Book 60

When we did get up to the bedroom, Suzanna was quite playful and instead of being focused on where my head was, she was all horny about next week. She teased me that I must be getting hornier for her and rather than try to remember everything about the conversation I'll put it here that she is definitely turned on by this redefinition of our sexual relationship and she made it quite clear that she wants to celebrate and most definitely enjoy when I will cum in her again.

She cooed and teased me about how much she missed feeling my cum from me and made it clear that she wants it to be something special we share when we do it. I casually mentioned that, "...oh, I thought it might not be as important to you now..." or something like that and she responded very strongly to that.

She said that since our decision back in August that she's come to sort of understand the significance of sharing that moment with me. She said it in so many other words but basically said that now that she shares that with other guys ('guys', plural!) that she feels even more strongly about making when we do it to be something special for us. Again she mentioned how she liked the redefinition of our marriage to not, essentially, be centred around my sexually satisfying her.

She said that while she may do and feel things with other guys, that she still wants, and she also used the word 'needs', to feel that with me.

Now, that wasn't one whole single discussion, it was put together from our talking that spanned before and after our fun and some of what was repeated several times over the course of the night.


What we really talked about during the earlier part of the evening was what was in store next week. She was particularly animated when she talked about Tony and asked me quite openly whether I was both okay and whether I was excited about her fucking him next week. I told her that I was excited for her but wasn't totally sure about how I felt about it being her co-worker.

We were kind of into our fun and I was stroking away as she told me how horny she was getting 'to feel it again' ( I knew that 'it' was referring to him cumming in her) and she told me that she was excited about it. She said that she found herself getting turned on thinking of having sex with him after 'waiting all this time' and at one point she even said that she would get aroused thinking about being naked or, as she put it, 'undressed' with him.

She told me how she hoped he'd be good and that doing spontaneously as she was hoping, she thought it would 'make it hotter' and harder for him to resist her. She giggled at that and said, "not that he would. He has been so unbelievably friendly over the years."

Maybe she played it up a bit but from how she presented it, he's had the hots for her for a long time but she'd never felt comfortable about it before. She said that the past year or so had made her realize that she wanted to give into him. I asked her if it was going to be a whole big thing and she giggled and said, "no, that it could never be, that like us, he has a life and a ****** and that I don't think he would want anything more than a 'quick turn in the back seat!'".

It was how she said that she wanted it to happen next week that got me horny and ultimately got me off the first time. She told me how next Friday that a lot of people are going out after work. I asked if Robert would be there and she said she thought he would be and that his new lady-friend might also be there.

She then said something that surprised me, she said that she'd told Robert about her plan to have a quickie with Tony! I was surprised to say the least but she said that she felt so at ease with Robert that she could talk to him about most anything and that he knew of Tony and that she wanted his opinion.

She said he said the same things as I did about whether she'll be comfortable with Tony afterwards. After she explained how she felt and again said to me that she even thought it might be fun to work with him afterwards. Robert had said that he too couldn't see a reason for her not to. She told me that she wanted to have a few drinks and then, at some point, to pull Tony out onto the dance floor where she said, "he's sure to say something suggestive". She giggled and said that she planned on answering him with an, "okay, let’s sneak out if we can...." It was then that I realized she was masturbating herself as we talked and as I stroked myself.

It was how she described what she wanted to do with him in her SUV. She said she wanted to surprise him by being aggressive and hoped she could suck his cock. She rarely says she wants to do that so it surprised me to hear her say that.

She said she wanted to get him really horny for her and she said, "before he cums though, I want to fuck him". She said it really sexily and it turned me on to hear her say it so clearly and openly. She told me she intended to wear a dress, "that I can just pull it up" then she teased me about what panties she would wear or maybe she wouldn't wear any!

Damn my cock was rock hard and I noticed her own voice was wavering. I lifted my head up and I could now clearly see she'd slid her own panties off and now had her legs spread as she masturbated herself. She started to say how horny she was and how, "it's been almost a month since I've felt a cock in me" and then she said in this half-moan/half-sexy voice, "I want him to cum in me.

