Book 82


Suzanna seems to have every intention of continuing and fulfilling what's now become her desire as well as fulfilling my own in the process.

She's been running around a lot lately, starting holiday shopping and helping her parents get some of their decorations up and such, but last night she came back in time for our usual fun. She's been in touch with Paul, mainly by Email, and she's told me how much she was looking forward to seeing him tonight. She made no secret of wanting/hoping he'll be able to bring her to that peak of pleasure again.

It actually led to quite an interesting discussion with her that left me ultimately incredibly turned on. We were already quite cosy and intimate in bed when she started to say that she was looking forward to seeing Paul and she asked me if I was okay with that. I told her to have no worries , that I was comfortable with Paul and that I could see that she was enjoying him a lot. She asked if it turned me on to hear her tell me what she was horny for and I confirmed. I told her honestly that at times I was still scared and hesitant but that I thought that was only normal and that I still very much wanted for us to do all we'd talked about.

I asked her about her 'new attitude' towards all of this and by that I meant her being more straight-forward and even her taking a bit of a more aggressive role with me; I especially mentioned about her more pointed teasing and taunting me.

She asked me again if I was enjoying it and when I said yes, that it was arousing me, she smiled and said that was good, that one of her pen-pals had suggested this to her and she was liking how it felt. At first, she said, it felt awkward and she was worried about hurting me or making me uncomfortable, "but I guess G was right" (She never tells me her pen pal's names, she just calls them by their initial) and she continued to tell me that he said that she should be more forward about it.

What surprised me was that after I admitted that I liked it, that she said her pen pal friend said this would happen and that she should do the same with me, share her thoughts. So as I lay on the bed with my hardening cock bulging in my boxers, she stripped down to just her camisole top (no bra - love her pointy nipples!) and her skimpy panties and she lay next to me.

For the first time I think, I heard her start to talk to me about her own thoughts. She told me how horny she feels herself get at times lately and that she knows it's because she's been thinking about Paul in one way or another. She started to tell me how often she thinks about him and how even at work or when she's driving in the car somewhere, that if she thinks about Paul, that she starts to get wet and turned on.

What I loved to hear her say was that where she'd let those thoughts go in the past (not quite sure how far back she is talking about) but now how she lets her mind go and will fantasize about things and 'think about' the naughtiest thoughts. She told me how she had shunned them or hadn't let herself 'enjoy' those thoughts in the past because she just didn't feel right about it. She said that since my more open acceptance and admission of my desires that she is now letting herself go and get turned on by everything. She told me how in the past she was scared that it'd hurt me if she told me some of her deepest thoughts, but now, she sees that maybe it's not like that.

It was obvious from how she was talking that she was turned on. Her breasts were rising and falling with her deep breathing and as I looked at her and could clearly see that her nipples were totally hard, stiffened at her thoughts. I told her that just as I felt, I told her that she should let herself go and not worry, that I doubted she could ever hurt me even with her most crazy thoughts.

Amidst mostly idle chatter she slowly came to ask me (yes again) if it turned me on that she had done or experienced things with other guys before or instead of me. I told her 'a thousand times, yes' which made her giggle and she then asked me if it was going to turn me on that after New Years, that I won't be making her 'cum like that'!

I turned to her, held her hand and told her that it did scare me but that I did want it to happen. I came out and told her that with me assuming the beta role with her, that I almost expected Paul to do that for her. She asked, and I told her, that I knew it would intensify things between them and would drive her to want him more. She smiled and said it turned her on to hear me tell her that.

As she talked she told me that it turned her on to think about denying me knowing that it was having the same effect on me. She told me that she'd thought back to some of the things that had happened and that she now sees things from a different side. She turned to me and asked, "would it have turned you on if I'd gotten pregnant?"

I could only groan in reply to which she added, " … I just want to know …. it's not like it matters … I don't feel the same about it as I used to".

When I replied it was something like, "...knowing what I know now..... probably yes...."

She moaned softly and said that she'd been thinking about it and told me that she thinks it might have been okay before cooing in my ear that ".. it would have made you horny to know it happened, wouldn't it?" Before I could answer, she had obviously saw my arousal at my increased stroking, she moaned in my ear, " … you made me take a risk with Dan, remember? .... it makes me horny to think back at it now...”

