Book 91


My thoughts about Paul are that his feelings and desires are still developing, at least in terms of what might be. My feeling is that right now, as we are all figuring all of this out, is that he doesn't want to rock the boat and I am quite sure he will be on his best behaviour and will do his upmost to appease Suzanna's desires.

I will say also that I have periods when I feel regrets about what we're doing. Watching the two of them together while, yes, is incredibly arousing, it is also painfully obvious in a stinging kind of way that it's not just a story in a magazine or a movie but it really is her sharing herself and denying me.

As I have often said, I do miss fucking her and I do so miss feeling her bare but, that said, I want this to continue; maybe it's that I don't miss it enough yet to make me frantic!

I expect that day to arrive when I will no longer be able to have her at all, whether she wants me to essentially jerk-off over her pussy or even less and I know it's going to be hard on me. Even now I know that while very satisfying mentally and emotionally, masturbating isn't quite the same as letting it go inside the one you love. I find that I need to do it two or three times before I reach the feeling I would have from one good time in her.

When Suzanna first began experiencing the 'Big O' with her last long-term boyfriend, Robert, she was reluctant to tell me at first but then she shared that he was able to bring her there. Since I never saw her with Robert in all the time they were together, I can't really say anything about that. With Paul, she admits that it was much more intense early on when she was alone with him but now, that we've crossed some boundaries, I don't believe she holds back at all around me. I saw no indication of it over this past weekend but saw every sign, including her lying limp on the bed, to indicate that she gave him all she had.

I really don't want to make any suggestions to her either way regarding what she may want between us. She knows that if it's something she truly wants that there's almost no chance I'd say no and we have talked pretty openly about what we both know will happen. Until then, all she's said is that she still wants (needs?) to feel me and to know that 'she' is still responsible for making me cum at times.

I admit it did feel different to fuck her last Friday knowing she wasn't going to cum and that it was really just making herself 'available' for me. I also know that at many times since we've been together that she's said that, "it's just for you tonight" and I felt just as guilty at those times, even before getting into cucking, when she basically told me I could just use her pussy till I came. So what I can say is that it's not something new that she wants to feel.

I will say that yesterday was far easier on me, even with the two of them being amorous in the morning and all of the other activity between them so maybe cumming Friday night with her and then again myself on Saturday night was a good thing. I know that last night in bed it felt really good to lie with Suzanna and spoon up and be close and watch TV. In a way, since she's pointed it out, I never really realized how much sexual pressure I must have put on her all these years since I was always pretty much saying I wanted her whenever we were together. So it's kind of weird for me to say that I can understand and even respect what she wants a bit.

It really is a different feeling to be with her now that she knows I won't push for or initiate sex with her and that it's only if she wants me that we would be doing anything. I shouldn't really be saying that but I'm thinking right now, we both know that, hopefully at least, 1x a week that we'll still connect physically, even if it is with a condom.

I think now that she's become more accepting of everything and especially after this past weekend, that I’d maybe say that my being there might make her pleasure a bit more intense. She is clearly assuming more and more control and with that, at least from what I see and feel, she no longer feels she has to restrain or inhibit herself when I'm there and possibly knowing I'm eagerly watching might make it better. Not sure.

I know for me that when she does end things with him, when that time comes, it's going to be something out of a dream for me to finally feel and have her again. I expect that it'll probably take me a few times too before the eagerness is toned down as I anticipate having a hair-trigger by then when I finally feel her bare again!

Oh god, does that whole thought turn me on.

She's not home yet but reminded she me this morning that she will be spending the night at his place again tomorrow. I'm sure I'll need to relieve myself by then for sure.


She surprised me last night when, before bed, she told me that she'd changed her mind and wasn't spending the night with him tonight but would be coming home late.

She said that she felt it might be too-much and mentioned that she and Paul have talked about 'how much time' they spend together. She actually told me that she wants to be sure it doesn't get out of control and added , "it'll probably be enough for you that he's joining us this weekend". Not sure how else to take it other than her being concerned.

I can't say specifically what, if anything will cause them to stop seeing each other, but her actions like last night without me prompting her give me good cause to think that she is more aware of herself and what is going on, maybe more than I give her credit for.

