Book 90


They are still asleep and I'll even say that I peeked in and it seems so weird to be turned on by seeing her lying next to him but, then again, I'm still so turned on by everything!

I’ll just try to replay the night but where to start?

OK, it was about 7pm and after waiting around I told Suzanna I was going to get the snow-blower going and clear off the driveway. She thought that'd be nice for Paul but that wasn't why I was doing it, sitting around waiting for her boyfriend to come over was starting to get to me.

Anyway, sure enough, I'm halfway through the driveway, he pulls in. Surprise number 1 was that instead of going in to see her, he parked at the end of the driveway and he actually took a shovel from our porch and helped me finish off the snow before both of us went in. I don't know if it was his intention but it honestly made me feel good about him and, in a way, it made me want to see him with her, like he earned it or something like that in my head. Whatever it was, once we were inside it really felt good to see him hug and kiss her and I’ll even go as far as to say that I didn't feel queasy like I usually do when they first start to get amorous.

The conversation really was easy between the three of us and we talked in general terms about skiing next weekend. Suzanna left the room for a moment and he looked at me and asked me if I was cool with the plans. Now I knew that she had told him more about us and I don't know why but at that moment, that thought went through my head and almost without thinking and clearly without much effort, I told him something like, "yeah, it's good with me, she really wants to do it too".

I don't even think I really thought about it at the moment, even now I can recall feeling like it just didn't faze me and the weird part is that right now, after seeing them last night, that it's something I do want to do but I'm getting ahead of myself.

The thing was that I'd seen her all horny yesterday and that she wasn't shy and wasn't afraid to show it. I can't explain it but it was the most intensely arousing moment as I saw her letting it spill out when she came back and she sat next to him.

Looking at them sitting on the sofa together, I feel like I’m flying in a dream.


I'll say that I watched them together last night and, well, I think I am passing the angst phase. I felt very comfortable with them and it seemed to be easy to talk to him/her/them and when she came back and asked "what are my guys talking about?"

Just as easily as I said it to Paul, I told Suzanna that I'd, ".. just told him that the skiing weekend is going to be fun and that I was looking forward to it."

That last part just came out, it was how I'd felt and what I had wanted to say when I talked with him alone and now it was out there. I know that I froze for a moment as I said that to her but I pointedly turned my eyes to Paul looking for some sort of look on his face that would tell me how he was going to respond.

He smiled and then just said calmly, "yeah, it's going to be a lot of fun" and he pulled her to him and hugged her.

I will probably sound cliché but I felt at that moment there was somewhat significant in that; I really did feel that way, and knowing that I was about to see them have sex together only made it more exciting to think about. I know that I miss her sexually already but at the same time, seeing her let go with him again so easily, I swear that my arousal outweighs that feeling of missing her right now.

We had a few drinks and by now the mood was decidedly changing. Suzanna giggled that she had to go pee and again left Paul and I alone. He told me that Suzanna had talked to him about us and he looked at me and he said that he thought it was cool that we could let this happen and he started to talk more openly to me telling me that he loved having sex with my wife. He said that he had felt uncomfortable at first but now, he said that he found it 'interesting' that I liked what was going on.

I told him that it was something that we'd talked about for a long time and that he seemed like the 'right guy at the right time'. He laughed for a moment but then turned more serious and he said to me very pointedly, "you know what she wants in the future?"

It was like I was on auto-pilot, words came out of my mouth and in a way, I felt and hoped I'd be saying and doing the right thing; I barely flinched when I answered him, "yeah, to just be with you and not me".

Maybe I wasn't the only one on automatic because he went speechless for a second before saying, "she said you were going to be okay with that" and all I did was nod yes.

I suspect she must have been listening in for she chose that moment to come back in the lounge and we both looked at her. She'd changed into one of my dress-shirts and we both knew what that meant and it felt kind of cool that both of us smiled about it. He stood up as she walked in and she went up to him and they started to kiss. Her back was to me but that made it easy to see her move her right leg to the side and from the light in the other room I could see a shadow of his hand moving between her legs.

