Book 24

How satisfying this whole writing thing has become. The completed books deserve to be sitting on the bookshelf above my desk. What a fine sight they would make but I’m thinking that it might be safer (prying eyes!) to keep them locked in my confidential cabinet.

Let’s get started on the next “volume”.


When she got home Saturday evening with our ******** and her friend still preoccupied I thought maybe we'd have a chance for a quickie but she halted me when she came in and said that she'd much rather wait till later. Rather than be teased, I let her get changed alone while I got dinner started. She was all lovey-dovey when she came back down and gave me an awesome kiss and afterwards she just said ‘thanks’ and started to help with dinner.

After dinner when we had some alone time she told me that she and Ray had been talking and said, among other things, that he was, like me, still getting used to how open this all was becoming. She in turn started to tell him that she's been sharing more of their fun with me too and that he was very interested in my response. Apparently when she started to explain the stuff we'd talked about, Ray seemed even more incredulous that this was all good with me.

I was horny hearing about all of this and I think she may have done it on purpose knowing that we'd be waiting till later on. By 10pm when we said goodnight to our ******** we were both more than ready for each other.

There is something about having sex with her after she's been with another guy that I don't think I will ever tire of and Saturday night was no different. She told me of how much fun they'd had earlier and how Ray had, at one point, chased her around his place in the nude and how he cornered her and carried her to his bed. When I finally felt her naked body next to mine I swear I could still feel her arousal from earlier emanating from her. She lay on her stomach and spread her legs, I climbed on top of her and she arched her back so I could enter her in that position. She says it makes me rub against her g-spot. She was still wet from earlier and that knowledge just drove me crazy.

I can't even recall the positions we were in, just the intensity I felt when we finally assumed the missionary position and I could truly feel all of her. She couldn't scream or moan as loud as she'd wanted as our ******** was somewhere in the house but there was no holding back on her passionate thrashing about just as there was no faking the orgasms I could feel overtake her. Clearly she knew I was right there with her at the end when we both came almost at the same time (she says feeling me or whoever cum in her always sets her off one last time).

Afterwards as we lay there we talked. She was excited about how things seemed to be going between the 3 of us. I told her again that I liked Ray and that I was happy he was getting to have some fun with her. She giggled and hugged me. I asked her what her plans were for this week regarding Ray and she'd said that she wasn't sure just yet and that she was still sorting out what she wanted. I laughed back at her and simply told her to tell me when she knew.


Going back to last Monday and after our weekend, I wasn't sure what to expect until she shared her plans with me before bed. I had noticed that she'd gone back to wearing panties that morning and that night she informed me that she wanted me to wait till the end of the week and that she'd be ‘seeing Ray during the week’.

She came home on-time all week long including Thursday night and she kept to the panty-routine all week too. She gave me plenty of alone time to masturbate as well and then on Thursday night she asked to watch me. Unlike other times, she did not give me any encouragement and I just had to go with hat was in my head.

Friday and she came home on-time too.

Anytime during the week when I'd asked her about Ray, she replied that, "you'll find out on Friday".

I sent Ray an Email saying she was acting kind of weird and whether he could shed any light on what was happening. He just wrote back saying that she'd asked him to not tell me anything. I could tell from his Email that they'd definitely gotten together but I didn't know any more.

In the last exchange Ray changed the subject and said he was done with the sander and that he'd send it home with Suzanna over the weekend. That was the first clue I had to any plans on their part.

So, Friday night as we were getting ready for bed I started to ask her whether we were going to ‘have any fun tonight?’ She giggled and asked me if I'd wait till Saturday night and then told me that if I'd wait, that she'd fill me in on what they'd done all week. I'd jerked off so much during the week wondering about her and him that I knew I'd need Friday off if we were going to have time together on the weekend. So, in a way, hearing whatever she was going to say was only going to make me even hornier for her the next night.

I agreed to wait and she admitted that they had gotten together several times during the week. She'd seen him Tuesday morning before work and she told me that she'd ‘felt him’ all day long (just to turn me on!). She said she saw him 2 other times, - Wednesday afternoon and Thursday afternoon.

I was awestruck! I wasn't mad or anything for her not telling me but instead, incredibly turned on at what she'd done, knowing it was her that wanted it. No wonder Ray’s Email to me was lacking detail; she'd asked him to not tell me just yet. To think that I lay there next to her masturbating Thursday night while she was probably still wet and creamy from him! She said she'd had fun being ‘his’ and then promised me that I'd have fun with her over the weekend.

I don't know how I slept that night but come Saturday I was all ears regarding our plans. Our ******** was going to be gone most of the afternoon and the entire evening on Saturday at a school event and again on Sunday.

After our ******** left on Saturday, Suzanna became all lovey-dovey and suggested we shower and get cleaned up then she told me that Ray was coming over our house for dinner and "dessert". The weeklong denial, even with masturbating was still very much in my head now knowing that the evening was going to bring.

Sure enough he showed up about 4:00pm and the 3 of us were very cordial. When Suzanna told him that she'd told me of their week Ray turned to me and said, "sorry, she made me promise not to tell.”

I told him, "no hard feelings" to which Suzanna giggled and said that was surely the case after she left him each time!

I barbequed some dinner for us and the 3 of us were just like old friends. There was nothing explicitly sexual going on but I did see them kissing a few times when they thought I wasn't there. At one point after dinner when Ray had gone out to the car to get my sander Suzanna told me that she wanted some time with him to get started and that I should then come and join them.

I immediately cringed at what she'd said and she must have seen my reaction because she said that she'd talked with Ray about my issues about using our bedroom. We'd also talked again about my apprehension about being there as they got started and she'd told me that Ray too had admitted that he felt uncomfortable ‘seducing’ her with me there. Weird that I felt better all around about us all being on the same page.

With that bit of anxiety out of the way the evening was about to get started. I'd poured us all another glass of wine after we'd eaten and Suzanna said to me, "Come see us in a little bit" as she took Ray’s hand. He looked at me questioningly but didn't say a word as Suzanna led him to our guest bedroom upstairs.

I waited as long as I could so that they would be at a good point for me to join them. With no one home I could hear them as I approached and from the sounds, they had moved onward from foreplay more quickly than I'd expected. I entered the room to find Suzanna on her back and Ray above her, neither of them looking at all toward the doorway.

They looked beautiful together and again I almost felt like I could have just stood there watching them. There was something about seeing her holding her legs back for him, seeing him tenderly at times and forcefully at times fucking her, it just got to me. Not just seeing them but hearing them too...

However, I didn't stand there for long. I heard Suzanna come down from an unmistakeable orgasm and I walked over to her and Ray looked up at me and smiled. He moved back onto his knees to make room for me next to Sue. It just seemed totally natural for her to look over, see me and then take my cock into her mouth.