I think we both recognize that the changes in our lives that could affect how things play out this time. So far, especially after this surprise announcement from her, it's making me feel better about things. Although I will say that I was sort of looking forward to helping her pick out some clothes to take with her this morning....

She texted me that she's already left his place; she mentioned wanting to be home before it got really cold again tonight. This is one of those nights when I would have loved to make love to her myself, but knowing where she's been, I really am happy and even a bit turned on that we'll get to snuggle up in bed tonight and be together. I can't explain it but since she's pointed it out to me, I guess I never realized just how much pressure I did put on her at times. It's weird but I can actually understand what she's saying. I guess maybe I feel guilty for all this time in a way?


Suzanna and I have this Ski-lodge fantasy. We go away skiing and stay in a condo that is sort of a smaller 'lock-off, extention' from a larger one. We hear commotion next door but pay no attention but while skiing we meet and then learn that a bunch of guys are staying in the condo next door and that evening we unlock the connecting doors and hang together. In our fantasy they are varying levels of details, but in the longer version some of the guys have some porn on the TV in another room and they joke with Suzanna about being a prude. She says they can leave it on, she doesn't mind. Alcohol and other intoxicants are consumed and over the course of the night and the rest of the time there, Suzanna becomes their plaything and freely goes from guy to guy. Our imaginations have various levels of detail but this is the common theme.

So, last night yet another surprise (as if there can still be more) I was horny and when we headed upstairs towards the bedroom about 9:45pm I was quite ready. I went in the bathroom to get a bit cleaned up and when I came back out she was lying on our bed looking very enticing and I noticed the nightstand drawer was open where the condoms were. I climbed upon the bed and I asked her what was up. She said that it'd been since last week that we'd had sex together and she said that she was thinking that it wouldn't be until after we get back from the weekend that we'd have the chance again and she said that if I needed it, that she wanted to do it with me. She said we'd be packing and stuff tonight and that she'd want to be 'you know, getting ready' for Paul.

I looked at her and asked her if she really wanted it or if she was doing it because she felt like she had to, that she felt guilty about not. She was quiet for a moment and she asked me if I would be okay if we didn't. I told her that I hadn't expected it and she looked at me with an almost look of relief and said, "ok, I wasn't sure …" then she smiled and giggled, " … well, do you want me to get undressed anyway?" before telling me how she knew that my seeing her but not having her was a turn-on for me on Wednesdays.

She reached over and put her hand on the nightstand drawer and looked back at me and said, "you sure?" I just nodded and she closed it.

As she lay back down next to me I held her hand and I told her that I knew this was going to start to happen and told her that it was okay, that I liked seeing her wanting Paul more. I told her that I really appreciated that she had thought about me on Tuesday.

We talked for a little while before I got down to business and she actually said that as the sex with Paul becomes more fulfilling and as we have it less, that she now finds it hard to 'change gears' and to feel sexual with me. She said that she didn't think she'd start to feel this way so quickly with Paul.

I didn't mention that my using condoms now for 2 months with her is also probably at play with her feeling more intensity and likely more of a hormonal/chemical attraction to him. She held me and told me that she still wants to feel me in her at times and admitted that even last night that she did want me to fuck her but she added that she probably wouldn't have cum with me. She told me that she hated feeling like this, that she felt like she was depriving me and was 'the worst wife ever' knowing I was so horny but that she didn't feel that way for me.

I held her tightly and told her that it was okay and that I knew this was going to happen and that it's good if it's happening sooner as long as it's something we both are open and talk about.

She told me she didn't deserve me, and we went back and forth for a bit until I finally told her that it would turn me on more to masturbate for her knowing how she felt that she didn't want to cum with me than it would for me to 'use her' pussy. To make her feel better I acted indignant and told her, "I don't want to do it in you".

She giggled and said that she guessed if I truly chose that, then she would feel better. I joked back with her that, "I guess you'll just have to watch and see!”

