Book 70


Got home early having took off from work to come home and take a swim. Suzanna was home most of today but went out to run some errands and shop with our ********. She was all chummy when I got home and whispered to me that she was, "... looking forward to tonight."

She hasn't seen much of Robert, while they do work at the same company, he works from home most of the time and is in a different building than her if he is in the office. She has only seen him to wave or chat briefly with him and she has said that he is now engaged to be married with his new girl from last year so that pretty much eliminated him from the running. Plus, she says he seems a bit distant and that she's not sure he's comfortable around her right now. I'm guessing that's due to their past attraction?

When we got to bed she's told me she's horny and 'hopes' that Glenn will ask her out again tomorrow night. I joked back with her that, "you slept with him, he's surely going to want more" and she giggled.

We talked some more as I lay there and masturbated with her. She was horny and even pulled up the front of her night-shirt and rubbed herself a bit but she didn't cum. Instead she teased me and told me about how she hoped Glenn would ask her out and how, having had a second date that they've already got the awkwardness out of the way, that she hoped that if she went out tomorrow night with him, that sex with him might be a bit more intense for her. She teased me and asked me how I liked thinking her fucking another guy again. I told her openly that I loved it and loved what it did for her and I told her clearly that she was so much more alive since fucking him last week. She giggled and just said she feels so good about it all.

She teased me that maybe she'd give him a turn in her bare; maybe she'd tell him to pull out...! To hear her say that she wanted that really turned me on. As I was really getting into it she slid up next to me and said she'd had some crazy thoughts. I told her to tell me, and she did.

She said that she had thought about whether, if he asked her out for next Friday (after the last night of class) that she had a fleeting thought of spending the night with him. My reaction was to straightaway ask her if she was developing any feelings for him and she immediately said, "No ... " but then she added that, "it just sounds like fun to spend the night with him..... if it's okay with you...".

I gulped and just looked at her and she reminded me, "it'll be our third date and you remember, I spent the night with you on our 2nd....” She whispered really sexy in my ear that I should think about her fucking him all night long and again the next morning.

It was when she 'reminded me' when I used to think about her and Ray showering together the next morning that it turned me on. I groaned when she said, "you'd love it if I let him cum in me, wouldn't you...?.". When she saw my obvious affirmative response in my cock and the moan I let out she giggled and added, "... all night long....." and she said it in just such a way with an almost evil-like laugh it just struck me and, wow, whatever thoughts were in my head, when they mixed I just let it go and started to cum and cum and cum. It made her moan as she watched me.

She later told me that she wasn't going to let him go bare, she doesn't feel enough for him and as she doesn't want him for a long-term she says she isn't going to let him. I didn't tell her that I was disappointed because I knew she was correct and I told her so and that she should reserve that for her, and I air-quoted, 'Mr. Right'.

She giggled and said that sounded really romantic and smiled at me. It had been a few minutes since I'd cum and I was about to get up and get cleaned up when she started to play with my cum. It had grown a bit watery already which she commented on but still collected it and shared with me. I will say clearly that my cum tastes much better when it's warmer.

She should be home in another hour and a half or thereabouts so I'm sitting here eager and wondering if I should jerk-off and relieve my desires since I again doubt that she'll want to have sex with me tonight.


She again came home Thursday night all giddy and joked with me that they'd barely even gotten out of the classroom for their break before he asked her out again for Friday. She smiled and said she played hard to get 'for a few seconds' but then when they walked outside for a moment she said she turned to him and kissed him and said yes.

I won't go into it now but as I said I had zero expectations of having sex with her then and instead, we got into the strangest conversation about kissing. She told me that Glenn is an excellent kisser and wanted me to know that because she'd remembered that was something I'd struggled with and wanted me to tell her what I thought as she now has added it as a criteria for Mr. Right. In our talk she said that while she was kissing Glenn she wondered how I would be if I were there seeing her.

