Book Three

Tonight was much easier for both of us. We shared a glass of wine after dinner while we sat on the front porch. She thanked me for being so good about tomorrow and that she swore again to me that it's just for the night and for her to have fun and that it really means nothing.

She was surprised when about 10:30pm rolled around and I hadn't tried to get her undressed yet. I told her honestly that I wanted both of us to be horny tomorrow night. I told her that I wanted her to fuck his brains out and then, when she gets home, no matter how late, I'm going to have my turn with her. I got that giggle that I always get when she likes what I said but can't bring herself to admit it.

We're about to turn in and although I have a raging hard-on I think I'll be successful in abstaining till tomorrow night.


It was a bit awkward this morning. I still have concerns deep inside about all this but seeing her primping in the bathroom and then my thinking about Peter having her later tonight, damn if my cock wasn't rock hard again. She saw it under my towel as I got out of her way and gave me her trademark giggle again.

I noticed she had a small bag into which she was putting some things. I glanced in and saw some sexy lingerie (a lacy bra and matching panties) and some other stuff.

As I was getting dressed she came out of the bathroom and saw me watching as she opened the bag and said, "need to be sure I take this" as she put her diaphragm and cream in.

I don't know what happened but damn if I didn't nearly cum as I watched that, knowing at some point she'd be putting it in for HIM.

She saw me and came over and patted my hard-on poking up from my underwear and just said, "later tonight, you get your turn" as if she was talking to my cock!

Over breakfast she reminded the kids that she'd be home late tonight. Both of them looked puzzled until she said something like, "you remember, Mommy has a big dinner meeting tonight for work".

Being kids, they both just said, "oh yeah, we forgot".

I'm now at work trying to focus on work instead of what she'll be doing later but it’s tough because whenever I even think about it my stiff cock gives my thoughts away. I'm trying to focus on that part, my arousal and excitement at her doing this instead of the misgivings that I also feel. For now the excitement far outweighs the misgivings.


What a night! She came home just before 1am and one look at her told me all I needed to know. I did manage not to masturbate but by the time she did get home I thought my cock would burst at times!

I don't have all the details yet since she's still asleep but I did hear about a very nice dinner and that she was very worked up by the time they went up to their room. He had splurged out for a room in a nice hotel rather than a cheapie motel and they had dinner in the hotel's restaurant beforehand. All I know for sure is that they fucked for a long time and he came twice in her before she came home to me.

Wet would be the understatement of the year to describe what I found under her panties and, I have to say, the moment of kneeling between her legs staring at her well-used pussy was only surpassed by the feeling of entering that well-used pussy. It wasn't so much creamy as incredibly wet. Most arousing to me was that the more we fucked the wetter she got and the deeper I went, she became wetter still! She was a little embarrassed at how we sounded, squishing and slurping but I was totally into it. It was while we were fucking that she told me he'd cum twice in her.

That was it, just the thought of them being intimate together not more than an hour or so earlier and looking down to see this frothy sheen covering us, that was it and I let loose in her like my cock was a fire-hose!

I still get a little angst thinking about it all right now but that is so far outweighed by how turned on I still am. Part of me feels like having her again right now.

I'm sure I'll hear from her when she wakes up later but right now at 7:15am, it's totally silent in our house. The kids are on half-term break and are sleeping in; Suzanna’s told me that she’ll also be going in late today. Apparently she'd planned this too but kept that from me till last night.


She told me how they had a drink at the bar in the hotel before going to dinner and that he kissed her then. I don't know but kissing goes both ways for me; during the passion of sex, I'm very okay with the idea as it heightens my thoughts of her desires but hearing them kissing in the bar before dinner, gives me that same angst that keeps me on edge.

She told me how they shared a bottle of wine over dinner and then went back to his room for dessert. After another drink from the in-room bar she said she went to the bathroom to get washed and to change into the sexy stuff she'd brought; I don't think Peter knew she was changing.

I asked her if that was when she put in her diaphragm. She looked at me for a second as if she may have realized that that thought aroused me and she said that she didn't do it then but that she put her dress back on over the sexy undies and then went back out.

She said they kissed for a while on the bed and Peter gradually undid her dress and slowly removed it. She said he'd found her weakness, kissing her neck just between where her collarbones meet; that makes her melt and is like the spigot for her pussy.

I don't remember all the details but at some point they were down to their underwear, she in her lacy bra and panties and him in his boxers. She said they got into a 69 and then I understood why she waited on the diaphragm as she let him go down on her! Damn if that didn't turn me on thinking about that, his tongue in her pussy, and she told me how she could taste how turned on he was from all the pre-cum that was coating his cock.

It was when he turned back around and started rubbing against her pussy that she said she needed to, "take care of something, (her code for needing to put in her diaphragm). I wanted to hear what she did; did she go into the bathroom or has she become so comfortable with him to do it in front of him. So I asked, "did you run to the bathroom?”

She said, "no, I just told him to turn away for a second".

Damn if that thought and scene didn’t make me throb. I don't know why but picturing her at the edge of the bed preparing herself for his cock was enough to make me dribble pre-cum of my own.

I asked her at one point what was going through her mind and she said she really couldn't think of what she was thinking other than just really wanting him in her!


It’s 48 hours later and still just thinking about it is such a turn-on. She told me during sex how they changed positions, how she felt so open and ******* to him when she knelt on the bed and he was behind her.

I will admit to getting a knot in my stomach when she tells me how she held him tightly as he came inside her and she followed right behind. I guess somehow I'm still not comfortable with that level of their emotions together, how she held him tightly as she came on his cock. It also doesn't help me that she uses the word ‘love’ a lot in her descriptions and how she's told me how during her orgasms she'll tell him that she loves him.

I know from when we first started dating and she'd say that to me even when we were just starting out, how her therapist after her divorce explained to her that she can use that word to describe her feelings of something other than the emotional love for another person. It just hurts to hear her tell me that she would tell him that while they're fucking even though I would have expected her to say it. It gives me pause to think of how I'd be if I were there watching and heard her exclaim that as he's orgasming underneath or on top of him.

She's promised me a ‘quickie’ tonight before bed.


Suzanna's been just incredibly turned on since last week and we've talked about many things. She said she liked being out with Peter for a while before just having sex with him and that she liked hanging out with him; she hoped that maybe one day I'd join them. She quickly added, "having drinks, that is and hanging out, I didn't mean....”

I laughed and told her I understood then I asked about his wife and ****** but she didn't really answer much to that question.

Finally yesterday night she asked me what I felt about what she'd done. I mean we'd talked but she never really asked me how I felt about it other than to make sure I was okay with her and us. I told her that honestly it turned me on to think of her out on a date; that I pictured her kissing him and then turning passionate in bed.

Every time I look down at her under me while we're having sex it turns me on to think of it being Peter instead of me, wondering how she looks under him, wondering how she feels with him inside her, wondering if she’s grabbing his cock with her pussy. So, I told her that. She smiled and just rolled on top of me and kissed me passionately after I said that to her.

She then asked me flat out if I checked the bathroom every morning for her diaphragm being there. I couldn't lie to her and said that I did.