Ray said something about moving over if I wanted a turn and I have to say, it actually made me feel great to simply tell him, "no, you first, then I'll have my fun" which made Suzanna take my cock out of her mouth and giggle out loud!

Ray just smiled and shifted himself on the bed a bit as he continued fucking her. (I can remember cringing at this moment in the past but now it felt fine, really fine). Suzanna twisted her torso towards me and let Ray have control of her legs and lower body. It was erotic to see his hands pushing her thighs back and then watching him so knowingly wet his thumb and play with her clit. It's a move I know she likes so well and she obviously told and showed him. As he rubbed the underside of her button she moaned loudly and I guess she was cumming again but all I could do was just get into the moment with her and him.

It must have been a few minutes later when she seemed to suddenly stop sucking me and lay back flat on the bed. She held my cock with one hand but I don't think she even knew it. She did look beautiful though and I knew immediately that she knew Ray was ready to cum.

Seeing her laying there, her legs spread as far apart as they could be, her free hand gently touching her nipples and then down her stomach with Ray his eyes closed, buried in her and almost not moving, it was just like the last time, I wanted them to cum together. A moment later I wasn't disappointed. Grunts, moans, squeals, him first and her right behind. She let go of my cock as she thrashed under him until he seemed to have stopped moving.

I guess he's used to it by now. When he caught his breath and moved from his elbows to his hands he looked at me and smiled and then he arched his back away from her and pulled slowly out of her. It was so fucking hot to see his cock slip out of her and for me to have this intense feeling good about it and good about them too.

He knelt back for a second before he moved over. I didn't need to be asked, I was kneeling where he was a second later and barely a second after that I was in her with her legs wrapped around me. Ray was by her side and she was licking the tip of his cock as I started to take my turn.

Between being horny for so long and now feeling her just a moment after Ray was done with her, let’s just say I didn't last very long. Fortunately, she was close to another orgasm and the feeling of me losing control so rapidly set her off at the same time as me. I came an obscene amount in her. As I pulled out of her myself a gush of cum followed which led to Suzanna letting out a loud laugh and slapping at both of us for the mess we'd made!

The three of us were just lying there afterwards. I've never been in a swinging experience or any other group-sex experience (at least not as an adult) so I can't say whether this is ‘normal’ or not but the 3 of us just lay there talking about nothing and everything for what seemed like 15 minutes or so. I'd move around; Ray would move, up to one elbow or whatever; Suzanna would move up onto her elbows and then lay back down. The 3 of us just hung out there, naked and Suzanna never even closed her legs.

I can't remember much about what we talked about, I was just enjoying the moment when Suzanna said that it was getting late and our ******** was probably due to be picked up. The way she said it I could tell that she was hinting that I should go pick her up. I thought about it for just a moment and then said, “OK, I’ll go.”

I leaned over and kissed her forehead and said I'd be back in a bit after I got cleaned up but neither of them moved or followed me. I looked in the doorway after getting cleaned up and dressed and saw that they were now under the covers on the bed and quite busy with each other. I guess, being the good cuck that I am, I walked away and as I got my coat on and found the car keys I yelled back to them that I was leaving and would be back.

I didn't mind leaving them there. I was still a bit horny and was thinking that maybe when I got home, that Ray would be gone and we could maybe go for seconds and then had the evil thought that it would be more like 4ths for her.

I'll end quickly by saying that I did coax her into 4ths and when I mentioned it, she teased me to get me off! We spent the rest of the evening talking pretty openly about how we were both comfortable with Ray and what was going on.


Our phone rang about 3pm yesterday afternoon and Suzanna came into the garage where I was working and said she was running out for a little while and that she'd be back before our ******** was home. She didn't need to explain or say anything further. It was obviously Ray who'd called and sure enough, about 2 hours later she came home and wrinkled her finger at me as she walked in and beckoned me to follow her. Within another few minutes, I welcomed her back home by giving her her 6th fucking in less than 24 hours! If this is what I'm getting out of the openness and freedom she wanted with Ray, wow, I'm never going to complain!


She's gone back to her panty-routine. This morning I asked her why and whether she is seeing Ray again during this week. She looked at me and said plainly that she likes the effect that her wearing panties has on me by the time she ‘allows’ me back in them! She then said that she thought that the arrangement with Ray was that she didn't have to tell me everything when it happened. She added that she thought I was ‘quite happy with how things worked out’ last week!. She then joked that maybe I’d just be her ‘weekend husband’ if I keep on questioning everything instead of ‘just enjoying’ it. Then she came to me and hugged me (with her bare breasts up against my chest) and said in a sexy voice, "you did enjoy yourself, right?”

I was a bit surprised but also quite aroused at her newfound independence. I told her, "okay, we'll see how things go.” to which she replied, "You’ll be fine..." I quieted down and watched her finish getting dressed.

All of which leaves me with this hard-on which I need to work off. ‘My time’ as she puts it


As far as her plans for Ray, all she's said is that she is going to enjoy things at her pace, and yet at the same time, I also know that she is still looking for my approval in a way. I do want to let her do what she wants. All I keep thinking is that Ray is a lucky guy.


I don't know if she saw him today and she's sort of suggested that I not ask him and he not answer me, at least for now. I was kinda peeved by that until she said, "but I'll tell you all at the end of the week if you can wait that long". Such a turn-on knowing she's playing up the teasing a bit for me and her knowing that I'm enjoying it. I joked with her that Ray's not that much younger than us and that she'd better not wear out her new toy and that was my turn to laugh!

So she's asleep already and honestly, I still don't know if she saw him today. I could check her panties in the hamper but that would be sneaky. To be honest, the idea that she might have is almost more arousing than knowing for sure one way or another. I think back to her ‘weekend-husband’ comment and in some ways just hearing her even say that on her own to me is such a turn-on that I can't even begin to describe it.


I received an Email from Ray, to me and not us. It was just a thank you note and said several times over what a ‘great guy’ I was and that kind of stuff. I told Suzanna to check him out as to me it sounded like he was feeling guilty and I reminded her that she needs to consider both of us and not just herself. She giggled and said she may be a bit greedy.

I did not give in despite wanting to and didn't ask her anything about Ray. Her giggle pretty much gave me an answer and left me quite horny in the process. I did eventually look in the hamper but it was empty so either she did the laundry tonight or possibly she's still wearing them from earlier. Damn, did she see him today?


She is out right now dropping our ******** off at the movies who is going to meet friends there. She told me to be ready when she gets home.

She still hasn't told me of any of the week’s events. Between being horny and curious this wait right now is perhaps worse than the past few days!


Well, come 9pm or so when she got home she came into my den/office and teased me about ‘hoping I'd waited for her’. I told her that I was wicked horny after waiting days for her. She giggled and said that a little waiting would do me good some times and she encouraged me to turn off the computer and follow her into the bedroom.

