Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)

a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van


Chapter Four - The games begin


There was a moment when Jacqui had a few concerns that perhaps our newly adopted lifestyle might be detrimental to her health and coupled with a couple of other problems she was experiencing (nothing major) she decided to take herself off to a local clinic that dealt with such matters. After her first visit (which revealed the shock news that she was infertile due to some imperfection within her perfect body) I was invited along to meet several times with a sex counsellor who diagnosed Jacqui as having a condition known as 'erotomania extremis', which translates as an abnormally high desire and need for sexual arousal and satisfaction.

I believe that the counsellor was disappointed and confused when we both agreed that we liked her condition better than any 'cure' the counsellor could offer! There was also the other conclusion that we didn't need to have any concerns about birth control.

Life with Carol and Carl was such a fun time. They knew so many people who shared our love of sex and sense of fun and we were forever being introduced to new folks who seemed to like us too. Carol especially always had 'another idea' to explore and I lost count of the different games and amusements she initiated.

There was the 'Wheel Barrow game' when the objective was to have a man and woman position themselves similar to the old fashioned wheel barrow race but with one teeny little exception. The man had to insert his penis in the woman and then they would be off to the races, so to speak, with the winner being how far a couple could go before either the woman collapsed or, more likely, the man's penis came out. I personally hated this game; it was too hard for me to stay upright and I never made it very far before going down.

Another variation Carol had us doing was the 'Carry game' where you start by sitting down with your lady partner straddling you and getting your cock inside her. You are then helped up and the idea is to carry her as far as you can before your cock slips out. You have to move quickly... no dogging it ... otherwise the onlookers can slap you and your partner's ass to keep you moving. Great idea but hard as hell on your back.

There was 'Naked Twister' which doesn't require much description other than to say that this was a lot of fun. Picture being all contorted and suddenly having a penis or a pussy just out of reach of where you want to put it!

Another one was an adult version of spin the bottle, except instead of a kiss on the lips, the recipient got a kiss on either his penis or if a woman, on her pussy.

We have played a variation of strip poker which worked as follows. The guys sat at a poker table with their wives dressed standing behind each husband. Then instead of playing for money, we bet various pieces of our wife's clothing until one was naked. Then we bet the wife and the winner of the next hand took the naked wife, and so on until each wife was 'won'. As I say, Carol was never at a loss as to trying out something new for our entertainment.

Something else that Carol did get us involved with was when she learned that there was to be a Nudes Amateur Night at an adult gentlemen's club. She casually mentioned to us that, "Carl knows a great place. They have good food, dancing and he says they have 'competitions' which sounds fun."

We asked what kind of competitions and Carol said it was a kind of amateur striptease and dance and have sex thing where the ladies would do just that and then be judged by the audience as to who gave the best performance.

Jacqui was a little hesitant and said she didn't think she could such a thing in front of strangers and, anyway, that she wasn't that much good at dancing. Carol dismissed her reluctance and reminded her that indeed she was 'very good at it' for when us boys weren't around and they had a little girl-girl fun, she would often get up and next thing they would be prancing around just like a couple of strippers.

Carol said there wasn't a lot of difference in what they did and to have other guys checking us out as we danced around; that it wasn't much of a jump to go to this amateur nude dance night with her. Jacqui then stated her other concern that someone was likely to know us which could prove embarrassing but that was put aside when Carol said, "Don't be silly we aren't going to do it around here. The club is a zillion miles from here, it's way over the other side of the State."

I told her she must be out of her mind. It was one thing to have sex with the couples she and Carl 'played with' and we had come to know but for Jacqui to be naked and dance in front of a group of strangers in a bar ... No way! .... or so I thought.

Carol was not one to give up on a good idea and she can be very persuasive. In truth, I didn't have much say in the matter for somewhere in the midst of the discussion Jacqui made the mental switch to full 'Heidi-mode' and it was agreed that indeed we would be going with them.

(What Carol didn't say was that she had asked some of our other friends if they would be coming for the amateur night but they had refused the offer and stuck to it. She had then told them not to say anything to us about not participating so that their decision wouldn't sway Jacqui's expected tentative Yes.)

It was the following week when Carol told us that she had 'booked' us in for the competition and that we needed to get there early so that she and Jacqui could be interviewed.


Carol laughed at my reaction. "I don't think there is going to be much of an interview. It will be more like a simple matter of being asked do we know how to take our clothes off."

