Book 27

We’ve created a back story to explain Suzanna’s absence over the wedding weekend. The story for our ******** is that Suzanna's going off to see an old college roommate for a girls-reunion of sorts. Our ******** didn't even raise an eyebrow when we mentioned it to her but I know that she'll be all surprised by it come Friday when she says, "oh yeah, you did mention that".

The plan as of now is that Suzanna will come home Friday afternoon early, probably before either my ******** or I get home, and will then change and will drive herself to Ray’s. I voiced concern over her car being left out in front of his place and she said, “Good point, I'll park in his garage; we're taking his car.”

I am quite sure that both tomorrow evening and Friday morning are going to be quite difficult. I have not yet gotten to the point where I want to insist on being with her before she leaves.

I don't know how I'd react if I do see her packing her wedding clothes. If I'm truly going to want to make this as cuck-ish as I can get then, if she will let me, I would probably sit there with a hard-on watching her. I do know her lingerie and dress-clothes very well so if she did shoo me out of the room, I'm sure after she left I'll be able to figure out what she packed by going through her closets and drawers.

I doubt she'd take the first step and make the initiative to give me her rings herself ... but who knows? It may be just as likely that I ask her to leave them home. Every time I think about that it drives me crazy and together with all the other thoughts succeeds in giving me another hard-on.

I don't totally understand what it is that I want here other than to say that I want to know she is his sexually and to know that is what she wants.


Last night as we were going about our business she came up to me from behind and hugged me and quietly asked me, " ... having any second thoughts?” I turned around and we hugged and kissed for a moment and I said, "no." She smiled back at me and said that was good.

I saw her spend some time looking through her closet and dresser, I'm assuming she was making mental notes about what she may pack. She spent time looking in her drawers and holding different items up to her in the mirror, different tops and then, yes, lingerie too. I was lying on the bed with the TV on but was watching her nonetheless. She looked up at me several times and smiled.

When we finally did get into bed last night she rolled over towards me and asked me if I ‘wanted any help with anything’ with a playful sound in her voice. I knew from how she asked me that she wasn't suggesting we have sex but rather that she'd help-me if I wanted to masturbate. I almost gave in and said yeah but, despite my hard-on, I said, "no, not tonight but maybe tomorrow?”

She kissed me and said, "Of course, if that's what you want".

Unlike Suzanna, I can't say I slept well. I had all sorts of emotions keeping me awake, being anxious, jealous, excited and, yes, depressed. Amongst it all though is eagerness, as definitely at this point I feel like things are moving on their own and that I just want it to happen already.


We’ve made no set plan on communications. My expectation is that I expect her to call several times, when she gets there, maybe later at night, and I hope in the morning and then the same.

I'm hard again thinking about this; when I'll hear from her and how I hope she'll text me, even if just a smiley-face.

I don't know what she's planned for this evening, but I'm not sure she's planning on sex with me tonight, at least not fucking. I know from what she's said and how she's acted that, at most, it'll be a blowjob. Crazy as it sounds, as I sit here right now waiting for her to get home, I’m thinking I don’t even want that. I haven't cum now in several days and a part of me wants to wait until she's gone tomorrow and then to have at it tomorrow night. I know, it's a crazy thought.


I just kissed her and said goodbye and a million thoughts are now running crazy in my head.

I'm going to try to hold it back and stay focused.

It started last night. She started packing and she saw me watching. She was just standing there in panties and a t-shirt so she could try on different outfits. She asked my opinions and I told her which ones looked nice and neither of us really talked about the trip. Maybe it's like I said, it's done and that's that.

I had such a huge hard-on as she packed what seemed like a lot of clothes for just 2 days. She didn't make a big deal about packing her underwear or lingerie but I did recognize several items including that leopard camisole that she is wearing in some of the pics I've posted. There were several lacy panties and equally translucent bras. I thought I'd seen something else she taken and then confirmed it when she walked away, that she'd taken her pair of split-crotch panties. They look like normal panties until she spreads her legs and then they separate. I suddenly felt like I was maybe prying a bit.

She's going to be wearing a semi- almost casual black and white dress for the wedding that makes her look very thin. As she hung it by the door things started feeling a little bit too real for me.

My angst notched up a level when what happened after she finished packing. She was toddling around in the bathroom but with most everything ready she came back into the bedroom and sat next to me and started to kiss me. I wasn't sure what was going on until she pulled back and said that she had to ask me something about the wedding. I was suddenly concerned from the straight look on her face. She kissed me again, took a breath, looked at me and then said, “Would it be okay if I took my rings off when we're out with the others?” I think I swallowed my tongue at that point as I just couldn't say anything for a second. She immediately said, "It’s just while we're out, I'll put them back on right afterwards".

I was just stunned, I really couldn't think of what to say at that moment; I have never mentioned that to her. She took my silence as rejection and then immediately said, "never mind, it's okay, he's told them but I didn't want to flash them in their face.”

She must have seen the blank look on my face for she quickly leaned over and said, "Sorry" and started to kiss me again.

I kissed her for a moment and as I did I let my brain go still not believing that she’d asked. I pulled back from the kiss and mumbled, "it’s okay". She looked at me and I babbled something like, "no really, it’s okay. I understand." Then I took a deep breath myself and did it, I said, "I was thinking of asking you if you wanted to leave them home". I knew it sounded crazy but I did it; I said it.

I swear the only sound was the TV and my heart beating for a moment and I suddenly got all scared I'd maybe gone too far for her and I started to say something and she shushed me and looked at me and said, "would that turn you on?" and a pause and then she said, "you can be honest, it's okay if it does...". It was one of those moments where you realized you loved this person enough to let them know something that deep. I nodded my head. She smiled and kissed me again and a moment later she asked me if I was sure.

I steeled up my courage and said, "yes".

I think she knew that I wasn't ready to talk about it at that moment and she didn't push it. Instead she leaned over and pushed me back flat onto the bed and we kissed. She started to talk and said that it turned her on a lot to think of taking them off. I noticed her nipples were all pointy under her t-shirt and she obviously felt how hard I was. After several more kisses she pulled back and said, again, as if she knew exactly what I was thinking, that she didn't want to have sex with me and that she knew I knew that. She looked up at me and asked me, "do you want me to suck you or do you want to wait?”

A part of me wanted to say, "Wait" so much. I swear my cock felt like it grew at just the thought of it but then I realized it'll be 3 days before she's back and I said, "No, now would be much better".

She giggled, called me greedy and then proceeded to suck me like I've almost never had before. She was doing something with her hands and her tongue so that within just a few minutes I was getting really close. I guess she knew when to stop and just when I thought it'd be too late she pulled off and just gently held my cock in her hand for a moment after which she slowly started sucking me again. She was just kneeling there still in her t-shirt and panties as she got me almost to the edge again before she pulled off. Before she started sucking me again she said, "I'll be yours when I get back but while I'm gone, I'll be his" and then she went back to sucking me. Only this time just that thought was enough to send me over. I spasmed and I heard and felt her gag a little at the first spurt that I knew had to have been huge. Followed by at least 6 or 7 more until I fell back against the bed and she looked at me and smiled. She smiled back looking very satisfied as I am now thinking I must have cum a quart and she must have known it. We hugged and she snuggled up to me. I told her that I wanted her to have a good time and she hugged me and said, "thank you" and then like a million, "I love you’s". We actually fell asleep while spooning up.