Before she'd allow me to undress her she asked me if I was okay with what she'd been doing this week and I told her that all I knew is that it was making me horny all week. She asked me if I was going to be okay knowing that she'd seen Ray a lot this week to which I joked back that he's going to need the weekend off.

She smiled and said that he was going to his brother’s for the weekend to watch the Super Bowl with him. She didn't need to say it but I figured she'd worn him out by the end of the week so I just asked her in a very calm voice whether she'd seen him every day this week?

She attempted to be non-committal but the look on her face gave me my answer. After a minute or so she said, "what if I did?"

I was taken aback, I didn't expect that response at all. I kind of stammered and then just said something like, "wow ..." and "... you can't imagine how much I want you right now!" With that I pushed her onto the bed and started to kiss her. I told her how aroused I was thinking of her being so sexually demanding. She looked up at me and said she hasn't felt like this in years and that she felt like she was in her 20's where she'd see her boyfriend most every day.

I probably shouldn't have asked but I said, "so, is Ray your boyfriend?”

She hesitated for a second trying to gauge what I was thinking and then said, "I guess so".

I think she thought I might be annoyed or something worse but, instead, hearing her say that, it just made me even more aroused. I am amazed at the change in her, that this is what she now wants and not what Ray wants of her! The fire and desire in her eyes is just amazing.

I told her, "that's good, I like him". In a way I felt like I was telling my ******** that I approve of her boyfriend; I know she showed relief at my reaction. I joked with her that she must have worn him out and she laughed that they're still in the ‘honeymoon stage’ and I joked back that my remarks came from experience. She punched me and we rolled about in bed until I had her down to just her panties.

She looked up at me and teased me about finally having her back. As I started to pull the panties off she said, "it turns you on that Ray has been in them all week, doesn't it?!”

I wanted her a thousand times more at that moment at that thought. Pulling them off her and seeing her pussy finally after almost 5 days, I swear it seemed more swollen than I'd remembered. Her pussy lips seemed more prominent and also seemed to me to be a much deeper darker shade of pink. She was also totally smooth and that too may have turned me on even more, that she'd shaved all week long to be neat and smooth for him, but pulling her legs back as she took one and then the other ankle out of her panties, her vagina seemed to open up on its own and to me looked to be open more than usual.

I know it was my mind playing tricks on me most likely but the thoughts were just so intense.

She encouraged me to go down on her and then she whispered that she'd seen him every morning (yes, every morning). At that moment I swore I could still taste his cum in her and with good reason. As I brought her closer and closer to orgasm, she held the back of my head against her pussy firmly and began to tell me of her week; how each morning she'd stop by his place. Sometimes it was just for 20 minutes, long enough to relieve her desires; other days she'd spent almost an hour there, as she put it, "getting the day started right".

I was getting frantic as she told me more details but I didn't bring her to orgasm though; I could have but I needed to fuck her. There have been few times when I have truly needed to seat my cock deep in her and feel her totally. This was one of those times.


Just when I think she is finally satisfied, I couldn't believe it, that she wanted it again tonight! Then again I was surprised how easy it was for me to be convinced for I still had the feeling of needing to have her.

Today, she seems so calm and yet so incredibly sexual. I mean this is how she and we were back when we first started together and that is such a turn-on for me, it's like we've unlocked some new realm for us.


Last night while I didn't get her off orally, the moment I slipped into her she took off like a rocket. She bucked up against me and then wrapped her legs around me and pulled me in. I can't even describe how intense it was to feel her so aroused. I moved slowly to let her enjoy it all and, wow, I could feel her body as she rode wave after wave of a long orgasm. With no one home she could scream as loud as she wanted. I pulled almost all the way out and she would let out this low moan, but pushing back into her turned into this squeal, with kind of an uhhhh at the end accompanied by feeling her pussy just open up and suck me in deeper.

She looked up at me as she came back to earth and I could tell by how she looked that she was still tingling all over as every touch of mine brought a moan and a shiver with it.

I knew she was ready for me when she pulled her own legs back for me. She'd cum a lot and I knew she was still wet from earlier, both with Ray and from my tongue, but there was this feel to her that was indescribable. She looked up at me and started to tease me to help get me off and push me. I was getting closer and she kept saying things about how wet she was and how she liked getting fucked so much. But then she said something about Ray having her more than I do and that was it.

Her saying that is still just crazy to me; how awesomely sexy is it to hear that and to know it was her doing, that she wanted it and then did it and shared it with me (in a way) stuck in my head. My wife; her wanting it; her initiating it; letting my head think about Ray fucking her, that was the trigger.

It felt like it'd been a month with how I'd cum, like a fountain in her. Afterwards, well, let’s just say that it was a tender moment between the 2 of us. I don't even remember if we even talked or said anything important. Instead we just lay there in each other’s arms and had some ‘us-time’. The only mention of anything even related to Ray was her simply asking me, "Are you okay with everything". I answered by saying that that I loved her and it was wonderful.


Which is why I'm surprised at tonight's action here! She'd been non-committal about it today when I'd joked with her if she was worn out yet but when she asked me to open a bottle of wine about 8:30 I began to have hopes. Our ******** went off to sleep about 10pm and I was surprised at how the wine had gotten to Suzanna and seemed to turn her on. Suffice to say that by 10:30 she was eagerly sucking me to full hardness and then she proceeded to climb up on top of me and ‘take control’.

If I thought her pussy felt ‘used’ on Friday night, then perhaps the word for tonight would be ‘tired’ but with her on top, it didn't matter, she felt awesome. At one point I'd reached out and pulled her deeper down onto me as I felt her bottom out and grind against me. She seemed to take the lead and would use her full body weight to plunge down onto me but I could feel she was tiring and soon she leaned forward against my chest and then let me take over. Each time I'd push up into her, she'd push back gently and it drove me more and more crazy. I was surprised at how soon I could feel her start to really respond. And, oh my, did she respond.

My favourite position though is on top, the good ol’ missionary position. There is nothing finer than to feel you partner under you giving herself to you. She teased me a bit more to get me going and as I looked down at my cock pulling out of her and then pushing back in she said, "you like thinking about Ray in me" and a second later, "he feels wonderful like you do".

I knew how I felt at that moment, the urge to cum deep in her growing by the instant and I know it sounds crazy but I thought about Ray being in her just like I was and about to cum in her too. A crazy but awesomely hot thought and that was all I needed. I ground and pounded into her for a few more strokes until I could take it no more and let the moment take me. I spewed deep in her pussy and she says she could feel it and let the moment carry her to cum with me.

Oh to have the house to ourselves and the windows closed so the neighbours couldn't hear our passion. Not sure about our ********!


I haven't asked the question about what Ray did/didn't know about last week which is frustrating for he was definitely aware that I wasn't ‘allowed’ to ask any questions about what was going on.

We did talk a bit more and she said it wasn't like she was going to do it every week or that but the way she said it was so sexy in that she made it no secret that it was all her desires.