Now, normally at this point I know that I would have had a bit of queasiness, but not last night. They stood there and kissed and I could hear her soft moans. Finally a few moment later he removed his fingers from inside her and when she turned around and they both sat back on the couch she looked like she was so turned on, the look in her eyes first gave it away but then as she moved and sat next to him, the shirt opened and her pussy peeked out and I could see how wet and swollen it looked.

We talked for a bit longer and she began to tease me by saying to him how much she missed him and emphasizing a bit to me that I hadn't 'taken care' of her. At one point when they were kissing she leaned back and they moved to almost be laying down. The top of the shirt she'd put on was open and her breasts were totally ******* and Paul wasted no time in sucking on them. What surprised me was when he turned to me and said something like, "she always gets wet when I suck on these" as if he was telling me something I didn't know and then, like it was nothing at all, I watched his hand simply fall onto her knee and for her to just spread her legs for him as if it was the most natural thing. He did his thing where he uses his fingers to separate her pussy lips and then he just snaked his middle finger right into her.

Usually that moment would give me a churning feeling in my stomach and, yes, I did feel it but at the same time she looked just so beautiful. I watched and heard her moan and arch her back as he slowly finger-fucked her and I got to see him open up her vagina and reveal just how wet and waiting she was. I would have been happy to watch them for forever and I was lost in a bit of a daydream but a moment later I heard her say that they were going upstairs.

I followed them and watched for a moment from the bedroom doorway as they lay on the bed and touched each other and kissed. She raised her leg and I watched his hand cover her pussy and his fingers gently massage her there and almost immediately went back to what he was doing to her downstairs.

Earlier in the day Suzanna had teased me that Paul had 'waited for me' which I knew meant he was very horny for her and that was apparent as she fished out his cock and he held her head gently in place while she sucked him until he began to moan and he pulled out of her mouth. He still had his pants on and it was funny to watch her still holding on to his belt. The scene was like it was a slow-motion movie, which is interesting to remember right now because so much of the rest of the night flew by.

Seeing her with that big head on his cock in her mouth was pretty erotic. It was all shiny and darker purplish as she'd lick it and then suck it. The whole time he was lazily stroking her pussy from top to bottom and back again just as I'd seen him do before. I took note thinking it was actually a kind of a sexy move and now that I've seen it up closer that it is something I should remember for the future .

I moved much closer as they got started and it made me feel good that she smiled and reached out. She held my hand when I first got on the bed and even while she was still licking and stroking Paul's cock I swear she moved her legs so I could see better what he was doing to her.

I'll be honest and say that in a way his cock looked pretty sexy in her hand. Something about how big the head on it is and my heart gave a flip when at that moment I became very aware just where it was going soon. Somehow seeing it in her hand and knowing it was going to be in her pussy shortly was incredibly arousing to think about. Sure enough, after she gave him a little more oral, I knew it was time.

I moved back and could see her pussy was very wet and I felt so proud at how she was really letting herself enjoy him. Her legs were spread apart and her knees were slightly raised and as she pulled back a little it's going to sound totally crazy but seeing her pussy start to almost gape open as she sucked at him it made me want to start to tell him to stop fingering her and start to fuck her already!


Suzanna is just getting herself together and calming down right now. Paul left about 45 minutes ago and she asked if I'd leave her alone to let her just lie in bed for a while longer.

I think she's acted pretty much like this with all of the guys she's been with once she gets into feeling really comfortable with them. It took me a while to accept that's how she is but now we are both aware that I'm very aroused and in a strange way, satisfied by it.

I know she'll tell him that she loves him while they're having sex and I know from our talking about it over the years, that at those moments, yeah, she does mean it but she says that it's purely about that moment. I've listened from the doorway several times as well as having been there and I believe her.

I should clarify that and say that I believe her right now.

Don't think I'm simply dismissing the risk. The thing is she did develop feelings for Peter and Robert and I would be surprised if she did about others too. I'm crazy to say it, but a little emotion isn't such a bad thing and I am realistic that if she's not having that post orgasmic moment with me, that some emotions are going to be involved with Paul.