I actually slept pretty well, surprisingly, after how I'd felt the last few nights but maybe that's just the whole fate accompli thing where it was a done deal and I think maybe I felt better about it than I thought I would.


The suitcase on the bed was really the only thing that was different this morning but it was all that was needed. We saw our ******** off to school, had breakfast and were now finishing getting dressed.

Then everything seemed to happen in a rush. After a huge kiss and us starting to say goodbye, she turned to me and seemed to start to say something. I pushed her and said, "what, come on, what?" as if to imply what could possibly concern her given where she's going later.

She looked at me and said, "were you serious last night, you know, about my rings?"

It took her question a second to sink in before I answered her, "yes" in a quiet voice.

She came over to me and said, "I'll know you're serious if it's you that takes them off of me".

I swear my hands were shaking and moving in slow motion. I took her hand in mine and just looked at them on her finger. It was probably 10 seconds but it felt like 10 hours but I did it. She took a deep breath that I heard when she saw me take them in my fingers and pull them off.

I was numb and almost felt like puking. Holy crap; Wow; what have I done?

Feeling queasy I clasped them in my hand and told her, "go and enjoy". She hugged me, kissed me deeply and then a little while later when she had everything ready she pulled her suitcase to the door. She stood there and I think was maybe giving me one last chance as she seemed to pause before she promised she'd call before she left this afternoon. I gave her one last kiss and hug and then just stood there behind the closed door as she pulled out and drove away.

I had a tear in my eye at thinking about what was happening and what I've done. I'll be okay, I'm sure, if I look away from all of that emotional stuff, I'm okay and I am okay with what's been done but I need to get to work and put my mind elsewhere.


It's after midnight and what's happening is already happening.

I went out before and grabbed some pizza for dinner and then did the guy thing and went to Home Depot until our ******** was ready to be picked up. In a way it was nice and it gave her a chance to ‘hang out with her ***’. We went to the movies and watched some Chick Flick she wanted to see. It was all great Fun.

Suzanna called about 8pm and said that it was fun being at the rehearsal and that she and Ray helped out with some stuff. I asked where he was and she said he was in the restaurant where they were just getting started and that she'd gone off to the bathroom to call me. I asked how things were going and she giggled and said, "we haven't done anything yet, if that's what you want to know".

I told her no, that I wanted to know she was enjoying herself and she said she was and then thanked me again and the whole lovey dovey thing. I was about to ask about the rest of the night, not really sure that I wanted to hear about it. Then she said that she should get going and that she'd call later on but it might not be till late by the time they got back to the hotel.

She did text me about 11pm that they were all still at the bar in the restaurant and that she would call me if they got in before 1am. I texted her back that she can call me whenever and she sent back a smiley face and a heart.

Anyway earlier, when our ******** went off bed just before midnight, I came in here thought about how happy she sounded earlier and I guess, after an evening of keeping busy, I was also feeling better about it. I think it just hit me earlier that it's actually happening.


I just spoke with her. She was talking in a bit of hushed voice so I asked what was going on and where she was. I cringed a bit when she said they were in the hotel and that Ray was in the bathroom. I asked her again if she was okay and she giggled and said, "of course" and then I just asked her calmly if she was excited and she gave me a short answer of, "uh huh". I heard some noise and I just asked her, "do you want to go?" and she said, "If you don't mind" and all I could say was, "talk to you in the morning, love you". She said it back to me, "Love you too".

I'm not sure what I feel. That was 10 minutes ago so I can only guess what they are doing. I can tell you that I'm going to go lie down now and let things sink in. I will say I am quite horny right now. At first I was a little queasy thinking that they'll be sleeping together but now, a few minutes later, that thought isn't quite so bad.

A few hours ago I might have said this was a mistake. Now, I don't know, hearing her voice and knowing what she wants for tonight. I'm okay with it; what the heck, let’s do it if we're going to. I have a lot of crazy horny thoughts going through my head and I'm going to go and enjoy them.


I slept well, at least until I woke up at this ungodly hour on a Saturday morning.

I guess I was pretty tired yesterday for all of it to have affected me as it did. After updating my journal last night I found some old stories on the Web, got some pics of Suzanna up also on the computer and also some videos. I went and found some lubricant under our bathroom vanity and, wow, did I need to masturbate.

It turned me on to think that they were probably fucking as I jerked off. The idea that she'd be spending the night with him gave me the biggest hard-on I can remember. I slicked it up with lube and man did I give my right arm a workout. One thought that turned me on incredibly was thinking that at that moment, Ray was probably equally well lubed-up and was probably fucking the life out of Suzanna.

I let go of all the emotional stuff that had been getting to me and as I looked at her face on the screen I began jerking off. Wow, I had to fight off an orgasm 3 or 4 times before I couldn't hold back anymore. When that 5th time came around, man, did I cum. I must have really needed it based on how my body reacted; the first spurt must be like the ones that make Suzanna squeal, it splattered all over the floor, my hand and all down my leg and all over my sweats and underwear around my ankles. The next few were equally intense for me.


It's now like 6:30am and I'm soooo horny again and there’s no doubt that it’s only going to take a couple of strokes and I'm going to cum again. All I can think about is that they are most likely asleep right now (naked, I'm sure) and Suzanna looking very much like she does in these 2 pics. Damn, it turns me on to think that right now she's probably asleep and that Ray’s cum is probably still in her just like in these 2 pics.

I'm letting my mind wander for the moment to how they'll be in the morning. I've said it in the past and I'll say it again now, it is a huge turn-on to think about her/them waking up and sharing those moments. I'm thinking about them both showering together, him soaping up her tits and her scrubbing his cock before she rides it again. Then there’s me getting horny at 6:30am!

I think I'm going to be okay about it now that the shock has worn off and been replaced by horniness.


She called this morning just after 10am. It was an awkward conversation until I pushed it and finally came out and playfully said, "so, how was last night?"

She giggled and playfully answered, "you mean again this morning?” Holy crap did that turn me on to hear. I asked her where he was and she said he was in the bathroom. I wanted to ask somehow to find out more but at the same time, I wasn't sure. Somehow I asked her if he was in the shower and her response was, "no, we finished a while ago". I don't know if she knew she even said it like that. I told her it was good that she was having a good time and that she should enjoy herself and that I'd be okay. She told me again how lucky she was and all of that. I did tell her that I was horny thinking about her and she asked me if I'd ‘taken care’ of myself and I told her yeah and added, "Thinking about you". She giggled and said she was enjoying herself.

Somehow I finally got the question out when I said something like, "so... Ray was good, huh?" She was quiet and said that he'd been incredible. I then just asked, "so, how many times?" with a kind of playful note. She giggled and said two times last night and after a pause she said quietly, "he woke me up at like 4am” and a pause and then, "just a little while ago".

I nearly choked and coughed and said something like, "wow, nice to be younger" and she giggled and said, "He said he'd been waiting all week". A moment later I heard what must have been the bathroom door and I heard him call for her and say, "it's all yours" and she said, "love you honey but I'm going to go now, promise to call you later before the ceremony". I said, "love you too" and she hung up.

