Book 16

Thankfully it's been a busy few days. Saturday did end with us in bed again and her teasing me as well as beginning to ask if I've decided on ‘the bedroom’ or not? I told her that I wasn't going to say yes just yet but also it wasn't a firm ‘no’. She later teased about how big the wet-spot will be when we're all done and then she added, “Wherever we wind up.”

Sunday, with the heat and humidity, was pretty uneventful including sex. Yesterday however, when I came home from work Suzanna was in a very playful mood and with the kids not around she'd already opened a bottle of wine and we had a later meal of just some pasta and stuff. After dinner she asked, no, stated, “we could mess around tonight instead of tomorrow.” I knew what she was asking and I was horny too thinking about later this week. After dinner we left the dishes to wait and took advantage of the empty house. We fucked in every room for a little with me chasing her naked butt around the house and her teasing me every time about whether ‘she should let Dan have her here or there’.

We wound up in the den on the couch where we could never be if the kids were home. As we got into it I started to tell her that I was looking forward to Friday and that I really did want her just after he was done. As we fucked she said, "... are you going to be okay waiting till he's done?" It took me a minute to realize what she was saying, that he will probably want her more than once. Just that thought turned me on even more and she knew it; she could feel it. She smiled and pulled me down into her and began to really moan. I could feel she was on the edge of a huge orgasm and it seemed only right that it was my turn to say something to her. I felt her pussy opening up and being so wet that I managed to say to her, "...just think how wet it's going to be...” A moment later we both came at almost the same time with her thrashing her head back and forth and actually pushing up at me.

She stayed naked afterwards, and barely cleaned up at all, only occasionally blotting up whatever would dribble out. She saw me looking at her and she just said, "No touching from here on till Friday, okay?" A second later she said, "I'll stay naked for you but if you don't behave, I'll put panties on!” I told her I'd be good and she giggled and said, "yes, you were, very good".

I have the barbeque lit and am waiting for her to get home as she's stopping off for steaks and some shrimp for appetizer. As she said, may as well make it feel like a vacation!! I'm still feeling quite satisfied from last night’s pleasure so, for the moment, I'm in a good place thinking about the rest of the week to come.


I believe Suzanna is looking to speak to Dan tonight as he was due back in sometime today. Perhaps he'll have good news but somehow I doubt it. Suzanna is a ‘caring’ person; that's a good description. She has a lot of empathy for people and she likes it when she can make someone feel better but I don't think she's being manipulated, she's far from weak in that sense not to keep her head on and be distracted by things that are transient.

We did talk a bit about some other things including the nude beach but that will have to be after dinner later tonight.


In the meanwhile she is making it difficult for me. Last night she was sitting on our bed with her night-shirt on and again, no panties. She was sitting ‘Indian-style’ and from where I was, her pussy was not only plainly visible but also gaping open as she sat there. She saw me staring at one point and giggled at me (and the tent in my pants) and all she said was, "remember, you can look all you want but you have to wait till Friday". Later she looked at me and just said, ".... are you thinking about Friday?”

Then she asked me again if I've ‘decided yet’. To be honest about it I have watched a few ‘creampie’ videos and have been replaying them in my head imagining how I'll feel with either answer, yes or no, to our bed. She seems to be leaving it up to me though....

I have also been thinking of how I am going to feel watching them this time knowing that I'll have my turn next. I don't feel weird around Dan any more though. It seems like it's old-news between him and me that he's fucking Suzanna. As far as me going down on her right afterwards, I think in his eyes he views that as pretty questionable. I know if I sit and think about it, that even I cringe at the whole thing (from a guy’s perspective) but at the same time, at the moment it happens (happened), I wasn't really thinking so much as it being Dan's cum in her pussy but rather that it's her pussy with his cum in it. When I think about it that way, it is much more erotic so that's how I mentally approach it.


I am still ‘sitting on the fence’ regarding our bed. I do know that Suzanna would like it and I also know that when I think about it from just a cuck perspective that ‘it'd be exciting and incredibly arousing. I know she's already fucked him in our bed so the only real difference would be that this time he doesn't use a condom. I have ‘thought’ about this when it's just Suzanna and me and it is such a turn-on but then a part of me still tugs at the thought that this is the bed where we conceived our children and for me it does still have that purity to it. My honest opinion is that it's going to be something that I decide at the time on Friday and not before. I suspect the ‘heat of the moment’ will push me to say okay, but I can't be sure.

Dan is only a little bigger than me (and maybe not at all when it's been a few days for me and I'm wicked horny); Suzanna says he doesn't feel any different physically. Mentally though, it’s no secret that I do totally get off on knowing that he cums in her regularly.

The other thing Suzanna sometimes does for me on a Wednesday is letting me fuck her instead of masturbating and that is intensely arousing. It’s okay as something to do on occasion and there is no doubt that I still very much want and need to cum in her. Masturbating, even if it's to finish off after fucking her, just doesn't get me off the same way. As I've thought several times, I can see me agreeing to give her time to be exclusively with Dan. I've even run through all sorts of different scenarios, some as written here and others in my own head where I wait varying periods of time while she is with Dan, but in all of them there is always a point where I get to unload in her and that is not likely to change. The only part for negotiation would be just how long I have to wait.

Anyway, the day is almost over and as expected I am eager to head home.


Well, just when I thought it would be just ‘me and Rosie’ last night, Suzanna peeked her head into the office where our computer is and opened her robe to show me she was naked underneath. She then said, "I'll be in the bedroom if you'd rather look at me instead of the computer".

By the time I got into the bedroom she was sitting on the bed, leaning back against the headboard with her legs apart, knees bent and her pussy on display. She saw me and let me watch her slide her finger down between her legs and spread open her pussy. She said looking at me, "I don't want to cum tonight but I know you want to".

A moment later I was on my knees letting her watch and giggle at how swollen my cock appeared.

She teased me a lot more last night. The whole time she kept saying stuff about didn't I, "want to see her just after Dan is done?" She added later on that, "you can have me right after he's done" and then added, "of course, he may want me twice so then you'll have to wait".

She picked up the pace though when she started to say more about using our bed. At one point she said, "wouldn't you like to see me lying right here with Dan's cum in me?" A moment later she spread her legs apart and slid one finger into her open pussy and said, "He’s going to cum right in here" and I just watched her finger slip inside her silky pussy.

I guess she knew I was going to spurt soon when she said, "when you're ready you can cum on my boobs but NOT on my pussy". She said that pretty seriously so I took it to heart and as I felt myself reaching the edge I got up on my knees and leaned forward so my cock was above her stomach and she said, "that's good, cum on my boobs." That was it, I let the first few spurts fly up to her neck and then milked the rest including the last few drops right down the middle of her cleavage.

True to her word she didn't masturbate herself. As I slipped back onto my knees and sat back on my ankles she looked at me and it took me a minute to realize she was rolling her eyes, looking at me and then down at her boobs and then back at me. It took me a minute to realize she wanted me to clean her up. I thought about getting a washcloth from the bathroom but instead, I leaned forward and kissed her and then used my tongue to clean her off. When I finished as much as I could I kissed her again and it was very erotic to have our tongues touching both of us tasting my cum.