After that conversation, I sort of felt kind of proud to pull down my boxers and start to stroke it in front of her. She pulled the front of her night-shirt up even more and revealed all of her pussy and as I started to stroke it she started to tell me about her thoughts for the weekend. She touched herself and ran her finger up the furrow of her pussy and teased me that, "Paul's going to have me all weekend baby" and she encouraged me to tell her about how I felt. I told her about being horny about her living out my skiing fantasy and she giggled and said, "well, it's not a bunch of guys" but she did moan a bit when I told her that I hoped she and Paul would feel like they can do whatever they want. She cooed and teased back at me, "oh, you want to watch, huh baby?" and teased about, "wanting to see me". The effect was obvious, my cock was so stiff in my hand and she began to moan and said, "baby your cock looks so hard and big …. you'll really want me next week, won't you?" I moaned back in obvious agreement.

We talked, well as much as I could, about how things were progressing with Paul. She told me, "how good he feels" and as I got closer, " … how much I cum with him..." and I told her that I loved watching her.

I felt her hold my hand tighter and she moved closer to my cock and she told me, "I want to watch you..." Just how she said it sounded so sexy that I just let go and as I started to cum she let out a loud moan and I am sure she did cum from her own arousal.

I stroked until there was nothing left and she moved up and kissed me. When she ended the kiss she pulled back and asked, "is that as good for you as, you know....".

I looked at her and told her that when she was with me and it was like we had just one, that it was very satisfying, that feeling her next to me and with me, that in a way it was better right now. She kissed me again and when she moved back I told her that it was also really good when I came with them the last time.

Wow, did that bring the most beautiful look on her face; like hearing that from me was something she loved to hear. She held my hand and said, "what about the other times, you know, when I'm out?".

I answered her honestly and told her that it wasn't as good, that it always made me feel even hornier.

She looked quizzical and said, "Is that okay?"

I held her hand and said, "yes, in a way, that's what I want to feel more of". I couldn't believe that I'd just said it.

She asked me again why if it doesn't do it for me. I admit it was a little weird talking to her like that while my chest and stomach were covered with my cum, but I told her that's the crazy part of this denial stuff that seems to turn me on, feeling more horny for her is what I want to feel, knowing she is with him.

I think she was surprised by what I'd said. She leaned up on one elbow and began playing with my cum. She told me that seeing me cum always turns her on and that she loved knowing how I'd felt and why. She drew out a string of cum and told me how sexy it is to play with my 'stuff' and that, "it's not in me". and she looked up and said, "it's been a while baby, are you still okay about all of this too, you know, the condoms?"

I was very mellow and she was talking in this very calm sexy voice and I told her, "yes, it's still really exciting".

She brought a fingerful of cum up to my mouth and said, "so you're still happy that it's just Paul's stuff in me?" and let me lick her finger before I answered her and said, "yes …" and I felt a little sheepish as added, " .. it still turns me on".

So again, I keep seeing her looking for validation and verification from me but - I guess, maybe less and less. I think for me, I'm hoping that maybe this weekend will bring her forward a bit more.

Am I crazy to want this for this weekend? A part of me hopes she'll run around naked when we're in the condo and will let me see everything. I've already decided that there's really nothing to be embarrassed about if I'm horny enough that I need to jerk off while I'm with them. I'm trying to break myself free from that weird feeling I guess I still have about it being 'gay' or whatever if I jerk off in front of him when they are together.


I'm still on pins and needles about the weekend. I'm nervous and yet wicked horny about it. I just want her to let herself go with him and I just want to it happen.

I know things are going kind of faster than I'd thought. For example, one thing I thought about after leaving the bedroom a few minutes ago is that it's also now been a week, possibly two, when I last gave her an orgasm and that surprised me. I can feel her wanting it and that's also why I want to be there this weekend so that I'm a part of it and, whatever that brings, it has to be better for us than if she was alone with him.

Its late and I shouldn't be over-thinking things so I'm not but I will say that it's so turning me on to think that she's already begun this transition of hers maybe without me even seeing it starting?

I know it sounds crazy … but there it is.


The weekend tweaked every cuckold desire and thought I'd ever had.

One aspect was far easier and actually was something that made me feel good, even-better, about the whole thing. Part of it was that he was with us from 9pm on Friday night till we went out the next morning about 9:30am and he went to meet up with his friends. He hung with us a little bit after skiing on Saturday afternoon (and to mess around with Suzanna) but then met up with his buddies for dinner before he came back to the condo about 8pm. His friends all think he's here with his 'girlfriend' and some other couples or something like that.