I realized after I'd put the phone down that she was undoubtedly lying there naked if they'd just come out of the shower. I swear the thoughts I had and still have are enough to drive me to jerk off again. I can't believe I'm this horny. Thankfully my ******** is out with a girlfriend or she'd wonder why her father is locked in the office at times grunting away.

I also realized that unless she really cleaned up, that her pussy was definitely still filled with his cum, if not from yesterday, than certainly from today.

Why does that thought drive me totally crazy? I mean if I think about her maybe walking around shopping or sight-seeing or, with this weather (she took her bathing suit) maybe she's lying out on the sundeck;I can just picture the creamy wetness between her legs all day long and that she'll need to change her panties later.

I guess it'll be another few hours before I may hear from her. It’s just after 2pm now and they must be heading back in another hour or so to the hotel so they can get ready. I think the ceremony is at 5pm, drinks at 6 and party at 7. I hope she calls me closer to 5pm I want her to tell me what she's wearing and know that she'll have gotten ready with Ray there with her.


I was in the bedroom earlier I looked at her rings in the back of her jewellery box and damn if that didn't give me a hard-on too! I think I must have really let it get to me yesterday as today it's much more of a turn-on than making me crazy.

I am glad I took her rings off her. I know that’s what she wanted; that was why I did it. I knew from how she said it and I suspect it is why she is so horny herself and knowing she wants it is what seems to really turn me on. Does that make sense?

I’m off to do something in the yard. It’s much too nice a day to spend indoors ... no matter how horny I am!


Where did the night go? My ******** came home for dinner and then asked if she could spend the night at a friend’s house. I agreed and when she’d left I went back to finishing some work in the basement. I came back up here about an hour ago and have been collecting my thoughts and working myself up thinking about things.

She did call me this afternoon, about 3:30pm and said they'd just gotten back from some sightseeing and having lunch together. I swear my cock began to throb hearing about her day. She told me that they'd hung around for a while with another couple they'd met at the after-dinner party the night before.

Hearing that and knowing what was coming later at the wedding party; hearing the sound in her voice of nothing other than being so excited and up-beat, it turned me on. Thinking about it now, I think that maybe this is what I wanted to hear from her when she was with Dan. It is like this awesome feeling of arousal to think of her off with him like this.

Again, we sort of beat around the bush for a bit before she said that she wanted to thank me and that she never realized that she needed a weekend like this. I asked her what she meant and she replied that it'd been a long time since she'd let herself feel this way. I pushed, "what way?" and she said, "wanton.... horny and wanton...” I think she heard me swallow and asked if it was what I'd wanted and added, " ... is it what you hoped for?”

I froze up for a moment and then said that I was really horny thinking of her. She giggled and said, "How sore is he?" (meaning my cock) and I told her not to worry, that, " .... he'll be fine tomorrow". She giggled again and said, "Hope so". I said something about me being horny all day long and she said quietly that she was too.

I felt more relaxed and asked where Ray was and she said he'd gone down to get something out of the car and give her time to talk to me. Before I could even ask she said, "I'm naked right now, you might as well know that". I told her I thought she would be. She teased me a bit and then (I wasn't sure if she'd mention it) she said, "I'm totally naked, not even my rings are on". She sounded so sexy as she said it. I told her that it turned me on to think about her being free while she was away. She giggled and said that it made her horny too.

We talked for a few more minutes before she said that she should be going and that Ray was going to be back soon. I asked when I'd hear from her again and she said that she didn't think a phone call would work out but that she'd text me ‘something sexy’ later.

It's almost 1am and there's been no text yet which leaves me here, horny and a little buzzed from a few beers.

Soon I am going to let my mind go and think of what they are undoubtedly doing by now. The excitement of the wedding and the party; I am ready to burst again just thinking about it. The idea of her spending the night naked fucking him; I can close my eyes and see her lying there pulling her knees back for him. Thinking about how comfortable they must be with each other by now.

I know it's crazy but I love sharing this part of her with him. I love thinking about her responding to him, his touch, his kiss or him thrusting into her; yes, his cock in her too. That IS definitely part of the arousal, that he's in her and cumming in her just as freely as I do (maybe even more so at times?). Yes, it's crazy but it is what I have always loved about her; that she's enjoyed lots of guys and, undoubtedly, she is enjoying Ray.

It is now just after 1am and I am going to go and masturbate one last time. I swore I would wait tomorrow till she gets home, but there is no way I can think about sleeping just yet, not with how revved up I am.


It's Sunday and I survived! Yea!

I did get a text message from her about 1:30am, not long after I'd finished writing up my journal. It was short saying only ‘Wedding was beautiful, can't wait to see you tomorrow’.

I texted back ‘Sounds great, tell me all the details when you get home’

She sent me back a smiley face and ‘ok, there will be a lot to tell then’

I sent her back ‘I'm horny thinking about it’.

Her reply was ‘ok, talk to you in the morning’.

I had a feeling from the curtness of her text that they were busy. I let those thoughts fill my head as I jerked off one last time before I fell asleep.

It's not even 10am so I'm pretty sure they're still in bed, maybe sleeping, maybe doing more. I don't know just when she'll be home but damn if I'm still horny this morning thinking about it.

I wonder if this is just the first time of them going away together. At the moment I can’t see that happening but I am thinking that there could be more overnights and weekends in the future. Maybe I'm going out on a limb and even say that perhaps once in a while, a longer trip? I know that if all goes well on our reunion tonight and that we're still okay that I could possibly see it happening. Not totally sure how but I'm certainly less opposed to the idea.

I hope to hear from her sometime this morning. I’m not sure what checkout time is or if there's a brunch/lunch thing... All I can say is that I am totally horny and cannot wait to see her, hear about it all and yes, feel her in my arms.


She said she'd be home by 7-ish. But she just texted me that she was at Ray’s and that she would be here closer to 8pm. I am going crazy waiting for her knowing now she's almost here. It won't surprise me if one or both of them wanted one last time!


I was not surprised by her delay after getting back to Ray’s yesterday. I suspected that if they ventured inside his place, that she would wind up getting in bed with him one last time. I know I would if the situation were reversed. As for me, knowing where she was and what she was doing only made even hornier for the last hour or so till she came in, finally, about 8:30pm last night.

Our ******** wasn't the least bit fazed by any of this, she was on Skype with her boyfriend and the world could have come to an end and she would have been oblivious. Suzanna spent a few minutes talking to her while she complained, "okay mom, you're home, great, can I go back to what I was doing?”

By 8:45pm we were behind locked doors and I felt almost the exact same reaction I had when she spent the night away with Peter almost 4 years ago to the day.

Once she locked the door there were no words spoken, at least not right away. I wanted her in the worst way but I was absolutely almost scared to do so at the same time. We lay on the bed and it felt so good to hug and kiss her again. Having her back and just thinking that she'd spent the last 2 days kissing Ray totally turned me on. I think her lips felt a little swollen perhaps from some aggressive kissing or maybe her sucking him, all I know is that they felt incredible against mine.

I unbuttoned her blouse and again, she still hadn't said anything. Neither did I; I was too mesmerized by pushing her top back and revealing her bra. Noticing it had a front-clasp turned me on even more thinking that Ray had just as easy access.

