Book 21
It's an awesome weekend, spent outdoors mostly so only want to spend a little time writing.

Her comments to me about not telling me every detail wasn't anything to worry about. She said later on that maybe I didn't necessarily want to hear ‘everything’ but I assured her that I did and that I was okay with it.

I mentioned it again after she got home on Thursday and told her that I wanted her to know that she can and should tell me everything and that I thought it wasn't good if she held things back. She replied (and I think part of her reply was to really make sure I did want to hear it all) and she told me in greater detail about how the whole anal sex thing came up.

As part of that with Ray, she made sure I heard again that she IS showing him everything which she said clearly includes him knowing all about her pussy and her butt. She made it quite clear that it was her that showed him how to play with her ass in the first place and what she liked and what she didn't.

I have to say that hearing that made me feel great inasmuch that a lot of what she shared with him was stuff that she and I had figured out over the years. Things like just how deep and when she likes me fingering her ass. I knew she'd told him about her college boyfriend who had the skinny cock and I also knew from what she'd said that she also must have told him that she had tried with me several times.

So, how did it go for them? Well, her ass is still pretty much virgin territory. She said, "he got it in me once but it started to hurt too much" and apparently that was it. After that she made him go back to just fingers. (At least that puts me ahead of him there; once I did fuck her and got to cum in her ass).

Nonetheless, she came home on Thursday night (or it was more like Friday morning as it was after midnight) and she was quite messy. I helped to undress her and, as always, what a turn-on seeing her. I could just tell she's been horny fucking all night from how she smells; how taut her skin is; the reddened areas on her tits; her panties clinging to her damp pussy and then seeing how reddened and swollen she is. Knowing she's come home to me like that to share what she's had all night, damn, it made me so was horny and I was glad it wasn't a night when she wanted me to wait.

And she didn't!

When I went to kiss my way down her body, she pushed me away when I got to her pussy and said that she'd ‘had enough’ earlier but I think that was her teasing me as she didn't fight me when I pushed her legs apart and began to play with her pussy. It was wet and when I spread her lips apart where they'd been clinging together I saw and smelled what could only be Ray's cum.

I think from the day I met her when I knew she had slept with those guys I worked with, I think from that day, maybe, that this was the moment I'd wanted all along. To know another guy had just fucked her and, there it was, the undisputable evidence.

My cock was hard thinking how wet and open she must feel. I pulled her lips apart and looked at her pussy. I could see more cum in her and while I did want to jump right on her at that moment all I could think was to put my tongue into her and taste how hot and wet she must still be; I just couldn't resist.

Sometimes she'll taste really tart or sharp but not this time, it tasted good. I know, it was mostly Ray’s cum but knowing it was coming out of her pussy with her own sweetness mixed in with it, as I licked at her and then feeling her body seem to totally relax as I licked upwards, it was a moment that I knew I’d really connected with her.

I felt her hand on the back of my shoulder move up to my head and just almost ‘guide’ me to keep licking and, sure enough, I heard her moan and gently squirm and I could tell immediately she was having a nice orgasm. At that moment her pussy seemed to suck at my tongue and then flutter around.

She lay back and it just seemed so natural to slide up her body and slip my rigid cock into her waiting pussy. I held her against me and felt her whole body as I slid all the way into her and ground myself against her. She put her legs up on my shoulders and pulled her knees back and simply gave herself to me. As I began to fuck her she told me stuff, about how big Ray had felt and about how horny he seemed. She didn't have to tell me he'd cum a lot in her, it was obvious.

I was really getting into it when I opened my eyes, or more rather, looked down and focused on her that I saw she was looking at me. I asked her in a grunt if everything was okay and then she said, "Yeah .... I want to watch you when you cum".

I started to push harder into her. I was really turned on that she was watching me. I was really close when she said, "it was hot watching Ray too". That was it, I let loose like a fire-hose in her! She even squealed at how hard and deep I pushed into her as I squirted deep in her.

A moment or two later when I'd regained my senses I rolled off of her and onto my back. She followed and rolled onto her side next to me and laid her head on my chest. I looked down over the back of her head at her hand gently stroking my now softening cock from all the way down at the bottom all the way to the top and with it she drew out a big glob of cum that she took on her thumb and, I guess, licked it off. It was erotic watching.


We’re back to work and Suzanna's already left to try to get in early so she can come home early to take advantage of what could be the last day of nice weather for some time.

I can share some of the conversations that we've had and some of the feelings that I'm having.

I think I get this way with every guy Suzanna is spending time with. I know that I definitely felt this way when she was with Peter and I know we crossed this line even earlier with Dan. Again, I'm having this mental issue with the level of intimacy that she and Ray are sharing. I'm sure hearing her tell me how she's shown Ray every inch of her body and how she's literally giving him sex-lessons didn't help me. I mean at times the picture of her ‘instructing’ is in my mind and maybe that's the issue because it's what I'm filling into what she tells me that is where my angst comes from.

Just thinking of her spreading her pussy for him and pointing out where her clit is would be one thing but I know she's taught him more including where her cervix and g-spot is too. I know that she's been showing him about anal-sex.

I'm not upset by this. Matter of fact, when I am with Suzanna, all of this is incredibly sexy for me to hear and know, but when we aren't in bed together and it's not a sexually charged moment, I think it just kind of gets into my head that she's sharing everything about her with her lover.

It's becoming more obvious to me that with Ray, and looking back at the others, it is at this point in her relationships that the sex becomes something more than just pleasure for her. I’m seeing that in some ways she is wanting the sex to be for the both of them. Just the way she describes it when she gives herself to Ray (and this last week how she wanted to really let Ray take his time and let him cum a second time) it's so arousing knowing that she wants it.

Even now sitting here typing this my cock is rock hard but at the same time, I know that Ray is now looking at her a little differently and I’m thinking he's less unsure about how their time together will be.

If anything though, it is making me want to get to know him a little better. Looking back, I can see that I passed through the same phase when she was seeing both Peter and Dan and I know that both times it led to her really enjoying herself and that the pleasure clearly spilled over into our times together.

I wasn't able to deal with Peter back when this was happening, it was just too new. Dan was a different story altogether, I never really liked the guy and I think I always felt a level of contempt for him.

Ray is different and I do enjoy knowing that he has this level of freedom with Suzanna, I just think I'd be more comfortable with it if I knew him a bit better. (Or would that just tweak my inner cuck desires even more, to know that a guy I know well, or better, is fucking her?)


Last week our ******** wasn't home for dinner on Thursday as she was staying at school to help with play-practice as she helps out with stage-crew. Suzanna wasn't home either when I got home but did come home a little while later.

It was GREAT not having our ******** around as we went straight up to the bedroom where I wasted no time in getting her naked. She was a bit coy and teased me about having had to wait to take her panties off and I wasn't disappointed to pull them off her and find her really wet. She giggled that they'd ‘just finished’ before she came home. It was what I said next that started our conversations, I told her as I started to kiss her and play with her a bit that, “I wish I could see him fuck you".


We didn't talk about it much that night. She was too busy teasing me and I was too busy trying to hold off as much as I could till I couldn't any longer. She told me she loves watching me as she knows I am on the edge of cumming (she says she knows how my cock feels at that moment) and knowing she can tease me over the edge but last week she didn't need to say anything as she was just so wet inside that my brain had all the arousal it needed. All I needed to do was to think that maybe less than 30 minutes earlier that Ray’s cock was where mine was. That, and KNOWING he'd cum in her, and what I was feeling in her, that was enough for me.