I appreciated that he was considerate to give Suzanna and I some time alone for dinner. However, the other part was also that when he was here with us, or rather, when he was with Suzanna, I could always hear what they were saying At night, they left their door open a bit (Suzanna said, "so you can look in if you want") and I could hear most of what they were saying. What was more exciting was more the lack of what I heard. I didn't hear either of them talking about really anything other than sex and having a good time together. I mean, yeah, idle chit-chat was in there too and I even say that hearing Suzanna talk to him about our kids and all of that was a bit weird, but it was more her sharing how things are; how nice they are and that sort of thing. He, in turn, was very complimentary about Suzanna and me; he talked about his ****** and stuff with her but I never heard anything really intimate other than hearing her say how good he felt holding her and him saying the same. No expressions of love or that sort of stuff.

Well, that was the easy part. The hard-parts actually started on the way up. She was concerned that I was going to be 'okay' with Paul spending both nights with us and she mentioned that she was 'pretty sure' that she wouldn't be 'with me' in any way until after we got home.

I joked back with her that I thought I would only be having fun with my right hand and she giggled and said I was right but she was genuinely concerned which did make me feel better. When we talked about what was going to happen, we both agreed that we wanted her to feel as comfortable and as uninhibited as she could. S

he giggled and asked me if I thought I was asking if she was going to walk around naked or something like that. I told her no but told her that if she wanted to she should feel free as if she were at our house or his house. I suggested that she could walk around in just panties or panties and a t-shirt like she did at home with or without Paul.

She said she was really looking forward to having fun for 2 nights in a row with him and reminded me that this was going to be a first time and that was why she was very concerned about me.

I told her that I'd be okay and I told her honestly, that in a way, this was what I had wanted to experience with her; to really see her give herself to her lover. She turned to me in the car and touched my shoulder and face and I think if I would have turned to her one or both of us might have shed a tear. She told me she loved me and that she thought I was both crazy and just 'so generous' to let her have this kind of experience.

Well, after that, the mood changed a bit. She relaxed a lot when she heard me say that I wanted this and wanted to experience this with her. She was all smiles and I asked her what she was thinking about. I wasn't necessarily prepared for her to answer me by saying, "his cock".

She noticed my surprised look and she proceeded to tell me, "… well... you know how he's shaped.... different than you..... right?".

I moaned back a 'Yes' and she giggled saying just how she'd come to love how he feels. She paused to ask me, "is that too much information?" and I answered her a 'no' not knowing what she was going to say next. Over the next 20 minutes or so I listened to just how he feels inside her; how she loves to feel him push into her and then how she loves to feel him moving in and out of her, "pulling almost out so I can feel him but then how he pushes back into me".

If I wasn't driving, I'd be stroking away listening to her but all I could do was groan and she giggled and told me to keep my eyes on the road as she went on to tell me other stuff like how he likes to suck on her nipples and how he loves her 'smaller boobs'.

We arrived and checked in. The condo, located in a valley was nice we'd stayed in this condo-complex in the past, not the most convenient (read that as: good value) and for a peak/busy weekend, it was a good choice.

The conversation in the car turned me on and, of course, it twisted in my stomach visualising Suzanna prancing around with him, but at the same time it made me so eager to see it happen here in this condo and yes, I wanted to see it happen.

Then I had another intense cuckold moment when we opened the door to the condo and saw 2 bedrooms as planned; one with a king-size bed in it and another smaller room with just a queen size bed. She looked at me and I looked at her and I just nodded my head as I knew what she was going to say. My cock started to throb and drool when she pulled her suitcase into the larger bedroom and I propped mine open in the smaller room. I swear as I unzipped and opened the suitcase I felt such a rush knowing what was about to happen. I hoped it would be half of what I'd expected.

We had a few hours to get some dinner together and spend a bit of alone time before Paul was due to arrive about 9pm. It felt so erotic to see her come out of the other bedroom changed into a different top to go out to dinner. All I could think about was what was going to happen later on.


Things started happening faster when we got back after dinner. Again it became so apparent to me what was in motion; so many memories of coming back after dinner, having a few drinks and then fucking for the rest of the night. Although it ached me to know he would be there soon and that would be his pleasure, not mine, at the same time I honesty was looking forward to it. So much of the big-hump has been now in the past that it's taking on its own momentum. It honestly seemed to me to be at a point where it was futile to even try to think otherwise and to just let it happen as clearly there was no stepping back, it was going to happen on its own.