I guess the look on my face must have looked like one of concern because she leaned out and kissed me and then said, "'s just talk baby..." and a second later " … is it okay to tell you this?"

I turned to her and told her that I loved hearing her open up to me and that it turned me on that she shared some of the same arousal that I'd felt. She looked at me and told me that she thought about it that first time she let Robert have her, that she was scared to admit it to herself much less tell me about it until now. She leaned in and said in a sexy voice, "would it have turned my baby on to see my belly grow like that?"

Oh my God, did that turn me on and she knew it. She smiled as she saw my cock give a twitch and to hear my response of a grunt and moan.

I know she told me that she and Robert used to play around with fantasizing about him knocking her up but this was beyond that. She cooed next to me, "....knowing what we know now.... do you think we'd have had another little one?".

She lay back and continued, "....sometimes I think about it, how it would have been...." and paused before saying, " probably would have happened if we were younger...." and then she accused me of probably pushing her to take other risks at other times. I moaned in response as she continued talking to the ceiling, ".... it would have turned you on ... you'd probably have sent me out without my diaphragm, wouldn't you? …. maybe still had me go on a date even if I missed taking some of my pills...".

I felt the bed move I heard her giggle and I opened my eyes and turned to see her up on her elbow watching me furiously masturbating. She moaned about how horny it made her to watch me.

She leaned over closer to me and I guess she realized I was pretty close to cumming because she leaned in and whispered, "Bet you didn't know something like that turned me on, did you?" I didn't answer but just shook my head and she continued, "… it's your fault..... you made me horny about this stuff". She gave me another peck on the cheek, giggled and said, "I should have known this would turn you on...."

Then it got weird, she started to just say stuff that I never thought I'd hear like, "would you like to have seen that baby; let you see my boyfriend cum in me knowing what would happen?" and a moment later she was masturbating as furiously as me, obviously worked up herself, then she said something like, "would that turn you on to see his baby-making cum in me and to know it wasn't yours?”

Well, that was it, I couldn't believe how forward and open and how much of a tease she was. Whatever the cause, my god did she have me horny and as I stroked my cock for her, hearing her tell me about her thoughts was just too much for me. I hadn't heard her be that vocal and that explicit before, it was so intense. She cooed in my ear about how I would, "… just have to wait for seconds with my condom-covered cock … " and that was it, I let out a sharp grunt and I felt a huge squirt of cum rocket out of me.

Afterwards as I lay there she sidled up to me and moaned loudly about loving watching me cum and then cooed about how horny it was sharing fantasies like this.


On Wednesday night. I admit my mind was still reeling from what she'd told me and to say I was still surprised was a bit of an understatement. After work I'd gone out and had a drink with some colleagues and got home to an empty house which kind of pissed me off. When she eventually came home I was still in a bit of a pissed kind of mood and I kind of took it out on her. I mean I was happy to see her but I was still on edge and (yeah, I admit it was in a snide and sarcastic voice) I said, something like, "so, did he knock you up tonight?”

She looked at me and knew what I was referring to and said in a very serious voice, "that was just between you and me baby; I was just sharing some of what I think about". I was going to say something and she said, "it was just play with Robert..... what I told you was something that I'd never share with anyone else."

In an instant I realized I'd let my mind run a bit too far and let go of that she was sharing her thoughts with me. I asked her, "so you mean that was just teasing?" and she said something to the effect of, "well, it could have happened.... but, yes, baby, it's just something that makes me horny to think about …. kind of like you and that ski-lodge fantasy of yours".

I looked at her kind of funny for a second and she giggled and said, "oh, you didn't think I had nasty thoughts like you do, did you?” She giggled some more and said what I heard more clearly this time, was that she was more comfortable sharing her thoughts with me.

I did take my mind off of where she'd been earlier last night until I remembered as I turned to follow her upstairs. She stopped me before we went in the bedroom and she kissed me and to be honest, I knew exactly what she was going to say next, that I would have to wait. I put my finger across her lips and I kissed her forehead and whispered, "yes, I'll wait till tomorrow night to have you....”

The smile and hug from her was incredible and made my 'sacrifice' worthwhile.