The thing that makes me feel it's alright is that she isn't hiding it from me and that in a way I think we both expect it's going to happen. Yes, I'm scared, but I also know that we've got 30+ years together and much more than sex keeping us together. In a way I'm actually quite curious and almost eager for us to discover those other things, the non-sexual things, that really brought us together. Skiing is one thing (yes, she may fuck Paul next weekend) but she's skiing with me all day and we're together for those moments when we'll share a drink over lunch and will nuzzle up to each other on the chair lift.


I know that we are, especially after last night, heading towards her denying me more completely.

I am pulled in two directions on it. I want it to happen and after seeing her with him last night, I know that when she says she wants it, that I'll be ready. I don't think she's there yet though and that's good because the other part of me is a little scared to know that at some point there won't be any contact between us.

I am well aware of it being 7 weeks now and it being over a dozen times already that he's cum in her. She tells me, teasingly but also seriously that she feels she is always wet and that it is a feeling that really turns her on. I know that I've barely filled 7 condoms in that time but at the same time, especially after last night, I do feel very satisfied. I know that by now it should be my turn with her but the reality is that right now, neither of us wants that.


Last night after I left them alone I went into the guest room to sleep and only to be woken by the sounds of the shower running and noises in our master-bathroom. The bedroom door was still just barely closed so I peeked in and saw that they were both in the bathroom together. I just stood there listening to them, hearing them saying things about how warm the water was and something from her about how hot he was. I felt like I was eavesdropping. My cock began to throb when I heard her say, "pass me the body wash" and I realized they were both in the shower together.

The bed was a mess and I could see some wet spots where I knew she was sleeping the night before.


The thing about last night is, as I said, that I was really was into it. Perhaps there was something different between them, I'm not sure, but I can say that neither of them was shy. Maybe that's it, Paul is now getting used to it and maybe he's just more comfortable with it all. What I can say is that it didn't feel weird (or maybe as-weird) this time with him; actually it was incredibly sexy to see him pull out of her mouth and to see just how big and flared the head of his cock is when he is aroused. It still comforts me to know that I'm a lot thicker than him the whole way down but, at the same time, I can only imagine how different he must feel to her. What really surprised me was when he moved between her legs and he turned and looked at me and he said, "I love doing this to her" and I watched him take the head of his cock and rub it up and down her pussy lips. Even she got up on her elbows when she heard what he said and she just looked down to see what he was doing before looking over at me and then moaned softly and very sexily. He turned back to her and he said something about how good she felt and I started to recognize that what I'd said was likely true, that he was feeling more comfortable around me.

She moaned each time he rubbed it up to the top of her pussy and, once he spread her pussy lips apart, again each time he rubbed it up the length to spread her wetness along with it. I was sitting watching but still not right next to them and that was when she finally said it; she looked over at me while she was still up on her elbows and whispered (loudly enough for Paul to hear), "you can get closer if you want baby....". As she said that, Paul changed his angle slightly to give me a better view.

I told her that she looked beautiful and felt that I should say something to him but I couldn't come up with anything other than to moan a bit. I was kind of lost in the moment until I heard her again whisper 'watch' to me, I looked at her face and saw she was sincere in wanting me to watch what he was doing to her; I guess he saw me react because as he flicked his cock up and down this time, he began to push into her and I saw her pussy stretch around the big head of his cock and when he pulled back and wiped it around I could see he was opening her up slowly. The next time he pushed more into her and when he pushed and he slipped into her a bit more and she let out a loud moan as she stayed up on her elbows holding herself still looking down at what he was doing to her

I looked up at her face and while her eyes were open I knew she was really into it. I heard her give another moan and seeing her eyes flutter I immediately looked back at her pussy and saw him almost all the way into her. I think it was just the light and how he was holding his cock but it looked even bigger and the head on it was all wet and the entire scene just was so friggin' intense. I know it all took maybe 30 seconds or so but it was such an awesome 30 seconds at that.