I was so close to exploding myself from hearing her tell me so openly and it was when she moaned that, "he'll have me before you get to again" that set me off!

As soon as I moaned and started to cum I heard Suzanna let out this gutteral moan and saw her arch her back and slam her fingers in and out of her pussy as she let herself finally cum. As I pulled out spurt after spurt of cum I could feel her shaking on the bed next to me and I could hear her fingers squishing in and out of her pussy until, finally, she too calmed down.

She moaned and turned to me seeming to be a little embarrassed herself at how she'd let go but then, seeing my cum all over my stomach and chest, it brought a quick smile to her face and she giggled that, "looks like it turns you on too". I was still in my post-orgasm daydream but heard her enough to nod and agree with a 'uh huh' reply. A moment or two later I felt her fingers gently squeeze my softened cock and draw out the last drops of cum. I looked down at her to see her playing with my cum and once again she moaned how it turned her on that I didn't cum in her.

This was when our conversation took a new turn, I asked her if she'd ever thought of denying me more than she already did. She was curious and looked at me and said she didn't know what I meant and so I sort of came out with it, I asked her if she ever thought about me either not going bare with her again or whether she wanted to deny me even more and not have sex with me at all.

It led to a bit of a discussion that was actually quite open. I couldn't look her in the face as I talked and I think she understood that it was hard enough for me to bare my soul that she let me talk to the ceiling.

As I wasn't looking at her I couldn't see her face when I said that sometimes I fantasize about her denying me further. She asked if it excited me to think about and I nodded. I can't really recall everything we said as it was quite an intense few moments but I know that I told her that it did turn me on that she didn't have the last part of her orgasm with me and that it really turned me on that she would only be feeling that with Robert and Tony until Christmas-time with me. (She later said she was touched that I had mentioned Tony)

She said that's what she was trying to say earlier and again tried to explain it, that it turned her on that this had become something we would only share on truly special occasions and she admitted again that not feeling it with me didn't make her love me or want me less but somehow that it did make her want to be with another guy more.

We talked and she told me that thinking of her own pussy as something that only her lover truly got to enjoy and feel made her feel incredibly sexual and incredibly turned on. She said that when she'd think that way it heightened everything she felt.

That was when she turned to me and said that she knew it turned me on too and that was still a big part of what drove her own desire, "knowing both of my guys want it to be this way".

I asked her again whether she'd ever thought about it going further. She hesitated for a moment and then proceeded to say that she too fantasized about it and thought in some ways it was arousing to know that she might only share her sexuality with other men. She hastily added that it wasn't something she'd want to do for real and she likened it to the fun we had the other day in the food-store and with her teasing me later on, that it's just playing it up and not something she'd want for real.

I thought she'd let it go then until she said something to the effect that if she did find another guy like Dan, "... and you know, he wanted more and more" that she said it might be something she would think of differently. Before I could respond she turned to look at me and said, "what we're doing now is fun, lots of fun, right?" and I had to agree.

She looked at me and said, "let’s just enjoy this for now and not over-think the future". She smiled and said, "after all, anything can happen" to which she added, "but whatever it is baby, it's something we'll decide together .... it needs to be good for both of us".


Tony; It's funny, in bed, that's almost all she can talk about, she's now totally convinced she'll fuck him next Friday. We had sex last night (with a condom) and as she lay back and spread her legs she looked up at me and asked me what I thought Tony was going to think! She'd shaved and trimmed the sides and left a little patch above her pussy. I told her she looked beautiful and very sexy. There was something about seeing the darker pink/redness of her vagina more clearly was incredibly erotic especially when she'd spread it open more.

I guess the truth is that I don't want to believe that this has already become a foregone conclusion and that we're already there but I have to accept that Suzanna really hasn't changed what she's been saying. In a way, maybe I need to accept that this has truly become who we are and that part of it comes from my still feeling and thinking and knowing that if I did need to have her bare for some reason that she would say okay. In my narrow way of thinking, in my head, it would go from fun and role-playing to lifestyle if she were to ever say 'no' to that need.