I do remember that it was awkward for me early on and I think it still is in a way. Perhaps kissing, passionately, is even more intimate than sex in a way, at least in my head! I told her that I did remember it but that now I think I would find the beauty of seeing her being so passionate and the way I imagined her truly enjoying it would look to me to be a turn on and that the thought of it was exciting. I told her that I thought I would enjoy seeing her lose herself in the moment. She liked my answer .... but not enough to want to jump into bed with me!

When we were getting into bed and about to turn the TV off she turned to me and said that, "he's probably the best kisser I've ever known". I didn't answer her but my god did it get me horny to think about.

I told her last night while we were fucking till the wee hours this morning that it turned me on to think that I was the 'beta' in the kissing department. While we rolled around and changed positions we talked a bit more and she looked at me and said something to the effect that I will always be the alpha for her in her heart and emotionally; that she meant what she'd said about me being the 'beta' in terms of kissing and that she wanted to make sure I knew it wasn't something she was making up to turn me on.

I didn't get soft at all but I did stop moving with her and I did lie there looking at her for a moment. I know it was true with Robert and I know there have been other guys who've certainly done things better than me but this was her looking at me and in what I can only say is truly a cuckold-defining moment for me, I told her that I knew it was for real and I even mentioned, "other guys who were better than me". I told her that, as crazy as it sounded when I first said it to her, that it did turn me on that I was her 'beta' in yet another way.

If anything, my cock grew even harder as I said it. The thought that another guy could kiss her like that and draw this emotion out of her where, as she said, she finds herself longing for him to kiss her again, I don't what else to say other than it makes me friggin' hard as a rock to think about.

So yes, he asked her out and yeah, she fucked him!


She texted me about 11pm and said, "I'm going to be later than I thought".

She didn't get home till close to 1am but she wasn't tired or, if she was, she didn't let on at all. Quite the opposite; she was so animated in bed and, my god, she had me hard as a rock. I'd helped her choose her undies and now seeing them again, knowing they were on the floor next to his bed just an hour earlier was just an intense thought. Then for some reason I noticed her hand and remembered that she'd left her rings at home and just seeing her lying like that waiting for me to finish undressing her, it just brought back so many memories of her like that when we started dating and how fresh and hot and new it all was and how it seemed that way yet again now!

She totally turned me on when she said she'd let him fuck her bare for a little while before he put the condom on. She said he asked if he could and she had told him he could just as long as he was careful. He was ever the gentleman and she said it was quite erotic to feel him put it in her and to really be able to feel him. She told me quite openly that she missed that; she even quipped that maybe she'll have a quickie with Tony again, "you know baby, just to feel that again". I didn't need to be reminded that she trusted Tony and always let him have her bare.

As I said, she was very animated. Our son wasn't home yet; our ******** had gone off to sleep a while ago; both knew that Suzanna had said she'd be out after work late so neither one thought a thing about 'why Mom wasn't home' (there could be an explosion outside our house and they'd probably be oblivious to it) however I did tell her to keep it quiet if she could. We were fucking for a while and I was so enjoying the position we were in with her kneeling at the edge of the bed, her wet open pussy just waiting for me. She knew I was kneeling there looking at it and it was crazy for she used to be so self-conscious. Now, she seemed to almost even enjoy letting me see the deep pink inside and the dew nestled just below her clit.

I groaned and told her all I could think of was her in this position showing herself off for Glenn and Tony and Robert and Ray and ..... It's just something that seems to consume me thought-wise at times, that the view of her pussy, the most intimate part of her, is being enjoyed by other guys too.

I knew he'd used a condom so there was no creampie but she felt wonderfully open and knowing she'd been 'just fucked' turned me on incredibly. I was getting close when she pulled away and rolled onto her back and I climbed up onto the bed. We kissed and she stroked my cock while she told me he'd asked her out for next Friday night again too. I laughed and said, "of course he did" and that was when she asked me if I remembered what we'd talked about.

Instantly I did remember, she wanted to spend the night with him next Friday!

I looked at her and recalled what she'd told me about how he kissed her and suddenly the thought of her spending the night, not just fucking, but also now kissing 'the best kisser' for the entire night just hit me.

My cock felt like it was about to burst as I thought about it. It was the same feelings I'd felt when she'd been with Robert, knowing she was going to have something with him that she wouldn't and now, couldn't, have with me. I don't know why that idea should turn me on but, my god, does it ever!