It was afterwards as we lay there, laughing at how big a wet-spot there was on the bed, that she asked me if I really wanted to ‘be there and to watch".

I told her that I didn't want to risk messing things up with Ray but given how far things have gone with them that I would kind of like to be able to be there or, at least, to somehow have it come out and for us to be less clandestine. I know we'd discussed this before but she knew that it was something that needed to be brought up again from how I was talking.

I was honest with her though (I mean why not?) and I told her that I wasn't worried about things but that I thought I'd maybe deal with just how much she shares with Ray a bit better if there was a way that I could be a part of it.

I told her that although I didn't always feel comfortable or welcome at the time being there with her and Dan that I did enjoy it, especially being able to hold her hand or be close to her as she/they came. She hugged me at that point and held me really close and said that she'd love to be able to again share that moment with me too.

We talked I told her what I'd been thinking of how to bring this out into the open with Ray. She was intrigued at what I'd cooked up in my headand she thought my idea of sharing her nudie pics was a good one and might work.

Last Saturday we started to think about whether maybe to invite Ray over for the Giants’ game on Sunday or maybe even the Jets’ game on Monday night.

Just talking about how we were going to about ending the subterfuge kept us horny through the weekend. Suzanna got so worked up wanting to hear what I might say to him and how I'd tell Ray that I'd want him to fuck her. However, our planning all came to nothing for we realized that the timing wasn't going to be good as we had a ****** birthday party to go to on Sunday (fortunately they had the game on) and that Monday was destined to be busy with work which at the moment has been crazy for both of us.

Still, she/we have kept up our weekly routine and she knows that I find it incredibly horny that she keeps herself covered up from after we've finished having sex on Tuesday night until, well, until later tonight!

This past Tuesday after we'd had sex she stood in front of her dresser and picked out a pair of panties and she turned to me and said, "do you want to put them on me?” Even though we'd just fucked hearing her ask me that got my cock all hard again.

She giggled and pointing at me said, "uh huh, you've had your turn".

I swear my cock was stiff and bobbing away as she lifted one leg and then the other as I pulled her panties up I heard her say, "Say goodbye".

She pushed me back on the bed and knelt next to me. The camel-toe in her panties looked awesome. She stroked my hard cock and said I should, "take care of it" since she was now ‘Ray’s’.

I love masturbating for her, especially when she's in a sexy mood like that. She knew it'd take me a bit to cum a second time so soon after the first but I surprised us both as it didn't take as long at all. I was helped along by her smiling at me and seeing her reaching over for a few tissues and watching her pull the waistband out and reach in to wipe up the cum that was dribbling out of her. Between that and her teasing me at ‘how wet’ she was and ‘how much cum’ was still in her; sure enough, a few minutes later I came again. I usually cum a LOT during the first time but seconds for me are usually just a few little spurts; it still feels awesome but just not that much cum.

She giggled and helped milk the last out of my cock saying calmly that, "Ray cums a lot more his second time".

That didn't really bother me; I KNOW from when I was younger that's something she likes and I'm cool with that (it actually confirmed what I'd been thinking based on how she feels when I have her soon after she's come home).


I'm sitting here today (working from home today) now with a raging hard-on.

Yes, she IS seeing him this afternoon and I'm hoping she'll be home before our ******** gets here so I can have her freshly fucked. She knows I really enjoyed that last week.

No, we haven't figured out when we'll try to approach Ray. In the meanwhile she says he's sometimes curious about how she ‘gets away’ with things but she explains to him that my work is totally crazy and that I ‘barely pay attention to’ what's going on. (To add to the ‘explanation’ I've also said this to Ray).


They had to skip getting together as we had a freak snowstorm. Thankfully we didn’t lose our electricity but others nearby weren't so lucky and it turned out that Ray was knocked out. I joked with Suzanna that we could offer to let him stay with us. She thought about it but we then heard that he had already gone to his brother’s house to wait until his electricity was reconnected. It didn't come back on until sometime after Thursday morning but there was no meeting last week either!

I don’t think she wanted to admit it but I could tell she missed her time with Ray. I started to see it this past weekend in some of her moods, attitudes and behaviour. That and how much sex she wanted with me!.

Last Thursday began with a bottle of wine between us over dinner when she realized she wasn't going to be going out with him as she'd hoped. Putting it mildly, she wanted to get fucked by then and, well, let’s just say that I enjoyed my husbandly duties!

By Saturday night I actually needed a break but last night she told me that she wanted me both then and tonight (Monday) but that after that she wanted me to wait along with her till Thursday ... and then she's kept teasing me, "maybe Friday". As we fucked earlier (and it was fucking because it surely wasn't tenderly making love) she would push herself up at me and tell me that she wanted to be really horny when she ‘finally’ sees Ray again. She'd actually started this campaign back last Thursday but after tonight, I'd be surprised if she's not black and blue down there from how she wanted me to pound into her.

I asked her why she was so horny for Ray and whether anything had changed. She just shook her head and reminded me that by this Thursday it'll have been 3 weeks since they last got together. She must have seen a look on my face or heard something in my voice because she stopped what she was doing and just kind of explained what she's already told me, that she likes being able to let herself go with him and that after 3 weeks, she was really missing it.

So I did it, I asked her the million dollar question, "Don’t you cum enough with me?"

She laughed and held me and said that I was silly that of course she cums enough with me; that it's not a physical thing so much as a mental thing with Ray that lets her go. She reminded me that the last time we'd had the house to ourselves that she'd let herself go in that same way. I'm not sure if I explained it well enough but let’s just say that it was one of those moments when I just knew she was being open and honest with me.


She is off to bed tonight already as she needs to be up and in early to work tomorrow for a meeting. Our ******** was totally engrossed in a school project earlier that she didn't even notice when we said we were going ‘upstairs to exercise’.

I lay on the bed as Suzanna stood next to the bed and got undressed. I still love seeing her naked, it still turns me on to see her push her panties down and see her swollen pussy. I pulled off my jeans and shirt and she lay down next to me. I was about to push her back on the bed when she stopped me and said that I'd, "better enjoy myself tonight" and with that she lay back and spread her legs apart for me to kneel between. I had the most erotic thought kneeling there like that thinking that she must do the same for Ray, her knees bent, legs spread apart and her pussy spread apart and clearly on display showing herself so wet and inviting.

She saw me staring and she teased me by running her finger down and then just pushing it in and then bringing it out and teasing her clit as if to invite me in. My cock was throbbing as she took it in her hand and did the same with it as she'd done with her finger. She pulled the tip into her wet hole and then rubbed it around. I felt it slippery from her pussy and damn if that didn't turn me on.

She did it again and again, each time putting more of my cock into her and each time it coming out wetter and wetter. Until finally she released her hand and let me sink into her all the way. Even with my eyes closed I knew she'd pulled her legs back just from how her pussy opened up.

I swore she still felt wet and open from our fuck on Sunday night, from how she would actually pull me down into her at times as she'd buck up against me. Sure enough, after just a few minutes she was pushing up at me and grinding herself into me. I hoped we weren't too noisy to attract our ********’s attention.