We got a text-message that he'd be there about 9-ish and sure enough he arrived just before 9pm. I immediately had such a rush of feelings and emotions knowing what had happened last time we'd been away skiing and now the reality of it for 2 nights was about to begin.

He seemed mildly surprised at the openness of us putting our suitcases in different rooms and he took me aside to ask me himself if I was going to be okay with all of this and he said, "I don't have to sleep with her all night if you're not cool with that". Again his honesty and concern for me was apparent as I don't think Suzanna had put him up to that question.

I told him, with a bit of angst, that it was good with me and, "that's why we put our bags where they are".

He looked at me and said, "you are something else, but I'm not going to ask you twice". I think Suzanna heard us talking but it didn't matter because a second later I heard him ask her if there were any more hangers for the closet!

After that, things are a bit blurry. I'd had a few beers, I didn't need to perform and I was enjoying the mellow feeling and actually having thoughts that I was kind of getting into almost a private porno-movie.

We sat around and talked and had another drink or two (I'd had more than Suzanna at dinner so I was ahead of everyone) and then at some point we changed where we were sitting and they sat together on the couch. When I got engrossed in whatever was on the TV I turned back to see them making out on the couch oblivious to the world.

It honestly marvelled me to see her being seduced right in front of me. I'd already told Paul he'd be sleeping with her both nights so I guess that was as good a signal as any that they should feel free to go at it. (Suzanna later told me that she'd told Paul about our discussion about being uninhibited too). I watched them go from kissing to passionate kissing; to him taking her top and then her bra off and him (seemingly deliberately?) showing me him sucking and even what looked like gently biting or chewing on her nipples and to hear the obvious sounds she was making as he was doing it.

Sitting across from them and seeing this unfold, I was hard and if I wasn't still wearing my jeans, I'd likely have started to stroke my cock already. As it was I started to rub it through my jeans and then at some point she playfully pushed his face away from her chest and giggled that she wanted to use the bathroom. She looked so sexy walking away in just her jeans.

While she was out he looked at me and I remember nodding in agreement back at him when he asked me if I was okay. In some ways it seems like a dream as I really just sat back and was watching more than anything.

She came back a moment later in a bathrobe and as she walked it was open in the front and I could see her breasts but I could also see that she only had panties on and that she'd left her jeans in the bedroom. I remember feeling focused on 'the bedroom' and that she'd come out of their room undressed, not mine. I was hard then and I'm rock hard right now as I write this.

She didn't really look at me. I knew to expect this, it was what she'd said and what I'd known would happen. She wanted to truly 'be his' for the night and I'd told her to act just like she does at his place.

Having said that, I will admit to feeling a little queasy (even now it give me the willies to think of it) but as she lay down on the couch next to and half on top of him, it was obvious to me that she wasn't thinking about me at all.

Although it made me queasy, I cannot deny the incredible arousal I felt at seeing her really let go with him. She really looked beautiful responding to him, softly moaning as he touched her and her returning the touches as much as she could but it was obvious she was receiving far more than giving. Her robe was open and I watched as he moved off the couch to sort of kneel next to her as he kept kissing her and feeling her breasts only, now, his hands roamed further downward, on her legs, down the back of them, caressing her butt and then back up again. Her soft sounds were so intense to hear.

My cock throbbed at seeing her back arch and hearing her cry out when he put his hand into her panties and then, obviously, his finger(s) into her vagina. I watched her pull her knees back to let him in and a moment later I watched as he placed his thumb on her magic button and that started her really moaning.

As exciting as the moment was it was more exciting seeing my wife become his for the night and it thrilled me to see him make her cum so easily and to hear her cry out in ecstasy knowing he'd likely felt her pussy clench down and juice-up as she came. Her eyes were closed as her head slowly rocked back and forth for a moment before she opened her eyes and grinned and pushed him and his hand away. He whispered something to her and I nearly came in my pants as she lifted her butt up and let him take off her panties. I know I was lost in that moment, seeing her panties in his hand as he took them off her ankle and dropped them on the floor.

