Jacqui and Heidi (aka Jekyll and Hyde)

a tale of two females as told to Curt Bruch and Julie Van


Chapter Nine - A New Life


I guess being in state of shock would be the best way to describe my emotions as I watched the car drive away containing my wife going off with Robert, her new 'owner', to a different life. When we had begun this little game of Jacqui becoming a Sex Slave I don't think I had fully reflected on the consequences of this thing we were doing but it was too late now to change my mind for all three parties involved - her, me and the 'owner' - had signed a contract which he made very clear was a legally-binding one. (Robert had a lot of experience at this sort of thing!)

So it was that Jacqui removed herself from our married life leaving me to contemplate on what might be happening to her. All I could hope and wish was that she would come to no harm and for the next 12 months that she would be enjoying living out our shared fantasy.

The car turned a corner and was lost to my sight so I was ******* that they only went a few blocks before Robert pulled into our local Gas Station by which time his demeanour had completely changed from the 'nice guy' that left our house to being something quite different. He ordered her out of the car and told her to ditch the clothes she was wearing and to put on the slutty blue dress which she had worn the day before when she had modelled for him the clothes that she would be packing.

She was taken aback by the sudden change in his attitude, a little scared in fact, but a little fear goes a long way and she did just what he asked including leaving off wearing panties. She got back into the car and they soon found the Interstate heading South and once they had slotted into the traffic he gave her the first of his orders; he told her to hitch up the dress to ******* her hairy cunt so that every truck driver looking down as they passed by could see her as being from this moment on, a dirty slut.

It was some nondescript motel just off the Interstate to the north of Nashville where Robert decided they would stop for the night, Jacqui had never heard of the place, but then again he hadn't asked for her opinions. The night clerk took little notice of the odd looking couple when they checked in at the office, the guy in his smart casual clothes and the girl in a stained blue dress that was far too short to be called decent; he had seen it all before and there was no need to ask questions just as long as the credit card wasn't rejected.

Robert pushed her through the door into the cabin they had been allocated and even before the door had closed told her to strip her dress off so that she was naked. There was no discussion, she did as she was told not knowing what was coming next. He next had her turn around and told her to put her hands behind her back which he promptly tied together with a short length of silver chain that he pulled out from his pocket. Once he satisfied himself that his expertise with knots hadn't failed him he drew from the other pocket a wide ribbon and swiftly blindfolded her.

Instantly Jacqui was totally confused and disorientated. She had just about taken in the grubby nature of her surroundings and now this, but she knew better than to make any protest as she stood blinded to await her fate. She then became even more confused when Robert gave her a slap on her bare butt and told her to stand, "... and face the wall and don't move, I'm going out to have a smoke and I expect you to be standing there just like that when I get back!" and he left her to contemplate what might happen when he returned.

Robert had a few ideas in mind and he genuinely had stepped outside to clear his head after the long drive and to have a bit of quiet time to think things through of just how he was going to give his latest slave her first lesson in discipline. Unfortunately his wish for quiet time was denied when he got outside and the guy from the adjacent cabin was already standing outside his own door drawing on a cigarette.

"Hi, crappy place we've chosen here," he said as a way of introduction.

Robert looked at him and saw a guy dressed in leathers and assumed he was the biker and owner of the big old Harley that he had parked alongside. He nodded, "Yeah, seen better, that's for sure."

"What does your wife think about it? She looks like a classy lady, I saw you arrive, bet she ain't too happy. There's nowhere around here to eat and sure as hell there's nothing to do unless of course you have someone to do 'nothing' with," the biker said with a smirk.

"She isn't my wife and I don't care what she thinks, she does what she's told."

The biker gave him a curious look and in turn Robert viewed the guy and guessed from his manner and his half-hearted sarcastic way of speaking that he was most probably a kindred spirit; that was when Robert decided just how he was going to introduce Jacqui to her new world. "She's inside waiting for me to tell her what to do. I've already prepared her; you want to come and take a look?"

He didn't answer directly, he just tilted his head as a gesture of curiosity, flicked his cigarette away and came toward Robert who was already opening the door to the cabin. The smile vanished from the biker's face when once they went inside he saw Jacqui sitting on the bed, naked, arms tied behind her back and blindfolded. Her head turned in their direction and Robert was not happy.