I felt like we were on a first-date, I was scared and hesitant to undress her and I must have spent a moment daydreaming because she looked up at me and said, "is everything okay?"

I leaned down and kissed her and said something like, "now that you're home it is" and with that I unclasped her bra. Her perky tits came into view as I pushed her bra out of the way and I could see red marks and reddened areas where no doubt Ray had grabbed onto them. Her nipples were like little pebbles and again, just knowing they'd been in Ray’s hands and mouth for the last 2 days that despite my self-abuse on Saturday gave me the hugest hard-on I've had in months!

It was warm and she had on these denim Capri pants that came 3/4-way down her legs. She looked sexy as hell in them too making her look like she had long legs.

I may have been scared and even a bit tentative, but at the same time, I desperately wanted her naked and underneath me. I started to undo her pants and she lifted off the bed to give me easier access to slide them down. I deliberately left her panties on and when she started to shimmy her way out of them told her, "No, I'll take them off next". While I really wanted her, I also wanted to not be totally rushed and I wanted to take in everything.

As she lifted one leg and then the next to let me pull her pants off I could see unmistakably that the crotch of her light blue panties was both darkened and wet. It is always an incredible thing to have your expectations confirmed.

She lay there on the bed as I sat next to her and just looked at her lying there in just her panties. As I moved in closer she began to talk to me and started telling me about things but I actually shushed her and kissed her and said that I just wanted to get close to her again before she started telling me about everything. Much as I wanted to hear it, I also knew that once I started peeling off her panties, preoccupied, that I wasn't going to hear much anyway. She giggled and said, "okay, you can have fun exploring".

I think I may have been even shaking a little as I started pulling them down. I'm not sure if I was even breathing as I revealed her bare skin beneath and even though in reality it took only a few seconds, it seemed like it took forever. I breathed in and it took my breath away when they slid down to reveal her pussy mound and I could see it was all reddened. She kept her legs together as I slid them down further so all I could see was the top of her pussy and just the tip of her clit visible between what I could see of her swollen pussy lips.

As I knelt next to her she teased me and said, "what? Is there something more you want to see?” I was getting anxious and a moment later she giggled and said, "Okay, you've been waiting" and with that she spread her legs apart and I finally got to see all of her pussy.

She'd probably spent most of the weekend naked with Ray showing herself like that and, damn, if that didn't turn me on. Her pussy was nothing short of beautiful. The lips were swollen a bit and definitely reddened but what was even more beautiful to me was the gap at the bottom where they were no longer together revealing the equally reddened opening to her vagina. Even more intense was the glistening liquid that seemed to cling to them and as she lay there, began to appear and drip out of her.

"Go on, you know you want to," I heard her say but it didn't register at first until she pulled her knees back a bit and put her feet flat on the bed and she said, "go on, you can have a lick if you like, there's no lubricant if that's what you're worried about" (I don't like the taste of Astroglide). As I lay down between her legs to get closer I asked, "why no slippery stuff?"

She giggled and then started moaning as my tongue made contact and said, "didn't need any after Saturday...."

I knew she was full of whatever cum Ray could get up after the weekend. I wanted to know how many times and all of that but at that moment, I was only thinking about going down on her and tasting her now well-used pussy.

I licked at her for a little while, spread her open with both hands and she squealed a bit as I ran my tongue in her open vagina and then up to her clit. As she squealed her vagina contracted and a bigger dribble of cum began to ooze out of her. It was clear and kind of runny but it was obvious that it was cum and, my god, did it turn me on to know it. I was face-to-face with her now open pussy and all I knew was that I needed to be in her. I wanted to lick her more, even with the bitterness, and the idea that Ray had filled her with cum not more than an hour earlier seemed to consume me.

At the same time, my cock was throbbing away and as I got back up on my knees and Suzanna looked down at me, "oh, you need to take it easy on me. Your tongue was great but I am really sore".

I moved up and started to rub my cock up and down her swollen crevice. I asked her quietly, "is it okay?" asking if she was okay with me fucking her. She looked up at me and for a moment I thought she might ask me to wait and, to be honest, despite my undeniable desire if she said "no" I would have waited. Instead she just said, "just be easy, okay, and I'll be there in the end with you....".

I asked her to reach up into her nightstand and get the lube to which she replied again, "I don't think you'll need any". I licked my fingers and got the swollen tip of my cock all wet with spit and put it against her pussy and rubbed it up and down. She felt wet but also incredibly hot too. I poked the tip at her opening and then gently pushed in.

It was like fucking her for the first time! The feeling of her warm wet pussy enveloping my cock felt similar but yet so different (or so it seemed at the time) to how I remembered her feeling. I pushed gently into her and she just opened up with little resistance; the tight ring of muscle that I normally feel was slack and relaxed. She pulled her knees back for me and I slid almost effortlessly into her and I stayed there grinding myself against her. All I could feel was just openness and wetness.

I lost track of time at that moment and my mind went in a million directions. Pulling back out of her all I could think about was how she felt. I don't want to say sloppy as that just sounds crude, but, my god, she felt incredible. I've certainly felt her after she's had lots of sex before, not only with me but also when she was with Dan and certainly when she's/we've used her toys but this felt different than that. Maybe it was all in my head but with the thoughts of Ray fucking her for 2+ days was all I needed to make her feel so special

I pulled back and as I pushed into her I could feel how wet she was and it turned me on so much. I said something about her feeling incredible and she moaned back at me something about her being, "...wet the entire weekend...” I could almost feel her body tremble as I pushed into her as if she was maybe in a way sort of wincing at either what I was doing or maybe her being kind of sore. All I know is that thinking of her like that was driving me absolutely crazy and I had to hold myself back from really slamming into her.

Finally, not sure if it was 5 minutes or 25 minutes, we got into a good rhythm. I wasn't so much fucking her vertically as I was horizontally which she seemed to really enjoy. She teased me several times about how much Ray and she had fucked but I can only recall just sound-bites. At the time, I was just totally taken with her under me and my mind thinking of all that I hope she'd tell me about.

Despite the intense feeling of her used body, I held myself back as long as I could, even surprising myself, but finally, she could feel me starting to need to let go and she pulled her knees back for me, let me rise up on my arms with them holding her apart. I looked down and looking at the wetness that was all over my cock and spread all over her pussy and feeling just the faint friction of the inside of her pussy was intense. Intense enough for me that I knew it was going to be an powerful orgasm.

I looked up from her pussy filled with my cock to her breasts which were all taut with her nipples still being hard and then at her face with her eyes open but glazed over and unfocused. She flinched a little but there was no doubt she was getting wetter weakly clenching down on my cock. I pushed deep into her and ground against her which brought her to the edge and had her pushing herself up at me as I plunged into her. I knew it was probably hurting her but neither of us cared as a second later I felt her body go tense and heard her let out a low moan. That was all I needed, despite cumming several times between Friday and Saturday, I filled her pussy with a huge load. I felt my cock throb five or six times and each time I felt a jet of cum squirt into her.