The day for our debut arrived and we (Carol, Carl, 'Heidi' and myself) drove the 'zillion miles' over to the club. We had been told to arrive early as they had a hairdresser and makeup person waiting to get the girls ready for the stage.

As soon as we arrived Carl and I were steered toward the bar and Carol and Heidi were taken backstage and immediately told to shed their clothes. There were already another four girls there and brief introductions made before the hairdresser and the makeup person did their work. As they primped and powdered the girls were given a last minute briefing on what the program would be.

They were told that dice were rolled to determine the 'batting order', who would be #1, #2, etc. and Heidi was relieved to find herself third which she thought was good as she wouldn't have to be first, nor be last. By this point she had steeled herself to do her best and now, instead of bowing out, simply settled for the thought that she didn't want to be the worst dancer!

As the appointed time approached the crowd in the bar became bigger and more restless and as the sounds filtered back to the dressing room Heidi once again began to have second thoughts but it was too late for her to have a change of mind and she resigned herself that soon she was going to be naked and dancing in front of a host of strangers.

Carl and I had a prime spot at the bar which gave us a clear view of the stage and we joined in the loud round of applause and various catcalls as the naked girls were led out and introduced by the MC to the crowd. They paraded in a line to a chorus of whistling and rowdy remarks before turning around and disappearing back through the backstage curtain. Heidi spotted me and gave me a wink as she passed by and I swear I could see her nipples were showing signs of excitement!

Once the noise had settled down the curtain opened once more and the competition began. The first girl came out and after a short interview with the MC he stepped back and she went into her routine. In truth she didn't do much more than gyrate and move around in time to the music that was thumping out from the sound system but to see her so brazenly strutting her stuff and to know that this was someone's partner who probably didn't do this sort of thing for a living was very arousing. I could hardly contain myself as I awaited the appearance of my own partner.

The dance finished and the charming naked girl gave a curtsy and a smile to an appreciative audience and I held my breath hoping that the next girl would be my Heidi. Disappointment; I was 'forced' to watch another female do her thing. She ran through her routine (such as it was with a mixture of bumping and grinding, etc.) and then as the music wound down so did she and the curtain was held open so that she could exit with her dignity intact.

Then I held my breath when the MC called for 'number three' for I figured from seeing her place in the original line-up that it was going to be my Jacqui, I was not disappointed.

Heck, why am I relating all this? I wasn't the one on stage, giving a performance. Let Jacqui, sorry, Heidi tell it.


'We were all waiting to going out in our turn on stage as determined by the dice. The first girl went and although we couldn't see her but we could still hear the audience and they seemed to be very really appreciative. It was the same for the second one and as she was finishing her dance I could feel the butterflies in my stomach had come back. More concerning was that I noticed that I was also getting a bit moist in my pussy which I thought was a no-no. However, I glanced around and saw the other girls with me seemed to be in the same state!

The curtains parted and as the second girl came through the MC was suddenly calling for girl #3, to come out and show her stuff. Oh my God, it's me, it's my turn!!

I went out, rather meekly I thought, to another round of loud applause. I don't know if it was hearing the applause but I instantly relaxed and felt like they really like me and I started to really enjoy myself at this point. I guess it was my natural proclivity to being a nude that finally kicked in!

The MC took my hand and introduced me again and then he asked me a few questions about myself, like how old was I, where was I from, what did I do for a living, etc. It was a bit of a surprise to be asked for somehow I had missed this with the other girls but actually it helped to calm any remaining nervousness and the butterflies had flown.

As soon as this little interview was over the MC stepped down and I found myself naked and alone on the stage. The music started and not knowing quite was expected of me I just gyrated and started to prance around on the stage. I deliberately kept my gaze above the heads of my audience but I must have been doing OK as I heard applause along with lots of whistles and encouraging comments. I distinctly remember one thing that turned me on was the crescendo when I spread my legs and bent over and wiggled my hips. The reaction from the audience was fantastic.

When my dance was over I felt completely flushed and drained and when I got backstage one of the other dancers said, "Did you just have an orgasm out there?"

I didn't answer her but I do know I felt very euphoric and, dare I admit, my pussy felt like I was dripping after my dance.

I didn't finish first, or even second, but I did finish 3rd, which made me feel very good about myself, that I was that pleasing to the assembled multitude! What was the icing on the cake for me was that Carol finished only 4th, one place behind me!'