As he moved it around for what I was sure was the last swipe he again turned to look at me and I got the courage to say, "...she loves that..." to him. He smiled and she moaned loudly when she heard my voice. I'm not sure but I swear I thought he shifted his position a little bit because as I knelt there next to them I had this birds-eye view of him pushing into her for the first time that night and seeing it sort of just 'pop' into her, I thought I could even see a little bulge above her pussy as he pushed into her deeper. What really turned me on was the sound she made as she obviously had some kind of climax as he pushed into her because she let out this guttural sound and then when he pulled back a bit, I could see how much wetter she was. He was still holding himself away from her and it had an obscene look as he drew back and her inner labia appeared to stretch as he pulled back. Before he pulled completely out he pushed back into her, this time all the way so that his pubes rubbed against her body and she groaned again out loud and this time, she flattened herself back against the bed and I could see how she was pushing up against him.

My presence was somewhat forgotten as she pulled him down to her and wrapped her legs and arms around him. As he was drawn into once more I heard how wet she was and it made me painfully aware of what I was no longer having with her.

Don't get me wrong, I do miss it (a lot!) but at the same time I have to say again that kneeling/lying there on the bed with them literally at times less than 2 feet from where he was fucking the life out of her, yes, it does get to me but it both turns me on as well as gives me this nauseous angst feeling. I have to add that I wouldn't trade that moment for anything else in the world. There is just something so incredibly exciting to me seeing her like that with him; seeing him having her so aroused that her pussy is oozing wet around his cock; seeing her nipples so rock hard and hearing her moans and deep breaths in between. I know it's crazy but it's just so intoxicating at moments like these.

He was very physical with her, taking one and then both of her legs and pinning them back. At another point, raising himself above her, I had to assume he did it that way so I could see better or maybe it just made him feel superior and it felt good for him to know I could truly see him taking her. Either way, it didn't matter, she was writhing beneath him and they'd literally just started. I could tell she was building up to her first big orgasm and I guess he could too because of how he moved with her and how at one point he knew to reach down and rub her button because a second later she screamed and thrashed beneath him obviously cumming intensely.

She lay still for a moment beneath him and he looked at me and when he saw me look his way he again positioned his body away from hers leaving his cock still buried in her. When he saw me looking, he slowly pulled out of her. He was totally hard and when he pulled that huge head out of her it was covered with a foamy whiteness that I knew was Suzanna's cum churned up. The fat knob sort of popped out of her and she moaned and almost cried out as he pulled it out of her. I felt like I was living a dream but this was real and they were just so comfortable with each other.

He sort of tapped her thigh and then he touched her butt and without her asking she lazily rolled over, got up onto her knees and groaned out to Paul, "oh god, you like this position, don't you?" She said it so that I heard clearly. As he knelt up behind her he answered her with a gentle slap on her butt and as he said, "you know I do" he likewise looked at me to make sure I was taking notice.

Again, he let me see her before he took her. Her knees were apart and her pussy lips were spread and looked as if they were hanging downward. She wasn't gaping open but it was obvious she'd been fucking as her whole pussy mound from behind was swollen and darkened in colour. He rubbed the head of his cock up and down between her pussy lips and then sort of pushed her butt cheeks apart as he ran his cock up and all around her vagina. I said something about how wet she looked and he smiled and said it was just how he loved to feel her.

I know that at that moment I felt really good, he was being so good about all of this and I guess her coaching was paying off because whatever he was saying and however he was acting with her, it was really tender and made me feel so good about letting him have her (as if I had a choice!) She squealed again as he pushed at her opening with his cock but this time, after just a few seconds, he just pushed back into her. Again, I was maybe 2 feet away from him penetrating her, hearing her moans through the pillow she was clutching and leaning onto.

Once again they got into a rhythm and, again, seemed to forget about me but that was OK, I was content to just watch. I moved away from them a little because I just felt I might be too much in the way and I will say that I got off the bed and undressed myself down to my boxers and t-shirt and, yes, my cock was rock hard but I fought the urge to stroke it. I was wicked excited and I felt very cautious that I didn't want to disturb them.

