Jenny had been employed at the law firm of Sutton, Marsh and Turner for the last six months. She had hired in as a receptionist, having no previous legal experience in her resume. She realized she was hired for her looks, and the first impression she would create for the clients of the firm. Coworkers mentioned that all past receptionists were attractive, busty girls as well. The firm was very good about promoting from within, and Jenny had jumped at the opportunity. She was treated first rate and professionally by everyone there, and had only last week been promoted to Mr. Sutton's personal assistant! Her treatment was no doubt aided by the fact that the firm specialized in defending against sexual harassment cases, and was very aware of today's litigious climate in the workplace.

Today was her first opportunity to accompany Mr. Sutton to a workshop he was conducting at the headquarters of Molly-Barnett, Inc. They were major clients of the firm, having their corporate offices downtown. There were 156 employees in these offices alone, of mixed gender. With that many people working so closely together, incidents were bound to occur. The firm had found their workshops to have tremendous success in lowering complaints for their clients. While costly, they were certainly far less expensive then lawsuits!

Following her promotion, Jenny had splurged on a few extra ensembles to fill out her wardrobe. Today she selected a new, powder blue skirt and jacket set she had found at Nordstroms. The skirt was cut very conservatively, extending well below her knees. "You'd think I would have remembered some new pantyhose while I was out!" she chastised herself, while digging through her underwear drawer. She remembered the run she had gotten in her last good pair on Friday. In the meantime, she slipped on some over the calf hose. She would stop at a store on the way in to work to pick a pair up. She slipped the skirt up her naked hips, enjoying the feel of the delicate fabric against her bare skin.

She had selected a sheer white blouse to complete the outfit. The salesgirl had recommended she wear a lacy camisole underneath the blouse, rather then her usual industrial strength bra. Since the thin material was so transparent, whatever she wore underneath made as big a fashion statement as the blouse itself. Now examining herself in the mirror, she had to admit that it was a very fashionable look, though more risqué then her normal tastes ran. The camisoles lacy décolletage exposed a generous amount of cleavage, which was very apparent through the thin material of the blouse. Her large nipples were much in evidence, unhindered by the conservative bras she normally wore. Her matching jacket would offer her the coverage she needed though, as she slipped it over her shoulders. Finishing the outfit off with new coral pumps, she had to admit that she looked like a high priced lawyer herself!

As she walked out to the car, she felt quite naked, despite the fact that she wore very conservative apparel. Her pendulous breasts were swaying back and forth against the silk camisole, tickling her now swollen nipples. Starting up the car, she glanced at the LED clock display on the radio, and was disturbed to see her normal safety net of time had somehow evaporated! She had spent way too much time fussing with her make-up!

Driving to the offices downtown, she stopped at a large chain convenience store just around the corner from the lot. There was a tree display of hose in the corner that she remembered seeing in the past, and she hurried right over to it. Sadly, she saw that the rack was badly picked over, and all that remained were plus sizes! Cursing her luck, she returned to the car, trying to recall another near-by store. Seeing that she was now officially two minutes late already, she decided to go without, as she pulled into the lot, and found an empty spot towards the back. Perhaps she would be able to sneak out during the day to find a pair.

Bouncing through the lot, she was grateful for the coverage that her suit allowed. She could feel her swinging breasts tugging against the thin straps of the camisole, as she jogged up the steps to the front doors of the office building. Minutes later she arrived at the fifth floor suite of offices that the law firm operated from. She went straight to Mr. Sutton's office, skipping her normal cup of coffee and office gossip with the rest of the assistants.

To Be Continued...