As I went to lie next to her she just said, "you know, it really is up to you if we do or don't use our bed" and then added, "but you know I would like to".

I told her simply that I wasn't decided yet but then I looked at her and said, "I know you really want to" and I just left it at that.

This morning as she dried herself after her shower and walked around the house naked she complimented me on how well ‘behaved’ I've been in leaving her alone so I can ‘enjoy the view’ as she did a little spin on her way back upstairs....

Just thinking about all of this has me hard again.


Suzanna left me no doubt that she wants to make this next week or so as good for me as I want it to be.

That said, I did wake up Wednesday morning to see Suzanna go into the shower naked but when she came out, she had panties on and has had them on ever since. I asked her why and she said that once she washed up from me on Tuesday night, that she wanted to feel as if she was Dan's. She knew how she said it that it would get to me.

Last night wasn't as bad as it is really just a continuation of the norm we've fallen into. Still, seeing those panties on her last night seemed to hold more significance for me but I didn't say anything to her.

She is on her way home from work now (I was working from home today) and I do feel my sexual desire building again. The difference that I know in my head is that I won't be having her this Friday night and I'm also realizing that there's no need for me to refrain from jerking-off tonight as there usually is when I want to be super-horny for her on Friday.

The closer it gets to her coming home, the more my thoughts are going to just how I'm going to feel come Friday night or over the weekend and into early next week.

I do have to say that I am happy with what we are doing. I can't fully explain it but even though I know I'll probably go through points where I will be unhappy - I have to admit here as I did to Suzanna that I do want to feel what it will feel like to know she won't have sex with me.

Just thinking about how she's said she wants to "be his" for this next week is so exciting to me. I want to see the excitement in her and in a crazy way I want to know that he alone is giving her sexual pleasure starting tomorrow. Somehow in my warped mind, knowing she will be fucking him - perhaps even daily- is such a turn-on.

I will have to ask her tonight whether I will be permitted by her to even see her (or rather "his") pussy much less if she will let me clean her up at all. That part I am not sure about as it is really something that we have almost left unsaid except for her teasing comments. I honestly Dan't know which arouses me more - to do it or not - I almost want to experience both - to have the experience of going down on her and cleaning her up knowing she won't want me to fuck her - or of her wearing her panties (maybe visibly wet too?) but being told "sorry, that's only for Dan". Damn my brain is driving me crazy with all these thoughts...


It’s 12:30am and Suzanna is sound asleep and I am like totally wired knowing it is Friday already and that it has begun. She climbed into bed with this little lacy short top and a pair of pink panties on as she cuddled in next to me to watch Leno from the other night with Betty White and the Black-Crowes on. She didn't tease me or anything like that, just cuddled in next to my arm and all I could see was her panties pulled tightly against her pussy so that I could see the outline of them, including her clit, through the panties.

Guess what I'm doing next so I can go back and fall asleep?


This morning I felt more at ease about it all. She seemed very happy with today being the start of things and even teased me a bit as she stood in the bathroom in front of the mirror with just her panties on. She saw me looking at her and she giggled as she saw the lump in my pants. She teased that "Dan will be taking these off later" and she snapped the waistband of her panties...

This was very playful teasing from Suzanna, not something mean or nasty. What I was also trying to say was that I have accepted that she'll be his for the next week and, at least for now, I'm very happy with letting this continue.

What I do want to feel is when she comes home tonight and I will be prohibited from being a part of her pleasure as I have been in the past. It will be one of the first times when she will have her pleasure and it'll just be for her. It's something I've wanted to feel for a long time, to know that she fucked him and that it is just her experience/pleasure.

I've felt some of this when I've found that she's been masturbating - like when I found her dildo/lube had been used when I wasn't around. Something about her pleasure - knowing she wanted it for herself is such a rewarding feeling for me.

I don’t want to be with them this Friday or next. I also don't necessarily want to be there for anything in-between. No, I really want to experience knowing she is out whenever having sex with him and only me finding out later - IF she tells me about it.


I haven't seen Dan since the night at our house but from what Suzanna's told me, I don't think much has changed. Suzanna assures me he knows that this week is something special and not likely to become the norm. She did, however, as I already said, that Dan is very happy that she will be exclusively his, as she said, “he will know that for this week, he is the only one fucking her.” But from what she's said, he is well aware that this is something I want to do and he's certainly not complaining.


There are times when I do "clean" her up, mostly after I've had my turn with her on Friday nights. It is a relatively rare occasion when I've gone down on her when she's only been with Dan.

That said, I am honestly expecting to not be doing any of that this week. But it is not something we've really discussed, same as I indicated above in that even when I do it, it is largely spontaneous. My expectations are that Suzanna will want to preserve her sexual involvement to just be with Dan. She's mentioned this to me in the past - like on the rare Friday night when she will go back to see him the next day. She has expressed a preference to only be sexually active with him. She explained it to me in that if I don't do stuff with her, that she (and obviously him too regarding his whole attitude) feels much more at ease in picking up ‘where they left off’.

Suzanna will probably be seeing him either during the daytime (lunchtime tryst) or just after work (perhaps she'll leave early?) and is expecting to be home close to normal time. She's assured me that ‘their fun’ will not impact much at home except my horniness.

Even now, only a few hours before their time will start, I have to say I feel very at ease (especially compared with last night and the day before) about all of this. I know they'll fuck a lot this week and in simple terms if I think about what we are doing - basically giving my wife to another man for sex this week - that it does turn me on a lot.

I honestly think it's going to be okay.


I got home a little while ago to a quiet house. Suzanna texted me that she'll be here within maybe 15 minutes now at most. I was visiting a friend most of the evening and then stopped for a beer at a local go-go bar and watched a dancer on the stage for a few minutes to kill some time. The kids think we went out together after work and she's driving home behind me. They don't ask much.

It is a very weird feeling right now. Every other time I've been awaiting her return for a different reason. I know it sounds strange but I want to see her come in with a smile on her face and know that she had her share of passion and shared it with Dan.

She should be here any minute now.


Friday night was pretty intense for me as I waited for her to come home; I went downstairs and waited for her to pull in the driveway.

I was already horny but in that last 10 minutes or so while I waited, my brain went into overdrive and all I could think about was that I'd soon see Suzanna but that would be all. I wondered how she was - how was Dan, etc...

By the time she pulled into the driveway I'd gone from calm to horny. She came in and was a bit tentative as she saw me - I know she wasn't sure how I was going to be. I hugged her and kissed her passionately when she walked in. As we broke the kiss she, hesitatingly, looked at me and said, "Are we still okay?" and as I started to say yes, she added, "are we still doing this?"

With that I hugged her again and said, "yes, we are, I'm just glad you're home".

I followed her upstairs so we could talk a bit and as we closed the door she looked at me again hesitant and she asked, "so you're good with what we'd talked about you not having me tonight?"

I answered, "yes, I just want to look at you". she smiled when she understood that I was still okay and wanted to continue with our experiment (we'd sort of started calling it that).

It was very sensual and erotic to see her get undressed. She slid off her capri pants she'd worn and then took off her blouse leaving her in just the bra and panties I'd seen the other day. And the crotch in the panties seemed very wet and had become a bit translucent so I could even see a bit more than just the outline of her pussy lips.

