It is amazing how facebook changed our lives. Well I guess it was a little more than just facebook. I guess I should tell you a little about Jen and I. We met at my sisters wedding. Jen and Sammy, my sister, were sorority sisters together. I got the duty of escorting Jen down the isle. By the time I did we were already becoming close. She had three years left of school and we called each other during that time. We weren't dating. We were just good friends.

I heard about all the different guys she was dating and screwing. She visited each summer. She would hang out with my sister and we would talk most nights when they didn't go out. The summer before he last semester of school she came to visit Sammy. They wound up going to a party this club was throwing. A guy saw them and invited them to a party he was throwing. My sister knew one of the guys from her work. I later found out Sammy had a crush on him and that is why they went.

The party got wild when the weed came out. Jen wound up getting high and letting more than a few guys fuck her. They came back to my house because they were so messed up. Sammy was the first in the house. Her skirt was covered in cum from the guy she knew. It was obvious he had fucked her pretty good. Then Jen came in and she looked a mess. Her lips were swollen and her face was red. She had been sucking a lot of guys while the others fucked her. She admitted that it got out of hand. She said over ten guys had done her. Most were pretty fast, but the last three guys had already gone once and took over half an hour each to get off the second time. Then they tried for a third till she was to sore to continue. That is why they left.

Jen also had cum all over her and some running down her legs. She was still kinda high and said she was so sorry. I helped her clean up. I got her in the shower and helped her get it started. It was the first time I saw her naked. She had her belly button pierced and it had a star like emblem in her belly button. It was covered in cum where some guy pulled out and shot. A few of them did since she had cum all over her. I helped her wash up. She had the most beautiful skin. I washed every inch of her including her 32c chest and her extremely swollen pussy. I washed over it a few times but the cum just kept seeping out. I finally stopped and finished. I got her an old shirt of mine and she looked amazing in it with her wet hair hanging half way down her back. She sat on the bed indian style to talk to me. The shower had woken her up some.

When she sat like that her pussy was on full display in all its shaven glory. I also caused it to open some and I could see the cum leaking out slowly. She told me she got high and did the first guy and his friend. Then they started again and another guy came in then another. She was still high so she didn't care since it felt good. She was no stranger to threesomes since she had done that since she was fifteen with her neighbors two sons and some of their friends.

She had a reputation, but had never gone this far. She said she was so tired of this and that she knew she needed to settle down some. We talked till the next morning. When she got up there was a huge stain on my bed. She said she was sorry and I pulled the sheets and washed them. She woke Sammy and they went back to Sammy's. Her husband was pissed. They stayed together till she found out she was pregnant with Jamal's baby. She moved in with Jamal and stayed there till little Tosha was born. Then she moved out due to some problems with Jamal and his ******. They didn't like that there son was dating a white girl or that they had a half white and black grand child.

Jen fell back into some old habits till she found out she was also pregnant. She didn't know who the daddy was, but knew it would be black. She finished school five months pregnant. She didn't have anywhere to go since her parents disowned her after they found out the baby would be black. She called me and I agreed for her to move in. One night we were talking and she said she just wanted a guy who would love her and take care of her baby no matter if it wasn't his baby. I told her there were a lot of good guys that would love her and her baby. She started crying which led to me holding her. She looked up and kissed me. She said she was sorry. She admitted she knew she was in love with me and had been for some time. She knew I wasn't available since I was dating a girl for some time now.

Then I kissed her back and told her I loved her and would put the past behind us if that was what she wanted. She started crying and I held her tight. The next day I broke up with my long term girlfriend. She was pissed she thought it would happen when Jen moved in.

We dated for a month before I popped the question. Jen said yes and we planned the wedding for the next weekend. She didn't want a big wedding and wanted to get married before the baby. After the honey moon we found out that Jen lost the baby. She was really upset. We saw a few doctors and the last told us to try to get pregnant. That would help Jen recover. She loved that so we tried and tried and tried. After a year we gave up. We did the test and they said I had a low sperm count, but high enough for her to get pregnant. They said she had some scaring that may never heal from the miscarriage and that was the problem. When Sammy had her baby it was rough too.