The next thing I knew was seeing her sitting up on the couch with just her silky robe loosely covering her naked body. He stood in front of her and she had his pants down and in one easy movement she had his cock in her mouth. He was pulling his shirt off with one hand and she looked so sexy as he put one hand gently on the back of her head. As I said, things were happening very fast.

I don't think she did it necessarily for me to see but she seemed to do being doing it for him as he liked seeing her licking and sucking his cock. She was continually looking up at him as she sucked him. She didn't once look over my way until he stepped out of his pants and pulled her to stand up and I remember they kissed and he said something about wanting a bed. The next thing I knew they were leaving the living room.

I felt like I weighed a ton as I struggled to get up. I was very aware of my shorts now having a big wet-spot in them. I pulled off my own jeans and my sweatshirt leaving me in just my underwear as I followed and went to look into the bedroom.

She was very into him licking and eating her pussy. As I watched from the doorway he brought her to another orgasm when she came down a bit she pulled him upwards and I knew what was coming next. I moved into the room closer to the bed and stood there and then sort of kneeled down to be closer as I watched her lie back and spread her legs for him. She really looked beautiful and I was wicked horny. I'll also say that the slightest look at me from her probably would have provoked a huge response in me at that moment … but she didn't!

So once again I watched as Paul skilfully rubbed that big head of his cock up and down her spread pussy. I've seen it so many times now but it still amazes me to watch him work at it with her. She got up on her elbows to watch him teasing her and she giggled at him as if it was for the first time he playfully slapped it at her pussy. I know she gave birth to 2 kids but seeing him stretch her slowly to finally push into her was enough for me to get my hand into my shorts and to start stroking away.

There were a million other things going on, her rubbing her own clit to make it even hotter; him sucking gently on her neck and down her breasts and her moaning and slowly even pushing herself upwards at him. Then I realized, he was staying still and in a moment she too realized, he wanted her to fuck herself onto his cock and to drive it into her. I don't know if he/she did it for me or just because they were so comfortable but soon I saw her thrust upwards gently the first time, I heard her moan and then saw her do it a second time and heard a deeper moan and then, in one forceful thrust I watched her arch her back and take him fully inside her which made her scream out loud.

I wanted to whip out my cock and stroke away but at the same time I wanted it to last. To be honest, in some ways I wanted to be alone in my own room when I did finally cum. Once I saw them fucking away I just really wanted to watch and to see some of what she'd told me about in the car; how she told me how that big cock head of his felt when he pushed it way in and then (I could even see it) how at times he'd pull back enough to be stretching her outward this time. What was really crazy to see was that unless he was pulling out of her, that her pussy looked so calm and 'normal' as the thin shaft part of his cock went into her but all I could think about was that bulbous head inside her making her scream.

And scream she did. I knew from how she'd talked on the way up that she was also getting herself worked up and now, I saw she'd rocked her hips back and up and was making herself totally available to him. I even think I saw some sweat on him too as they were really going at it for a few moments there.

I guess now I've seen maybe a dozen times, how he sounded and how she responded that he was ready to cum … and so was she. He pushed her back further and now I was watching from behind him and it was easy to see him attacking her, all without a lot of visible effects other than seeing his body moving in and out. Then I heard his 'uh uh uh' sound 3 or 4 times faster each time. I knew it was time to shift my vision.

Yes, I will openly admit it, I moved around so I could watch him cum in her. There is something just so erotic to me seeing his body tense each time and to see his cock pulsing away. Seeing him in her, his bare cock and seeing him cum in her. I can't explain it, I know it should hurt a lot more than it does (and it does hurt in such a deep way) but at the same time I just love the moment of knowing what she's gotten him to do; how almost instinctive or animalistic it is.

He held her for a moment and kissed her gently but he didn't keep fucking her and I think she was disappointed that she hadn't had the 'Big-O' or at least not just yet. Instead he let her legs down and he slowly pulled out of her. He looked so small coming out of her compared to going in but seeing a small bead of cum on that fat knob follow him out of her just got my balls boiling.