I digress here in that a few months back our ******** actually brought up that very subject. She started asking Suzanna about all the noise sometimes coming from our room at night and Suzanna laughed when she said, "it almost sounded like...." Suzanna said that all of a sudden she went very quiet as if she suddenly realized, ‘yes, your parents do fuck.’

The offshoot of this is that the conversation ended right there and then but later she came back and asked Suzanna if ‘things were okay’. Suzanna had replied, "yes, but as you now know, there are things that you just don’t really want to talk about with your ********" and she recalled an experience when she was just a teenager and had ‘heard something’ only she had an older sister to explained it. However, she too remembers feeling all awkward at suddenly knowing....

So, if we were being noisy, well, so be it. She was quite vocal tonight with her imploring ‘fuck me’ and ‘harder’ many times. How could I say no?

We moved around and she seemed to very much enjoy kneeling at the edge of the bed and presenting herself to me. I knew how we'd wind up, in the position that she admits she enjoys the most, the missionary position but with her encouraging me to put her legs around my arms and spread her wide.

I love the look on her face in one of the moments just before I finally cum and watching her enjoy as her orgasm eases and her obviously feeling my cock swell. She says that she can just feel it from how I thrust in and out of her that she knows I am near and she is right. Somehow seeing her face at that moment before the world turns blurry to me; somehow seeing her knowing that I'm about to cum in her, it is such a turn-on to me. Sure enough, a moment later I can hold back no longer and one last deep push from me and even after fucking the night before it was still an awesome orgasm....

I lay next to her as we both caught our breath for a moment only to feel her get up off the bed and see her go into the bathroom and push the door closed a bit. I heard the faucet run and the clear sounds of her getting cleaned up. The door opened and she returned to me carrying a warm wet washcloth. It took a moment to realize she'd also pulled her panties back on!

I didn't say a word about it but I am sure she saw me smiling.


15 minutes ago and Suzanna was already upstairs changing when I came home from work. I went up to our bedroom to get changed myself and noted she was in the bathroom. I thought nothing of it and went about my business.

She came out of the bathroom naked not seeing me at first but when she did it was kind of funny how she immediately acted like I'd never seen her body before. One hand went to cover up her pussy and the other went horizontally across her chest hiding her breasts! She squealed at me that I'd surprised her (I didn't yet ask why she was naked coming out of the bathroom) and grabbed a pair of panties. She turned away from me, pulled them on and then calmly turned back around and proceeded to fold her work clothes and then pull out something comfortable to wear.

It gave me such a thrill out of her intentionally hiding herself from me.


She's been working like a dog lately at work (and at home!) so she's off to bed early again not even staying up to watch any TV.

While on one hand it has become almost our ‘norm’ for her to be pantie-clad all the time before she goes to see Ray on the other hand, I still find myself incredibly aroused that she's keeping herself for him next.

The thought that the next few days are all about her increasing her desire for him and that he's going to have her next is incredible to think about. I will enjoy myself before bed having those thoughts again later.


No thoughts or discussion about next steps with Ray just yet. I told Suzanna she should drop some ideas about him coming over for football and she added that, "he could stay for dinner". So it's not like we don’t talk about it. Both of us at this point feel it'd be easier if it were out in the open so she's actually gotten even more on-board with my ideas.

I know she gives him her all and I've come to accept that and even enjoy knowing she holds nothing back with him. The thought of their being ‘married’ for the moment is arousing to think of in that I know what he is having with her and I know what she is sharing with him.


I don’t really think too much about the dynamics of Sue's and Ray's relationship other than knowing that by now, there is little they haven't shared or done.

I am sure that at times Suzanna may feel conflicted or confused trying to balance the two of us (Ray and me) and in our conversations of late I think we are both realizing that having this out in the open, as it was with Dan and Peter, would make it a lot easier. Of course it will change things and I don’t know that she's thought it all through just yet.

I do now feel knowing that she is definitely enjoying the teasing during the time before she sees Ray. She seems more certain of herself and by her actions seems to be enjoying the attention I pay to her (and the angst I radiate when she sees in the lump in my pants and the dazed way I stare and daydream when I see her in just panties).

This morning was no different than the, now usual, Thursday except the panties she had on as she got ready this morning were a bit more lacy and translucent than she's tended to wear previously. I felt like a teenager peering into the girls’ locker room this morning at hoping to gather a glimpse of her bare pussy beneath her panties. I simply cannot describe the arousal I feel knowing that Ray will take them off her next and that I will only have her when she is through with him.


I am sure she's at Ray’s by now and my cock is throbbing at the thought of myself finally getting to peel off her panties later tonight and have my turn with her again!


My ******** wasn’t at school on Friday which gave her an excuse to go to the movies with her girlfriends. I realized that Suzanna must have just gotten home just before I did and knew that with our ******** so conveniently out of the house that there was no way we weren't going to have sex. I chased her upstairs and she pushed me away teasing me about 'maybe having to wait'. I played along and even made out to beg her at one point. At one point she told me to show her how horny I was so I stripped down and let her see how stiff my cock was already and she was still dressed.

I'm not sure if I said something or did something but she seemed to start to tease me even more. She told me how horny I looked and how maybe I might have to masturbate a bit, "just to show me how horny you really are".

I knelt there naked stroking my cock going along with her tease and I told her I'd be even bigger and harder if she'd strip herself. She giggled and said all sorts of stuff including, several times, her asking me, "do you want to see what Ray did to me?" as she took her top off and reached behind and took her bra off. I could see that he'd left some suck-marks (small reddened areas, not big suck mark/hickies) around her breasts. As she turned back to face me she said, "see....". She still had her pants and panties on.

She leaned forward to let me lick at her nipples. She teased me that, "Ray sucked them last". She was being more open and forward in her teasing and I wasn't really ready for it at first but as she thrust her breasts at me it turned me on to think about Ray feeling her hard nipples in his mouth. Both of us knowing that meant she was really horny.

She knelt on the bed next to me and encouraged me to unbutton and take off her pants. "Just my pants please .... I'm still not totally sure you're having me just yet!” I must have had a look on my face that she saw because she got this big smile on her face.

I pushed her pants down as far as I could as she knelt in front of me. As I did she reached over and took my cock in her hands and started to stroke me. She giggled and said, "you got him started so nicely". She stopped and moved back off the bed when I started to thrust at her. She let her pants drop and then she stepped out of them and she just stood there in just her panties, the same ones I'd seen and endured since Monday night, only this time the crotch was noticeably darker in color (which made me remember what she'd said earlier...).

It was another of those cuckold moments that just makes me so horny at the thoughts going through my head at that moment; seeing her standing there, knowing what was beneath her panties. At that moment, to be totally honest, while I knew not 5 minutes earlier that I wanted to fuck her silly, if she had told me at that moment, "not today but I'll watch you" my hand would have been a blur on my cock until I let it fly.

I think she knew it too but the more I stared at her, seeing her pert tits with reddened areas all around them; seeing her legs slightly spread apart as she stood there; seeing the swollen mound of her pussy against her panties and being now being able to see it's darkened color beneath the lace front of them, all I could think was that Ray was between her legs not long ago and that he'd no doubt fucked her several times. Add that to knowing there was no doubt that she was still wet and swollen beneath the darkened crotch area....