The second year of our marriage was rough. We went from sex all the time to almost no sex. I started working a lot and Jen stayed home. After out second anniversary Sammy came over and brought Tosha. While I was playing with her the girls talked. That is when face book came up. Sammy helped Jen set up an account. They tried to get me to do it, but I didn't have time for it.

Over the next few weeks Jen started to get a little better. She was talking more and on the computer a lot. She said she was playing a few games through facebook and catching up with some old friends. By the end of the month she had almost five hundred friends most of them from school. A few of the girls from her sorority came to visit. The girls would go out and usually come in pretty *****, but I knew Jen was faithful. As she said, it was all behind her now.

Jen was enjoying all the catching up. Then one day I decided to sign up for facebook at work. I signed up and then created a fake account. I wanted to see what Jen was doing without her knowing it was me. Her account was closed to the public so I invited her to be friends with the fake account. I set it up with her college. I was surprised she added me right away. I looked around on her profile. Most of it was her sorority sisters posting old pictures. I saw her with some of the guys she use to mess around with. I also noticed that some of them were on her friends list. I didn't think to much of it. She never showed any interest in her past till now anyway.

I watched her page for about a month. She added friends everyday. One of them was Devon. He had dated her on and off through college. He was one of her favorites. She admitted after we met that he was really well endowed and great in bed. She was ***** and on the phone so she didn't hold much back. I saw that they posted on each others page a few times and Sammy also made some comments. A few friends said they always thought they would end up together. Some posted old pictures of them. One set of pictures was them in bed. You couldn't see anything but it was obvious that they had just been screwing.

Then one day he posted that he was coming to a conference in our town for two weeks. It was a month away and Sammy invited him to come visit her while in town. I saw a post where she told him she would try to get Jen to come. The week before he came, I was told I was going out of town for a week to install a new computer system for a huge company. I wondered if Jen would go meet him. Then the night before I left she told me an old friend was coming in from out of town and they were going to get together with Sammy. She asked if I was ok with that since he was a guy. I told her I trusted her.

I left out Friday morning and didn't get off the first rotation till Monday afternoon. I called her and she was in the back laying out. She had a great tan already, but loved to tan. She was part Italian and it showed. We made small talk and then she told me they all got together at Sammy's house. They ate takeout and drank a bottle of wine. He had to leave early. The next night he called wanting to go out if she could. She told him no she was busy. She told him she was busy. She thought I would be mad. I told her I trusted her. She said ya, but it would be weird. I told her it was up to her if she wanted to hang out with him. I trusted her. She said he wanted to go get drinks tonight after the conference if she had time. She hadn't answered him hoping the ignore would work.

She said she would let me know, but pretty sure she was not going. I noticed while we were talking that she was on facebook. When I got off I did some paper work and checked out the site again. I noticed that Sammy had posted on her wall to have fun on her date tonight. Jen wrote that it wasn't a date. Sammy said drinks, dinner, and site seeing sounds like a date. That was all to the post. I called Sammy and she was busy. When she called back she was giving her little girl a bath and was talking up a storm. She said they had a good time last night. She said it helped Jen to get out and mentioned a difference in her lately.

She also mentioned that they were going out tonight. She joked that it was a date and I felt a little better that she would joke with me about it. She said a few dates for Jen would do her good. I told her whatever. She asked if I knew who it was. I said no. She told me it was Devon. She told me stuff I already knew about them in college. She finished the conversation with a joke that Devon thought she was single. I told her I doubted that. She said they had talked through facebook and her profile didn't say she was married. I told her that Jen would have told him. She said no I kinda told him she wasn't. It was a joke that went to far.

She said not to worry, I had made Jen a good prude.

I then had to work another rotation. This time it ended on Thursday. I was suppose to go home, but the system failed and set off a smoke detector. The main server got wet and went down. It would be another week to set one up and install. I called and left a message for Jen. It was late so I figured she was in bed. The next day we exchanged text.messages. She was upset, but said I better get it right and get home soon.