She unclipped her bra and let it slide off and I could see that her breasts were reddened and looked as if they'd been man-handled earlier. In fact, her nipples looked as if they'd been sucked quite a bit.

As I watched her she could see I was very turned on; I'd gotten undressed and there was an obvious lump in my boxers. She giggled at me and said, "I hope you’ll be okay waiting" as she looked at me.

At that point she went to her panty drawer and pulled out a fresh pair. She turned her back to me and I realized she was going to change them so I said, "can you wait to do that, maybe lay here with me for a bit?"

She said "okay" with a smile and added, "But you aren't going to be touching me, okay?" I smiled and said that was okay and that I wanted to know how her evening went.

I think she finally realized I wanted her to tease me at that point and she did. She came over next to me and said sensually as she lay down, "I think you need to relieve some pressure, don’t you?" A second later she just said, "you can jerk yourself if you want while I tell you about what we did".

In a flash I had my boxers down and she giggled again at just how turned on I was from how my cock looked.

She then just started to talk to me after I said, "so, tell me....”

She said that after she got to Dan’s and had gotten undressed that she said she looked at him as she stood in front of him naked and she said, "I am yours for a week". She said that he asked her what exactly she meant and she rolled to me and said that she told him exactly what I'd told her.

“That for the next week ...” and she pointed to her pussy " ... I told him that this is all his!” She could see from how my hand started jerking faster that she was really turning me on.

She told me that he asked her, "so Stephan won't be with you at all this week?" She said she walked up to him, hugged and kissed him and then she told me something that damn near made me cum right then.

"I took his hand and pushed his fingers into my pussy and told him, ‘only you'll be in me’". She looked at me, “Dan just said ‘this is going to be wonderful’".

She told me his passion seemed even greater than in the past. That he seemed to treat her not so much differently but as though he was more attentive and focused on her. She told me how for maybe the first time in a while, that he went down on her and "licked me till I came". I knew when she said that it was because of how he felt, that she would be his and that I won't be "soiling her" this week.

I was really horny by this point and when she saw that I was not only okay about what she was saying but that obviously I was actually really aroused by it that she went into teasing me even more.

I knew it was already different how he was with her from what she was saying. She later said that, "it felt like he was less distracted" when they were together. For him to have gone down on her and gotten her to cum is something out of the norm as far as I knew and just the thought of him burying his tongue in her was getting to me.

She started to encourage me, telling me to "do it faster", and then she started to tell me stuff like, "I'm so wet down there ... too bad you'll have to wait to see".

I don’t know how I didn't blow sooner but when she started to tell me how they'd fucked twice and how she seemed to emphasize how seemed to be bigger or more passionate or whatever, it turned me on even more.

I felt like I was on the edge and could ride it for a while as I looked over at her as she kept talking. I knew that just one intensely erotic thought would send me over the edge and she seemed to sense it too.

She went quiet for a few moments letting me enjoy the impending explosion of pleasure I was building towards then she moved a bit on the bed until she was kneeling facing me and she looked at me and said, "I won't tell Dan if you don't." With that she pulled the crotch of her panties aside and let me see her inflamed pussy. As I looked at her, and she seemed to flex her vaginal muscles so that her pussy opened up and I swore I could see cum still in her. She must have felt it because a second later she said, "Oh oh, that's too much for you to see" and let the panties slip back in place. As she said that, the thought of her covering her pussy back up just sent chills through me and I let my cum fly!

She giggled at how violent I seemed to be with my cock but at the same time I know from the look on her face that when she saw how much I'd cum - all over my stomach and up to my chest in quite a few spurts - she knew that I was definitely enjoying our ‘adventure’.

I lay back and she lay down next to me and she stated playing with my cum, smearing it all over. She took a finger-full and smeared it on her nipples and motioned for me to lick them off. It was so erotic to feel her stiff nipple and taste my own cum on her. A minute later she just said, "that's enough of that, I'm supposed to be all Dan's, right?" and she hopped off me into the bathroom to get a washcloth. She came back , still in her panties, and cleaned me off.

I can't say we said much more other than idle small talk afterwards though. Looking back I think we felt weird with each other for a little while. Nonetheless, we did get washed up and then got back into bed, her still with her panties on. She knew I was staring at them on her the whole time we were in the bathroom together.

They were still on her Saturday morning and I know I woke up with a hard-on thinking that she'd gone to bed and slept all night with Dan's cum sticky all over and that her panties were probably stuck to her pussy! I tried to sneak a peek under the blankets before she's really woken up but she slapped my hand and accuse me of "being fresh" with her.


Things were still a bit uneasy on Saturday though, I know it was that we both felt like we needed some non-sexual time together to talk about the night before. We didn't have that time till later last night as my in-laws stopped by to take a swim in our pool and wound up staying most of the afternoon. I'd be lying if I didn't say that the whole afternoon as we lay out and around the pool that I had the nastiest thoughts about how they'd feel if they knew their ******** was lying out and that her bare pussy beneath the tiny layer of nylon probably still had a dribble of Dan's cum in her. I know those thoughts drove me crazy so much so that I'd have to get in the pool to hide my hard-on at times!


Last night though we did talk, the kids were off either in bed or on their own that we were in our room by about 10:30pm. I hadn't seen her naked all day as she'd come out of the shower that morning with a new pair of panties on; she'd changed in and out of her bathing suit all without me being there and now, after we'd gotten almost all ready for bed, she sat Indian-style opposite me in a lacy top and a pair of plain old white panties that covered everything.

As she sat opposite me she just asked, "so, are you going to be okay not having this at all for the next 6 days?" and she patted her pussy over her panties. I told her that I thought it was incredibly erotic and so far I was very happy with what was happening. She giggled and said, "yes, I could tell from last night and earlier today!”

We then talked about general stuff. I asked her what Dan really thought about all of this and she said that he really liked that she'd just be his this week even enough that he told her to tell me ‘thank you’.

I asked her what she thought of it so far and she paused for a second and then said that while she did miss me last night (fucking her) and that the day had let her get over that and she said that she really began to feel like she was up for the role as the day went by.

She said that when she stood in the bathroom and changed into her bathing suit that she looked at herself in the mirror and she let her mind go to the fact that only Dan was going to see her or have sex with her this week.

She looked at me and said that she actually locked the door and as she stood there in front of the mirror, that she ran her fingers down to her pussy and that she masturbated herself to the thoughts of this week and how ‘naughty’ she was going to be.

She looked at me and told me plainly that she'd had a nice orgasm to the thoughts of Dan being with her a lot this week.

I asked her what she was thinking of and he told her that he wanted to meet her for lunch on Monday and then he said that he'd actually like to meet her every day this week if she wanted to. I looked at her and asked her if that was what she wanted and she paused and said, "are you going to think I’m terrible if I do?”

I told her to absolutely go for it; she asked if that wasn't too much or more than I'd been thinking of. I just told her that she has this time and that I wanted her to use it however she wanted to. She giggled and then said, "then it won't bother you if he said he also wanted to meet me after work too?"

I coughed at that reply as it wasn't what I'd expected but, my god, it was such a turn-on. She looked at my look and said, "Are you okay with that?"

I just smiled and calmly said, "Yes, I want you to do whatever you want with him".

