Book 9

I found out more details over the past few days.

Apparently he's a vendor that takes care of all their office stuff - copiers, fax machines, printers, etc. He comes by once a week, usually on Thursdays, to check on anything needed. Since Suzanna has several printers and other equipment nearby, they do see each other.

She says he's in his mid-30s, maybe 6 foot tall, she said that he's a bit bigger body-wise than Peter. Dark brown hair and has blue eyes which told me she's given him more than just the time of day.

I asked her how she thought she'd go about ‘attracting his attention’ and she said that she would try to get a bit of time to talk to him a bit more and see if she can do a little flirting with him.

She said several times to me that she is not sure he even has any interest in her. to which I replied, "that is up to you, isn't it?!” She giggled at that thought but did agree.

That's all there is for now but since she mentioned him to me I can definitely say that there has been an uptick in bedroom activity for us. Also she's resumed some of her teasing of me including at one point the other night her holding her hand over her pussy and jokingly saying, "maybe I should save this for Dan?!".

I know she just wanted to see my reaction and my stiff cock gave her the answer she wanted!


She saw him again this past Thursday (seems like Thursdays are her lucky day!) and she said they spoke for a little while. She seemed embarrassed to tell me that she flirted with him a little bit. She said it took him a little bit of time to relax but after a few minutes she felt he seemed more at ease.

Nothing sexual happened but she did ask him where he lived and she found that he lives maybe 45 minutes northwest of us; Peter was more northeast.

She asked him where, "he hangs out as a 'single guy'" and he mentioned two bar/clubs that we've heard of. One place has live music; the other place is more of a DJ type of ‘outdoor’ kind of bar.

I joked with her whether she wanted to go check him out on his own turf and she smiled and giggled and said, "maybe" but that she'd want me to go with her so I could see him and be sure I was okay and maybe meet him or something like that. I told her that I thought I might scare him off if I was with her but she said she'd feel better if I at least met him.

She then shared with me something that I'd wondered about. She said that she had to talk Peter into the last time he was with her and the only reason he did it again with her was because she literally begged him because I finally wanted to see ‘it’ for real. She said that she had to beg him to do her that last time and he agreed only because she actually told him how she felt about her wanting to feel okay about it all.

That was pretty crazy to hear, how she begged him to fuck her one last time just so I could be there and finally watch. I told her that I guess she should say ‘Thanks’ to Peter. She blushed so much when I said that. She said she felt so slutty asking him that at the time but she is glad she did.

I told her, "so am I" and that I look back on that night and just loved what I saw even though it wasn't the easiest thing to do. I added I am glad that I got to see them in person for real as made it MUCH easier dealing with all of this since then.


We were in bed tonight getting ready for a well deserved Fathers’ day fuck as we'd had her parents over for dinner earlier.

As we were messing around I mentioned Dan and asked her more of what she'd done or said to him on Thursday as I suspected she'd maybe flirted a bit or something. She said that she did talk to him a little and that she liked his smile. I asked her if she thought she was horny for him and she smiled and giggled and then went all shy saying that she wasn't sure. I didn't push it much more but she seemed much more turned on in bed so I think I pushed the right buttons.

A part of me is very excited about seeing her like this and what she wants; another part of me is concerned about taking this next step of her going out on a ‘date’ which is, I guess, why I’d like to be there.

I know from some of our early tries years ago at finding another guy, when I've seen Suzanna being seduced, and I've sat opposite her in a booth as the guy sitting next to her kissed her, felt her tits and even got a finger in her pussy. I LOVED seeing that look on her face as she let him turn her on but, of course, nothing’s happened for several years but I still remember the buzz it gave me and that helps to convince me that I do want her to do this again.

We looked at our calendar for the next few weeks and the earliest we could think of taking a night out isn't till after July 4th. We pencilled in that we'll go out the Friday after and maybe check out one of these clubs that Dan mentioned.


I'm not sure if she has noticed as I have that the intensity when we are in bed together seems to have calmed down. I'm certainly not saying anything bad but the teasing me and flaunting her sexuality sort of stuff had definitely died down a bit.

She dressed very sexily when she went to work last Thursday. A very nice low-cut blouse and she wore a bra that was pretty much just a lacy cup with an underwire. When she got home I realized she must have had fun with Dan when he came in to her office.

She told me that he spent a lot more time near her and that their conversation became easier and more relaxed. She playfully asked, "what were those clubs again?" and he seemed more eager to tell her about them. That's when she told me that she also leaned forward to get pick stuff up from the desk several times and she was blushing when she told me that he never missed an opportunity to look down her blouse.

I joked with her that maybe next week she should wear a skirt and maybe give him a look underneath! She turned bright red at that and giggled, "I don’t know" but her body language gave it away that the idea turned her on. I think I'll remind her about it next week.

During sex last night (after our son got home - he DID get his license! Yeah!) I had her on her knees and I was behind her. As I held her hips I asked her if she thought she'd want to fuck Dan in the future. I didn't need her to say yes; her pussy juiced up and I could hear and feel her body react to that idea. Later on, when I turned her over and got on top of her she played along and said, "are you still going to want me after I've been with Dan?” Now it was her turn to feel-my-answer as my cock swelled up even more in her as I pounded her into the bed.

She kept it up and I felt some of the intensity I'd felt with her when she was with Peter regularly. She teased me, "I hope he's big" and then later "I hope he cums a lot" but what got me off was when she started to say stuff about how she missed having ‘another cock’ from time to time.

After we were done and lying there I told her that I would like it if I could be more involved this time. She smiled and said she hoped so too but then she asked if she could also be alone with him sometimes and I couldn't say no to her. We agreed that we'd try to go out to one those bars sometime after July 4th as we again confirmed that next week won't work. She added that she thought she might have her period again after the long weekend so we might have to wait a week longer.

We talked some more and I asked her if she was going to see Peter again at all and she said she wasn't sure, that he was going on vacation with his ****** over the summer and that it was him more than her that needed to stop things for a while. I didn't try to read between the lines into any more about Peter's ****** or what may have happened.

Then she reminded me that she had to ask him several times to get together that last time for her (and for me) and that he agreed to it when she told him that she wanted me to be there. She explained to him how she needed to know I was okay with everything that had happened before they stopped seeing each other (or however she explained it to me). That really turned me on knowing that she lured him back into bed one last time just so I could be there.

As we talked more I asked her if she thought she was going to feel the same way about Dan if they got to the point of her wanting to ‘be his’ when they are together. She smiled and said that those feelings she had when she was with Peter were something she felt very strongly about and what made it so was knowing that I was okay about it. So I asked her again if she thought she'd feel that way with Dan in the future. She smiled and in response said, "I hope so. I think it made the sex that much better".