Is it weird to say that at that moment I felt this incredible feeling of love for her and that even if we didn't have sex that somehow what we shared just looking at each other in that moment felt strangely fulfilling; I love knowing what she'd experienced earlier.

As she began to push them down off her hips I knew she was going to share that with me. I couldn't take my eyes off her as she pushed her panties and then moved to get out of them. Down between her legs her pussy lips looked swollen and a darker shade of pink than the rest. For the next few moments it seemed things moved in almost slow-motion. She came up on the bed beside me and we lay down together and I could still feel the heat coming off her body. I went to run my hands all over her but she held them back when I went to move down her body. I waited and instead moved down to now suck on her breasts myself. I ran my hands down the side of her body over her hips and then gently upwards and I felt her back arch and I knew she was getting turned on. I did it again and this time when I brought my hand back up, it was on the inside of her leg and I ran it across her swollen pussy. The reaction I felt in her body at that moment was incredible, like an electric charge went through her.

Slowly, like it was slow-motion, she 'warmed' up, gradually spread her legs apart and began to encourage me to play with her pussy. I teased her back and avoided her wet hole and instead focused on her clit, teasing her pussy lips until she started to moan out loud. She reached down and pushed my hand and fingers into her.

The leisurely foreplay became replaced by a frantic desire to fuck. Feeling how easily her pussy lips parted and how my fingers found no resistance at all, it seemed like we were both at our limit. I slid up and simply pushed myself into her as she pulled her knees back and seemed to welcome me.

Maybe the last thing I clearly remember now was her moaning in my ear as I started in on her was, "unnnghhh - oh my - Ray left me so wet before....” She said other things, nothing totally coherent other than, "yes ... deeper...”

Surprisingly she screamed out and came violently under me before I did. I knew I was close but when I felt her start to rock back and forth I knew what she wanted and I gave it to her. She screamed and thrashed about, bucking up at me. I nearly slipped out of her several times; her pussy would alternate from squeezing my cock tightly to simply opening up and seeming to suck me in deeper. Between what Ray had put in her from earlier and her response now, her pussy was a mess and the sheets on our bed had a large wet-spot that was getting bigger by the second.

I was so close but I backed off a bit waiting to hear her say, "It’s your turn". She was seemingly incapable of speech and before I knew it she let herself relax below me and reached down to pull her knees back and apart for me.

I knelt over her and looked down and my cock seemed huge, huge and so wet in her. I pushed in and felt almost nothing until I pulled back so just the tip was in her and then back into her again. Just seeing her like that turned my brain to thinking that Ray had her just like this too and I was back on the brink again. I pushed all the way into her and I could feel the back of her pussy and at that moment she wrapped her legs around me, pulled me in and said, "cum for me".

That was it, she held me and moaned deeply when she felt me finally let loose with what I'd been waiting 3 days for!. Damn, that was nice.. Incredibly nice.

The next thing either of us really remember was the phone ringing sometime later (30 minutes? An hour?). It was our ******** telling us she wanted to be picked up about 11pm. The clock told us it was just after 9:30pm and as we hung up we both realized that we must have literally fallen asleep still together. Even more surprising was my softened (but not totally shrunk) cock was still in her. Before I pulled out and rolled off her she hugged me deeply and we exchanged an, "I love you" moment that left no doubt again in my mind about how the two of us feel.


Our ******** not having school on Friday went out to stay at a friend’s house and once she left, there was time for Suzanna and I to be alone. It gave us space to recount some of the conversations that have followed since Friday.

Things were a bit awkward after we woke up after falling asleep Thursday evening. It was the first time in a long time that we'd fallen asleep together like that after sex and when we woke up to the phone call, I think she was, more than anything, embarrassed at how the two of us looked and what we'd just shared.

After a loving embrace she got out of bed and I went to follow her into the bathroom but she said she wanted a moment alone. I lay amongst the damp sheets and watched from a distance (I could see through the open door and into the mirror) how she seemed to be gently washing herself with a washcloth including softly dabbing at her pussy.

She came back out of the bathroom said she'd run out to pick up our ******** while I stayed and got myself cleaned up. On their return our ******** went straight off to her bed and when Suzanna came back into our bedroom I could tell she seemed kind of pensive. I'm sure the huge wet-spot on her side of the bed added to her attitude but I didn't want to push it; I was a bit concerned about her. It was a sort of cold attitude, such a contrast from the moment I felt we'd just shared, and it got me to thinking of whether everything had been okay or whether maybe I'd telegraphed some sort of negative thought or feeling from me.

So Friday morning was less lovey-dovey than I'd been expecting it to be. It just seemed that Suzanna had some sort of attitude or issue between us that we couldn't find a way to get each other to talk about nor was before work the time for it.

Friday was a long day at work but things looked up when I got home and found that our ******** was out at a party for most of the night. It was an 11/11/11:11:11:11 party to celebrate the unique date/time so she was going to be out till close till midnight.

All through dinner I could tell something was on Suzanna's mind and after dinner she finally let it out. She said that she didn't want to hurt me but that she felt that things needed to change with her and Ray. I asked her what she meant and she said that she was getting tired of the running around and wanted things to be easier for us all; her, Ray and me.

She seemed very cautious about how she told me this including several times asking me if I was still enjoying all of this. Actually one of the first things she asked me was whether I still liked what she was doing with Ray. She seemed relieved when I said that I definitely liked that she was having sex with him.

"The whole denial thing too?" and I told her, yes, that it turned me on that she was enjoying saving herself for him. She made it a point of asking/confirming with me that I enjoyed and she seemed to need me to say that I still wanted her to fuck him including him cumming in her. She seemed to relax a bit when I told her that it (still) incredibly turned me on that she let him cum in her as she does.


It turned out that last Thursday she felt somewhat out of sorts and that she was again questioning herself and what she was doing with me. Despite my enthusiasm, there was something else that brought out her concerns. As we talked more, what came out clearly was although the clandestine furtive meets between them were still sexually intense between them, in her words, that she wants to feel less ‘scheduled’ and more ‘spontaneous’. She said that last Thursday she knew that she needed to get home but at the same time she wanted to have spent more time with Ray.

She also shared that Ray was in a funk on Thursday when she got there. Apparently he was having problems on one of his jobs since the snowstorm and that other things were also dragging him down. She said that she wished she could have spent more time that afternoon with him. I asked if she'd wanted to have spent the night if she could have. Her eyes brightened a bit at that but she shook her head knowing that wouldn't be possible but it didn’t look convincing.

Apparently they spent the first hour or so talking and that by the time they got to fucking that she felt it was all a rush. I came out and asked her if she wanted more time with him or whether she wanted him to have had more time with her? That question took her off guard and all she said was that, "I know he wanted more time with me". That led us into a lot of stuff that we needed to talk more about.

She said last Thursday that she wished she could have given Ray more time. She seemed almost embarrassed to tell me that she had really wanted to let Ray ‘fuck her and get him out of his depressed mood’. She wanted to have given him more time but that they both felt that she had to leave to prevent any issues/questions with me, etc. She seemed to be very concerned and once again wanting to be assured I was okay with everything.

I'm now beginning to see/understand that whenever she reaches a moment of decision that she seems to question and needs reassurance from me that I'm okay with it all. I had to tell her again how horny it makes me that she does the whole panty-thing and that I'm okay with her making me wait till she's ready for me again be it Thursdays or waiting till Friday.