It was worth it, knowing she would be giving me a pity-fuck tonight when she knew how horny I was and nice continuing to enjoy sex with her. Last night, after I'd told her that I'd wait, she made no secret of anything as she got undressed and washed up in the bathroom. She made no attempt to hide letting me see her blot the washcloth against her reddened pussy, it is all part of our game.

My cock throbbed looking at her through the narrow opening in the door; she says she likes it better when I'm not so blatant about staring at her, something that she's also said about me watching her with Paul; something else I've taken note of. She ran the wet washcloth all around her and I loved seeing her breasts glisten from the dampness. She wrapped a towel around her and came out and I handed her robe to her after which she hugged me and just said a simple 'thank you'. To me that said volumes.


I don't know how I slept last night as I was wicked horny lying next to her. While the thought is still with me, I felt that same feeling of fulfilment last night lying next to her knowing she'd just had passionate sex with her boyfriend and that is the thought that is consuming me. I truly felt awesome lying there next to her, hearing her breathing, feeling her warmth and completing the picture in my head of the rest of what she had been doing with Paul.

I said pity-fuck for tonight because that's what it was. Yes, we talked a bit more and that after she knew how horny I was last night that she thought I could 'use a little time' with her. I did think she'd be teasing me and such but as we got into bed together she told me how special I was and how she loved that I was okay with how she was feeling and with what she wanted. I don't know if she wanted to but at the end, after I'd pushed into and cum deep inside her, I kept going and I think she had a thought about resisting but ultimately gave in and let me bring her to a smouldering orgasm that left her in a heap.

I think now it's her turn to be pissed off. She's annoyed with me because I kept going and made her have that shattering orgasm and maybe that's why she kicked me out of the bedroom too, it's now Paul's prerogative to do that! In typing this right now, I guess maybe I shouldn't have pushed it and just been satisfied with the few smaller orgasms she'd had before I'd cum?


Paul is supposed to be coming over tomorrow but not until later, after dinner. I asked her if he'd be staying over and she said that she'd thought about it and that she thinks I should be the one to invite him to stay over! "It's all part of telling him baby..." is all she said to me about it.

It scares me a bit this new attitude I am seeing at times but I love it.


I’m still not sure of whether I'm going to ask Paul to stay over. It's kind of making me anxious. Our kids are off at school so there are 2 rooms within earshot of our bedroom. I'd already decided that if I got the guts up to do it, that I would want them to use our bedroom. It's weird because I've jerked off many times to the thought of hearing her and a lover on and off during the night but now that the possibility is upon me, I'm getting cold-feet.


She's out shopping and getting a mani-pedi thing too; she says it makes her feel very sexy.

I looked in the bathroom too and I might as well share this too, there was a douche bottle in the trash so my head is also now filled with knowing she cleaned herself up and washed out my cum from last night. I'm hard again knowing she's back to doing this too.


I will say that last night we crossed some new boundaries and I did start to tell Paul what we were looking to do. It wasn't as awkward as I'd anticipated but he did think we were a bit crazy.


Paul came over a bit later than normal. I went out to do some holiday shopping and to bring home some pizza for dinner. When I got home we chatted about 'normal things' and that was when Suzanna slipped into the conversation that she didn't want me to ask Paul to stay over, at least, not yet. Instead, she asked me to put out feelers with him for next weekend, that she wants me to tell him to sleep over next Saturday night. .


With him coming by later it was easier to talk about sex with him. Suzanna all but led into it when she gave him a kiss when he came in and we sat around drinking some wine. Suzanna sat next to him on the couch and I sat across and she made no secret of playing footsie with him and letting me see.

She went out of the room, bathroom or whatever, and I took the opportunity to tell him that Suzanna was pretty happy about her time with him. That's when he responded with once again asking, "are you sure all this is okay with you?" I suspected that Suzanna might have been in the hallway listening but it didn't matter, I looked at him and told him that I knew it was hard to figure out but, I came out and said it, I told him that it turned me on knowing he was having sex with my wife. That not only was I was okay with it but that I was truly happy about it.

He said something about her seeming to really want him and that he was concerned about me and what it was doing to our marriage. I told him that he didn't have to worry about me and that what she wanted was okay with me. He went quiet so I added, "she says you make her feel great".

I think he was trying to figure out what to say when Suzanna came back into the room and asked, " are my two lovers getting along?”