I groaned back something like, "it's okay if you want to" but I don't think it answered her question about how I felt about it until I moaned a second later that it turned me on incredibly to think of her doing that. At that moment, it seemed like one smooth motion that she guided me by my cock over on top of her and she welcomed me into her pussy! It was like as soon as I said it turned me on (and she knew it did) the next second I was deep in her and I knew this was going to be the time when we'd both be exploding together at the end.

By then her pussy was 'tired' from hours of fucking all night but she had that delicious 'used' feel to her. Using a little more lubricant I pushed in and felt her pussy lips nestle around my balls and she felt so puffy and soft. There was no resistance and she felt awesome but the knowledge that she'd been fucking literally probably for hours in total just turned me on like crazy. She again told me how she missed 'feeling him bare' and that they'd both really enjoyed it for the little while she let him do it to her before he put on the condom.

It must have been almost 2:30am by the time we both felt our peak pleasures were approaching. I'd edged closer and closer and I could just feel that she'd been holding herself back too. As we sort of knew we were getting into our final rhythm she looked up at me and the subject of both her going bare with him as well as her telling me ,"how much he filled the condom again" came up and the thought of her maybe going bare with him next Friday night and fucking him all night long like that suddenly consumed me.

She knew it and she smiled incredibly as she obviously felt how my cock responded as she said it.

A moment later she moaned and teased, "you'd like that, wouldn't you baby?"

Another moment later she moaned out something that sounded to me like, "I missed feeling that".

That did it for me, my mind went into overload and a second later I grunted and plunged deeply into her and I felt my cock explode. I kept pumping into her even after I'd stopped cumming and as she felt the warmth of my cum and my cock slipping in and out of her gushing pussy she shuddered and rolled her head back and forth. If I didn't know her better I'd have thought she was having a seizure! Her eyes were half closed and rolled back in her head as she writhed beneath me but it was her pussy that felt most intense, I actually felt it ripple and tremble inside and as her shuddering motions eased as my own thrusting eased I became very aware of how gaping open she felt. It may have been exaggerated by my cock shrinking a bit by then but when I pulled up and out of her and sat back onto my knees I looked down at her and I was even a bit slack-jawed to see her pussy was just gaping open as she lay there in what appeared to be a semi-conscious state. I could see my cum pooling inside her until one of her legs slacked towards the bed and it closed her up a bit. As I looked, a thin bead of cum became visible between her pussy lips and began to dribble out at the bottom.

I went to slid down and kiss her breasts and then move my way down as I would have loved to lick her but as I moved lower and lower and reached her pussy mound, she stirred out of her unconsciousness, put her hand to hold my head back and moaned in a low quiet voice, "no more tonight, please". I got up and left her there and cleaned up in the bathroom and then brought her out a warm washcloth. She'd pulled the covers over her and appeared to be asleep. I thought about pulling the covers back and cleaning her up a bit but then thought better of it knowing that when she wakes she'll be quite sticky!


I found out that the name of one of Suzanna's erotic pen-pals is a 'Will', someone who I correspond with but I never knew that Suzanna knew about him; a shock. I won't go into how I discovered this but we had a few heated words but suffice to say that we'll work things out just fine.

Perhaps it's better that it's out in the open too, I think Suzanna may have felt some trepidation about keeping this away from me. Believe me, it did surprise me to learn of this and I will be honest and say I feel uncomfortable not knowing how much of my thoughts Will shared with Suzanna as some of what I have written is for my own thoughts and sanity and not necessarily for Suzanna to know. However, it does answer some of my questions I've had about how and why Suzanna seemed so in-sync with me all along; it makes sense now if Will has been tipping her off or encouraging her in some ways.

I can say that after we got some of the annoyance out of the way last night, that later in bed Suzanna did ask me what I thought about next Friday and Glenn. I held her hand and turned to look at her and asked her if it was what she really wanted to do since she said she wasn't very attracted to him.