He really does fuck her good. I mean it's different, she's said she doesn't feel like she's being stretched open or anything like that, but she says he feels very different to her and that she feels him really intensely when she's in this kneeling position. I have to say that I love watching him take her like this, making her cum yet again as he just held her hips and gently fucked her steadily and then slowly, faster and deeper. Just as when we would enjoy this position, I could see her hand and her fingers twiddling with her clit helping herself along and enhancing every thrust from him. It really is beautiful to see her succumb to him and to see her fingers in a frenzy for a moment and to then see her almost go limp into the pillow as she came deeply with him.

When it's time for him to finally cum (just as it had always been with me) she loves to be on her back under him. None of us are at all surprised, we all know to expect it, and although she could barely move as he tapped her hip and gestured for her to move onto her back, it was just beautiful, she rolled over so gracefully as if she was in a trance. I remember so vividly just a few years ago when she would have been so self-conscious to lie there like that with her pussy spread for the world and looking so just-fucked but now she eagerly lay there for him.

Then, just as I was convinced that I was totally out of her mind, she turned her head towards me and when she saw me looking and smiling, the most angelic smile swept over her face and she made it clear to me that she was pulling her legs back a bit more for Paul's benefit as he climbed back up on top of her.

Again he turned to me and said, "your wife is really beautiful" and then he turned back to her and he leaned down and they kissed passionately for a moment before I saw HER hand snake its way down and guide him back into her waiting pussy. I thought about holding her hand but then decided to let her have her time with him.

He wasn't gentle this time with her. She was wet and open and his cock had an almost angry look to it as he shoved forward. He pulled it all the way out and then pushed back into her over and over and each time she would squeal louder and louder until he was doing it effortlessly with him holding her legs back. Each time he pulled out of her I swore I could see a gush of wetness but, as I said, he wasn't gentle and after just a few minutes he stopped pulling all the way out and instead he stayed deep inside her with these deep almost circular movements that I noticed he likes. She obviously liked them too because she was moaning away and clutching at his back and shoulders every few moments.

I don’t know how long they were at it, it was not important, time seemed to stand still and I truly like watching her fuck like this, there is something just so physical, so almost animal seeing her let her body be used by him. I just know that I don't think I'll ever tire of watching her; it could have been 5 minutes, could have been 50 minutes but then I knew it was coming. I've seen them fuck enough times that I know the signs and I knew he was getting closer. She would moan louder and louder as he'd become more intense and I even added my encouragement and said 'yeah' out loud a few times (or at least I thought it was out loud). Then, I knew the moment was at hand and, sure enough, just a few deep strokes later he pushed into her one last time. She moaned a low moan as over and over and he grunted "uh.... uh..... uh....." and I just knew each grunt was a squirt of cum into her waiting pussy.

I knew he was done cumming when he started to pull in and out of her in longer strokes again and this time, each stroke brought out creamy foam around the shaft of his cock that coated her pussy lips. He must have seen me staring because he said to me, "looks good huh?" and I realized he was talking to me.

I was embarrassed for a moment but managed to say, "uh, yeah...." and I think he really wanted me to watch because as I did, his pace increased and I saw her start to tremble and shake beneath him and I realized he was about to fuck her senseless into the Big-O.

He grabbed at one of her legs and left the other down and he almost turned her onto her side as he almost straddled her leg and I watched him fuck her over and over. She began to shake and tremble more and I saw her clutch the pillow to her as he fucked her. The deeper he went, the more she moaned and soon she was thrashing back and forth and as I watched she convulsed beneath him and a flood of wetness covered her thigh where he straddled her. I was too busy looking at her pussy to realize she'd gone limp and didn't know until a moment later he pulled his cock out of her and when he let her leg go she just lay there, motionless other than breathing with a thick bead of cum running down the back of her thigh onto our bed. Paul knelt there at the end of the bed with his cock finally going soft and he looked at me and said, "that was just incredible".

Can I say that I never felt more proud than at that moment?

She slowly opened her eyes and turning her head toward me asked why I was still sitting there. I told her I was still horny.