"I told you to stand where I left you. I didn't say anything about sitting down," he snapped. "get up and get back over here."

Jacqui scrambled awkwardly to her feet and stumbled over to the spot where she thought she had been left. Robert's visitor looked on in amazement, hardly believing what he was seeing.

"Stand up straight and spread your legs. You are now going to learn what happens when you disobey me .... " then with a hint of menace he added, ".... I have a friend here who wants to watch."

That wasn't strictly true. There was no way the biker considered himself 'a friend' and he certainly hadn't made any comments that suggested he had invited himself to watch, indeed, he now seemed a little nervous at finding himself in this unexpected situation. He made noises that suggested he ought leave them to it.

Robert was having none of it. He had noted that while the guy might be making a half-hearted protest that he was already showing the bulge of a hard-on beneath his leather pants. He told him to stay right where he was before going over to the bed to open the suitcase that had been brought in from the car from which he extracted a riding crop before pulling out another leather object, a ball gag.

"Lift your head up, slut!" he barked and with that he put the ball gag in the 'slut's' mouth and tied the fastening behind her head.

"Turn around, my friend wants to have a better look at you."

Jacqui knew by now that to delay would not be appreciated and she quickly spun on her heels.

"Bend over and spread your legs. We want to look at your ass and cunt, slut!" She did as commanded trying hard to keep her balance and equilibrium.

She was totally unprepared for the first swish of the riding crop as it cut across her beautiful white swell of her butt and she cried out, or rather, tried to cry out but nothing but a stifled squeal could be heard through the ball in her mouth.

Robert followed up with a few more strokes of the crop and stole a look at the biker who was transfixed at the sight. The biker was now sporting a full blown erection and his only movement was an unsuccessful attempt at easing the painful sensation of his stiff cock straining inside of his pants. Robert smiled to witness his discomfort.

From beneath the blindfold tears began to run down Jacqui's cheeks and she attempted to say something but no words could be heard. Robert told her to , "shut the fuck up! Those strokes were just the start; a warm up. You are going to have to learn that when I tell you something that I must be obeyed. Now, spread those legs further."

Through her tears she did as she was told and then her heart chilled as she felt the crop gently touching her pussy. Once again she tried to make a protest in anticipation of what was to come but to no avail and her head jerked as Robert raised the whip and bought it down to strike across the tempting target of the tender lips of her cunt. She managed to emit a pitiful wail through the gag but it did nothing to prevent him applying three or more strokes in quick succession.

"I told you to keep quiet. Whatever do you think my friend here will think; you making all this noise and fuss?!"

The biker had by now managed to extract his stiff cock from his pants and began to masturbate furiously as he moved in to get a closer look as Robert continued to give Jacqui her 'lesson'. His face flushed furiously as wide-eyed he witnessed the crop come down and to hear the whimpers and moans that she was making as Robert repeatedly found his mark.

He gave a final whack which produced another muffled scream from a weeping Jacqui; it was this last blow which was enough to prompt the biker to shoot his load over her striped and reddened butt and splash hot cum onto her hands which were still firmly tied behind her back. Robert smiled to himself at the confirmation that he was in the company of a fellow aficionado who had unwittingly contributed to her humiliation. He turned his attention back to Jacqui who now that he had ceased his disciplining was quietly moaning as she remained standing, bending over, on shaking legs.

"That's enough ... for now. I'll continue with your education when we get to New Orleans. You have been making far too much noise for my liking; we'll have to do better next time. Understand, slut?"

Jacqui gave another moan through the gag, this time sounding like one of defeat and acknowledgement of her submission ... but was it?

Robert put down the whip and grabbed a handful of hair and pulled Jacqui to stand up-right. Had she had been able to see she couldn't have failed to notice that her master was visibly excited for, just like the biker had been, his cock was bulging the confines of his pants.

He surveyed her heaving body and the evidence of his 'work' with quiet satisfaction and turned his head expecting to share the opinion of the biker. He was disappointed to see only the retreating form as biker boy exited the room without another word. Jacqui heard the door close never to see who it had been that had shot his hot sperm over her back.