At that moment she knew that I'd known she was fucking him when she hadn't told me and she also knew it turned me on but I'd never said anything to her. Before she could say anything else I added that it turned me on to think of her doing it with him after work.

I felt so close to her and that at that moment, I just felt safe telling her everything so I said, "of course, if it was at lunch that you two..." and then I said really fast, "that would be so hot, his stuff in you all afternoon at work!".

She just smiled at me and said that she'd let me wonder about that for a little while! As if she was teasing me with not telling me.

Well, that really led to a hot time in bed. My god can she fuck when she's really horny. She saw me watching her put in her diaphragm; she's not shy with me, sometimes she lets me put it in. I asked her again whether she'd let Peter watch and this time she answered, "Yes, he was in the bathroom and I asked him to bring it out". She paused for a second and then looked at me and said, "it turns you on to think of him watching me like you are now, doesn’t it?” The huge hard-on sticking out of my boxers answered her question.

It was wild - she wanted everything and she got most of it! By the time she climaxed for the last time, I wasn't far behind.

As we lay there I asked her if she knew if she was going to see him this week and her answer was a very casual and confident, "I hope so," adding, "that's assuming you are okay with it. Are you?" With that I got the most sensually arousing kiss from her and when we finally broke the kiss I just said, "yes, it's okay". I rolled up on one elbow and started to play with her and ran my fingers down to her wet pussy. She just looked up at me and said she loved me.

So I guess I'll keep watching the bathroom drawer and see what the week brings.


That didn't take long. I checked and her diaphragm was missing this morning.

I thought she'd had enough on Sunday night as last night she'd said she was a bit tired and she turned in early.

I don't know how I'll handle this, it’s lunchtime and I just called her at her desk at work and there's no answer. I'm now stuck here at my desk with a huge hard-on thinking of her maybe having a quickie with Peter right now!!


She first told me last week that she'd been in the bathroom when she put in her diaphragm but now she's changed that part of the story to him giving it to her and her putting it in while she was in the room with him.

I'm not sure why I'm so pre-occupied and aware of this diaphragm thing. I guess to me that's something I'd always considered to be more private and personal. To be honest about it I'm a little surprised that she was that comfortable putting it in with him right there with her but I guess as they've already had sex like 4 or 5 times already maybe she’s reached a point where she's just that comfortable with him already! Now if she ever tells me she let him put it in, well, that'd really put me over the edge.


The diaphragm re-appeared after she got ready for bed. I opened the drawer a little when I was brushing my teeth and there it was. I didn't say anything to her though, it was kind of hectic tonight with the kids starting school tomorrow morning. She went to bed early and I'm following shortly.

I'm not sure what I should do, if I should do anything. I mean, so what if she's having a quickie with Peter. Given how crazy it was here tonight, I don't think I even blame her at all. I'm figuring/hoping that when we're in bed tomorrow night maybe she'll "fess-up" about today. I mean, she must know I know what she's doing. Maybe she's just faking me out and putting it in her purse and then putting it back later on who knows? I guess, if I never hear about it, then maybe that’s when I should start worrying.

I do need to push her on the issue of his wife and kids. But if it's just an afternoon quickie, I don't know. I mean I guess our own afternoon-ers from way back when we worked together did lead to us getting together but on the other hand, I just don't see it as there's more to her than just satisfying furtive sex in the afternoon.


I do have some concerns mainly because it's now Thursday morning and she hasn't mentioned anything about last Tuesday but that's all.

With the kids going back to school and her about to get her period, it's going to be a challenge for me to get another romp with her. She just left for work and her diaphragm is still in the bathroom drawer so Peter's not getting anything either.

I'll try to bring up Tuesday and Peter somehow later when we're in bed and see both if it gets her turned on or aroused and to hear what she says.

In the meanwhile, it is such a wild feeling to see her doing whatever, in the shower, getting changed, even just sitting having a cup of coffee; it is just so crazy knowing she's been fucking another guy. I can't explain it other than it has really made me realize just how great she is and I feel the same back from her, she's actually a bit warmer of a person in the past few weeks, especially with me, or so it seems.


Over two nights we talked about a lot of things. One major area was where her heart and her head are at regarding Peter; another thing was my meeting him and the last topic was regarding his wife and ******.

Last thing first; she didn't even remember the part of the conversation where I asked about his wife and ****** so I reminded her and then she remembered. She said she didn't reply to me because it wasn't an issue. The week they were away, the week Suzanna and Peter went on their ‘date’, was, according to Suzanna, just that; there was nothing more to it. She told me that Peter has told her on many occasions that his wife and his ****** would always come before her and then she looked at me and said that the same went for her; that we, me and our kids, would always come first.

Then she reminded me how it was me who pursued this with her. Iit was me who pushed her to have sex with other guys; it was me who packed her ‘care package’ into her suitcase for her trip to Boston; it was me who pushed her to let herself go. She then told me how she felt it was a bit inappropriate for me to be asking her to put the reins on now and, she emphasized, "Especially since there's nothing more to it".

I asked what Peter was telling his wife about their meetings and Suzanna looked at me and asked what I was talking about. At that point I just told her that I'd been keeping track of her diaphragm in the mornings. She seemed a bit miffed about that but recalled that I had mentioned it and she just said to me that aside of their date and the 2 times they'd gone out after drinks after work that they'd only had sex 2 other times. She looked a bit embarrassed when she told me that, "they were just quickies" and that she felt so energized and invigorated that she felt like she was back in high-school again messing around in the back seat of her van or in a quiet park. But she told me point blank that there was nothing more to it and that I was getting upset and concerned for nothing.

When it came to the question of my meeting Peter and of him knowing that I know what's going on between them, she was very calm about it and said that the 3 of us can certainly meet but that she'd rather be in the bathroom or somewhere else when I told Peter that I knew. She just felt she'd feel awkward about having deceived Peter when she's been telling him that she's sneaking around on me when she's really not. She felt that part of the meeting would be very awkward for her. I told her that I really wanted to talk to Peter and understand his intentions and desires but she kept on insisting that there aren't any on his part. She said, "he just likes fucking me, that's really all it is to it".

I had to think for a minute on that because if I had some hot little woman at work who was happy for me to give her a quickie I don't know that I'd really be wanting more than that either. No matter, I told her that since this was going on for so long now that I felt it'd be better if we could bring everything out in the open so they wouldn't have to feel like they're sneaking around so much and so I could be more comfortable with how they are together and what they're feeling.

That brought us to the most difficult part of the conversation for she did say that she was developing feelings for Peter but she quickly cautioned me that she's not falling in love with him and certainly has no thoughts or even fleeting ideas of leaving me and running off with him. As she put it, "why would I want that?". She said she's already got the best of both worlds, me as her loving husband and Peter as her lover, "Why would I want to upset any of that?”