The competition over and Carol and Heidi came back to join Carl and me at the bar. They both looked flushed and excited and very pleased with themselves as they acknowledged the compliments from all sides of the bar. I gave her a hug and a kiss and said, "Wow, you were amazing ... " quickly adding diplomatically, "... both of you."

While we had the 'debrief' we were interrupted by a large guy who kind of muscled his way into our conversation. I was about to brush him away when he introduced himself as the owner of the bar and for him to add his good wishes to our ladies. Heidi was most impressed to be singled out for his attention and was further impressed when he said that he owned another bar and would she consider performing her 'dance' there.

If there is one thing I have learned it is that Heidi/Jacqui will always respond to flattery. She could hardly suppress her smile when she said, "Yes, I'd love to."

He said, "I'll be in touch."

Little did I realise what this invitation would lead to .. and it wasn't just dancing!


Carol didn't have it all her own way when came to having bright ideas of what we might do for extra fun within our little group of swinging friends for Heidi (or was it Jacqui?!) asked me what I thought of the idea that maybe every couple of months rather than a one-on-one wife swap, how about for the weekend one of the girls would be the fun date for all the husbands.

I don't remember what I said in response to the suggestion but I do recall I had an instant hard-on because I liked the idea right away. I think I may have said, "So you mean that this would be like a gang bang with one wife and all the husbands?"

She smiled that smile and said, "Yes, something like that."

I looked at her to gauge if she was serious and asked my next question, "What do YOU think about doing it?"

She didn't answer but just continued to smile which to me spoke volumes.

As intriguing as the idea sounded I could see that there might be complications so I asked, " Uh, and what will all the other wives be doing; won't they be jealous sitting home alone?"

Her answer, "We won't be alone, we plan to make a girls' weekend out when you guys are having fun."

"We, what do you mean we?"

"Heavens, you don't think I came up with this idea all by myself do you? Us girls have been tossing this one around for some time. It's just that we were a little nervous as to how you guys would feel about it, you know, letting their wives go off for a weekend alone ... well, not alone, but you know what I'm saying."

As it turned out, only one husband didn't like the idea of his wife being gangbanged by the rest of us and he and his wife opted out, although they did stay involved with the group for the one-on-one swaps.

Once all this was settled the first 'Wife of the Month' was selected and a date picked. How they made the selection of which wife would be the chosen one I had no idea but the first wife wasn't Heidi. That privilege went to the delightful Amy, a college professor, intelligent, articulate and a great fuck.

The plan was that we three other husbands would go over to Amy's house on the Friday evening and join her and her husband for the weekend. We had been told by the girls who we had 'abandoned' that they did not want to see us for at least 48 hours. I had no idea what they planned to get up to in our absence.

This was my first gang bang experience and it was great; Wow, four husbands and one wife. Over the weekend we each took turns fucking Amy and getting blow jobs from her. As I recall she was rather good at it but not as good as Heidi and my opinion was borne out when while two of the guys were doing Amy, her husband commented to me that it was too bad Heidi was not the first one, as he really enjoyed her 'talent'; I silently agreed!

It was about 2 months later that Carol was the second selectee and once again it was a great time for all involved. It was even better for me as I didn't have to travel far, just up the stairs of our apartment building!

Nancy was the 3rd selectee as 'Wife of the Month' and the activities proceeded much as the first 2 events with pretty much ongoing fucking and sucking plus eating her pussy. I was very proud of how she serviced all four guys (including me) and that the guys (including me) were happy to have her.

As for me, it was a bonus and a real turn on to watch her being taken by so many guys and performing so well and so enthusiastically although, at the start, 'Heidi' was very concerned about how she would perform with so many guys at the same time and didn't want me to be embarrassed by her performance.

She needed to have had no worries, she was a big hit.


We regarded our group of swingers as being true friends and, as friends do, we sometimes would socialise 'beyond the bedroom' albeit that there was always an underlying purpose for us doing so. Our socialising was usually a preamble to a wife-swop.

It became a regular thing for us to get together and go out to have dinner some place . We had a favourite place, a country inn where we were able to reserve a relatively private area so that we wouldn't have a lot of nosey eavesdroppers.

