Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)

a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van


Chapter Two - Now we are Wed


It was shortly after we married that I left the Navy having completed my term of service. As an 'ex-SeaBee' I had plenty of skills on my CV and had no problem in getting a good Engineering job that provided us with a comfortable salary. Jacqui was doing teacher-training and we were confident that when she graduated that she likewise would find a good position. We had no money worries and the living was easy.

Our first priority was to find us a place to live and given we had no intention of putting down roots in the area we decided to rent rather than buy and so we moved into a well worn mansion that had seen better days but which was still quite nice and reasonably well kept (and the rent was very reasonable.) The house had been converted to 3 apartments and we took the ground floor flat. There was another flat on the second floor occupied by a couple of a similar age to ourselves plus there was a small apartment for the owner who was a retired college professor, but who used it only whenever she was in town.

We soon settled down into a relaxed schedule and I quickly recognised that our way of married life was not exactly what would be regarded as being 'normal' in the accepted sense of newlywed behaviour. Each day when I returned home from work Jacqui would be waiting for me naked and before long we would be fucking. I was delighted; she was seemingly insatiable and as she devised ways of keeping my cock in an aroused state we both drifted from one orgasm after another. At the time I was unsure what the upstairs neighbours made of the noises that drifted upwards but time would tell that I needn't have had any concerns that we might be making a disturbance.

One of the couples, Carol and Carl, was about our age and had been living there for a couple of years on the 2nd floor when we moved in. We first met Carol while we unloading our U-Haul trailer when she offered to help us unload our few things. As it turned out she and Jacqui seemed to hit it off very well right from the start.

One thing that was obvious I noticed right away was that both Carol and Jacqui seemed to like to wear rather skimpy outfits. Carol was wearing cut-off shorts and a tank top when we met and Jacqui, who had been wearing jeans and a 'regular' blouse when we arrived, had gone straight into the apartment and switched to what I would call rather short-shorts and a halter top, which she favoured when she wasn't out in public, so to speak. They looked a great pair!

Carol made dinner that evening for us and we got to meet her husband, Carl, who worked for a museum and we had a very pleasant meal and evening with them. They were a relaxed couple and I noticed that Carl was definitely checked out Jacqui but I couldn't complain as I was doing the same with Carol!

Over the next few weeks we four bonded rather quickly as we found we had many interests in common, such as music, wine, art, an interest in history, same sports teams, hiking, travel, etc. It was uncanny, before long we were sharing meals and general socialising sessions in the evenings, going to art shows, baseball games and such; it felt like we were starting to double date, if you will!

One week we had a trip to a major art museum where we seemed to spend an unusual amount of time standing in front of any painting of nudes or a nude sculpture. Carl who was very knowledgeable about art would provide a commentary which always seemed to end with the suggestion of, "... wouldn't it be nice to see Carol and Jacqui there 'dressed' like that."

We all had a polite laugh, although I noticed Carol would especially be looking at Jacqui when these comments were made and that Jacqui would blush a bit. For my part, Carol was also quite an attractive blond about 25 years old at the time, so visualizing her in the buff was pretty easy to do for me.

The week after the museum visit we planned for a hike along a portion of the Appalachian Trail. When it was time for the hike, both Carol and Jacqui were both wearing halter tops with shorts that were so short that if they bent over just a little bit their ass cheeks would peek out. I never did find out if this was by mutual agreement between the 2 girls but, who cares, that wasn't important! During the hike there were plenty of opportunities for both Carol and Jacqui to show themselves off and they certainly seemed to take advantage of displaying their charms. It was a hike of which I continue to hold fond memories.

All this innocent interaction was just a precursor for what was to come. It seemed the more we were together, the more risqué our comments became. For instance, it was when we had a barbeque together that Carl made various 'innocent' comments about how attractive Jacqui was and I reciprocated with similar comments about Carol. It wasn't lost on me and it was obvious that Carol was also checking out Jacqui when these comments were made.

I blame myself for how things developed and I think that maybe it was me that planted the 'seed' that took us to the next level for when we had our quiet moments away from our neighbours I sometimes used to tease Jacqui about us having sex with Carol and Carl and how it might be fun if the opportunity ever arose to do so. I said it in jest but the few times when I mentioned Carol I noticed Jacqui would tend to get rather silent and occasionally blush again.

What happened next is not what I would have expected.

Carol and Jacqui had planted gardens behind our building and were out there one day working together on their plantings. Jacqui was wearing her 'around the house' attire of shorts and halter top and Carol was similarly casually dressed. They worked away but it soon became obvious that gardening wasn't what was on Carol's mind and that the sexual tension that had been growing for the past several months between Carol and Jacqui finally came to a head. She told me all about it later.

She said, "I'd say we had been working for about a half hour or so and I was trying to pull out some rather stubborn weeds when next thing I knew Carol was kneeling right beside me ... and I do mean right beside me. She pressed up to my side and put her hand on my arm and said with a rather husky voice, 'let me help you take those out'

"As I turned toward her I immediately saw her eyes were looking at the top of my halter and I knew it wasn't the weeds she meant to help me take out.