I joked with her, "of course we are" and added something to make her go red in the face, I said, "he likes how you are in bed". She blushed and then turned to Paul and said, "you're not so bad yourself" as she pushed at his knee in play.

I went to get us another round of drinks and when I came back they were embracing and in a deep kiss. His hands were under her top and it was obvious they weren't too concerned about me as I stood with the drinks in hand.. Her face was flushed when she turned to look at me and I know it was half embarrassment at being caught by me but also half arousal as her nipples stayed hard poking at the material of her blouse.

I looked at him and he looked back at me questioningly but I just smiled and said, "looks like she was enjoying that!"

She giggled and said, "yes, I was" and went straight back into touchy-feely right in front of me after that. After a few minutes she looked at the both of us and said, "I'm going to go up and get changed …." and as she walked out she said called down the stairs , "…. either you come up here or I'll come down when I'm ready".

Paul looked at me and said, "she's hot" to which I replied something like, "yeah, I know … " but I knew it was the moment I had gotten myself ready for and I said, " … there's something I wanted to tell you".

He looked up at me and hesitantly I told him that I was turned on knowing he was going to go up to Suzanna and have fun with her. He said something like, "you bet, if you're okay with it".

I went for it, and seized the moment, "what I wanted to tell you was that it's just going to be you and Suzanna tonight.... that I'm going to wait till later to be with her".

He looked at me and said, "yeah, you already said that" and then he asked, "that's cool, so then that it's just Suzanna and me tonight?" I answered him in a way that he took it as a joke when I said, "yeah, I had to wait till Sunday last time".

He laughed and I don't think he knew I was serious. He told me she was incredible in bed and that he was happy I wanted to share her with him.

I corrected him and said, "it's the way she wants it."

He smiled and said, "yeah, I know".

I was about to talk more to him as it was a good opening but just then we heard Suzanna yell down something like, "if you're not coming up here then I'll come back down there". I heard footsteps and in the instant before she came into the room I saw her in the hallway and my stomach knotted up and I could barely talk - she came walking down in just one of my button-up shirts that was barely buttoned! Her breasts were visible when she turned and the buttoned bottom of the shirt covered her pussy and ass which I knew were bare underneath.

I just stared as she walked in but Paul let out a 'wow' and she turned to look at him and then me and said, "what? What are you looking at? You know I dress like this when I'm at Paul's place...", just like that. She stood there for a second and then went into the kitchen to get a glass of wine for herself. She came back down and sat next to him on the couch and when she crossed her legs I confirmed she was naked underneath.

Awkward doesn't begin to describe how Paul and I felt at how brazen and open she was acting. She knew she had struck us both speechless so she said, "what? you guys are embarrassed?" and that's when I recognized that she was a little *****; she continued and said, " but you'll both be okay with me naked upstairs?" and she pulled her top apart and flashed us both showing off her hard nipples. She stood up and turned and leaned forward first facing me and then Paul letting us both see down her top. When she knew that she had our attention she giggled, picked up her wineglass and said she was going back upstairs.

We could see her butt-cheeks as she walked away. A second later we both followed laughing at her as we did so.

What followed upstairs was an hour or so of explicit and intense sex between them. We followed her into the bedroom and Paul gestured for me to do something with her and I actually replied, "she's all yours" and for the next 45 minutes or so that was largely the last attention either of them paid to me.

She lay back and unbuttoned my dress shirt leaving her naked lying there as Paul stood and fumbled like a cartoon character to undress as fast as he could. They both looked at me and when they saw me standing there still dressed, along with my comment, he turned to her and proceeded to do everything (well almost everything) possible together.

They kissed and rolled on the bed passionately embracing and I held my breath as she guided his head to her breasts and I heard her moaning as he sucked and gently nibbled on them.

She moved him to a 69 position on their sides and she seemed to particularly enjoy letting me watch her lick at the huge head of his cock. I watched as her tongue actually darted into his piss-hole and he moaned as she stroked him. She didn't need to tell me she could taste him.

At the same time it was fascinating to see him so capably licking at her pussy and her responding! He'd move back and I could see how open and wet she was for him.

I stood there for a few moments and then sat on the edge of the bed so that I could be closer and it was incredible to see her share herself with him. His fingers easily pushing into her pussy and then he would pull her open and push his tongue into her. Just the thought that he was tasting her sweetest secretions was enough to get me rock hard but even more arousing was knowing that she was loving it. At one point one of her hands snuck down and pressed against the back of his head to guide him to make her cum the first time.