Is that a weird way to think about it? I guess in my head, if she were to truly adopt that attitude, then it would be a point where she would deny my desire even knowing that it isn't what I would want or agree to. In a way, enforcing what we are presently role-playing. To me, that is where it becomes a lifestyle as opposed to something we're just playing with. I am fearful of taking that step of not knowing if it would be temporary or permanent. Of course I know that within our relationship it's doubtful it'd be truly permanent as opposed to just a phase or a desire of hers for a shorter period .... but I also don't know or am sure about that.


My desire to see her 'fall for' someone now comes into play. In many ways, it's much the same as if she found someone who'd be more dominant and who would captivate her. What I see in her at these times, like when she's let herself get a little carried away with Peter emotionally or with Dan who on the other hand played a bit of the dom role for her. Here too when it was at its height, the arousal and excitement I could see in her was just incredible! I loved seeing her feeling consumed with sexual desires and I loved experiencing feeling her wanting more with him in whatever way.

With Dan, I did love seeing her seeming to 'need' to be with him and needing to feel like she wanted to fulfil his desires. Much in the same way that a lustful-love desire would reveal itself, I'm not sure if that makes any sense. Clearly I wouldn't ever want to lose her so perhaps the term Love is a bit too strong; maybe Lust would be more appropriate. It would be really intense to experience her longing to want more time and more sex from him and, yes, denying me at that same time. I'm just not sure to what degree I want that denial.

One thing that I know that we both find exciting is that she hasn't truly 'fully cum' with me in almost 2 months now. It turns us both on that we are both very aware that she needs to feel her guy cum in her and that the intense deep fucking as he does is what gives her the fullness of her orgasm that she find herself missing with me until Christmas.

In a way she's denying herself too. It's not that she doesn't cum when we have sex, indeed, she's laughed that most women would be elated with what she experiences with me, but since she's felt the ability to really let herself go physically with Robert and for him to give her that intense deep-seated orgasm that leaves her virtually unconscious, it seems like it's only intensified the wait until we have that moment again. I have to say that knowing what she is missing, knowing she's had it with Robert and knowing that I haven't felt her shake and tremble uncontrollably beneath me in a long time now, it's incredibly arousing.

She told me that she hopes she can relax enough and let go with Tony enough to share that moment with him.

Oh god, it was incredible to hear her say that last night and almost immediately made me fill the condom!


Suzanna asked me about websites and I shared with her some addresses. There was one site that just seemed to be a lot easier for her to deal with than coming and seeing the whole range of stuff that might come up if she just Googled as I still think a lot of sites would scare her off.

She did spend some time looking at that website and actually said that she found it helpful in better understanding what I'd been expressing to her regarding my enjoying denial stuff with her. I told her that if she looked around that she'd find my thread I'd started there. She said she'd seen it but said she would not read it as I said that I would prefer to keep it private.

She's always known of the word and term 'cuckold', it's been in various Penthouse Letters stories we've read but she's never really appreciated that she could useit as a way to search out stuff online, etc. She's not very computer-savvy and doesn't go online or on the computer very much. She's said to me that she sometimes goes on-line when I either turn in before her (maybe if I have an early day the next day) or when she can't sleep (she still gets hot-flashes from menopause at times that wake her up) but very infrequently and she continues to say that she finds it tedious and that she'd rather talk on the phone than sit in front of a keyboard.


Suzanna hasn't been with Robert sexually since just before Thanksgiving but she has seen him since then and has been cordial. He's quite enamored with his new honey so Suzanna has lowered her expectations but it's also at a good time as our house is abuzz with holidays right now and I doubt she could focus on him properly at this point. She is expecting him to be at the after-work holiday gathering this Friday and she says she's sort of let him know what she may do. I suspect they've had lunch together recently as they do see each other every now and then.