I told her that I just felt she was getting too close to him emotionally and physically. She didn't see it until I brought up the whole diaphragm thing when they were in the hotel. I told her that it'd taken years before she'd even masturbate in front of me and that it was years more before she was comfortable with the whole birth-control thing and letting me watch or be a part of her putting in her diaphragm. I basically told her that with Peter, she's eliminated years of time and I felt that sharing all that with him so fast gave me a lot of reasons for concern. I just told her that her sitting there on the bed putting in her diaphragm while he watched was just too personal and too close for me. While maybe that specific act wasn't something so terrible the fact that it happened so quickly and that she felt so at ease doing it with him there made me concerned.

She then told me her side that she felt a close connection to Peter and she looked at me and just said, "What do you think, he's seen me naked and has had sex with me multiple times;- it just felt okay to me to share that part of our night together." She quickly added that it was just part of that whole fairy-tale night and she said that she felt very close and comfortable with him.

I asked her if she loved him and she said, "in a way, yes" and she proceeded to tell me some stuff of how her feeling good about him really enhanced their sex together. She asked me, "how else do you think I can just have a quickie with him? I don't just spread my legs for just anyone". She told me again how, yes, during the height of passion she does tell him she loves him but she turned to me and just said, "It’s not the same kind of love I feel with you". She continued that it's not something she feels I or we need to worry ourselves about.

I asked her if she was interested in any other guys; I told her that I felt it might ease the attraction she has with Peter and would possibly make me feel better about things. She said again that she can't (and she used that word, cannot) just fuck anyone and she didn't feel comfortable with herself if she suddenly became promiscuous. Plus, she felt safe with Peter inasmuch that this is new to him too. She felt he was safe health-wise too and that let her be more at ease with him.

She asked me that if it weren't for my concerns about her emotions and our ******, whether I would have any issues about her and Peter continuing to have some fun. I told her that I felt that if their fun continued that, while things are okay now, that they could spiral out of control quickly if either of them began to feel more about each other or want more from each other. She said I was being silly and that, again, I had nothing to worry about and that she was just enjoying herself in a way that I had told her to.

As a by-the-way, she did tell me about her time with Peter last Tuesday while we were having sex Friday night. She brought it up as part of foreplay and, wow, just the way she said it whispering in my ear, "Peter and I were together on Tuesday you know..." Damn she knew right away that it turned me on because she felt my cock harden up like crazy. I asked her where they'd gone and she said that they'd taken a ride in her van to a nearby park where she'd moved to the back-seat and let Peter go down on her first before they fucked in the back-seat! My god, it was like the on-switch for me as my cock start throbbing in her as she told me that.

It was after that fuck that I brought up the diaphragm thing and she said that also on Tuesday, in the back of the van, she'd let him watch her put it in before they fucked. She told me she'd even let him put the applicator full of contraceptive jelly into her after she'd put the diaphragm in. She told me that she just felt so at ease with him doing that - that when they had sex after that, how they felt very close. But she swears that it's just for the moment and it is not something that I or we need to be concerned about.

I have to say that outside their afternoon/evening trysts, I just don't see any signs of anything to be concerned with. She is still just as sexual and just as loving with me as ever although it seems her sex drive seems to be perpetually kicked up a notch. She looked at me after we'd talked a while and just said, "are you really complaining about all of this?" I really had to think about that.

Right now, I think I'm comfortable and Suzanna says she'll arrange a meeting for the 3 of us for sometime this week.

I didn't ask yet if she would feel comfortable letting me somehow watch them but she does know that it is something I'd want to do at some point.


The thought crosses my mind whether Peter’s wife knows he's messing around with Suzanna. I honestly don't think so. I think about smells and all for Suzanna's wet pussy does have quite a fragrance when she's aroused but I am also aware that from having the kids in the van that she has quite a selection of "wet wipes" and such. I know she doesn't clean up before she comes home but, while I've never asked about it, I wouldn't be surprised if somehow Peter gets cleaned up.

Suzanna's told me that he has 2 small kids so, thinking back to when our kids were that young, sex is probably not the first thing his wife thinks of when he gets home. I think that he has more of a drive and if he's dealing with rug-rats and a stressed out wife at home with young kids. I know when our kids were young that if I had someone I could have a quickie with and not have any issues afterwards I'd have jumped at the opportunity. But these are just thoughts, it's an unknown till I finally meet the guy which Suzanna has promised me for either later this week or early next week.

I guess it comes back to the fact that, despite the angst, that hearing of her and Peter is just a turn-on for me. All I need to do is think about them and I get a wicked hard-on. Suzanna knows that and I think she's learning how to deal with that and how to use it to, in some ways, make things even better for me. In some ways, knowing she has feelings for him makes it somewhat more arousing in that I know how passionate they must be when they're together.

See, that's the thing here, nothing that's happening between them is taking anything away from us; at least not just yet. If anything, what's been going on is making things better between us.

I'm sure she'll want to have some time with him this week somehow. I do think they'd be doing a lot more ‘after work’ if it weren't for his wife and kids waiting for him at home. For ourselves, our kids and I actually eat dinner much later now so our late afternoons and early evenings are more relaxed.

See, that's the thing, even if she were fucking him every day she's still coming right home after work and aside of her having this spring in her step and this cheery outlook (and of course, that well-satisfied look in her eyes) to me, that's what's most important. That was one of the things we'd talked about long long ago, that if she ever did start to sleep with another guy, that whatever she did, that it couldn't take away from us and so far, it hasn't.

Still, I do see the danger. I think back to when we got together and it wasn't much different and over time, basically our fuck-buddy relationship grew into our marriage but that took 2 people, not just one. As I said, either she's lying really well to me or she's serious when she says that she has no desires for anything beyond having a fuck-buddy relationship with him.

Then there's the issue she pushes at me, that this is my doing and that I pushed her to do this and that I should have the courtesy to let it play out based on how it's going. She reminded me that this all started when I requested, in answer to her offer, a special birthday present of my insisting that she fuck another guy. Not much I could counter to that reminder.

I do hope to one day actually watch her with Peter (or someone else) but I also know that would be asking a lot of her and Peter right now. Perhaps when I do meet him (and if Suzanna will give us some time alone when we do meet) then I can ask him other things that might be more uncomfortable for the 3 of us to talk about together.

I don’t think that Suzanna is aware that what we doing has a name; she doesn't know the word, Cuckold. I mean she could look it up but presently it’s not part of her vocabulary and isn't part of how she defines her relationship with Peter and me. I wonder, at least now at such an early point in her allowing herself to be with others, if and when she'd be receptive or interested in expanding on the cuckold-aspects of all of this.

Clearly it’s been my unspoken intention to go down that route and to convince her to go ahead with all of this and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping for some sort of cuckold-related sexual attitude from her eventually. There's a part of me that would love to hear her say, "Not tonight, I want to be fresh for Peter tomorrow". I haven't told her that yet though, that I'd like her to flaunt her sexuality like that and to put herself first more. I guess, until I'm more secure with how she and Peter are (and how she is in general) that I won't suggest that or bring it up for discussion.