She giggled and again made sure I was going to be okay and she smiled at the end and leaned over to me and cupped my cock and balls and just said, "I promised you I'd take care of you another way .... so you tell me when you want me to".

I laughed back and told her that if she sees him twice on Monday that she can count on it on Monday night!

We talked about other stuff. One of the things that I pushed her on was what he and they were thinking about. She said to me honestly that they hadn't really talked about it any more than just their talk about when they made their tentative plans for Monday.

I don’t know whether there was more they've discussed. I don't think so as I don't think either of them may have really taken this seriously at first. Suzanna seemed to be a little surprised that I was okay about her plans. Despite the arousal yesterday, by the time the evening came around, the sun, swimming and alcohol had made me pretty mellow and after the fun Friday night/Saturday morning, I wasn't really all that horny last night.

Today there hasn't been too much stuff going on. I am horny, that's for sure, but I'll have to wait and see whether I want to wait till tomorrow's promise of a blow-job. We did talk a bit this afternoon and at one point I told her that I was turned on by her newfound promiscuity and she giggled at that and said, "I'm not sure it's promiscuous if it's just with one guy!”

So far, I have to say that it hasn't been very painful, at least not yet.


I have not heard from her yet today nor do I really expect to.

When we got up this morning she showered and slipped her panties on underneath her towel and then took it off and finished getting ready. She knew I was staring and she knew (my cock gives my answers away) that it turned me on what she did with the towel when she saw my cock stiffening in my boxers as I lay on the bed looking over at her. She giggled, "he's just going to have to wait now" (he meaning my cock!).

What totally turned me on was when she looked at me and pulled out a second pair of panties and put them in her purse and said, "... just in case I'm messy this afternoon". Oh god did that turn me on.

Now, looking at the clock, it's almost noon, it wouldn't surprise me if she'd already left for lunch. I don’t know where they're going to meet but I remember that Suzanna and Peter used to meet at lunch sometimes at a nearby park and I suspect that's where she'll meet today.

Thinking of her with him has given me a huge hard-on that I am definitely waiting for tonight for Suzanna to drain for me. No matter what, I know I'll be wicked horny when she finally gets home. My brain is going crazy thinking of her maybe in the back of his SUV with her panties off and her skirt pushed up around her waist.

I managed to hold off last night as I am looking forward to her sucking me later tonight.

It’s all going the way I hoped. This is what I've wanted to feel; the arousal knowing she is with another guy and will be for the next few days while I wait my turn. I feel like I'm a teenager again when it comes to sex with my cock turning stiff at every little thought about Suzanna. I can honestly say that I haven't felt this level of arousal or desire for Suzanna in quite a while.


I just called her office and there's no answer so she's already left for the day. I won't know what went on until I hear from her. Soon I hope!


She got home just before 6pm and she was a bit hesitant at first but when she saw I was just happy to see her and that I wasn't all annoyed or anything she relaxed.

I did peek in her pocketbook and I do know that she did change her panties as the ones in her bag are the ones she had on this morning (light pink colour) and the ones that were in her bag this morning (light blue colour) aren't there!

I only have a minute before I need to run back downstairs but I am rock hard excited by what she may have done today. I have no details other than my own imagination right now which is focused on her maybe having fucked him twice today and that she's still walking around with his cum in her!

Now I need to let my cock calm down a bit before going back downstairs with her and the kids.


Last night was pretty intense when we finally had time alone.

By the time I got back to the bedroom last night she'd already taken the, I'm assuming, wet panties out of her bag and they must have been in the hamper is all I can think, I didn't look for them but it did get me hornier as I thought about it.

She teased me at first about the blow-job, at first saying she was ‘pretty tired’. I was kind of freaking out by that as I was really looking forward to it but when we got up to the bedroom she told me she was only teasing me and that she was actually looking forward to it!

She told me to get undressed and as I did she started to also. As I dropped my boxers she was down to her bra, panties and she was rolling off her thigh-highs. As she sat there I could see that her light blue panties had a noticeable dark wet spot in the crotch! She saw me looking and giggled at me and said, "I guess I don’t have to ask if you're horny". My cock was standing straight out at attention and bobbing back and forth. She slid around to the edge of the bed and sat there in front of me and started to gently stroke me and cup my balls. Her warm hands felt so good.

As she stroked me she said a lot of stuff. As she pointed to her pussy she asked, "Does that turn you on?"

I moaned out a ‘yes’ in reply.

"You know what that means don’t you?"

I said I wasn't sure and she giggled and said, "it means Dan was there".

Damn if my cock didn't throb at that, just how she said it. I was definitely into knowing what went on so I asked, "did you see him at lunch time too?" and she licked the underside of my cock and as she slid her tongue off at the tip she said, "mmm, yes".

I was fishing for how to ask her whether that meant she'd fucked him twice when she said, "you know what that means?"

I went along and said, "Tell me"

“I was pretty slutty today..." and before I could ask anything she sucked the tip of my cock in her mouth and then licked the underside again and she said, "you want to hear it don’t you?.... He came in me twice today" and she knew from how my cock felt at hearing it that it turned me on. She sucked me back into her mouth and then pulled away and said I should lie down on the bed.

I did as I was told and lay there with my cock sticking up waiting for her. She stood next to me and took off her bra and I could just tell that her tits had been in his mouth and from how her nipples looked, they too had been a little abused. She smiled back at me when she saw me staring and she just said, "yes, he had fun with my girls earlier". I went to reach up and touch them but she pushed my hands away and just said, "They’re not for you ... don’t make me put my bra back on".

Who was I to argue as she knelt down between my legs and started to stroke me again? As she did she started to tell me that they had, in fact, met at the same park that she used to meet Peter. He was there already and she parked next to him and then sat in his SUV where they each had a sandwich and a drink. I wasn't really paying attention to what she was saying but she caught my attention when she said that they didn't even finish lunch when she offered him dessert!

In between stroking and sucking me she told me that they both climbed into the back-seat of his SUV and they started to kiss and make out. I think she started out slowly to see how I was going to react and I think the dribble of pre-cum that seemed to be started was a sure answer.

She seemed so calm as she told me how she lifted her butt up and let him pull her panties off as if it were nothing; how he pushed back at her knees while he went down on her and how she said she had her first orgasm at that point. All the while I was just looking down at her just wearing these blue panties.

What did surprise me was when she said that when they ‘were ready’ that she got up on her knees on the seat and faced out the rear and how Dan got behind her and pushed her skirt up over her butt and how he fucked her in that position. As she put it, "I kept lookout".

She slid her mouth way down on my cock as she told me how it didn't take him long to cum in her in that position and she giggled as she told me how for the rest of the afternoon at work she could ‘feel’ his cum in her.

When I felt my cock in the back of her mouth I think I instinctively put my hands on the back of her head and gently began to fuck her mouth. She moaned in encouragement for me to do it and as she felt me getting closer to cumming she pulled off and said, "do you want to hear what we did after work?”

Damn, hearing her so calmly like that just drove me crazy and I told her, "of course".