We respect each other's privacy. I read about other couples who read each other's Emails and text messages and the like. We do none of that, she respects my privacy and I hers. I am sure there are some racy emails and text messages she's shared with Robert and others earlier; it may be better off that I haven't seen them just as she understands that she doesn't want to poke through my correspondence either.


Last night left no doubt that Suzanna is missing Robert and what he added to our lives. She admitted that she missed him and was horny, not just horny in general, but horny for him. She's become comfortable now telling me again how he was the first guy to be able to, as she said it, "release me". I told her I knew what she was saying and that it turned me on that she's been able to enjoy herself. I mentioned that she was reminding me more and more about when we first started dating. She reminded me that I've said this many times in the past and that previously she never understood what I was saying before but now she did.

She said she feels differently about things now than she did just a few months if not a few years ago. She held my hand and said that she recognizes that she and I share so much more than good sex. She giggled and tried to say, to summarize, that now that she's found/felt/had sex with another guy and felt much as she's felt with me in terms of orgasm and loss of control and such. That if anything, surprisingly, it's made her realize how much more we share than just good sex.

She's said some of this before which is why I'm paraphrasing but she looked at me and said that she'd never really thought about what I'd said before but now she remembers more and more the 'wanting good sex' part of when she was single.

It was a good conversation as I told her that I loved the changes I'd seen in how she was in general, always happy and always 'up' and how much more open and clear she was about sex in general, so I kept it going.

I told her that I'd said these same things long ago and she agreed that she couldn't relate to it then but now she could. I told her that what impressed me was not just how good the sex was but also how much she wanted it and how much she did to make it what she wanted. (I think she was the first/only woman to ever say, "I want to be on top" that I'd been with!) We were just talking at this time and she turned to me and said that she thought I was right and that she'd forgotten how good it felt to want sex for herself.

She asked me to tell her more and I simply said that I thought things changed after we got married, and especially after we had kids, where sex went more from her wanting to feel good, to her wanting me to feel good. It was almost as if her desire changed to making sure I was satisfied, and I'm now going to add, that maybe by simple nurture of ******/kids and such, that she put me into the alpha-role in terms of her desire to please me.

This brought a few moments of silence from her before she turned to me and kissed me passionately. When we broke the kiss she looked at me and said that she felt very lucky to have me and to have me able to think about and even try to understand her as I did. Then she said it, "you may be right".

We kissed and humped each other through our clothes for a few minutes, her admission seemed to make me really horny; that I was right and that she was recognizing things more. It wasn't long before she reached down and could feel my hard cock through my pants and I could feel the damp warmth between her legs; we were both horny.

I hinted and then suggested we could have some 'real fun' and that was when she started the teasing. She looked at me and said, "not tonight, I want to be horny for Friday baby" and with that she reached into my lounge pants and said, "but that's not true for you, is it?”

She lay against my stomach more talking to my cock than my face letting me think of what she had just said. Oh god, it left no doubt what she wants for Friday. She told me how she can't wait to feel how big Tony is 'after all this time' and how she wants to suck him deep in her and make sure he's horny for her. She told me she was going to wear a dress so it's easier to have fun and it really turned me on when she told me how she hopes he'll like the panties she's going to wear.

I was rock hard from her hand and what she was saying and that was when she took my hand in hers and stroked me together as she told me that she couldn't wait to feel him in her and that was when she started to say that she missed not just feeling Robert's cum in her but how she missed, "... just feeling another .... different dick in me ...." She giggled and said it to tease me but perhaps also as another sign of acceptance she said, "I guess I did sleep around a bit back then, didn't I?" then she looked up at my face as I stroked away madly and said, "... and I guess it turns you on that I let them all cum in me - doesn't it baby?"

For the next few moments she continued with that teasing kind of sarcastic voice, "awww baby, does that turn you on" as she could see my hand was a blur, "I always liked that, you know .... letting them all cum in me". That was it and I burst all over the place which even brought a moan of approval from her as I kept stroking.