She smiled and before she even answered I knew her answer. She was very honest and very calm in how she replied and she just said that she'd missed 'those feelings' and missed the excitement of spending time with a new guy She said that she just wanted to have some fun and thought it might be fun to go out with him and maybe get a little tipsy and not have to worry about driving home afterwards.

I joked, "I could always come pick you up" to which she smiled knowing I was kidding around and looked at me and said, "If it bothers you....”

I pulled her close to me and I told her that it turned me on to think of her being out with another guy and admitted that I too missed it. We hugged and talked a bit more and she told me how she missed the feeling of being so immersed and into a new guy that she would forget about the rest of the world She told me that after they'd had sex last week that she was surprised by how energetic and horny he was with her. It was my turn to laugh at her being surprised at that!

We talked idly for a bit more and she seemed genuinely relieved that I wasn't letting this 'Will-thing' hang over us. I told her that it made me crazy with desire to think of her being away for the night again then she turned her head to look at me and asked, "do you think he could skip the condom?”

I held her tightly and told her that he was still a bit of a stranger and she countered that he seemed healthy and nice and she added with a giggle that she'd 'poked around in his medicine cabinet' in his bathroom and didn't see any strange medications or anything but that she would really talk to him about it before she would let him not use one, but first she wanted to be sure I was okay with it.

I told her a bit hesitatingly that, "as long as you're comfortable and confident that he's safe". She smiled at that and then I thought about the rest of her conversation about the last time she was with him. I just looked at her and said, "you don't want him to use one, do you?"

She turned a bit red and I guess was a little embarrassed that I knew her so well and that she was being hesitant to admit to me what was so obvious.


I am struggling to come to terms that it was Will eMailing with Suzanna, but that is the truth and that is where my disappointment with Suzanna lies, that she didn't feel she could tell me about Will. I think that is the extent of my disappointment.

Suzanna has showed me a bit of some of what Will has shared with her about what I'd written. She said she feels guilty about prying into my thoughts but at the same time did say that what Will had shared with her had helped her understand herself better and accept more of what I was thinking and such. It has made me feel ******* but I suppose that is something I should probably accept and that eventually Suzanna would find out about me telling other people my thoughts and our secrets. I suppose I've known it might happen all along. Maybe now, given what I've opened up about and the steps we've taken, maybe there's nothing in here to fear.

When I express my disappointment in Suzanna it's mainly about that with all of our openness I think she should have let me know that there is someone, a mutual acquaintance so to speak, acting as a go-between, working between the lines. From what Suzanna's shared I'm not sure if Will had any real agenda, it seems he was mainly trying to make her understand more of what he thinks I am into. In that way, as I said, maybe it was a good thing.

Either way, Suzanna's apologized for letting it get out of hand with Will and keeping it from me as she did. The thing is, I probably wouldn't have cared if they were eMailing if I knew about it but now a bit of trust-rebuiliding is needed. I love her and she loves me so I'm quite confident it'll all work out.


I can share that Suzanna says she is taking a break from the pen-pal/email stuff for a short while. She will need to work something out with Will, not sure what but that’ll be between the two of them. I'll admit openly that I did pry earlier into her eMail and have looked at her inbox again. I now know that the 'friend' I identified as Will actually shows up there as 'Bill something'. She initially denied it and why would I question that for she does have other pen-pals.

As far as I can see, thankfully, none of this has changed her desires. So maybe I perhaps I should say 'thank you' to Will for sharing my thoughts with as it is one of the things she's said he helped to convince her that I do truly want her to do this stuff. Whether Will pushed her to push me to be more open or if that's merely what happened as a result, I suppose that in the end (other than my feelings of my privacy being invaded) I suppose that there's no real harm in it all. Clearly whatever transpired between the two of them was just eMail so in that sense, maybe her seeing the more paranoid conspiracy-theorist side of Will was a good thing. Like it or not, that's how Will came across to her.

To be honest, I'd prefer to put this behind us all. If Will wants to (and she does) continue the eMail thing with her, by all means do so but I suspect that in future she won't be keeping his conversations from me though.