I told her seeing her this way, so sexually desiring, was a huge turn-on. She admits that the old saying is true, the more you do it the more you want it.

At the moment she's over at a neighbours; they're talking about what they are going to do while the game is on. They invited me over to watch the game but they have younger kids and I'm more into sitting back in my den with my ******** sticking her head in every few minutes for an update.


After the game last night we talked and I asked her about any plans for this week. She joked back that she needed to give Ray a break and how he'd himself been surprised at what she was doing last week and how in many ways was more than happy to help her out! She laughed and came out and said that she was surprised at herself in some ways.

It was my turn to laugh and remind her of how she used to be when we first started dating when she'd ask and even sometimes demand that we had sex. I think back at that time and I am thinking that had I have said no or was too tired, that perhaps she'd have gone and found another guy.

I wasn't ready for it back then though and instead enjoyed all the sex we could!

The feeling I get is that Dan pushed her too much and didn't let her come around to enjoying what he was asking/telling her to do. She hasn't really wanted to talk all that much about when she was with him but I know that she is now becoming aware of her own desires including things that Dan ******* her to.

I asked her if she was going to again do the whole ‘panty routine’ this week. She giggled and leaned over to me and held my cock through my boxers and said, "why, does it turn you on to not see me?” I know she could feel my cock getting hard as she said it.

I couldn't lie and said, "you know it does!" and she giggled again and said, "we'll see ..." and then added, "... so, how did it feel to be my weekend hubby?”

I was almost at that question and asked her back, "how did it feel to have me as one?”

I guess she heard the hesitation or concern in my voice because she hugged me and said, "don't worry, you won't have to wait this week" and then laughed at how easy both Ray and me are to control with ‘these’ and she snapped the waist-band of her panties!

So, I’m thinking, it's going to take a little getting used to in how she's now looking at things and what SHE is now doing and wanting.


Suzanna asked me if I would do something for her and Ray on Thursday. Naturally I was all ears. I was expecting something long-winded or extravagant, but instead it was relatively simple. She said she'd like to give Ray ‘sloppy seconds’.

I haven't swapped Email or seen Ray this week as things have just been crazy at work. Now I'm not totally sure what I'd say to him except he must know that she's asked me. What I do know is that once again the subject came up between them and she told me that Ray had been the one to ask if he could ever, as he put it, go second. Apparently he repeated again that he thought it would be very erotic to have her that way. As I said, we are alike in many ways.

How can I refuse that request?


She teased me tonight before she went to bed earlier by saying I could have her till tomorrow night and then giggled as she said I'll be ‘preparing her’ for Ray.

It's okay though. I mean, it sounds like fun and I want to hear her tell me what went on so why not.


Her teasing continued this morning including remaining under her towel until she'd pulled up her panties. She then told me, "I'll take them off tonight when you get me ready". She then came up to me, hugged me and asked me in a soft voice, "you are okay with this, right; just having some fun, right?”

My response was a breathless ‘definitely’ but she already knew my answer by the lump in my pants!


I can't say that we are all totally settled into our new roles and fun but we are all getting used to things. Ray is gaining comfort in dealing with me and the Pink-Elephant in the room seems to be getting smaller both in Email and in person.


Last Thursday night and I know that her making me wait like that had gotten me really worked up. It was good that our ******** had gone out after dinner to work on a school project. It was kind of a different scene for us with the two of us having sex and her then going over to see Ray!

She made a big deal of teasing me as she got undressed, I remember being so frigging horny seeing her strip down to her bra and panties and then, taking her bra off but leaving the panties on before climbing on the bed next to me. Between how she slithered around and ran her hands all over herself and what she was saying to me, damn was I ever ready for her.

She teased me about whether I wanted to see ‘Ray’s pussy’ and she knew that teasing me about being a ‘weekend husband’ was a turn-on so she laid it on thick. At one point she even got into telling me how she was, in a way, cheating on Ray if she took her panties off. I knew it was all in play but at the moment, I let myself go and let her lead. To say I was responding is an understatement; I was hers at the moment.

She played it up for a while, including covering her pussy with her hand as she continued to tease me and deny me. It was only after she'd brought herself close to orgasm that she looked at me and said, "are you ready?” Then she surprised me and said, "I'm probably not going to cum but I want you to, okay?”

I asked if she was serious and she giggled and said she wanted to play up the whole ‘cheating wife’ scene with Ray and wanted to complain to him that, "My Husband didn't even make me cum".

I couldn't believe I was going along with this but, whatever, once I was in her, there was no turning back.

The idea that I was about to cum in her and send her off to her lover was kind of different and I wasn't sure of how I was going to respond but in the end, there was no doubt. She may not have cum, but wow was she ever wet and open. She kept up the teasing just to keep me on edge until I was ready. Telling me how wet she'll be for him later and how he ‘wants me dirty like you do’.

Let’s just say it didn't take me all that long, she knew it was coming and she even turned up the teasing a bit more and told me how she'll come home later after having been with 2 guys. A moment later her teasing brought results and I spewed a lava-like load into her. She squealed and later even said thank-you to me for ‘letting her have this with Ray.’

She came home maybe 2 hours later and she asked me if I wanted ‘thirds’. How could I resist?

Even though it took a while (and I’m sure it was barely a dribble compared to my first time) she still moaned at the end and managed to share one final orgasm with me. I didn't need any teasing this time around though, just the knowledge of what she'd been doing was enough for me.


This past weekend our ******** made plans for a sleep-over at a friend’s house. Not sure whether it's something Suzannae said to her or whatever but she seemed happy to be away from home for the night.

Come Saturday morning when the sleep-over plans were confirmed, Suzanna asks if Ray can maybe come over. At first I joked wit,h her that, "what happened to my weekend-husband time?!"

She joked back that "isn't this what you'd want anyway, to have some fun with Ray and me?”

I told her that if she made the plans with him, that I'd go along with it. As if I could resist!

I told her that he was welcome to come by and spend the afternoon and she seemed really happy when I said that, "we'll play it by ear". I forget exactly what was said, something to the effect of that we'll see how it will go with regards to what happens between the three of us.

As arranged, Ray came by about 3pm and he brought both a bottle of wine as well as a 12-pack of beer. At first things were awkward. I mean it was obvious why he was here and for the first few minutes it seemed like neither of us could bring ourselves to look at each other. Suzanna must have sensed this because she called us both into the kitchen to help her get some snacks out and to open the wine. She joked that she needed '2 strong men' to help her out and that sort of broke the ice. Not that we came out and started talking about sex but it let us start to joke with each other a bit more and in general, relax. It seems like its two steps forward and one step back for us so far regarding feeling relaxed enough around each other.

By the time we took the steaks off the grill, we were pretty buzzed. With our ******** away, Ray had brought some stuff to smoke and it seemed by the time dinner came around that we were in a happy place and we'd openly been joking with Suzanna about sex and had gotten to where we were teasing her that she'd ‘better be ready for us’. I also came out and asked Ray how he'd liked last Thursday.