It wasn't until after I'd caught my breath that she kissed me gently on the cheek and then idly played with my cum as she said quite openly, "mmm, I can't wait for Friday". I didn't ask but I was pretty sure that as she was playing with my cum, she was thinking of having Tony's cum in her.


She's made it clear that she expects to have been with Tony more than once before I get my turn bare with her over Christmas. Just the thought of it gets/keeps me hard now even after last night.


Friday night and things went pretty much as I'd thought they would even if Suzanna hadn't thought everything through.

I did get home about 6pm to an empty house with our ******** having already told us she'd be out for the night. I managed to avoid thinking/obsessing about it all day but I admit that the quiet at home did get to me. It was as if it was reminding me of where she was and what she'd be doing later. I got changed and pushed myself to go out shopping; I knew that if I stayed at home that I'd wind up surfing the web and getting myself even more horny and I heeded her text that she wanted me to stay up for her when she got home.

I knew she wasn't going to text me or ask me anything, we'd talked about it enough and I knew what she wanted so there really wasn't any need to put us both through either text-messages or phone-calls asking for permission/agreement. Actually, I had already figured that my silence would be better for her instead of distracting her.

She finally texted me about 10:30pm that she was on her way home and that it'd probably take 45 minutes for her to get home. She didn't say anything about Tony and all I texted back was a simple 'k' in answer.

When she came through the door all my uncertainties were answered. Her hair was a bit messed up, it looked like she'd tried to brush it back into place, but it was the look on her face that left no doubt to me that she'd done it. As I hugged and kissed her all I could think was that between her legs she was undoubtedly still wet and maybe even still creamy from Tony. When the kiss ended she giggled and said, "I guess you want to follow me upstairs, don't you?”

She went in front of me wearing this very pretty flowing kind of print dress that shimmied as she walked. From behind her all I could think about was her bare-ass being presented to Tony! In the bedroom she turned to me and we kissed again before she asked me if I could help her out of her dress. I groaned back that maybe I wasn't the first to do so that night and she giggled as I unzipped her and she said, "don't be silly, it was too cold out to take it off".

As I pulled the zipper down slowly, she told me that she did give into Tony's passes that she been expecting. She said he'd asked her to dance and as they danced together that he'd made some suggestive remarks including one about, "how much fun we could have".

She said he didn't believe her response at first when she said, "okay, maybe later I'll finally take you up on that". She said he was speechless until she said something about they've worked together for so long and she said she admitted to him that she was curious and had been for a while.

He seemed surprised but after the surprise faded she said his immediate concern was 'what about Stefan?' As they danced she said she told him, "he doesn't have to know about it .... but he also said he didn't care". She said that he looked at her like she had two heads until she said simply, "we have an arrangement, please don't ask more". He seemed like he wanted to ask more but he didn't. As that song ended she looked at him and said, "come find me in a little while and we can 'take a walk' together" and she said she smiled at him such that he had no doubts or question about what she meant.

She said it'd been so long since she felt like that, talking to another guy and agreeing to mess around with him, and that it made her feel great. She said that back at the tables where they were all sitting near each other that Tony kept his cool and distance which also made her feel even better. She said that she danced with other people both guys and girls (it always makes me horny when 2 girls will dance together) and so did Tony but she said that she always caught his eye and that by the end of the night, he had the same desirous gleam in his eye too.

Suzanna said she was going to leave around 10pm and Tony, the gentleman offered to walk her to her car. They both got their coats from the checkroom and she said that outside she asked him where he was parked as she already knew he had a bigger SUV than she does. She said she felt very sexy with him opening the door and helping her up into the driver’s seat. What surprised her even more was when Tony got in and started the engine he asked her if she wanted to take a little drive. When she agreed he asked her if she wanted to get high. (He had some pot with him.) She smiled as she told me that and I knew what she meant, smoking pot almost always makes her horny.