The question about invading each other's privacy is also foremost in my mind. I realize it wasn't her that found my mails to Will and what I posted so I'm not sure I can totally blame her for what things Will may have shared with her. She did apologize, just as I did in the past, so not sure there's a lot more to really hash over. Suffice to say that while we're through talking about it but I'm no longer surprised by what she's shared, at least not what she's told me so far.

I know she's had and has other pen-pals. From what she said, it started innocently and I do admit I did give Will her email address. In this way, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised. Maybe she is making up a story for me but she said that she was curious about what he was telling her even though she knew she shouldn't be reading it. All she could say was that she felt awkward not telling me the longer it went on and she apologized for it. Maybe I still feel a bit guilty so in a way maybe it feels like we're even? I find it hard to be mad at her when she's apologizing and explaining how she felt even though I probably should be, it's something about her hugging me closely and looking me straight away and telling me that.

I haven't thought about the perspective of what punishment would she suggest for herself. There’s an interesting thought.

There might be the question of what else hasn't she told me about? I think that is really asking in another way is whether I feel I can still trust her. Then again, it's a rather silly comparison as I can trust her to have sex with others. It's as if I'm finding it difficult to place a higher importance, relatively speaking, about finding out about her email with Will. Maybe it's another indication of the cuckold leanings that I obviously seem to have too!


She just called me and said that Glenn asked her out again tomorrow night and she was all excited as she told me she said 'yes' to him. She also told me that as class ended early tonight by a little bit that a few people from class, Glenn included, are getting a quick drink at the campus pub. She said she'd text me when she is on her way home.

I settled down to wait for her call and my mind went over last night when we talked while she encouraged me to masturbate. Suffice to say that we skipped by the discussions about the recent past and the eMail thing but we both agreed that she should continue as planned with Glenn. Indeed she went on to tease the heck out of me about feeling him "fill me up" when she spends the night.

I groaned at her that I supposed that meant she'd already come to a conclusion about going him going bareback without condoms and she smiled and said, "unless you really think I shouldn't". I didn't answer her other than her seeing my hand speed up and my cock grow even more. I could tell she'd made up her mind already and even if I did have second thoughts, it was one of those moments that I just felt I needed to let it go for now at least.

She teased me more about, "My god, he cums so much ..." and similar; it had the obvious effect and a few moments later I erupted all over. She lay very close to me and said she loved being there sharing the moment when I cum knowing how good I feel and knowing she'd helped me along. After she'd cleaned me up (with my help) we lay together half-watching TV and half-talking but about 20 minutes later I felt her hand on my cock and I felt her start to stroke me. She turned to look at me and said that maybe I should go a second time or maybe a third to make it easier for me to wait till Saturday.

That really got to me when I realized she was planning to spend the night, a part of me had almost forgotten about it. She felt me respond and she realized that I might have not remembered and she looked at me and said, "are you okay with it?"

Again, she could see and feel my answer instead of needing to hear it from me. My cock grew to full-mast at her question and she smiled and snuggled up next to me and whispered that she loved me and loved that this turned me on and that she was so lucky, etc. I came a second time not long after she started teasing me again about how she'll feel spending the night with him; she particularly emphasized that I should think about her waking up with him and showering and getting dressed! (She'd remembered that I told her that was something that really got to me and turned me on...)

So I’m not very horny tonight but I am eager for her to come home so I can share in her excitement.


She didn't get home all that much later than normal but she was incredibly fired up. At first I thought instead of drinks that they'd had a quickie from how she looked and was acting but she assured me that they hadn't and that she was just excited about everything.

We talked more and suffice to say that it wasn't the easiest thing to do but in the end, despite whatever, she came out and simply asked/told me that she did want to see him and to spend the night. Part of what we talked about was how excited she was and how alive she felt at all of this. I told her that seeing her like this that she didn't really need to explain much more as I too could see it in her.


I didn't sleep well last night and I surely don't expect to tonight as this is the first time she'll be away overnight in such a long time that it's going to hit me hard again.