I told her/reminded her that I've seen all of this behaviour with her before and that we've shared a lot of these same concerns in the past. At one point she just hugged me and said she never wanted to lose me and that she couldn't ever stand to think of sharing me the way that I seemed to enjoy with her.

I confessed that I did still have angst and concerns but at the end of the day when she's asleep next to me that it all is okay and that I love what she's doing. She confessed that she felt guilty at times giving so much of herself so freely to Ray.

That led to me asking her again how she thought things would go when/if Ray found out the truth and whether she felt that it would make things a lot easier.

Suzanna confessed that she'd discussed it with Ray a little. In an abstract way she suggested to him that she wished there was a way they could have more unplanned, spontaneous time together. He said he'd love that and admitted that he would definitely like them to be able to get together more than just once a week and he had asked her what she was thinking. She joked that, "maybe he'll say okay" (meaning me) and Ray laughed out loud at that and said, "yeah, sure.... like that'd ever be true....".

We talked a lot about how things could be if it were out in the open and she asked me if she they would be able to get together at other times.

I told her that would probably be okay and then asked her, “... what would that mean to your Tuesday-Thursday routine?” (of denying me).

She giggled and joked that, "it'd just mean you'd get to see even less of me!" - until she saw the look on my face and then said, " ... only kidding you, you know...." and it was my turn to give her an uncomfortable laugh at which point she hastily said that she wouldn't do anything that I wasn't comfortable with.

She quickly changed the subject and asked me all sorts of stuff like whether I'd be okay with Ray coming by for a quickie or whether she could maybe go out with him at other times and such. I told her that it sounded like she wanted him to be a bit more of a boyfriend than a part-time lover. She smiled and thought for a moment or two and just said, "yeah, something like that". She admitted she liked and missed that part of what she had with Dan and Peter; that things just seemed easier when they knew that I knew what was going on.

I reminded her that we did still have a ******** at home who may be more in-tune to what's going on and that she would need to be careful. She totally agreed.


She wants me to accelerate the plan with Ray and has suggested that maybe next weekend we invite him over and I move ahead with what we'd discussed with him coming over for the football games. She even offered to take our ******** out shopping if it'd make it easier for Ray and me to be on our own.


I did tell Suzanna last night as we lay in bed that it was a pretty hot thought that she wanted to give Ray more time fucking her. She confessed to me that she feels she knows him pretty well and she sort of bit her lip as she said that she thought he, "could have used more time 'in me'".

What a totally erotic thought that was for her to share. The thing is, it's really okay with me. I mean, I honestly don’t mind them fucking, if anything, it almost feels more normal now to think about.


She likes the idea of the plan of me broaching the subject with Ray and seems to think he'd go for the clandestine chance after a few beers to see her naked in some pictures and to have that lead to somewhat of the same end-state where we are all together and that I know what’s been going on.

I’m thinking if I’m Ray that he's more likely to think bad things if she doesn't act well whereas I can always blame it on the beer. I think it might be easier for her to say it though, not sure how much of an actor I am?!

She's out for a run right now and has already told me that I ‘should be upstairs’ when she's done with her shower! So I only have a little time.


I’ve been considering what’s going to be different if/when it is out in the open. I look back and I know that when she was very into either Peter or Dan, that two things happened. At the peak her frequency, denial or desire, with me did decrease at times but at the same time the intensity and feelings/emotions we shared only increased when it was just us two together.

I'm not so sure this time what's going to happen. It's not like it was when Dan would make demands on her and right now this whole panty-thing for days before seeing Ray is HER doing. I'm sure Ray appreciates her being all clean for him but I know very well that doesn't require 2 or 3 days of abstinence.

So with her enjoying this type of stuff, it could go either way. However, with her enjoying this type of stuff it is such a rush to see her this way that I will probably be just as happy with either direction.


I’m increasingly aware of our ******** being in the vicinity; she's 15 going on 25. She's somewhat sexually aware and has said, "ewww" and pulled a face whenever Suzanna has hinted about the ‘noises’ in our bedroom. In that aspect, she's still a kid (thankfully) so we'll give her room.


The thought of Suzanna truly denying me and limiting me to ‘certain days’ is something I would welcome if it truly came from her desires.


As we were fucking last night when I looked down at my cock in her and thought of all the other times I've seen other guys cum in her (or simply had her afterwards) it was very arousing in a way to think that they could have impregnated her any of those times! I've always been turned on by the guy’s cumming in her but this adds a whole new dimension to that for me. It's a scary thought that she may have been fertile but now, looking at it retrospectively, it's very arousing to think about.


She waltzed around the bedroom naked this morning and when she saw me looking/staring she said that she, "just wants from Tuesday night onwards to be for Ray ..... if that's okay with you?” I nodded and told her that she was so hot and sexy. She laughed back, "you're just saying that because I'm naked...".


I love being a cuckold. I do look back and I am very happy that I gave Suzanna that experience. I'm convinced that it was one of the things that gave her the self-confidence she has today.

Speaking of self-confidence, yesterday was a long day at work for both of us and I wasn't surprised when she asked me if I ‘really needed’ to fuck last night. I told her, no, that I too was kind of tired (and still quite satisfied too) but I think she also wanted to give me some time with her if I wanted.

She was at her dresser getting a pair of panties out when she turned and said to me, "do you want to have some fun before I put these on?” I guess the smile on my face and the lump in my pants gave it away so she came over and sat/lay on the bed next to me and pulled her t-shirt up and began to masturbate. I went to help her but she said, "Uh uh, you watch me and I'll watch you" and with that she pulled her knees back up and let me watch.

She teased me a bunch, telling me to take a good look at her pussy because the, "next time you see it will be after I've been with Ray". At another point she pulled herself open for me and told me to look at her and to think, "that's where Ray is going to cum" as she pointed to her now gaping open pussy. She giggled as she must have obviously seen my cock grow and throb even more at that moment.

She orgasmed before me but I was close and she leaned over towards and teased me that, "you should cum soon before I pull my panties on....". That did it. I love cumming while she's watching me and last night was no different, I lay back and let her watch me as I stroked myself until I spewed all over my stomach and hand. I didn't even think twice when I licked my fingers. She helped push all of the cum on my stomach into one pool and then took some on her fingers and put them in my mouth and then kissed me.

As I lay there she got up, took out a pair of panties and then came up to my side of the bed and slowly pulled them up right in front of me. When she pulled them all the way up she said, "say goodbye till Thursday night ..." and after she pulled them up and turned to go back to her side of the bed she said quietly, " ... or maybe Friday!”

Needless to say, I slept VERY well afterwards and this morning we resumed what's now become our norm; her being pantie-covered from the moment she got out of the shower (including teasingly pushing me away when I tried to peer in at her naked body).


Going back to thoughts in my head. I think maybe some of my arousal at all these guys, even before me, cumming in he may be indirectly related to some sort of arousal at the risk of pregnancy. I've never really discussed it with her or any other girl I've been with but wondering if she/they at all have any erotic thoughts about what ‘could happen’ when a guy cums inside her. It's something that I'm now thinking about in a more erotic sense than the way I had been, as I'd said, as something to be feared. The idea that my little wifey would be putting herself in a position to be impregnated is extremely erotic. Perhaps it's the whole potential of that situation that adds to the arousal for me; maybe in the back of my mind I'm thinking about it too.