Robert gave a shrug of his shoulders and turned his attention back to his slave and untied her hands before removing the blindfold.

"Now do you understand how you are to behave?"

She blinked her tears and looked at him and figured that as she had been asked a direct question that he expected her to answer, She tentatively found the fastening of the ball gag, released it and said in a whisper, "Yes."

"Yes what?"

"Yes Master."

"Better; you'll learn. Now get over there and get ready for your next lesson."

She needed no further instruction for she was certain what the next lesson entailed for Robert was already unbuckling his pants. She quickly lay down on the bed her body afire with anticipation, the cuts across her back and cunt having ignited an intense desire within her to be further humiliated but in a good way. Seeing his erect cock come into view as his pants dropped to the floor caused her to give a whimper and she spread her legs wider.

He came over to the bed and stood and looked down on a Jacqui who was now transformed completely into her Heidi persona, a sex-craving slut who pleaded with him to 'come and fuck me'.

Robert took his time, he wanted to savour the sight of his latest conquest's humiliation for a little longer. He stood with his cock was tantalisingly close to her face and he asked, "Do you deserve to be fucked? You've not been a good girl; you've not done as I told you. You let another man cum over you. Did I say you were allowed to do that?" he teased knowing full well she had no part of that particular part of the lesson.

Heidi's response was to reach out and to grab hold of the erect penis that was so near yet so far from where she wanted it to be. "Please, please put it into me ... master. I'll do anything you say, just put your wonderful cock in my pussy."

"Into your what? Slaves don't have pussies. What do slaves have?" he teased.

Heidi instantly recognised what he was doing here with his taunts. She licked her lips as she continued to grasp him, "Master, please put your cock into my CUNT," she said with emphasis.

"Better, don't forget it," he said as he slowly and deliberately positioned himself to give his slave, his slut, her first fucking.

Heidi was like a woman possessed from the moment she felt the head of his cock touch the lips of her slave cunt and it only took a few strokes from the stiff cock inside her warm folds for her to have the first of many orgasms and she virtually exploded, her juices gushing to soak Robert and the sheets beneath them.

Robert was a great disciplinarian in every sense and he took his time, pacing himself so that he extracted maximum pleasure from the compliant slave laying beneath him, her legs spread wide and moaning and squealing as she felt the stiff penis continue to invade her wet hot vagina. She lost count of the number of climaxes that she had before, at last, Robert gave a quiet grunt and her already wet cunt was filled with his spurting seed.

Robert lay on her for a few moments before withdrawing and going into the bathroom leaving her there thinking herself to be in some kind of ecstatic paradise, believing that they, she and Dale, had made the right decision for her to go off with Robert and have this new adventure. She wondered was next in store; would Robert recover his breath and come and give her yet another fucking that she was now so primed to receive? She was to be disappointed.


The following day they were up early and had the car packed with the intention to get back on the road to New Orleans just as soon as the sun was up. Jacqui took her turn to go into the bathroom and she waited for Robert's attention to stray away from her so that she could take a look in the mirror and see what damage the whip had inflicted on her butt the previous night. She was disappointed to discover that contrary to expectations that Robert had kept to his part of the bargain as laid down in the contract and .. " I will never leave any permanent marks on you during your training." for there was nothing to be seen. She felt cheated for the aches and the glow that she felt inside suggested that at least some mark or two should be visible!

Robert ducked his head around the door, ".. get a move on, we need to be going" and recognising it to be a command she did just that. She gathered her purse and quickly followed him out of the door and noticed for the first time the biker's Harley parked alongside on its stand. She pondered if maybe it belonged to the person who cum over her the night before. Certainly through the night after she had been so completely fucked by Robert she had heard noises through the thin walls that sounded as if the occupant in the next room was wanking and she wondered if that's who it may have been. Robert didn't make any mention, he just told her to get in the car.