She asked if I was still ok with her hanging out with her friend. I said yes. She said he would be leaving in another week. She told me about the flower beds and the grass that needed cutting. That was about all till I got called back. On my lunch I logged on to facebook. I saw where Jen had posted they went out last night for drinks again. Sammy took the opportunity to post that it was date number 2. Jen said it wasn't a date, but she pointed out that it was again. Devon said it was nice no matter what it was. Jen just gave a smiley face. Sammy gave a big LOL.

Before bed I logged in again. Jen posted that her and Devon were going out again tonight on a 'date?. She posted a reply that said it wasn't a date, but that was for Sammy. Sammy commented that it was the third date actually. She then said you now what happens then. Devon came back with a big smiling face icon and Jen posted that that wasn't helping. He said a guy can always hope. Sammy ended it by saying she would work on her for him.

I called Sammy later that night. I knew Jen would already be gone. She stays with her most of the time when I have to go out of town. We talked about our aunt who was sick. She also brought up the fact that Jen was out again. She said that it was the third time they had been out. She pointed out the guy was probably expecting sex by now. I said that isn't the Jen I know. She laughed and said I was probably right. She told me that if Jen asked if she could go out with him again that I should tell her to stop asking. She made a good point that I wasn't her daddy. She was a big girl. She said to just tell her that it was her decision what she did. She said just like that. Her decision. I said fine whatever. I had no intention of saying it like that.

The next morning it was Saturday and I got on facebook. I had the evening off, but I wanted to see what Jen had posted. Instead I found five new pictures of Jen that Sammy had posted It was her in short skirt that showed off her tanned shiney legs. Her top showed off her chest pretty good. It wasn't unusual for her to wear that when going out. I saw the last one was of her and Devon. He was a good foot taller than her and really black. I had ten comments already about how cute they looked. A few of them was telling her to let loose and have fun.

She posted that she was back home around 11 after going to eat in a really nice place. The girls all posted comments asking if she had ?fun?. She said fun, but not ?fun?. She also made a comment that it was probably the last time they would go out even though he was there for another week. During lunch she texted me and said to give her a call whenever I was free. I called her around one when I had lunch. We talked and she told me they had done something last night. She told me the restaurant they went to and all. I mentioned talking to Sammy and she said she wondered if I had. She was quite and I told her about my aunt. Then I told her to have fun whenever she went out again. I then said that it was her decision what she did. I then realized I had used Sammy's words. Jen just asked if I was sure it was her decision. I told her she was a big girl and didn't have to ask me. I loved her no matter what. She was quite and said ok.

I got a call to get over to the work area. Another disaster.. I got off the phone and went to work. I got off around one. I checked facebook and was a little shocked. Sammy posted on Jen's page ?What are you doing tonight ; )? She wrote back that she had a 'date?. Her friends wrote replies to have ?fun? on her date and be careful. One of her other exs asked if she was going to be giving out more 'dates?. She just gave a lol and said maybe.

Sunday morning I had to go in and work. I got off around midnight and called Jen, but got no answer. I was tired, but had to look on face book. I saw Jen had posted she got up late Sunday. She had over 20 post on her page asking if she had had ?fun? last night. She posted that she got in late, but no ?fun?. Sammy asked how much fun it actually was. She said very. She was more relaxed. Sammy posted ?you are welcome for that?. Jen said thanks. They asked when she was going out again. Sammy posted they had a double date tonight and she would make sure they had an opportunity to have ?fun?. All the sorority sister said for her to have ?fun? and let them know how it went.

The last post on her page was made by Sammy. She posted a sign on her page that said ?On a date be back soon?. I tried to call my sister after reading that, but she didn't answer. I got an email that she was out and would talk next week. I tried to sleep, but couldn't. I finally got up around 4 when the phone rang for me to get down stairs. I got back around 5 monday evening and was give out. I checked and had a few text from Jen. I texted her and she called me. She was getting ready to go out to eat. She said she was running late. She said she would text me later if I wanted. I told her I was going to crash so she said I could call her tomorrow then.

