Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)

a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van


Chapter Ten - Gifted in NOLA


It was a few days after the unwelcomed arrival of Hurricane Katrina and her moving North to blow herself out that my company got the call to join an exodus of engineers heading in the opposite direction to New Orleans. We had been drafted in by the federal government to go and repair and rebuild the water defences of the city of New Orleans. Without beating around the bush, the government of the day had been a little slow in reacting to what had been a major tragedy and stung by the criticism the administration reacted by quickly employing the likes of myself to literally shore up their reputation. As to the politics of the situation, I had no interest, I was just happy to sign up to what promised to be a very profitable contract and to have a few months work in an agreeable part of the country.

However, there was something else, another aspect involving a different contract, that I needed to consider and that was to do with the agreement I had signed with my friend Robert a couple of months previously. I was concerned that in going to New Orleans I would be in danger of violating this 'other contract' we had between us as it would definitely come under the heading of, 'A Conflict of Interest'.

To explain, it was two months previous to Katrina's arrival that an agreement had been finalised that saw Jacqui being taken from me by Robert to become his willing Sex Slave (or rather 'Slave to Sex', as we liked to call it) and for him to be recognised as her Master. Robert was a very organised and dominating individual and he insisted that the arrangement was covered by a formal contract between us and that there would be conditions and clauses that had to be agreed and observed if he was to 'take charge' of her for the duration of her subjection. One of the clauses was that there was to be no contact between Jacqui and myself whilst she was under his command and that it would only be he who would periodically report back to me on her well-being and progress as his 'slave'.

Jacqui and me were thrilled about the idea of her going so far away from our Philadelphia home and being completely under the command of a dominant master who would be satisfying her fantasies while at the same time her absence would be denying me, her sub, from being involved; that situation appealed to us greatly. There were other clauses in the contract one of which was that I was not to be involved with another woman whilst she was away. That commitment to denial caused me no anxiety whatever, I had already resigned myself to enjoying the pleasure of have to be using my imagination as to what she was going to be getting up to and my right hand would serve as an agreeable substitute for a woman.

That was all well and good when the agreement was signed for the reality that he was taking her away to New Orleans, a distant part of the country, meant there would be no opportunity of us being in the same vicinity and hence, no chance of us meeting. However, it was the unexpected appearance of this 'other woman' (Katrina) that threatened to challenge the rules and I was concerned that for me to suddenly arrive in the same town would appear to Robert that I was somehow breaking our agreement.

Knowing that Robert would be parading Jacqui around the type of haunts that appealed to my own sources of entertainment I felt it best if I contacted him to let him know that the unthinkable situation of us being in the same neighbourhood was about to occur. It was the least I could do if I was to maintain our special relationship and advise him he needed to be aware I would be in New Orleans for a number of months.

Robert was quite amicable when he heard the news that I shared and indeed almost welcomed the prospect of my arrival in that ravaged city but his enthusiasm was directed more toward the fact that I was there to assist in restoring order to the city's infrastructure rather than anything to do with contacting or seeing Jacqui, my wife. However, Robert was also a very practical, pragmatic man and he decided that rather than having my appearance being a threat to our agreement that he would use this as an opportunity to subject Jacqui to further humiliations as part of her now adopted role of being his sex-slave.

He gave me no clue as to his intentions but, no matter what, for the time being he said, the rule that I was to make no contact stood and he told me that would let me know when the time was right for me to see her. (In the event, I was so busy with planning the engineering tasks of repairing the Levees that I hardly had time to give either of them much thought!)


It took a couple weeks after coming to New Orleans with my team and burning up some crazy working hours before I could find time to myself and begin to think about relaxation. I had pre-warned Robert before I left home that I would be travelling to 'his' city and his response had been one of mild amusement coupled with the suggestion that once I had found my feet that I give him a call by which time he might have figured something out that recognised I was in the neighbourhood. His only reference to Jacqui was that the contract still stood!

I gave Robert my contact details for the New Orleans office and one afternoon Cindy, my admin assistant, took a call and I could see the look of bemusement on her face as she listened before she responded by saying, "One moment, I'll see if he can take your call." She cupped the mouthpiece and looked over to my desk and said, "There's some guy wants to speak to you. He sounds a bit odd; say's his name is Master Robert and you'll know what it's about. Do you want to take it?"