The journey to New Orleans was spent in relative silence with Jacqui only allowed to respond to Robert's direct questions and not to engage in any meaningless chit-chat. He didn't say as much but it was quite clear that this 'silent treatment' was an extension of her training and was designed to make her aware of her lowly status and that she was there just to serve as and to provide on his command. She did not enjoy the journey.

Robert's apartment was located in the Garden district within sight of the Mississippi river, not that for the first few weeks Jacqui had much opportunity to take in the sights. She was well aware that she was expected to learn how to be the obedient slave and Robert had made it very clear that is where her attention must be focussed and for her not to be looking out of the windows at the world outside. Indeed, he was quite adamant that she kept a copy of 'the contract' close at hand so that she could be reminded and left in no doubt as to her role and how her time in her new abode was going to play out. She picked up the document and once again read:

'You will be employed as my Maid and for the first few weeks I will break you down by verbally telling you how worthless you are except as a whore and slut. I will never give you any praise for anything. I shall make you feel as though you are worthless except to me as my slut whore and you will be eager to please me, your Master.'

She sighed as the implications of the words sank in but, as always, she felt a twinge of excitement run through her knowing that this was going to be just a brief interlude before she was properly introduced into the world that had been promised when the contract had been signed. What she wasn't prepared for however was that this introductory period of slave training when she had to be naked whenever in the house wouldn't allow her the relief and delights of having Robert's cock in her now ever-ready pussy.

He was quite adamant about denial and he would leave her each working day to go off to his own work leaving her alone to spend the day being his cook, cleaner, laundry woman, general skivvy and when he returned she would be silently be pleading with hints and gestures for him to fuck her but he would always, if he noted her frustration, direct her attention to another clause in the contract:

'The first few weeks in training YOU will be deprived of sex but I will use your mouth as my cum dumpster whenever I feel the need. You will swallow some and let the rest drip out of your mouth; I like to see that. Usually I won't make you go out in public with cum on your face but occasionally I will have you go into places or go up to men and ask for something with some cum on your face or in your hair like you missed wiping it off. I enjoy watching peoples' reaction to such things. You will do this at least once a week .'

And that is indeed is what happened. Robert used to thrill to see her humiliation when on a whim he would command her to kneel in front of him and suck his cock. She would be, just as the contract had made clear whenever she was in the house, naked and he delighted in the sight of the rosy cheeks of her bum and her hanging tits bobbing as she enthusiastically sucked, caressed and fondled his stiff penis to the point of conclusion when, in his words, she completed her task of being 'his cum dumpster'. On occasion he would tell her that they needed to go out for shopping trip and for her to dress but, "... don't clean your face."

She soon learned the script and what was expected of her and when they got to a mall or a store under Robert's gaze she would approach some guy and ask him some innocuous question or seek advice making sure that he would see the evidence of cum in her hair or maybe on her cheeks. She had to act the innocent and Robert might later give her tacit approval if he noticed that the guy had reacted in a favourable way to him being approached by a 'cum slut'.

However, Robert was not a cruel man for he recognised that even a slave has needs and he made sure that she got comfort in accordance with the clause that stated:

'You must realize that I do work for a living and cannot play and fuck all the time. You will be allowed to masturbate and I will enjoy watching.'

... which is what she did.

Robert was not a person who gave praise lightly but it was after a month of her being held as a virtual captive in the apartment that he announced that she had done well under his direction and that the time had come for her to be properly and formally indoctrinated as a Slave in the company of his associates who also had sex slaves of their own.

When he told her of this next development and what it would entail her excitement notched up to another level. From what he had hinted it sounded as if her period of cock denial was soon to end and, furthermore, that her inherent love of being an exhibitionist would also be rekindled. He said that the 'ceremony' would take place the following weekend and that, in accordance with the contract:

'There is a dress code which will be rigorously enforced. You will be naked or wear slut dresses AT LEAST 90% of the time and slut dresses will be worn MOST of the time when out in public. The dresses will be cut low at the top, be of thin, almost see-through, material and your nipples will show. The hemline will be just low enough to cover your cunt, some of the dresses will have slits up the side too but it will be your job to stay legal. I want for every man to be wanting to fuck you and for every woman to hate you.'

After a month of being held a virtual prisoner Jacqui could hardly contain her delight at the thought of being out in the world and in the company of others.