She smiled and said I should leave the room and go enjoy myself.

It was a really intense moment and I know I felt pulled in two different directions. I will admit that it was quite humbling to see him fuck her like that and to see her respond like she did. She lay there motionless with one leg slightly bent and I'm not even sure if she had known I was there or anything at that moment.

I don't know how to explain what I felt other than to say that it scared me a little bit for sure. I mean she really was out of it and I just can't fully describe how she looked lying limp there and seeing her pussy lips just parted and glistening between them. I felt it very pointedly that I wasn't going to get to feel her like that and that what I was seeing was all I would have of her.

I would love to have plunged my cock into her at that moment and yet, at the same time, I honestly didn't want to. I don't know how else to say it other than despite how much I longed to feel her just-fucked soft wet pussy, at the same time, after what I'd just seen, I honestly wanted to jerk-off and just leave her and take with me the memory of what I'd just seen. I know it sounds weird to say it but that's the best way to describe it.

Even now, I wince at thinking I haven't felt her now, bare, in so long but at the same time, damn, does it turns me on to know that.

I knew I needed to say something after what he'd said so I just said, "yeah...." not knowing what more to say as I stood up so I just said "... looks like she enjoyed herself".

He turned to look at me and I have to say it was awkward talking to him with his cock still kind of hard and still wet and with cum dribbling off the end of it but he said with a slight laugh, "... she said you were into watching...." and after a short pause he added ,".... that's cool...." and with that he sat down on the bed next to her.

I guess the motion of the bed made her rouse a bit and I will say again that just as in the past, it still hurt to see her put her arm around him and pull him tight right then. I quickly felt like a third wheel and now with him leaning down and kissing her forehead I left the room.

I was really hard when I left them and I was really tempted to logon to the computer and maybe even jerk off but I also knew that she'd said she wanted me to be there for both times so I didn't want to lose track of time. Instead I got a beer and I stood in the kitchen looking out of the window at the little bit of snow that had continued to fall. It was the first time I'd had a calm moment and I'll be honest and say that I felt a little emotional and even shed a tear or two at what I'd just seen. No matter what I say and profess, there's times when I still have some apprehension at it all but there was also the other thought in my head of me hoping they hadn't started their second round without making any noise or coming to get me and that made me laugh to myself.

Even after all this time, it still gets to me. I love it and being a part of it but it does still pinch me down deep inside when I see him cum in her and see her respond as she does.

I only stood there for a few moments with my thoughts and was surprised when Paul came down to the kitchen in what I realized were a pair of shorts he'd brought with him. It struck me as funny that he'd brought an overnight bag for some reason. He saw I had a beer in hand and asked if he could have a cold-one and he came over and stood next to me. It felt like a weird moment standing there with her lover but then he said that, "you are some husband to let her do this with me".

I turned to him and told him that it wasn't easy but that him being cool about it made it easier.

"It's just the sex you know?” I heard what he said but I didn't understand it and then he said, "it's just the sex... it's like.... she just enjoys the heck out of it .... she just loves to do it.”

We didn't talk about technique or how she felt or what position, but we did talk about him and her. He told me that it's been so long for him since he'd been with a woman who loved sex as much as Suzanna seems to. "She loves you man. I couldn't ever come between that." I told him that was good but then he added that as long as I was good with it, that he wanted to give her what she wanted.

We talked for a bit, again in generalities, but eventually he came out and asked me, "you going to be okay with her staying with me on Tuesdays?”

That question came as a surprise, to say the least, but I kept my cool, looked at him and once I caught myself from the thoughts I had from what he said I told him an honest, "thank you for asking …." adding, "… we'll see how it goes but we can try it out … it’s something I knew she'd want eventually ".

He was quiet for a moment, didn't say anything back to me but just smiled.

Suzanna re-appeared looking quite dishevelled but with a tell-tale smile on her face. She gave me a little hug and then gave Paul a kiss and moaned about, "what did you do to me".