I didn't push for much more but she did confess again that she did miss fucking another guy from time to time. All I told her in return was that I missed her doing that too as I really enjoyed the changes it had made in her. I took that opportunity to tell her that she's going to have to be cautious with Dan since he's divorced and doesn't have a ****** to be dealing with and I hoped she'd be careful. She giggled and just said that was one of the things she was looking forward to, that if it worked out, it would be easier.

She reminded me that now that our son was driving that she should have a lot more free time.

I didn't push it more but I get the feeling that if this does happen for her that it may be a bit more than what she/we had with Peter. I just reminded her again that I hoped I could be a part of it and she just giggled and kissed me and said, "Don't worry baby".

I know I need to be careful here (both of us) but, damn, it is so incredibly arousing to see her wanting this to move ahead. I think I'll be okay even if they do some true dating without me as long as I am involved sometimes.

Welcome to the roller-coaster.


Well, it's going to be a quiet July 4th weekend around here as Suzanna period arrived the other day. She has an ‘early out’ at work today as well so she's not even sure if Dan will be around this week. I told her that we could go out next Friday evening and check out the clubs/bars he mentioned to her. She smiled at that suggestion!

I've been thinking about how I'd feel if Suzanna wanted to do more with Dan. Assuming I like him and am okay with him, I'm not sure that I would necessarily interfere in anything she might want to do as long as it’s within reason. I know that I look back and am still so incredibly turned on when I think about her having spent the night with Peter. Thinking about them sleeping together, fucking all night whenever they wanted, that's a turn-on for sure.

Thinking more about it I'm almost scared to say that the part that turns me on even more are thoughts about them in the morning together when they woke up. The shared intimacy they must have shared waking up next to each other; the quick fuck; the showering and dressing together. Now I'm thinking that if she did want to get a bit more serious with Dan that maybe I would be okay and might even enjoy knowing she is out on a date and out in the open with him. I haven't said it to her but I do miss the anxiety and arousal I always felt when she would say ‘no’ to me on Wednesday nights because she wanted Peter the next day.

Of course the memories are incredibly intense; I know that I will never forget the moment when I watched Peter cum inside her. Part of me says it sounds crazy to be turned on by that but the bigger part of me just cannot get the image of him thrusting into her and hearing it as he gave my baby his cum in her pussy. She does know that it turns me on incredibly to know that he came inside her a LOT in the time they were together, maybe even more than me at times.

My mind also wanders to the fantasy side; about the two of them ‘chemically bonding’ from his sperm inside her. She was so concerned about how I'd feel knowing she was sharing her pussy that now, looking back, it seems funny as that part was actually very easy for me to accept.


She woke up in such an ‘up’ mood today that even the kids were looking at her strangely. She said, "It’s a beautiful day" and it is!

She can't dress slutty or revealingly for work but she did pick out something today that did look good on her. A sort of low-cut blouse that opens up a bit if she leans forward; a bra with a lot of lace on it instead of a closed cup which through the blouse you can clearly see her tits and even make out the colour of her nipples - Hot, very hot! Then just a skirt, sensible panties and thigh-highs on her legs.

It was her attitude that gave it away to me. She normally doesn't rush off to work but today she did. I asked her if she thought he'd be there today and she said, "of course, he wasn't in last week and we need stuff."

She said she was going to casually ask him, "What were those clubs again?" even though she knows them both very well, just to get him talking again.

I suggested that we could go to one or both of them tomorrow night. We already told our son that we'd be out late so he'll tend to the house and his younger sister.


Suzanna was all bubbly and giggly last night when she came home.

She said Dan was in and that he spent some extra time hanging around her area and they talked for a while. She did as we discussed and hinted that we might be checking out one or both of the clubs he mentioned.

She said he seemed happy about that and had said it'd be fun. She said he even joked about him, "getting her out on the dance floor" but had laughed and said she wasn’t much of a dancer. I told her if he asked her to dance that I would be fine with it anyway.

We'll both be home for dinner tonight and will then go out about 8:30pm. Apparently Dan said that both clubs have live bands that don’t start until about 10pm. She didn't push more to find out which club he'll be at so we'll just cruise both of them tonight.


She went out shopping so I finally have some time to get the diary updated.

I guess the place to start is Friday night. We got home from work and had some dinner with the kids before getting ready to go out. We were both feeling pretty horny. There was one point while we were getting changed where Suzanna just had on a jean skirt and no top and I was playing with her breasts almost to the point where she was going to give in and have a quickie with me before going out. Her nipples were so hard and she was humping against me but then we both decided we should wait till later.

She wore this colourful tight top along with the jean-skirt. I knew she wasn't just going to jump into bed with him and her choice of panties/bra confirmed that. At one point I joked with her that she ought to go without undies and she said, "not yet, I don’t even know him!"

We got to this club/bar up near Parsippany, NJ that was pretty nice. There was a band setting up when we got there about 9pm. We didn't see Dan there and we agreed that we'd hang around until the band started and then decide whether to stay there or go to the other place he'd mentioned.

The band started just before 10pm and by which time we'd had 2 drinks already and Suzanna was very much enjoying being out on a beautiful Friday night. We danced a bit but I'm really not that good a dancer. As we danced maybe the second or third song they played she said, "there he is, over by the bar!” We turned so I could see him.

I always believe in first-impressions and from what I saw, he looked like this sort of cocky guy who clearly hung at this bar a lot from how he was chatting with the bartenders who seemed to know him. He was about my height and build. That always makes me feel good, that Suzanna genuinely likes my ‘size’ body. He seemed about 5 years younger than us, maybe in his early 40's; medium length hair that didn't appear to be thinning yet (another similarity to me. Mine may be grey but it is all still there!). From a distance he seemed handsome looking, so my first-impression of him was favourable.

We finished the song out and then she walked me over to him. He saw her and gave her a hug and a kiss on the cheek then she introduced me. We shook hands and I said to him something like, "I've heard a lot about you from Suzanna". He gave us both a strange look as if that surprised him.

I felt good about him, I mean he didn't turn me off right away. We talked for a moment and he bought us a round of drinks and the 3 of us found an empty bar-table (no stools) to stand at and got to talking. He seemed like a nice guy and as he talked I sort of could see what attracted her. He was a very comfortable talker, certainly not so much a smooth operator kind of guy, but just genuinely very easy to talk to. He talked freely about his being divorced about 4 years earlier and how his kids were now 18, etc. He'd obviously heard from Suzanna about our kids, about our son getting his license and about our ********'s discovery of boys, etc.

After the band came back from a break he asked me very nicely if I'd mind if he danced with Suzanna. I told them it was up to Suzanna and that I was off to the men’s room anyway. I walked slowly and watched them. As I wound my way to the bathroom they looked just like good friends.