He said to her that this was going to be a very significant moment for once they got to where they were going she would be dispensing with her name and once the ceremony had been completed that she would henceforth be known by a new name.

She asked what it was going to be but all Robert would say was that each slave in the group was given a name by the group leader and that he was ******* of what hers might be only that it was a name which reflected characteristics that had been observed by their potential master during the probationary period. He said that he had shared with the leader that amongst a number of things that he admired about her was her derriere looked like some exotic luscious fruit, something resembling a Kumquat, and also that she had demonstrated many times over the weeks that she loved the taste of his semen. He had fed this information to the group leader and was just as intrigued as her as to what he would come up with and what her new name would be.

The taxi drove them and Jacqui got her first look of the French Quarter as they passed through the narrow streets and then for them to alight outside a nondescript hotel off Dauphine Street. The outside of the building gave no hint of what was inside and she was surprised that once they had checked through reception to be led toward a large room at the back of the hotel where through the slightly open door she saw that about a dozen or more people were already present.

Robert led her to an adjacent ante-room and left her there telling her to get undressed and that he would return once he was satisfied that all the invited guests had arrived. Through the dividing curtain she could see the room was tastefully decorated as if a wedding ceremony was to take place with elegantly dressed people standing around chatting, sipping wine, nibbling at snacks and behaving as if present at a reception of some kind ... which indeed it was.

Jacqui hung her dress on a hanger; it was the only garment for she had complied with Robert's directive that she would wear no underwear that evening. The only 'clothing' she was going to be wearing was a short length of rope that he looped around her wrist when he returned. He gave her a look of approval at her appearance and then took the end of the rope before leading her through the curtain into the main room.

All conversation ceased as she made her entrance to be replaced by murmurs that indicated admiration of the sight of this naked young woman who was being led by her 'master' by the rope. Robert said, somewhat needlessly, "May I have your attention, please. We are ready to begin tonight's ceremony. If you will take your places, please ...." and with that he then slowly led her across the room.

She had been well-versed by Robert what was expected of her and she followed Robert to come to a halt in front of a Black man who was seated on a chair with a naked female kneeling on the floor at his feet. He held out his hand and Robert passed over the rope saying to Jacqui as if she was an awkward child, " This is Master Thor. Do as you're told and obey his instructions."

Jacqui was thrilled, she had been told there would be some kind of initiation ceremony and that it would be done to a script in which she would have a minor speaking role; this was pure theatre and she loved it. She looked into Thor's eyes and couldn't remember if something was required of her at this stage so she gave him a quiet and respectful 'hello'.

He said nothing but just continued to look down on her nakedness for a few moments before clearing his throat and intoning in the manner of a priest, "Who bringeth this woman to us and for what purpose?"

Robert took a step forward and joined in the parody, "I do and I bring this woman to be introduced as my slave."

Thor nodded and tugged on the rope, "... and what say you, slave?"

Jacqui was word-perfect, "I wish to be a slave to Master Robert and will serve and service him faithfully and do whatever he asks of me."

The kneeling female looked at her and smirked, knowing full well what was coming next.

Thor turned his attention back to Robert and referring to a document he held, the contract, he said " ... and will you honour all that was asked in this agreement and be a firm and fair Master?"

Robert gave a theatrical nod and slight bow of agreement, "I do".

"Then I declare that this person is accepted as being a true slave and will do as she is bidden by her Master Robert. Let her now be properly restrained."

He untied the rope from Jacqui's wrist and discarded it. The kneeling slave got to her feet and produced a dog leash and collar which she handed to Robert. Thor said, "You may now collar your slave ...." which Robert did with the assistance of the naked female, "... and now you will be named. You are forever to be known as 'Slave Cumquat'."

To the sound of quiet applause and approval from the watching audience his own attendant slave passed him what appeared to be a ledger and with theatrical flourish Thor opened it to the next empty page and entered details in the 'Slave Register' that recorded, 'Slave Cumquat nee Jacqui - Slave No. 142-042-088'.