It sounds crazy and perhaps even a bit extreme to say but it was a true cuck moment when she eagerly moved onto her back and pulled her legs back for him. He looked over to me and saw that I was there and was watching and that was when she said, kind of indifferently, to both of us, "he wants to watch, don't you baby?"

With that Paul gave a grunt and he moved into position between her now spread legs. I know it was probably one of the most explicit moments to ever see her in but she genuinely looked beautiful waiting for him to penetrate her. Again it was a moment when time seemed to move in slow-motion but she gave the impression of waiting for him for minutes and minutes, all the while the only look on her face was one of desire for him. She took hold of her legs and pulled back and I saw her eyes move down to see his cock waiting for her and it was just a beautiful moment. This very moment just a few weeks earlier nearly made me sick but, now, I so wanted to hear her moan as he pushed into her. It was the one thing I needed to hear from her to make it real.

He rubbed the big head of his cock up and down and spread her lips apart showing all of her and revealing that she was ready and waiting for him. He pushed the tip in almost all the way and then pulled back making her sigh and for him to grunt as he pulled back. He did this 3 or 4 times before the last time he pushed a little more and I saw her pussy stretch around the big head of his cock and then he was in her! I swear could feel the first drops of my own cum start to seep out of me into my shorts.

He pushed into her and it seemed effortless even though I could see the big head of his cock stretching her open inside. He'd pull back and I could just see her stretching as he would almost pull out before he would plunge back into her. He didn't pay me any attention although he did turn to me for a second and look in my direction with unseeing eyes before he went back to her and for her moaning to start and grow louder and louder. I saw the wetness begin to appear around his cock each time he'd pull back and I could hear her grunting start each time he would push back into her, each time a little harder. They were both moaning softly, encouraging each other and totally ******* that I was there.

It seemed like it would never end, hearing her moan each time, making noises, "… harder …. deeper" and it got both of us going and I could tell Paul was thrilled with it. It was obvious that she'd cum several times already, Paul could feel it too, and I realized that each time he pushed into her and stayed still that her deep groans meant that she was having an orgasm each time.

This went on a while and I was totally enthralled to see it but what totally turned me on was when as they really got into it Suzanna blatantly looked over at me and said, "you can watch if you want baby". It was an unnecessary remark but I knew what she meant, she could tell he was close and it was her way of asking me to watch him take her and to witness him cumming in her.

I moved off the bed and sat on the chair at the end, worried at first that I'd throw off their rhythm but it didn't matter, a bomb could have gone off. I got as close as comfortable to being behind them as possible and watched him fuck her in the missionary position.

She'd arched her back and pushed her pussy upwards so he was penetrating her almost vertically at times. Each time he'd push down into her she'd moan and so would he. I actually sat there and watched as his motions became erratic and then, as he kept fucking her I saw a swell of thick whitish fluid appear around his cock each time he pulled back and I realized I'd just stayed there as he'd cum in her and I knew that as I sat there he was going to fuck her until she would shake beneath him.

Sure enough, now almost expert at it with her, he kept plunging in and out of her and, sure enough, a moment or two later she let out a shriek accompanied by a gush of his cum and her own wetness that dripped and ran visibly out of the back of her pussy and down the crack of her ass. Each time he pushed into her she grunted even more and thrashed about beneath him. She wasn't even conscious, her head turned towards me and her eyes were open but she wasn't there, they were glazed over as if she were in another world. As Paul's motions in her slowed I saw one last great tremble and shiver pass over her before she literally lay beneath him totally motionless.

I'm not sure if it's just part of my evolution but being there at the moment they both reached their peak pleasure and shared it only with each other, yes, it hurt me a bit but at the same time, oh my god was it incredible?!

I have to admit that I so wanted to have him roll off of her and for me to take my turn but it was not to be. Instead, I can honestly say at that moment seeing her slowly coming back to life and for her first response to hug and kiss him all the while he's still buried in her, I cannot find the words to express the strange fulfilment I felt. There was no doubt that he had most definitely replaced me; from the moment he came in the door to seeing him fulfil the desires in my wife, I cannot shake the incredible feeling of pleasure that I felt … even though I had not jerked off as much as I wanted to. In a way, I didn't want to disturb them.