I also haven't told her exactly that despite how personal and intimate it is, that I am very aroused by her letting him watch her put her diaphragm in. I still can't figure out why that turns me on or why I can't get it out of my head but the thought of her sitting there on the bed next to him with him watching her spread her legs and put it in, knowing it's there to protect her from his sperm, something about the reality of what that act means is touching me very deeply. I hope to one day have the courage to tell her this just as I am writing it here.

Suzanna was raised as this good catholic-girl and I think it's been enough of a stretch for her to accept that I am enjoying her and Peter and that if I were to push her further towards out and out cuckoldry that it might turn her off. I want her to reach there on her own (if she reaches there) I want it to be something she wants to do.

For the time being, I think we're okay and as I said, I hope to meet Peter later this week or early next. Until then I'm just watching the bathroom drawer for signs.


Suzanna has spoken to Peter and I will be meeting him after work tomorrow evening. The 3 of us will be getting together at a bar near where they work.

She told him that I knew what they were doing. She told me that he said he'd suspected that I may be in on what she was doing as her relative freedom to be home later whenever had already raised his suspicion but their date convinced him but he didn't say anything. I told Suzanna what I'd said here that he wouldn't do anything to jeopardize his ‘good thing’.”

It should make this a bit easier on all of us, especially me, if that we can get right down to business and not have to beat around the bush. Also, this week, the diaphragm has been in the drawer every morning so I am thinking maybe she wants to see how tomorrow turns out, before we move on.

In hindsight it seems that this meeting should have happened long ago as it would have addressed all these issues. Still, I like that Suzanna felt strongly enough to go ahead on her own as she did and made the arrangement.

I'm sure we'll be talking tonight about tomorrow’s meeting.


I'm not sure what to make of this but her diaphragm was NOT in the bathroom drawer this morning! I'm not sure what this means, did she bring it for him or me; is she going to do something with him at lunch; could she be thinking of doing something after our meeting? At first I was going to call her but now that I'm at work I think I may actually just wait it out and see what happens.

I cannot believe how I feel, finally meeting a man who's been fucking my wife. Just the idea of seeing him and meeting him; knowing what they've done; just thinking about it right now is driving me crazy.

My mind is racing, could she possibly be going to fuck him at lunch? I wonder, if it goes well, maybe they'd let me watch them. Could that be why she took her diaphragm? Damn, I think I'm getting into some kind of mystery.


I met Suzanna at the bar in the parking lot and after a kiss she just looked at me and said, "you might as well know now, we did it at lunch today, it just happened" and then, "he's going to be here soon, can we talk about this later?”

I was kind of surprised and for a moment even annoyed by it but after a second I just said, "okay" and then I added, "I had wondered" because in fact, I had. She said he was going to be here in a little while and I followed her inside.

We sat in a booth opposite each other and ordered a drink while we waited. I asked her how he was when she told him that I knew what was going on. That's when she told me that he was okay about that and then she added that she's also told him that it was me that had asked her to go with other guys. I hadn't expected her to tell him that, not that I minded terribly, but I hadn't expected that.

She told me that he was relieved that I was okay with it and at that moment he showed up.

Now, I'd met him at some point in the past at one of her work-related things when I saw him I remembered him better. I stood up and she did too. I shook his hand and she gave him a kiss on the cheek right there in front of me. He said he wanted to use the men’s room and left us.

She asked me if she should sit next to me or next to him. I was speechless. She leaned over, kissed me and asked me again where she should sit and I just said, "wherever you want." She kissed me again and suddenly Peter was back. She sat next to me and he sat opposite us.

We were quiet for a second; I pictured this moment a million times but at that second, I was just lost in a million thoughts that this was the guy who's been fucking my wife! Finally, Suzanna asked Peter if he could see a waitress and that sort of broke the ice. Talk about awkward.

Somehow the conversation got off to a rocky start. I mean it's not easy trying to like quiz this guy yet at the same time I just want to tear into him. I asked him point blank early on, "where does your wife think you are right now?”

He said she thinks I'm in a meeting at work. He then explained how he's working on a project that has some overseas contacts. I know that's correct since I have the same issues at work.

Once we got past the first few minutes of stumbling conversation and into our second drink, we were pretty much okay with each other. He said he had a wife and 2 younger kids that are 3 and 4 years old (he is younger than Suzanna) and that he had no intention of leaving them. He was very awkward when he explained how he really enjoyed the time he'd spent with Suzanna. I told him that I understood and sympathised as even our own kids at 4 years apart took their toll on our own sex lives at home.

I couldn't believe it; I actually had sympathy for him.

Things got more interesting after he got up to make a phone call to his wife and to use the bathroom. Suzanna asked me tons of questions about whether I liked him and all that stuff. I told her that he seemed like a nice guy and that, at that moment, I was actually okay with it. I guess, honestly, I mean she picked me to marry and have kids so she has good taste in guys; this guy just seemed nice to me, someone I'd pick out as a good match for her.

I told her that I thought he was okay but I wanted to ask him some more questions and suggested she give him and me some time alone.

When he came back we talked for a moment more and then she said she was off to the bathroom and to call the kids at home. While she was gone Peter and I got down to the heart of the matter; I told him we needed to talk to make sure we were both on the same page on what was going on here.

He said that he was very relieved when Suzanna told him that I knew what was going on. I asked him why that made a difference and he told me that he was concerned that she was going to mess up her marriage. I wasn't ready for that and he continued by saying that he was surprised when she told him that I had encouraged her and he said that she's very happy because of that.

I looked at him and said that I can put up with a lot but - and I put it honestly back to him - I told him that if he ever hurt her in any way I'd be his worst nightmare. Then I added that I did appreciate the changes that I'd seen in her since they began ‘seeing’ each other.

We talked a bit more as I saw her still on the phone. I asked him what he thought was going to happen here longer-term. Again, he was easy to talk to so I just put it out there and asked him again what his thoughts were regarding his wife and ****** and Suzanna.

His answer was pretty open. He said he cared a lot for Suzanna. She was a friend, yes, but she meant a lot more than that to him. He said that they shared a closeness that he hadn't felt for another woman in several years. Since he and his wife started having their own kids there had been a bit of a drift as his wife’s attention was often elsewhere. He said with Suzanna it's physical, yes, but that he sees in her what he hopes his own wife will get back to in time.

He wasn't ready when I asked him how he'd feel if someone else were fucking his wife but he eventually said that he supposed that if it were physical that he'd be okay with it. As I spoke I saw Suzanna was walking back towards us but she could see I wasn't done talking so I asked Peter plainly, "what would you do if Suzanna was your wife and I were you;do I have anything to be concerned about here or is this just something fun?”

Suzanna heard me ask that question and she stood there at the end of the booth waiting for his answer. He looked at her and then at me and just said that he wouldn't lie and that in some ways he does feel like he loves her, that he's shared something with her that is special to him, or something like that. Then looking at her and then at me said something like, "but I do not love her like you do and I never will".

Now up to now I had sort of been on the offensive with him and at that answer, I don't know, it just disarmed me and I felt okay about him for real. Like he'd somehow let me see something that was genuine and honest in his response to that question.