Wow, did he turn red when I asked him and it took a second until I added, "it's cool, I love her when she comes home too ..." and then I added "... I like her used". He laughed at me and that seemed to make us turn the corner.

I kissed Suzanna and it just seemed natural when she turned and kissed Ray just as passionately. We'd just come in from smoking a bit out on the deck and were sitting on the couch and it just happened. It was a first for all of us, that the three of us were this relaxed and into it at the same time.

A billion thoughts flashed before me, whether I wanted to or even could be there while we all got started but as she turned back to kiss me, it just seemed totally natural. As she kissed me, Ray started to unbutton her shirt and as he did that she started on my belt and pants. I don't recall exactly the order it happened but for the last piece of clothing to go, Suzanna was still sitting next to me as Ray stood in front of her and she pulled down his underwear and out popped his cock.

Okay, I'm going to say it, at that moment what with the help of the pot and the beer/wine, if the stars had lined up differently and if the world was a different place, I admit that I could have seen a path in my head where I would have leaned forward and sucked on his cock. I mean as it stood there sort of bobbing away it just didn't seem so menacing and in a way seemed sort of sexy but it was just a fleeting thought that as quickly as it came into my head, it left again. (However, it was a thought that stuck with me).

Suzanna eagerly leaned forward to suck him herself. It was very erotic being right next to her seeing her hand holding his balls and her other stroking him into her mouth. What I couldn't resist was reaching out to hold her breasts and feeling how hard her nipples were. I know that this was a moment that I'd hated in the past but seeing Ray put his hands on the back of her head and seeing him so close start to fuck her mouth, it was totally awesome! And I do mean totally awesome. The feeling of her body as she sucked him was such a turn-on, not just the rock-hard nipples, but how she'd breathe in so deeply to give her more time to suck him and how she'd shake a bit as he'd push into her and hold deep till he'd pull back. She didn't gag, which surprised me, but then again she didn't take him all that deep either. Instead it seemed to me after a second like they had quite the comfortable rhythm going.

I sat back and ,for whatever reason, this time I felt totally awesome watching it happen right in front of me. He pushed deep into her mouth one last time and when he pulled out he knelt in front of her. I don't think she even realized she'd done it but as he knelt down she slid forward to the edge of the couch and spread her legs apart. Again, it was just totally natural.

He moved in to kiss her and as he did so she put her arms around him and I sat back to let it happen. A second later his hands went down her back and then around her waist. A second after that I heard her gasp a bit and saw her head tilt back just a bit. When I looked down I saw he had his fingers in her pussy. She shook a bit as he pushed them in and then pulled them back out. Even from the angled view I had I could tell her pussy was gaping open for him. I don't even think she remembered I was sitting next to her; all I could hear was gasps and moans as he kissed his way down her front.

I know in the past I'd felt like puking at this moment; not this time. Seeing her actually push her breasts forward trying to push them further into his mouth it was just totally erotic to see her give herself to him. He sucked at her tits for a moment but as he moved downward she lay back against the back of the couch and slid her body down even more. By the time he'd made his way down her stomach, most of her butt was off the bed and he was holding her legs up under her knees as he stared not 6 inches away from her pussy. I guess I could have reached in and played with her but she didn't need it and I can say that I actually eagerly watched this time as he leaned down even further and started to lick at her spread pussy. Her closed eyes, clenched toes and moans made it clear that for the moment, she was his. The thing is I was totally cool with it; I actually sat there not even realizing I was masturbating watching him seduce my wife!

I know in the past that this had freaked me out but not this time. At one point I actually took her left leg in my hands and held it back for him, I don't think she ever knew though. I'm not sure what changed but at that moment the only thing I honestly wanted was to see him come up from her pussy and to push his cock into her. In the past I would have dreaded this moment but not this time. Sure enough, a moment or two later Suzanna with having at least another mild orgasm if not two he did come up from her. With her legs spread and her hips tipped back when he pulled away from her he left her spread wide open and I could actually see her pussy seeming to spasm and clench up and then a second later, spread wide open. At that moment, knowing she was like that because of him, I just felt so proud of her; this was her doing totally and I loved that she was enjoying herself so.

I'm not even sure where it came from (later found out Suzanna had brought it out) but as he knelt there he put some lubricant on his cock and that was the first moment he looked up at me. I think the smile and look on my face made him feel at ease. I just said to him "go for it ..." and I think I added, "... you got her started up".

I then experienced what I think was maybe one of the most pleasurable moments, I watched him lean forward and gently push into Suzanna's waiting pussy. The ease at which he pushed into her told me two things, firstly was how ready she was; secondly was that they were obviously well rehearsed together. As I sat there watching them so closely, seeing her wrap her legs around his back as he pushed all the way in, seeing how he pulled her down a bit more to get a better angle into her, in the 10 seconds all of that took all I could think of was that this was the moment that had made me feel so ill in the past. Now I was regretting not being there before, seeing her give in to her passions like that, seeing her desire fed by him and being consumed by him at the same time, it was an incredible moment. So much so that I even stopped jerking off and just sat back motionless almost absorbing the moment.

I saw her head tilt back and her body start to shake and I have to say as I watched him pull out of her I felt like rooting him on and shouting to him to fuck her and push back into her. Instead I kept all that in my head and just let the two of them have their time. I know that I've seen Suzanna in every state of passion there can be but I'd never seen this moment before, the last moment of her control before it became pure sex and instinctual fucking.

He pulled out of her one last time and I saw her eyes open for a moment but I knew she couldn't see anything, well nothing except staring at his big cock all wet and about to plunge back into her cunt.

I hadn't even really looked at Ray until that moment but I looked up and despite his eyes being wide open, I knew he too was only seeing one thing, Suzanna's eager pussy waiting to devour his cock. A moment later as he pushed back into her more firmly this time she let out a squeal that left no doubt that she'd cum violently. The moans from Ray let me know how incredible her pussy felt. I knew what he was feeling and I loved that he knew how she felt when she'd cum like that. At that moment I loved that he knew her as intimately as I ever would.

I didn't say a word; I don't even know if they remembered I was there. She'd say random words at times but mostly it was her deep moan that was the biggest turn on, each one usually as he pushed all the way into her and the softer groans as he would pull back.

It seemed like it'd been forever but in reality it was just maybe a few minutes for them to reach a rhythm that I was very familiar with. Each thrust from him would push her further along, cresting from one orgasm to another. The tell-tale was the creamy white wetness surrounding his cock and now spreading on to her thighs. I think I was frozen in place watching it all for maybe the first time and truly absorbing the whole thing. Ray was plunging into her with no other thought than burying his cock as deep in her as he could. A few moments later Suzanna began to moan and thrash about and I realized she was about to experience a monster of an orgasm. Ray must have sensed it too, I'm sure he could from how slippery her pussy sounded. All I could think about was staying perfectly still and not wanting to disturb the moment.