When I was done, I stayed pretty hard instead of deflating and I kept on fucking her. We've done this before and this time my slightly deflated cock did the trick and as we kept on fucking she came again, this time hugging me deeply and almost sobbing as she shook. When I stopped moving, she threw both arms and legs around me and just held me tightly and she whispered in my ears how she'd missed me and how she loved me.

I looked up at the clock and it wasn't even 9:30pm!


It wasn't until after we'd calmed down that we/she began to talk. I can't remember what the small talk was about but it soon came to the more important stuff. She told me she was glad I was okay about everything. I asked her to finally tell me about the trip and the wedding. So, of course she starts out with the wedding and what whoever was wearing but a second later she looked at me and said, "oh, not that?" and I realized she was joking with me.

She didn't sugar coat it. She said that she had a great time and then she looked at me and said, "... and yes, we had a lot of sex". She said that whatever it was, it was the both of them who were horny. I said back to her, "I can tell" and it took her a second to realize what I'd meant, that I could feel she was quite well used. It was light-hearted. I thought I'd feel all sorts of crazy stuff but it actually was quite easy to talk to her about at that moment.

It was at that moment that I remembered about her rings. I leaned over to the dresser and took them out of her jewellery box and turned back to her. I was nervous for a moment, wondering how she'd be when I went to put them back on her but I did it. I turned back to her and took her hand and said quietly, "can I put these back on you now?”

She smiled and didn't hesitate a bit when she said, "of course". We were looking right at each other as I put them back on her and she leaned over and kissed me and said she loved me.

As I put them on her I asked how it had felt to be without them. It wasn't like a heavy question or anything like that; it was just a quiet moment when it was easy to talk. She paused and then she asked me if I knew the reason she'd asked me if she could take them off? I told her no.

She looked at me and said that my answer told her how I felt and what I wanted her to do. She said that if I told her that I didn't want her to take them off, then she would have still have had a great time but that she wouldn't have gone too far. When I told her I was okay with it then she knew I was okay with her going a little further.

She said when she heard my answer that she should leave them home that she had looked at me and, " ... it answered all my questions" about what I wanted. I told her that I wasn't sure I could say it to her and that I hoped I didn't regret it.

She hugged me and said, "I'd never leave you .... " and then giggled, " ... at least not for more than a few days....".

I asked her just how crazy she'd gotten when she was away. She started to answer me and then stopped and said, "do want to know all of that; or do you just want to know how many times?” We both laughed when I answered, "Both" and then I said, “well, I guess we can start with a number! There was a lot of conjecture here but she answered, "Seven".

I couldn’t ask her more as we heard our ******** coming up the stairs to go to bed. We said our goodnights to her through the closed bedroom door and then we waited for another 30 minutes or so before we could resume our conversation.


After we'd dealt with our ******** and bed and all our conversation resumed and she asked me if, "that wasn't what you wanted?" referring to the number of times. She also asked me if she was right as to why I suggested her leaving her rings home for the weekend.

I hemmed and hawed for a few minutes until she said something about it already being in the past. So, I told her how it turned me on to think of her being ‘unattached’ and ‘his’ for the weekend. She giggled when I said that and she told me that many people had told them they thought they were married and that even the hotel room had been reserved as Mr. and Mrs.. She asked me what I thought of that and I had to be honest and I told her that it turned me on that she'd shared all of herself with him.

They played it up as a sort of a joke when they first checked in, but by later that first night, the reality that she was spending the weekend with him and not having her rings on did really affect her. She looked at me and said that she hoped I was serious because later that night she let herself take the role of his wife. While she's never exactly inhibited, she said that actually sharing the room with him for so long really did put her into that role. She said at first she was sort of embarrassed at things like the bathroom and such, that by that evening, she said she felt almost as comfortable with him as she did with me.

I pushed a little more and she said that when they first got there and she got washed up that she wasn't totally comfortable with him being there as she got changed or washed up in the bathroom. I winced a little when she told me that that feeling didn’t last long and how by late that night and certainly by Saturday that it was nothing for her to walk around naked with her hair up in a towel or for her to stand at the bathroom vanity for ages doing whatever.

I knew I was going to hear about this. On the one hand, it felt kind of weird to know that I was responsible for all of it in a way, but on the other I have to say that it definitely turns me on that she let herself go like that. It must have been just like when we've gone away ourselves for a few days, she is exactly that way with me too.

She told me a bit more about their time together and said they hadn’t played up the whole couple thing. She made it a point to tell me that outside of the more romantic moments when they were ‘supposed to be together’ that they were still very much just friends. She used the example that she didn't hold hands with him as they took in a little sight-seeing or that sort of thing. That did comfort me for while she hasn't said much more about it, it's more the way she said it that says to me that she still has things very much under her control. Matter of fact, from what she's been saying things it's quite obvious that most of the weekend was at her direction.


Sunday night she pleaded that she was just too tired and sore ‘down-there’ and tonight wasn't a possibility; perhaps more importantly she told me she's not seeing Ray this week. She told me this when we were watching TV before she went to sleep. I asked why and she said more clearly, that she thought it'd be better if they didn't push things too much.

I didn't really want to push any further either.


I have been recalling some of what we've talked about since she's been back. One thing she keeps returning to is to talk on about her rings. Last night she was twirling them on her finger and she said, “Tell me more about what you were thinking.”

(As an aside I'm seeing that she's also beginning to take a bit more control with me at times too. It's a huge turn on to see her change like this but I digress....)

I can't say that it was easy for me to talk about what the significance was of her leaving her rings at home. I mean I couldn't ever share some of the more perverse or extreme thoughts that I'd had; I just couldn't do that. Even the milder stuff wasn't all that easy to just come out and say. I told her that I liked the idea of giving her up to him like that and this time I added something about knowing what will happen.

She giggled and joked back, "and what will happen?"

I replied, “I’m guessing another Seven!”

She smiled and said that as with everything else, once she got comfortable in her role, that the sex just happened. She was looking at me and I felt compelled to tell her that I liked knowing Ray was fucking her.

All this talk had gotten me started and, like I said, we're in bed and as she’s talking to me she reached down under the blankets and I asked her what's going on. She said, “I'll help you if you want.” A second later the blanket was off of me, my hand was on my cock and hers was on my hand encouraging me to stroke it. She nodded her approval and then she pulled her hand away.

I was horny and getting into it so I asked her if she watched Ray like this. She said, "no, I like him in me too much". What a turn-on.

She continued and nuzzled up to me, kissed my neck and said, "did it turn you on to know he could feel me cum?” That nearly sent me over and I missed some of what she'd said next as I continued to stroke. At times her hand would join mine and she'd have me move slowly and she'd moan in my ear telling me how she loved to feel him in her pussy. Those are the few comments that I remember clearly. Those and, as she held my hand from moving too fast, her telling me how she loved him to cum in her.

I knew as soon as she let go of my hand, the first big stroke was going to send me over. She surprised me by leaning over me and said something that I now know she knew would bring an immediate response, she said, “ ... all seven times". As she said it she took my hand away completely and she sucked me off.

Wow, I've had some awesome blow-jobs in my life but none shorter, this one was technically only about 20 seconds but it was insane. She sucked gently as I just let loose and she gently moved back and forth until she could feel I was done. I lay there to catch my breath and she came up and kissed me. At first I thought she wanted to snowball but instead she just wanted a passionate kiss although I do know that sharing the remnants of my cum in her mouth turned her on. When the kiss ended she looked at me and said, "wow, I guess that turned you on, huh?”