When I came back I stood at the bar and watched them dancing. Suzanna was obviously very pleased with herself from the smile I could see in the distance. Dan had also warmed up with her and I could see he would touch her every now and then; take her hand and spin her or something like that and still looking like just friends. I ordered us a round of drinks and carried them to our table, which didn't expect it to still be available, and waited for them to finish. As the song came to an end they turned to walk off the dance floor and I saw that Dan put his hand on her shoulder and even gave her butt a light swat as they walked towards me both smiling.

We talked more about all sorts of stuff like what he did for fun, what we did for fun. I was a bit surprised when Suzanna volunteered that we liked to go to the nudie beach. Dan said he'd never been there and Suzanna proceeded to tell him all about it. He looked at me at one point and paid Suzanna a compliment by saying she must attract quite the attention at the beach if she is out there naked. Then he added that he might have to go and check it out for himself.

I think he started to get the feeling that there was more here at stake than just friendship. After Suzanna told him about the beach that he started to be a little more seductive. Of course it could also have been that we'd now had 2 more drinks and were feeling little pain.

I danced with Suzanna next and told her I was surprised she'd shared with Dan about the nude beach and joked with her that he might meet us there one day! She smiled and said, "That’d be okay with me. I'd like to see him naked too!”

I came out and just said to her at one point, "you want him, don’t you?” She smiled and giggled but didn't say yes or no; I knew better.

I don’t remember everything that was said; they danced; we danced; we drank a bit more and by about midnight I think we had all become comfortable with each other. Suzanna told me that he'd been complimenting her all night when they danced together, not so much seducing her but definitely making her feel really good. I told her that I thought he was a nice guy and that while I did worry about him falling for her (she laughed at that one) I did feel okay about him if it was something (someone?) she really wanted.

I guess it was close to 1am when they went off to the dance floor again and I told them that I was going to use the bathroom and to also text-message our son telling him to go to bed that we wouldn't be home before 2am. I took my time and when I came back into the bar area I looked around the dance floor for them and it took me a second to find them on the other side. They were dancing much closer now, his arms were around her and they were against each other (it was a slow song the band was playing). He had one hand on her back just above her butt and she had both her arms around his neck/shoulders. I was wicked hard as I let my mind wander watching them and I thought I could see them grinding together at one point. As the song came to an end I watched and saw them kiss each other briefly, nothing really intense but it was a kiss on the lips that lasted more than just a second. I turned away so they wouldn't see me looking at them as they came off the dance floor. Suzanna seemed a bit flustered as she came up to me and kissed me (did she feel guilty?) and I could tell she'd had more than enough to drink.

Instead of another round of drinks, we just each had a soda and talked a bit more. It was obvious that our evening was over as everyone was winding down and lots of people had started to leave the club as it was now after 1am. We started up that ‘well, gotta go’ kind of line of conversation and Dan said he was going to be going too. I told Suzanna I was going to go get our car started and she said she was going to walk with Dan to his car and say goodbye and then she'd be ready to go. I said my pleasantries and said thanks to Dan for turning us onto a good club and that I thought we'd be coming back again. I added, "If Suzanna wants to, that is..." She smiled and blurted out, "yeah, I had a great time". With that I shook his hand and told Suzanna I'll meet her at our car.

I watched them walk off but I didn't leave, I stood there and watched as they crossed the parking lot and could clearly see them as they went to his SUV. In the distance I could see Suzanna leaning against his car door and Dan leaning in against her and although it was far away I could see them kissing. This was more than a peck on the cheek or lips. Heads were tilted, her arms were all over his back and they were clearly grinding against each other. I was wicked hard again watching this. They broke their kiss and talked a bit more. He opened the car door and leaned in. A second later he handed Suzanna something and they kissed again and she started walking away towards our car.

I met her at our car and she seemed surprised that I wasn't waiting there and she immediately realized that I'd been watching them and did she blush and start to stammer about, "getting carried away". I told her that it seemed she'd let Dan know she was ‘available’ from how they seemed to be kissing and she smiled and nodded and said she'd tell me more in the car. I pulled her to me and kissed her just as he'd done a few seconds before. Somehow knowing she'd just kissed him was a huge turn-on for me and she giggled and reached down and said in a teasing way, "are you all turned on now? Hmm, you'll just have to wait till we get home....".

We talked as we drove home (I don’t remember all the specifics) but she told me how on the dance floor Dan had joked with her about wanting to come to the nude beach to check her out and she had joked back that she would be doing the same to him. He asked about me and how I felt about her flirting with him like she was and she just said to him something like, "we have an agreement that I can have some fun on my own." She said that was when he kissed her that time I saw on the dance-floor.

The house was quiet when we got home and despite it being almost 2am there was no way we were going straight to sleep. After waiting 2 days and then seeing her with him, I was wicked horny and so was she. We undressed quickly but not before I could see what was clearly a damp/wet spot in her panties. I joked that she felt quite ‘turned on’ herself when I ran my fingers in her pussy and she giggled and said that being with ‘2 hot guys’ tonight had made her that way.

She proved that in bed a minute later like she was 20 years old again from how wet her pussy was. No lubricant necessary for sure, all she wanted was for me to fuck her hard and long. Thankfully the kids were asleep because we were not quiet when we both came hard.


We talked a lot yesterday. I told her it was pretty obvious that she wanted Dan. She was concerned that I was okay with it and while I still expect her to continue to want to hear it more today I told her over and over that if she wants to have some fun with him, that I'm okay with it.

About the only thing I asked was that she is careful. I reminded her that he's divorced and that he may want more from her than Peter did. She looked at me and asked me honestly, "will you be okay with that?”

I told her that I really didn't know how to answer that question. I simply told her that as long as ‘we’ were okay, that I would be okay. She smiled and professed her love to me and said that she would never do anything to jeopardize ‘us’ but that if I didn't mind, that she was going to see what the summer would bring us. I smiled and said something like, "as long as we have sex like Friday night that I would be okay with most anything". She smiled and gave me that giggle again.

Last night she seemed to be on fire. I thought she seemed almost insatiable in bed. At one point I looked down on her as I was in her and said, "are you thinking about what it'll be like with Dan?". She didn't need to say anything to answer me as I could feel it in her pussy as it got very wet and I could feel her tighten up grabbing my cock firmly! We must have rolled around from position to position for another 30 minutes before we finally got into that rhythm. She came first thrashing her head around on the pillow and I just let the tiniest thought of Dan getting a turn between her legs and I let loose a second later.

So, that's it. That thing that Dan handed Suzanna in the parking lot Friday night was his business card with his phone numbers and Email addresses on it. Suzanna said he already knows her work phone number and they agreed to get in touch this week and ‘see what happens’.