I was still looking out the window and could see her reflection in the glass. I don't think she realised I was looking but I saw her take a tissue from the dispenser, reach under her night-shirt and blot at her pussy. My cock was so hard.

We all looked out at the snow-covered backyard and talked about how nice the snow is going to be next weekend. I think it was innocent and not meant to taunt me, but it surely did anyway. She cooed about how nice it'll be and he talked about how he's going to meet up with his friends who we've learned, have a place up there of some sort. So perhaps he won't be spending the night as I'd thought? Not sure yet.

It had probably been close to 45 minutes now since their passions had subsided and we brought out some snacks and a few non-alcoholic drinks. It felt strangely normal for the 3 of us to be talking so easily and calmly around the kitchen table.

I'm not sure how long we all were talking but it was pretty late when Suzanna left to use the bathroom leaving Paul and I alone. He asked me, as if it was nothing, whether I was going to stay with them 'this next time'. I asked him if he minded and he laughed and said no adding that he 'liked knowing it turned Suzanna on' that I was there with them. It was weird to hear him telling me what Suzanna had apparently explained to him.

At the time I was a little embarrassed about it but now I am slowly getting over that feeling. I keep feeling that Paul or whoever will judge me or perhaps think I'm gay or inadequate because of what I enjoy and, yet, I see that it's not the guys making me feel that way but that I am in a strange way giving Suzanna pleasure so maybe one day it'll be easier for me.

A few moments later we heard Suzanna and she was in the hallway just outside the kitchen and she was calling for Paul and that she needed his help. He yelled back that he was coming and I followed. As he approached the hallway he asked what she needed help with and just as I put my head into the hallway I saw that she was standing there naked on the first step and I heard her say, "I need your help with this" and as I watched he kissed her and she guided his hands to her lower back and butt. I was about to fall back when I saw her eyes open and look at me and she smiled when their kiss ended and she motioned for me to follow. I nodded and shooed them away.

I gave them a little time alone again and this time I wasn't surprised when I looked in and he was going down on her. My first reaction was that ,"hmmm, she lets him lick her after they've had sex" and then laughed at my own realization as a huge 'duh' moment.

Whereas they paid me some attention the first time around, this time they were much more into each other and while I did move around and even moved in pretty close, I was also very careful not to be in their way and I succeeded. For most of this time, Suzanna was much more passive and much of their sex was spent with Paul being deep in her but only gentle motions overall. She again insisted on sucking him to hardness but this time there wasn't any interaction with me, I was truly just a spectator.

For them both having gone at it pretty good earlier, it surprised me how quickly they were both really getting into it again. He put his hands on the back of her head for her to suck him in deeper. She gagged a bit but made no complaints and I have to say, seeing his huge knob of a cock pull out of her mouth was almost as arousing as seeing him pull out of her pussy.

I knew I wasn't going to have any of her pussy and I was so horny that I began to realize that maybe I should see if I could jerk-off while they were going at it. I didn't want to disturb them so I slipped off the bed and undid my clothes down to my boxers. I felt like a teenager with a tent in my pants as I stood there and looked up at her still slurping on his cock but now with two of his fingers buried cup-like in her pussy and with her hip motions becoming more and more pronounced.

I didn't even remember doing it but at some point I fished my cock out through the fly-flap in my boxers and it seemed like suddenly they were about to fuck. I hadn't even seen him change positions and now as I watched, he rolled onto his back and she was poised to straddle and slowly impale herself on his cock. Her eyes were so glazed over as were her fingers as they looked so sexy on his cock as it was her this time that rubbed it all around her ******* pussy spreading her and his wetness.

i couldn't take my eyes off of her as she rubbed it forwards and then backwards and then in a circular motion pulling her knees apart, I watched her take him in her slowly. Oh so slowly. It was beautiful and so crazy to see her so horny and taking control of the position herself but seeing her slowly inch down on his cock was hauntingly sexy. She leaned forward and he knew what she wanted him to do. He took her breasts in his hands and proceeded to pinch and gently squeeze her nipples. She was juicing up and even if I couldn't see it clearly in the dimmer lights, I could surely see and hear it as she slammed herself downward on his cock until with one last time she plunged downward and shook and shuddered for a moment before letting out a sexy giggle and then pulling herself complete off of him.