She proceeded to tell me, again, in between sucks and strokes, how she went back to work but by mid-afternoon, she had to go and change her panties. Not so much because of the wetness but she said she was self-conscious about whether anyone could possibly smell it on her! She said she was careful to not let him cum on her clothes (she said something about learning that lesson back with Peter) but said she was kind of wet and felt self-conscious so she went to the bathroom and changed them.

Again, she was saying it so plainly to me that it was almost amazing that this was my wife talking like this.

She said she did leave work about 15 minutes early ‘to beat the traffic’. Dan's place is only about 30 minutes from her work so she was there, or as she put it, "... I was there and naked by 5:15...” She continued telling me that she really felt that it was almost even important that she was naked at his place - as she put it - to be sure he knew she was all his.

She said that while it didn't come up at lunch it did come up at his place. She said he came out and asked her if she'd "been with" me over the weekend and she said he was both amazed as well as really happy when she said that we hadn't had sex since last Tuesday night! She then said it was one of the first times that he went down on her at his place and added "so it really is you that keeps him from doing that".

They didn't take much time for anything - they way she described it, they were both very horny for each other, especially after their lunch together and she said that they were fucking within like 10 minutes of when she got there. And she said it wasn't more than maybe 10 minutes later when Dan got on top of her and fucked her for the 2nd time yesterday.

She was talking now in short spurts as she was very much into sucking on my now very stiff cock in her hand. I was close too - she must have known it. She told me how great it felt to "get right back into it" and then as she told me " felt so good for him to cum in me again..." - as soon as she put the tip of my cock back in her mouth that was it for me and I started to cum and spurt away. She was very into it at that point - stroking me into her mouth as she sucked at me - and eagerly swallowing every drop.

At the end she slipped her mouth off and came up and gave me a kiss. She'd kept the last few spurts in her mouth and it was so erotic to have her snowball with me like that - the sensation of her pushing my cum into my mouth and our tongues teasing each other was really erotic.

As she broke the kiss all she said was "I hope that will hold you for a few days now".

It was kind of late by now - at least 11pm - and she said that we should be getting cleaned up and ready for bed. I watched her go into the bathroom and get the warm water running but didn't see what I'd hoped to - she never washed her pussy off - she just left the panties right in place. All she did was wash her face and brush her teeth after which she slipped on her night-shirt. She saw me looking and said "what?" and after a second she must have realized what I was looking at so questioningly and she just said "I feel kind of sexy right now" and didn't say anything more.

After I got cleaned up myself and got back into bed was when I realized how satisfying that blow-job was. I felt very well drained and I think I fell right to sleep.

This morning was a near repeat from yesterday - no view of her pussy other than through the shower doors - panty covered at all other times. She told me this morning that she was hoping for a repeat of yesterday so I knew that'd mean lunch and after work.

Sure enough, she was late getting home tonight and from how she looked and also how she was walking, I am pretty sure she saw him twice again today. She's teased a bit but has also said I'll have to wait till later to find out anything more.

I think she realizes that I want to know what went on. All I can tell you is that I was thinking when I started this post that since last Friday night, he's cum in her 5 or 6 times already - and that she's probably still wet from him now while she's sitting in the kitchen having a cup of coffee and talking on the phone!!!

Totally crazy - but damn - I am like in awe at her and I just stare at her thinking of how damn sexy she is.

I was planning on taking her out on Saturday night, someplace nice, fancy, maybe a bottle of wine with dinner, maybe a little dancing somewhere afterwards. But that, of course, is after our passion gets re-ignited on Friday night when she gets home. I am already counting the hours.

But honestly, it hasn't been that bad. It's very erotic to know she's very active with him and it hasn't been too bad (actually quite a turn-on) at how she is being about it. All in all, I would say that as of now, I'm loving this feeling of my increasing desire for her knowing how many days of passion with Dan that I will have to endure before I do reclaim her.


Last night wasn't nearly as pleasant as Monday was.

She had done the same thing yesterday - they met at lunchtime and after work but the difference was that she didn't leave early and she didn't bet home till almost 7pm.

She later told me that she got tied up at Dan's place (and at first I didn't know if she meant that literally or figuratively!!). I was annoyed that she was late but I was also on edge when she got home because she wasn't as open as she was on Monday evening.

I had to wait until after 10pm last night to find out what had gone on. She followed sort of the same ritual in terms of getting changed, etc. which included her keeping her panties on just as she had the night before.

She told me how they did the same thing - met in the same park and such. But then she said that when Dan asked and she confirmed that she hadn't been with me on Monday night - she said that he seemed ecstatic about it - to the point that when she did get around to kneeling again in his back seat - that when he pushed her skirt up and her panties down, that he started to go down on her again from behind. She seemed to enjoy seeing my response to her telling me that he actually made her cum while eating her ass and pussy from behind and how she then almost begged for him to take her. I was already horny when she told me that and it only got worse when she told me how he pushed himself into her and how she had to try to not cry out loud at how she said he felt as she gave herself to him.

I was so horny and I was hoping she'd at least start to stroke my cock a bit but instead she just sat there next to me and continued to tease me. She told me how she found some tisSuzannas in his vehicle to clean up a little with - but then she seemed to emphasize how she said she felt so sexy all afternoon feeling, as she put it "his stuff in me". She even joked with me that she may have to use a "period pad" the "next time".

I guess when she started to tell me how he was when she got to his place after work was when I realized that she wasn't going to help me get-off last night.

I slid my boxers down and she looked over at me slowly jerking off and she smiled as she continued.

She said that again, she really emphasized that she felt that she had to be undressed again. She seemed to enjoy telling me how she knew that he liked it as a sign that she was his again. She then said she was surprised that again he had no hesitance at all about going down and eating her out - she then said calmly "so it's really your stuff in me that he doesn't like...” I didn't respond with more than a grunt as I was just too engrossed in what she was saying to say anything intelligent at that point.

She smiled at me as I jerked-off next to her and continued to tell me how they went to his room and how she felt so comfortable and in-tune with him that as she put it "it was easy to start right where we left off". And with that she told me how she got on her hands and knees again and - surprising us again, he once again went down on her - this time she said it was her that reached back and held herself "open for him".

I nearly spurted all over when she told me that it was her who, after cumming several times (or was that one long one?) that she had to push him away so she could turn over and get on her back for him. I know that she definitely liked telling me and seeing my reaction to her telling me how deep and hard he fucked her much less how she responded and encouraged him on.

When they were Done he tried to ask her to stay for dinner. She almost gave in but knew that the kids and I would both be annoyed but also concerned about how late she'd be and all that. She told me that she sucked him before she left but he said it was too soon for him to be ready again (that did make me feel good as I was wondering how tireless he was!!) and when she knew he wasn't going to cum again that she said she gave him one final deep suck and said to him "save it for tomorrow!". Apparently he asked her if she was going to clean-up before she left and she said "no" and then looked at me and said "I wanted to come home all wet and sticky for you!".

I was already almost ready to cum when she giggled and sat up a bit and said "I can give you a little peek" and with that she pulled one of the leg-openings in her panties aside and I could see at first that they were sort of stuck to her underneath but then when she pulled a bit more I could see her pussy (for the first time in a while) and all I could do was stare at how swollen she looked. Before I could get into it she let them snap back in place and said "that's all you get of Dan's pussy till Friday, sorry".