It was always a casual affair but the wives took the opportunity to be stylishly dressed but not overtly sultry. By agreement among the couples, the women always all wore dresses or skirts and blouses; slacks were verboten! On this particular occasion Jacqui was wearing a sleeveless jumper dress that was cut well above her knees and at this time underneath was still wearing panties, bra and a slip that was more like a camisole.

I had tried to talk her out of wearing panties and bras at all but she said the other husbands either enjoyed seeing her do her striptease routine when she would take off all her clothes, or better yet, undressing her themselves. She said that taking off her panties and bra were a big part of the preliminary turn-on for most partners. I had to agree with her.

Someone had the bright idea to ramp things up a little by us 'exchanging presents' as new way to exchange wives. The idea worked generally as follows.

The guys would buy something that could be used as an erotic toy or enhance sex play and gift-wrap it up as a present.

When we met for dinner (aka, 'to swap wives') someone would bring along a holdall that contained all the various packages and the wife would have to pick one or more gift with no idea who brought it or what it was. The guy who bought the present would have written his name inside the wrapping and the wife would then become his partner.

After the present was opened she would also have to guess what the gift was and how it was to be used and she was then obligated to put the present to its intended use once explained by the gift giver. (Some items were obvious as to their purpose but others, not so, and if a wife came up with a creative use other than what the giver planned, that was added to her play time!)

If a wife selected a present bought by her husband, it had to go back into the pot; she had to pick a present by someone who was not her spouse. This required a bit of vigilance by we husbands to make sure our wife did not pick our present. Generally this was done in advance by showing your own wife what your wrapped package looked like so she would know not to select it.

So with the rules set and us once more altogether, we sat down and enjoyed a very pleasant dinner with each couple sitting together. We waited until after dessert had been served and then the holdall was produced and in turn the wives made their selection. There was much giggling when the contents were revealed and some didn't required much imagination at all to guess their purpose.

Not so Jacqui's gift from John. She tore off the wrapping and held up a skillet! We were all puzzled but after he gave a few hints as to what he was thinking it became clear that once again John had demonstrated he possessed a most devious and imaginative mind.

Given I wasn't the recipient of the gift I'll hand over to Jacqui to tell what 'happened next'.


'I looked at the frying pan and tried to figure out how the heck was this going to be used as an erotic toy. Well, since the 'rules' of this game were that I had to make a guess, I turned to John, my partner to be, and asked, "are you going to spank me with this monster?"

I rather hoped that this was the case for I had become rather susceptible to a good paddling and given my cooking skills were not my best subject I figured this might be an alternative and more practical use.

John laughed and said something like, "No, but now that you brought it up, we can do that as well and you will most certainly be spanked with the monster".

I said, "What do you mean, 'as well'?"

"I bought it for you so you can make me scrambled eggs."

I gave a very quizzical look and then he further explained that instead of serving the eggs with bacon he wanted the eggs to have a special ingredient and for me to eat the resulting dish. He told me that I would suck him to orgasm but rather than swallowing his cum, I would add his cum to the eggs, scramble the mix and then eat my breakfast.

I guess the look on my face was priceless as all the others around the table heard what he was proposing but I quickly recovered my composure and very 'innocently' wondered out loud, "will the breakfast include sausage and would it be would be filling and tasty?"

To a chorus of inevitable chuckles and kidding directed at John, he replied, " ... the sausage will be to my liking," and then he further confessed that he got the idea from a book he had read. He then pointed out the other packet that was taped inside the frying pan. I looked and found it was a sachet of soap powder.

"What the heck is this for?"

"Oh, you are going to be doing my laundry after we've had breakfast."

That was a signal for our afternoon at the restaurant to come to a close and it was time to leave for our weekend of fun and games. My panties were already quite wet by the time dinner was over and we were ready start our play.

We all quickly paired up and headed for the guy's cars. On the way out as we left John was already fondling and caressing my ass. I loved the idea that people might be watching and thinking I might be giving them a cheap thrill as they tried to figure out what was going on.

In truth, there was little I could do about him caressing my butt for I had my hands full of skillet and I needed my other hand when I turned to give a goodbye wave to Dale knowing he would be watching me. Even in the gloom I could see the bulge in his pants telling me he must be thinking about what I was going to be doing and what my partner had planned. If I had any regrets it was only that I hadn't had the chance to tell Dale that I was especially happy I had selected John's gifts as, next to Dale, John was the most romantic and thoughtful of our playmates.