I smiled to myself, too right I wanted to take it. I nodded and she switched the call to my desk, "Hi Robert, how you doing?"

Robert being Robert, after a curt hello cut to the chase and said that there was going to be 'an event' that might be of interest to me that evening at a private residence and I was welcome to attend. He was aware that Cindy may be listening in to the call so he was suitably vague about what the event was about but said enigmatically that I would have an opportunity to see how well training of 'the new recruit' had gone and evidence of the transformation to the new role. He also mentioned there would also be a demonstration of some specialist equipment but given the nature and confidentiality involved that I would be required to take a back seat and under no circumstances allow those taking part in the demonstration know who I represented or, indeed, that I was even there. To that end he told me that he would meet me outside the address and get me settled into the shadows at the back of the room before the event started.

The call ended and I looked up to see Cindy replacing the receiver and caught her smile which I interpreted as being one of sympathy of my acceptance of attending Robert's event and that I was having to extend my working day in some way or other. Hopefully she didn't see my inner reaction of joy in anticipation that I was to witness my dear wife Jacqui being subjected to the treatment of her Master in ways that I could not envisage but would doubtless bring pleasure to both of us.

The taxi dropped me at the address that Robert had given and true to his word he was waiting outside. The old house was a non-descript place of no great architectural merit set on a separate plot and shaded by surrounding trees which lent it an air of obscurity, an essential element for what was about to occur inside. I followed him up the path and we went around to the back of the house and entered by the back door into the kitchen. From the adjacent living room I could hear the murmur of conversation and Robert took me through to join the other 'attendees' and directed me to take a seat in an alcove which although set back allowed a clear view of the centre of the room. Once my eyes had become accustomised to the low lighting I could see other seats scattered around the room but what was more of interest was the furniture in the middle, a padded bench; a kind of wooden cruciform frame and, hanging from a ceiling beam, various leather straps, ropes and a silver chain. It didn't take too much imagination to guess their intended use.

I settled into my chair and nodded my introduction to a guy sitting next to me. Unlike myself who had dressed 'smart casual' he was clad in tee-shirt and loose sweat pants and as he returned my greeting he had no embarrassment at grasping and stroking what I guessed to be his erect cock beneath the fabric. He didn't give me a name and I didn't share mine but he had no reluctance in telling me that we were in for quite a show as he heard that it was going to feature a new girl, a slut by the name of Cumquat.

Without any further prompting he told me he 'knew' all about Cumquat, that he had been present last week at a similar event when she had been the centre attraction and the evening had degenerated into a Gang-Bang. He said that she had been bought into this club by her master, a guy called Robert, and how at first he didn't recognise her because she was wearing a long hair wig and she looked different from a previous time he had seen her. Apparently, he said, Robert liked to have her wear different wigs and things so that he could imagine he was fucking a different woman.

He carried on and said that when she was bought into the club she was wearing a short dress and with little prompting from Robert she would adopt poses that would make the dress rise and show everyone around her bare cunt. She loved to dance and Robert encouraged other men to take her onto the floor and to have her lift that dress of hers so that everyone could see her cute pussy. She complied with Robert's orders for her to flirt with whoever he had selected to be her partner and she was under his instruction that she had to let them feel her up as they danced and for her to return the favour by taking out their cocks and doing the same. It was that sort of club, he said.

He carried on talking and obviously the memories of that evening were most inspiring for he was now openly wanking his cock through his sweatpants. He said that Robert had selected him to have a dance and before he knew it Cumquat had pulled him off the dance floor and laid herself down on a bench and told him to fuck her.

"Actually," he said, "… it wasn't her who said it, it was Robert." He gave me a nudge, "… and we both know what we are talking about here, don'twe? Robert had got the other guys lined up, all with their stiff dicks out, and we had this happy little slut slave entertaining a gangbang. Jeez, I've never seen anyone look so happy. There must have been 6 of us taking care of her. She was in her element, cock in cunt, cock in hand and when she didn't have a cock in her mouth she had the biggest smile. By the time the evening ended when Robert took her away she looked like she was covered in cum from head to toe!"

He gave a soft groan at the memory and at the same time the lights dimmed and as the door on the opposite of the room opened my companion gave me another nudge, "Perhaps we might get lucky again tonight."