We still have a lot of things to talk about but I told her that he seemed like a nice enough guy and once again I reminded her that she will need to remember that he doesn't have a wife and ****** to keep him busy and in-line. She smiled and said I shouldn't worry about anything like that.

We'll see.


Suzanna and I hung around our backyard getting some sun before doing some dinner for the kids and us going out to dinner. I know she's been exercising all these years but in the sun yesterday afternoon she was out there in a new bikini and she looked excellent! Not bad for a 49 year old mom of two!

I got back to thinking about Friday night and after we went to dinner we came home and sat out on our deck with a bottle of wine. We started to talk a bit and I asked what had been itching at me since earlier in the afternoon, I said, "you two looked pretty friendly on Friday night; is there something more I don’t know about?”

The silence that followed told me my answer. Before she said anything I just said, "It’s okay, I just want to know".

She breathed in and then told me that she already knew more clearly the week before July 4th that Dan was interested in her. She had already got me to agree to going out this past Friday and she said she didn't want to say anything to me that might spoil things.

Apparently the Thursday, the week previous to our going out, she took a break at work and walked out to his car with him. He told her then that he thought she was very hot and that despite her being married; he would like to see more of her. She told me that she told him that she was interested in him too and that he seemed like a fun guy.

When she told him that we were going to meet him on Friday night he asked her if he'd get some time alone with her somehow. That was when she told him, "If my husband doesn't mind ...." She said he was quiet and then she just said, "... and if he likes you".

I told her that I didn't like being deceived and that she should have been honest with me. She asked me if I would have felt differently meeting him knowing he was interested in her and I said that didn't matter and wasn't the question. She was quiet for a moment and then said, "You’re right, I'm sorry".

We proceeded to talk about a lot of stuff since it was now obvious this was further along than I'd thought it would be.

I asked her at one point if she was ready to fuck him yet. She answered me honestly and said that she didn't think so and that she wasn't planning on it, at least not for a while. I asked, "but?”

She said, "No buts". I just told her again that I wanted to know what was going on.

She could hear from the tone of my voice that I wasn't pissed at her and she climbed on top of me on the lounge chair and started kissing me and whispering, "Don’t worry, I'll let you know when I want to fuck him!"

Just the way she said it was such a turn-on, whispering in my ear like that.

I should have been more annoyed but I just couldn't be.


I actually could understand her being hesitant in telling me that things had progressed further with Dan, not that it made it any better. It also explained some other things like how horny she was last week which I sort of knew was maybe related to Dan but now I know and understand a bit more.

He seemed like an okay guy but I couldn't really get a reading on much more as he didn't know I saw them kissing on the dance-floor or out at his car. He seemed respectful even after Suzanna told me that we had an ‘arrangement’ which I now know tied into what she'd already told him. All said, he seemed very nice when we met knowing what he did already about Suzanna and me.

Then again, why would I expect Suzanna to be attracted to scuzzy guys? I mean she picked me! I'm much like the guys she was seeing before me in terms of being normal looking and not so much the ‘ladies man’ type of guy. From what she told me, Bill, the guy she was with up in Boston, was a normal quiet kind of guy; Peter certainly filled the bill of ‘normal’ so I guess I should just figure that's who she's attracted to sexually.

I'm a bit concerned that this will move ahead much faster than I'd thought. From what I saw, it's not going to be a far jump to go from kissing and grinding on the dance-floor to doing that in bed but I'd be lying if I didn't say that I was so turned on by it all. There is such a fire in Suzanna these past few days and even back for the past few weeks, it's so incredible to see it actually happening.


She asked me what I thought of Dan earlier tonight and I told her he seemed nice enough and that I wasn't surprised. I asked her how she wanted this to go and she said that she thought maybe we could go and meet him again this Friday night and the three of us could get to know each other a little better. I told her that sounded okay with me just as long as we weren't planning on doing anything more.

What can I say is that I love her and to see the look in her eyes would tell you the same. I am far less nervous about letting her have her fun this time than with Peter. Maybe that's not smart on my part but I just trust her to be doing the right thing for us as well as for herself.


I know that she does stay in touch with Peter and it wouldn't surprise me if they did get together again. Looking back at being there, I have only good feelings about it and I think I am much more able to accept her desires. I would welcome a time to be with them again if it could be worked out. In talking with Suzanna, it is obvious that Peter will always have a special place in her heart (her words, not mine).

Tonight she joked at first and then decided to be serious about not having sex as she'll be ‘seeing’ Dan tomorrow when he's in for the weekly supplies. She saw the look on my face when she said that and assured me she'll just be talking to him at work. She promised me again that she wouldn't hold anything back from me. We had already agreed that we were going out again this Friday night so I expect she'll tell him that tomorrow and then we can discuss exactly what's going on and what she's looking for. I'd like this out in the open as it's happening this time.


Suzanna seemed like she was on Cloud 9 this morning. She pranced around the bedroom nude while she figured out what she wanted to wear today. I just sat on the bed with a hard-on watching her.

I remember she was like this at the beginning with Peter too; just happy to even have the chance of seeing him. I still look at her and all I can think of is how she looked that night with Peter giving herself all to him.

I knew she'd wear a skirt (I forgot to mention that she also owned up to ‘flashing’ him her panties if she can) and I wasn't surprised to see her put on the lacy panties and bra again. She stood in front of the mirror putting her makeup on wearing only that. I could see her nipples clearly and could also make out a lot of her pussy through the lace, something I hadn't really noticed before.

She smiled at me as I watched and made me promise to be a good boy till later tonight (I confessed to her that many times when she was seeing Peter that I would masturbate thinking about her after she left for work). I told her that she'd better be good too and she just shushed me and said she wouldn't ever do anything with anyone while at work but that she did hope to have a few minutes to talk with Dan (I guess in addition to just flashing him) and to also confirm that we'll meet him tomorrow night again.

I'm sure we'll talk later tonight about Friday night. It's actually quite exciting being a part of the planning this time.


After how she was on Thursday morning I wasn't surprised when that night she asked me if we could wait till Friday night to fuck. The look of anticipation and excitement in her eyes made it hard to say no and I remember lying in bed next to her being wicked horny as we went to sleep.

I asked her what she thought was going to happen on Friday my way of, I guess, asking her how far she was going to go with Dan. She giggled and said she wasn't ready to have sex with him yet but that she did want to get to know him better.

Last night when she got home she took a quick shower and I know she did some trimming. I tried to get a feel or maybe even a taste of her bare pussy but she pushed me away.

She wore a jean skirt that came to above her knees and a gauzy colourful blouse.

We got there maybe 30 minutes before it really started raining out but Dan was there already. For whatever reason, meeting him again was much easier. We talked about idle stuff as we got some drinks and all got comfortable.