As she regained consciousness he kissed her neck and then, I could see him begin to gently thrust again in and out of her and her responding, each motion of his being accompanied by her knees gently pushing back and then forward again. I was about to leave when I saw Suzanna looking at me. I knew from the look on her face how she felt at that moment. Paul saw her looking at me as she said, "do you want to see it?" and when I didn't reply she gave a gentle push to Paul which he understood.

He leaned back and lifted the upper part of his body and Suzanna got up on her elbows and said once more, "want to see?" and as she said that he lifted a bit more and let me see him pull himself out of my wife's pussy. His skinny shaft pulled effortlessly out but he paused as he pulled the big head out and even after all his prolonged fucking her the fat knob followed by spurting a further dribble of cum. He turned to me and saw that I was staring motionless and he said something like, "you guys are crazy".

I didn't look up at him, all my attention was on her, she looked just so beautiful at that moment. He lay next to her and said, "I'm glad it turns you on" and he put his hand back on her breasts but left her pussy visible for me. I don't know how long I stared but the next thing I heard was Suzanna saying, "will you give us a little bit of time, baby?”

I stumbled out of the room and went down stairs not sure what was happening next. I was all over the place emotionally as things started to hit me now that I was away from them. Some of the thoughts I didn't like, thoughts that I'd left her in there to enjoy more of him; that they were in our bed (yes, that again) and did it really mean she had found someone to replace me? A flood of self-doubt consumed me for a moment until I got myself together.

My mind was all over the place, I didn't know what to think, until a few minutes later when Suzanna came down to see me. Again, she was wearing one of my dress shirts. She sat next to me on the couch and reminded me that this is how she was usually dressed when she was with Paul or Robert before that and she essentially told me that she wanted Paul to feel the same in our house as he did in his home. I knew she was really telling me it was her who needed to be comfortable that way.

She kissed me and I could taste him on her lips, his cum or whatever; she smelled like him. She asked me if I was okay and if she'd said the wrong things or pushed things too far. I held her hand and I told her that it was incredible and that I loved her. We didn't have time to say more as I heard him coming down the stairs but I looked at her and I told her that she'd made it easy for me to ask him next weekend.

When he came in the room she was kissing me after what I told her and she cooed out loud. Paul who was holding a bundle of his clothes joked if I was, "making time with my girl" to which Suzanna giggled and flipped up the bottom of the shirt she was wearing and joked with him, "no, I'm still yours tonight".

He came and sat the other side of her and pulled on his boxers and his t-shirt. She turned away from me and sort of cuddled up next to him on the couch. From how she sat I could see her pussy glistening when she moved in just such a way .. and I swear she knew it too. We talked and I got us another round of drinks.

Suzanna asked if I was okay and I said I was and Paul said, "that's good". I followed up with that, "it looked like you had a good time!"

They both giggled and said yes and a moment later they were kissing again.

I did slide down my pants this time as they got into it right across from me. She pulled off his boxers which he had only just that moment put on and took hold of his cock and she seemed very at ease getting him really hard again. He made no bones about pushing my dress shirt out of the way and caressing her pussy also right across from me. I stroked myself a bit, pacing myself. They were kissing as he began to finger her when she stopped him and said out loud, "we're going back up to the bedroom."

I knew if I followed them that I would have to jerk-off and I so wanted to prolong the moment, (what a dilemma!) but follow them I did and I lingered in the hallway. The lights were dimmed but the bedroom door stayed open and although I tried very hard not to go closer, her cries out made me curious and I peeked in from the dark hallway and I watched him again fucking her doggy style at the edge of the bed with her on her knees. Suzanna turned her head and saw me but both of them knew that I wasn't going to come in and neither of them seemed to care if I was spying; they were so totally into each other that I didn't exist! Suzanna was busy fingering her clit and feeling his cock and he was grabbing onto her hips and pulling her back onto him over and over. I heard her scream into the pillow as she seemed to even push herself back harder onto him as she orgasmed.