He said he needed to use the bathroom again and he got up and Suzanna sat opposite me in the booth. She gave me a hard time about how I seemed to be treating him and I was going to say I was justified and was just making sure of him but instead, I just said, “You're right, I mean he seems okay and I’m just making sure things stayed in control and you don’t get carried away.

With that she asked me if she could have some fun with Peter before we had to leave. At that moment I remembered that she'd fucked him earlier which meant this entire time she'd been sitting there talking to us with his stuff in her! I swear my cock nearly burst.

I asked her what she meant and reminded her, "didn't you do enough earlier today?”

She smiled and told me I was being silly with, “not that kind of fun” but that she just wanted to have some time with Peter in the bar and make sure he knew that things were okay.

I didn't totally understand what she meant until he came back from the bathroom and she motioned for him to sit next to her on the opposite side of the booth from me. She'd switched sides and he was now next to her. He hesitated and then as he sat down Suzanna asked me out loud if I was okay with her sitting next to him now that I knew everything. I couldn't believe she was being this brazen and I could do nothing but say, "No, it's fine, you have fun".

We talked about more about nothing in particular and then when we must have been on our 4th drink I saw food like baked ziti and chicken wings being put out on the bar. My legs were feeling a little cramped and needing to stand up I said that I was going to get some food. As I got up and moved away from my seat, I turned to see them kissing in the booth. I was going to say something but I didn't; for me it was moment frozen in time.

I know it couldn't have been long, maybe just a few seconds (it could have been an hour), I don't know, but I could see her eyes were closed and it was clear their tongues were moving! I was so stunned by this. I mean I know she kissed him before, we'd talked about that, and she said she really enjoyed doing it with him! I walked back towards the booth carrying a couple of plates, and I’m not sure I saw it, but as I walked back I thought I glimpsed his hand caress her breasts before they broke their kiss.

I came back to the booth and sat down a few seconds after they'd separated and the look on Suzanna's face was one I will never forget. It was like she'd been almost caught red-handed doing something wrong. What really gave away how she felt at that second was the intense red-blush all over her neck and chest above her blouse.

The next 20 minutes or so were very crazy. Suzanna was a little ***** by now and after a little bit she was leaning on Peter and at one point she raised her foot and rubbed my leg. We talked openly for the next few minutes, maybe the alcohol made it easier, and I asked what they thought was going to happen between them.

She said that she doesn't want anything to change and asks if I'm okay with that.

I said that as long as it didn't take anything away from us or our time together, that I was okay with it. I then looked at Peter and waited for his answer and he was honest and said that he cared a lot for Suzanna and that the sex was great and he again said that he didn't want anything to change. Then he looked at me and asked, "Are we good"?

I just nodded yes.

With that she turns Peter’s head to hers and gives him a deep kiss right in front of me. My mind went into overdrive, I’m thinking that she's sitting there opposite me with the guy she fucked not 7 hours earlier kissing him and it’s just unbelievable.

After she broke the kiss with him she reached out and held my hand on the table. As she did that she rubbed her foot up to my lap and felt my hard cock; I was ready to lose it right then. They were closer than I'd expected to see right in front of me as he put his arm around her and held her tightly. I guess he finally felt that I was okay with what was happening.

We were close to making our ways home and as we finished our drinks I knew that under the cover of the table that his hand was on her leg.

Maybe 10 minutes later we all knew it was time to go. I got up and shook Peter's hand and said that I hoped we'd do this again soon. Suzanna slid out of the booth after Peter and as he turned she pulled him down to her and kissed him again. She said she would talk to him on Monday.

He left while we grabbed our umbrella and her jacket-thing. I held her tightly on the way out; I just felt like I had to. I walked out with this weird feeling, actually a good feeling, for I was comfortably knowing that if she was going to fuck someone, as I said, she proved that she had good taste.

When we got in the car we started talking before we even drove away. I asked her what she thought she was doing in the bar kissing him and more. She smiled and laughed and said that from the way I felt under her foot it seemed I liked it. At about that moment I remembered again that they'd fucked earlier so I asked her about that. She said she really didn't have an explanation other than that a part of her thought that might have been the last time for them if my meeting him didn't go well. I said that sounded kind of strange but sort of okay also so I let it go and just told her that it did make me feel very turned on whenever I'd think about it.

We talked about a lot of other stuff on the way home and I was turned on all night until the kids went to bed. We opened a bottle of wine and we got very close in bed. We didn't talk about Peter though despite him being on both our minds. Eventually I got my turn with her and she kidded me about being a ‘shared wife’ now. I honestly never thought I'd hear her say that and, even now, I'm not sure if it was the wine talking. But, wow, she was incredibly turned on and without a doubt it one of the best fuck's we've had together, maybe ever. It just felt like we were reconnecting. Of course the thought that what I was feeling in her was Peter's sperm in addition to the spermicide cream helped me right along!

Things were great today albeit we were both a little hung-over. I think she knows I’m writing all this down in my journal (something that I don’t willingly share) and she doesn't ask many questions. I can't say Peter came up in conversation today but there's been this feeling of ‘connection’ that we seem to have today. Just an affectionate hug or kiss or look has been common for both of us today.


I'm still sort of trying to deal with everything. We've been talking more which is good but my mind keeps going back to the part of Friday that she planned ahead of time to have sex with him before we all met. I know she said she thought it would re-assure him or whatever but I'm not sure he knew that I knew they'd been together at lunch.

I've asked questions to Suzanna like, "how are you going to keep this away from his wife?" and stuff like that. Suzanna just answered something like, “'s not like I'm doing him every's just some fun we're having - like you said you wanted me to.....”

She has also said to me is that she feels like she did when we were first going out. That she seems to want and need more sex lately and, somehow, the illicitness of her lunchtime fling with Peter seemed to satisfy her need.

These are all just some of things that she's shared with me. At one point she looked at me and said, "You did want me to be more sexual and want it more. Don’t you want that now?”

That line got me thinking. I really don't feel like she's going to lose herself in Peter. I just don't see that so that's comforting.

thinking back over these past few days, knowing she was sitting there Friday night as we talked, him; knowing she was sitting there with his cum in her all afternoon, I don't know, when I let myself think about that it just drives me crazy with desire for her.

She must have told him that she was going to tell me; I should have asked him more. What was he feeling, not in general, but at that moment? What would he have said if I asked him, "how was she at lunch?” The more I think about it there have been other days when she's spent the afternoon filled with his sperm. Damn, that thought is very arousing to me.

Knowing now who she's intimate with (and knowing that he knows about it too) there's a part of me that would like to see them do more together, yes, to let me watch and feel like a true cuckold. Knowing and waiting for her afterwards is just wild and fills me with desire.

I wonder about his wife and kids. With 2 young kids like that running around, it's no wonder he's not ‘getting any’ at home. So, in that sense if Suzanna's just filling that surrogate role why should I not be okay about it? I got the sense that Peter wasn't looking to mess up his marriage and Suzanna did say he is working on this project. I guess I’m feeling that if Suzanna's okay with it then I’ll trust her judgement on it plus, as she aptly pointed out, it's not like they're doing it every day.

I still have like a million thoughts going through my head about all of this so as they settle down perhaps I can become more coherent.