Before I went to bed I pulled up her page. Sammy post that she was so proud of Jen. She didn't say what. A few friends posted smile faces and a few wanted to know what happened. Jen then posted that she had fun last night and really appreciated the comments. She said she was really ?happy?. Devon posted that he was too and looked forward to tonight's date. Jen said her too. I turned off the computer and went to bed. I would have been up all night but I just crashed.

Tuesday morning I slept in till 2 when they called me to go up. The computer was still up so I refreshed Jen's page. Sammy posted a sign that Jen was out on a date last night. Then this morning she posted a picture of Jen. I was shocked. It showed her from the back getting in the shower. I could also see Devon was already in the shower. Jen was in the way of his bottom half, but there were no clothes on either of them. Sammy said she walked in on them this morning. She then posted a picture of the bed with a wet spot and pictures of there clothes from last night everywhere.

Jen then made a post an hour or so later that she had finally had ?fun?. An hour later Sammy posted that she had fun four times including the shower. I was shocked. She had a bunch of way to go girl. She hadn't gotten back on to answer any of them. The girls from college had a ton of questions for her. I finished when I got another call to go back to work. It was all I could do to concentrate.

I was able to finish just before midnight. I had sent Jen a text. She said she was having a really fun week. I knew the meaning behind it and it through me. I asked how dinner went and about the week. She just said it was fun catching up and all. I knew I wouldn't get anything out of her till I got home.

I tried to call her, but got her voice mail. I then called Sammy. She was excited I called. She said her and Jen had fun this week. She said fun more times then I cared to count. She asked me if Jen and I had talked. I said no I had been caught up with this job. She said I would see a real difference when I did. She said to just let her know that I loved her and that we talked. She said Jen would understand that and it would make her feel better about having fun with me out of town. She said that was bothering her some.

I wanted to ask why she had set all this up, but I didn't. I just didn't know what to say. She talked to me about other things, but repeated what to tell Jen a few times. I finally told her fine and just texted Jen. She acted like it was nothing, but she dropped it. When we got off, I logged on the computer and pulled up the site. It was down.

The next morning I was up around ten. I had to go down and meet the client the next morning. I got back and had the rest of the evening off. The crew was going out to a bar that evening. I said I would go before things developed. I checked my phone while the computer came up. I had a long text that said the following.

?You are the best husband ever. I love you so much. I can't wait for you to get home. By the way, I will be out most of the weekend. I will pick you up Sunday night. Be careful.?

I then checked facebook. Jen had a picture of her and Devon out in town. They were pretty tame. Them on the couch at our house. It then flooded back at me that they had been in our bed together. I looked through the posts for an hour. Most were friends congratulating her. She promised more detail tomorrow. I finally stopped and showered. Then I went with some friends out to a bar. I drank till I couldn't hardly stand. I took a cab back to the room and passed out on the bed. Things were pretty fast paced at work till Friday evening.

I got in the room and the computer was still up. I refreshed the page. I had to wade through all the comments by her friends. She had gone on that morning and answered the questions they asked. Here is what I found. The question then her response.

?Was it good?? Yes very!

?Better than when you were in college?? Little bit. I did realize I'm more out of shape.

?What was the best part?? Just letting go and letting him have me completely.

?Completely?? Yes

?What did you mean completely ; )? He has done me when ever and however he has wanted. Sammy came up with that. So far so good. ; )

?Do you still like Black best? ' In Bed yes.

?Did you miss it?? Yes more than I knew.

?Going to do it again?? Very possible.

?Why not do it again after this weekend?? Kinda complicated.

?When he goes home are you going to find a guy closer to you?? Sammy already has a guy in mind, but not sure I will. Like I said complicated.

Sammy posted that she would help her in the next weeks to make sure her friend from down the street gets a shot at her. Jen gave a ?; )?

One of the guys asked if it was true ?Once you go black you never go back?? No lol

One old white boyfriend asked ?Am I back on the playing field again?? Maybe lol

One black guy asked ?How much for him to get a piece?? I haven't done that in a long time. Not sure what the going rate is lol? Friend replied $250. Jen said she would do just about anyone for that. The guy then replied to name the place and time. Jen just laughed. Sammy said she would set it up. Jen said she was bad.