Last Thursday was really what I expected. I was working from home and she texted me that she'd be a little late and could I get dinner started. Our ******** was too engrossed in Facebook to even know what was going on around her. I knew why she was going to be late, especially when she realized she wouldn't be seeing him this week.

When she walked in, it's a good thing our ******** didn't really see her. Maybe it was just me knowing what to look for but it was incredibly arousing to see how her hair had just been quickly brushed back into place and how her clothes looked like they'd just been thrown on. She kissed me when she came in and thanked me for getting dinner started and also apologized with a slight giggle for being late.

She didn’t realize I’d followed her upstairs until she heard me shut the bedroom door. That was when she looked at me and said that she hoped I didn't want her right then and there. The way she said it answered my unspoken question when she said, "we'll see about later". That most always means "no" but knowing she was standing there probably not more than 30 minutes after getting out of Ray’s bed had me so turned on that in a crazy way, I wanted her to say no.

I knew what that meant and she confirmed it later when she turned her back to me as she got undressed and said under her breath that, "Ray was pretty physical tonight". She slid her wet panties off and went into the bathroom to clean up. I went in after her to offer to help her out (code for me wanting to go down on her) and she smiled and just said in this incredibly sultry voice, "I just want a warm washcloth right now if that's okay with you".

I did see her pussy before she covered it and began gently blotting at it; her pussy lips were crimson red and swollen at the bottoms and her whole mound was reddened and inflamed looking. She pulled the washcloth away a few times as she blotted away and after the third time she recognized me staring through the doorway and she said something like, "do you mind?" I walked away with a hard-on for sure.


After dinner when we were alone she came up behind me and hugged me and asked if I was okay waiting till Friday. I nodded my head slowly and she said that she'd make it up to me and then said again, I think for my benefit, that she was still pretty sore. It wasn't until we were going to bed that she let me see her more up close and by then some of the redness had eased up. She let me feel her and I lay my fingers between her spread lips with the tips just in her vagina and my god, it felt soooo hot in there. She clenched her legs around my hand and apologized for getting a bit crazy with Ray. I asked her what she meant and she told me that it was HER riding him at the end of their time together that got her all worked up. She asked me if I wanted a blow-job if I couldn't wait. As tempted as I was, I told her that I really wanted her pussy and that I'd wait.


Friday was a blur to me and our ******** was working at her school play that night so we had time together after dinner. Almost immediately after our ******** got picked up by her friend Suzanna and me were heading up to the bedroom.

We did a lot of talking during foreplay and she told me all about her time with Ray and how incredibly physical they are together. She also seemed to want to be sure I was okay with everything.

I asked her if she was falling in love with him or anything like that. She laughed and gave me the long sarcastic ‘nooooo’. I've long known she'll scream out and moan away to whoever she is with that she ‘loves him’. For me that's more of a turn on than a worry as I know she must be in a great place to say it at that moment.

I remember kneeling between her legs spread apart and thinking that Ray was the last to see her like this. She looked at me and said, "whatcha' thinking about, Ray?" and with that she snaked a finger down to where I was staring. Although I'd been eagerly waiting for her I wished that moment could have lasted forever. It's so weird to say and think that it is such a turn-on to think of her lying there for Ray just like that, her pussy on display for the both of us!

I do love it. Something so hot and erotic knowing she shares her pussy with him and that his cum was the last to be in her. Having thoughts like that is a total turn on and it totally confirms that I am a cuckold.

A moment later I leaned forward and slid into her and realized just how horny I was. I felt huge and she squealed for me to take it easy, that she was still "a little tender". It wasn't just teasing, it was the truth and it made me white hot with desire. I know it probably felt no different than the other times but in my head she felt more open and loose and still really wet the more we fucked.

She must have known it turned me on because she teased me more (and all through the weekend) about it; how Ray had been so physical with her. She told me again how she rode him and that got to me. She even said at that point I should take it easy on her but I so wanted to pound on her (yes, like Ray had) and I'm sure she knew it from how she kept going back to how sore she was and yet still encouraged me. I knew what would help out and she smiled when I pulled out some lubricant and applied it.

Wow, that was like unleashing a rocket. Almost immediately she relaxed, arched her back and pulled her knees back. That was it; I slid into her in one deep moaning moment. After that it was all a blur. She seemed louder than me at one point moaning so loudly that it was a good thing the windows were shut and knowing that our ******** wasn't home!

I clearly remember the intense pleasure of feeling her warm wet pussy so perfectly sucking at my cock deep in her; her legs wrapped around the back of my legs; her pushing herself upwards and grinding against me just as I'd pull back; hearing her moan as my cock slipped in and out of her so effortlessly. I hunched up over her and put her legs back behind my arms and she instinctively knew what that meant. I began to fuck her harder and harder each time grinding up against her clit and each time feeling her more open and getting wetter and wetter. No wonder she was so sore if Ray had done this to her because I wasn’t holding back in my thrusting as I emulated his violent fucking her.

She was screaming out loud almost in protest but at the same time her legs kept me locked in her. I'd pull out and just at the end I could feel her legs pull me back into her gaping pussy.

It was one long intense orgasm for her. I actually felt her body shake and saw her eyes roll back and saw her drool out of the corner of her mouth as she came and came and came on my cock. I was drenched, the bed was soaked. Her pussy would spasm in time with my thrusts as I kept fucking her. I gradually slowed down and after a moment she let out a moan and she went limp under me. Her eyes were open slits now but the look on her face was just beautiful; it had been a long time since I'd taken her there.

She smiled that gorgeous smile and then slowly and gently pulled her knees back and just said, “... your turn.”

She was totally fucked out (the only way to say it) and I'd only felt her like this was after a few times when she was with Dan and perhaps a few times with just her and me a long time ago. She felt perfect and she wanted me to do whatever I wanted and needed.

It did NOT take me very long. I was so focused on her intense orgasm that I'd almost forgotten about myself but with her encouragement, well, let’s just say that the mere thought of how she felt was enough to set me off.

We've all heard of violent orgasms and this was one of mine. It felt like lava was shooting out of me. She squealed and I just kept going counting at least 5 or 6 good size squirts each of which was met with this low moan from her. At the end, we just lay there together.


Last weekend we'd started talking about getting the whole thing with Ray out in the open. We agreed that I would invite him over either for football next Sunday or the following weekend.

I asked her honestly how things would work if she were to be able to see Ray more often. I’m not sure if she understood what I meant as she replied that she wanted to be able to be more spontaneous with him, etc. I had to ask again and emphasised that I was referring to what would happen to me regarding her panty/denial thing.

She answered that she hadn't necessarily thought about that side of things which I think that was an honest answer. I then asked her if Ray knew what she was doing in terms of not having sex with me so that she'd be all clean for him.

She said that he'd never specifically asked her to do anything but that she'd told him that she didn't have sex with me on Wednesdays when she knew she was going to be seeing him that week. What she didn't tell him was that she actually kept herself from me on Tuesdays sometimes even starting denying me from Monday nights.