Robert took a moment to absorb the now official name of his slave and smiled at the obvious connection. He once again gave a nod and then tugged on the leash which caused Cumquat to fall to her knees before Master Thor saying, "Now thank the Master."

Jacqui/Heidi/Cumquat knew exactly what she was being asked to do, Robert had told her to expect this. She reached up, unzipped Thor's pants and drew out his thickening penis upon which she gave a lingering kiss, "Thank you Master."

Thor murmured his satisfaction at her act of gratitude and said, "Now go and do your duty."

Cumquat led by the leash then began a tour of the circle of witnesses and stopped at each man present and under Robert's command performed oral sex on each penis that had thoughtfully been ******* in anticipation of this part of the ceremony. She revelled in the variety and was often surprised by how quickly she could bring some of the stiff cocks to the required 'happy ending'. Their elegantly dressed partners were equally impressed at her enthusiasm and later would confess that they would have been disappointed had this part of the ceremony not been conducted with such obvious relish by the new slave; the sight of this naked female on her knees being encouraged to suck off their man was just the stimulating vision that they had expected to witness at the ceremony.

Cumquat finished her tour of appreciation and to her relief and to the obvious enjoyment of the watching crowd Robert bought the official part of the ceremony to an end. He pulled her to her feet and pushed her toward the table that had been thoughtfully cleared of some of the laid out buffet supper and the moment Cumquat (nee Heidi/Jacqui) had been waiting for had finally arrived.

She crawled up onto the table on her hands and knees and with no hesitation Robert drove his stiff cock into her gaping cunt that was presented so openly for his attention. She was dripping wet and so fired up from the 'duties' that she had just performed that it took but a few strokes from her assailant before she wailing as the first of many orgasms overtook her.

He reached under her body and began stroking her clit, top to bottom, making her legs shudder as she orgasmed once more and heard him say, “That’s it, there’s my girl.” Then a growl when she heard him ask, “Do you want to cum again for your Master? Show me, tell me who you are.”

Trembling beneath his touch she whispered, “I'm Yours Master, yours. Make me cum” .

“Then show me, cum for me.”

She needed no further instruction, she exploded over the cock that was buried deep inside her and then collapsed in ecstasy onto the cluttered table top.

As she fell forward it caused his stiff cock to withdraw dripping her juices over her back and the table. He was not amused.

"I didn't tell you to do that."

She realised her mistake and rolled over to face him, instantly wanting to touch him, to make amends for her 'error', her disobedience but he slapped her hand away. To the amusement of his audience he said, “No touching ... when are you going to learn? Get down and bend over.”

She did as he instructed and in a confused state balanced herself on the table edge. This situation hadn't been mentioned as a possible scenario during her training period and she wasn't sure how she was supposed to react. She ad-libbed with a whimper, "I'm so sorry Master, I just want to please you."

Clearly she had said the correct line for the next thing she felt was his hand gently trail across her back. He whispered as his fingers trailed up and down her spine to her bottom, "Good girl, my gorgeous gorgeous girl...."

… and then the next thing she felt was the sting of the riding crop which cut across her butt which took her breath away. She stifled her cries when he followed up with the words, "Good girl ... my good slave ... " then once again the slash of the crop, twice in a row. She moaned out.

“That doesn’t sound like a woman in pain. In fact, you sound turned on to me. Are you turned on; are you okay?”

“Yes Master…” she gasped and turned her head to find his erection against her lips. She opened her mouth as if to take him in but he pushed her head away and giving her a slap with his hand across her bare butt he said,. "Not there slave. Get on your back."

She sighed in a satisfied hunger, turned onto her back needing and wanting him, and smiled. He grabbed her knees to spread her legs further apart and her cunt drips with anticipation as he positioned himself so that the head of his cock gently dipped inside her. He heard her quiet groan and then pulled himself away.

He teased, "Hmm, perhaps I'll wait till later.."

She begged him, "Please Master, I want you inside me, please! Please, I want you…”

He once again dipped his cock into her wetness and said, “You…want me? How do you want me …like this?” He paused for a moment then plunged deep inside her, punching her cervix square in the middle and crushing his balls against her luscious bum. She gasped with pained pleasure.