Sure enough, a second later she let out a piercing scream. Her hands and arms flailed about as I'm sure her legs would have if Ray didn't have them pinned back and apart. As soon as she began to come down off her peak he seemed to let loose with whatever he was holding back and I loved watching him plough into her knowing he was so close. Suzanna must have known it too because just as he started really going at her she opened her eyes and looked at him as he began to cum. He pushed into her one last time and as he grunted his orgasm she closed her eyes and slumped down into the couch and allowed him to push as deeply into her as he could. We both heard him grunt deeply 4 or 5 times and I loved knowing he was cumming in her at that moment. Being so close to them as they both shared that moment was just beautiful. He stayed buried in her for a moment until she let out a cough and he came slipping out of her. As he pulled back away he looked up at me. I was still smiling and just said something like, "Wow, my turn now".

She held her knees back for me just as she'd done for him. As he moved out of the way and I moved into the spot I looked down and could see a pool of his cum still in her and a small dribble running down her ass; she squeezed and it was all in there waiting for me. I had intended on going down on her and at the same time, making Ray feel relaxed about his new found fondness for her used pussy but at that moment there was only one thing I could do and I did so; I pushed my cock into her tight wet pussy.

My first push into her was met by a gush of Ray’s cum. I felt it splash out onto my balls and could feel just how open and wet she was. As I pulled back from her I could barely feel her pussy around my cock. I pushed back in and pulled her legs together and that increased the friction and let me really start in on her. However, the entire scene I'd just witnessed coupled with the incredible feel of her pussy being so hot inside from Ray's cum, I couldn't hold out for long. I tipped my head back and let my hips do the work. Looking back down at her under me, spread-eagled for us all to see, that was it. My balls started to throb and in my head every scene I'd ever seen seemed to play over and over. A moment later I let out my own groan and I pumped all I had into her.

Just as with Ray, she squealed as I came inside her and, just as with Ray, the motion of my frantically fucking her as I was cumming set her off too. A moment later, it was all over and I lay against her catching my breath and it was my turn to have forgotten about Ray. When I did finally pull out of her, just like last time, she simply lay there spread open and not caring at all about how she looked. That came to a quick end when a moment later a flood of semen came running out of her. She squealed, "ooh you guys made a mess for sure" and she reached for a the box of tissues. As she frantically tried to stem the flow Ray and I started laughing out loud at how she was standing the bow-legged trying to keep up with the deluge!

None of us could believe it was after 8pm already. Suzanna went up to our bedroom and she said she'd bring us back bath-robes. I knew we'd crossed a boundary when I thought to myself, "next time I think we should use our bedroom."

I think I may be over my apprehension!

We spent the next hour or so lounging around in bath robes and drinking by which point both Suzanna and I were pretty buzzed and getting tired. I was almost thinking that Ray might be spending the night and mentally went down that road but fortunately Ray said that he too was feeling tired.

I gathered the empty glasses and took them through to the kitchen so as to give them a few minutes alone-time. A couple of minutes later they both came up to the kitchen and we shared a sort of group-hug and I told Ray that it'd been a fun evening and tha,t "we ought to do it together again".

He smiled and I think maybe it was the first time for him too to relax and say, "yeah, this was just great, thanks so much".

For whatever reason, all of the things I'd have problems in the past seemed to no longer bother me at all this time. Maybe it's different when you are cool with the other guy as I now feel comfortable with Ray? Not sure why but I enjoyed watching them fuck and can honestly say that for the first time since this all started.


She's asked me over the weekend if she could go over Ray's tomorrow afternoon and have dinner with him as a Valentine’s Day present for him. She said she has this red and white bra and panty set to wear!

From the way she asked I was hearing that she'd like to be alone with him so I'll probably go somewhere for a few beers to kill the time. She promised me she'd make it up to me when we get home afterwards. After Saturday's fun, how can I possibly refuse?

When I said yes she was all giddy like our ******** gets when she is pleasantly surprised too. To cover with our ********, we told her we were going out for a romantic dinner (she's going to be going over her boyfriend's house for dinner anyway).

Turned out our ******** went over her boyfriend's straight from school so there was no need for a cover-story or for me to have to leave to meet Suzanna for dinner.


Coming up from exercising about 10pm on Monday night I was greeted in the bedroom by Suzanna in her long t-shirt but I was surprised that she'd kept her panties on. When I suggested we maybe have a quickie so that she can be a ‘used wife’ for Ray on Tuesday, she shook her head and said, "not this time" and then said something about being clean for her Valentine’s date.

If I wasn't horny before, hearing her say that did it for sure. Her being so nonchalant about it all was such a turn on, knowing even if I pulled up her night-shirt that her panties were there intentionally. Needless to say, I struggled to fall asleep with a hard on.


Tuesday morning was equally arousing. I showered first and as I was drying off Suzanna came in. Normally she'd just undress and jump in herself. This time she pulled off her night-shirt and then, just as she was about to pull off her panties she looked at me in the mirror and said, "would you mind going in the other room?”

She waited until I left and made sure the door was shut before I heard the water turn on as I started to get dressed. Maybe 10 minutes later the water went off and a few moments after that she came out with one towel around her hair in that bun-thing and another around her waist!

Good thing I was still in my boxers and hadn't put on my pants yet. She stood in front of her dresser and first pulled out the red and white bra with lace around the top. She stood there and put it on as I watched. She turned to me and giggled and then pulled out the matching panties and said, "see these; they are the ones you remember, right". She pulled them up under the towel and then let the towel drop to the floor. She stood in front of the mirror and turned herself both ways so she could look at her back in the mirror smiling at me and the bulge in my shorts the whole time!

I stared at her as she finished getting dressed at which point she came over and hugged me and just said, "thank you", nothing more; nothing more was needed. I looked at her knowing that Ray would be undressing her later and it seemed to make me feel content.


I came home from work and the house was empty. I do admit it felt a bit strange to be bringing in flowers and a card when she wasn't there but it was okay as I knew she'd be home a bit later. There was plenty for me to eat for dinner and a beer or two helped pass the time.

Finally, a bit later than I'd expected, she texted me at about 7:30pm to say that she was on her way. It seemed like a second later she was walking through the front door.

There is always that look on her face that tells me even before she says anything that she's been fucking. It is unmistakable and incredibly sexy. We fumbled our way up to the bedroom and again it felt like that first-date thing, I couldn't wait to undress her and see her.

At last it was my turn to take off her bra and this time to hold and suck at her tits while she got herself ready for it to be my turn. She pulled my shirt off and we hugged and I could feel her hard nipples against my chest.