I ignored him and concentrated instead on the sight of a blindfolded naked blonde-haired woman being led through the doorway by a large black man who held a dog leash attached to the collar around her neck. Following behind was another dark-skinned male who appeared to be more of a Latino and behind him came Robert with another dark-skinned lady who looked to be familiar to my eyes. All of them were partly dressed in loose clothing. They proceeded to walk in a procession around the large room as if in a parade with the naked blonde holding her chin down low, bowing her head so I couldn't see her features, and as they passed by the alcove where I sat Robert paused long enough to whisper to me, "You're gonna love this". His companion also took time to look at me and I recognised the familiar features of our friend from back home in Philly, the one who had set Jacqui and me off down this path, it was Miss Germania, MG, our Dominatrix.

The party went to the centre of the room and in response to a command unheard from where I sat the naked blonde held out her hands so that the black guy could attach a pair of cuffs which were dangling from one of the ceiling mounted ropes. He snapped them on and tugged on the rope so that she was pulled up with her hands above her head to bring her to standing almost on tip-toe. Satisfied that she had got her balance he then unclipped and discarded the leash and before she could make any comment he quickly placed a ball gag in her mouth. From where I sat she was a picture of helplessness; shackled hands held high above her head, blinded by the wrap around her face and speechless from the gag. Both MG and Robert appeared to be very satisfied with the scene.

Then the 'torture' began. The Black guy dispensed with his shorts and stood in front of her and began to maul at her tits. She tried to squirm from his grasp which evidently displeased him but given the restraints which held her she didn't get far and he gave her a slap across her face which dislodged the blindfold and it fell to become a pseudo scarf around her neck. It was at that point that I recognised that the blonde was my wife, it was Jacqui wearing a wig.

Had I been a 'proper' husband I would have done something like to make a protest but I didn't. Instead, I caught my breath at the recognition of seeing my wife for the first time in nearly three months and I felt some kind of joy when I saw the look on her face and knew that she was enjoying being abused and used in this fashion. Her expression was one of complete compliance at being treated so and who was I to deny her such pleasure, especially as this was just the sort of thing that we had been seeking when we entered into the agreement.

MG handed the Latino a large black vibrator and he dropped to his knees and proceeded to work over and around the pouting lips of her hair covered her cunt while the Black guy moved behind her and wrapping his arms around her continued to maul and squeeze her tits, his now stiff cock resting between the cheeks of her ass and slowly stroking up her back as he moved back and forth. The whimpering noises escaping from the ball gag indicated that she was enjoying the attention.

Robert glanced over to my direction and gave me a wry smile when he saw the tableau had my complete attention. I wasn't sure if he had also taken in the sight of the guy sitting next to me who had now pulled down his pants and was openly wanking his cock as he took in the scene.

The vibrator continued to work its magic and even the gloom of the room didn't hide the evidence that the longer the Latino stroked and worked the thing around her pussy the more wet and slick it appeared to become. Jacqui nee Heidi nee Cumquat with her half-closed hooded eyes was clearly enjoying the attention and soon her moans became louder as if indicating she wanted blessed relief from the teasing. At that point she was still ******* that I was in her audience but I don't think that would have made any difference to her pursuit of pleasure if she had have known but, for sure, she was in her 'zone'.

A sharp command from MG and Cumquat's attendants, much to her evident disappointment, moved away leaving her dangling there with her juices beginning to seep from her very puffy and aroused pussy; her breasts tipped by very erect nipples heaving as she opened her eyes. I was unable to see the expression on her face when she turned her head away to look at MG who standing on her opposite side from me but it must have been a picture for MG had taken hold of what could only be described as a large rounded hook and ball which she then attached to the silver chain hanging from the roof. MG leaned toward her and although I couldn't exactly hear what was said she was clearly telling her what was going to happen next. The shape and size of the hook left little doubt as to its purpose and her eyes opened even wider when MG deftly inserted the hook into her cunt and then tugged on the chain so that she was pulled even more onto her toes. Then the fun began.

I could only imagine that the end of the hook must have found her G-spot for when she managed to properly find her balance she gave out the sound of being in some kind of ecstasy as she writhed on the end of the chain. Unfortunately for her (as well as us spectators) the point at which the hook found its mark was critical and she kept losing her balance and the moment which meant she was forever on the move. This displeased both MG and Robert and she was continually being admonished to 'keep still'. I'm not sure if she even heard the commands because she sure didn't comply; she just kept on riding that hook and ball as best she could.