It was only a short walk to John's car and I could see that folks were still looking at us from the restaurant. I gave them another thrill when John, like the perfect gentleman he is, opened the door and as I got in I gave everyone a lingering view right up my legs to my panties.

Once John and I were in the car we were like two teenagers in heat. Despite the fact it was only late afternoon when we were on our way, John wanted to kiss me right away. We were immediately into some deep French kissing with lots of tongue. At the same he was also reaching up under my dress and I quickly obliged him by spreading my legs for him. He didn't waste any time and reached right up my dress to my panties. When he discovered how moist I was, he stopped kissing me and looked at me smiling and said, "my gifts must really be turning you on. Those wet panties must be very uncomfortable, why don't we just slip them off right now".

I replied something like, "Yes, they are very wet but I am waiting till I can get to a washing machine to do your laundry and wash them."

He laughed, "You are right," but still hooked a finger around my panties and found my clitoris and quickly rubbed it which almost sent me through the roof with an orgasm right there and then. When I had quieted down he asked if I was sure that I wanted to wait because my panties were now absolutely soaking. I managed to gasp out, "no, take them off" and I lifted my butt and he helped me out of them very quickly!

We drove to his house and as soon as we were in the door John and I were taking off each other's clothes. Now, normally John would like me to do a strip tease for him but this time we were both so fired up that we were both naked in literally a few seconds. Anyway, I had a head start as I had already lost my panties.

John was ready to fuck me right away in the hallway and wanted me to get down on all fours but I reminded him that I had to do the laundry first! So we headed for the laundry room where I dutifully put all my clothes, as well as his, into the washing machine together with the sachet that he had gifted me. As soon as the washer was turned on, he lifted me onto the washer top, spread my legs and began to lick my pussy while fingering my clitoris again. Let me just say being naked, sitting on top of a vibrating washing machine and having a talented tongue work over a woman's pussy would set off an orgasm in any woman. In my case I pretty well exploded after John's tongue had been in me for only a few minutes.

However, as good as being eaten by John was I wasn't really satisfied and I told him I was now ready to have his cock in me. He lifted me off the washer, took me by my hand and lead me toward a bedroom. I think we kind of worked our way there for every few steps we stopped to kiss and play with each other. We eventually reached the bedroom he knew that I loved to be the submissive one and he 'ordered' me up on all fours on the bed. I quickly hurried to comply and within seconds his stiff cock was slipping into me and I was begging for him to go harder and faster, to be a bit more forceful with his thrusts, and the result was that we both had a delightful time. I think I must have orgasmed at least four times before I felt his hot cum explode inside me and for him to almost collapse onto my back. My 'Master' told me I was a good girl and with that we both fell into a blissful sleep.

It could have only have been an hour before we surfaced from our nap and mindful of my 'duties' and my role as his dutiful slave I reminded him of the laundry that was now finished in the washer and my need to go hang the clothes up to dry. I made to move from the bed but John caught my wrist and said, "You're not going anywhere. You've got more urgent tasks to attend to here in the bedroom. You can do the laundry tomorrow."

No guessing what my duties entailed!

Now, as good as John was, it used to take him about 3 hours to be ready for another round, but that didn't mean we wasted any time. We continued to play with each other including my pussy being a late night snack for him and then he decided to try out the frying pan with my suggestion of a spanking. I do so love a good paddling providing it is 'properly administered' as my Master and Dale were fond of calling it.

John had spanked me on several previous swaps so we both had a pretty good idea what to expect but never before with a skillet. He took a few test swings to get the feel and prove to himself that he was rather handy at wielding the frying pan and with that I was again ordered to 'assume the position', the position being on all fours and, "your ass high in the air".

I did as ordered and my spanking began.

Let me just say a frying pan isn't the greatest 'instrument' with which to properly administer a spanking but it served its purpose such that I had a nice orgasm after several minutes of being paddled with the flat base of the skillet. We then had sex one more time before drifting off to sleep in each other's arms.

We slept until mid-morning as I recall and then it was up to comply with my second duty of making the special dish for breakfast. We went to the kitchen, both still in the buff, where I found the eggs and cracked them into the frying pan.

I acted the innocent maid and asked in a what I hope sounded like a concerned voice, "Please Sir, I don't know where to find the special ingredient."

John instantly understood what I was asking and played his part. He pushed me down on my knees, took my head in his one hand and held his stiff cock up to my mouth with the other and said, "It's right in front of you; you'll just have to do a little work to get it."