This morning things were a bit uneasy until she asked me if I wanted to help her pack some stuff. She had a small overnight bag and we both laughed that she probably wouldn't need much in clothes. She told me of the 'schedule', she's going to his place after work where she's going to get changed and then they are going out to dinner and then back home. She said she hasn't told him about definitely spending the night but she's hinted about it that he won't be surprised.

She opened her closet and asked me what dress she should wear. She picked out a few light, summery ones and it was obvious she wanted to take a favourite red dress that had a good amount of cleavage and fitted her beautifully. Not the sexiest of dresses but as I put it on the door for her to take on the hanger with her I had the vision that while the dress may not be sexy, that Glenn zipping it up for her will be and it made me pause for a second. She hugged me and told me she loved me and that this thing with Glenn was just a physical for her and that I should just think about that for now.

She opened her lingerie drawer and picked out a really sexy panty/bra set that she said was for later tonight and I must admit I looked at them and got horny thinking of her lying on his bed wearing just them and how she'd let him take them off of her. When she took the towel off to step into the panties she was wearing to work I looked at her naked and it just made me feel proud in a way that she'll give herself to Glenn later tonight and enjoy some passionate sex. In my head I thought that I could easily take her away for a weekend or a few nights and give her that same passionate lovemaking that will leave her physically drained and mentally satisfied but to be honest the thought of her getting it from Glenn later tonight actually sounded more erotic!

I wasn't surprised when she pulled on her work clothes and went into the bathroom to get the rest of her stuff, Toothbrush, hair stuff, makeup and such. It almost seemed like she was teasing me with each item but surely that was in my head. She opened her night-stand and took the bottle of lubricant and joked with me to break the moment and said, "I don't want to get sore; I want to be ready for you when I get home tomorrow". With that she pulled the bag shut and kissed me and we went down to the kitchen.

She hugged me and kissed me goodbye and said I was the best and that she loved me for letting her do this and that was it. She said she'd call me later then she cupped my cock, smiled and said, "he should be ready when I get home tomorrow.....”

She left me at the front door with a lump in my pants that now will need a few more minutes and attention to calm down before I too can leave for work.

I made some plans to go out after work for a while tonight, going to some gathering at the local water hole. Our ******** is leaving around noon to go to the beach for the weekend and our son won't be back till the middle of next week so I figured 'why come home to an empty house?'


It’s 10:15pm. The plan earlier was to head back to his place about 10pm so I expect to have my last text message from her soon and after that I will know she is there with him.

The feelings I have right now are part excitement, part angst and part forlornness, but above it all is the incredible arousal I have at what she will be doing later tonight as well as what may have already happened. She has all but come out and said it that she will let him have her without a condom. (She hasn't mentioned me returning to using them. I understand her desire for that will come when she finds a boyfriend who she feels fulfilled with sexually, and that bar has been set high now by Robert!)

Despite my building arousal, I will have no problem waiting another 12 hours or so for her return. To know that she'll be fucking his brains out tonight and then sleeping with him (being awakened too) and then the thought of her getting out of his bed naked, maybe using the bathroom and coming back to bed, it just gives me an intense feeling inside. Later, showering with him, getting dressed, the thought of him there with her as she puts her panties and bra on and then finishes dressing before putting her make-up on, I guess it is true that I really am turned on by giving these intimate moments with her to her lover.


There was nothing sexier than seeing her come in on Saturday morning. From the slightly wider gait I saw as she walked up from the car to the smile on her face and that unmistakeable look in her eyes and on her face of having spent hours in pleasure.

We had the house to ourselves for another few hours as neither of the kids was due home until the afternoon. After a deep hug and welcome home kiss I followed her to the bedroom where she stood by the bed and started to get undressed as she told me, "it's your turn now baby".

She hadn't put her bra on and just that thought, that she's gotten dressed with him and had intentionally left it off, turned me on. Her nipples were darkened pink and as she turned to me I saw they were very hard as well as her whole breasts were reddened. She smiled when she saw me staring and she said that Glenn had liked her body. As she said that she turned to me and unbuttoned her jeans and slid them and her underwear down. The crotch on her panties was wet and was a darker blue than the rest and as she stepped out and spread her legs I could see her pussy lips glistening.

