teased me for days ahead of time or when I'm jerking off) the first spurt is always nice but it is NOTHING like the gusher that she drew out of me on Friday. She's told me many times that it is one time when she says she can definitely feel me cumming in her....


After we lay there Friday night we both got cleaned up and turned into bed. Thing was, Saturday morning we woke up and she started the day out by stroking me till I was hard and then sucking on my cock a bit. I thought we were going to go for a quickie at the time but she teased me and said that I should, "wait till the afternoon". It was well worth the wait!

Our ******** had gone out to a friend’s house and I was looking for Suzanna. When I went up the stairs I could hear her gentle moans and was rewarded to find her lying back in bed, naked, masturbating with one of her toys! I am sure she knew I was watching her from the crack in the doorway. Both hands were busy, one on the dildo buried in her pussy, fingers on the other spreading her open and playing with her clit in perfect rhythm with the dildo.

I pushed the door open and she seemed to not pay attention to me at first. I watched her have one last orgasm sweep over her after which she pulled the dildo out and then, through glazed eyes, looked at me and said in a meek voice, "your turn".

I dropped my shorts and underwear and climbed up on the bed. Seeing her spread like that ALWAYS gets me rock hard. I pushed into her and it was like slipping into a warm stick of butter, she was soooo warm, wet and open. From how she felt, I can only assume she was at it for quite a while as she seemed almost totally satisfied and incredibly relaxed. If anything, it felt like she was simply giving herself to me and encouraging me to enjoy myself. The squishing sounds coming out of her pussy gave me awesome sound-effects to put with the slut-wife scenes that were all over my imagination. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in deeply. While her eyes were open and looking at me, I'm not sure if she was seeing me or if she was just in a daze overall, but she did let out a deep moan as I pushed all the way into her and then pulled back.

I'm not sure how I was so hard or felt like I could cum again after the session the night before but there I was fucking her like a madman again. She didn't tease me much but she did say several times about how much I like her so ‘wet and used’.

She didn't respond all that much at first but as I kept at her and got myself closer and closer she did start to show some signs. I wasn't concerned as I knew she'd already had enough from her own fun and I knew she wanted this to be for me. Sure enough, just a few minutes later, I let my thoughts go to match how she felt and that was it, I grunted loudly as I came giving her as much as I could.


Thursday is much more physical, where as Friday is much more mental, if that makes any sense. Thursdays there is always that "just fucked" feeling when we have our time together (even though it may have been hours before that she was with Ray, still wet and a bit 'used'.).

It is always incredibly erotic to push into her and then, as we start to go at it, to feel her getting wetter and wetter from whatever remains of Ray's cum. Feeling that always gets me intensely horny and she knows it because she always comments on how my cock grows even bigger when she can feel the wetness spreading between us. But there's also this feeling, totally unique to I guess 'sloppy seconds', in that there's just no resistance at all. It almost seems like she's more open deeper inside which is kind of reversed from how she normally feels, tighter until we start to go at it. As I’ve told her all along, I love how she feels after she's cum.

Friday though, my god, just waiting through Thursday night and resisting the urge to jerk-off at how horny I am, it's totally mentally arousing! Somehow knowing she's gone through the afternoon, all night and the next day with Ray’s cum still in her is just incredibly arousing to me.

She'll tease me later at night or the next day and tell me how she'll feel this wetness start to seep out of her pussy and as she walks around at work how she can feel her pussy lips all slippery against each other.

For me it is the same arousal I feel when I know she's with Ray and they're fucking only it goes on for the whole next day. At times during the day, if I let a sexual thought get away from me, I almost feel as if I could cum just from the thoughts of it. Then the moment finally comes when she finally ‘lets’ me peel her panties off her and reveal her beautiful pussy again, just for me. Seeing her lying there waiting for me, knowing she'd last had her legs spread for Ray, it’s just awesome to experience.

I wouldn't want to feel it every time or every week but then again, the anticipation of wondering if she'll tell me to wait is equally arousing.


It’s Tuesday and, yes, we've been back to panties since our fun last night. Last night she went into teasing me by saying I should ‘enjoy now because you'll be waiting a few days’ and she reminded me how she wanted to have ‘some more time’ with Ray this coming Thursday night. I asked her more about that and she teased me that she wanted to have enough time to let Ray have 'seconds' with her before she came home to me.

Damn, if that didn't set me off; just as it's doing again now. I'll be sure to jerk-off to that thought later tonight but then I will wait for her and hopefully have her when she comes home Thursday night.