After several minutes of watching Cumquat writhing on the hook and ball MG's admonishments became louder and she took the discipline to a new level for not standing still as ordered and began with an easy whipping on her ass with a riding crop. The whipping failed to have its intended purpose and MG turned over the disciplining task to the Black and the Latino who then took turns to slap and paddle her butt as a way of encouraging her to stop squirming. No chance of that happening even if she had wanted to for Jacqui/Heidi/Cumquat has one sensitive ass and a good spanking was guaranteed to send her into her own personal little orbit. It was very nice to watch.

I was under no illusions that all this was being played out to some kind of pre-ordained 'script' albeit there was very little dialogue other than my wife's squeals and moans which followed MG's orders. MG told the two attendants to back off and handed them a short bar with straps at each end. (I recognised it as being a piece of bondage gear that MG had used before in games back in Philly, a leg-spreader.) They quickly attached it to Cumquat's ankles which made her even more helpless to resist while at the same time made her work even harder to keep her G-spot on the hook.

She had no idea I was watching as Robert had already told me that he hadn't passed onto her the news that I was in New Orleans. I was off to the side where she couldn't see me and even after a while when I did move to get a better view (contrary to Robert's instructions) and stood in front of her to show her I was there, she really didn't care. She seemed as if she was on another planet as orgasm followed orgasm in her never-never land. Her whole attention was focussed on trying to keep that damn ball and hook on her G-spot! In any case if she had opened her eyes to take in her surroundings, by that time in her training she had learned that she was completely Robert's and even if she did recognize me she would not have given any indication.

She made for a delightful sight, all strung up with her tethered wrists above her wrists, her legs spread apart and held by the spreader, her heaving breasts with those hard nipples rising and falling as she moaned and gasped through her climaxes and, as my companion from the alcove said as his cum spurted and dribbled from his cock as he looked at her while she was writhing on her cunt hook, "what a delicious little morsel to catch on your hook!"

The rest of the night was a bit of a blur. At some point MG and Robert had decided that the demonstration had run its course and that the audience, especially me, had been shown to great advantage how effective his training of his latest 'sex slave' had been and that my wife was now completely under the spell and the whims of her master. Jacqui (or should I call her 'Heidi' given she was fully sexually aroused; no, wait a minute, I'm getting confused, it's 'Cumquat' now, isn't it?!) was released from her restraints and lowered so that she could stand on her trembling legs. She was given hardly any time to gain her balance before Robert pushed her to her knees and without a word being said she took his stiff cock into her open mouth and proceeded to give him an enthusiastic blow job. MG looked on with satisfaction and without any other indication turned to kneel on the padded bench and gave an unspoken invitation to the Black guy to come and fuck her. At first I didn't see where the Latino had gone but as I looked around the rest of the room and it was clear that in the darkened alcoves similar activities were being followed between the invited audience, then I saw him, he was having his cock sucked by the guy who had been openly wanking alongside me earlier.

My senses were fully aroused but with nobody taking any interest in my presence I decided my best course of action was to get the hell out of there and take my raging boner back to my hotel where I had the most glorious wank as I ran the past few hours back through my mind.


The following day I headed for work and soon was immersed in dealing with problems that Katrina, had bought to New Orleans. Halfway through the morning I was deep into some planning meeting with my foreman and a couple of his guys when Cindy called me out to say, "You've got an important call that the caller said couldn't wait. I didn't catch his name .."

I left the room with the expectation as Cindy switched the call to my desk that I was about to hear more bad news about the Levee rebuilding project but when I put the phone to my ear it was a mixture of exasperation and relief to recognise Robert's voice.

"So, how did you enjoy last night? I looked around and saw that you had gone missing. I hope you weren't offended or disappointed in what you saw.."

Conscious that Cindy might be listening in I adopted my 'annoyed persona', "Jeez, Robert, what the fuck you doing calling me here at work. You know that I am busy but, yeah, it was a good night and I love what you have achieved."

I looked through to Cindy's office and saw her receiver was face up on her desk as she supposedly was taking an interest in some document laying alongside. Hmm, yeah, she was definitely eavesdropping.

"So, what can I do for you? I'm in the middle of something and I need to get back to my meeting," I said hoping that his answer would not be too revealing.

"No, that's no problem. I was just calling to see if I could drop by sometime and you could give me and a couple of the group a little tour and show us what you're doing down here in NOLA. We would also like to drop off a little gift, a memento of our gathering last night. You know, what our group likes to call 'gifting'."