I will say that it's a little weird right now. I expected it to be a bit more traumatic or that I would have some sort of lingering jealousy or anger or bitterness. Maybe they'll develop, but right now, it just doesn't seem to bother me that they spent the time they did together. I was totally surprised and also really comforted by what she said about this week and taking a break with Ray.

What is a surprise to me is when I look back is to detect elements of her controlling a lot of this. In much of what she's told me so far of when and how they had sex, it seems it's been her decision. For example, at one point in our pre-wedding talks I'd come out and told her that I thought it would be hot if she went to the wedding with Ray's cum in her. I'm pretty sure we talked about it but my point is that she said it was her decision that they didn't fuck before either the wedding or the rehearsal dinner. She did say she teased the heck out of Ray both then and at other times, but at least for those two times, she was definitely controlling what was going on.

I have to laugh, knowing Suzanna as I do, that she knew if she fucked him before either event that he might not have been up for it afterwards. She made no secret of her desires after the wedding but that is for tomorrow.


Perhaps Suzanna and I are not so unique. I suspect it's that for our whole time together we've never lost focus of each other. Through buying a home, having kids, dealing with ****** and careers, ups and downs, we've always kept each other in focus and never let our relationship with each other take a back seat. It is intensely arousing to see her change over time. In just over 4 years she has really come out of her shell.

From what she's shared with me so far it’s clear Ray was more than satisfied with her company and she's said that at points in time she was the aggressor! To hear her tell me that is just amazing.


I wouldn't have taken no for last Sunday night. That's a line I wouldn't cross, it's something I've felt all along, that if there was a time when I truly needed to fuck her that she must never say no and if there was ever a time, it was Sunday night.


I was really surprised me that she was not planning to see him this week. I was expecting her to be all horny and possibly wanting to see him more Had she wanted to see him then I would have been okay about it and happy to resume how we were and, yes, I would have waited till Friday.

I suppose the last part of details that I think I feel the need to write here is what she shared about Saturday night after the wedding. By last night she was quite candid with me about most everything that went on albeit that she still showed a bit of modesty by not telling me all the details (yet) of how she/they were at some points including not telling me all that much about how it was to sleep with him next to her or how she was in the room with him in the mornings and such. My brain runs in all directions thinking about her.

She was quite candid about the wedding. She knew that after they'd had sex that morning (before she called me) that she knew, like with me, if she wanted good sex after the wedding, that she'd have to forego it before! What she did share was that she felt incredibly erotic getting dressed with him. She said it was sort of almost like a strip-tease in reverse; that she felt really wicked picking out what panties to wear and then putting them on, stockings next, etc. She said she felt incredibly sexy as she knew he was watching her every move.

I don't think I need to say what my response was! She told me about watching him getting dressed but I was too busy thinking of her to really listen too much.

She told me about the ceremony which sounded nice. The minister guy (she wasn't sure what denomination) sounded nice and was easy to listen to; not at all preachy. She'd met the bride and groom the night before (they'd assumed she was Ray’s girlfriend but she said they were just friends) and she said it was romantic watching them get married. Then she added that it made her horny too! At the cocktail hour she said Ray was ever the gentleman bringing her drinks and snacks and she said the romantic feelings started to sweep over her.

I felt her hug me as she told me that and I just told her that it was okay and that I had wanted her to let herself go and be his. She said that being all dressed up as she was and having him fawn all over her had made her much more aware of it all. By the time they were going into dinner she said she was going to go with it and not fight it. They held hands as they walked to find their table-number and found both of their names on one card, Mr. Ray Jones and Ms. Susan Brown. She said it gave her the strangest feeling to think about it but no sooner had they found their table, Ray asked her up to the dance floor.

She said their PDA (Public Display of Affection, since you ask!) was kept to a minimum, except for a slow dance. She didn't need to say more as just hearing her say she slow-danced with him was enough to think about. She did say a little more, that she felt great in his arms and was slowly forgetting about everything else which, I assumed, included thinking about me!

As crazy as it sounds, I loved hearing about it. I can't explain the feeling totally but it was like the ultimate turn on to hear her truly being seduced. She seemed to hesitate to continue but I knew what was coming (perhaps not all the details but I knew where we were going) and I definitely wanted to hear about it and I told her so.

She said the band played really great music and after the food was served and they'd eaten, that they danced more. She was very quick to tell me that he is not a good dancer, maybe to keep my ego in check (but why?) and said that I was a much better dancer. That's not saying much but she said it didn't matter to her. She said that by the time they had an after-dinner drink, that the alcohol, the party and the dancing had made her horny and she said she kept it no secret from Ray. By the end of the party not only was she wound up but he was too. She said that they weren't the first to leave (that's one of Suzanna's ‘things’, she'll never be the first to leave) but neither were they last because she said Ray was hurrying her through some good-byes.

I was all ears and she told me that she felt incredible when they got back to the room. At this point I'd gotten my cock out and she giggled that she thought this might turn me on based on everything that we talked about and I'd shared. She proceeded to tell me how she felt when he unlocked the door and they walked in and that she felt almost like a bride herself and, yes, she said she thought back to both of her wedding nights!

This was kind of new, she's rarely mentioned in the almost 30 years we've known each other, almost never talked about Tom, her first husband. I never knew him. All I knew was that he'd done her wrong. This was the first time she ever spoken of him and I found it REALLY turned me on. (I don't think she picked up on my reaction so it's something I may finally ask her about)

She actually said, in many ways, she felt like a virgin (which made me laugh and for her to punch me!) and how she felt like it was her ‘first time’ on honeymoon all over again and then quickly added, "both of them!"

She said that while she'd had lots of sex with Ray before, she looked at me, "I hope it doesn't hurt you to know that I wanted him to make love to me". Instead of hearing how they fucked in every position possible, she told me how he kissed her and held her tightly. She closed her eyes at one point when she told me how she felt as she orgasmed in his arms over and over. She didn't describe it being all that physical, instead she described how he seemed to fill her and how they got that awesome rhythm going that just built her up and up.

I know how she is when we are passionate; I know how she responds and how she feels; what an awesome thrill and turn-on to know that she felt so good sharing it with Ray. I knew what was coming, she said that, just as with me when we're in that zone, that she could tell just when Ray was going to cum. I felt her grip on my hand tighten a little as she told me that when she felt him start to cum that she came along with him and that for a moment she swears she had almost an out-of-body experience as she described what could truly only be making-love. It did make me quite jealous as she described the intensity and how she said for a moment the two of them were one and then, as if she was off in a daydream or something, she was quiet all of a sudden.

My hand moving on my cock seemed to suddenly startle her. She smiled and continued telling me that afterwards they lay there together (making a point of saying he was still in her too) and kissed.