We talked more tonight as we lay in bed and she really started to ask me what I wanted out of all of this. She said now that I was okay with Peter and, hopefully, that I was okay with her that she really wanted me to tell her what I was looking for now.

She came out and told me flat out that she enjoyed what she was doing with Peter; having a kind of an illicit affair. She said it's really made her realize a lot about what she wants and likes and now feels she can say it to me.

I was sort of unsure what I really wanted. I mean here it is, she's doing exactly what I wanted and enjoying it and, damn, if I'm not reaping the benefits in spades with how revved up she seems to be all the time.

I asked her how she felt just letting him fuck her like that, going for a drive and parking up somewhere out of sight. I realized that even if they didn't go too far that an hour wasn’t really a long time. She looked at me and said she loved it and added that anytime I want to go park somewhere and fuck in the back seat she'd now jump at the opportunity to do it with me too. She said at first she felt slutty, very slutty, just giving into him so quickly at lunch or after work. She even told me what park they go to and I know there's this long drive around it with small parking areas.

I asked her to tell me more and she did. I think that's what I was looking for with her; the sharing of intimate details but the more I listened it was clear she wasn't completely comfortable. I told her that I really wanted to know how she felt so that I could sort of be a part of this share in it with her.

Slowly though she did tell me a little bit, about how she felt those first few times. She told me several times how she kissed him and how it made her feel very sexy. She said the first few times they didn't even fuck, just kissed and made out. As we lay there spooning my stomach was in knots picturing some of this and, my god, my cock was hard.

By this time we were both pretty worked up and I rolled over and we finally got down to business ourselves. All had to do was just let my mind go to any of the hundreds of things she told me and, wow, that was it, I was off. She followed shortly behind.

Even better, we rolled over and actually both fell asleep together right after that. It felt so good holding her like that as we dozed off.


We talked even more last night and amongst all that was said, I wound up feeling both very confident and comfortable with Suzanna's view of the situation; confident that she has it in proper perspective and comfortable regarding her better understanding of me and what I was looking for. I sensed that on Friday she began to feel that she could share with me more of what she's doing and over the weekend I made it clearer to her that I LIKED what she was doing and that I truly liked that she was doing it for herself too and not just as something that I was wanting.

I did a brash thing this morning when I told her myself for her to take her diaphragm to work and to ‘be sure’ that Peter knows I'm okay with what they're doing. Maybe I'm crazy but it just felt like the right thing to say and do after the weekend we just had together.


It was an incredible feeling yesterday when I handed her the diaphragm and told her to make sure Peter was okay. She said to me last night that when she told him that I'd been the one to tell her to have some fun that he now seemed to finally accept, as she now seems to have, that I want her to continue fucking him.

When I got home yesterday and knew that she'd had sex with him earlier and was probably still messy from him, it gave me such a charge! Looking at her right then just drove me wild with desire.

When we went upstairs after dinner I asked her if she still had her diaphragm in and she said yes and that she needed to leave it in longer to make sure there were no surprises. Later, just before bed she did let me watch her take it out. For some reason watching her take it out (and putting it in too) just gets me turned on. I had thought maybe we would have had some fun together but she said she was tired and that she needed to give her pussy a rest. (There was another reason apparently too much spermicide sometimes gives her a yeast problem!).

She did say when we were talking last night that if I wanted to, that she'd ask Peter if he was okay with me watching them; I do think I'm ready for that now. Earlier I think it would have irked me too much but now, the idea seems very hot.


It’s now 7:30pm. After we finished dinner tonight the kids went their way and over coffee I suggested to Suzanna that we have some time together later, as in ‘let’s have sex’. She surprised me by asking if I'd mind waiting till tomorrow night.

I asked her why and she said, "well, I was hoping to get together with Peter tomorrow and that'd mean I have to leave the diaphragm in for a really long time and I don't want to get another yeast problem". She then added, "but we can surely have some fun tomorrow night!”

I was sort of surprised. I mean in my cuckold fantasy-mind I've often gone down the ‘denial’ path but now that it's for real and I'm feeling rather conflicted. Part of me is annoyed because I was pretty horny tonight and was looking forward to a roll-in-the-hay with her but another part of me is sort of excited/aroused at her expressing her desire openly to me.

She's now helping our ******** with her homework while I'm sitting here in our office with a hard-on thinking about this situation. I'm sure once the kids are off to bed, we'll have more time to talk about this but I’m thinking I want to push her towards an IUD so that this whole yeast-thing isn't an issue.


We talked briefly earlier and she said again how she hoped I was okay with waiting till tomorrow night and then she gave me this nice kiss and she let me run my hands all over her through her t-shirt. I ran them up and felt no bra. I pulled her to me but she pushed away and said something about her not kidding that she wanted to wait. She knew that with just that shirt on, with the right caresses and tender kisses on her neck, that I'd have her worked up so she pushed back and said, “No, not now. Wait until later.”

It was a strange feeling moment for both of us. At that moment she knew that I was aware at that she, in some way, wanted Peter more than me. (I'm hard again just writing this.) It wasn't until afterwards that I realized the significance of what had happened but at that moment, I just pulled her to me again and kissed her again and then let her go.

That was like 5 seconds but after the kiss we looked at each other and I think that's when it registered for me. It felt very strange and still does.

We didn't really talk much more about that after that moment passed and we both got busy with other things till a bit ago when she told me her show was almost over.


I have to say it was very erotic last night watching her change and get ready for bed knowing she didn't want to have sex with me. I guess like a forbidden fruit or something like that. The more I thought about it, the more aroused I was getting. Suzanna noticed and kissed me and said, "thank you" for being okay with waiting and then she said something about my being excited by her asking me to wait.

I thought of what I should say and I just told her "yes" that for whatever reasons that it really did turn me on.

She seemed very pleased by that answer and promised me that I would really enjoy Friday night. When we got in bed she offered to give me a hand job or to help me masturbate if I was really horny. I was tempted as I do enjoy letting her watch me (most of the time she will lean over at the very end and suck me over the edge) but at that moment I said "no" and told her I'll take it out on her tomorrow night.

I lay there next to her as we were falling asleep and I started to think of where I wanted this to go. As if I wasn't horny enough I came to the conclusion that I did want to see if this would play out into more of a real cuckold relationship. I thought for a long time about how I felt about her first statement that indicated her wanting Peter instead of me. All I could feel was arousal and excitement and her wanting to express her true desires.

I can't totally describe the feeling of knowing that as she went to sleep, that she wanted to have sex with Peter next before me. Is this the thrill that seems to lie under most of the other people who profess to enjoy all of this? I mean I have read many stories and where guys enjoy this type of relationship. I do confess that it does arouse me and I guess I'm surprised at how it feels inside to realize this about your wife. I think it's amazing and at the same time as I know she loves me and is devoted and dedicated to me she also wants to enjoy Peter


This morning watching her showering and dressing was equally erotic to watching her last night; maybe even more so. I didn't question that she'd taken her diaphragm with her.