At one point when Suzanna went off to the bathroom he said to me that, “she sure is pretty” and he seemed to hesitate but finally said something like, "I'll take good care of her".

I told him that he'd better or she'll dump him before I do. He laughed at that and that seemed to break the ice. He asked me if I was really okay with Suzanna and him getting to know each other better. I just told him that as long as she was happy and that he didn't try to come between us that I was okay.

Suzanna came back around then and seeing that we seemed friendlier she said, "That’s my boys." We all sort of laughed at that.

During their first dance they moved towards the rear of the dance floor and they picked up right where they'd left off last time and were passionately kissing more than dancing. She would look at me from time-to-time and smile as she seemed to know that was what I needed to feel okay.

After that first dance Dan was seemed very nervous when they came back to our table knowing I'd seen them. He didn't know how turned on I was watching them but he was more at ease when I gave Suzanna a kiss and then said something about her having great lips saying to him, "Don’t you think so?”

I guess that was the moment when he realized I was serious when I said she could do her own thing.

We talked and while I can't say we'll be best-friends, we did seem to develop camaraderie of sorts. He clearly saw the smiles on my face whenever Suzanna danced with him.

When we switched and I danced with her she told me about some of their conversation. She said that last week he was trying to seduce her; this week he was more straight forward and she said they'd started to discuss getting to know each other better and she asked if she could go out on a date with him alone as she felt that would be a next step in them becoming sexually active. I asked her if she was going to fuck him on their date and she said the words that put me in heaven, she just said, "no, I thought you wanted to be there when we did?” Then she added that she thought maybe 2 weeks from now when our ******** is off at camp that we could work it out so maybe they'd both come to our house afterwards and maybe that'd be the ‘first time’

The rest of Friday night continued as it started with Dan taking liberties with Suzanna whenever they were dancing. Towards the end Suzanna said to me that she and Dan were going to take a walk outside now that the thunder-storms had stopped.

I went out a few minutes after them to try to spy on them. I thought it was something I could resist but I'm glad I did for by the time I found them leaning against his SUV they were in a very intense kiss with Suzanna against his truck and him virtually on top of her. I watched them kiss and, my god, it was so exciting to watch my own wife slowly giving herself to him.

As I watched Dan took one of his hands and went under her skirt. I knew from how she moved, slightly spreading her legs and then slightly bending her knees, that he had gotten his hand into her panties and there was no doubt that he had his finger (fingers as I later learned) in her pussy!

I watched them for a few more moments as I saw her head tilt back and even from a distance I could tell she'd orgasmed on his fingers. A few minutes after that they broke their embrace and I saw Suzanna adjusting all her clothes including her panties before they started to walk back to the bar. I slipped in before them and made it look like I'd been waiting the whole time.

The look on her face left me no doubt that had there been more privacy or preparation that they would have fucked already.

After another drink and a bit more dancing we decided to call it a night. Dan walked with us to our car and I unlocked it as they got into a goodbye kiss right next to me. He had his hands all over her, squeezing her tits and even getting back into her panties but before she lost control again she pushed him back and said loud enough for me to hear, "I'll call you soon".

He opened the car door for her and then closed it when she sat. He then came to my side and shook my hand and said, "thank you.”

On the way home later I told her what I'd seen and she said that I missed seeing her with her hand in his pants! She just said, "he has a nice cock!”

She was on fire the whole ride and as soon as we got to our bedroom she was naked on our bed.


It was incredible to see her starting to really fall for Dan.

She was incredibly horny when we got home. No lubricant was necessary for sure. It was obvious to me what she was thinking and she didn't hide it when I said, "you're thinking of him, aren't you?” She smiled and nodded a yes.

It just felt like it was the right time; she'd cum several times from my fingers and my cock when I asked her, "was he big?” Her reaction gave me my answer and she moaned back to me something about him feeling very big but it was how her pussy felt that gave the answer to me, I knew she'd cum when I asked her that. I followed soon after and we lay there together afterwards.

We talked more that night and over the weekend about how she felt and what she wanted. I knew he wanted to fuck her already and she admitted to me that if I wasn't there on Friday that she would have let him already, I expected to hear that; I knew it was coming.

I know that at one point yesterday I told her that I saw her cumming on his hand and she told me, "I know". I didn't say anything to her yet but hearing her say that was just so intense. I feel like my cock is ready to burst whenever I think about her saying that to me.

She called him last night. I told her okay but that I wanted her to keep her word to have me be with her when anything does happen and I reminded her that next week our ******** will be away at camp and our son will be gone till late every night. They talked for maybe 15 minutes and then she hung up. I didn't listen to the conversation but she was laughing at some points and giggling at others and yet quiet at others. At the end she said to him more than once, "we'll see".

When she hung up, I naturally asked her, "you'll see what?”

She tried to shrug it off but she knows once I hear something like that I don’t let go so she finally said, "he wants to go out again this Friday." Then she said as if she were asking me, "he wants me to go alone?” Then immediately said, "I know it's not what we agreed so if you say no, it's okay".

I guess this is what makes me a cuckold because I just asked her, "what do you want to do?” She smiled and said she didn't know so I just told her to tell me when she does know and that I'm sure I'll be okay with either decision. I think she felt uncomfortable about how that conversation went until we got into bed and sex between us was explosive again. I didn't bring it up again.


I've had most of today to think about it (nice when I can work from home in the afternoons) and while I would really like to be there and be a part of their sexual relationship developing (as it is obviously going to) that I would also be okay if she didn't want me there the first time.

That she asked me means she is considering it herself, whether she wants to or not, knowing what it means, the fact that she's even thinking about it is such an incredible turn-on.

I think Suzanna's too old for him for there to be much of a danger with him. He seems sort of cocky. Suzanna shared with me that this was a first for him, for me to be there at all. She said he's been with other married women, "even one whose husband knew too" but that this is the first to have me be there. She said he liked me and that on the phone he said he was feeling more comfortable but that it was still a bit new for him.


Suzanna said that Dan had some misgivings about me being there and ‘watching them’ like he was on display. Suzanna apologized over and over about this but in talking to him again on the phone that they talked about a lot of stuff including some of what went on with her and Peter and how she had told him that I would be more involved.

She said that Dan seemed to understand things a bit more clearly after their conversation and last night I told her that, if she felt it would be better, that she could tell him today that she'd go out alone tomorrow night. I just came out and said it, "So, you're going to fuck him Friday night then?"

She was honest (very honest) and just said, "I hope so!!!" The look on her face as she said that told me a lot.

Later on last night in bed I was pretty revved up from our conversation but she said that she wanted to keep Wednesday nights off-the-table for us. I was kind of annoyed as we had only done that when it was Thursday night when she got together with Peter so I asked her if that now meant that it was 2 nights, Wednesday and Thursday, which I had to sit out and wait?