She looked down at my cock and giggled, "you must really want to cum" and with that she moved around so she was lying on her side on one elbow both watching me as well as spreading her own legs and letting me watch her fingers do their magic. A second later she started to talk again only this time I knew what she wanted. She told me how horny I looked and then continued her story. She told me how a few minutes later that Ray finally shrank out of her and how after that they both lay back on the bed and caught their breath. She'd said how she felt like a newlywed who'd just had her first sex and she also said she felt totally uninhibited. I was stroking away like crazy and on the edge and when she told me that she let Ray play with her cum-filled pussy, well, that was it for me and I spewed all over my hand, my stomach and up to my chest as I let my mind go filled with images of their night. From how she described it, in my mind I felt like I was there with her.


We have not truly had our celebratory reunion. That will happen tomorrow night as our ******** has made plans for a sleepover at a girlfriend’s house and our son is still off at college. So yes, tomorrow night will be when our true reunion celebration will occur. It didn't seem to make sense to try to do it last Sunday evening, not when I so desperately needed to feel her again. Nor did it really make sense to do this week when she was still ‘recuperating’ although last night she did tell me that she's definitely, " ... feeling better down there".

I suspect that I still haven't yet come to terms with everything. I seem to still feel a sense of emotional turmoil and yet at the same time I have to say that I think I love her even more now. It's weird and I hope that our time tomorrow evening will help sort things out.


She hasn’t changed her mind about seeing him this week. She's due home shortly and has already called from the food-store while I get the barbeque fired up. I think the gap this week is good for both of us.

I've not spoken to Ray yet since their return. No reason not to, more out of simply being busy rather than an aversion to talking to him. That said, Suzanna and I have already agreed that perhaps another platonic evening for the 3 of us may be in order to help assure all of us that all is okay. We are talking about possibly this weekend, but then again, there's a whole boatload of work to be done around here now that the warm weather is here, so we'll see.

I think about what may happen next. Will she/he/they want another weekend away or maybe have more time? I don't know any of those answers just yet but I can say that I don't think I'll have as much apprehension if it does happen again.


I read somewhere of concerns about kids becoming curious of their parent’s behaviour and someone said how their kids seemed to know when to go out or stay at a friend’s house. It makes me wonder about our own ******** who also now seems more aware of things. Suzanna told me a few months ago that our ******** had heard us going at it one night and mentioned it to her. Suzanna’s response was that she (our ********) sees how happy we are together, of two people who are in love, are married and allowed to have their own private time together. It's not really something to be discussed for our ******** has said to us many times how we seem to be the only parents of any of her friends who seem happy together.


Suzanna has shared more of what went on between her and Ray over the weekend but in generalities rather than specific details. For example, last night with the house to ourselves and two bottles of champagne, both of us were ready for a long intense night of sex. I'd been hard all afternoon at work and she later confessed she was equally horny and we both knew what we wanted. By the time we'd finished dinner and started on the champagne she was incredibly horny. We left the dishes on the table and went upstairs where on her knees at the edge of the bed I held her hips and fucked her like a dog. As I grunted and spurted into her she told me several times how, "Ray likes this position too"; just enough to make me really horny thinking about it.

At other times we've lay together in bed and we've talked openly about things. It's become easier to talk to her, I think because she is, I’m guessing, controlling but more clearly saying that everything is okay with her and that it’s her that wants it. It turns me on a lot more knowing she wants to talk or tell me about it rather than in the not-so-recent past I had to convince her more that it was alright to talk about. Like lying in bed afterwards last night, neither of us had moved other than to roll apart. My cock was all wet and sticky lying against my stomach and Suzanna just lay there too (so awesome that she's no longer running off to the bathroom to clean up afterwards). As the wet-spot under her started to grow she giggled and asked what I thought about Ray and her lying like this in the hotel room.

It was just idle post-fuck pillow talk. I rolled over onto one side on my elbow and she looked so beautiful lying there. Like I said, she used to always run off in the past to clean up but now, she just lay there and I looked up and down her and I was thinking just what she'd asked about, how did I feel knowing Ray was lying just like I was with her?

I told her that she knew I'd seen her like that many times before and it always turned me on. She asked if her being away with him made it any different and I was honest and told her that the entire thing turned me on; that I was nervous and scared about it but that now thinking back on it a week later, the idea turns me on a lot to think of it. I told her that I thought it might get to me that Ray would get to share every moment as I would have.


When I wrote my update the other day and it was the first time she'd really ever mentioned her ex-husband, it got me thinking. I knew most everything about him from what she'd told me over the years but it was all in an abstract sense. We'd never really talked about the sex part other than she said it was good.

It's strange because I've told her a lot about my ex including the sex part but it'd gotten me thinking of if I could bring it up how hot it will be if one day she'll tell me about her first wedding or, more, about the sex with him.

Anyway, I guess what I'm getting at is that now, a week later, as far as Suzanna goes, I don't think I feel any different except maybe a bit more horny and a bit more aware of her sexuality. I love thinking of different glimpses into what she was doing or how she looked or how she sounded.

Last night was intense though. Champagne always makes her horny and it was incredible to feel her cum as I held her hips and fucked her from behind. Thinking about Ray doing the same to her kept me rock hard, maybe even bigger in some way if it's possible. I know that the combination of no kids at home and champagne left no doubt as to the pleasure she was experiencing and wanting more of! The house seemed filled with her moans going to a scream as I'd plunge deeper in her.

Thing that totally turned me on was how her pussy felt towards the end. By the time we finally move to the missionary position so I could hold her legs back she'd cum so much and with the little added lubricant that her whole pussy felt like a warm wet glove the whole way. I'm not ashamed to say that thinking of her in that same position filled with Ray’s cock just a week earlier was definitely in my mind but there was no denying the passion from her that told me she needed to be fucked.

At that point, the slow passion had built up between us. I'd held her tightly against me as she rode me until her entire body shook. I'd felt her cum as I ran one and then two fingers in and out of her ass, not too deep but enough to make her arch her back and writhe against me.

So by the time I did get on top of her, not only did her pussy feel wonderful, but I was ready to explode. She looked up at me and said, "oh god, it's your turn now ... " and then she said, " .... Ray liked it when I did this". With that she reached her arms down her sides and (I later found out exactly) she literally grabbed her butt and pulled herself open even more for me. The feeling was incredible, it opened her up so that the entire base of my cock was now nestled between her spread pussy and it felt I was incredibly deep in her. It took me only two or three deep thrusts like that before I let go and it felt like lava coming out of me! As I ground against her, I guess being so far in her I must have been grinding against her clit because as I started to cum, I could feel her shake and hear her moan the entire time I fucked her until both of us were finally spent.

It was an intense fuck and knowing she'd shared that same moment with Ray led to that conversation with me up on my elbow. It turned me on that she'd shared that moment with him and I think it just comes down to it that I love her fucking him and then sharing it with me.

We shall be talking to Ray tomorrow. He's invited Suzanna, me and our ******** to go over his place for burgers on the grill. Well, that's what Suzanna has told me, I was going to swap Email with him later today and confirm things but based on how things have been here this week, seemingly back to normal, I'm not sure I have much cause for concern. I mean I know she hasn't seen him all week but perhaps it'll be different seeing him in person.

Not sure what she’s thinking but I’m not worried or concerned about it.


It's a rainy Sunday here so we may change plans for later, Suzanna's suggested maybe just I go over at first and get the ‘guy thing’ out of the way. I asked her what she meant and she joked that she was sure that I needed to talk to Ray alone and, "reassure yourself that we're all okay".