That was the first time she looked over and saw me and she smiled this knowing smile but didn't move a muscle. I think I can say that both Paul and I felt quite proud of her. I smiled at her and when he leaned down to kiss her again I took that as my cue to leave them alone for a little bit. I stood at the door and saw them hug and kiss and I saw her let him put his hand on her pussy and a finger inside. Again, maybe he did it because I was watching? Not sure but I wanted to give them some alone time and I wanted to have a few moments to myself.

I remember sitting in the other bedroom by myself and it was late already. I mean it was after 11pm by the time they finished fucking and I realized that maybe Paul was tired from the drive up and that maybe they were done for the night?

I was still really horny and I figured I should just get ready for bed and then have my fun and leave them two to do what they wanted. I remember looking in on them and the room was darkened and they were under the covers on the bed. I didn't know if I'd missed something - I mean they did have a bathroom attached to the bedroom. I looked for a moment and I don't know if they saw me or not but they appeared to be spooned up and murmuring to each other. I tried to hear but couldn't. My cock was throbbing for relief so I quickly went into the other bathroom and took like a minute to get ready for bed.

I hadn't seen much from this, their first time. I had been expecting a second time and now I realized there likely wasn't going to be one. I lay back on the bed and left my door open in case they started up again and I could hear but to be honest, now that it was over and they were asleep, I realised it hadn't been that traumatic. I think being able to see them sleeping together made it less difficult for me too, for whatever reason.

I lay back on my bed and let myself get really worked up. I replayed all of the things I'd seen and the nasty things that I had only begun to share with her. I slid off my underwear and really got into jerking off. I was so into visions of her as I'd just seen her but in my head, in my version, when he pulls out of her she gapes open and cum oozes out of her. Whether it was an exaggeration, it didn't matter, I could visualize it perfectly and in my head, that was how he'd just left her and how she lay there next to him all night long.

I was so into stroking that I hadn't noticed a shadow in the doorway and then Suzanna stepped into the room. She had on her robe and she said she'd seen my light go off and then had heard me (I guess I'd moaned out loud). She told me that Paul said that I was probably jerking off right then and she told him that she wanted to come see me. So there she was in just her robe. She glowed about how she loved to see me so worked up and how she loved to see my 'big cock' and said that knowing I was so hard and horny from her and Paul. I told her she looked beautiful and that I loved that she came in to be with me. She sat on the bed and then said, "want to see?"

Oh my god, I couldn't believe what she said but I managed to nod and groan a 'uh huh'! She stood up next to me and slowly undid her robe and then pulled it apart. Fuck, she looked awesome and I nearly came the instant she came into view but something told me she was in here because she wanted to be. Sure enough, somehow she put her foot on the side of the bed such that she bent her knee and I watched her rub her clit, stand there and masturbate! In an instant I realized that Paul must already be asleep (which she confirmed later on) and that she wanted one more orgasm.

I stroked away to match her pace and as one hand held and pinched her nipples I watched as the fingers on her other hand became wet and slippery and gooey looking and, oh my god, a bit of what was obviously Paul's cum ran down her thigh a little and covered her fingers. She pulled her hand away from her pussy and I saw it fully open and dilated and suddenly my vision from earlier was fulfilled and I spewed my cum all over. She watched as I spurted all over my stomach and chest and the she slammed her fingers hard back into her pussy and I heard her moan out loud as her own orgasm flooded over her.

I was wasted after cumming like that but I kept my eyes open and on all of her, not just her frigging herself but her whole body, how taut she gets when she cums, how a sheen of sweat will appear on her chest. A second later she blinked, smiled and looking at me and my mess pulled her fingers out of her pussy and with a giggle simply said, "say goodbye" before putting her foot back on the ground. Without saying another word, she stretched out her hand and offered me her fingers to lick.

I reached out, took her hand and she moaned a little bit as I licked and then took each finger in my mouth. I could clearly taste Paul's cum but more definitely was the taste her own sweetness. She giggled again and leaned down and gave me a quick kiss and then told me I should take care of the rest of my mess myself.

She walked back out of my bedroom and I don't think anyone will be surprised to learn that I licked my own fingers clean and then even did a bit of what she would do if she had stayed, I scooped up most of the rest of my cum.

I'd like to say that I heard them fucking all night long, but the reality is, it was quiet after that and I know that I fell asleep.


.. which brings me to the end of another book!!

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