I was naked in a flash and got on the bed with her where she again told me that I could have my turn with her but that she was pretty worn out and tired from the night that I shouldn't necessarily expect her to respond as much as I may have wanted. No surprise hearing her say that but it only served to turn me on even more and a part of me wondered if she'd said that on purpose.

I won't try to recall all of our conversations as even at the time my head was so full of all sorts of thoughts that I wouldn't be able to keep them straight.

What I can say is that while she'd not told me before, seeing her panties and then, a moment later, kneeling on the bed between her spread legs, there was no doubt that they did not use condoms. There was a clear, whitish wetness seeping out of her and while the upper part of her pussy lips weren't spread, there was just something about how beautiful she looked lying there and my head was filled with thoughts of her lying there like that for Glenn that got me totally hard and throbbing.

While I wanted to just plunge cock-first into her, there was something that I wanted and in a way, even needed to do. It'll sound crazy but I just had to lick her pussy and I knew that I really wanted to taste that it was Glenn's cum in her. I never thought about it that way really but this time it was the foremost thought in my head that I just had to know that he'd truly fucked her without a condom and, from the looks of it, that it was earlier that same morning.

She moaned when she felt me moving around and she groaned that she wasn't going to cum again so easily but she did get up on her elbows to look downward at me as I spread her fully open with my fingers and then went in to lick her. Between her pussy lips, the insides were a pink color and I could feel she was quite swollen but most incredibly was that as I pushed her legs back, her pussy opened up and I could see a steady dribble of cum from deep inside her. I licked at it and it tasted incredibly salty and tangy and instantly I knew it was cum. A part of me wanted to throw her legs back and plunge into her but another part of me enjoyed running the tip of my tongue all around her swollen opening and with each tease of her clit, her pussy would spasm a bit and more liquid would magically appear. I sucked at her and she moaned and a second later pushed my head away and said something like, "just fuck me already".

Exquisite is an understatement. Her pussy felt like a smooth greased sleeve that seemed to fit my cock so well. That another was in its place just earlier was just an intense thought for me. She moaned at how big I felt and I remembered that Glenn was smaller so that made me feel really good too but what was incredible was how wet and slippery she felt.

I'd like to say we fucked for ages or that we moved from position to position but the reality is that I was so horny already that as soon as she started to tell me that they'd fucked again earlier this morning or that she was 'so wet because he came so much again', that was it, I became like a jack-hammer in her to the point that she had to hold me back for a moment in the middle. In the end, even if she didn't want to, when I got close she was right there with me and again, as I really started to let go and cum in her, she totally lost it and started to almost have a seizure beneath me. My cock stayed hard as I kept on fucking her as I'd cum in her and suddenly she thrashed her head back and forth and then almost seemed to pass out. The feeling of her pussy squeezing and spasming all around my cock was incredible.

When I'd started to shrink I leaned down onto her and held her tightly as I could feel her body coming down from the last part of her orgasm. A moment later she opened her eyes and said, "Well, I didn't have that with Glenn, that's for sure".

As we later talked she said that she wished he had a bigger cock and, she couldn't believe she said it, she told me that she wished he could have done that for her, made her really launch at the very end and she cooed about how nice that would have been, "with how much he came in me". I swear that comment from her almost got my cock hard again.

She told me that she'd gone to his place after work but that they'd both agreed to wait till they got back after dinner to have sex. She said that she didn't think he figured out that she was really going to spend the night with him until they got back and she pulled out a sexy nightie that he believed her. Apparently dinner was very nice and that since it was a foregone conclusion they were going to fuck later, she said dinner was filled with sexy comments and lots of teasing but it was when they got back to his place and he realized she was staying, that he relaxed and she said their time seemed to become less rushed. She said she let him undress her again and just hearing her tell me how she let him kiss her as he undid her bra or how he'd gently hold her butt as he'd slide her panties off, even though I wasn't there, I could see everything. She said she put on this loose camisole like top and that at one point she sat on his living room couch while he knelt in front of her and while she held her legs back for him, he licked and sucked at every inch of her pussy.