We talked more about what happened last week (she didn't see him as it was Thanksgiving on Thursday and he was visiting his brother). During the week Suzanna came out and asked me to tell her again that her denial was a turn-on for me. I admitted it, I mean it's not like I'd kept it a secret, and told her that knowing she was ‘keeping herself’ for Ray was a huge turn on. I told her that especially on Thursdays seeing her just in her panties and knowing Ray was going to take them off of her before I would be allowed to was something that I almost even looked forward to.

She then asked me how I would be if she wanted me to wait for her for a longer period of time. I was uncertain what she meant. She said that she wanted an honest answer and said that ‘in the future’, if things worked out, that she might want to see him more than once a week. I knew what she was hinting at but I wanted her to say it. I asked her what that would mean to us.

She was really hesitant but she finally said that, "it might mean you waiting a few more days sometimes". She held me close and asked, “Are you going to be okay with that?”

I asked how often she thought it might be and she said something to the effect of, "not like with Dan when it seemed to be all the time .... Maybe once a month or so....."

Then she said something that totally turned me on, she said that it excited her on to think of being exclusively Ray’s for a little while every now and then. She then admitted that some of what Dan had done with her had touched her deeply and now whenever she thought about that it turned her on so much. I held her close and told her that as long as we were still us and still in love that I'd be okay with it. At one point she admitted that the idea of her just having sex with Ray for a while (and not me) was something that she thought might be fun.

We talked about the freedom that she might have if we all knew about each other (her, Ray and me). She started to mentioned things about ‘his week’. I asked what she meant and she said that during ‘his week’ that she could maybe be available to him more frequently which would mean denying me more. (I didn't let on but hearing her say that was awesome)

I asked if she wanted him to come over our house and have sex with him. She thought hesitatingly for a few seconds before nodding yes. I told her that as long as our kids weren't around, it might work out from time to time but I made it very clear that this was NOT going to be a regular thing.

She agreed saying that she wanted it to be something more special. We talked again and she emphasized how they are not falling in love with each other.


Anyway, that was the basic conversation of the week from last weekend until this past Friday night. Once it was out in the open, Suzanna teased me how she'd have one of us one week and the other the next. Her teasing including when we were lying in bed her me that at some point in the future, she could be having sex with Ray several times a week and that she'd ‘always be wet from him’.

Such banter went on until Friday night. We were going at it in bed and she was continuing her teasing knowing it was going to get me hornier and hornier. She rode me till I exploded in her and then she stayed on top of me afterwards as she told me how she liked to do that with Ray too.

It must have been 11:30pm when we cleaned up and were going to get ready for bed when Suzanna said she was going to check her Email. Nothing unusual about that but when she came back into bed with me I could tell she had something on her mind.

She said that Ray had sent her a note earlier in the evening and it said he was feeling depressed. It was the first Thanksgiving he's spent away from Joanne and his kids and he was pretty down about everyone, including his brother, having a ****** to look forward to spending the weekend with. She asked me if she could maybe take some time Saturday (yesterday) to go over to him. I asked her what she was thinking and she said she could give him a call and say I was already asleep and that she could maybe plan something.

I was pretty spent after our awesome round of sex so I told her, "okay, but it can't be all day". She was all giddy and quickly went downstairs and called him (she doesn't like me hearing her on the phone with him). About 15 minutes later she came back up, got naked and climbed in bed next and cuddled with me. She told me she was going to see him in the morning if that was okay with me.

I held her and said it was okay and as I ran my hands over her body down to her pussy which was still quite wet and still had my cum dribbling out of her. At that point I said to her, "you're not going to be so clean for him tomorrow". She giggled and said she'd clean up a bit more in the morning. I asked if she was going to tell him that we'd had sex that night and she said that she didn't know but that it would probably come up in their conversation.

Saturday morning comes around and she announces she's going shopping. Our ******** had just gotten up and wasn't interested in going with her which worked out well.

About 11am yesterday morning Suzanna went over to see Ray to ‘cheer him up’.


After our fun Friday night it really didn't faze me at all that she was going to go see him. I knew how he must have felt having spent the holidays with our ****** and close relatives when he compared his situation to ours. It must have been a complete contrast to the contentment content I felt that morning. If Suzanna still wanted more, well, that was a bit arousing in itself!


She came home later that afternoon. Both kids were out and she came in and smiled when she saw me there alone. It seemed we were in the bedroom in the blink of an eye and my contentment was now mixed with feelings of being intensely horny.

She played coy with me and she teased me that she'd been a naughty wife. I asked her to tell me what they'd done and that's when she got up on her elbows and broke the mood.

She starts out and says, "Get this; guess what I found out?"

I'm all paranoid for the moment until she pushes away at me and says that I'm never going to believe it. I'm hanging on her next words and she says, "Ray is like you".

I'm still hanging there and she looks at me and says, "he said he thought it was hot that I'd been with you last night!”

I burst out laughing at her and she poked me, pushed me away and then I guess it got to her too and she started giggling. I asked her what happened.

She said that like usual, she got undressed not long after she got there (I do forget this until she points it out) and that not long after that she said that Ray wanted eat her pussy and she said she held him away and told him that she wasn't in the mood for that. She giggled when she said that for Ray knows, just like I do, that she is almost always in the mood for some oral loving.

Anyway, she says it like it's nothing, that he really likes to go down on her (sometimes I think she forgets I'm her husband) and that he was continuing to push her. So, she said she had no choice.

Knowing the answer already, I was now more curious about their conversation. He asked her how long ago we'd had sex and she told him that it was about 12 hours earlier. He asked if I'd cum in her and she said she nervous about telling him and even considered saying ‘no’ but instead she said she looked at him and nodded her head. His answer a moment later was when she saw him smile.

Apparently he too has ‘sloppy seconds’ fantasies and that he thought it was incredibly hot that he was having sex with her so soon after I had. All I could think about was that he must so want what I was about to have. Her laugh brought my attention back to her and she was telling me how he was just as scared as she was to respond to her. She said she had to ask him if it was okay. Her answer from him was the smile on his face. She said his smile answered both questions, whether he and it was okay.

She said she told him that he didn't have to go down on her with her in that state if he didn't want to; she even offered to try to clean up a little more. Instead she told me how he seemed to struggle to tell her what I can so easily say to her, that he wanted to do it. She told me how she could feel his hesitation and she told him how I do it with her after we have sex. I then got to hear how he seemed tentative at first but then how he licked her to a rousing orgasm! I could only smile as I pictured her there lying on his bed letting him have her like that.

By this time my cock was rock hard and she knew it. I was happy it was the middle of the afternoon and we had the house to ourselves. I'd pulled some of her clothes off and she lay there in just her t-shirt (no bra underneath) and panties that were wet and darkened in the crotch. I was down to my boxers and I tried to push her back on the bed to pull off the rest of her clothes but instead she said 'stand here' and as I did she slid my boxers off. She moved over to the edge of the bed and propped her head up on a pillow and pulled my cock into her mouth.

We got into a rhythm and after a moment or two she took off her t-shirt. I could see her breasts were reddened and appeared to have some darkened areas around the nipples which were stiff like pencil erasers.

She lay there on one elbow sucking me and as she did so she kicked off her panties. I went to lean downward to start to play with her pussy but she pushed my hand away and took my cock out of her mouth and said, "You just watch for a few minutes". She took a few deep sucks and again pulled it out and as she spread her legs she said, "You can see what Ray did to me" before putting my cock back in her mouth.