Her lust took over and she forget if there was a script or any lines that she should be following instead she just became lost in him. She let out a gasp; moaning, groaning, “Please Master can I come? Please let me come please Master, oh god, Master please can I?” a burbling series of words kept tumbling out her mouth.

Robert was like someone possessed as he continued to fuck her hard, seemingly not hearing to her pleas, but then his permission became irrelevant as with a torrent of ".. thank you .... oh fucccckk .... ohhhhhh god .. " her orgasm overwhelmed and flooded over her.

Robert felt her cunt spasm around him and he once again withdrew but only to lift her legs so he could give her a swift slap across her bottom and admonishing her by saying, "I didn't tell you that you could cum....!" before pushing his stiff dribbling cock back into her . He has yet to come and he wants more.

Robert is very good at playing out this part of the ceremony this part of the and displays impressive self-control as he picked up the pace again. Despite knowing that she isn't 'allowed' she feels the orgasms start building again but he’s very good at keeping her on the edge and he so loves to see her face contort with pleasure being created by him.

He alternates between using his cock and his fingers making her cum repeatedly, forcing her orgasms out one by one where she has no choice but to cum and squirt and despite her objections to it happening again, they keep happening.

He continues to fuck her frequently telling her, “I didn’t say you could cum!” and then to admonish her each time by giving a slap across her reddened cheeks..

She whines breathlessly at him, " ... I can’t stop, they won’t stop ...!" and she gets to the point where she starts to plead with him to stop....

... but he doesn't want to do that, he has other ideas. Pulling his cock out of her he said sharply, "Keep quiet slave, you are allowed one more. Open your legs, I will go down and eat you out. I want my tongue all over your clit tasting you.”

Cumquat was delighted to hear this. During her training Robert had demonstrated his skill at making her cum this way, to have his tongue lapping on her stiff button clit felt simply divine and she sighed with anticipation as she lay back and watched his head dip down between her open thighs and to sense his breath on her hair-fringed cunt. She felt his nose nuzzle between her swollen lips; she heard the wet sounds his probing, lapping tongue made as he licked up and down; her clit acknowledged the soft, subtle touches and then once again her climax flooded over her but, more so, it flooded over Robert's face as she squirted and covered him in her juices.

He came up for air with a smile on his face and moved up to lay alongside her and kiss her so that she could taste herself on him.

“This just makes me want to be inside you again.”

She looked at him laying there with his cock standing obscenely proud and knew what she was required to do and say. She straightened her shoulders, straddled him, cupped her breasts, before reaching down to guide him into her once more, “Please Master, please cum inside me. Fill me with your hot sticky cum.”

The dirty talk was what he wanted to hear, she began to slowly ride him into ecstasy and within a few strokes his hot semen shot inside her.

Not everyone present took notice of her mewling and moans of ecstasy or of Robert's grunt as he spurted his own contribution of sperm, they were now too busy with their own private comings and goings and the room resembled some Bacchanalian orgy.

Later, when they had returned to Robert's house, Heidi (aka Cumquat) told him, "I have just spent the 'best night ever', thank you Master!"


The entire ceremony was simply a delightful experience and afterwards Cumquat was sad she was not allowed as part of the 'agreement' to make contact and share with Dale her experience for, paradoxically, without his agreement none of this would have happened. The contract was very clear about that,

... Sub shall have no communication with Husband nor shall Husband contact Sub without the express permission of Master. It is explicitly agreed that Sub shall not inform, relate, confide in or otherwise communicate Husband about any activities in which Sub will participate for Master ...

However, her regrets were short-lived for Robert made good on the promise that once she had been officially accepted as a slave, properly named and collared that she would be kept busy and there would be little time to be remorseful about not being able to be in contact with her husband for the contract which they had both signed and initialled the clause that said,

... . When I am satisfied that you are ready I will arrange for you to service gangbangs of 5 or more men. There will be times when it is only one or two invited guests but they will be all races, all ages, and usually these will last all day. I prefer we go through a weekend so that you are WELL USED... and you WILL perform well. .....