He told her many times that he was surprised and excited by how she seemed comfortable sexually with him. I guess not every woman had spread herself for him to let him go down on her before. She then said to me that she liked sucking his cock, that him being smaller than me 'made it easier to get him really hard'. Just the thought of her sucking him to hardness is still a turn-on for me but what really surprised him was when she said that he didn't need to use a condom if he didn't want to. She said that was the first time in more than 5 years (since when he was still married) that he was in a woman without a condom on. She said that immediately made her feel really good about deciding to let him have her and as she told me that I could empathize how he must have felt like he'd hit the jackpot! She said that if she was going to spend the night, that she didn't want 'them' to be spoiling their fun. Apparently that was the moment when he realized that she really was intending to stay over.

She said he felt great and that she'd cum along with him but then later on, as I'd already said, she didn't have that huge end-all orgasm at the very end that she's now become very aware of. She said that was compensated by, my god, she went on and on and extolled over and over about how much he could cum! She said that Robert and Dan could both cum a lot but that nothing prepared her for being with Glenn, not even seeing how much he'd left in the condoms. Apparently doing her bare released the floodgates! She actually said that it's too bad she doesn't like him and feel more for him because that could have really swayed her!

In almost 40 years of sex she says she's never had a guy cum that much and certainly not in her like he did. She said that while he wasn't big enough to really make her scream like she wanted that when he did cum in her (she's said many times now, not just on Saturday but every day since!) that the sensation and feeling that much cum deposited in her was enough to make her cum deeply as it was.

I know this is something that, especially in recent years, she has become more and more enthused about. Hearing her tell me how sexy she felt knowing he'd cum in her like that was not only arousing but it was also something really beautiful to hear her say and to even see how she smiled and glowed telling me about. She said that feeling him cum like that really made her feel close to him and that she loved knowing she'd made him cum like that.

She looked at me and said as they lay together in bed afterwards that she felt just so sexy as she thought about lying there with him and yes, she said she thought about me, especially as she felt herself begin to drip and to feel his cum running out of her.

She said that on Saturday morning when they woke up that her pussy was still wet and seeping his cum and that when he wanted her again, that she was already drenched and ready for him. (Indeed, she was still blotting up semen that was still dripping out of her on Monday and yesterday; of course, that could have been due to what I added to her since then!)

We talked a lot and she asked me a lot about how I felt about her spending the night with Glenn and how I was going to be in the future when she was really into the guy a lot more. I told her that I hoped I could be more of a part of things and that I wished they could have come back to our house instead of her being away.

She hugged me and said she knew that would probably make it easier on me and added, "that way you could see it's more about the sex than anything".

She wanted to know and be sure that I was okay with everything and I told her that I was; that I did enjoy knowing what she was doing and all of that. She smiled and told me again that she loved me. We are still talking about it and more.


I can't stop thinking about condoms and the realization that Suzanna is coming to, she's brought it up twice now. What she says is that after feeling Glenn cum in her so much, and again the next morning, that it really rekindled the feeling and desire in her about me returning to using condoms with her and that it surprised her. We haven't talked a lot about it just yet but she says that she was surprised that the feeling returned to her without having feelings of desires for Glenn. On Monday night when we talked about it she came out and said that she was starting to think that maybe she really just wanted to only have one guy cumming in her and when that feels right, that it might not be about feeling all close to the guy but is more about how she feels fulfilled by him cumming in her. She knew it wasn't a comfortable conversation for me as I asked her if that meant as soon as she starts going bare with her next guy that it means no more for me? She said she didn't know what it meant other than how it made her feel.

The other thing she asked me, as part of the condom discussion is how I would feel about fucking her but maybe just not cumming in her. She said that way I could still feel her bare but she could still feel like she wants with her boyfriends and still enjoy feeling me bare too.

I asked her if that was something she really wanted and she said that it was just something she'd been thinking about along with all of these other thoughts; how she could still feel close to me and all and how Glenn seemed to enjoy it so much more without a condom that it might be something we could think about in the future.

Needless to say, these talks led to a very intense spontaneous bout in bed before we went to sleep....


..... and there goes another book filled.

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