I stood there looking down on her as she ran her hands all over her body. From her tits to her thighs each time going closer and closer to her swollen pussy. My cock was throbbing in her mouth and then, finally, she took both hands and pulled her pussy lips apart and gently spread herself open.

I couldn't reach down to her unless I knelt on the edge of the bed but for the moment I didn’t want to move for it was heavenly watching her fingers dance between her clit and her now wet hole below. It was like watching one of those porn movies how she held herself open and ran her finger just around the edge of the opening. It wasn't still white and creamy but it was incredibly wet and from the two substantial orgasms by Ray had quite the smell of sex. I don’t know how I didn't just gush in her mouth.

But I do know and she knew it too; she held me off just as I knew I wasn't going to lose it. There was only one place I was going to cum and it was, in reality, the only place she wanted it too.

Despite being quite wet, she said again how she was again quite sore (the redness and swollenness was evident) and she asked me to use a little lubricant. I knelt between her spread legs spreading some Astroglide on my hugely swollen cock. It was such an awesome sight before me, her knees bent and relaxed back. The openness that she had sharing herself at that moment was an awesome turn-on. I pushed forward and spread her legs further apart and I simply slid right in.

The sensation was simply breath-taking. It was only better when I felt her pull her knees back and I felt her ankles against my lower back. The feeling of her pussy opening up like that is just incredible.

Having had a pretty awesome round with her the night before, I was in the mood to ride-her a bit and she hunched herself up towards me and seemed to invite me to fuck her. She'd cum several times, in between each she'd blurt out different things about her and Ray. I know I responded physically each time she told me how she'd give herself to him and how she'd told him to fuck her.

I did last quite a long time. I was definitely in the mood to just fuck and fuck and fuck. I applied more lubricant several times and she just let me fuck her any way I wanted. She particularly liked me straddling her thigh under me and me holding her other leg upwards. In the end though, truly our favourite is the missionary position with her holding her legs back around my arms, her hands darting from her breasts to pulling her ass and pussy apart to them cradling my balls at times.

Soon she stopped moving and she started to moan deeply. I knew she was on the edge of a huge orgasm. I wet my fingers to wetten up the lube and as I slid deeper into her she let out this loud squeal and began to thrash about under me. She would squeal and then grunt as I'd push deep into her and then she'd hiss as I'd pull back. Her eyes were squeezed tightly shut and her head rocked back and forth but what was most amazing was her pussy. One second it would clench down tightly against my cock and the next would be it spasming open into an almost gaping void only to be followed by clenching down one more time. It went from her mostly clamping down on my cock, to a few moments later, ending with her lying limp under me as she breathed deeply.

I gave her a moment to calm down before I started to move again and by now my cock was huge. Despite her pussy feeling like a loose mitten, with her legs back, there was an exquisite sensation pushing deeply into her.

I confess that at that moment some of my thoughts went to her womb being open at that moment and that I hadn't cum yet. Thinking that maybe Ray has had her like that, that maybe he's felt her pussy like that. This and other thoughts put me over the edge and I guess my movements were just so because as I fucked her through my orgasm, she squealed out one last time and wrapped her arms around me and pulled me close.

No sooner had I come down from my peak did I roll over next to her and spoon up next to her side, pulled the blankets up and, damn, if we both didn't fall asleep for like almost 2 hours! When we woke up it was almost dark out and as I put the light on Suzanna started laughing. I turned to see the huge wet-spot in the middle of our bed where we'd both been lying!


I confronted her (well, that's maybe a bit too strong a term) about what she was going to do now that Ray too likes ‘seconds’. That led to her hesitatingly telling me that she too enjoys the denial stuff. I told her how just knowing it was her who wanted to keep herself from me and remain ‘clean’ for Ray was a turn on. After hearing that from me, she admitted that she found herself enjoying the anticipation with Ray and even said that her wearing panties at times kept her from masturbating too. In that sense she was able to better understand my arousal.

Obviously this led to the question of what's going to happen now and she said that she intended to keep it up; that she'd ‘allow me’ access to her on Tuesday nights (lucky night tonight!) and would then continue her practice of denying me. Of course she also emphasized that she would certainly allow me if I, as she put it, ‘really needed it’ and then she laughed and said, " ... maybe".


The pink elephant in the room that she knew was certainly on my mind was what does all this mean for after we get this out in the open with Ray. I know she wanted the spontaneity with him that she's mentioned and I asked her what she was thinking. She took a deep breath and then shared with me what she had in mind.

She was hoping I could accept her and Ray hopefully being more out in the open with everything. She joked but with some seriousness, "maybe a quickie at half-time if you guys are watching a football game?”

I asked her if she truly meant being that open around me, that they might abscond off to a bedroom (or maybe even right there on the couch?) for a quick-fuck. She was hesitant but did nod her head yes. She pointed out that I'd been okay when she'd done that with Dan when we were at his place and she then asked me in a sexy way, "wouldn't that turn you on a bit?" and then she added, "you could come watch or maybe even join in". To which I replied, "How do you know Ray would be okay with that".

She was quiet in response but then revealed that they've talked about ‘what ifs’ in the past.

The other side of all of this was that Suzanna did come out and ask that ‘if’ this was all out in the open where she could see Ray at other times would I be okay with her sharing with him some of the other things we'd discussed in our past.

I wasn't totally sure what she was getting at until she said that she'd been thinking that it would be a turn-on for her to re-live some of what she'd done with Dan but for it to be less of a dominant thing from Dan. I still wasn't totally sure but I had a suspicion which she confirmed when she said, "you know, about just being with him for a while every now and then".

I wanted to be all excited by that and a part of me wanted to jump up and say, "sure!" but another part of me was apprehensive. In the end I agreed and admitted to her that I was still aroused by that idea but that, again, I emphasized that I didn't want to feel threatened by it, or to worry about ‘us’. She giggled and patted the bulge in my pants and said I was not to worry, that she'd make sure I enjoyed it too.

She did say again, several times in fact, that she can't believe that Ray is turned on by her having had sex with me. I reinforced what he obviously feels, that he's having a married woman and that it's clear that she's still sexually active with her husband. I reinforced how similar both are in that we are both aroused by her having sex with another guy.

She laughed about us both being aroused over her having ‘someone else’s’ cum in her and she echoed some of my most early thoughts that seeing/knowing she has ‘his’ cum still in her is physical ‘evidence’ of her dalliances.


So there you have it. A week from Sunday we're going to try to have Ray here and suggest to our ******** that she might like to do something that takes her out of the house.

Tonight, Suzanna’s already mentioning different things that I could do with Ray to open up the conversation. One thing she mentioned was that she could leave a laundry basket full of her lingerie out in our den as if she'd left it there after folding it and how maybe I could pick up some of it and talk to Ray about ‘you should see her in this’. I had to laugh out loud at that as it's a great idea and maybe could be a lead in to my pulling out her nudie pics.


I did say that I was worried about Ray and how he might feel if (when) this all does come out in the open. Suzanna said she'd sort of brought this up with him and that Ray’s response was that he would love to keep seeing her no matter what. She seemed to intimate that he'd maybe put up with whatever discomfort there might be to keep seeing her.


That's all for now. The night is young, she is horny and this book is filled.

Time to open another.

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