It's an odd feeling to be so aroused and even sort of proud of her that she wants to fuck Peter today. The thought of her taking his cock in her pussy this afternoon is just an incredible turn-on for me. It sounds so strange to think that but it is what it is.

I now realize that maybe she would have let me have her with a condom so she didn't have to use the diaphragm. I don't think it's anything like she didn't want me to cum inside her but I guess I cannot be sure.

I actually think that every now and then, if it turns her on or works for her to ask me to wait, I will do so. I think I can live with it as long as tonight is as hot and intense as I hope it will be. I have to say that my arousal is definitely peaked-up right now.


She called me this afternoon and said she'd be home a little late and asked if I could get dinner started. I didn't ask why she would be late, I knew why.

She got home just as I was about to put steaks on the barbeque so I ran inside to follow her up to the bedroom. Once we closed the door I pulled her close and kissed her and told her I wanted to help her get changed.

I damn near came in my jeans when she slipped off her skirt and slip-thing and I saw her wet panties. She stood in front of me in her knee-highs, wet-panties and her blouse that I now saw was half-way open. She had this flushed look on her chest and she just looked so fucking hot.

I went to go for her and she pushed me away and said I had to go get dinner on the grill. I kissed her and held her and told her, “before I go, let me ...." and with that I slid my hand from around the small of her back to her stomach and then I slid it down under her panties.

When I reached her pussy she just said, "be quick" and she relaxed and spread her legs apart and I ran my finger up through her wet pussy. It felt incredible. I even felt my cock twitch just as I was about to cum from how she felt but before I could push it up inside her she pulled my hand out of her panties and said, "I'll be just like this later, I won't wash up, okay? Now go cook".

We have 45 minutes till we can say good night to our son and I can fuck the hell out of her. I'm trying to avoid our 13 year old ******** so she doesn't ask about the tent in my pants. I swear, I haven't felt this horny since I was 15. Knowing Suzanna’s all wet and waiting for me!

This is just totally incredible. I cannot find a word to describe how I feel. Certainly no Ejection Disfunction here but damn if I don't feel like I took a Viagra with how fucking hard my cock is right now.


Oh my god was last night incredible. She let me undress her and when I got to her panties they were sort of stuck to her pussy. Pulling them away was just intense seeing her pussy all swollen and wet between where her pussy lips struggled to stay closed except at the bottom where they were open.

She stood in front of me and started to ask me if I was okay about having to wait for her and whether she might be too messy for me.

The bulge in my pants and my only response, a moan, gave away how I truly felt. I think I'm getting more used to it and I don't hold back at how turned on I am by her clearly used body.

She teased me about how I must have liked it judging from how I was breathing and the obvious evidence of my straining cock.

It was a blur after that. I ran my fingers through her swollen pussy as she pulled my pants off. From there it was a few moments of foreplay then she put in another applicator of cream and just lay back and told me to have my way with her. She continued from what I’d told her and as we fucked she teased me saying how nasty she felt at her letting Peter just fuck her like he does.

I don't remember more as my mind was lost in the pleasure of how she felt and in the back of my head knowing Peter was in her not more than 5 hours earlier. Feeling what could only be his cum in her; I lasted maybe 5 minutes at most.

When I collapsed onto her afterwards she said something it along the lines of it was good she'd cum with Peter earlier as she’d not gotten there herself with me. All I could do was apologize and then, amazingly, as I thought about it more, I got hard again and slipped inside her once more. As I thrust back and forth I felt my climax welling over me and even though I barely came a second time I was delighted to feel her to have what felt like an incredible orgasm...


The weekend was phenomenal, not just weather-wise but sex-wise too. After last night I knew she wouldn't be wanting Peter today and, sure enough, her diaphragm was in the bathroom drawer this morning.

We did talk more and she got me to admit that it did turn me on to have to wait until she'd had her fun with Peter to let me have my turn with her. I admitted openly to her that the idea of her sharing her pussy with him is a huge arousal for me.

I mentioned again to her how an IUD might be a better alternative to the mess and planning associated with the diaphragm. She seemed to take notice of that and even said that she may just contact her doctor about it as an option. She still has this idea that the problems with the IUD's back in the 70's and 80's are still there but I told her that I understand they've gotten all that figured out.

She mentioned something called e-sure or something like that. She said it's permanent like getting her tubes tied but that they don't have to operate, instead they do it from going up via her vagina; too much info for me but she seemed curious about that too.

I won't use the word tease but she did share a lot of how she feels and how sexy she feels when she's with Peter. She has this giggly bubbly sound to her when she tells me about it.

One of the things we'd discussed was how, if she did go onto the IUD that she may still ask me to ‘wait’ until after she's been with Peter. Apparently after our meeting and during their next rendezvous, Suzanna shared with Peter that I enjoyed getting ‘sloppy-seconds’ very much. She told me that Peter responded that he didn’t care for that and that he preferred her to be fresh for him and even went as far as to say he'd prefer there was no spermicide cream either. So, that may also be why she's now more receptive to the idea of an IUD. At this point she added that she'd continue to appreciate my being okay with waiting till after she's been with Peter. She needn't have worried about my response to that suggestion for, as with the rest of the weekend, my cock is still hard even now just thinking about it.


At this point I'd actually like to see her doing even more either with Peter or elsewhere but I'm also on the fence regarding any greater emotional involvement on her part. I would like to see more in the sense that it would lead to bigger/better experiences and also tweak a bit of my somewhat unfulfilled cuckold desires.

We have discussed my watching and she says she thinks she'd be too self-conscious and expressed a bit of embarrassment at the thought of my watching her orgasming with another guy despite my increasing desire to see and share more of her fun with Peter.

She has noticed my apparent fascination/interest in the whole diaphragm aspect of her with Peter and I am getting hard here at my desk at work just thinking of her, one day, allowing/encouraging Peter to insert it into her pussy. I honestly think that when she does tell me that that I'm simply going to cum just from hearing that!

I'm trying to encourage her to try to find a regular schedule for her and Peter; hopefully that would relax the situation a bit more and open things up. Right now it's sort of hit-or-miss when/if they get together. This week, for whatever reason, she's been a ‘good girl’ much to my chagrin!


Part of the issue I have with Suzanna is that she doesn't have the need to see other guys and if it weren't for me pushing/encouraging her, I don't know that she'd be all that interested in Peter. So when we talk about trying to get her to go with other guys it's not so easy. I think the fact that she's come to like and care for Peter is what's keeping her interested in him.

I'm partly to blame here too. I am fairly well endowed and when we do have sex together she does cum and cum and cum. I've always been able to easily get her to orgasm and vaginal orgasms are the norm for her when she’s with me. When we first got together I was able to get her to squirt on a regular basis but age seems to have reduced that frequency.

She's shared with me as I may have said before that she feels she'd be embarrassed and self-conscious if I were to be watching her having sex with Peter or anyone else. I know she climaxes with Peter; he shared that with me that he's able to make her cum fairly easily. Plus, as I said she does like and care for him. I do think I will talk her into letting me watch eventually and I'm figuring that the more comfortable she is with sharing intimate details of them together that eventually she'll feel okay about my being there albeit I may be hidden; out of sight.