A moment later I slid down to my knees and as I put my hands on her panties she held them there for a second and told me, "it's only Tuesday. You’re not supposed to have me till the weekend!”

Hearing her say that turned me on so much, it seemed like everything was on fire all at once. I stared at her panties thinking I could see a darkened area between her legs; I swear I could smell their sex in the air; I swear I could hear her breathing like all my senses were alive; I could see the shape of her camel-toe through the panties. If she had truly meant it would have been even more of a turn on and I really would have agreed although it would have driven me crazy all night long to think about.

I guess she could see and sense the arousal she'd caused. A moment later still holding my hands she just said, "but you've been so good to me lately ..." With that, her hands still holding mine, she pushed my hands and her panties down and then stood back up leaving me staring directly at her pussy.

She giggled and spread/hunched her legs slightly to let me see more and said, "It was fun being Ray’s Valentine but now it's your turn" and with that she lay back at the edge of the bed. A gentle push at her calves and she knew what I wanted. She pulled her knees back and apart for me and there was only one thing on my mind at that moment. Still on my knees, with both hands, I spread her pussy apart and revealed it all. As she breathed, a slow trickle of their juices revealed itself and pooled just inside her almost teasing me and calling my name.

I know Ray's gone down on her after I've fucked her and now it felt totally normal to do so myself. I started out slowly at first but soon she had one hand on the back of my head and was vocally encouraging me to ‘lick deeper’. She wasn't as wet as I'd expected but there was no mistaking the tastes. Knowing how it got there was driving me crazy.

She may not have cum while I was going down on her but she was surely wet and open! A moment later as I knelt up on the edge of the bed between her legs she giggled and pulled them back wider for me and said, "come on, it's your turn, make me your Valentine!".


I saw Ray last night. He'd sent me an Email late Tuesday night after Suzanna had come home and in it said he needed to see me and make sure things were okay. I sent him back a quick Email yesterday morning saying I'd stop by and see him after dinner last night. Suzanna said she hadn't spoken to him or even seen any emails from him.

I went over there as we agreed, about 7:30pm and he greeted me very friendly-like and invited me in. It took well into our 2nd beer before he started to talk to me about what was on his mind.

Basically he couldn't possibly understand why I let Suzanna go over and be with him on, of all days, Valentine’s Day. He said afterwards he felt really weird about all of it and, again, he kept straying into saying, "I really don't want anything to come between any of us".

I would have taken it all lightly had it not been for seeing how serious he was about it. I literally had to take a moment and think about what I did and didn't want to say to him.

I took a deep breath and told him we needed to sit down and talk. I started by saying about all the other stuff, about how Suzanna enjoys sex with him when he interrupted me and he again asked, “... on Valentine’s Day?"

It wasn't what I'd expected to be talking about but I found that the only way I could think of to explain it was to simply explain the whole thing. I didn't use the word cuckold (I think it's too strong a word for someone who's not totally comfortable with everything) but instead I just told him that Suzanna and I played some sexual games. I know it didn't come out that fluidly but I eventually told him that at times, I enjoy her denying me sex at times and I admitted that her denying me because she'd rather be with him is a huge turn on.

He was very quiet until I told him that she'd teased me when she dressed that morning that ‘Ray will take these off me’. I didn't share all of the stuff she does, I thought that might freak him out, but I did tell him that knowing she was going to see him before me was a huge turn-on and he was speechless when I said that I wanted to wait for her. I told him that we've done this a few times since they've been getting together and that I've always wanted to experience it.

It wasn't until I said to him that Suzanna had told me that he liked her being the ‘naughty wife’ and that I liked it too. He laughed but then said that he didn't ever think he could share his wife like that. I explained that it'd been something we've fantasized about for a long time but he still didn't totally get it but when I used the ‘first date’ description of how I feel when Suzanna gets home afterwards it was then he started to understand.

It was a little awkward at first as, like I've said, he's the first guy I feel okay about being with Suzanna although I can't tell him that just yet. However, once I got to talking more openly with him, it did get easier. When I described some of the scene when she got home, of how I felt undressing her and seeing how she looked and felt, he started to relax.

At one point he said that he's been hesitant to let Suzanna know when he might want to be with her but I told him that I wanted their relationship to be what they wanted it to be. I emphasised that Suzanna would surely find the balance she wants between us. He seemed to be trying to figure out how to say something so I just added that it would be okay if at times Suzanna wanted him more than me or, indeed, instead of me. Before he could answer I told him that ‘we've been together for so long’ that I really looked at this as just another dimension of the sex between us.

That thought seemed to give me a direction for the conversation. He answered that he still didn't think he could ever do what we're doing and that he still felt like he was betraying his friendship with me. I had to tell him, this time to his face and not in an email, that I'm okay with him being sexual with Sue; I told him again how I both liked and trusted him and how if I had to pick someone, that it'd be him.

Like I said, two steps forward and one step back.

However, maybe it was the 3rd or 4th beers doing the talking but he did gradually loosen up but said he didn't think he'd ever understand it. I told him that I wanted them to have a good time and that I was definitely gaining from their ‘friendship-with-benefits’.

He asked me how and again I found myself trying to shuffle the history to clump all of the changes we've had at home between the two of us to now being something I could describe within the timeframes of their relationship. The easiest thing was to tell him how Suzanna is on-fire sexually almost all the time now. He laughed at that and said that he'd never expected that of any woman much less Suzanna at her age. I laughed back with him and said, "That’s what I mean!" I told him that the more she saw him, the more intense things got at home too. I told him of some of the more intense sex we've had when she's gotten home and he seemed to be in disbelief when I told him how horny she was after she left him with him not believing because, as he said, "she was already so worked up when she got here". I told him that goes back to the whole denial thing in general - that it gets both of us really going.

There was a pause while he went to use the bathroom and then I went after him. When I returned he was sitting on the couch and seemed by his demeanour to have finally accepted things. He asked me if he could really call on Suzanna when he wanted to instead of it always being when ‘she wanted’. I told him that it was totally up to Suzanna but that as long as it didn't conflict with any of our plans or such that it was okay with me.

It was when he started asking about ,any limits, on what he could ask her for that I told him the basics; that he couldn't hurt her or mark her in any permanent way and stuff like that. He laughed and said that wasn't what he meant. When I asked him what he was getting at, he hesitated and then said, "Could I ask her to go to a wedding with me that's coming up?"

I laughed at him and said, "As your date? Are you sure we want others knowing what's going on?”

He said no, that it was a ****** thing on his brother’s side of the ******. My immediate response was, "sure, if Suzanna wants to go with you, don't see why not...”

He then asked the question that I knew was going to come up sooner or later, he asked, "what if its overnight?"

In my head I know she's spent the night with Peter and Dan at points and I survived. Based on this whole conversation we were having there was nothing to fear at all regarding Ray but still I didn't know that I wanted to come out and tell him that it was or wasn't okay. Instead I said, "well, that I guess would depend on a lot of things including mainly what Suzanna wanted ..." and added "... and what we'd tell our ******** as to where mommy is going”.