We both laughed and I began to suck him. It sure didn't take long before he grunted and I had a mouthful of cum, even though I tried to be gentle with him and prolong the event!

After my mouth was full and he was finished, he held the frying pan in front of me and while I was still on my knees I let his cum dribble into the pan and then stood up and made the renown gourmet dish of scrambled eggs and cum!

My Master thought I would 'look cute' wearing only an apron so I complied and put on a frilly maid's apron and wore it for all of a few minutes while making the eggs. While I was scrambling he stood close behind me and bent over to look over my shoulder as I worked asked me, "Would you like sausage with that?"

As I felt his cock pressing against the crease of my bum I told him, "Hmm, only if it is going to be as tasty as the last one. That was a little salty, maybe I should really have another piece so I can give you a better answer."

He laughed at my impertinence and I noted a definite twitch in the sausage!

I set the table and put the cum and eggs on a plate. John then had me sit on his lap while he fed me my breakfast. It was very much a 'different' omelette but still very tasty. When I finished and cleared the plate of all my eggs, I told him I was still hungry and could I have that helping of 'sausage'. He pushed me off his lap and I got on my knees and proceeded to lick and suck him again. I knew he would not be ready so I was very light in my touch. Even so I was gratified just to hear him moan from the pleasure of my tongue and soft hands caressing his cock and balls.

After I had my sausage, it was time to finish the washing we had left from the night before. Still naked, I dutifully collected the wet clothes, put them into a basket knowing that I could make no protest when John told me to go as I was and take them outside to be hung up to dry. I was little anxious as it was a bit tricky for there was one spot on the way to the wash line at which a passing car might be able to see me so I rather hurried around that corner and, as far as I know, no unwanted eyes saw me.

One thing became obvious right away when I started to hang up the clothes. The wash line had been set rather high so I had to really stretch to reach it in order to hang anything up. Obviously this provided a rather nice show for John to watch while I was working.

When I had hung up the last piece, I reached down to pick up the wash basket but John stopped me and told me to sit in the basket. I guess I was rather surprised at this order because I distinctly remember saying, "What?"

He just said, "Sit!" So I did and thought that I must look a bit ridiculous with my arms and legs hanging over the sides of the basket and I told him so.

He said, "You look just great," and, big strong man that he is, promptly picked up the basket with me in it and carried me back to the back patio where he set me down and said something to the effect of, ".... you've done the laundry and now it's your turn to be washed!"

He told me to stay put while he got a bucket of warm soapy water and when he was ready he told me to stand up and step out in the grass. I stood tall and straight as an arrow while he went over me with the sponge and proceeded to give me a nice sponge bath. Let's just say he made sure every inch of me was thoroughly clean and covered with soap suds by the time he was done.

I was starting to say, "Ok wise guy now you have to rinse me off ...." then I saw him pick up the garden hose and added, " ...oh no."

He said, "oh yes" and the chase was on. He could run a lot faster and I was caught and cornered pretty quickly and got a cold water rinse. One effect of which was that my nipples quickly stood to attention which excited him greatly. He dropped the hose and we then enjoyed a bit of foreplay with some very nice 69 activity on the patio and then made love. It was wild and I loved it.

What a great weekend 'slave Heidi' was having but all good things must end and checking the clock it was to realise that we only had time for just one more fuck and, before we knew it, the morning was over and it was time to turn back into a pumpkin, return to Dale and my humdrum existence as a business consultant.'


I heard the car pull up and I looked out of the window to see Jacqui get out of John's car and for her to make her unsteady way up the path to our front door. I don't think I have ever seen her look so happy.

She came in and I can only say that she smelled of sex. I told her so and she giggled and joked, "I can't understand why, John made sure I was good and clean before he bought me home." She then related all that had occurred during her tenure as an obedient slave to a demanding master and I have to say that I was envious of the good time that she had enjoyed. Even more so I was impressed that John had shown himself to have such an imaginative mind to have thought of doing all these things. I couldn't compete on that score.

Inevitably our thoughts turned to the next weekend and what our plans might be and that's when she reminded me that she had an appointment with Martin, the photographer.

Oh yes, Martin, the guy who had taken 'those' pictures and said that he would like to take more but this time in the comfort of his studio.

As I've said before, that's when our lives took another interesting turn.