I never thought I would be concerned about my or Suzanna's relationship with Ray, I just thought that he might feel a little different about a new relationship for himself now after experiencing a weekend with friends and ****** and Suzanna. Maybe the experience of the weekend might just have stirred feelings for a new proper girlfriend for him. Thing is, if it did, I'm not sure who he would admit it too. He might think he risks losing Suzanna if he mentions it. It's an interesting thought and actually a little related in that I asked Suzanna why she hadn't seen Ray all week and she said that she wanted to make sure things didn't get too carried away. I didn't push it as I was happy to hear that she recognized it and was acting on it.

I will say that last night was spectacular in bed with her. My god, if this thing with Ray brings out this kind of passion and desire in her then I'll gladly send her off with him again in the future!

We got up this morning after last night’s fun and she went into the bathroom naked to turn the shower on; I followed her a moment later. As I went into the bathroom, and then into the shower with her, all I could think about was that Ray had done this very same thing a week ago. For a moment I just stood there looking at her thinking of him enjoying this same moment. She turned to look at me and saw my cock was stiff and getting stiffer and she giggled and turned and said over her shoulder, "wanna do me like Ray did last week" and she turned to face the shower wall and wriggled her ass at me. A split second later I was in her and she'd stood up against me and I ran my soapy hands all over her breasts. I think it was the reality of the moment and hearing her tell me that Ray had done this very thing that pushed me over the edge and I came in her really quickly! She actually couldn't believe I'd cum so quickly and then she joked that maybe she'd have to take Ray aside later tonight!

Like I said, this is what I get from encouraging her to go off with him.


The weather put the kibosh on us all going over. The original plan was that we were all going to go over including our ******** but instead the two girls went out shopping to get some dinner together while I went to help Ray with the burgers. So it's not like Suzanna was going to be able to run off even if she wanted!

That said, I felt a little weird going over Ray’s alone. (Not that it was going to be any less weird when my 2 ladies would be joining me!)

It felt odd at first being alone with the guy who spent the weekend with my wife. We were cordial and he offered me a beer right away. The gas barbeque was lit and having barbequed in a blizzard in the past the rain wasn't an issue for us. We made idle talk while we figured out how much we needed to cook, etc. but obviously there was still quite a bit of tension in the air.

We opened the second beer and he kicked off, he just came out and said that I was, "one hell of a guy; thank you" for last weekend and my being-cool about it. He actually came out and said, "not many guys would be okay with letting their wives go off like you did”. I gave a non-committal nod and then asked me how much Suzanna had told me about the weekend.

So then it was my turn to be candid. I started out by telling him that, "it's cool. You both enjoy fucking and as long as that's all there is to it then it's okay.” I told him that it felt weird talking to him about it but that I thought was good we could. He nodded and we both agreed that it's because she's my wife that we feel weird

I began by telling him of when Suzanna and I first got together, of how I knew she was a bit promiscuous and how even back then it turned me on. It surprised him when I told him that I knew several guys back then who'd fucked her. He asked me about it and I said that in many ways it felt like it does now with him, that it turns me on that he's had sex with her just like it turned me on all those years ago that I knew the other guys had been with her. I added that it was a sign of the times back then when ‘free love’ and such was not unusual. He shrugged in that he's about 10 years younger than we are and he said that by the time he was ‘of age’ that the world of free-sex that we'd had enjoyed was long gone.

Another beer made it easier and we agreed that we'd just try to talk openly about things. He said several times that not only did he not think he'd ever be having sex with a married woman but he never thought he'd be talking to her husband about it.

I figured we needed an ice-breaker and to let him know that I was truly okay with it all so I came out and asked him, "so, did you ever have a shaved pussy before Suzanna?" He was stunned at first but then slowly warmed up and said no, that sure he'd seen it in magazines or whatever but that Joanne was adamant against it and even thought it was kind of weird for a woman to want to be that way.

I laughed and asked him, "so, how do you like it?" and added, " ... it's awesome if you go down on her!"

He surprised me by saying that was another thing Joanne never wanted or allowed and for the first time he actually said something directly about Suzanna; he said that he liked how she tasted and then he looked at me for my reaction.

I smiled and asked him if he'd been able to get her to orgasm that way (I know he has). He nodded and said that it'd been so long since he was back in college that he'd been able to do so.

We opened another beer and I told him a little about our past, how Suzanna was on the pill for ages and then went to the IUD and how she only recently had it removed. He was all ears and said that Joanne would never go for that and when she went off the pill that he had to use condoms the few times she did let him have sex.

I won't say we talked like we were college-drinking buddies comparing how we'd scored, etc., but talking did get easier. At one point he asked something about why it turns me on with her being with another guy. I told him I couldn’t explain it but that it did and I described (again) how it feels like a first-date whenever she comes home and I get to see and experience what she's done all night and for me to then have my turn. He laughed, shook his head in disbelief and said that he'd never really been with a woman as horny as Suzanna!

There was a lot of other stuff we talked about. He asked me if she always swallows when she gives blow-jobs as that was another thing that Joanne thought was gross. At another point we both laughed at how she lets out this low moan and how we both know that's the precursor to a huge orgasm that's coming.

I didn't come out and confess that it turned me on when Suzanna denies me but I did tell him that I loved it when she'd tease me and make me wait a bit. I did tell him that I liked sloppy seconds and that it was cool that he would cum in her. He finally confided that was one thing he could agree with me on, that it turned him on if she comes over to see him after we've had sex. I didn't ask but I think it went without saying that he's gone down on her after I've fucked her and certainly vice-versa.

We'd long cooked and eaten the burgers (timed the grill for in between downpours) and had another beer or two as we continued talking.

We talked about the wedding and I told him that Suzanna really enjoyed their time after the wedding and that it turned me on to hear about it. He smiled and said that it'd been a very special night for him and he thanked me again for giving her to him.

It was getting kind of late and it felt like I should get going when I finally said, "so, do I have anything to worry about now after you two have had your fun time?"

He said to me that I have one heck of a lady and that while he'd love to spend more time with her to have fun (and sex) that he respected that he was allowed to be with her and that he wouldn't do anything that would change things.

I asked if he thought he'd developed any (more) feelings for her and he responded that he loved her as a friend. He admitted that if she wasn't married, that maybe he'd want more but then he mused that maybe things wouldn't be the same if she was single. It made it special to him that she was married and, since she is, how he respects both me and her. He says he has no designs on anything further with her.

The time felt right for me to take my leave (certainly I had better not be thinking on drinking any more beer) and although I'd love to talk more, maybe about positions and such, it's something that’ll keep for another time so I said my goodbyes and with his ‘thank you’s’ ringing in my ears I made for home.


Suzanna's due home soon and I’m waiting to tell her I think all is well. I’m not sure that I will tell her of my suspicions of seeing in her a new-found dominance and controlling streak. My talk with Ray confirmed it for while he hadn't come out and said it, he did imply at times that Suzanna seemed to be more ‘in control’ and he'd said about, "when she asks me to....." or, " .... when she did...."

There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s firmly in control but I don't think he recognizes it.


Damn, how quickly these notebooks fill up. Maybe I should have bought books with more pages.

Never mind, let’s get another fresh one out of the box.

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