She said that with a little hesitance in her voice as if she might have been unsure of what she'd said but my response was hard to hide - my hand became a blur on my cock and I started to feel the tingles starting before it was my turn to cum. She may have let the leg close up but she didn't put her legs together and as I stared at her panty-covered-pussy I started to think that he'd now fucked her at least 5 or 6 times - including now 4 times in the past 36 hours or so. When I let my brain go to that they may fuck another 6 times before I get my turn - it both turned me on as well as started to give me some real concerns.

Of course I spurted all over the bed and my hand before the thought of concern turned more intense. Maybe it was the whole post-orgasm feelings but it seemed like I was more annoyed afterwards than anything. All I could think about was "6 more times before me" and I guess that having had to jerk-off instead of her sucking me or even helping me out also got to me.

I think she knew I may have been annoyed at the moment because later on as we were getting into bed for the night she did roll over to me - still in the same panties - and she hugged and held me and said "thank you" to me for letting her have this experience and for being so great to wait for her. As she kissed me she asked "are you still okay with all of this" and she grabbed my cock which, by the way, was already getting hard again and she said "from how this feels I think you are okay?". What could I say? I told her honestly that I did want to finish the week out but that I couldn't wait till Friday. She smiled, hugged me, told me she loved me and said she felt the same way and was actually looking forward to us "getting back together".

I feel a little better today as it's only another 3 days.


I have been thinking about so many things including what all this means for the future.

I am not prepared to no longer have sex or to cum in her. That isn't in the cards for me but I have to say that I haven't been this turned on all the time since I was a teenager. Even the slightest thought about her or sex in general results in a huge hard-on for me and even when I'm jerking-off - I feel like I can cum again and again. So that part of all this has been positive.

I really Dan't know what Suzanna and Dan are thinking - after all, this week only worked out because it is also when Dan has his vacation. I think from how I feel right now and how things are, that maybe I could agree to this a few times a year. I mean he must only get 4 or so weeks off - so if my brain is going anywhere with all of this, that's it.

I do realize what this week has Done to and for Suzanna. I love the change in her where she is so much less "scared" or hesitant to open up to me or to take greater control. And she too knows that while I may have been annoyed or whatever, that under it all she knows that what she is doing is an absolute turn-on for me. I cannot tell you how eager, excited and aroused I am when I think about finally having her again Friday night. That Dan may have cum in her 10 or more times is just incredibly intoxicating to me to think about Suzanna giving herself so fully to him.

I didn't even think about pictures of her - just too caught up in the moment, I guess. If things are conducive to it later tonight, I'll see if I can convince her to let me take a picture.


Last night continued some of the same pattern as we've now established with Suzanna coming home a bit late from work (the kids think she's working on a big project with late meetings -and funny that she really is).

I could tell from how she looked at me when she came in that they'd been together again both at lunch as well as after work! It was more from the way she smiled at me and how she seemed when she kissed me hello that told me what she'd been doing. Actually, as I said to someone in the past, the time from when she gets home till when we have time to talk more is when my mind goes wild with all sorts of thoughts.

I had the grill going and we ate dinner shortly after she came home. I was both surprised and a little annoyed when she showed up for dinner already changed out of her work clothes.

Things were quiet after dinner as we were both a bit busy, there was also a level of sexual tension between us - she knew she'd denied me watching her get changed and thinking about that made me even hornier than I was already. Between that and seeing her at other times - whether doing the laundry or tidying up the kitchen - it seemed like I was even more worked up having NOT seen her than when I had. Somehow knowing she was so nonchalant about it as if it was just a normal thing for her to have been with her lover.

Our son went out a little after dinner and we knew he wouldn't be home till late, so once our ******** was off to bed, we naturally moved to the bedroom and Suzanna began to tell me about her day.

She started by telling me how they met again for lunch and she was very animated about how Dan was VERY into going down on her ("licking me" as she calls it). I commented on how I Dan't remember him doing it as much in the past and she giggled and said "I know, I didn't know what I was missing". I knew the answer but I think I wanted to hear her say it when I asked "what's with the big change?" She looked at me, at first with a questioning look but then I suspect she realized that I knew the answer and she said "you know, I'm all his, that's why". And to that I immediately responded "well, Dan't get too used to it" and she didn't really reply to that other than to say "uh huh".

I know I heard it yesterday and the day before but somehow to hear her tell me how her lover made her cum so freely in the back of his SUV with his tongue buried in her pussy never seems to get old. She said she lay back on the seat and he held her with his hands on her lower back. I could just picture her in his back seat like that too. Just the way she said it though, so calmly, it was so exciting to see her sexuality finally out in the open.

And that was only topped by her calm retelling of how, after she'd cum that first time, that she wanted it to be his turn next and how she even told me that she didn't feel like she needed or wanted another orgasm then (she said she wanted more after work) but knew that she wanted him to cum in her.

As she told me all of this I was lying on the bed with one hand down my pants and she was standing on the other side of the bed getting changed into night-shirt. As she slid off her jeans and took off her top she stood there in just her panties. She saw me looking and she giggled and said "Friday..." and she patted her pussy gently. I watched as she slowly pulled her t-shirt down ofter her panties and then came to sit next to me on the bed.

She put her hand on the outside of my pants over mine on the inside and she giggled at how horny I seemed to be and then she said "do you want to hear about my evening?" As if she needed to ask!!! She then just said "why Dan't you take him out (meaning my cock) and I'll tell you about it". In a flash I had my pants down and my cock standing at attention. She giggled and said "you get so horny from me and Dan, Dan't you?", and that really didn't need a response.

Just as she was starting she reached out and with her finger, wiped a drop of pre-cum off of my cock. I thought she was going to lick it until she said "it's for you, I'm not supposed to have any of your stuff!". She wiped it on my lips and I licked it off and I know she saw my cock grow even harder and bigger.

She told me again how she felt that she wanted to be naked with him - how she really felt that it let her open up and give herself totally to him. As she told me how they fucked in his den, I got a strong feeling that the frequency of their sex this week had Done a lot in terms of their ease of passion together. Just the way she told me how he fucked her in this position or that made me realize that, at least right now, she's actually been with him more in these past few days than she may have with me in the past few weeks. But really, it was more in her tone of voice and how relaxed and sultry she sounded that was such a turn on. There is something so sexy about a confident woman. At one point she said to me "I pushed back against him so I could have him deeper in me" - I know it sounds like nothing, but there was a passion in her voice as she told me all of this that just turned me on.

My hand was a blur on my cock as she told me how she was on her back on his den carpet and how she looked up at the ceiling and how her feet were above her. When she finally told me how he'd cum deep in her I too started to cum and she giggled as she watched me jerk myself into orgasm. All the while she hadn't even been showing me her panties - instead she'd just sat there gently touching my leg and watching me get off to what she was saying. In the end she leaned over and kissed me as I lay there with my stomach covered in my own cum.

It was after I cleaned myself up that I asked her more about what she was feeling this week. She looked at me and simply said that she hadn't felt like this since we were first dating. She said thank you several times to me and at one point said that she almost feels like newlywed on her honeymoon with how often she and Dan are fucking. She looked at me at that comment and all I said was that it was very exciting to see and especially to see the change in her and to see how much fun and pleasure she is having.