She said they drove around for a few minutes until he pulled into a more secluded area of the parking lot where they watched a while to make certain they were pretty far secluded. She said she wasn't quite ready for it when she turned back and he was there and started to kiss her. When she kissed him back he took it as his green-light and he turned to lean towards her more and she said that his hands started to roam and that he laughed that he's finally getting to feel her tits after a decade of working with her. She told him that she hoped they weren't too small for him to which he gave her the cliché reply that good things come in small packages.

She'd been drinking and she admitted that the next few minutes were a little hazy as the pot started to sink in and she admitted that she started to really get horny. The way she told it, the next thing she knew she was in the back seat with him and that she'd slid her dress up around her waist and that he was sort of kneeling between her legs as she lay back against the back of the seat. She said she'd reached into his pants and had felt his cock in her hands and that he felt nice, not too big but certainly not small. As she undid his belt she said she lifted her butt off the seat and it seemed effortless for him to reach under and pull off her panties. I knew she'd worn thigh-high's instead of fully pantyhose or a garter-belt and I knew that a moment later she'd be bare-assed in his back-seat.

She said the next thing she knew he was telling her how beautiful she looked as she lay back and he spread her legs and she said how suddenly horny she felt as she lay back and let him see her pussy for the first time. He said she looked beautiful and complimented her on how thin she looked and how hot her pussy looked since she'd trimmed it back a bit. All I could think of was her lying back with her bright pink pussy spread wide open for him. She said the hadn't even realized it but as he was talking he'd moved so that he could lick her and she said she looked down just as she felt his tongue running up and down the sides of her pussy and she seemed to enjoy telling me how she could feel the tip of his tongue probing the now open entrance to her vagina.

I was sooo hard hearing her telling me this but I knew I wanted to wait as long as I could before I just had to have her.

She said he licked her for a while; he was good but she admitted she couldn't relax enough to let herself cum with him like that the first time ever. Finally, she said she needed to feel more of him (she told me that, it was her desire, not his) that she kind of pushed back at him and when he knelt again in front of her, she pushed his pants down to his knees and took his cock in her hand. She said she looked at him and said something like, "I know I won't get in trouble for this but what are you going to tell your wife?”

She knew what his reply was going to be, he said, "what she doesn't know won't hurt her," but Suzanna said that she wanted to hear it anyway.

They kissed more as she said she held his cock and stroked it. He'd stopped asking her questions and by then she said their communication became more like grunts and moans. Finally when he was really hard in her hand she said he grabbed her by her knees and pulled her to the edge of the seat. I swear I nearly came without even touching myself as she told me how he took his cock and rubbed it all around her pussy and spread all of her wetness all around. She told me she was so horny and so wet and open that had she not been so caught up in how fast it was all happening, that she'd have been totally embarrassed to be seen like that. Instead, oh my god, she told me how she felt herself give into her first orgasm as he pushed gently into her now gaping wet pussy!

My own cock started to throb as she told me this and all I could think of what Tony must have been thinking as he felt her cum as he started to fuck her. She said he pulled her knees up and apart and she could feel that he was very horny from how he seemed to be moving and acting with her. She was about to say something when she saw him wet his thumb and then she felt him give her little button the attention she needed. She said she arched her back as he rubbed her and again, he pulled her even closer and then, as she said, "he was all the way in me".

I dared not touch my cock or I'd have lost it hearing her tell me this. I'd lost all track of undressing her and only then did I realize she'd stepped out of her dress and she was now lying back in bed with now, just her bra and her panties and thigh-high's on. She'd stepped out of her dress and slip and had slipped off her silky camisole. She looked up at me when she saw me looking at her and she stopped and said, "want to see?"

I have described that feeling of being on a first-date so many times, of not knowing what I'll find when I undress her, and Friday night was no different. She sat up and I kissed her and I unclipped her bra. Her breasts looked luscious but I knew that Tony hadn't had them. A second later she lifted her butt and allowed me to have my turn in taking off her panties. And there she lay before me, obviously she'd been fucked not long before. No, it wasn't all creamy any more but it was clear when her pussy lips parted that she was glistening wet inside and I could surely detect the smell of sex, of cum, radiating from her. I could have knelt there on the bed for hours just looking at her beautiful body but my throbbing cock had other ideas.