She said, “Not necessarily, if Fridays become something regular then we could talk about it just being Thursday nights.”

The issue of birth-control, or rather protection, came up. I told her that while we felt okay about Peter being married and all that we have no idea about Dan's past or present status. She agreed and said that she'd discuss it with him and agreed with me that condoms would be needed. She said that Dan had already mentioned that last week when they messed around in his SUV that he said there was ‘protection’ in the glove-box if needed.

After our little discussion in bed last night as we watched TV she must have felt a bit sorry for me for she hit pause and reached over and started to masturbate me. She pulled my hand along with hers and she pulled the blanket down and I kept going. I never mind masturbating in front of her although sometimes she'd rather not know; other times she loves to watch. Last night she wanted to watch. She knows me by now and knew when I was getting close and just as I was about to spurt she leaned over and took the tip of my cock in her mouth. I kept on stroking until I let loose and then she gently sucked as I came in her mouth. Wow, did I sleep well after that! She even knows now to take her finger and sort of run it up my cock from the very bottom up to the tip to get the last drops out (both Peter and I showed her how to do that).

She ran off to work looking sexy today. She seems so happy right now that I just want to let her have what she wants for the time being. I told her we'd talk later tonight about how tomorrow will go, etc.


She came home all giddy and smiling yesterday even with the lousy weather. Apparently Dan showed up a little earlier yesterday afternoon and she took her coffee break and they went down to the atrium in her building to chat.

She said he had a big smile on his face when she told him that I'd agreed to stay home. Apparently that was something he was concerned about as he still didn't totally understand this sort of relationship but that he also said he understood that I wanted to be a part of it so he said they'd just take things as they come (I laughed at the unintended pun). She said she told him a little more about us and that he'd asked to know more, especially about her and Peter, to which she said that would give them something to talk about tonight.

So the plan is for her to come home tonight and all of us will have dinner together. She already told the kids that she'd be going out with friends from work only without me this week which keeps things in sync with the kids as to what we told them for the past 2 weeks.

We didn't even talk about them fucking as it's now very obvious to me that is what she's wanted for a few weeks already. I just reminded her about condoms and she said, "Don’t worry, we already discussed that". Apparently she already shared that she has an IUD and that is all she used for birth-control with me and Peter. To me that means that once she's comfortable with him and that she can trust him (and hopefully that she asks for some medical tests) that she'll want him bare too.


She left about 15 minutes ago and as good as I was earlier today about all this I’m now sitting here knowing the next time I see her she'll have fucked Dan. That though is sinking in and I feel like there's a hole in my stomach. Yet at the same time my cock is hard as a rock just thinking about her later tonight. She told the kids (and me) not to wait up for her as she expected to be late.

We talked briefly after dinner as she got changed. She said they talked about starting at one club and then going to the other one Dan hangs out at. I waited for the rest of the plans and then she said that she expected to end up at his condo later tonight before coming home.

That's it, I'm sitting here fighting off the same angst I felt those first few times when she went with Peter and I KNEW they'd be fucking but I'd be lying if there wasn't a big part of me that is turned on as all heck thinking about her.

If I'm not too distracted I'll try to write down my thoughts about all this after I put our ******** to bed. I didn't masturbate last night and with all this anxiety tonight, I can't wait till she gets home!

What can I say? I love her.


It's 10:30 and I have not heard from her at all. I was tempted to send her a text-message but the more I thought about it the more I decided against it. I don’t want to intrude and she did say she'd send me a text-message when she is on her way home.

I am thinking they are probably still at the bar now as it's early. Of course if I let my mind go I could also see them in the back seat of his truck.

I still can't believe this is my wife I am writing about here. Just writing this has me all worked up again. For as much as it ‘hurts’ to know what she's doing, I am so turned on by all of this that I wouldn't change a thing. I think that is something I now accept and, dare I say, even enjoy. The idea that she's going to most likely fuck Dan tonight is such a turn-on beyond what I thought possible.


It's about 10 minutes before 1am and I just got a text message from her saying she'll be home by about 1:15.

I am on pins and needles sitting here waiting. She didn't say anything else except "Be home by 1:15am. Leaving now".


She is still asleep as we didn't nod off until close to 2am.

We didn't talk much as I was much too horny when she got home.

She did tell me several times how, "Wonderful his tongue is". It was obvious from how swollen and ‘used’ she was that they'd fucked and also that they had used condoms as all I could feel was some lubricant still in her.

What I can say is that she seemed very well satisfied when we were done. It felt so good when we climaxed close to the same time, her just after me (I know she did when she felt me cum in her). I loved that moment.

I’m waiting to hear more after she wakes up and is ready to talk. One thing I did find out before she went to sleep is that she definitely wants to see him again.


She’s downstairs with the kids right now but earlier I had what I believe is a defining moment confirming me as a cuckold. When she got up and was getting into the shower she said casually to me, "hmmm, I'm kind of sore 'down there' this morning".

I swear my cock shot up like a rocket at just the way she said it; as casually as if it were nothing significant.


We talked a bit more this evening before we were both worked up to a frenzy. She started out by telling me that Dan isn't really her type but that the sex they had last night was incredible.

From what I can gather they met at the same bar/club we'd met at the last two weeks. She said he was really happy she was there alone and she wasn't shy about telling me that they did their share of dirty dancing.

I asked what she meant by him not being her type and she just said he has this side to his personality that bothers her. After she said that I thought about it and I could see what she was getting at, he's one of these guys who gets all excited about just about anything; always ready to get all loud and stuff like that.

She said they danced for maybe an hour before he said they should go to the other bar he knew about that was right around the corner from his condo. At this point she stopped and hugged me and told me she loved me and stuff like that so I knew she must be getting to tell me something.

Sure enough she tells me that they walked to his SUV and in the darkened end of the parking lot she undid his pants and as he looked around she sucked his cock for a minute or two until they heard some people coming and she got nervous. Even though I remembered she'd said he had a big cock from our last time out I asked her anyway.

There was that short hesitation again until I repeated, "he's big, huh?"

She just smiled and nodded her head and just said, "very" and pushed me back into a big kiss and again told me she loved me. I said something like, "was he good to you?” and as I started to undress her she told me more of the evening.

She said they only stayed maybe 30 minutes, time for one drink and one dance, at the other club before he suggested they go up to his place, "instead of paying for drinks". What a pickup line.

I don’t remember all of what she said but that he was very good in seducing her and undressing her. When she started telling me how good he was with his tongue I started to pay more attention. I slipped her panties off and all I could think about was his face between her legs, his tongue in her pussy. In an instant a million thoughts went through my head; did she pull her legs back for him; was she wet; did she cum?