He said several times how he, "just wants her company at the ceremony and to party afterwards but, you know, that it could go late.”

Again I told him that he'd have to ask Suzanna that and then we'd go from there. I added, "I guess it'd be okay". He immediately replied, "I'll take good care of her, you don't have to worry".

I said, "I know, you're a good guy" and we left it at that.

We talked a little while about nothing in particular and then I said I had to be going.

When I got home I had to recap everything (and more) with Sue. When I got to the last part, she was very surprised that Ray had brought it, the wedding, up with me before her. I told her that I thought it was appropriate (and might have even been the real reason for the whole evening in the first place) and that I liked that he'd asked me if I was okay before he'd asked her. Then she asked me, "so, if he asks, can I go?”

I responded with my own question, "You’d want to, right?"

She smiled and said that she wouldn't say no, especially if Ray did come out and ask her; that she felt flattered that he'd want her to be his ‘date’. I told her that when and if he asks her that we'd need to look at the calendar and figure out things in general. She looked at me as I said that and said, "really; you would really be okay with me going with him?”

The only answer I gave was to pull her into my arms and hug her and tell her that I loved her. Her answer back to me at that moment was to hug me even harder.


All we seem to have talked about since my visit to Ray has been about the bombshell that he dropped on me last Wednesday night about the wedding.

We don’t know all the details as yet but think it isn't until the weekend after Easter. He thinks it's on that Saturday but the invitations haven't come out yet. This all came about because right now, other than Suzanna or Joanne, he didn't have anyone to go with and didn't want to go stag. We speculated on how her presence would be explained; should Suzanna somehow be going as Ray's fiancé; whether she should be taking off her rings, etc. It was one of the things that came up in my conversation with Suzanna of what was the story of who she is when/if she goes. She looked at me and said plainly, "I'm just Ray’s friend, is there something more?"

I said something like, “okay, just checking. Won't that be weird, you being married and such?” At first she said why would that even come up. So I brought it up again, "what about your rings?”

When I said it, I wasn't sure what I wanted her answer to be. She thought about it for a second or two and then said, "hmmm. I might have to take them off, I guess?" and she looked at me and said, "are you going to be okay with that?”

I actually had the sense to answer her, "should I be?” She got all wishy-washy looking and pulled me to her and hugged me deeply and said, "You don't ever have to worry". From her answer and how she felt, I don't think I have to worry about anything with her, which is how I originally felt when Ray asked me in the first place.

I spoke to him on the phone earlier today, he was asking me if I could come over tomorrow and give him a hand moving some furniture that he'd had delivered. He'd ordered some furniture to go along with the table he was working on (that he'd borrowed my sander for). I joked with him, "should Suzanna come with me?" and of course his response was, "if she wants to, sure....” We were very cordial and friendly and talked about a bunch of stuff both before and after the comment about Sue.


There is a part of me that would be turned on if she were to take her rings off for the wedding. A part of me has always been intensely turned on when she's spent the night with her lover. I've made it no secret here, the idea of her waking up with him and getting ready together is very arousing to me. Again, it's her sharing those intimate moments with him, knowing he'll experience what I've had and know.

So I'm going to be honest here on this beautiful Sunday afternoon and say that in a way I wish they would check in as husband and wife. I know it's crazy but it's also what I want to feel, that intense jealousy and arousal at her sharing all of that with Ray and, Damn, if I'm not sitting here with a huge hard-on thinking of them dancing at the wedding and then afterwards, going up to their room together, getting undressed, maybe showering together, and then them making love all night long afterwards. Being just like newlyweds themselves; her spending the night with a lover she enjoys and wants to be with.

I know it's crazy and risky to put them together in an emotional setting like that and sharing that sort of time together but then in my mind, I can see the excitement that would be building in her and how horny she'd be by the end of the party; how desperate she'll be to share some of that wedding-night bliss herself. Thing is, I'm cool with Ray sharing that with her to let him see what he probably never had with Joanne. I know, it's risky but I cannot deny that I am so horny with these thoughts.

Still, I don't want to be ‘sending messages’ to them to either of them and I need to be careful about that. I want whatever happens to be something that she wants and for her to simply know I'll be here for her.

Maybe I'll regret this, just as I've had regrets about other things that I've said okay to but, so far, our track-record is good and that's giving me both the confidence and desire to push this a little further .... or at least support whatever happens.

I will also admit that already I am now eagerly anticipating her returning home afterwards and how and what I'll feel for her.


I guess I never thought about the significance of Suzanna seeing Ray on Valentine’s Day. I had overlooked that but I’m now thinking Ray could have attached more meaning to that. In retrospect I guess I am too focused on Suzanna and me and my feelings to see other views.

I look at that and again, without even thinking about it, I do love her to cuckold me. Add in knowing it's now her doing and it's just over the top at times. There is this incredible arousal I continue to feel knowing she wants sex the way she does now.

I wonder whether Ray may become a bit too smitten with her. I try not to think that they will obviously develop emotions and feelings for each other. I try to listen to what Suzanna says when she insists that she feels only friendship with Ray but I suppose it has to be true that sharing this much time and intimacy together, that something more has to develop over time. So far, I don't fear this as I think Suzanna understands enough now to see the guardrails on the road, unlike the past... or at least she makes it seem so.


Unless Ray is bullshitting me, he's not looking for a wife. That I do know. There's just this way he has about him says he's wants to be a bachelor for a while. Suzanna agrees although it’s not something we’ve talked about it in a while. That said, I suppose it still leaves a lot of room in-between.

Suzanna's out at an appointment with her gyno doc. She told me this last night as we were getting ready for bed when I was hoping for a quick romp and she said, “No way!”

I was disappointed but suppose it made sense, she'd probably be embarrassed if her doc took a look and there was still cum in her although I'm thinking it'd be nothing new to the doc! She also teased me about I'll just have to wait till we get to Ray’s! That just made me hornier.

In the past 24 hours or so, I've let myself get very aroused at the idea that she might give me her rings when she goes to the wedding. This very thought that she could do that gives me such an intense feeling. I know that if that is an experience I want which gives no doubt that I'm a cuck. The rush I get from thinking that if I accept them from her that I am telling her she is his for a time is just incredible.

I think that this may be one of the experiences I've been searching for throughout all of this. To know that I'm not just giving her but that she wants to be his for that time and then to know that we both want to experience the moment when we are together again.

I’ll put that fantasy back on a shelf for now and get us over to Ray’s to help him with his furniture move. I'm assuming that the two of them will find time together this afternoon. I still find it incredibly arousing to see Suzanna so sexually open and even aggressive at times. I think there are only a few pieces of furniture to move around so I'm sure what the plan is for the rest of the afternoon.


Time to open a new book.
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