Then it was his turn and, yes, I was there as he again came in her. I so wanted to see it and sure enough a few minutes later I watched him pull her back one last time and as she felt him so hot inside her she arched up at him. I saw his hands reach around and grab at her breasts for a second and I could just see the look on her face for the moment that said that nothing else in the world mattered other than his feeling his throbbing cock in her pussy. She flailed around for a second until she threw her body back onto the bed and she again seemed to fuck herself back against him. I was sure he'd cum in her and as she fucked back at him he picked up the rhythm and a second later he took the lead and as I watched she leaned forward and let him ride her until she screamed into the bed as she came beneath him a second time. He held her hips for a moment and then, as she collapsed onto the bed he moved with her and as he lay against her back she shook beneath him as she came yet again.

I so wanted to jerk-off but I didn't. At the same time I had this profound pleasure and this crazy feeling of desire that was incredible. I moved away from the door to let them be alone and I went down to the living room to get my thoughts together. As if my head wasn't swirling already, this was even more intense; I'd seen that she wanted him, oh wow, did she want him!

That made me feel good, to see that her passion was honest. He used her until she could take no more and the craziest thing was that I loved seeing it. Somehow, I enjoyed it too, fuelled by the knowledge that what I had just seen was totally for her.

OK, I will admit that in the background of my mind the dark thoughts were still there but this time, somehow watching from the doorway my thoughts were more about two people making love rather than the first time of him (and her) showing me what they'd shared. Maybe it felt less threatening from a distance; maybe not hearing the quiet noises she makes with him made me feel better? Whatever it was, when I left them to go back downstairs, I felt okay about it.

He came down, as usual a few minutes later, fully dressed. I smiled at him and said, "you get used to her getting off like that over time".

He smiled back and let out a nervous laugh and said, "yeah, the first few times, it scared me". I thought to settle his nerves so I just said, "Don't worry, it's cool that she'll share that with you". He seemed more at ease hearing that and said something about still being surprised. I looked at him and told him that after 30+ years together, that some crazy fun isn't so bad and then I joked, "… you shouldn't be complaining".

He shook his head and came over to me and said, "you two are crazy ..... but you go together". We talked for a moment more; he said how he'd never hurt her and I told him he'd better not!

After a few minutes of idle talk I told him that I was going to go up to her and he smiled and said, "OK ….. thanks man". I shook his hand and told him there was no need to say that, that it should be me thanking him. He looked at me to see, I think, if I was joking and not getting an answer he surprised me by saying he was going to get going, that he would not be staying the night. Before I could say anything more he said goodbye, picked up his coat and left.

I knew what to expect when I went upstairs, the same as in prior weeks with her beneath blankets that were still warm from him. What I didn't expect was that when I came in the room she again said I should get undressed and join her under the covers. I expected some close moments and her to tell me about her fun and that sort of thing when instead she pulled me in for a kiss and said that I'd been wonderful all night long and that she'd never felt so happy and pleased! She looked at me and said, "do you want to take a turn?”


I didn't flinch at all watching and being with them last night. Not when they truly made love the first time right next to me including Suzanna's toe-curling orgasms … and not when the second time I watched, not even when Paul positioned himself so I could see him in Suzanna from right up close. It was a bit intense, especially seeing his cock throb and his balls pulsate as he came deep in her. It was the closest I've come to cumming without touching myself.

Suffice to say that he didn't stay over and he left about midnight and that Suzanna was so happy with me she offered me a turn with her in bed. She said although she was feeling tired that it was mainly a reward for me for 'being good' but that she'd like it if I was able to cum in her.

It was heavenly feeling sliding into her wet used pussy after she'd been with Paul and I did as she asked!


It is a bit humbling to see her truly let Paul give her the pleasure that she formerly only knew with me. In some ways I think at times that perhaps she is responding even more with Paul than with me. Which, to be honest is something that I do expect. I know her passion for him is rising.

I wonder if Paul and me are bonding? In a way I do feel good about him. He is most definitely trying to play the role that pleases both of us so far. The steps that she/I/we took this past weekend will definitely make it easier for me to ask him if he wants to spend the night next weekend and, yes, to eventually tell him what our plans are for New Years.

I think in a way, after this past weekend, I do want to let him know that this is something he'd better take good care of and is almost an honour I am bestowing on him. It's a bit humbling, the thought that I am ceding things to him, but nonetheless, I now know I do really want to let this move ahead to the next level.


New book time!

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