I nearly died when she said she did cum as he licked and probed her pussy. I couldn't recall if she'd ever done that with Peter and I wondered just what Dan thought, tasted and felt as she orgasmed like that.

She said she didn't need to ask him to use a condom and that he had lubricant too. She said he'd done what I'd done when we had to use them, put a drop or 2 on the inside as well as on the outside and it feels much better. Then she said something I'll always remember, "I was ready for him".

I know what that means. It means she'd been lying there masturbating getting herself all wet and open for him. It's what she tells me when she does it, "I'm ready for you".

I was sort of surprised that she'd gotten so carried away so quickly with him but she just said over and over that he was VERY good in getting her turned on and horny. I also realized at this point that she was enjoying telling me what happened. She reached down and started to stroke my cock as she told me how big he looked; how tight the condom looked; how much she wanted him. She looked at me and started to tease me saying, "are you really ready for me? ... Did you like how I felt last night? Maybe you should wait a little longer". I swear, I was dying I was so horny.

Finally she let me in her pussy. She pulled her knees back and I slowly slipped into her. We fucked passionately for a while before finally getting back into the missionary position. Whatever position we were in, it was perfect. Sometimes it's just right and this was it. With her knees back I knew I wouldn't last long. She'd cum several times already and now was urging me along.

"He fucked me twice last night" was the next thing I heard and I was so close.

A second later, "He likes this position too with my legs way back".

That was it, what she said, how she said it, it was all I needed to let loose.

I thought I would have been more tired after that but I'm sort of wired, so here I am with a big smile on my face. She's dozing in the bedroom watching something on TV.

She told me several times over today that the sex was really good. At one point she said, "He has a big cock and he knows how to use it".

My smile told her my response. I learned that they talked about a number of things including how things worked for us with Peter. I understood that to be them figuring out how things would work for them. She said he seemed surprised at how she used to like to say no to sex with me the night before she'd see Peter and I couldn't believe it when she said she told him that she's doing it now again. So I asked her what she thought would be happening and she said she didn't think it'd ever go beyond maybe a date and maybe some time at his place afterwards. I asked her how often and I don’t think she knew she smiled as she said she wasn't sure yet.

I'm not sure how I feel about all of this happening already but there is no denying that she is so happy right now. We haven't talked again about her/their plans for next week.


She told me more about what annoys her about him so I suspect this may not go very far if she's already complaining about him. Apparently he expects her to hang on his every word too but she says that when she's talking, a lot of the time he seems elsewhere.

She asked me if I was okay with what she'd done and I just said that if she enjoyed it, that I was alright. Plus, I reminded her that for the past two days now she's been insatiable (including an "afternoon-er" earlier today!) She giggled and said that was good and proceeded to tell me more about their time at his place.

I asked her if he was rough with her from how she was afterwards and she said she didn't think he was but maybe because he's bigger that she felt it more. She looked at me with this look in her eyes. I knew she didn't mean to say it that way but I also couldn't hide that I was okay with her saying it and meaning it. I took a breath and said to her, "I'm glad you enjoyed it; it’s okay" and then I kissed her passionately. She was surprised that I was hard again and promised to tell me more later tonight and she promised to give me a shot at seconds if I wanted! She laughed when she saw my smile as she knew she'd confirmed what I said earlier about my enjoying the side effects.


Last night, maybe it's because she was just really relaxed after a very nice weekend; maybe it's from just having a lot of sex in a few days again; maybe it's from using condoms after so much time without or, maybe, it's just from him but she just felt so incredible last night. It was like it was effortless to get her started up and it was one of those times when the rhythm as just there from the start. Thank god our ******** is away for a week and our son was in the basement for at one point I had to shush her so our neighbours didn't hear her.

She did tell me more as we were fucking. She said that both times with Dan she was on her back in that same position from earlier. I looked down and that just turned me on to think of her spreading herself like that with him. She could feel that it excited me and she kept going telling me that he wants to see her again, maybe something regular. She asked if it had to always be the same night or if they could do something on the spur of the moment. It all came at me very fast as she kept asking what she could and couldn't do, like she was taking advantage of the moment and I loved it.

I told her how great she felt and other stuff. In between moments of pleasure she would tell me about the other things he did with his fingers and tongue It was when she finally said something about ‘really filling’ the condom when he came that was when I too let loose. I never cum a lot the second time but it still feels incredible nonetheless. She squealed again as realized I was cumming.

She asked me this morning if she could call him or Email him if she wanted. I told her that as long as she doesn't get like our ******** and go boy-crazy, that I was okay with it and we'd see how things are. She said I didn't have to worry but then said she really wanted to have some fun with this.


I guess her time with Dan has lit her fire again as her behaviour is changing and going back towards where we were with Peter in terms of her ‘cucking’ me. Earlier tonight, with both kids out of the house, she teased me about, "you'd better have me tonight or you may have to wait until Friday again!”

We talked more about Friday night. She said that they've exchanged Emails and talked on the phone and apparently the plan is for them to go out earlier; for her to meet him right after work and for them both to then come to our home by 9pm or so. Our son, conveniently, announced he has a party to go to at a friend’s house and he'll probably stay over since it'll be after curfew (provisional license when you're only 17 and not allowed to drive after midnight) when the party's over.

She said that they are still talking about whether he'll be comfortable with me there but so far, he's okay with it. She said she told him some other stuff about us that made him more comfortable.

I suddenly became anxious at what she might have told him; anxious but incredibly turned on too as I guess only a cuckold could feel aroused at thinking about what she told him. She told him how she doesn't have sex with me on Wednesday or Thursdays now. She told him how I started all of this; how I liked to go down on her when she'd come home after being with Peter. If all that wasn't enough, she told him about Peter and her IUD and him being first to ‘try it out’ as it was something I wanted her to have.

I sort of freaked out for a bit but she calmed me down a bit and said that Dan felt a lot better knowing all of this and that since she shared it with him he's been more relaxed in their conversations. Now, hours after hearing it, the shock has passed and I don’t know what I feel. I mean I am wicked horny and about to head into the bedroom since my job just finished on the system at work but a part of me is now uneasy again about all of this. A part of me feels that she is picking up where she left off with Peter instead of starting at the beginning again as I was sort of hoping.

Nonetheless, knowing how she's waiting for me right now (and how she may tease me more), it is worth it.


My concern about picking up where she left off vs. starting at the beginning is she's already told Dan a lot about what sorts of stuff evolved over time with Suzanna and Peter. I had hoped to possibly have things evolve a little differently with Dan - or at least take longer to get to the point where he knows about all that stuff.

She explained more last night in bed after we had sex together. I too had told her I was concerned he was going to get the wrong idea and stuff. I didn't say I was concerned about him becoming a Dom type of guy, something I hadn't previously given any thought as a concern. Suzanna just said that she told him enough to make him feel more at ease being with sexually when I'm there. She reminded me that he's never been in this sort of situation before where I'm the one encouraging her and even wanting to be there.