I'm still a little miffed about what Suzanna shared with me about why she wanted to see Ray later and be able to spend more time with him. It's not really anything that is a surprise but this time....

Anyway, it actually started the other day when she told me how Ray had been fingering her ass while they fucked. Like I said, that really didn't surprise me; it is what she likes as part of sex at times. She says she loves the feeling and also admitted to enjoying the submissiveness that she feels as part of letting him do that.

When I asked her why she wanted more time with him tonight she later admitted that Ray had asked her about anal sex and that she'd been working up to maybe trying it with him and that they'd been working up to it over the past few weeks.

I asked why she hadn't told me before and she said that it wasn't until last week that they really got into it and she admitted that she felt like maybe they were ready. We've tried it many times over the years but she says I'm just too thick for her and I know that Ray isn't as big that way. To hear her tell me that they're going to try it maybe tonight was one of those cuck moments. It sort of hurt to hear it but at the same time thinking of her letting herself go down this route with him is such an incredible turn on.

She brought it up again last night and this time asked me directly if I was okay with it. I hesitated before answering.

She stood there as we were getting ready for bed (in just her panties and t-shirt mind you) and she turned to me, "you know I let him have all of me when I'm with him". I was still quiet and she said as a question, "maybe I shouldn't have told you?"

I guess that got me out of my haze and I went to her and held her, my cock all hard, and kissed her and told her that I loved that she would let herself go and that I was really OK for her to have the experience she wanted with him.


This morning she joked that, "at least you'll have the Yankees game to watch while I’m out" which, bizarrely got me thinking that since I've never seen them together that I've sort of forgotten about just how open she is with Ray. Hearing what she had to say last night reminded me and drove home how she still likes to spend her time naked with him. (Or now, with the cooler weather, she says she'll put on one of his dress shirts and leave it unbuttoned). Even more is that I'd forgotten that she is literally teaching Ray about women that I am sure he's already explored every nook and cranny on her.

So I am now in this ultimate cuckold enjoyment. It’s difficult to explain, I am totally horny (I mean if I were to stroke myself just a little or to get lost in a hot porn video or maybe even story that I'd cum like a fountain) but I so want to control it and enjoy this intense arousal.

Since last night I've started to think more about Suzanna when she's with Ray than I had been previously. I'd been focusing on my time with her and maybe even forgotten a bit about how thinking about them together is maybe even hotter in some ways ( at least in my head! ). I can almost picture her lying there spreading her legs and guiding him to what feels good in front and back!

It may sound crazy to think but it might be really wild if she were able to let him fuck her ass and, maybe, over time, for that to be his. I've given up on getting into her that way, that's for sure.

I need to end this ‘report’ now as my last thought of him and me sandwiching her, him in her ass and me in her pussy, could just set me off!


I'm on pins and needles right now waiting for her to get home later. I did not see her before she went out as I got stuck at work and only got home about 7:15pm. My ******** informed me that, "Mom is going out to the movies with Rayne".

I was surprised she'd used ‘Rayne’ as her excuse as that's one of her co-workers but my ******** then explained that, "Mom said that Rayne's having some sort of problem and wanted company tonight...".

I left it at that happy that she had obviously misheard the name Suzanna had mentioned and went along with the excuse without question.


This morning and I’m incredible turned-on to think that she is so open with Ray and that she holds nothing back from him. I know that long ago (long ago?) I was really concerned about her having this level of intimacy between her and Peter but now it seems so different with Ray and it's not something I find myself concerned about.

I can imagine her lying naked next to him as she ‘instructs’ him on what she likes best. That she probably lays there and lets him watch her masturbate up close is something that much more turns me on now than gives me any concern. In many ways this is really nothing new as I've long admitted I love knowing she'd slept with so many other guys, co-workers, when we first met. Knowing several guys had her naked in bed and that they'd fucked probably many times was something that attracted me to her back then. It incredibly turned me on that these other guys had cum in her multiple times too.

I think it is also why I find myself turned on by her and Ray now. Somehow seeing her carrying on like normal and yet knowing that Ray's been fucking her brings back so much of that arousal I'd felt long ago.

I'll end here by saying that I cannot wait till she gets home later and neither can my cock!


Damn, another book filled. Maybe not ‘damn’; this is progress and I am quietly content looking at the volumes racking up to remind me of this incredible journey and how much has changed in our lives and all to the better.

Moving on .....

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