So it was that Cumquat began to enjoy what she had been contracted to provide to her master. Robert, contrary to his earlier misgivings that he expressed when the idea of Jacqui becoming his slave was originally suggested, was secretly delighted at her performance. He had been of a mind that to take on a more mature woman rather than some naive girl to become his subservient would deny him the pleasure of moulding someone blameless to his will but in his original calculation he hadn't taken into account how a person with an insatiable appetite for carnal pleasures would bring a whole new combination to the mix.

Any suggestions or arrangements that Robert made were accepted without question or protest by his slave Cumquat and they soon became a regular feature and presence at many events and celebrations that were held in the area.

However, Robert was not a cruel or vindictive person and he was very aware of his own responsibilities as far as the contract was concerned. Whilst Jacqui was denied any contact, Robert was required to keep her husband informed of her well-being and to give assurances that she was being well-kept and out of danger. He did this regularly by observing the clause that said,

Master may take all and any such photographs and video of Sub, in any state of dress or nudity or sexual activity, without exception, as he desires. All such photographs will be the exclusive property of the Master to use as he wishes, including posting on the internet, publishing, sharing with others and using in advertisements for Sub. Further, he may allow any sexual partners or invitees to photograph Sub, to which she shall not object, neither to location, nor pose, not activity. A signed Model's Release form will testify to Sub's explicit agreement of such. A copy of such form will be forwarded to Husband for his acknowledgement.

All previous photographs or artwork immediately become the property of Master upon signing of this contract.

Husband shall have unrestricted personal use of any photographic and video materials as provided by Master...

Robert followed the contract to the letter by ensuring that any event they attended was well-documented and the pictures that were taken were sent to Dale accompanied by notes that explained what the gathering was all about and how everyone had taken great enjoyment from Cumquat's presence. The notes were quite explicit and when read alongside the photos they left Dale in no doubt as to his wife's enthusiastic participation.

Robert's lack of command of written language was more than made up by his eclectic style. Dale read messages such as:

how do u like jacqui in a wig with long hair...bet thats the first thing u noticed...lol

all the guys at the club wanted there pic with her friday night and this was the favorit pose

still the same little slut...take her to a party and all she wants to do is show everybody her cunt

as soon as her legs were spread her dress still covered her cunt and Jacqui pulled it up so everybody could see that cute pussy of hers....lot like that fashion show she put on when she pulled up her dress...what a slut!

u and jacqui held up ur end of the agreement letting me have her again...im holding up mine...

... was great sleeping with ur wife again except we aren't doing mch sleeping...lol


ur bud -R

Another one read:

....my happy little slut slave entertaining a gang bang gang...get it...lol....was 6 of us ...don't she look right happy...cock in cunt and cock in hand and big smile....we'll be home Tuesday...if she can walk...lol

Ur bud- R

For Dale it was some kind of delightful agony to receive the mail through the letterbox, a confirmation that while his wife being so abused by strangers at Robert's command she was at the same time healthy and happy. The envelopes containing the pictures fulfilled every fantasy (and more) that Jacqui and he held when they used to play their games 'BR' (Before Robert) and now in the quiet of his lonely bedroom he spent many a pleasant hour of his own as he envisaged what was now transpiring under Robert's control.

Although it was not explicit in the contract there was a tacit agreement between them that for the duration of Jacqui's absence that Dale would not indulge himself with other women but would rather be in a state of denial for the period. Masturbation was acceptable but women, hmm, not really.

However, it was a 'woman' who shortly after Jacqui had become Cumquat that caught Dale's attention and he had no choice but to answer her call and because of her demands he was to find himself once more close to his wife's side and observe firsthand what she was enjoying.

The other 'woman' was a hurricane called Katrina.

Dale was an environmental engineer.

Katrina had made a mess of New Orleans.

Dale and many more like him had to go and repair the damage.

Dale let Slave Cumquat's master know he was coming and Robert relaxed his rules and arrangements were made between them so that without Cumquat's knowledge he could attend some of the parties where she would be the star attraction.

It would be the start of Dale becoming a voyeur to his wife's extreme behaviour and to have it confirmed that she was very good at what she did with such enthusiasm.

But first , let's get those Levees fixed and we'll come back to that later!