At that moment I was in motion to just lean forward and start to fuck her but then she looked at me and said, "I guess you need me too, huh?" and giggled. I moaned a 'uh huh' reply and again I was about ready to just push into her when she looked at me and just said, "they're in the nightstand".

It honestly took me a minute to understand what she was saying and then I realized ... condoms!

At that point a whole world of feelings, thoughts and emotions swirled around in me. I realized later that she hadn't even told me about whether the sex was any good or not, just hearing her tell me about feeling him pushing into her was enough to get me soooo horny. As I reached to the nightstand and frantically unwrapped the condom she again put on this meaningful smile and as I unrolled it onto my hard cock she giggled about, "how much it looks like you want me". Sure enough, a second later it was my turn to push my cock into her.

As I slowly entered her I could tell, even through the condom, how she'd been fucked earlier, there's just this openness and lack of resistance that is almost immediately apparent. The knowledge that she was undoubtedly very wet inside and that I couldn't easily feel it drove me crazy with desire.

As I started to fuck her myself she told me how Tony had been pretty good, even better than she'd thought he would be.

I asked if he made her cum and she smiled and giggled and said something like, 'I guess the time I spent with Robbie was good' because she told me she came with Tony pretty easily and did so multiple times.

She admitted that she didn't have the really full deep climax that she'd been able to achieve with Robert but that Tony felt very good and admitting, "he's a pretty good fuck". As I ploughed away at her and knew I was getting closer and closer she told me how he'd commented on not having to use a condom with her, adding, "unlike you", and how great that was.

I thought I'd hear more but instead, she told me that the alcohol and pot had apparently gotten both of them to be pretty horny and how she thought they could have fucked for a while longer but, to her, it seemed like they'd suddenly both reached the point of no return. She said she could feel Tony's arms and shoulders supporting and spreading her legs as she just let him go at her. When she felt another orgasm approaching, she said that Tony must have been able to feel it because he was right there with her and just as she climaxed she said she could feel him doing the same.

I was now buried deep in her just as Tony had been not too much earlier and I admit that hearing her talking and feeling what I could (and couldn't) all got to me and as she told me she could feel him cum deep in her pussy, that was it, I grunted out loud and moaned as I too reached my own orgasm and I pumped what seemed like a quart of cum into the condom. She didn't cum. She was too into recalling the evening and after I had cum said she'd had enough earlier!

She said he lay there against her with his cock still buried in her while they both caught their breath and that she had giggled and said she asked him about, "leaving a stain on the seat". He replied that there were already so many other stains in the seats that he wasn't worried. Then he asked her if she was 'really' going to tell me what happened. She smiled and said that she was and told him that I was going to enjoy hearing about it.

The next thing she said surprised me a bit, she said that she watched as he pulled out of her and the first thing she noticed about his softening cock was that he was not circumcised! She said he's the first guy in over 30 years who she's been with who wasn't circumcised. She admitted that it was a bit of a turn-off as she suddenly felt she didn't want to suck him afterwards like she did with the other guys and me.

I was totally spent by then and I have to admit that I seemed to zone in and out as she told me more of her night. She said that Tony reached for something in the back seat to clean himself and her up with and he then pulled his underwear and pants back up while Suzanna raised her butt and pulled her own panties back up. She said it was only after they were both fully dressed that they both started to laugh and felt more at ease with each other. She said he was apologetic for being 'so quick' and she answered telling him not to worry and that, "... you can take longer next time!”

Hearing her say that I felt like I blasted another load into the already full condom and by this time it was well after 11:30pm that we both sort of lay together on the bed and made idle talk until we both drifted off into a very satisfied sleep.


.. and there goes another book completed. I’m thinking I had better make a bulk buy the rate I’m filling these up.!
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