?Were you safe? It was my safe time. Her sorority sister replied. ?Holy crap you din't use a condom? Sammy said Nope. I can attest to that.

?What if you got pregnant? I wish. I would love it to death. Few of the girls told her it would happen one day. Not to worry.

?Was it the best ever?? the first time in my bed at home was amazing. Tons of thoughts going through my head. Sammy asked if one of the thoughts was no more small dick. Jen said maybe. Sammy said I guess I will have to help there again.

I wondered if she was talking about me. She had always told me that I was more than big enough. I knew she thought I was on the smaller side. Atleast the second smallest she had ever been with at just under 5 inches and pretty thin. She said it was the size of her middle finger and showed me it was one night. She said I was suppose to measure it a different way. She measured the smallest guy and did it different. I never wanted her to try since I might have been smaller that way. She said it didn't matter though.

Sammy and my sisters use to tell me that it was small when they would get mad at me. That is why they use to call me their other sister. They also would dress me when I was younger. I was powerless against them and mom never cared. She thought it was cute.

I couldn't believe what was going on. I was now at the point I wanted to just rush home, but I knew that wouldn't change anything.

I read everything and it was getting late so I turned in. I was again looking at the ceiling. I would dose off and think about what I had read. It was horrible. Saturday I went to work and got off for lunch. I didn't even want to look at the site. I got a text to call Sammy. She asked how my trip was. I said ok and was pissed. She could tell something was wrong. She asked what it was. I said nothing. I guess I'm just ready to get home. She said you are upset about Jen hanging out with her friend. I was quite since I couldn't think of anything to say.

She told me to forget it. It was nothing. You know Jen loves you. I said of course, but. She said no buts. She knew I didn't want to talk about it with her or Jen. She said I know you don't want to talk about it. She said look. Just tell her this and she will know you want to put everything behind you and not talk about it again. I said ok.

She said to tell that we talked and I'm ok with what she did over the weeks I was gone. I was to tell her that Sammy told me about the new stuff and I was good there to. It was her choice and I would be ok with it. She told me if I said that then I wouldn't have any worries and things would be good. I wondered what good meant, but I didn't want to have the conversation either. She said just let her know that we talked and you love her and that is all that matters. We finished up and I took a nap before working again.

I didn't have time to check the page till I got to the airport and that was on my phone. I found out Devon stayed the weekend just to be with Jen. They stayed in bed till Saturday evening. Jen posted she had never had so much ?fun? with one guy. I was s little hurt by that. I also knew deep down that it was true.

I also noticed that Jen had put up more pictures. Most were here and Devon. She had one with her kissing him and one with them laying in bed under the covers. There were some pictures of them at a local club with Sammy and her friend also. There were a few shots of them dancing with each other. I noticed that she was not wearing her wedding ring. Her friends also made a ton of comments on her page.

Right before I got on the plane I saw her last comment. She answered one guy that she would start a blog and that Sammy would help her finish her profile off. She also said she was sad Devon was leaving. She posted that she was a little worried about having a conversation with someone today. I knew that was me. Her friends just told her to be strong and it would all work out. Sammy posted that she had taken care of it possibly. Jen said thanks.

On the plane ride I knew that I would follow my sisters advice and just get it over with quickly. I met Jen at the gate and she gave me a big huge. She said she missed me and said we needed to catch up. When we got in the car, I blurted out that I wanted to just tell her something. She drove as I told her. I had talked with Sammy and knew about the weekend. I told her I loved her and was ok with it. I told her I knew about the new stuff and was ok with it. She asked if I was sure about that and I said yes. Jen had a huge smile and that gave me the confidence to continue. I told her I loved her and wanted her to be happy and that was what mattered to me. She asked me again if I was sure about the new stuff. I said yes. She said you understand what that means. I said yes that Sammy and I talked and she told me all I needed to know. She was almost and tears and told me that meant the world to her. I told her I loved her and that meant the world to me to give it to her.

I knew right then that that had to have been everything. We were now starting a new. Boy was I wrong and right on that.