She did tell me that she wants to leave work a little early on Friday to have more than just a quickie with Peter. I told her I was fine with that and she asked, "Are you okay with waiting till Friday night for me?"

I just smiled and said, "of course, whatever you want" and then added, "It turns me on thinking about that".

She smiled and I'm sure we'll talk more about it later tonight if we are not going to be messing around until Friday night. So tomorrow night, I'll probably be a bit up-tight about abstaining and waiting.

I think about the possibility of about us being closer and if I could share in the sexual fun she has with Peter and I'm sure we'll get there. I know she's feeling more and more comfortable with him as time passes and she's told me that she gets ‘ready’ for him much faster now and that she's enjoying being with him more and enjoying the sex part more but so far this week nothing's happened.

I do think this slow-start is okay for now in that I'm getting more and more comfortable with letting her know the cuckold-aspects of what she's doing are more and more arousing to me. I actually sort of am looking forward to tomorrow night as this aspect, denial, is something that I've long felt distinguished being a cuckold from just a husband with a hot-wife.

Anyway, it is what it is and so far, it's working for us.

No further discussion on birth-control just yet but I'm wondering if/how that would change things regarding her asking me to wait when she's going to be with Peter the next day. If the diaphragm excuse goes away will she still ask me to wait?


Last night she tells me that with the forecast for rainy weather that their plan is to leave work about 3:30pm. She then said, “I’ll not be home for dinner tonight.”

She just left and she told me before she left that if this afternoon works out (I'm assuming that they're getting a motel room somewhere) she told me that she may look to do this every week or two over the winter now that the weather is changing. She said that she'll discuss this more with me tonight when she gets home adding, "while we're having some fun".

Last night I contemplated masturbating; just thinking about her and Peter got me very worked up. She was even encouraging me lying next to me in bed to do so as she told me she'd tell me ‘stuff’ if I wanted. I managed to say no; that I'd rather be really horny tonight when she gets home. She laughed and said that she thought that's what my answer would be!

I just checked the bathroom and, sure enough, her diaphragm and cream are not there. So I'm sitting here with this huge hard-on thinking about my wife going off to fuck Peter this afternoon.


I spoke to Suzanna earlier and she did say that she wouldn't be leaving till about 3:30pm. I reminded her to be careful but to also have fun. I also asked her to save some energy for me later tonight. She gave me her famous giggle and just said, "of course silly".

I try to fight it here at work but at times images of her entwined with Peter writhing together on a bed somewhere keeps filling my brain.


The drive home after work gave me time to think about what was going on. Surely by 6pm or so they were already in bed, possibly going on seconds already. I let myself get lost in those thoughts till I was home.

I took the kids out for pizza and I think it was good thing as it then took my mind off everything although from time to time I still had the most erotic thoughts still dancing around in my head. It was around 8pm and as we went through the front door my ******** announced, "mommy's home already". That brought me back to reality quickly.

All she shared with me in a whisper so the kids couldn’t hear was that she'd had a great time with Peter and that not only did they have dinner together but afterwards they shared some special time. I had to wait until after our son called it a night to find out more and for it to be my turn!

I still cannot describe fully the excitement and arousal I had at watching her undress in front of me knowing full well that Peter had enjoyed her in much the same way earlier. She'd obviously changed when she got home but as she slid her panties down and stood in front of me naked, damn, if I wasn't hard as a rock.

She seemed very confident. I could tell she was still turned on herself by how her breasts looked and how swollen her pussy still was and how darkened in colour it was from its normal pink to a darkened pink as if she was still in need of more sex. I was happy to give it to her.

I don't recall everything she said but she did tease me a bit by saying things about how she and Peter had made a mess and how it was good she'd had time to clean up before the kids and me got home. I began to kiss her neck and body and I swore I could smell or taste Peter on her breasts.

My fingers tenderly teased her swollen pussy till she relaxed and spread her legs further for me. I knew she'd be wet from their time earlier and sure enough, I ran by fingers down and felt her vaginal opening, it felt swollen and very wet inside. She knew I was incredibly turned on by how my cock felt in her hand. Neither of us really could wait much longer.


Our Friday night was very nice. After our son had said good night we locked our bedroom door and I proceeded to ravage her! Perhaps it was from waiting for her since the day before but now seeing her and wanting her, I was on fire. I know she was probably satisfied from earlier with Peter but I know that only made me want her more in some way; perhaps I was subconsciously reclaiming her. She did cum with me before I let loose a short while later.

I remember as we lay in bed afterwards she asked me if I was really okay with Peter and when I said yes, she asked if I would be okay with them doing this sort of early afternoon thing maybe once a month or so. How could I say no? I mean just hearing her ask me that got my cock almost hard again so quickly!

I rolled to look at her and asked her if she'd had a good time and she said she had; that she's now quite used to Peter and is quite at ease with him. She proceeded to tell me how she seems to respond very quickly to his tender touches. She knows that I'm not always comfortable hearing about them kissing - sometimes that just seems almost more personal and intimate than fucking itself - but this time it was okay.

I told her that it turned me on to know she's having sex with Peter the way she is and that in some ways I liked knowing he's very comfortable with her body and able to make her feel relaxed and able to enjoy herself.

Now we talked more over the rest of the weekend and there were a number of new things that came out. I encouraged her to be open with me, that her having desires and passions was just incredibly arousing to me; that I think the sex I have with her now, after she's been with Peter, is incredibly satisfying. She seemed to need to hear that; that I'm very satisfied from what we're doing.

Like I said, she likes what she's doing, that's for sure, but she's just hung up on balancing her whole desires and emotions between me and Peter. Yes, I said emotions because it's clear that she likes him. That's cool though, I mean it's better for her for sure, I figure and I think from what she tells me that he values this relationship beyond her being just a quick fuck.

She told me she's getting more comfortable being naked with Peter. That perked me up hearing that last night. I asked her what she meant and she just said that she feels very comfortable with him now. Not like she is with me but that she likes him looking at her and she likes showing herself to him; she said it makes her feel sexy. So, she's moved past being self-conscious about how she looks in front of him and I told her that's a sign of her being comfortable with him. I said that I'm sure he thinks she looks very sexy.

I guess she also picked up on my whole preoccupation with her diaphragm because she told me more than once how she let him watch her put it in again. Then she really hit me with a surprise when she, nonchalantly, said that she showed him how to make sure it was in place inside her! I know what that means, that Peter must have had her twice and she would want to be sure it's in place like she did with me. I didn't say anything to her but that's a lot more intimate than I'd anticipated them being so quickly. Damn if it doesn't turn me on to just write about it again.

That is all there is to tell right now. I'm going off to bed and telling Suzanna to turn the TV off. Sex together tonight was wonderful, tender, physical (very physical at some points) and very satisfying for both of us so I think, whatever or however this is happening, it seems to be staying on track and not derailing.

Maybe it's being older that's keeping this within bounds. She’s' only going as far as I'm pushing/encouraging but she is enjoying it and I guess that's all that matters.

New book needed!