Hot Damn, I knew exactly what he was talking about. Hearing the keyword 'gifting' and my mind instantly went back to Philly where I had first met MG. It was at ESOA, our exclusive society that was devoted to the 'worship' of BBC (Big Black Cock, for the uninitiated!), where MG had introduced evenings when 'auctions' were held of compliant women. At the end of the evening when the 'purchases' had been completed MG would make a judgement and choose someone she considered had done good work or something special (such as making a large donation to one of the Black charities the society supported) and they would be rewarded with a gift of having a night with one of the 'slaves' who had been sold. Gifting was just another crazy thing to be added to the long list of her other crazy ideas that made those nights so memorable.

I glanced through to see if Cindy was still 'tuned in' and, yeah, she was.

"Um, well I guess you might come by at lunch time … I can make a bit of space between meetings and give you the tour … but don't get too excited, there's not a lot to see."

"That'll be great …" he said continuing with the cryptic conversation, "… and no worries about not having a lot to show. Just a quick 'heads-up' will be fine and I know that the leader of last night's meeting is really keen to show her appreciation to you for all that you and your guys are doing down here."

I knew then that MG and he had planned something special and my hopes then turned to whatever it might be wasn't going to be too outrageous. I was never too sure what was going to happen if MG was involved but, for sure, it wouldn't be a 'heads-up', more likely a 'heads-down'!

"Fine; you've got my card; you know where to find us … and just after midday will be best ….. see you then." I replaced the receiver and called through to Cindy, "We've got visitors coming at lunchtime."

"Yeah, I picked up on that," she said, confirming she had been listening, "Maybe I'll take time out to run a few errands and leave you to it, if that's OK."

'Too right, that's OK', I thought to myself at the same time as being thankful that Robert hadn't been more explicit on his call with me having a nosey secretary! At least I would now have a clear field when they turned up.

My office had a window which gave a clear view of the parking lot and it was just after noon that I saw a SUV pull up and Robert and MG get out and then after a few moments to catch sight of Jacqui as she emerged from the back seat looking very different to how I had left her last night. The weather wasn't great but she did look a little out of place as she was wearing a Trench Coat that was tightly belted around her waist and on her feet I noted she had boots with a high heel. I lost sight of them as they made their way to the entrance and a few moments later was not surprised to hear the commotion out in the reception as Cindy greeted them when they entered our office complex.

A knock on my door and Cindy announced the arrival of my visitors before standing to one side to allow them access to my inner sanctum. MG ignored her and breezed into the office in her usual confident fashion looking every inch the dominating personality I knew her so well to be dressed in a loose-fitting blouse which showed off her magnificent black tits and what looked to be a black leather skirt; Robert followed her looking as if he was going to a formal function in suit and tie but at least he had the courtesy to give thanks to Cindy as he passed her by; Jacqui who had dispensed with the wig of the previous evening followed up the rear wrapped in her Trench coat and with a scarf around her neck seemed almost coy, certainly she gave Cindy no indication that she knew me.

We had a few minutes of pleasantries before nosey Cindy once again knocked on the door to cast her eye over my visitors and to announce, "I'll be off then ... maybe a couple of hours, if that's OK … I've switched the phone over to your desk … blah, blah …"

I nodded, not really listening, but like Cindy, I was more intrigued at the sight of this incongruously dressed trio. My secretary left closing the door behind her and MG wasted no time in getting to the point why they had come, "The society took a vote and decided that although you are neither black or have a big cock …." (Ouch) "… you deserve to be recognised for all the good you are doing here in New Orleans so we've bought you a gift …" and as if on cue Jacqui stepped forward, ".. her name is Cumquat and she is yours for you to do as you wish. How long she stays is up to you but we need her back before the end of the afternoon!"

MG gave my wife a soft push to her back which sent her forward and I stifled my urge to laugh, instead carried out my part in this little charade by thanking MG profusely saying, "Oh, how lovely; that's very thoughtful of you .. just what I've always wanted."

Jacqui, no doubt under strict instructions as to her behaviour, kept her eyes downcast but there was no mistaking the smile that was playing across her face.

"Robert and I are off to have lunch with friends. We shall come by after we finished eating to retrieve your 'gift' and take 'it' back to a place of safe-keeping for future use; Enjoy."