"As our eyes found each other, I couldn't talk but merely nodded my head. With that Carol turned my face up toward hers as we leaned toward each other to share a long lingering kiss during which Carol didn't hesitate to use her tongue in my mouth. I think I may have reciprocated, I really don't remember for sure.

"We were still kneeling facing each other when our kiss broke off and Carol commented that 'it looks like these cuties needed to be freed' and reached and released both of my breasts from my halter. Carol and her lips moved from my mouth to my breasts. She lightly tugged at my now enlarged nipples and gently caressed both breasts. At this point I couldn't take it anymore and my body rippled slightly as I had my first orgasm.

"Carol stopped long enough to smile at me and say 'that's a good girl' and gently pushed me to lay on the grass on my back. As I was laying there, she ran her finger lightly over my breasts and nipples and said, 'we both knew this was coming, didn't we?'

"As soon as I managed to gasp out a 'yes' she smiled again, looked at my shorts and I knew what was required of me. I quickly unbuttoned and unzipped, arched my back and wriggled out of my shorts while Carol watched me with an approving, and knowing, smile.

"As soon as I was out of my shorts, she said, 'you ARE a very good girl' and added a quizzical 'and?' I knew exactly what she meant so I reached for the waistband of my panties but she stopped me and said, 'please, let me help'. She quickly had my panties off and as she did, she gave me a very gentle kiss on the pubic hair covered mound. I must have been so aroused for it took a moment to realized she also had a finger in my pussy and declared, 'my, your pussy is exceptionally moist'

"I most certainly was. I had felt my juices flowing almost as soon as we had started work in the garden, and had had at least one orgasm that I can remember.

"Carol then stood up while looking down at me and said, 'you know what both you and I want!'

"I knew and reacted by drawing up my knees, opening my legs and then closing my eyes as Carol went down on me. I simply lost track of time but laying on the grass I felt like I was in nirvana while Carol performed cunnilingus on me. It was so wonderful. I must have had at least a half dozen orgasms while her tongue explored what seemed like every crevice in my vagina and flicked over my stiff clitoris.

"When she was done, she stood up, helped me up and lead me naked into our apartment where we both cleaned up. It was getting close to the time our husbands would be coming home and so our first 'affair' ended but with one slight issue. My clothes were still out by the garden and Carol refused to leave go to her apartment unless I ran back to the garden, naked, to retrieved my halter, shorts and panties. She was very insistent about that so I did as she demanded."

I was kind of speechless to hear this 'confession' but excited beyond measure for I realised that what I was hearing was evidence that my Jacqui, 'Heidi', was a susceptible, agreeable, willing participant to any sexual suggestion. It bode well for the future and I looked forward to what Heidi would do next.

What else might have been going on was my follow-on thought. I asked, "You said 'First Affair', was that it or did you do more?"

I was seeking revelations of other encounters; she gave an embarrassed look and said, "Except for, as you well remember, after we started to play with Carol and Carl, it was rather a routine thing for Carol or me to go to each other's apartment to play a little while you boys were supposedly out working. It also became the usual thing for whichever of us was doing the visiting to go up or down the connecting stairway between our apartments sans clothes.

"The event you might be interested in occurred in the summer when I had gone up to Carol's place completely naked except for my sandals. Unfortunately, I had clean forgot that Carol was going shopping that day and so, obviously, she was not in and I turned around and headed back downstairs. I was just a few steps from the bottom when that door, you know then one we always wondered about...where it went to? Well, I found out.

"As I said I was just a few steps from the bottom when it opened and who should appear but 'Miss A', our landlady. As you recall, we had met her only once before and as it turned out she was here for the summer as she was finished teaching at her college for the year. Let's just say I was startled and tried to cover myself with my hands as best I could and started to make some sort of excuse as to why I was coming down the stairs between the apartments naked. That I had gone up to see Carol, but she wasn't home, etc, etc.

"I guess I didn't sound very convincing from the look on her face but Miss A was more than a bit amused and not particularly buying my rambling excuses but finally said something like, 'don't worry dear, I understand when two ladies like to enjoy each other's company without men. I like to play too'. She stepped to one side and beckoned me in to find out to where the door lead.

"As you found out later it was a tiny apartment that she used when she was stopping in town for a few days. I followed her in and the first thing she told me was this time she was staying all summer. Then we had a little chat about me being naked and, '... why don't we keep this little episode just between 'we two girls' and we can have some fun of our own'. I had to smile, I was certainly 'a girl' compared to her who had to be at least 60 plus at the time. However, my smile soon left my face for as we spoke she made it pretty obvious to me at the time that if I didn't agree to keep quiet about what she had just learned about me and for me to be spending a little time with her that we'd be asked to move out. In short she was saying I wasn't to tell either Carol or you about my liaisons with her on pain of us being evicted!