I didn't read anything into it as far as Dan's behaviour. I guess my real issue is that everything is out of the box and, as I mentioned, Suzanna has put herself mentally right back in position where she left off with Peter regarding how she's starting back up with me. I guess I'm happy with that part as I was so horny last night that she even joked with me that, "you do really like it when I tease you".

As far as them coming here, well, that's something I wanted to have them do. It was something that couldn't have been worked out with Peter. I don’t fully know what to expect but I did want some changes in how things went, namely me being more involved and me being there as things happened. I had always wanted to experience how it would be if Suzanna was with another guy in our home, in our bed. I'm not scared to admit that now.

I think, it's not so much Dan maybe getting Dom ideas that concerns me as how Suzanna herself feels. I just expected it to take a bit longer for some of these aspects of our relationship to be made known to Dan. The fact that she opened up to him like that and told him all of that pushes things further along than I'd thought they would be and it puts me in, I guess, a true cuck situation now that he knows of the stuff that went on over so much time with Peter. I'm not ashamed or anything, quite the contrary for in some ways it feels great knowing she's okay with it all and that she seems to derive enjoyment from the more cuck-related stuff.

Physically, I believe I am much stronger than Dan so I'm not concerned there and don’t feel I need a baseball bat or anything if things get weird or turn south!

Still, I had thought I had a picture in my mind of how this was going to all take place and progress. What Suzanna did changes what I'd had in mind. In some ways I wish we were meeting together again as we did a few weeks back to see how we all are since all of this was revealed. I won't have that opportunity until they are here on Friday night.


Now being 2 days without sex instead of just one has got me going in terms of talking to Suzanna. I asked her point blank when it became 2 days instead of just one. She laughed at me and said she was just teasing me and that she thought it was something I liked her doing and wanted to experience. She told me that she thought I'd said that was something I enjoyed experiencing, her asking me to not have sex with her in the time before she's meeting her partner (Peter in the past and now Dan).

That led us to talk pretty openly about all of this and I guess what I'm not clearly conveying is that while I do have concerns I am also incredibly turned on by what she's doing.

I told her that I was a bit uncomfortable about her having told Dan all of what went on in the time she was involved with Peter; that it seemed to me like she wasn't letting this new relationship grow on its own but that she wanted it to resume where she'd left off with Peter. I reminded her that Dan is not Peter and that I had concerns that we don’t know all that much about Dan.

Suzanna explained that yes, Dan has been with other married women including one who's husband knew about what was going on but she also made it very clear to me that this is going to be the first time when the husband, me in this case, is actually going to be there and be a part of whatever happens. She explained that Dan's former partner had her husband’s permission but that he never participated or did anything with them as a 3-some (sex or otherwise) and that Dan wasn't totally at ease with coming to our house. On top of that, me being there and even being a part of it was something he was a little uneasy about. Suzanna said she felt she had to tell him some of what went on with Peter so that he would just be more comfortable in general. She did admit that maybe she shouldn't have shared all of it and she admitted to me that maybe some of what she shared did put me in a weird/bad light.

I asked her what she thought she wanted from Dan. Her first, immediate, reply was ‘sex’ I was surprised at how she just came out and said it and she said, "he's really good.... with me...". A second later she asked, "you are okay with that, right?”

I took a second and then said, "Yes, I'm okay" and mentally it just reinforced what I seem to still find it hard to accept, that I definitely am a cuckold.

I continued by telling her that I was a bit concerned at how Dan was treating her and how she may be feeling about him. She looked at me and said, "It’s not the same as with Peter; I don’t feel an emotional bond with Dan" and then she added, " ... not yet at least". So that was a relief.

Then she started in asking me questions. Didn't I want her to do this; didn't I want her to tease me; Deny me at times; flaunt her sex with Dan since I'd said it turned me on?

I told her that I was feeling some of the same insecurities I felt early on with Peter and she just said, "but that worked out okay, right? You know I won't hurt you, so let’s just see how this works out, okay?" She then said stuff about her being more comfortable with Dan in that it's just sex between them and she made it a point to say she felt good about it just being sex at this point. She added that she feels that if I wanted her to do more of the teasing/flaunting/denying, which I admitted that I did, that she felt she'd be more at ease doing it with Dan than with Peter as she feels a more physical attraction to Dan.

We talked about tomorrow night and him coming here. She told me again what the ‘plan’ was and I asked her more about if that's really what she is hoping will happen. She said yes and that if I want to be a part of it then she does want it; if I don’t (either want to be a part of it or want to be there at all) that she does still want to be with him tomorrow night.

She then shared with me how she felt about all this teasing and denial stuff that I'd pushed out into the open. She said she felt very uneasy about that when she was with Peter but that in the past few months or so that she'd seen another side of it and that she'd begun to enjoy being on the ‘control’ side (as she put it). She said initially she had been turned off by my asking for that; how that she'd not found it enjoyable, seeing my arousal and my clear enjoyment of her actions. Then she shared something that when I heard it, I both nearly came in my pants as well as just felt something incredibly arousing inside me, she looked at me and just said, "I want to do it in our bed.". She apologized right away but said that it was something she wanted to experience; about ‘making it real’ that way and that every time we go to bed thereafter that she'll think and know what she's done. She asked me if I was going to be okay with that. All I could do was tell her in a creaky voice "yes".

By this time we were both VERY turned on, just her saying that she wanted to fuck Dan in our bed made my cock go rock hard. I don’t even think we had any foreplay. Within minutes we were fucking.

With it all out in the open she was again totally into it and, thank goodness, the A/C was on in the house and the windows were closed and that our son was lost in his world in the basement so no one heard her screaming in orgasm as we fucked away. I came violently in her when she said, "just think, in 2 more days it'll be Dan on top of me here instead of you".

After we were done and lying there afterwards she rolled to me and said, "you can say no to me at any time you know?".

I told her that I was okay and that I wanted her to do it. She said that she would still like one night of no-sex before she sees Dan but that if I truly wanted her on Wednesdays then she wouldn't say no.

I know there are a lot of risks and unknowns but I have to say it- I AM A CUCK - and I do want her to do this stuff. I didn't tell her but it was a big turn-on hearing her ask me for 2 nights without sex before she sees Dan. The idea of them fucking in our bed is such a turn-on. When she said that last night and that it turned her on, it felt so good to hear from her that it's something she wants.

I'm sure that we're going to have a lot more talking to do tonight. I still didn't get from her what she thought she wanted out of her relationship with him other than sex but I'll take what I heard for now.


Damn, another book filled. Time to start another.

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