Robert chimed in, "Hmm, a great pity we haven't more time. I would have loved to see what you get up to in the daylight hours. Another time, perhaps."

A typical performance of indifference from the pair of them I thought as both she and Robert turned and left my office but it was only a fleeting thought as I stood up and went around and took Jacqui in my arms to give her the biggest hug.

"How are you? I've missed you so much .. are you OK … are you enjoying yourself … you're looking great … ," the words just seem to tumble. Jacqui lifted her head and I caught the tears that were streaming down her cheeks with my kisses.

"I'm doing just fine," she said, "How about you?"

I didn't reply, I was just lost for words and so happy to be alone with her once more after having been so long apart. She took charge, "So are you going to give me the tour? We've only got a short while and they'll be back."

She stepped away from me and unbuckled the belt that tied the coat around her and pulled off her scarf. The coat was shucked off her shoulders to fall to floor and there she stood dressed (or rather, undressed),a vision clad in black of just a half-cup bra which ineffectively held up her lovely suckable tits, a garter belt that secured mesh stockings, those black leather boots that I had seen when she got out of the car and, the most erotic piece of clothing of all, a dog-collar around her neck. With a neatly trimmed bush of black hair around her pussy, she looked the complete slut. I was thrilled to see her and my cock instantly responded in the only way it knew how.

She looked around my sparsely furnished office and focussed on the old couch on the opposite side to my desk. On the wall above was a framed map of the world which highlighted locations of my global company's offices and places I had worked. She pointed at the map and said in a curious accent as if she was reciting a script, "Why don't you give me the tour over there, sir? My master says that you have been to places that I could only dream about …. I would like to hear about your travels."

From the tone of her voice I sensed that she was playing out a performance that Robert and MG had instructed her to do but I had no problem with that, this was all part of 'our game'. I guessed that my wife's was already into full 'Heidi-mode' when eroticus extremis condition needed to be satisfied She went and sat on the sofa and spread her legs and with her crooking a finger and her pussy winking at me she invited me to go and join her. Who was I to deny her?

I unbuckled my pants and let them fall to the floor and without a word I stepped over and let her pull down my shorts. My stiff cock sprung free and she took it and in one smooth move lifted her head and enveloped my stiffness in her warm wet mouth. Oh my God, how I had missed her doing that to me and now here she was acting like a three dollar whore who was trying to turn a quick trick. Between gulps of my rigid penis she gasped and kept saying stuff to remind me that we didn't have much time.

She must have felt the pulsating that indicated my increasing pleasure and she pushed me away from her mouth and said, "Oh master, why don't you show me how you fuck when you are in Thailand?"

WTF, I've never been to Thailand, 'Thighland' maybe, what the hell is she talking about? But then I got it, it was all part of her act and I guessed that she would have plucked any country out of her mind as part of the play.

"Oh yeah, they fuck good there …" I dropped to my knees and my cock all wet from her saliva and my own juices was positioned precisely in front of the open maw of her cunt. I thrust forward and slipped straight into her wetness with no resistance and she squealed her approval. Clearly she had been well-used since the last time I had been there but I didn't dwell on how many cocks must have serviced her rapacious pussy since she had left home, I made no mention, instead as I began to pump back and forth I said things like, "Yeah, the girls there have tight little pussies and they love to be fucked by big cocks .."

She moaned in reaction, "Oh that feels good … and does my master have a big cock … it doesn't feel that big to me."

Oh boy, she really was playing a game with me. Clearly my wife was reacting well to the training she had been given. I continued to fuck her and she continued with her teasing, "… but I don't mind, you know I've always liked your cute little cock … come on Master, show me how you fuck those tight Thai girl pussies … show your slave … " Her words trailed off and became a soft wail as the first of her orgasms overtook her and I felt her pussy clenched at me as she spasmed her way through her delight.

Damn, it had only been 10 minutes and I was really loving my gift. I still hadn't cum myself and keen to extract the maximum pleasure from the limited time I had with her I demonstrated that impressive quality of self-control and pulled out of her sopping cunt and stood up.

"Get up, slave, and put your ass over there," I said indicating the arm of the sofa. (Two can play at this game, I thought!)

Heidi pulled herself to her feet and I had the gratifying sight of the puffy lips of her pussy now decorated by wet matted black hair of the juices that had cover it. She obediently did as I told her and presented her butt to me as she bent over. I took a moment to look upon a perfect picture of wantonness, her tits hanging down over the lace fringed black bra; her stocking-covered legs and the garter belt; her black leather boots and, most of all, the delicious sight of her wet hairy cunt peeking between the cheeks of her ass.