Again, so brazenly, she just lay on her back against the pillows in front of our headboard and spread her legs for him. There is something just so crazy about seeing her like that; she looks just so beautiful wanting him so.

She was slick and wet and open for him that dare I say she looked totally sluttish at that moment with her entire self ******* and waiting for him to use her. And so he did, he totally consumed her this second time.

A moment later he pulled her legs downward on the bed and aligned himself up and almost effortlessly pushed right into her. There was something just so intense about them this second time, she seemed so much more pliant and relaxed and eager for whatever he wanted. Now that he filled her once again, her eyes opened wide and I assumed the sexual daze cleared from her head as I saw her hunker herself down and watched her start to fuck herself upwards at each of his thrusts into her.

She just looked so passionate at that moment, the distant glazed look in her eyes and the quiet moans from her as she felt unmistakeable approach of her next orgasm.

I should say that Paul is pretty well groomed and must do some man-scaping as he doesn't have this wild bush of pubes blocking my view, indeed, his cock and balls looked pretty smooth and I will admit openly that I was enjoying what I was seeing. Yes, it's weird to stare at his back and butt and to look below and see his cock in her. I do love to watch her fuck like that and I knew what was just about to happen. He pulled back and out of her, pulled her down the bed and then pushing her legs back he arched her back and positioned himself for a more pleasurable time.

I know I've said this before but I don't know if I'll ever get tired of seeing her like that; giving herself to her lover.

That did the trick and in this new position he fucked her so much more deeply that I knew it wasn't going to take either of them long. She was moaning about how good she felt and about how good he felt. He was moaning right back at her telling her the same thing.

I'd hoped this second time would have lasted longer but now I recognized that it was Suzanna who seemed like she was controlling what was happening with Paul because she began to tell him more and more loudly for him to fuck her harder and deeper. He obliged and he hooked her legs around his arms in my favourite position.

It was around then that I put my hand into my boxers thinking to just adjust myself but as I held my cock and I watched them fuck savagely I became acutely aware that my cock was on the very edge. I struggled to control myself until he began to literally pound into her, pushing her into the bed.

I listened to and was totally turned on by the unintelligent things that Suzanna began to spew, her moans and groans. That was followed by Paul changing his rhythm into that familiar deep thrusting and then a few gentle ones and before another deep one.

I recognized his rhythm and I knew that he was just moving into that final moment and I anticipated he was about to cum in her. I wasn't even thinking about it when I gently stroked my cock in time to his thrusting and that was it, I let out a soft grunt that I'm not sure if they even heard and I came violently with spurt after spurt flying out onto our bed.

He fucked her hard and deep and, god bless him, he came again in her as I watched. I hadn't lost any of my desire to see him cum in her as I felt the last of my own orgasm fading. Instead it actually felt pretty good that I'd cum so spontaneously like that seeing him taking her again.

He didn't go soft immediately and in one smooth motion he seemed to move right into hooking his arms beneath her and holding her still while he continued to ride her. Sure enough, Suzanna feeling (and I could see it) his slick cock running in and out of her caused her to let out a loud 'Oh God' and then her body began to spasm and tremble as he again drove her to her favourite Big-O ending. I tell you it was just quite a beautiful moment.

I stayed until she stopped moving and he held her closely. For as spent as she was, just a moment or so later she reached up and hugged him and held him close to her. That was when she looked over at me and I guess she could see the wet-spot on my boxers because when her eyes came back up to mine the smile on her face was totally apparent.

I left them alone shortly after that and went to my room. Even after having jerked off in their presence I still needed to relieve myself again before sleep thinking about the two of them together in our bed. I was tired but even now, just 24 hours later, I still feel like I am swept up in a whirlwind.

Right now, my immediate needs are also apparent. I hope to have time in the morning to read what I've just regurgitated and hopefully not be too horrified at my rambling!


And that's another book filled!