I will say that the honeymoon comment got to me. It made me very horny but it also made me realize some of what others are saying here, that they are spending a lot of time together and that she is liking this amount of sex with him a lot. But again to see this look on her face; the spring in her step; the bounce in her voice - it's hard to not be aroused by it all.

She looked at me and then said "how is it for you; is it what you'd hoped for?" I answered her honestly and said that I was definitely enjoying it and that I saw her in a new light and that I loved her even more now after all of this. She smiled and giggled and said again "are you sure it's good for you?" and I just said that while I know I'm not fucking her, that I do feel an incredible sense of love and fulfilment for her and that simmering and building in me is an incredible desire to take her and fuck the heck out of her. She giggled at that and said "I can imagine" and then "can you wait till Friday?" and I was even proud of my response when I said "I want to wait". She smiled broadly at that and said "thank you" again and then she went into a short thing where she gave me every compliment under the son including telling me how lucky she was to have found me and how thankful she is for my wanting her to do this.

I asked her about a picture and she told me to wait till tomorrow (now today) and she promised me that when she gets home tonight that she'll let me take one of her.

What can I say, the reality is that right now I wouldn't change a thing and I can say that I definitely won't jerk-off tonight as I can already feel my desires building and I want to be like an animal by tomorrow night when my waiting finally comes to an end.


My thoughts went back to our conversation when I asked "what's with the big change?" and she looked at me, at first with a questioning look then her she realized that I already knew the answer and she said "you know, I'm all his, that's why". I had responded with "well, Dan't get too used to it" and she didn't really reply to that other than to say "uh huh".

That response of "uh huh" wasn't the end of that conversation at all. What happened next was that she paused for a second or two and then said "I know that" and then as she turned and came over to me and hugged me and said "I've missed you this week, you know". It wasn't so much what she said but how she said it that told me that she knows this won't be the norm. I hugged her back and I said something like "me too". I'm not sure if I've put it all the right way here but it's what it said to me then and as I'll get to, I was right.

She knew I was horny today and when she came in just before 6pm she looked tired. I guess the rainy afternoon didn't really help much. I gave her a hug when she came in and asked her how her day was. That what I said made her smile was all I needed to know. I had the grill already lit so we decided between chicken or burgers and then she wiggled her finger encouraging me to follow her upstairs.

By the time I locked the door and turned around she had her top off and had just slipped her skirt off and I loved the bright pink panties she had on above her thigh-highs (she likes to wear them in the summer - now I know why!). And that was when I asked her if I could take a picture. She giggled and said she didn't want it then, maybe some other time.

I was mesmerized by her lying there and I was just staring at her panties when she sat up and looked at me and giggled. She then ran her hand down her stomach and then under her panties and she fingered herself right there in front of me - I watched her rub around for a second and then I could see 2 fingers disappear for a second and come out wet I was now totally absorbed in watching her fingers that I barely heard her moan followed by her saying softly "wow, do I feel 'used'" (her way of politely saying "fucked out" - she hates how that sounds) and she looked at me and smiled and said "tomorrow you'll see what I mean". And with that she rolled off the bed and as she pulled on a pair of jeans she teased me that I have to last till then. I got up and cornered her and went to kiss her playfully and she gave me a jab in the side and slipped by me giggling and laughing down to the kitchen.

We followed the same pattern as the other nights this week. She kept those pink panties on as she got washed up in the bathroom and got her night-shirt on and she kept them on. We got into bed and I wasn't sure what to expect as I hadn't planned on jerking off tonight. Suzanna rolled over next to me and lay on her side.

I was about to start to say something when she started first. She said that when we first started talking about this "adventure" she wasn't so keen on it but she said to me that when she saw that it was something I really wanted to try, she said she let herself go with it. I still wasn't sure where she was going so I stayed quiet. She said that she didn't understand why I wanted this, to "not have me" for a week while Dan "had me all the time". And then she said that she thinks she gets it now, and believe it or not, it was something Dan said to her that made her see it - not that he intended it that way. He'd simply said that it was too bad that I was going to have sex with her tomorrow night. I didn't follow at first but she continued and said that he really liked having her all to himself and would miss it - and then he said that I would really want her tomorrow night already.

Said that when she heard Dan say that, she says she began to understand better how not having her could make me want her even more - and then she said - and she said it just like this "but it can't just be me saying no can it? it has to be because I'm with Dan, isn't that right?". And again, it wasn't so much how she said it - there was more that was said, but that was when I saw that she understood. She even giggled at me and said that "men are crazy".

But it was what she said after that that made me know I'd read her the right way on Wednesday night. She said that it'd been really great letting herself go with Dan as she was and she teased me big time in how she said "letting go" and that was my turn to giggle and tell her sarcastically "gee you hid it so well this week!". She laughed back but continued and said how she really did like Dan's eating her pussy and how he liked it too - and I said "yeah, so what though?" and she just said that she knows it's going to end and then she said "but that's a good thing" and I was all ears at that and she continued to say that because it was his vacation week and that I had also been encouraging it, that she went along with it this week but that it may be a bit too much for them. I told her that I didn't understand her and she looked at me and said "the sex is great, but I think we both realize that maybe it's been a bit too much this week" and then she joked "I'm not 25 in Hawaii with you on our honeymoon either".

I told her that this week had been everything I'd wanted - that I'd felt at points as if it was out of control and that she was a sex fiend - I felt the jealousy I wanted to really feel - I felt the denial that I wanted to feel and that most of all, that I feel the arousal, awareness and appreciation of how much I wanted her back. She hugged me and I felt one of those moments between us but this time it wasn't as one or both of us were either orgasming or basking in the afterglow - no, we were talking and just from how it felt I just knew what I was feeling. She looked at me and said that she knew the "adventure" was going to end and when I said "yeah" she said that she wasn't ready for what she was beginning to feel. She turned to me and looked at me and just said "I learned from what happened with Peter and I promised you that I'd be careful" and she then told me how she did want to let herself completely go this week but that she was very aware that it had to end as it was planned to "for it to feel right for me and for us". We said more stuff but it was a lot of I love you and stuff like that.

She looked at me and said, now calmly again, "but I do have one more day of being Dan's" and a second later "and you said you were going to wait till tomorrow so I'm going to ask you if you want me to tell you about today now or to wait?".

I think I even surprised myself when I simply said "wait". I just said it without really thinking about it and she leaned over and hugged me again and whispered "tomorrow".

Suzanna dozed off and here I am now finally tired myself - and hey, I made it to Friday without jerking off tonight!


Last night’s conversation was very reassuring to me.

Suzanna called me a few minutes ago just to tease me and tell me she's "going out to lunch" one last time this week. She giggled and said "that ought to keep you ready for later tonight". I laughed back and said "gee thanks, now I'm stuck at my desk for a while" (the lump in my pants wouldn't be appreciated). Suzanna laughed back and then told me she loved me and that she too was looking forward to later. Of course she also reminded me that it would be much later tonight as she and Dan have dinner, and as she put it, "dinner and dessert plans" for later.

It's actually good timing for tonight as our ******** will be out at a girl-scout sleepover and our son left this morning to go camping with his friends (and girlfriend) till Sunday so I'll be home waiting the last few hours for her.