I stood behind her and said, "… and now I'll show you how I fucked a whore in London." (I hadn't actually had time to fuck anyone on a recent trip which took me through London but for the purposes of our game truth was an inconsequential casualty!) She gave another squeal as my rampant cock slid between the cheeks of her butt and slipped into her sopping pussy. She pushed back to me as she felt the contact; yes, she had been taught well.

It was 'Mexico' when she laying on her back and I acted the part of being a Missionary that I first cum in her and, boy, what a cum it was; I had forgotten how adept she was in squeezing every last drop from me with that well-used pussy. (I think at that moment Mexico had become my favourite location!)

I got to my knees and my still-stiff cock withdrew from the warm, wet folds of her cunt dribbling our combined juices onto the carpet. I staggered to my desk and flopped into my chair and reached into the desk drawer to find some tissues to clean up.

"Oh no Sir, let me do that for you," said a subservient Cumquat, "that's my job."

She rolled over on the floor and getting to her knees crawled over to where I sat. I was bemused to both see her leave a large wet stain on the carpet where she had lay and then for her to disappear from my sight when she crawled into the leg space beneath my desk. As she emerged on my side of the desk she pushed my roller chair away so that she had room to manoeuvre and to take my erection in hand.

She dipped her head and I felt her hot breath on my cock as she said, "Now let's imagine that you've come home from your travels and you need to be cleaned up and refreshed ….!"

I groaned as I felt her tongue licking and lapping along my length as she began the task of removing all traces of my excitement; she took extra care with my very sensitive balls and the feeling was exquisite. I closed my eyes and as she sucked and fondled me I imagined that I was back home in Philly with my darling wife.

My reverie was rudely disturbed by a knock on the door and for Cindy to pop her head around the doorway, "I'm back," she said brightly, "I didn't need as long as I thought."

'Thank goodness that from her viewpoint she couldn't see what was occurring beneath the desk' was my instant reaction but, just to make sure, I placed my hand on Cumquat's head to hold her still. "Uh, oh, er, good," I stammered and floundering for something to say I added, " uh, now you're here can you go get me a cup of coffee from the Cafeteria. I haven't had time to get lunch."

"OK," she said taking in a glance into the office, "I'll also get onto Housekeeping and get them to clean up that mark on the carpet … looks like somebody's spilt something."

I heard her retreat and quickly got to my feet, found my pants and dressed leaving Jacqui to crawl back out from under the desk. We both couldn't suppress our giggles as she looked around to retrieve her coat and the other items of clothing that had been scattered around 'the world'.

My secretary returned and entered with my coffee. She expressed surprise when she turned and saw that I still had a visitor, Jacqui, who was seated on the couch wrapped once more in that ridiculous Trench Coat.

Cindy, who is pretty observant, didn't say anything but I'm fairly certain that she must have joined the dots when she saw our flushed faces, the stain on the carpet and, oh yes, the distinct smell of sex in the air.

Thankfully the ensuing embarrassing stilted conversation between us didn't last too long for no sooner had my coffee cooled that the outer office door open and Robert and MG appeared. I was relieved to see them as it had already become difficult to find an explanation as to why I had this 'other woman' in my office when it was clear that she wasn't there for any office tour.

Robert ignored Cindy's presence and said without a pause, "If you have finished with your discussions we must be taking our leave of you and get back into town." He held out his hand to pull Jacqui to her feet.

"Ah, just to say, Miss G and I were thinking over lunch that maybe we need to revisit the contract and to reassess our relationship. It seems to us that you now being so close that maybe we can take advantage of the situation."

I was stunned. This was so unlike Robert to go back on his word but the implication of what he was saying excited me. Perhaps this would mean that my time here in New Orleans would not be such a lonely existence after all.

"Well, thank you. That's certainly an interesting proposition," I said being enigmatic knowing that Cindy's antennae was twitching. "Perhaps we can set up a meeting and we'll work something out. I'll give you a call."

And then they were gone. Cindy saw them out of the door and returned to give the stain another lingering look before she resumed her persona of being my efficient PA by returning to her own office.

Left alone with aching cock and balls I wondered just what Robert had in mind.