"As it turned out she was an out-and-out old fashioned lesbian who was of the opinion that 'two is company;, three's a crowd' and she was not at all interested in getting Carol involved and did not want me to tell Carol she had caught me. I never did find out what her issue was with Carol but I stayed dumb because I liked the way things were going with Miss A and I was to find out she was more than happy to show me off to and to meet her lesbian friends throughout the summer. "

Jacqui paused for breath and to take time to look at me to gauge my reaction to these revelations. My expression must have given her the confidence to continue ... or was the giveaway that I was stroking my cock?! 'Heidi' continued.

"Miss A started to take me to some of her meetings that she had with her literary groups and it was there that I also got to meet some of her gay men friends. They all claimed to be devotees of the romantic poets and the topic was used as an excuse during most of our little assignations for me to be there simply as their 'little naked nymph' as they called me, doing such things as serving tea and desserts, reading poetry to them. Sometimes they would simply have me sitting on the table for them to play with me. It was lovely and I really so looked forward to being asked to go with her to her meetings knowing what was expected of me.

"They all liked to play a game with me when I arrived; you know how I love games. I had to go to the meeting wearing my favourite button-up the front dress (or perhaps you thought of it as an unbutton-down the front dress, Miss A and her friends did!)

"She and her friends liked me to wear a dress like this because then they would take turns each, one button at a time until all the buttons were undone and my dress would slip off quite easily. One thing Miss A loved to do was to be the one who undid the last button right over my pussy, reach in, find my pubic hair and exclaim surprise to her guests at what she had found, like 'Nancy's not wearing any panties!' in mock shock. We would all laugh at that"

The matter-of-fact way she was telling me this confirmed in my mind that my wife despite her 'quiet up-bringing' was indeed totally uninhibited and clearly susceptible to any suggestions that might be made. The thought gave me great comfort and confidence for our future as I then turned my attention back to her account.

"Now, when Miss A and I were alone she liked to have me sit on her lap, naked of course, and simply talk with me while she played with me. She loved to stroke my breasts as she told me things and she encouraged me to do the same to her. I really don't know what the attraction is but that seems to be a favourite thing both men and women like to do with me...that is, have me sit on their lap and play with me." She looked at me with a knowing look in her eyes.

I pulled her over and did what her eyes suggested and we giggled as my stiff cock poked up between her open thighs. God, how I loved this woman so.


I went to work each day thereafter wondering what my bi-sexual Heidi might up to in the company of her new best friend Carol. More pointedly I wondered if this relationship might develop and allow us husbands to join in on the fun. I pondered how I might be able to encourage this. As it turned out, I didn't have to do anything for events just happened that took us down this road.

It was about this same time there was an X-rated movie that had been released that had become popular with the 'general public'. I had seen it advertised but thought no more of it until one evening over shared dinner Jacqui and Carol bought up the topic of adult movies, mentioned this new film and suggested that we all should see it. Needless to say Carl and I thought it was a great idea.

The movie despite the hype was a bit of a letdown, nothing particular exciting occurred during except some basic petting of the wives which led to the couples swopping. There was certainly nothing explicit but it set the mood in my mind and I guess the others too. After the movie, Carol and Jacqui told Carl and me that we would be having dinner at Carol and Carl's apartment the next day and that they were making something special for us guys. They didn't say what the speciality was but there seemed to be a conspiracy edge to the way the announcement was made.

The next day came and when I got home from work it was to find was a note on the back door of the house which was used as the entrance telling that we both should wait in our 1st floor apartment till the girls called for us. I got home first and Carl showed up shortly thereafter and let himself into my apartment. Neither of us knew what the girls were up to and we both sort of shrugged saying, "OK, I guess we'll find out". Carl added, "Maybe they'll both be naked when they call for us!"

I said with a laugh something like, "don't we wish".

Well, sometimes you get what you wish for.

The phone rang and it was Jacqui telling me they were ready for us to both come up.

We went up using an inside staircase and hallway and when we got to their apartment, Carl went in first. I couldn't see anything except his back but I sure heard him exclaim, " Holy Shit!!"

I pushed past him into the apartment and got to see what he was excited about. On top of the large dining room table was Jacqui, completely naked, on all fours and with her ass staring straight at us. Carol was standing beside her wearing only a completely see through, lime green negligee holding Jacqui's ass so we got a better look at it.

Carl and I were both stopped in our tracks and while I can't speak for him I know I got an instant rock solid hard on. They both in their own fashion looked great (or appetizing depending on your take on this view) but in my slightly biased opinion, I thought Jacqui looked fantastic and greatly edible! As we stared, Carol said, "How do you two enjoy our little dinner surprise?"

I don't remember too much about the dinner but I do remember after we ate the exquisite feeling as my cock sunk into Carol's welcoming cunt accompanied by the sound of Heidi mewling her pleasure as Carl did the same to Jacqui, my wife.

What a night to remember and know that it was to be the start of whole new life for the pair of us.