Friday night. I came home from work and was wicked horny already and I knew that if I stayed on the computer that it would just make it harder (very punny) to wait till she got home. I found things to do to waste the time. Without the kids at home, it was a bit easier to get lost in something or another.

She finally texted me at about 12:30am that she was going to be leaving shortly and that she'd be home by about 1:15-1:30am. I was annoyed to say the least but it also just made me even more horny.

As expected she came in right as expected and she came in and apologized to me right away for being so late. I asked her what was going on and she was honest and said that she and Dan wanted to make the end of his vacation and our "adventure" something nice. As she was talking to me I realized what she was saying - actually it was more that I smelled what she was saying. She smelled fresh and clean and I knew before she even said anything to me that they'd ended their evening together in the shower together. But I waited to hear her say it and she did a moment later - saying that they'd both gotten pretty messy and sweaty earlier and how she didn't feel comfortable putting her clothes back on feeling like that. Then she added "besides, it sort of felt like it marked the end" and how getting cleaned up marked a point that she was going past.

It made sense to me but didn't diminish that I was horny and I wanted her. Actually, the more we sat and talked like that, the more I wanted her. Despite having had some sex during the week - at that moment I swear it felt like it'd been 2 weeks since I'd had sex. She knew it too as she'd glanced down several times and seen the lump under my shorts and smiled.

She said they'd had fun at lunch again and that she'd gone there straight from work and they had literally picked up where they left off. Once again she told me how her being still wet from his cum earlier didn't faze him at all when he went down on her again. She said she wasn't even Done undressing when he licked her to her first orgasm. All I could do was put myself in that position as I've been there many times and I have to say that I got lost in that thought of another guy between her legs licking his cum out of her! Plus, just the way she said it - as if it was something so normal for us now. I know some people here have read into this but I think you're making more out of it than there is. I think what's now become normal is that it's simply easier to say what they did together and for her to enjoy it as much as I did.

She said that they fucked a bit before dinner but she told me that Dan really wanted to wait till after dinner before he'd cum again. She told me how they had dinner in just bathrobes and how after dinner she'd gone over to him and teased him and "made sure he was ready" for her by sucking on him and being sure he was hard.

But what she really told me about was how he was when they went up to his bedroom and she lay back and welcomed him. It wasn't that he was violent or forceful with her - more that he moved so gently and passionately. She told me that being with him every day had made it so almost effortless to simply be open for him and for her to totally give herself to him.

Hearing her say that was just so intense to hear. I swear my cock felt like steel in my pants at hearing how she felt so comfortable with him and how she was able to feel herself giving up everything else at that moment. She told me how he moved so slowly in and out of her that she could feel every movement, every throb and even every vein on his cock. But it wasn't just hearing her say it - it was how she looked saying it. She'd Done it and given herself totally to him and now she was sharing it with me.

I was glued to her every word and every movement. I was motionless and speechless I was just so turned on and so into hearing her talk to me and tell me what she'd learned to feel and give to him this week. She told me how she felt that their sex together was even better than before and how she felt like she could be in tune with his needs so well by the end of the week.

She joked with me about feeling like she was on a honeymoon and how totally sexual she felt with him all week. I know, I know - red flags everywhere - but still, how could I deny how she felt fucking him 2 or more times a day all week!!!! After all - it was how we spent our honeymoon almost 25 years ago now - and I know that after a week or so not just that she'd tell me how worn-out she felt but also that we felt totally in-sync with each other too. And now, hearing her say that about another guy - that Dan got to have that with her and more that she got to have that again with him was just incredible.

I know she could see I was getting hornier and hornier listening to her when she finally said to me "well, do you want to see me after a week without me?" All I could groan back was "oh yeah" and with that she pulled up the front of her skirt and showed me that all she had on were her thigh-high's underneath! I was about to jump up at her when she told me to wait and with that she finished undressing and at the end dropped her skirt on the floor and stepped out of it. She was going to take off her thigh-high's but I told her to leave them on - she looked sexy like that.

She lay back on the bed and - surprise - I remembered that I wanted a picture of her. I was disappointed that she wasn't all wet - but she was swollen - that's for sure!! I joked that I thought she'd be wetter and she giggled and said that Dan had "licked her" again before she left too! I leaned forward and went down to kiss her and I ran my hands over her body and she still felt hot as if she'd been exercising earlier. When I ran my hand down between her legs she moaned and said that she was kind of sore and "very tired" down there. She said that she promised me she'd be there for me but that I was going to have to "do the work".

I applied a little lubricant and I pushed my cock into her.

I have never felt something so erotic in my entire life as feeling my wife's pussy after a week of not having her and instead Dan having her.

The sensation along with the mental images not to mention the visual right in front of us was incredibly intense. She moaned loudly and I swear she had an orgasm herself as I pushed my way into her.

Damn - she felt soft, hot and wet - but there was something more. She felt used inside - and well-used at that. It's been a while since we've been away for a while without the kids when I can get her feeling like that inside - this time it was Dan who did it. Yes, I felt resistance and all that - but at the same time - it felt so smooth and so deep that it was totally obvious she'd been fucking a lot. From how she felt inside, I had no doubt that she had underplayed just how physical they'd been all week. I won't say she was gaping open - but she was very loose inside and I think maybe even more than loose - the word "receptive" is the right one. I slid into her as if I belonged in there - just as Dan had before me.

When I slid all the way into her and I could feel her body tensing under me and I could feel her pussy grabbing at my cock as I pulled it out - all I could imagine and feel was the way she feels after we've had several days of fucking in a row. The only difference this time was that it was just her that was well-used - I was so rock hard that she would moan at how I felt in her as I'd push all the way in.

It was a fucking I was never going to forget. All at once she felt like a first-date and at the same time she felt like my well-fucked wife should feel.


While Dan and the shower may have cleaned off the outer parts of her pussy - there was no doubt that I'd tapped into the reservoir that must have been collecting in her for days. At one point when I pushed forcefully into her, cum spurted our around my cock. When I'd pull back and out of her she'd lie there and now she was gaping open back at me. The white froth around her vagina was just so incredibly sexy and I couldn't stand being outside it and instead, I plunged back into her and for the next while I just pushed back and forth while staying deep in her.

I could feel her pussy sucking at my cock each time I'd rock back and forth in her. I knew that I wasn't going to last much longer but I tried to hold off as long as I could till my body would no longer listen to my brain and then I let it go. Sometimes there are a bunch of smaller squirts - other times I'll let go with one big squirt - not this time - I swear it was one huge squirt after another till I collapsed on her. Only then did I realize that she was cumming herself under me and that even as I was Done cumming that I was still hard and going at her just kept her going from one climax to another. In the end she had to hold me still as I was on autopilot just totally enjoying feeling her and she couldn't stop herself either.

Afterwards, we lay there together both catching our breath - for her not planning on being very responsive, at the end she was right there with me with her legs high in the air and her encouraging me on.

I wasn't totally out of it though - as we lay there I told her that she needed to lie still for a little longer as I wanted a picture to remember the moment by. Sure enough, she accommodated me and I took a picture of her well used pussy.

It was after 2am by then and we literally just turned the lights out and went to bed.


Book filled ... time to start another.
